• 5 months ago


00:00Geomancer, written by Fulgu, illustrated by Cross Chan.
00:06Chapter 1
00:07The Market Day
00:08I woke up early.
00:10The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing.
00:13Normally, I don't really notice these things, but today they were singing so loudly they
00:18woke me up, early as it might be.
00:22Which was just as well, because it was a market day today.
00:26My father was a farmer and all around man of the soil, as he liked to call himself.
00:32Selling the vegetables at market in Ceres was about the only means of getting money
00:36we had, which didn't matter much as we didn't actually need that much money.
00:41Garden, fields, and beasts, what more would you want? was what he usually said.
00:47And I always thought he was right.
00:50As I was going downstairs, I noticed that the door of May's room was still closed.
00:56She was sixteen, and she just started what my parents called the difficult age.
01:01I thought she was just a brat.
01:03Good morning, I said as I joined my parents at breakfast.
01:07Good morning, Zach, answered mom.
01:10Dad just nodded.
01:12Ready for the market day?
01:14Yes, dad.
01:15What are we selling today?
01:19We got a lot of those.
01:21And we need to buy a few things for the house.
01:24He paused.
01:25Is May still sleeping? he asked.
01:28Well, I didn't check her room, but I think she is.
01:34I answered.
01:35Go wake her up, please.
01:37She should help load the cart, in any case, he replied.
01:41I went upstairs and knocked on May's door.
01:44May, it's breakfast, and we need your help afterwards.
01:49No answer.
01:51I opened the door and almost fell down in shock.
01:55The room was messy as hell.
01:57Clothes everywhere.
01:58And May lying in front of her mirror, snoring loudly.
02:02I grabbed her and shook.
02:06Wake up!
02:07She opened her eyes and screamed.
02:09You pervert!
02:10How dare you go in my room?
02:12I haven't noticed.
02:14This looks more like a battleground to me.
02:17Better clean it or...
02:19Or what, you sniveling, little...
02:22I turned around.
02:24My father, alarmed by her shriek, was standing behind me, and he didn't look happy.
02:30Clean it up, May.
02:32In ten minutes, I'll be back with that big wooden spoon of your mom's.
02:37If your room is clean, I will only use my hand.
02:41May's hands flew to her bottom.
02:43No, dad.
02:44I'll clean it up, I swear.
02:47Don't spank me.
02:49No, May, you will get a spanking in any case.
02:53But if you won't clean your room, it will be worse.
02:57Much worse.
02:58He put a hand on my shoulders.
03:00Come back down, he said.
03:02She needs some time to be alone.
03:05Take out the big wooden spoon, he said to mom.
03:09I doubt it will actually be needed, but I don't want her to think I'm all words.
03:14Mom just nodded.
03:16She was up all night trying on clothes, dad sighed.
03:20What will she do in a few more years?
03:23I have to put a stop to this.
03:25I said nothing.
03:26The idea of bratty May getting her bottom burned appealed to me.
03:31She had been getting away with anything these last few months.
03:35I don't like to do this, said dad.
03:38But I think I would do her a lot worse by not spanking her for this.
03:42Absolutely, I said.
03:45She's getting way too snotty.
03:47We finished the breakfast in silence.
03:50You know, says dad afterwards, you are growing up to be a fine young man.
03:56Might be, dad, I joked.
03:58It's around the time you should find a nice girl of your own, you know, suggested dad.
04:03Ha, this again?
04:05I laughed.
04:06What do you mean?
04:07He inquired.
04:09Here, this village has, correct me if I'm wrong, only three girls of the right age.
04:16Sue is engaged to Jimmy from Smithy.
04:19Angie has her eyes on the teacher and Greta is.
04:22I didn't have to finish the sentence.
04:25We both knew Greta.
04:27Together with her mother, she was an avid husband hunter.
04:31If I married her, I would end up a slave in my own home.
04:35People were saying her mother was a witch, but I always thought it was quite unfair to
04:39the witches in general.
04:41Last year, when Greta got young Richard drunk and pulled him in the bushes, the only thing
04:47that saved him from a fate worse than death was when he saw her mother's eager face hidden
04:51in the undergrowth, and ready to be a witness to her daughter's shame.
04:56You know, said dad, there are lots of fine girls in the city.
05:00Dad, I'm 19, OK?
05:02I have time.
05:04You didn't marry until 25.
05:06I argued.
05:08I was just saying that it's almost the time.
05:11He paused.
05:13The situation wasn't so bad.
05:15All the girls in the village were spanked.
05:18And usually, the spankings continued even after they married, at least for a few years.
05:24It was different for boys.
05:26I got my last spanking at the age of 12, for something I don't even remember anymore.
05:32But whenever I went out in the evening, at least one house in the village was leaking
05:37the sounds of hard crying and even harder slaps.
05:40I liked it.
05:42Are you listening to me?
05:44Intruded dad's voice.
05:46I blinked.
05:47Sorry, dad, I dozed off.
05:50I answered, sheepishly.
05:52I was saying that it's an art.
05:55You have to spank a girl with care, you have to have the grasp.
05:59When you finally find a girl, you must know how it's done.
06:03He insisted.
06:05Your point is, dad?
06:07I asked.
06:09Come with me.
06:10Your sister is due a good spanking and I'm going to show you how it's done, promised
06:16I gulped.
06:17I didn't expect this, but it sounded very good.
06:20OK, dad.
06:23Before we entered the room, dad told me, don't say anything.
06:27Just look.
06:28Don't make it worse for her, you hear me?
06:32I nodded.
06:33Dad knocked.
06:35It's me.
06:36It's time for your spanking, girl.
06:39Open the door, please.
06:41The door opened.
06:42Mae was already dressed and it looked like she was crying.
06:46The clothes went all over the room, but they still formed heaps at places.
06:51I told you to clean the room, didn't I?
06:54Dad asked, firmly.
06:57Please, dad.
06:59I just couldn't do it on time.
07:01But I tried.
07:03Dad sighed.
07:04OK, then, Mae.
07:06You will get a good spanking with my hand, and ten spanks with the wooden spoon.
07:12Daddy, no.
07:14Or should I make it fifteen spanks?
07:16No, definitely not.
07:18Ten is fine.
07:19Dad gave me the spoon.
07:21Hold it until I will need it.
07:24What is he here for?
07:25Well, I heard you calling him a bad name this morning, dear.
07:30Besides, one day he will have his own family.
07:34He should know how to deal with naughty girls.
07:37Daddy, I don't want him to be here.
07:39That's not of your concern, Mae.
07:42As I see it, you still don't have anything to be ashamed of.
07:47Sometimes, he said as he slowly brought a chair to the center of the room, you just
07:51have to grit your teeth and bear it.
07:55He chuckled.
07:56Sorry, I couldn't resist.
07:58Now, Mae, you were a very naughty girl, you know that?
08:03Yes, Daddy.
08:05You deserve a good spanking, don't you?
08:07Yes, Daddy.
08:09So come here and get over my knee.
08:12It was quite fascinating.
08:14The mere proximity of a spanking turned bratty Mae into a sweet little girl, much more courteous
08:20than usual.
08:21She came to Dad's right leg and bent over.
08:25He flipped up her skirt and pulled down her underpants in a single motion.
08:31Yes, Daddy.
08:33I answered.
08:35Come here, he ordered.
08:36I stood behind my father and looked over his shoulder.
08:40Mae's bare bottom was on a display.
08:43She kicked her legs a little.
08:46He said.
08:47I was angry with her this morning, but I'm not anymore.
08:51And she's not angry with me.
08:53Civility, that's the key.
08:55She realized what she did wrong and she accepted her punishment.
09:00She's already a better girl, you see.
09:02But, he raised his hand high, this is still necessary, Mae, I'm afraid.
09:10Mae yelped.
09:12Your goal here, Zach, is to cause her as much discomfort as possible, he explained calmly
09:18without missing a beat.
09:20She should feel the effects for some time.
09:24Note the color of her bottom.
09:25It gets redder as you spank her.
09:28After it's quite red, it's usually the time to stop.
09:32Mae was hiccuping and sobbing by now, throwing a round on Dad's lap.
09:37Never spank in anger, Dad continued, punctuating each word with a loud slap.
09:43And afterwards, you have to comfort her, but right now, be as strict as possible.
09:49Mae was crying now, her long blonde hair in disarray.
09:53Please, Daddy, stop already.
09:57Dad added a few more spanks, then stopped and carefully looked on his work.
10:03Seems good.
10:04OK, Zach, give me the spoon.
10:07Mae started to squirm once she heard the word.
10:10No, not the spoon.
10:12Ten spanks, was it?
10:14Asked Dad, calmly.
10:17Or was it?
10:18No, ten.
10:19Your hand, he told me, is usually effective enough.
10:23But you should be prepared to use something worse if the need arises.
10:28He raised the wooden spoon and sent it down with a loud slap.
10:32Ah, Daddy, no.
10:35Getting a wooden spoon on an already spanked bottom is very painful, he commented.
10:40But it has a certain impact.
10:43Another slap.
10:44And another of Mae's cries.
10:47Find something you want to use.
10:52Not only use it as a last resort.
10:58Please, no.
10:59It won't work if you will use it every time.
11:04Ah, you'll be good.
11:05Don't hurry, she should get plenty of time.
11:10To feel each stroke.
11:14And you shouldn't hit too hard.
11:18Since you could really hurt her.
11:22She gave me back the spoon.
11:25Just a few tips, Zack.
11:27He stood Mae up and her skirt fell down over her bare butt.
11:31She immediately clutched it.
11:33Now, Mae, will you be a good girl?
11:36Yes, yes.
11:38Did you learn your lesson?
11:39Yes, Daddy.
11:41I won't have to repeat this any time soon, right?
11:44No, Dad.
11:46Definitely not.
11:48That's how it should be.
11:49He hugged her.
11:51I'm sorry I had to do this, but you really deserved a spanking.
11:55I know.
11:56Thank you, Daddy.
11:58We left the room.
12:00She will be mad at me, I noted as we loaded the cart.
12:05She will cool down before we get back.
12:08And talk to her mother.
12:09Girls her age need to talk to their mothers a lot, he observed.
12:15He shrugged.
12:16No idea, Zack.
12:18The ladies wasn't far away and we got there long before lunch.
12:22We got our usual spot in the back of market.
12:26Near the toilets.
12:27Dad said that it's a good place.
12:30Sooner or later, he claimed, everyone has to go through here.
12:34Of course he was the one selling.
12:37My job was to help customers.
12:39And to watch out for thieves.
12:42But I couldn't concentrate, as the vision of Mae getting a spanking was still clouding
12:46my mind.
12:48If we went as close to the toilets.
12:51The third, middle entrance of the low building was a room for parents whose children just
12:56needed an attitude adjustment.
12:59The city was large and people just didn't believe in putting things off.
13:04A little girl who just came out was crying and clutching her bottom while her mother
13:08was dabbing at her tears with a handkerchief.
13:11What did the girl do?
13:13I had no idea.
13:15But she sure deserved her visit to that place.
13:19I might have to spank my girlfriend one day like that, I thought.
13:24After I get one, I mean.
13:26I looked at the cucumbers just in time to see a hand sneaking away with the largest
13:31Hey, I cried.
13:33The culprit jumped.
13:36It was a girl.
13:37She had short brown hair and brown eyes, she looked about 16 and she was, I couldn't help
13:42noticing, very pretty.
13:45But she was also a thief, and she started to run, with cucumber still in her hand.
13:51Right into the arms of a watchman alarmed by my cry.
13:55Oh, that's not very nice of you, miss, he sneered.
14:00Stealing is bad, didn't your mother teach you that?
14:04She dropped the cucumber.
14:05I'm, I'm sorry.
14:07Please, let me go.
14:10She looked like she would start to cry at any moment.
14:14Really I felt sorry for her.
14:16It was just a cucumber, after all.
14:19Well, we have a certain procedure we do with naughty girls who steal, said the watchman.
14:25Very unpleasant, I'm afraid, but it gets the message to all others who would try the same.
14:32May I ask what procedure are you talking about?
14:35This was my father.
14:37I was surprised to see a look of sympathy in his face.
14:40The girl was a thief, but she was young, and a man.
14:44He looked as if he was really enjoying himself.
14:47We take girls like her to the center of the marketplace and they get to feel this on their
14:52naughty bottoms, he replied with a smirk.
14:55He was holding a short piece of wood, with short leather straps at the top.
15:00It looked very, very nasty.
15:03One hundred strokes is, I believe, standard punishment, he said.
15:07Well, sorry about the trouble she caused, my good man.
15:12Would you like to watch?
15:14It tends to be very amusing.
15:17Last time a girl tried something like this, said my father very slowly, she was only put
15:22over a watchman's knee and got a good bare-bottomed spanking.
15:27I appreciated that.
15:29That was proper.
15:31But one hundred strokes with this.
15:34That's torture, nothing more.
15:36I'm sorry you feel like that, but it's a law, shrugged the watchman.
15:41The girl started to cry.
15:43Whose law?
15:44Law of the mayor.
15:46He said that we must set an example.
15:49After you beat her, what will happen to her?
15:52Why, she will be free to go, of course.
15:56We are not complete barbarians, sir.
15:59Free to go?
16:01She won't be able to walk a step after you're done with her.
16:05That is her problem.
16:06She knew the risks when she tried to steal your cucumber.
16:10What cucumber?
16:11Excuse me?
16:13Father looked him in the eyes.
16:15I did not see her taking anything.
16:18And neither did my son.
16:20I wanted to say something, but his look silenced me.
16:24But she had the cucumber.
16:25She dropped it, it's right.
16:28There was nothing on the ground.
16:31Watchman looked puzzled.
16:32Since there's no proof she did anything, I suggest you to let her go, continued father.
16:38The watchman sneered again.
16:40It wasn't a nice sneer.
16:42I understand.
16:43Well then, go, you nasty girl.
16:47But next time you won't be so lucky.
16:50He flicked his implement and hit her skirt clad bottom.
16:53She screamed and jumped high.
16:56That was just a reminder.
16:57Next time, you will get a lot more.
17:00And he was gone.
17:03I whispered.
17:04What happened to the cucumber?
17:06Somebody stole it, he shrugged.
17:09A real thief, mind you.
17:11Not like this girl.
17:13What do you mean?
17:14She was here for 10 minutes before she tried to steal that cucumber.
17:19She was always looking around.
17:21She only tried it because she thought you weren't watching the goods.
17:25Oh, sorry.
17:27Excuse me?
17:28The girl, eyes down, stepped to our stall.
17:31I am really sorry, with your cucumber and all.
17:35You should be, says dad sternly.
17:38It was a damned fine cucumber, if I say it myself.
17:43You shouldn't steal if you don't know how, missy.
17:46I was hungry.
17:48Well, you should say so.
17:50I'm never one to refuse food to a pretty young lady.
17:53Thundered dad.
17:55She actually blushed.
17:57We are going to have a lunch in a short while and you are welcome to join us.
18:01But first, we have to get one thing clear.
18:05I told that watchman about the girl who tried it before.
18:09Do you remember what happened to her?
18:11She nodded.
18:12Yes, so she was.
18:15Spanked on her bare bottom?
18:17Now, such a punishment would do no good to a real thief.
18:21Professional, I mean.
18:24Bare-bottomed spanking is a childish punishment and it should only be done to a girl who behaves
18:29as a child.
18:31Wouldn't you agree?
18:32She nodded.
18:33I did a stupid thing, didn't I?
18:35Yes, young lady, you did.
18:38What's your name, by the way?
18:40She blushed again.
18:41Murta, sir.
18:42Well, Murta, we can't have girls, not even hungry girls, going through here and stealing
18:48our wares.
18:50See these toilets?
18:52Zakir will now take you to the spanking room in there, and he will spank your bare bottom
18:57to punish you for the theft.
18:59It won't be nice, but it will be much better than what the watchman had in store for you.
19:05What do you think?
19:06Tears appeared in Murta's eyes.
19:08I was.
19:09Silly, sir.
19:10I deserve it.
19:13And after you come back, we are all going to have a lunch together.
19:17And everything will be forgiven.
19:19Thank you, sir.
19:21Well, then, go in.
19:23Zak will be there in a short while.
19:26She left for the toilet house, with the slow shuffle of somebody who doesn't look forward
19:30to getting to her destination, not at all.
19:35I stammered.
19:36Why me?
19:37You got the theoretical lesson this morning, didn't you?
19:41shrugged daddy.
19:43It's time for you to get some practice.
19:46Be firm, but not too much.
19:48I have a feeling there's more to this than meets the eye.
19:52But why me?
19:54I have to mind the stall.
19:56And it was your absent-mindedness that tempted her so you are the one to solve it.
20:02Well anyway, I bet she has run away by now.
20:05Why did you send her first?
20:07It's a test, Zak.
20:09If she won't be in there when you come, she has no honor.
20:12A spanking wouldn't do her any good anyways.
20:16And if she will be there?
20:18He smiled.
20:19Do you remember that girl I told you about?
20:23The one who tried to steal and got spanked for it?
20:27I never told you this, but that's how I met your mother.
20:31Wait a moment, you mean?
20:33Fate, my son, has a curious pattern.
20:37When I saw her here, taking courage to steal a stupid cucumber, I thought history is repeating
20:44You aren't serious.
20:46He nudged me.
20:47We gave her enough time to run if she wants to.
20:50Don't keep her waiting any longer.
20:53However excited I was by the spanking room, a wave of nausea came over me as I entered.
20:59I was here once before, when I was about six and threw a tantrum at the stall.
21:04It wasn't a pleasant memory.
21:06Myrta hasn't run away.
21:08She was sitting on a chair, waiting.
21:11My eyes were drawn to the chair in the back of the room.
21:14A man was sitting there, spanking a girl, probably his daughter.
21:20She was bawling at the top of her lungs, but his hand was relentless.
21:25He was spanking slowly, but I was sure he already spent a few minutes doing just that.
21:31Apart from him and Myrta, there was a girl, looking about eight, sitting with her mother.
21:36Hi, she said brightly.
21:38You came to spank her?
21:40She indicated Myrta.
21:42I didn't know what to say, but Myrta nodded.
21:44Yes, he came to spank me.
21:47The girl nodded.
21:48I will get spanked with Mama's hairbrush.
21:51She said, to no one in particular.
21:53That must hurt, I remarked.
21:57She sighed.
21:58But Mama says I must get a good spanking, because I was naughty.
22:02And you were, young lady, said her mom sternly.
22:05Were you naughty too?
22:07Myrta smiled.
22:09So you will get a hairbrush too?
22:11I, I hope not.
22:13No, she won't, I said.
22:15I don't even have a hairbrush.
22:17You can borrow mine, offered the mom.
22:21I think, Emma, it's our turn.
22:24The man stopped spanking his daughter, carefully stood her on the ground, let her cry for a
22:29while and then pulled her panties up and led her out.
22:32She threw a tantrum and overturned a cart with apples, said the mom.
22:36But her father was too mild with her.
22:39Nothing beats a good hairbrush, right, Emma?
22:42She stood up and went to the chair, hairbrush in her hand.
22:46Emma looked at her with worries.
22:48Mama, please.
22:50Oh, come on, acting brave all the time and then this?
22:54You are a naughty, naughty little girl, Emma, and naughty little girls get the hairbrush.
23:00Skirt up, panties down and bend over my lap.
23:03I sat next to Myrta and we watched in shared fascination as Emma's bare bottom shinned
23:08in the air, right before her mother started to apply the hairbrush.
23:13She reminded me Mae and the wooden spoon.
23:16She started crying almost instantly, and she was kicking a lot.
23:20I don't like to do this to you, Emma, but your behavior was unforgivable today.
23:25She was saying as the hairbrush was rising and falling.
23:29Emma's panties flew off and Myrta took them and put them on the chair.
23:33Thanks, my dear, said Emma's mom.
23:36Finally it was over.
23:37Emma hollered and jumped while her mother calmly put the hairbrush back.
23:42Then she hugged her daughter.
23:44I hope this will be enough motivation for you to be good from now on, she said.
23:49Emma just nodded.
23:51Well, Myrta, it's time, I said.
23:55She looked scared.
23:57It will hurt a lot, right?
23:59That's a stupid question, Myrta.
24:01Of course it will hurt.
24:03I sighed.
24:04Look, I want you to know that I'm not angry with you.
24:08It's just that Dad asked me to.
24:10It's the right thing to do, she said.
24:13He lied because of me.
24:14And he lost Cucumber.
24:17It's just that, when I saw that girl, I realized that I'm going to be spanked just like her.
24:23I deserve the spanking, I just... just don't want to be spanked.
24:27Well, then, how are you normally spanked?
24:31Myrta looked down.
24:34I was never spanked, Zack.
24:37That was impossible.
24:38Everyone got spanked as a kid, even boys.
24:42Come on, you can't expect me to believe that.
24:45She was silent.
24:46OK, I told her.
24:49So I will spank you the same way my younger sister is spanked.
24:53Will that be OK with you?
24:55She nodded.
24:57Come here, Myrta, and bend over.
25:00She did, but she was trembling.
25:02I decided to go easy on her.
25:04I flipped up the skirt and tugged at the panties.
25:09Eh, maybe you could, you know, lift your bottom a little.
25:14On the second attempt, the panties slid down.
25:18I raised my hand.
25:20Ready, Myrta?
25:23I was surprised how intense the feeling was.
25:27She was yelping from the beginning, but I tried to give only light banks.
25:31Yet, firm.
25:33This was not the time to be tender.
25:36As I continued, her bottom developed a pink tint and she started to kick.
25:42After another while, she was sobbing.
25:45Then crying.
25:46That was enough, I thought.
25:48I pulled her panties up and stood her.
25:51I wasn't sure if I'm supposed to hug her, but she hugged me instead, solving this little
25:57I'm so sorry you had to spank me, Zack.
26:01My hand was sore, but strangely enough, I wasn't the least sorry that I spanked her.
26:07I quite liked it, in fact.
26:09Hold that thought, I said to myself.
26:12You shouldn't like it, or you end as that watchman did.
26:16Well, asked father after we came back.
26:21Did you learn your lesson about stealing?
26:24Myrta rubbed her bottom.
26:25Yes, sir.
26:27I did.
26:28He nodded.
26:30In that case, we should eat.
26:32He brought the sandwiches.
26:34Two of them.
26:35But what are you going to eat?
26:38Asked Myrta.
26:39He smiled.
26:40There are always cucumbers.
26:42Excuse me, young lady, said a slick voice.
26:46Myrta turned around, and so did I.
26:50It was the watchman.
26:51What are you doing here?
26:53Asked father.
26:54We didn't do anything wrong and she neither.
26:57He smirked.
26:59Some people are very interested in talking to her.
27:02Myrta jumped.
27:05I won't go back there.
27:06I won't.
27:07She cried.
27:09Father looked at her.
27:10Girl, he said, kindly, why do I have this feeling there's something important you didn't
27:15tell us?
27:17Myrta snatched a piece of chalk he used to write prices on the board.
27:22What's this?
27:23Asked the watchman in contempt.
27:26But Myrta had already snatched a piece of wood.
27:29She drew a triangle and three lines, one from each corner, meeting in the center.
27:35And when the watchman grabbed her hand, the chalk lines shinned.
27:40The central point rose up in the air, and with a silent snap, the three-sided pyramid
27:45separated from the wood and hung in the air.
27:48It turned slowly.
27:49Then, it started to get red.
27:53Myrta threw me and father to the ground in the same moment that it exploded.
27:57He was staggering, blinded and deafened by the blast.
28:01But that didn't prevent him from shouting, get her.
28:05Get the girl.
28:06Myrta turned to me.
28:08I'm sorry it ended like this, she said, but I'm not coming back there.
28:13I didn't want to hurt anyone.
28:16I really didn't.
28:17The watchman finally cleared his mind and tried to grab her again.
28:21And my father knocked him out with the piece of wood Myrta used for her pyrotechnics.
28:26There's no time to lose, he said.
28:30Get out of here, Myrta.
28:32And you go with her.
28:33See she gets safely out of the marketplace.
28:37What happened?
28:38I cried.
28:39What did she do?
28:41Myrta, how did you do that explosion?
28:44She started to cry.
28:46I don't know.
28:47It just works that way.
28:50Every time I draw that picture, it does that.
28:53It was a tetrahedron, said father.
28:57Ancient symbol of fire.
28:58There's an old story.
29:00Myrta, are you a geomancer?
29:03Sir, I don't even know what that means.
29:06A few more watchmen appeared in the distance.
29:09Myrta grasped the piece of wood more firmly.
29:11Pray that you never find out, he said.
29:16Now go.
29:17And so we ran.
29:19End of chapter 1.
29:21May's Retrospective Reader's Corner
29:22Well, hello, to all the Geomancer readers.
29:28Falkir decided to convert all of the previous chapters to the HTML format and post them
29:32again, and at once.
29:34And I was given the assignment of putting something on this place, which means I have
29:38to remember all those spankings once again.
29:40Oh, I really hate that.
29:43Anyways, this is the first chapter.
29:46It was originally written and posted on the 25th of March 2004- which will be forever
29:50marked as Geomancer Day in Falkir's calendar.
29:54There is one big edit, Falkir corrected my age from 13 to 16, as that's the age I was
29:59using in all further chapters.
30:01Thank you, you can send 3 years worth of birthday gifts to Falkir's email address.
30:07How was Geomancer created?
30:08Well, the short answer is that Falkir is crazy.
30:12I mean, you all know that he's crazy about spankings, but he's also crazy about geometry.
30:18He knows all kinds of stuff about polyhedra, polychora and such.
30:23He can name most of the 92 Johnson solids by heart.
30:27He knows about things like coxeter diagrams, finite content hyperbolic groups, 8-dimensional
30:32gosset polytops or vertex figures.
30:36To most people, this seems like an incomprehensible piece of S.H. magic.
30:41So he figured, hey, why not have a geometry-based magic?
30:46After all, people use crude 2D diagrams like pentagrams and hexagrams all the time.
30:51You might ask how did he come up with the diagrams?
30:54Well, he didn't.
30:56All of them are standard graph representation of regular polyhedra.
31:00Okay, he made up the ones for non-regular polyhedra himself, but it's really not hard.
31:06All you have to do is to understand the subject.
31:10And be crazy, of course.
31:12The funny thing is that the Geomancer idea got somehow crossed with another idea bouncing
31:15inside Falkir's crazy mind, and that was the idea for console-style RPG involving spankings.
31:22You see, Falkir is a fan of console RPGs.
31:26But the regular pen-and-paper ones, mind you, because he is far too lazy to play them
31:31thoroughly and he has an attention span of a mutated fruit fly.
31:35Computer thingies can be always switched off and on whenever he likes.
31:39So, one of his RPG ideas involved a young man who travels with a group of girls.
31:45And spanks them.
31:46And he wanted to make the spankings a true part of the game, not just a gimmick.
31:51He was coming up with crazy ideas about personality systems, behavioral patterns, and the effectiveness
31:56of punishments, but it all boiled down to one thing.
32:00He was too lazy and too unskilled to pull this one off.
32:03So you have this instead.
32:06That might be all for today.
32:08Far too lazy, am I?
32:11Attention span of a mutated fruit fly?
32:14Far from smart enough?
32:16Crazy mind.
32:17Well, I mean, you never heard of an artistic license?
32:24You must have heard about it.
32:25You are a geometry egghead.
32:30What are you doing?
32:32Hey, isn't that the wooden spoon from Chapter 10?
32:38Please, no.
32:41May, signing off.
