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00:00Are you ready to see some really cool kitchen hacks?
00:07Well, yes, we are!
00:12This is the easiest way on making super tiny sandwiches for your next appetizer table.
00:18Who knew we could use syringe like this?
00:29That's what I'm thinking out of the box.
00:32That's soup really hot?
00:33Well, with this hack, there will be no room for burning sensation.
00:42Do not throw those cans, cause they can work in other ways too.
00:49Potatoes will taste better now.
00:57Filling the spring bottle with some special water.
01:04Adding some lemon juice too.
01:09The apples will last longer after curating them with this homemade spring water.
01:14Who loves this combo between lemon and cola?
01:19Cause yes, we do!
01:28Lemon has a wide use in the kitchen and not only.
01:35Easy peeling for sure.
01:38Using the best detoxing water cubes ever!
01:52You can use as a vitamin boost or a refreshing drink during a hot summer day.
02:00Cucumber is always refreshing, right?
02:08But this time, we're using it to hide money.
02:20Syringe once again, but this time for something different.
02:29Cutting the sausage in simple stabs.
02:38Talking about cutting hacks here.
02:47And if you don't have tongs, well you can make them yourself with forks and hot glue.
