• last year
00:00:00The film was made in cooperation with the Polish Film Archive.
00:00:04The film was made in cooperation with the Polish Film Archive.
00:00:07Good evening.
00:00:08If you expect to see three one-act plays by Aleksander Fredry,
00:00:13it's a mistake.
00:00:14Because, yes, you should expect three one-act plays by Count Fredry,
00:00:18but directed by outstanding directors, with outstanding Polish actors.
00:00:23And the fact that this evening will be extraordinary
00:00:26is that for the first time in the history of the Teatr Telewizji,
00:00:29in just an hour and a half, you will see three different plays
00:00:33which will be presented in three different cities.
00:00:37But the occasion for this is really extraordinary.
00:00:40It is the 60th anniversary of the Teatr Telewizji,
00:00:42as well as the 220th anniversary of the birth of Count Aleksander Fredry.
00:00:45And the plays that we will see today
00:00:47were prepared especially for this occasion
00:00:50by the National Audiovisual Institute and TVP.
00:00:54I have already mentioned that it will be an extraordinary evening,
00:00:56but what will it look like?
00:00:58First, we will move to the Katowice Centre.
00:01:01There, the candle went out in the direction of Jerzy Sztur
00:01:04with Agnieszka Radzikowska and Maciej Sztur in the leading roles.
00:01:07As the director himself says, it's a bit like a TV Harakiri,
00:01:10because how to present a play that takes place in the dark,
00:01:13in television conditions?
00:01:15But as you will see, for such outstanding creators,
00:01:17there are no impossible things.
00:01:19Then we will move to the Krakow Centre.
00:01:22There, we will see a play called Zrzędność i Przekora
00:01:25in the interpretation of Mikołaj Grabowski
00:01:27with Roman Gancarczyk, Jerzy Trela and Krzysztof Globisz in the leading roles.
00:01:30And finally, a play here, in a studio in Warsaw.
00:01:33Nobody knows me in the directing of Jan Englert,
00:01:36and on stage, among others,
00:01:38Piotr Adamczyk, Wojciech Malajkat and Janusz Gajos,
00:01:41but these are not all the names.
00:01:43I hope it will be a fantastic and unforgettable evening for you.
00:01:47This evening will start in a moment
00:01:49in the program of the First Polish Television,
00:01:51but also on the Internet.
00:01:53So let's get started.
00:01:55Let the will of heaven happen.
00:02:19Zrzędność i Przekora
00:02:49Zrzędność i Przekora
00:03:20Piorun jasny trzaśnie wszystkie poczty naraz.
00:03:27Poczty wiorbijane,
00:03:30szkapy narowiste,
00:03:33karetka jak z ciasta.
00:03:36Życia nie jest się pewna.
00:03:44Czy możemy już jechać?
00:03:46Poduszki twarde jak gdyby kasztanami wypchane.
00:03:49Ledwo człowiek zasnąć potrafi.
00:03:51Budzi się w kałuży.
00:03:54Ani to przyjemnie, ani wesoło.
00:03:57Czy możemy już jechać dalej?
00:03:59No, szczęście, że uratowałem przecie latarnię.
00:04:02Służę zdobą łojówką.
00:04:05Czy pan nie słyszy, o co się pytam?
00:04:08Można być grzeczniejszym i odpowiadać przynajmniej.
00:04:12Pytam się, czy możemy już jechać dalej.
00:04:15Gdzie? Jak? Co? Czym mamy jechać?
00:04:19Jak to czym? Konimi, karetą.
00:04:23Jakieśmy tu przyjechali.
00:04:25Prawdziwie pan jest niegrzeczny.
00:04:27Kareta do góry brzuchem.
00:04:29Tylko jednym kołem fika.
00:04:31Można dźwignąć.
00:04:33Nie takie ciężary dźwigają.
00:04:36Tylko trzeba trochę dobrej woli, trochę grzeczności.
00:04:46A nie można dźwignąć.
00:04:48To innym sposobem trzeba się ratować.
00:04:51Każ pan konie założyć do jakiej bryki?
00:04:54A gdzież jest? Jaka bryka?
00:04:57Do woza nareszcie.
00:04:59A gdzież wóz?
00:05:00We wsi przecie woza znajdzie.
00:05:02Tylko trzeba trochę dobrej woli, trochę grzeczności.
00:05:05Ale żeby wóz był we wsi, to na to trzeba wsi.
00:05:09A na mile w koło wsi.
00:05:11A to pięknie.
00:05:14Piękności nie widzę.
00:05:17Im starsza, tym dla mnie niebezpieczniejsza.
00:05:21Nie bylibyśmy się tak okropnie wywrócili,
00:05:25no ale takie to już moje przeznaczenie.
00:05:31Fatum tu.
00:05:35Takie to już moje przeznaczenie.
00:05:52I cóż teraz będziemy robić?
00:05:54Czekać. Cierpliwie.
00:05:57Póki pocztylion z innym nie wróci pojazdem.
00:06:00Długo to trwać będzie?
00:06:02Parę godzin.
00:06:04To bardzo nieprzyjemnie.
00:06:06W samej rzeczy nieprzyjemnie.
00:06:09Ale nieprzyjemność przewidziałem,
00:06:11jak tylko postrzegłem na stacji,
00:06:13że jakaś pani wybiera się ze mną w podróż.
00:06:17Bardzo grzecznie. Nie ma co mówić.
00:06:20Ale grzecznie byłoby, gdyby ta pani nie straciła,
00:06:23była niepotrzebnie pół godziny czasu.
00:06:27Jak się zaczęła rozbierać, przebierać, ubierać,
00:06:31nie było końca.
00:06:32Gdybyśmy byli w czas wyjechali,
00:06:34bylibyśmy nim księżyc zaszedł,
00:06:36przebyli zły kawał drogi.
00:06:37I nie byłoby katastrofy.
00:06:41No ale takie to już moje szczęście.
00:06:44Nie byłoby katastrofy, gdybyś pan był nie spał.
00:06:48Mój sen strącił z mostku.
00:06:51A tak jest poniekąd.
00:06:53Bo gdybyś był trochę grzeczniejszym
00:06:55i nie byłbyś spał,
00:06:57byłbyś mógł doglądać i budzić pocztyliona.
00:07:00Byłby się pojazd nie wywrócił
00:07:02i nie byłbyś pan upadł na mnie.
00:07:04Tak okropnie.
00:07:05Bez najmniejszego względu,
00:07:07który się przecież każdej damie należy.
00:07:10A cóż się złego stało?
00:07:12Dobre pytanie.
00:07:14Zgniotłeś mnie godziwie.
00:07:17Ledwie mnie pan nie zadusiłeś.
00:07:20No ale nie zadusiłem.
00:07:28Człowiek dobrze wychowany nie upada na damę jak kłoda.
00:07:31To się nie godzi.
00:07:33Ależ moja pani, to jest rzecz przeznaczenia.
00:07:35Gdyby się było wywróciło na moją stronę,
00:07:37byłbym panią chętniej i uprzejmie przyjął w ramiona,
00:07:40tylko że się wywróciło na prawo.
00:07:42Musiałem upaść na prawo
00:07:44i troszkę ucisnąć.
00:07:47Z wszelką wszakże przyzwoitością,
00:07:49to sama pani przyznać musisz.
00:07:59I mój biedny kapelusz.
00:08:04Pani się skarżysz.
00:08:06A ja zapewne do żalenia się więcej mam powodów.
00:08:09Jakaś szpilka. Co tam szpilka?
00:08:13Bekasa by na nim upiekł.
00:08:15Z biednego kapelusika wlazł mi w szyję.
00:08:18Gdyby nie mój kołnierz podniesiony,
00:08:20byłbym nie w stanie się z nim porozmawiać.
00:08:22A ja bym się z nim porozmawiał.
00:08:24A ja bym się z nim porozmawiał.
00:08:26Gdyby nie mój kołnierz podniesiony,
00:08:28byłbym nie przepił na wylot,
00:08:29bo się ledwo karkiem ruszyć mogę.
00:08:31Już panu i szpilki szkodzą.
00:08:33Zapewne, że szkodzą, kiedy kolą.
00:08:37Cieszcie się panie swoimi włosami.
00:08:40Białe, czy czarne, rude, czy żółte.
00:08:45Tylko nie przypinajcie waszych perukarskich pakietów
00:08:47ostrymi szpilkami,
00:08:49które zagrażają życiu podróżującego obywatela.
00:08:52Ja żadnych perukarskich pakietów nie mam.
00:08:55Zniszuję pani.
00:09:21Ależ ja zamoczyłam nogi.
00:09:26Pani zmoczyłaś nogi.
00:09:29Kiedy ja ją na rękach wynosiłem.
00:09:32Jakież więc moje być muszą.
00:09:35A wyniosłeś mnie pan na ręku.
00:09:37I dziękowałam.
00:09:39Trzy razy dziękowałam.
00:09:41I dziękuję jeszcze.
00:10:00Ale mnie koniecznie oporządzić się trzeba.
00:10:03Oporządź się pani.
00:10:06Ale pan będzie przecież tak grzecznym dla damy
00:10:08i ustąpisz się z pokoju.
00:10:11Gdzież panu się ustąpić?
00:10:14Gdzie pan chce, żeby leś tu nie był?
00:10:17Deszcz leje jak z cebra.
00:10:20Tylko trochę dobrej woli.
00:10:22Trochę grzeczności.
00:10:25Proszę pani.
00:10:27To przechodzi granice grzeczności.
00:10:30Czyli razem zostać nie możemy.
00:10:33Ja w potrzebie mogę zamknąć oczy.
00:10:35Nie jestem ciekawy.
00:10:38Bynajmniej ciekawy.
00:10:40Gdybyś tylko chciał
00:10:42mógłbyś pani w karetce nocować.
00:10:44Gdzie już raz spałeś tak smacznie.
00:10:46Dajże mi pani pokój!
00:10:50Cóż ja mam robić?
00:10:52Boże mój, Boże mój.
00:10:55W kącie skromne łóżeczko
00:10:57połóż się pani i śpij.
00:11:00Prześpisz zmartwienie.
00:11:15Na tym łóżeczku?
00:11:23Nie podoba się?
00:11:25Nie śpij pani!
00:11:40Co pan chce robić?
00:11:42Chcę robić.
00:11:43Czego pani nie chciała?
00:11:44Chcę się spać położyć.
00:11:46Ależ to być nie może.
00:11:47Zechcij pani być spokojna.
00:11:49Ja zdejmę tylko paltot.
00:11:52Ale to jest niegrzecznie.
00:11:53To nieprzyzwoicie.
00:11:55Tego jeszcze nikt nie widział.
00:11:57Dama ma siedzieć na wydelku
00:11:59a jegomoś na łóżku rozciągnięty.
00:12:02Ma chrapać jak basetla.
00:12:05Babka muzykalna.
00:12:16Niech i tak będzie.
00:12:19Przepędzimy noc bezsenną na pogadance.
00:12:32Proszę pana przynieść mi z łaski swojej.
00:12:35Jeżeli go to wielce nie utrudzi.
00:12:37Trochę wody.
00:12:39Mam nieznośne pragnienie.
00:12:57Cóż to jest?
00:13:00No ale szklanki nie ma.
00:13:02No prawda.
00:13:03Nie ma.
00:13:04Możesz pani łatwo widzieć, że kryształów nie ma.
00:13:07W bufecie.
00:13:09Jeszcze sobie żartuję.
00:13:13Ale ja skonewki pić nie umiem.
00:13:15No w potrzebie można się nauczyć.
00:13:20A ty jak się podoba?
00:13:24Jakaż ja biedna,
00:13:26żebym wpadła pod tak tyrańską opiekę.
00:13:29Ja żadnej opieki nad panią nie przyjąłem
00:13:33i nad żadną damą nigdy przyjmować nie będę.
00:13:37Mądra, która mnie złapie.
00:13:40Ona jednymi drzwiami, ja drugimi.
00:13:44W potrzebie z dachu skoczę.
00:13:49Jeżeli by to nie przechodziło zakresu pańskiej grzeczności,
00:13:56prosiłabym go ogień poprawić.
00:14:08No ale czym poprawić?
00:14:11Widzę tylko jedną trzaskę i jeden patyczek.
00:14:14Jak ołówek.
00:14:16Podmuchaj pan trochę.
00:14:18Ale ognia już nie ma.
00:14:20Proszę pana, podmuchaj!
00:14:41Dalibóg nie ma.
00:14:42Mnie zimno.
00:14:48Ani jednej iskry.
00:14:53O, ale w popiele są kartofle.
00:14:57Spotkam się z nimi nie potroszę,
00:15:00bo jablo głodne po kąpieli.
00:15:15Teraz będzie jadło.
00:15:23Umie tylko spać i jeść.
00:15:26Pewnie stary kawaler.
00:15:30Ilekroć chciałem służyć jakiej pani,
00:15:32zawsze mnie jakieś nieszczęście spotkało.
00:15:35I dlatego nie żeniłem się.
00:15:38Dobrześ, pan zrobił.
00:15:40Nie mam szczęścia do płci pięknej,
00:15:44a nie młodej.
00:15:46Rzecz pewna, gdzie mi się pomknął katastrofa.
00:15:50Skąd mógłbym tomy o tym napisać?
00:15:58Na przykład raz na balu.
00:16:03Siedzę sobie spokojnie przy stronie.
00:16:07Nagle jakaś rozkulana tanecznica
00:16:10zaczepia mi nogę krenolinową obręczą.
00:16:13Padamy oboje jak orzeł dwubisty.
00:16:16Ja na prawo, ona na lewo.
00:16:18Opowiadają, że było co widzieć.
00:16:22A ja wiem tylko, że potem kulał.
00:16:24Tydzień cały.
00:16:28Drugi raz.
00:16:31Wychodzę sobie z teatru.
00:16:34Kończąc spokojnie dwugodzinne ziewanie.
00:16:38Nagle wtem w kurytarzu
00:16:41lampa naftowa pęka.
00:16:43Jakaś dama staje w płomieniach.
00:16:45Gaszę ogromną peryferię wszelkimi
00:16:48w tym razie przewidzianymi sposobami.
00:16:50Gaszę i ugaszam nareszcie,
00:16:52ale poparzywszy sobie kolana, ręce.
00:16:57Chorowałem dwa tygodnie.
00:17:10Jednego dnia przyszło na myśl
00:17:12damom urządzić spacer.
00:17:14Dużym czułnem.
00:17:16No dobrze.
00:17:18Płyniemy po czystych wód krysztale.
00:17:21Księżyc srebrnym światłem świeci.
00:17:24Kwiaty pachną słowikiem.
00:17:26No bardzo pięknie.
00:17:29Ale w czułnie coś zaczyna być za mokro.
00:17:31Wody coraz więcej.
00:17:33Woda sączy się szparami.
00:17:35Damy krzyczą do brzegu.
00:17:37Do brzegu.
00:17:38Dobijamy więc do tego brzegu.
00:17:40Wychodzimy na piasek.
00:17:41A tu zdrada, biada.
00:17:43W piasku woda tryska.
00:17:46Wody po kolana trzeba damy wynosić.
00:17:49Nie ma co myśleć.
00:17:51Dostała mi się najdłuższa.
00:17:56Wyniosłem wprawdzie.
00:17:58I wyratowałem,
00:17:59ale potem krzyżów rozprostować nie mogłem.
00:18:01Chodziłem zgięty jak haczyk.
00:18:03Trzy tygodnie.
00:18:10Nareszcie razu jednego wracam.
00:18:14Zmęczony z polowania.
00:18:16Nagle patrzę.
00:18:18Jakaś kolasa pędzi.
00:18:20Furmanowi lejce z ręki wypadły.
00:18:24Szkapy poniosły.
00:18:25Jakaś pani krzyczy.
00:18:26Ratujcie, ratujcie.
00:18:27No jakże nie ratować.
00:18:29Droga pani.
00:18:32Chwytam za lejce.
00:18:35Kolasa stanęła.
00:18:39Zbliżam się do stopnia.
00:18:43I trzystofuntowa obywatelka pada mi w objęcia.
00:18:48Ugiąłem się wprawdzie.
00:18:50Zatoczyłem nogę pod koło.
00:18:53Leżałem w łóżku trzy tygodnie.
00:19:00Co mnie mogą interesować smutne wypadki pańskiego życia?
00:19:05A ja też nie opowiadam pani.
00:19:08Ja to mówię do siebie.
00:19:13Nie ma tragedii bez monologu.
00:19:15Począwszy od słynnego monologu Hamleta.
00:19:17Być albo nie być.
00:19:18Aż do kartofli.
00:19:19Może pani kiedy o tym słyszała.
00:19:20O kartofle?
00:19:21Nie, o Hamlecie.
00:19:22Jak o żelaznym wilku.
00:19:25A co w moim...
00:19:27Ja mówię to do siebie.
00:19:34Co w moim przeznaczeniu
00:19:40najprzykrzejszego, najokropniejszego,
00:19:43że wszystkie moje dany
00:19:46wyratowane przeze mnie z tak wielkim poświęceniem
00:19:49niewyszczególnie dla mnie,
00:19:51że mnie z tak wielkim poświęceniem
00:19:53niewyszczególniały się młodością.
00:19:57Ni po wabami duszy.
00:20:18Stara dowodka.
00:20:19Będzie wrzeszczeć.
00:20:21No stara pewnie,
00:20:22bo nie bylibyśmy się tak szkaradnie wybrać.
00:20:50Już pan nie jesz?
00:20:54Dobre kartofle?
00:21:01Można wziąć jeden?
00:21:02Jeden, dwa, trzy i cztery, ile pani chce.
00:21:20Nie ma grabek.
00:21:22Nie ma.
00:21:39Śpisz pan?
00:21:45Nie masz pan soli?
00:21:46Nie mam.
00:21:47Proszę pana!
00:21:48Szukałem i nie ma!
00:22:16Kiedyś przecie ta noc skończyć się musi.
00:22:21Póki życia.
00:22:23Nie będę podróżować nocą pocztowym pojazdem.
00:22:27A zwłaszcza ze starym kawalerem.
00:22:32Ci ludzie nie mają najmniejszego wyobrażenia o grzeczności.
00:22:37O uprzejmości dla tam.
00:22:40Kazał mi pić z konewki.
00:22:46Teraz tylko co nie chrapnie.
00:23:03Śpisz pan?
00:23:08Śpisz pan?
00:23:19Proszę pana, która godzina?
00:23:28Pół do drugiej.
00:23:32Która, proszę pana?
00:23:37Pół do drugiej.
00:23:57Pół do drugiej.
00:24:00Dalekoż jeszcze do dnia?
00:24:06Zdaje mi się, że będzie parę godzin.
00:24:10Jeszcze parę godzin.
00:24:12Ka... kapelusz jak widzę przeszkadza pani?
00:24:19Pozbolisz pani wziąć kapelusz?
00:24:54Co paniu śmieszy?
00:24:56ŚMieję się, bo wystawiałam sobie pana nieco podstażałym.
00:25:04Dlaczego pani twierdziłaś, że on... podstażały?
00:25:08I'm old.
00:25:10Young people are usually more polite.
00:25:13But what have I done wrong?
00:25:16I took you out of the sunken carriage.
00:25:22I brought a lantern.
00:25:25A lovely lantern,
00:25:27which allowed us to get to know each other.
00:25:32Under a parasol,
00:25:34not in a sunken carriage.
00:25:36I couldn't help it.
00:25:39I didn't set it on fire.
00:25:41But God knows,
00:25:42I blew as hard as I could.
00:25:46I brought you a jug.
00:25:49Oh, right!
00:25:50I have a bottle of wine in my bag.
00:25:55And a mug!
00:25:57Thank you.
00:25:59Please put some water in the mug.
00:26:01Oh, what a water!
00:26:05Would you like some wine?
00:26:07Wine will quickly quench your thirst.
00:26:17I'm so glad
00:26:19that I could serve you.
00:26:24A little more?
00:26:25It won't hurt.
00:26:27It won't hurt.
00:26:33Now I have to tell you
00:26:37that the main reason for the disaster
00:26:40is not my impoliteness,
00:26:43but her hat.
00:26:45You are offended that he bit you.
00:26:47No, not at all.
00:26:48Of course, I will have a souvenir, but...
00:26:51I should have really recognized
00:26:56your feminine voice,
00:26:58but your graceful,
00:27:01cold-blooded breath.
00:27:03If I had seen your face
00:27:06when I got into the car,
00:27:09I wouldn't have slept.
00:27:11I would have watched you.
00:27:14I would have woken you up,
00:27:16and I wouldn't have made
00:27:18such an unfortunate event,
00:27:21which I can't blame you for now.
00:27:25With the given ability,
00:27:27it's time for us to get to know each other better.
00:27:30I write sometimes.
00:27:35So I usually start by naming people.
00:27:38My name is Wladyslaw Poraj.
00:27:43I have a small house in a small estate.
00:27:50On the one hand, I have big lips.
00:27:54On the other, a meadow.
00:27:57Ah, behind the meadow, a river.
00:28:00It must be very nice there.
00:28:03Lips, a river, a meadow.
00:28:06Are there flowers?
00:28:08It's a house like in one bouquet.
00:28:12How nice it must be there.
00:28:16I won't complain.
00:28:19But still,
00:28:23there's always something missing.
00:28:29I'm alone there.
00:28:33Don't you have any neighbours?
00:28:35I do.
00:28:37But they can't always play with me.
00:28:39When they leave,
00:28:41it's empty.
00:28:44If loneliness is sad,
00:28:46I would say,
00:28:47why don't you do what everyone does?
00:28:50Get married.
00:28:53But I heard you hate women.
00:28:56I hate them?
00:28:59I've never said anything like that.
00:29:02I've only said
00:29:04that I can't love those ladies
00:29:07who burned me, who drowned me, who crippled me.
00:29:10But I love honor.
00:29:12I respect it, I love it.
00:29:15But there are ladies
00:29:17who catch me by the heart,
00:29:19before I could even notice them.
00:29:22And how many times have you not noticed them?
00:29:28Only once.
00:29:31Yes, because
00:29:33when I judge beauty,
00:29:35I have certain rules
00:29:37that I can't ignore,
00:29:39that I must stick to.
00:29:41For example,
00:29:43a red nose and a grey eye.
00:29:50A mouth
00:29:52that would gladly laugh,
00:29:54but they're always afraid to laugh.
00:29:57A nose,
00:29:59oh my God,
00:30:01and a tiny little ear,
00:30:04that, oh, it shivers.
00:30:10Speaking of you,
00:30:12I have to tell you something about myself.
00:30:14My name is Jadwiga...
00:30:19And I'm Władysław?
00:30:21What a blessing!
00:30:24My name is Jadwiga Moniecka,
00:30:26and I'm the daughter of a colonel
00:30:28that you've probably heard of.
00:30:31Yes, far away,
00:30:33but I will certainly hear of him.
00:30:36I'm going to Lviv now.
00:30:38My aunt told me
00:30:40that she can put me
00:30:42next to young ladies
00:30:44in a very respectable house...
00:30:46I'm sorry to interrupt,
00:30:48but I said in my biography
00:30:50that I don't have a wife,
00:30:52and you said you did.
00:30:54I don't know why you said that,
00:30:56because I don't guess,
00:30:58and I'd like to ask
00:31:00if you're still single.
00:31:02Don't you have a husband
00:31:04or an unpleasant fiancé?
00:31:07You're still single.
00:31:09Very good.
00:31:11I like being single.
00:31:13I'm listening, I'm listening.
00:31:15So I'm saying
00:31:17that I hope to be
00:31:19placed as a governess.
00:31:21Oh, Mrs. Jadwiga,
00:31:23how much more
00:31:25would I have to learn?
00:31:27I'd like to learn even more.
00:31:29I mean, I'd like to learn.
00:31:31It would be great.
00:31:33It would be great.
00:31:35It's never too late to learn.
00:31:37There would be a lot
00:31:39to improve in my character.
00:31:45A lot.
00:31:47I'd need
00:31:49good advice.
00:31:53Sensible advice.
00:31:55Nice advice.
00:31:59If that's what you wish,
00:32:01I could be helpful.
00:32:03Very much so.
00:32:05Very much so, please.
00:32:07I'd need young,
00:32:11gentle care.
00:32:13I'd be so grateful,
00:32:15so kind...
00:32:17Mr. Wladyslaw?
00:32:22The candle is burning.
00:32:25True, it's burning.
00:32:27I'd be so kind,
00:32:29so obedient.
00:32:31I'd love
00:32:33my care so much.
00:32:35Care should have a nice house,
00:32:37with flowers,
00:32:39and a loving heart in the house.
00:32:41Mr. Wladyslaw, the candle is burning.
00:32:43True, it's burning.
00:32:45Mrs. Jadwiga,
00:32:47do you want to be a governess?
00:32:51Be mine.
00:32:53Oh, no.
00:32:55How am I supposed to understand that?
00:32:59How is it
00:33:01going to be
00:33:05when Jadwiga
00:33:07and Wladyslaw
00:33:09fall together
00:33:11from Ambon?
00:33:15To make it nice.
00:33:17It would be nice
00:33:19in itself.
00:33:21Oh, my
00:33:23most humble Mrs. Jadwiga.
00:33:29Mr. Wladyslaw,
00:33:31the candle is burning.
00:33:35it's burning.
00:33:37We'll light another one.
00:33:39What will shine
00:33:41above our love?
00:33:43And this one?
00:33:45It will never go out.
00:33:53Mr. Wladyslaw,
00:33:55the candle is burning.
00:33:57laughter & applause
00:34:19trumpet plays
00:34:27trumpet plays
00:35:35piano plays
00:35:53piano plays
00:35:57piano plays
00:36:07piano plays
00:36:21piano plays
00:36:27There's somebody in there!
00:36:28Hey! Is there somebody in there?
00:36:30I can't hear you!
00:36:31Who's there?
00:36:33There's someone in there!
00:36:35Who's there?
00:36:36My goodness.
00:36:37Why are you so quiet?
00:36:38I've been shouting and calling
00:36:40until my tongue turned numb and my hands swelled.
00:36:43I must take you to the station,
00:36:46but I'm going to have to deal with each of you.
00:36:49But, sir, if you're so busy...
00:36:54He has not yet seen you with your mouth shut.
00:36:57And you, brother, not us?
00:36:59He never speaks, nor does he utter a word?
00:37:02And when he speaks, he falls silent.
00:37:05I would like to send him to you, so that you could set a time
00:37:08when we could talk to each other.
00:37:12Let the day not pass in vain,
00:37:14let our daughter-in-law not wait any longer,
00:37:17and especially let this boring caretaker end.
00:37:20I have come, I am here, I am listening.
00:37:23And what is the matter with you?
00:37:26Why are you spilling your blood?
00:37:28Does it still harm you?
00:37:30Oh, and Mr. Piotr has a lot of yellow.
00:37:34I say white, he says black.
00:37:36I say black, he says white.
00:37:38And so almost from east to west,
00:37:40the sun never quarrels,
00:37:42there are no ends between us.
00:37:44Before I came here,
00:37:46I must have twisted my neck.
00:37:48The day I stood here,
00:37:52God has blessed us.
00:37:54My dear, sweet brother,
00:37:57tell me, please,
00:37:59what are your pleasures here?
00:38:01What luxuries do you have?
00:38:03To sit in a stranger's house for unbearable care,
00:38:06to watch you like a master,
00:38:08to guard, to follow,
00:38:10for what, for what, why?
00:38:12Maybe someone will tell me.
00:38:14Because the Lord's wrath
00:38:16roared in my head,
00:38:18so that my daughter-in-law was not in my house.
00:38:20I will not entrust anyone
00:38:22with my daughter-in-law's care.
00:38:24Zofia does not need to
00:38:26taste the city,
00:38:28where she has fun longer.
00:38:30The desire for fun increases.
00:38:32So in the village,
00:38:34after the uprising,
00:38:36let the husband choose.
00:38:38For me, Zofia will probably
00:38:40give in to this measure.
00:38:42In this measure, I will not
00:38:44allow you to make a choice.
00:38:48After all, you do not know.
00:38:50And I prefer not to know.
00:38:52I know, after all,
00:38:54that you want to be right in everything.
00:38:56Hence, always,
00:38:58where you are,
00:39:00this quarrel, this quarrel,
00:39:02and if you are so
00:39:04troubled by care,
00:39:06so tormented,
00:39:08go, come back.
00:39:10And my brother will willingly give me up,
00:39:12he will rule himself.
00:39:14Good. He figured it out in his head.
00:39:16I will go,
00:39:18but I will decide the fate of Zosia first.
00:39:20As long as you are here,
00:39:22there is nothing
00:39:24that you should know about it.
00:39:26You will not sit here
00:39:28for a hundred years.
00:39:32I have to wait.
00:39:34Go to hell!
00:39:38So let him wait.
00:39:42But why are you
00:39:44torturing a man?
00:39:46Is it not allowed to take
00:39:48even one step?
00:39:50Do you still dream
00:39:52of a slave
00:39:54standing by your side?
00:39:56Ah, I would prefer
00:39:58to pull a plow
00:40:00than to serve
00:40:02a scoundrel
00:40:04who only has
00:40:06a grudge against himself.
00:40:08But, Mr. Jan,
00:40:10you will serve for free
00:40:12as long as I need you
00:40:14and you are coming with me.
00:40:16You will serve!
00:40:20I will serve!
00:40:24I like it!
00:40:26I will serve!
00:40:28No, the world
00:40:30will never improve.
00:40:42I would like to ask
00:40:44a small favor.
00:40:48It is a shame for Zosia.
00:40:50It is always a shame for Mrs. Janka
00:40:52when she asks for something.
00:40:54She should be
00:40:56very simple.
00:40:58But each of you
00:41:00is asking for the first time today.
00:41:02Look at yourself,
00:41:04which leg is forward,
00:41:06nose up.
00:41:08You probably know
00:41:10that you are too interesting,
00:41:12malicious, stubborn.
00:41:14In a word,
00:41:16all of you are worthless.
00:41:22What a beautiful Zofia
00:41:24at your request.
00:41:26Our hopes are gone.
00:41:28Only sadness is left.
00:41:30He didn't even listen to me.
00:41:32He was making fun of me
00:41:34in my hair
00:41:36and left with a noise.
00:41:38No, nothing.
00:41:40Not a word.
00:41:42It was good that I had a plan.
00:41:44I wanted to present everything
00:41:46reasonably, precisely.
00:41:48That it won't be long
00:41:50before I get married to Mrs. Janka
00:41:52and that
00:41:54Mr. Lubomir
00:41:56will love me sincerely.
00:41:58And he will always
00:42:00love you.
00:42:02And that I believe him.
00:42:04So when I have
00:42:06a good will
00:42:08and skill,
00:42:10then I have to
00:42:12satisfy our desire.
00:42:14But well, uncle is playing
00:42:16everything with me.
00:42:18I don't know what to do next,
00:42:22One quarrels with the other,
00:42:24and I have a husband.
00:42:26I don't know what it hurts them
00:42:28that I have a husband.
00:42:30Oh God, good God,
00:42:32I take my every will
00:42:34for granted, and time passes.
00:42:36And finally,
00:42:38finally I will become
00:42:40an old lady.
00:42:42Zofia, I can appreciate your tears,
00:42:44but calm down.
00:42:46Our fate must change.
00:42:48So no more intentions.
00:42:50The contradictions will not move,
00:42:52and not today, but tomorrow.
00:42:54They must be fulfilled.
00:42:56Oh, I really don't like
00:42:58to wait for anything,
00:43:00but there are things I like to postpone.
00:43:02Oh, all my happiness
00:43:04in this complicated time,
00:43:06in which I swear to love you forever.
00:43:08And you can
00:43:10perceive indifference in me?
00:43:14I spoke to that uncle.
00:43:16And probably in vain.
00:43:18And indeed.
00:43:20Indeed? How so?
00:43:22So he's already bending over?
00:43:24He started with his holy custom.
00:43:26He quarreled, although I was silent.
00:43:28And a hundred proofs flew at once.
00:43:30And I was already thinking
00:43:32to leave, to get rid of this infatuation.
00:43:34When in the end, after all,
00:43:36it started to cool down slowly
00:43:38and he almost swore
00:43:40to fulfill our wishes.
00:43:42I wanted, in addition, for a better memory
00:43:44to be signed by a legal testimony,
00:43:46because I always prefer a letter,
00:43:48although I appreciate the words,
00:43:50but he postponed it for a slower time.
00:43:52For nothing, so he quarreled, and that's it?
00:43:58Yes, he doesn't need it.
00:44:02And he probably won't.
00:44:06So it's only about the second
00:44:12Go, Zofia,
00:44:14the dearest, beg your uncle.
00:44:16He loves you,
00:44:18God doesn't help you.
00:44:20All his words.
00:44:22Be deaf for a moment, say...
00:44:24I know what I have to say.
00:44:26If he listens to me.
00:44:28Who wouldn't want to
00:44:30listen to your voice?
00:44:32So you get a good
00:44:34resolution of fate.
00:44:36I, on the other hand,
00:44:38will lead the other one,
00:44:40and if it doesn't work,
00:44:42I'll give it to him.
00:44:44Ah, if only someone could
00:44:46explain it so well to me,
00:44:48what the guardians will be useful for
00:44:50in the world.
00:44:52For poor children.
00:44:56Because they can go astray.
00:44:58But for me...
00:45:06I can
00:45:10manage on my own.
00:45:16And I don't need it.
00:45:18I don't want any trouble.
00:45:20No one would ever want me,
00:45:22you know.
00:45:28Why are you standing,
00:45:30like a guard?
00:45:34You must be dreaming.
00:45:36What do you want?
00:45:38Will I hear it today?
00:45:40Take a break,
00:45:42I don't like
00:45:44this humble silence.
00:45:46I'm bored.
00:45:48I'm afraid.
00:45:50I've been
00:45:52a terrible
00:45:54spirit of people
00:45:56for a long time.
00:45:58I've been
00:46:00so terrible.
00:46:02Have I ever
00:46:04given you
00:46:06a reason to be afraid?
00:46:08Oh, no.
00:46:14a beautiful
00:46:20I'm asking again,
00:46:22because I want to answer
00:46:24what it's all about.
00:46:26I have to know.
00:46:28I'd like to go.
00:46:34Where? What? Tell me, please.
00:46:36To marry.
00:46:38Is it so urgent?
00:46:40Oh, yes.
00:46:44It's very easy to marry.
00:46:46Oh, my dear uncle,
00:46:48there's nothing easier than
00:46:50the least bit of fear.
00:46:52The priest will call you,
00:46:54bless you,
00:46:56the guests will eat, drink
00:46:58and you'll get married.
00:47:00Where are you going?
00:47:02To the priest.
00:47:04He's been ordered.
00:47:06But do you know
00:47:08what it is to be a wife?
00:47:10Oh, I know.
00:47:12You have to be good
00:47:14and you have to love.
00:47:16With goodness and love
00:47:18you also need bread.
00:47:20You have to know what you have,
00:47:22you have to believe in it
00:47:24and you have to face the whole future
00:47:26in front of the altar.
00:47:28But it's all a joke.
00:47:30To be a lady,
00:47:32to be proud,
00:47:34to change your name
00:47:36in the street,
00:47:38to be jealous,
00:47:40to have the right
00:47:42to marry.
00:47:44That's what it is.
00:47:46Why do you want to get married?
00:47:48So high, uncle,
00:47:50my mind doesn't fly.
00:47:52I want to love my husband
00:47:54and respect the world.
00:47:56Mr. Lubomir
00:47:58knows everything,
00:48:00he knows the world and people.
00:48:02So, Mr. Lubomir,
00:48:04I'm confused with words.
00:48:06Don't be confused,
00:48:08because he loves me.
00:48:10Who will ever tell you
00:48:12that a rich woman doesn't love you?
00:48:14I know them well, Mr. Licz,
00:48:16in the present moment,
00:48:18they have lived half their lives
00:48:20in the twentieth year.
00:48:22Paris, dear Paris,
00:48:24that's their motto, Lube.
00:48:26One rushes and the other
00:48:28as if on his own loss.
00:48:30And when he loses everything
00:48:32that he has,
00:48:34he comes back full of
00:48:36the most precious memories,
00:48:38he chases a fox,
00:48:40he chases a rabbit.
00:48:42Don't worry, uncle,
00:48:44I'll manage.
00:48:46I'm not a child anymore,
00:48:48mind it.
00:48:52Just give me permission.
00:48:54He's young, I'm young,
00:48:56he loves and I love,
00:48:58and yes, there will be an agreement.
00:49:00And for the rest of my life,
00:49:02every day,
00:49:04for all my thoughts,
00:49:06I will be grateful
00:49:08to you.
00:49:14take your sweetheart
00:49:16as your husband,
00:49:18take this sweet,
00:49:20nice lamb.
00:49:22I'll tell you more.
00:49:24All right, I'll sign it right away.
00:49:26So both of you give me permission.
00:49:28Permission? What do I hear?
00:49:32so it's a paw.
00:49:34Yes, you wanted to approach me?
00:49:36I hate betrayals.
00:49:38Oh, there won't be any of that.
00:49:40I'm sure there won't be.
00:49:42Mr. Jan with his project
00:49:44will settle on the ice.
00:49:46Brother, in short,
00:49:48he wanted to drive me away from here,
00:49:50then, that in the field of extortion,
00:49:52to boast in front of the world,
00:49:54to invent, to dig, to rule,
00:49:56at least for two centuries,
00:49:58in a word, to live as long as possible
00:50:00as a pawn of this care.
00:50:04the torment of others so great
00:50:06will save you?
00:50:08Will the eternal famine last?
00:50:10There is no end to this
00:50:12and no one will receive
00:50:14Zofia's hand.
00:50:16Why don't you go straight to me, my lord?
00:50:18Then Mr. Peter would ask the same question.
00:50:20Oh, I like my uncle. Permission.
00:50:22No, it can't be. Uncle, I beg you.
00:50:24Nothing of that. What to do, oh God?
00:50:26Let me go, gentlemen,
00:50:28how can I deserve Zofia
00:50:30and how can I get her?
00:50:32You should have told me earlier,
00:50:34and now, of this humiliation,
00:50:36I do not trust, I do not believe,
00:50:38and be sure that I do not carry my head for the shape.
00:50:42Do not bore me any longer.
00:50:44I also ask him.
00:50:46A strange, incredible thing.
00:50:48Let me know the reason.
00:50:50Let me know the crime or my guilt.
00:50:52You are young,
00:50:54so listen
00:50:56to what the old man says.
00:50:58Every power or authority
00:51:00has the privilege
00:51:02that whether it gives happiness
00:51:04or sadness
00:51:06to its subordinates,
00:51:08it never does anything
00:51:10to them.
00:51:12I respect this privilege,
00:51:14but every deed must come to an end
00:51:16when it began.
00:51:18Therefore, every power,
00:51:20especially the overused one,
00:51:22in happiness or sadness
00:51:24of its subordinates,
00:51:26has the privilege
00:51:28that every power
00:51:30has the privilege
00:51:32that every power
00:51:34has the privilege
00:51:36to give happiness
00:51:38to its subordinates.
00:51:40When this is the case,
00:51:42I say.
00:51:50But I want to ask you.
00:51:52Would you like to express your thoughts
00:51:56so that Mr. Lubomir could
00:51:58adapt to them?
00:52:00You don't want to bury me alive
00:52:02in the monastery.
00:52:04In the sixteenth year of my life
00:52:06thoughts are not bad
00:52:08and you can work a little
00:52:10in your forest.
00:52:12So I say.
00:52:14Suffer, torment my soul,
00:52:16do whatever you want.
00:52:18I have to have a husband.
00:52:20I don't want to go there
00:52:22to the truth.
00:52:24After all, your anxiety
00:52:26is not always honest.
00:52:28Well, the one who can't
00:52:30count two, look
00:52:32how bravely she calls us
00:52:34to a dispute.
00:52:36What I want,
00:52:38my lady,
00:52:40in any case,
00:52:42let it always be
00:52:44a right for her,
00:52:46a holy right.
00:52:48I don't believe in tears
00:52:50of a woman.
00:52:52I won't close my eyes
00:52:56and I won't beg
00:52:58for her forgiveness.
00:53:00So please go
00:53:02and wait
00:53:04until we come for her.
00:53:06They can't love
00:53:10so they defend each other.
00:53:18Is it a brother to be a teacher?
00:53:20God knows better.
00:53:22So I will have to
00:53:24sit here for another hundred years
00:53:26but I won't allow it.
00:53:28I can't allow it.
00:53:30It would be triumphant
00:53:32to cut off his way.
00:53:34And if it was his will,
00:53:36he would then tear me off.
00:53:38Oh, it would be a threat
00:53:40to want me, a brother,
00:53:42to approach so unruly.
00:53:46Let him rather go to the monastery today.
00:53:50Always together
00:53:52and always in the most beautiful harmony.
00:53:54A dear object,
00:53:56I think, in their noble kinship.
00:54:02I really didn't know
00:54:04such kind brothers.
00:54:06None of you will lose
00:54:08the least ability to serve the other,
00:54:10to be helpful
00:54:12in the council,
00:54:14to commit,
00:54:16to give in to the system,
00:54:18because there is nothing more beautiful
00:54:20than harmony in the family.
00:54:22To experience praise together
00:54:24when I do good
00:54:26and to join friendship
00:54:28with the word to the blood of the bonds.
00:54:30Ah, I put this luxury
00:54:32in the number of gods.
00:54:34He knows us
00:54:36very well.
00:54:40And maybe in error
00:54:42we rarely agree.
00:54:46They talk about it everywhere.
00:54:48Sometimes I get angry about it.
00:54:52I'm a little stubborn.
00:54:54But what right does he have?
00:54:56To make jokes.
00:54:58Because it seems that when
00:55:00for so long in this house
00:55:02where no one gives a good word to anyone,
00:55:04where from this morning
00:55:06and quarrel and quarrel
00:55:08it seems that I'm sick of it,
00:55:10he has already passed the law.
00:55:16I knew
00:55:18so few
00:55:20disagreeable brothers.
00:55:22None of you
00:55:24will lose the least ability
00:55:26to serve the other,
00:55:28to be unfaithful in the council,
00:55:30to resist
00:55:32and to be bored in the slightest system.
00:55:34Evil is every disagreement,
00:55:36but with a threat in the family.
00:55:38To still not know
00:55:40whether it's good or bad,
00:55:42to always have a stalker,
00:55:44a spy at every step,
00:55:46to read hatred in the brotherly
00:55:48heart and eye,
00:55:50to pay with cunning,
00:55:52to live in disagreement,
00:55:54to see joy in embarrassment
00:55:56and envy in freedom
00:55:58and to feel that the heart of our natures
00:56:00has renounced such life,
00:56:02in my opinion,
00:56:04a pure picture of hell.
00:56:06You are a scourge,
00:56:08unbearable to the world.
00:56:12Rightly, wrongly,
00:56:14you reproach everyone,
00:56:16you don't cover yourself from nakedness,
00:56:18what's good for you
00:56:20becomes evil tomorrow.
00:56:24No, the will to improve,
00:56:26the anger of knowledge gives,
00:56:28and like a venomous snake,
00:56:30which squeezes around,
00:56:32you pierce
00:56:34But no, I know well
00:56:36the torment of the brother,
00:56:38as if the greatest delight
00:56:40falls into his soul.
00:56:42You are a scourge,
00:56:44the first obstacle to the agreement.
00:56:46Being able to convince,
00:56:48you throw evidence,
00:56:50you think only of what to deny,
00:56:52what to keep quarrelsome,
00:56:54sad exaggeration of others,
00:56:56you behave cruelly,
00:56:58and so you are not only
00:57:00a harmful creature
00:57:02to the world.
00:57:06Well, Mr. Peter,
00:57:08quite unexpectedly,
00:57:10you have heard a reasonable,
00:57:12powerful sermon.
00:57:14You have heard the harsh truth,
00:57:16you have suffered.
00:57:18I am still laughing and surprised.
00:57:20But what did he say to you?
00:57:22And what am I laughing at?
00:57:24That the one who is putting
00:57:26such a magnifying glass on you
00:57:28is chosen today,
00:57:30the one who gave Zofia to me,
00:57:32he wanted to take me into the field.
00:57:34And maybe for this relationship
00:57:36you will still allow today?
00:57:38Oh, rather to death, my lord.
00:57:40What will he do to you?
00:57:42Everything, everything, I do not doubt,
00:57:44except for such insults.
00:57:46What insults?
00:57:48When I hear what you want me to do twice
00:57:50and to convince you how little it costs,
00:57:52here is the guardian's legal permission,
00:57:54I sit down and sign.
00:57:56This madman.
00:57:58Are you more offended?
00:58:02You have a cause and a reason,
00:58:04he was mocking you without measure.
00:58:06What, me?
00:58:08However, he compared you to some monster.
00:58:10I did not hear.
00:58:12It's madness, he throws himself at people.
00:58:14I did not hear.
00:58:16Someone's laughter will not arouse,
00:58:18you can not be angry.
00:58:20I will die, I will die.
00:58:22And when you are angry,
00:58:24you have to say the reason.
00:58:26Why are you laughing?
00:58:28Why am I not laughing?
00:58:30He bit you.
00:58:34He signed.
00:58:36Damn, I'm going crazy.
00:58:38You would rather lose everything
00:58:40than make the unfortunate
00:58:42do what you so bitterly
00:58:44dared to expose the truth.
00:58:46But you want me
00:58:48to oppose
00:58:50and agree with you.
00:58:52Yes, you would have
00:58:54your back to me,
00:58:56but none of this.
00:59:04Give it to me.
00:59:08I will sign
00:59:10for your anger.
00:59:12He signed.
00:59:22He signed.
00:59:24Are you crazy?
00:59:26What do I see?
00:59:28What do I hear?
00:59:30Do you allow it?
00:59:36You have the permission.
00:59:42He bit me.
00:59:46This is a worry for me.
00:59:50Do what you want.
00:59:54I'm leaving.
00:59:58And I will not play.
01:00:02Someone left perfectly.
01:00:08Someone gained in this case.
01:00:10Do what you want.
01:00:14I'm leaving.
01:00:18You have the permission.
01:00:20Do what you want.
01:00:22And I will leave.
01:00:24And I will not play.
01:00:32Someone left perfectly.
01:00:36Someone gained in this case.
01:00:40Take it, take it, do whatever you want.
01:00:45I'm fed up with this.
01:00:48I'm leaving.
01:00:49I'm not going to play with it.
01:01:10It's all coming true.
01:01:24Well, it's our...
01:01:30So let's celebrate.
01:01:32Both of us.
01:01:34To our future happiness.
01:01:57Bravo, excellent.
01:01:58Everyone who gets married
01:02:00has a moment of happiness.
01:02:05But when one year goes by,
01:02:08not every day of your marriage
01:02:12is called a day of happiness.
01:02:23You probably don't believe
01:02:25that the young lady
01:02:27will always be busy with her freedom.
01:02:29That you'll always find in your husband
01:02:31a tender lover,
01:02:33which is easily defined by romance
01:02:35or a country girl.
01:02:36You'll get to know her.
01:02:37But it's too late.
01:02:38What does it mean to have a master?
01:02:40And is it like a lover is a wife?
01:02:44A lover.
01:03:02And what about you?
01:03:05What are you so happy about?
01:03:07You're almost crazy
01:03:08that you'll get to this happiness
01:03:10and you'll have a wife.
01:03:11Tell me,
01:03:12what's going on with people?
01:03:14How often does a husband cry
01:03:16when his wife laughs?
01:03:18How rarely does a woman stay at home
01:03:21and how stupidly does she play
01:03:24when she has no money?
01:03:32Oh, believe me,
01:03:35you'll cry
01:03:37in your free moments of loss.
01:03:39Believe me,
01:03:40I can tell you.
01:03:41Because I have a wife, you do.
01:03:44Again, out of order.
01:03:46What's wrong with that?
01:03:49Go on, but...
01:03:51Do you want to argue?
01:03:54And you?
01:03:55I'm not saying anything at all.
01:03:57You say or you don't say.
01:03:59Is it always wrong?
01:04:02Is it?
01:04:05Because what do you think
01:04:06everyone will easily guess?
01:04:09That there will never be an end
01:04:12to this constant quarrel?
01:04:14It's eternal when it hurts.
01:04:17Now it's up to us
01:04:20to use the example of freedom
01:04:22to force them to be silent,
01:04:24to encourage them to agree.
01:04:26And if the quarrel
01:04:28will always be so dear to them...
01:04:38Let them quarrel.
01:04:41They can't prevent us from being happy.
01:07:08Isn't it better to be afraid of betrayal
01:07:10than to be afraid of silence?
01:07:13No, no.
01:07:15It has to come to an end.
01:07:18My acquaintance with him
01:07:20will be beneficial for you and for him.
01:07:24Who can judge her better than me?
01:07:28But how to convince Marka?
01:07:30How to exchange a joke for a joke?
01:07:34The funniness of a bitch.
01:07:36The funniness of a bitch
01:07:38will often lead you to a place
01:07:40where reason is easy.
01:07:42But Marka is suspicious.
01:07:44The funniness is over.
01:07:46So we have to use the same weapon.
01:07:49It's better not to betray.
01:07:51There is hesitation again,
01:07:53and here we need stability in my plan.
01:07:56I'll listen to you.
01:07:58How long?
01:07:59All day.
01:08:00Will you swear to me?
01:08:02I swear.
01:08:04Praise be to Marka!
01:08:13am I doing well?
01:08:15Sir, to hide.
01:08:17We are at home, alone.
01:08:21No one will know this.
01:08:23God forbid.
01:08:24No one from the house knows.
01:08:26And can't know.
01:08:27And my wife doesn't know me.
01:08:29Where are you in her head?
01:08:32I'm in her head.
01:08:33But if she doesn't find out,
01:08:34she won't know.
01:08:35That it's you in the uniform.
01:08:37Like Bartosz.
01:08:39You won't recognize this face.
01:08:41His eyes were shaking,
01:08:42he was laughing,
01:08:43he was defending us.
01:08:44And you,
01:08:45when he pushed him somewhere in the belly,
01:08:46he was bowing to us.
01:08:47A worthy officer.
01:08:50I know, I know, sir.
01:08:51The one who slept with us.
01:08:52His sentence has already enlightened me a lot.
01:08:54His wise advice laid the whole plan.
01:08:57I understand the advice.
01:08:58He saw that I was calm,
01:08:59like any husband,
01:09:00to whom the second year has already passed.
01:09:04And in the house,
01:09:05a young wife
01:09:07on a godly care.
01:09:08Like my Martha, right?
01:09:10And even if I fly like a bird,
01:09:11to fall out of the nest,
01:09:13it doesn't mean anything,
01:09:14because always some evil spirit will hear,
01:09:15will see.
01:09:16And if I go secretly to the neighbor,
01:09:19somewhere, somehow,
01:09:20always speaks in front of the wife.
01:09:22I was there once,
01:09:23and he announced his own death
01:09:26in letters.
01:09:28But he got hit in the head.
01:09:30Listening under the door.
01:09:32The door was broken.
01:09:34The dog barked.
01:09:35The wife didn't read,
01:09:36and so the whole mystery fell apart.
01:09:38Now, after this return,
01:09:39the concept did not stand.
01:09:41As if to carefully track
01:09:42what was going on at home,
01:09:44until a worthy man
01:09:46supports me with his advice.
01:09:47He gives his own passport.
01:09:52He puts on his uniform.
01:09:55That no one knows me in the city.
01:09:56No one knows me in the city.
01:09:57No one knows me at home.
01:09:59But, listen, Kasprzy,
01:10:02if you tell someone...
01:10:03Oh, whose face is stupid?
01:10:05Maybe only the wife.
01:10:07Who am I?
01:10:08Marek Zięba.
01:10:15Marek Rembosz.
01:10:17Jan, Jan, sir.
01:10:18So please remember.
01:10:21It will happen
01:10:22as your request says.
01:10:23I will show you.
01:10:24If someone torments you
01:10:25with a request,
01:10:26with a threat,
01:10:27with a fist,
01:10:28to make you tired,
01:10:29to order you,
01:10:30to even force you,
01:10:31you will not say
01:10:32who I am.
01:10:33I prefer to kill myself.
01:10:34I prefer to...
01:10:35In the end,
01:10:36without talking much,
01:10:37if you say that I am me,
01:10:38I will shoot you in the head.
01:10:40And me, me?
01:10:41What do you mean, me, me?
01:10:42What are you talking about?
01:10:43Talking, talking.
01:10:44Oh, right.
01:10:45Do you want to take a beating?
01:10:46I don't.
01:10:47What do you want?
01:10:48Me or me or not me?
01:10:50Bad idea.
01:10:52You will be an airman's servant.
01:10:54What's his name?
01:10:56Kasper too,
01:10:57like me.
01:10:58Maybe like a relative.
01:10:59Call yourself Kasper.
01:11:00I will even be sure that you are wrong.
01:11:01Well, because you are asking
01:11:02if I have lost my mind.
01:11:04As soon as I remember,
01:11:05I have already been Kasper.
01:11:07What am I supposed to call myself?
01:11:09Talk sensibly here,
01:11:10stupid, stupid.
01:11:11You are Kasper.
01:11:14at my place.
01:11:16But not
01:11:17that Kasper
01:11:19who calls himself Kasper.
01:11:21Well, I know, I know.
01:11:22Clever head,
01:11:23enough of words.
01:11:27now I have to
01:11:29change into Mr. Mark.
01:11:31Is this a regular outfit?
01:11:33Yes, it is.
01:11:34Oh, for my soul,
01:11:35if only I could see him.
01:11:36He will recognize himself.
01:11:38And if you want to
01:11:40put him in need,
01:11:41let him shout while talking.
01:11:43With a grunt,
01:11:44a growl,
01:11:45a howl,
01:11:46with his hands,
01:11:47he still speaks
01:11:48and never stops.
01:11:50I am Marek Dziemba today.
01:11:53And the lord of this house.
01:11:55And he is supposed to be
01:11:57the least known.
01:11:59To no one.
01:12:00She told me and I will repeat.
01:12:01But, sir,
01:12:02is my Kasper also coming back?
01:12:05My dear,
01:12:06I do not know.
01:12:07I have barely heard
01:12:08what a new record.
01:12:10When they met,
01:12:11two wise men
01:12:12put their heads together.
01:12:16when Mark suddenly
01:12:17changed his name,
01:12:18some Mr. Rembosz,
01:12:21the lord of the door,
01:12:23went out at night
01:12:24to stand here in the front.
01:12:27But wait.
01:12:29There was a servant.
01:12:34A blushed face,
01:12:35a little stupid.
01:12:36Oh, my husband,
01:12:38There was a loss.
01:12:40Already what is stupid,
01:12:41is stupid,
01:12:42but very honest.
01:12:43Oh, not stupid,
01:12:44bad man.
01:12:45This is a real fool.
01:12:49Is everything all right?
01:12:54Like Holofernes.
01:12:55What sight?
01:12:56Like a boar.
01:12:58Like a rattle.
01:12:59Even fear?
01:13:01Like your birth.
01:13:03Like a whip.
01:13:04Now my wife
01:13:05I will test exactly.
01:13:06But poor, poor.
01:13:09Mr. Martha.
01:13:12Sir, what are you talking about?
01:13:13This is my wife.
01:13:15I have to know.
01:13:17Or I'll hit you.
01:13:18You wanted to say
01:13:20that the airman Rembosch is here
01:13:23and he will come in a moment.
01:13:26Airman Rembosch?
01:13:31And this one?
01:13:37That's all?
01:13:41Are you laughing?
01:13:42I'm laughing.
01:13:43But from what?
01:13:44From you, maybe.
01:13:45When you don't believe I have a husband.
01:13:47And I bet
01:13:48that he fell into her eye.
01:13:50Mr. Airman,
01:13:52do you want to talk to my husband?
01:13:55Give me a break, please.
01:13:59With my husband?
01:14:07Please sit down.
01:14:16There is no husband in the house.
01:14:19I know.
01:14:21But soon there will be one.
01:14:23I can't stand it anymore.
01:14:26With your permission.
01:14:31I'm listening.
01:14:33My husband...
01:14:34Shut up.
01:14:35Probably, sir...
01:14:37For your laughter, you'll make me cry.
01:14:39Is he famous?
01:14:40Mr. Dziemba?
01:14:43Almost since childhood.
01:14:46That's why
01:14:48in his house
01:14:49I'll have some fun,
01:14:51if you
01:14:52allow me.
01:14:54Be yourself.
01:14:58I'll wait a few days.
01:15:01And a week if needed?
01:15:04I have
01:15:06an important matter in court.
01:15:10And I don't know anyone,
01:15:12so your teeth will help me a lot.
01:15:17Is he a good man?
01:15:21My husband?
01:15:24Is he bad, maybe?
01:15:26Oh, yes, yes.
01:15:27I'll repeat it a hundred times.
01:15:29Do you love him, ma'am?
01:15:31Do you live with him
01:15:36And I'm not surprised about this question.
01:15:38However, I don't need to hide it.
01:15:40That's how it is.
01:15:41My husband tries to make my life beautiful.
01:15:45He's too sure that in marriage
01:15:46love without trust
01:15:48is just a source of
01:15:52On the other hand, he believes
01:15:54in this constant principle
01:15:55that peace at home and happiness
01:15:56are both important.
01:15:59Because what could be more painful
01:16:01for a wife than to hear
01:16:02that her dignity,
01:16:03honor, unharmed goodness,
01:16:05patience even,
01:16:06which wins so much,
01:16:08is often only the work
01:16:09of the stupidest husband.
01:16:14So a wife has no right
01:16:15to her own dignity?
01:16:17If not for her husband,
01:16:18her work would be unworthy.
01:16:24It's easy to say
01:16:25whatever you want
01:16:26about this measure,
01:16:28but they say it's the guardian.
01:16:30God is the guardian.
01:16:32He can deceive
01:16:33whoever he wants to deceive.
01:16:35And usually
01:16:36he can't see
01:16:37who's watching everything.
01:16:38But he can still see me
01:16:39who's closing his eyes.
01:16:40Mr. Zięba avoids
01:16:41these two ends.
01:16:42So Mr. Zięba
01:16:43has common sense.
01:16:44And rare habits.
01:16:46He shares with me
01:16:47both joy and grudges.
01:16:49My husband
01:16:50will never give up.
01:16:51What are you talking about?
01:16:53Get out of here!
01:16:54And don't you dare
01:16:55come back here again!
01:16:58What a shame
01:16:59for a man from the house!
01:17:02Everything is turned upside down.
01:17:04No government, no order.
01:17:06Everyone in their own way.
01:17:08Wherever you look,
01:17:10the devil is lurking.
01:17:12He's lurking
01:17:13all over the house,
01:17:14I think.
01:17:16The watchman
01:17:17snores in the shade.
01:17:18The sun rubs him.
01:17:21The chisel
01:17:22chomps like a dog.
01:17:23The tablecloth
01:17:24walks like a dog.
01:17:26what is this?
01:17:27Sir, sir.
01:17:30What is this?
01:17:31Sir, sir.
01:17:32Is it God's punishment?
01:17:34No one will ever understand
01:17:35when I say it clearly.
01:17:37I told them
01:17:38to cut the garden
01:17:40where the baths were supposed to be.
01:17:42And they
01:17:43cut it to the right,
01:17:44to the left
01:17:45for comfort.
01:17:46So there are only
01:17:48fruits and nuts left.
01:17:52this is your woman.
01:17:53I know her quite well.
01:17:58What happened here?
01:17:59I felt something.
01:18:00Near the heart?
01:18:01Are you stupid?
01:18:02Don't laugh!
01:18:07I sold
01:18:09the vault behind the grave.
01:18:11It was half for free,
01:18:12but what could I do?
01:18:14Once the cursed debt
01:18:16calms down.
01:18:18Let's go and count everything.
01:18:20Maybe something will be cut.
01:18:24Did you hear?
01:18:25I heard.
01:18:26Did you see?
01:18:27I saw.
01:18:28So the vault is sold.
01:18:29And the nuts?
01:18:30I was silent.
01:18:32I could hear everything
01:18:33and I'm still standing here.
01:18:40And my wife?
01:18:49It's closed.
01:18:50Hey, Mr. Bridge!
01:18:54To the devil!
01:18:55Mr. Bridge!
01:18:57Can't you hear?
01:18:59Poor deaf.
01:19:01A knock on the door.
01:19:03What is he supposed to hear?
01:19:05Or my bad?
01:19:08To the devil!
01:19:15catch the thief.
01:19:17And what else
01:19:19we may find out.
01:19:22So what?
01:19:23But, please,
01:19:24oh my God,
01:19:25Mr. Bridge
01:19:26is like a cup in a cup.
01:19:28That's how he walks,
01:19:31and is ready to grumble.
01:19:33I kiss your feet.
01:19:36He was a servant, not a wife.
01:19:40You also welcomed me
01:19:42in this direction.
01:19:44I'm not lucky to be known
01:19:46for you, for you.
01:19:48My brother,
01:19:49who, but,
01:19:50who, how?
01:19:51I'll tell you in a moment.
01:19:53Mr. Rębosz,
01:19:54you can talk to me
01:19:55about him,
01:19:58And, yes,
01:20:02Ah, Jan.
01:20:05Not otherwise.
01:20:18His reverse.
01:20:21A little reverse.
01:20:25Are you crazy?
01:20:26A signature of his hand.
01:20:29In Poznań, my brother,
01:20:30you gave Mr. Grwaz's paw
01:20:32to the beggars.
01:20:35Three times.
01:20:36Three times? Me?
01:20:37Besides, it's clear and clear
01:20:39that you will pay,
01:20:41300 dukats.
01:20:43Me? Me?
01:20:44Yes, you.
01:20:48I already know.
01:20:51It's not my debt.
01:20:53Listen, Mr., Mr., Mr.
01:20:55Paw, please.
01:20:57Mr. Paw,
01:20:58having 300 dukats
01:21:00is nice,
01:21:01so you are an honest man,
01:21:05I'll give you...
01:21:06Is it only important?
01:21:08The most important in the world.
01:21:10I'll give you a proof of trust.
01:21:13I'll tell you in secret.
01:21:16I'm not Rembosz.
01:21:22On purpose,
01:21:23I changed my name.
01:21:24And the speed of speech
01:21:26makes you change gears.
01:21:28Psst, psst,
01:21:29be quiet, talk.
01:21:30I made you an animal.
01:21:31Don't investigate the reasons.
01:21:32And move now,
01:21:33because you can interfere.
01:21:35You don't have to come anymore.
01:21:36Not Rembosz?
01:21:37Be quiet, be quiet.
01:21:39I am...
01:21:40Not a word.
01:21:41Not a murmur.
01:21:42They hear us.
01:21:43They want us.
01:21:44If you want, write to Lwowal.
01:21:46Rotmist will pay you
01:21:48when he receives the letter.
01:21:51And now,
01:21:52go and announce
01:21:53that you saw Rembosz.
01:21:57What are you laughing at?
01:22:01What's so funny about you?
01:22:03You're laughing at the concept
01:22:05of your master and me.
01:22:08Do you love me, Mr. Paw,
01:22:10or do I not have a head?
01:22:12To be honest,
01:22:13I don't sleep from this twisted speech.
01:22:15I'm following him step by step
01:22:17from Poznań.
01:22:19I wasn't in Poznań.
01:22:20Enough of this talk.
01:22:22When did I say I was going to?
01:22:24That's what you're asking about.
01:22:26Here's the reverend from Wacław.
01:22:27He'll pay in a moment.
01:22:28I won't pay.
01:22:29He will.
01:22:30Go to hell.
01:22:32Go away.
01:22:34Go away.
01:22:35Go away.
01:22:36I'll go as a bird.
01:22:37Go, go,
01:22:38while you're still alive.
01:22:39I'm telling you again,
01:22:40find Rembosz.
01:22:41Find Ziembasz.
01:22:42Ziembasz or Szczygieł,
01:22:43you're a bird in my cage.
01:22:46I saw your passport
01:22:48on the counter.
01:22:50It's empty,
01:22:51so go away.
01:22:53Don't waste time.
01:22:54Enough of this.
01:22:55I'll pay in a moment.
01:22:57throw him off the stairs.
01:22:58I have a decrypt in my pocket.
01:22:59Throw him.
01:23:01Your goat will pay.
01:23:03Devil, not paw.
01:23:05And I think he's dead.
01:23:06I wanted to wrap him,
01:23:08and he wrapped me.
01:23:12I also have to examine her.
01:23:19do you love your husband?
01:23:21Why should I talk
01:23:23about the past?
01:23:25The past?
01:23:27Isn't it the present?
01:23:30How should it be
01:23:31when my husband
01:23:32has parted with this world?
01:23:39He's dead.
01:23:41He's dead.
01:23:42Hey, Fefe,
01:23:43what are you talking about?
01:23:44My heart is beating.
01:23:46Someone lied.
01:23:47But he lied,
01:23:48as it should be.
01:23:49Oh, no.
01:23:50He didn't lie.
01:23:51Oh, no.
01:23:52She believes him.
01:23:53And he suffered so much.
01:23:55Not for his own fault.
01:23:57So he died?
01:23:58He died.
01:24:01Oh, fear, I'll die.
01:24:02Oh, Kolka,
01:24:03oh, oh, rape.
01:24:04I was there,
01:24:05I saw it.
01:24:06What did you see?
01:24:07They hanged him.
01:24:09Oh, oh, Fefe,
01:24:10bad jokes.
01:24:12bad jokes.
01:24:13You don't have to joke about it.
01:24:15In the eyes of his wife,
01:24:16the poor man's life was over.
01:24:18Be healthy, wife,
01:24:20he said.
01:24:21Be healthy,
01:24:22I said.
01:24:23Then they put him
01:24:24in the ground,
01:24:26deep down.
01:24:30Poor man.
01:24:36Don't cry, dear.
01:24:41You're crying,
01:24:43because your husband
01:24:44will one day
01:24:45rise from the dead.
01:24:46What kind of a soul was that?
01:24:49I know,
01:24:50there aren't many like that.
01:24:51He never wanted to be a wise man.
01:24:52You did well.
01:24:53I feel sorry for him.
01:24:55God will reward you for that.
01:24:58Your terrible,
01:25:01horrible regret
01:25:03that you were
01:25:05and still are
01:25:06a good white-haired woman.
01:25:10So listen to me,
01:25:12Caspar Dzbankiewicz,
01:25:14the widow.
01:25:16I will marry you.
01:25:21You can't.
01:25:24Because he has already
01:25:25given his heart and hand
01:25:26to someone else.
01:25:27To whom?
01:25:29Brat Błażej Mielnik.
01:25:32For the rest of my life
01:25:33my husband will be waiting for me.
01:25:35And you love him?
01:25:36I do.
01:25:37You loved him?
01:25:38I did.
01:25:39So you seduced Caspar?
01:25:41And what was I supposed to do?
01:25:42Marry him!
01:25:43But forgive me, sir,
01:25:44I have to go.
01:25:48I'll tear you apart!
01:25:49I'll strangle you!
01:25:56Are you there?
01:26:00Ask him to come to me.
01:26:03Don't shout!
01:26:04I don't have time.
01:26:09I'm going!
01:26:10I'm going!
01:26:11So what?
01:26:12Why are you angry?
01:26:13It's another trap
01:26:14for these guys.
01:26:26Jan Rembus,
01:26:27thirty years old,
01:26:29manly and tall,
01:26:35with a scruffy nose.
01:26:40Sometimes one-eyed,
01:26:43if he needs it.
01:26:46He often wears our regiment's uniform.
01:26:50the colonel asks you...
01:26:59It's not him.
01:27:01What does it mean?
01:27:02A different person?
01:27:05I'm sorry, my friend,
01:27:06I made a mistake.
01:27:08I'm Major Slawnicki.
01:27:10I live in this regiment
01:27:12and although I served,
01:27:14I've always been a soldier.
01:27:16After all...
01:27:18After all,
01:27:19I'm a soldier.
01:27:21I'm a soldier.
01:27:22I'm a soldier.
01:27:23I'm a soldier.
01:27:24I'm a soldier.
01:27:25I'm a soldier.
01:27:26I'm a soldier.
01:27:27I'm a soldier.
01:27:30I received a description
01:27:31of a schuller
01:27:32who wears our regiment's uniform.
01:27:34A regiment where I once served
01:27:36and whose glory
01:27:38has not been lost
01:27:39by my care so far.
01:27:41So today,
01:27:42when I saw him
01:27:43coming in here
01:27:44in the morning,
01:27:48I said,
01:27:49maybe it's a coincidence.
01:27:50He rewarded me quickly
01:27:52and it's true,
01:27:53he's in my hands.
01:27:56I go and ask
01:27:57and everyone tells me
01:27:58that actually
01:27:59Rębosz of Hultaj
01:28:01is coming.
01:28:03Rębosz Jan is my lord.
01:28:04That's what he's called.
01:28:06we're coming from Poznań.
01:28:08I think you've stoned.
01:28:09I think you've banged twice.
01:28:11Because I've exchanged?
01:28:12Hush, Kasprz,
01:28:13damn you.
01:28:14But what am I doing?
01:28:15Go, Kasper,
01:28:16my Kasprz.
01:28:17Please go
01:28:18or I'll break your teeth.
01:28:19I'm going.
01:28:20I'm going.
01:28:21I'm going.
01:28:26it's not like that.
01:28:28I've got
01:28:29a new trouble.
01:28:30Lord Mos,
01:28:31to the point,
01:28:32who are you?
01:28:35Not Rębosz.
01:28:37one contradicts,
01:28:38the other has a name.
01:28:41what's your name?
01:28:42It's none of his business.
01:28:43But you'll say
01:28:44you're an officer.
01:28:45Are you?
01:28:47I'm not in Rębosz.
01:28:48But you're wearing a uniform,
01:28:52I'll fold it tomorrow.
01:28:53Do you know
01:28:54he's pulling the ball?
01:28:55From whom?
01:28:56From me.
01:28:59Be well.
01:29:00I'm calling you.
01:29:01You're calling for Rębosz.
01:29:03Won't you come out?
01:29:04Oh, I won't.
01:29:05I'll force you if necessary.
01:29:07For honor.
01:29:09I'll lock myself in,
01:29:10so you won't find me at home.
01:29:11You won't knock on your own door.
01:29:12But I'll wait at the door.
01:29:13You won't hide anywhere.
01:29:14I'll chase you everywhere.
01:29:16Chase yourself everywhere.
01:29:18Marek Zięba is not stupid.
01:29:19He won't shoot himself.
01:29:25Some kid?
01:29:39What's up, Major?
01:29:40Oh, Czesław,
01:29:41what are you doing here
01:29:43in such a dress?
01:29:46I play a comedian.
01:29:48And you're with us, too.
01:29:50What do you mean?
01:29:51I'll explain everything in a few words.
01:29:53But not now.
01:29:54You have to leave
01:29:56right now.
01:29:58But what if he steals?
01:30:01I'll bring him to you myself today.
01:30:04Be calm.
01:30:05Trust me on this.
01:30:09You'll laugh with me.
01:30:14See you.
01:30:15See you soon.
01:30:22Great events!
01:30:25Major and Łapka came
01:30:27as if they knew the language.
01:30:28But they followed Łapka.
01:30:30Oh, he won't fall asleep.
01:30:32He'll be here soon.
01:30:34Let's stop this joke.
01:30:37He has to play.
01:30:39Who gave him the cards already?
01:30:43He's not here anymore?
01:30:47He did everything wrong
01:30:49with the names.
01:30:52I had to agree.
01:30:54The devil's doing it.
01:30:55He called me.
01:30:56He can kill me.
01:30:57No one will tell him anything.
01:30:58He called me.
01:30:59He can shoot me.
01:31:00The devil is not sleeping.
01:31:01Who knows where to throw him out of the fence?
01:31:04Oh, damn it.
01:31:05One hundred thousand.
01:31:06I'd like to set the house on fire.
01:31:08Burn the house.
01:31:09Burn myself.
01:31:10Burn everything around.
01:31:16And my wife.
01:31:18Where is she?
01:31:22And that thief.
01:31:24Oh, a copper forehead.
01:31:27What is he doing?
01:31:29It's easy to guess.
01:31:31He's pretending to decorate my house.
01:31:35Enough of this!
01:31:37Go on!
01:31:39But I've already endured so much.
01:31:44I'll be patient.
01:31:46And I'll wait a while.
01:31:48Oh, fefe.
01:31:50Oh, that's ugly.
01:31:52It smells like belgium.
01:31:54What's that?
01:31:55Bartosz took a stick.
01:31:56And fiu-fiu.
01:31:57Like a fly.
01:31:58He hit me here.
01:31:59In the back.
01:32:00One time.
01:32:01Three times.
01:32:02The second time I didn't take it off.
01:32:04And he hit me again.
01:32:05One time.
01:32:06Three times.
01:32:07The second time I didn't take it off.
01:32:09I'm warning you.
01:32:10Clearly and clearly.
01:32:13I'll tell him.
01:32:14If he hits me again.
01:32:16What did he hit you for?
01:32:18A beautiful slap.
01:32:20For the fact that my wife has a lover.
01:32:22And she even had one for my life.
01:32:25So I couldn't bear this discovery with cold blood.
01:32:28I wanted to scare my Mrs. Marta a little.
01:32:30But this Bartosz and Scott.
01:32:32Because they're devils.
01:32:33They're worth nothing.
01:32:34Why do you keep it?
01:32:36A knife to me.
01:32:37Nobody has the right to it here.
01:32:39I lived with Kaspr, Neboszczyk,
01:32:41like a brother with a brother.
01:32:43So who's a widow to a whore
01:32:45can get a slap.
01:32:48And a slap.
01:32:50So it turns out
01:32:51that he hit me alive.
01:32:52For me, Neboszczyk.
01:32:55Are you crazy?
01:32:59He's going to sing.
01:33:00Like he doesn't care.
01:33:08In the door.
01:33:12Hit hard.
01:33:14Doesn't care.
01:33:16Hit hard.
01:33:18Even if they open the door.
01:33:24Who's there?
01:33:27Who's there?
01:33:40They're whispering.
01:33:42They're whispering.
01:33:47What's going on there?
01:33:51What's going on there?
01:33:58I'll hit you harder.
01:34:01I'll hit you harder.
01:34:06Let me catch you.
01:34:07Mr. Rotmistrz Rembosz is asking.
01:34:10Mr. Rotmistrz Rembosz is asking.
01:34:12I'm coming.
01:34:13He's coming.
01:34:14How do you get out?
01:34:18Forgive me, Mr. Rotmistrz,
01:34:20my confusion.
01:34:25I welcome you from the bottom of my heart.
01:34:28But I was worried.
01:34:29I didn't see you at first,
01:34:31thinking about my loss.
01:34:34Who are you?
01:34:38Well, you don't know each other.
01:34:40You said you've known each other since you were little.
01:34:44His me?
01:34:46We were in school.
01:34:48In Warsaw.
01:34:51With you?
01:34:53That's me.
01:34:54My dear...
01:34:55my dear...
01:34:56my dear...
01:34:57my dear...
01:34:58but you're a bit tanned, Jasiu.
01:35:02If I had known you,
01:35:04that look,
01:35:05that nose,
01:35:06that beard,
01:35:07that whistle,
01:35:08that ball in the ball.
01:35:09It's a waste of time, listen.
01:35:11Do you remember, Jasiu,
01:35:12our various...
01:35:15It was a great honor with you.
01:35:18How lovely!
01:35:19Silence, you bunch of fools!
01:35:21I've been suffering for a long time.
01:35:22Who is this?
01:35:24My husband.
01:35:41A second one?
01:35:43I had one and I still have one.
01:35:46You've got one now.
01:35:49Have you never seen the world with your own eyes?
01:35:51No, I haven't either.
01:35:55You, you?
01:35:56Me, me.
01:36:01I'm Gwachtu.
01:36:05take Hultaj,
01:36:07take him away,
01:36:08kill him.
01:36:09In a moment.
01:36:15Franciszek Zemba.
01:36:18It's me.
01:36:20God sees.
01:36:21And who am I?
01:36:24We did it!
01:36:27There will be fear and shame in a moment.
01:36:31cut the moustache.
01:36:35Spiced moustache.
01:36:39Can't you see anything else?
01:36:42Can't you see me, husband?
01:36:44Are you kidding?
01:36:45This is my husband.
01:36:49What do you mean?
01:36:50You don't know me, Clara.
01:36:51I see you for the first time in my life.
01:36:52Oh, terrible unbelief.
01:36:53Here I am.
01:36:56It's a decree.
01:36:57There's a guard.
01:36:59Please come with me.
01:37:00I'm Zemba,
01:37:01not Rembosz.
01:37:02You're always with the person
01:37:03who took the money
01:37:04and has to pay.
01:37:05You go.
01:37:06This hand in front of you
01:37:07will choke you like a snake.
01:37:12Don't be stupid.
01:37:13Someone explain to me
01:37:14what happened here at home.
01:37:17What does it all mean?
01:37:20stop pretending.
01:37:22What's the point?
01:37:23Tell them
01:37:24who I am.
01:37:25Send this Jew away.
01:37:26Enough of this.
01:37:27I'm sorry.
01:37:28I'm sorry.
01:37:31Let's end the conversation
01:37:32where I drag myself
01:37:33as well as my husband.
01:37:36What's going on with me?
01:37:38Am I dreaming
01:37:39or am I sensing
01:37:40who's going crazy here?
01:37:41Clara, wife,
01:37:42come to your senses.
01:37:45Who's in this person?
01:37:46It's me.
01:37:48Marek, your husband.
01:37:49Remind me.
01:37:50Don't you remember?
01:37:51In Lublin.
01:37:53On the day of St. Justyna
01:37:54you met me at the ball.
01:37:56I was wearing a fraczek.
01:37:58A gray one.
01:38:00I fell into a dance with you.
01:38:01I kneeled down to you.
01:38:03Then I told you
01:38:04that you were lovely.
01:38:05And then...
01:38:06Don't you remember?
01:38:07In Łęczny.
01:38:08At the fair.
01:38:10You said to me
01:38:11for the first time
01:38:12I love you, dear Marek.
01:38:13And then
01:38:14when the announcement
01:38:15came out three times
01:38:16at Father Kapucyn's.
01:38:17Father Anastasys
01:38:18brought us together
01:38:19in Lublin
01:38:20on the 5th of April.
01:38:22And then
01:38:23you don't remember.
01:38:25It was a summer night.
01:38:26I don't remember.
01:38:28And I don't know.
01:38:38Hey, strangers!
01:38:41You don't know.
01:38:44But you'll meet me
01:38:46when the others meet.
01:38:48My children!
01:38:50Say it together
01:38:53and clearly.
01:38:55Who am I?
01:39:05You don't know me?
01:39:08May lightning strike you.
01:39:12You, Marta!
01:39:13The wife of Caspar
01:39:15whom I always liked
01:39:16whom I didn't want to give anything
01:39:17when your husband got married
01:39:18whom he kicked out once
01:39:20seduced by gossip.
01:39:21You don't know me?
01:39:23Say it.
01:39:26You don't know?
01:39:31A little bit.
01:39:33You, Filip.
01:39:36Whom I rarely punish.
01:39:39Whom Talar
01:39:40stabbed for punishment.
01:39:44I don't want to keep.
01:39:46Whom you don't care about.
01:39:48You don't know me?
01:39:50Say it.
01:39:52You don't know?
01:39:56A little bit.
01:40:02You don't know me?
01:40:05No one knows me at home?
01:40:07Oh, a moment of blindness
01:40:08misfortune and shame.
01:40:25You know me?
01:40:29What is it?
01:40:30Oh, God!
01:40:34I'm counting on you.
01:40:35Zemba can't be disappointed.
01:40:37Listen, listen to me, sir.
01:40:38I'll release you from the word.
01:40:39Forget what a damned deal it was.
01:40:41Say here
01:40:43some Caspar
01:40:44for your good health
01:40:46and tell me
01:40:47who I am.
01:40:51What is your name, sir?
01:41:00Jan Rembos,
01:41:01the mayor of Poznań.
01:41:02Jan Rembos,
01:41:03the mayor of Poznań.
01:41:15Oh, murderer,
01:41:16what a murderer.
01:41:18But stop,
01:41:19don't talk,
01:41:20be quiet, be quiet.
01:41:23Enough of this.
01:41:26She didn't like Gęba.
01:41:33My husband.
01:41:38Am I a husband?
01:41:45Am I Zembo?
01:41:47You are.
01:41:49What do you mean?
01:41:51You're Zembo.
01:41:53I'm Zembo.
01:41:55I'm Zembo.
01:41:57I'm Zembo.
01:41:59I'm Zembo.
01:42:00I'm Zembo.
01:42:02What will you be?
01:42:06A brother-in-law of my master.
01:42:08A brother-in-law?
01:42:09It's all right now.
01:42:11It's all done.
01:42:13And Volvark?
01:42:14Not sold.
01:42:15And Sat?
01:42:16Not cut.
01:42:17And Major?
01:42:18He didn't do anything.
01:42:20And the cursed paw?
01:42:21He's already gone.
01:42:25That's good.
01:42:27I would have persuaded Klara
01:42:29to punish you for this suspicion.
01:42:35Now it's my turn.
01:42:38how will it be?
01:42:41could you believe
01:42:42that you are still wrong,
01:42:44that you should change,
01:42:45that you want to have a wise head?
01:42:47God forbid.
01:42:49So you know.
01:42:50I know, I know.
01:42:51Have you fulfilled?
01:42:52The contract.
01:42:56Will you forgive me, then,
01:42:58that I could have tormented you?
01:42:59I forgive you from the bottom of my heart.
01:43:00And I can assure you
01:43:01that this little lesson
01:43:02will not fail me.
01:43:06has ceased
01:43:07to rule me
01:43:10And very justly.
01:43:14Believe me, my friend,
01:43:17this sleepless fury
01:43:19has no purpose.
01:43:22It will not improve the good.
01:43:24The bad will make life worse.
01:43:27Whoever is a spy openly
01:43:30will be a thief in secret.
01:43:32And thousands of examples
01:43:34teach us in our lifetime
01:43:37that suspicion
01:43:40is the mother
01:43:41of all
01:43:54Thank you.
01:44:24Thank you.
01:44:55Three times, Fredro,
01:44:56today, live,
01:44:57in Teatr Telewizji
01:44:58in Warsaw,
01:44:59once again,
01:45:00big applause,
01:45:01in Katowice
01:45:02and, of course,
01:45:03also in Kraków.
01:45:04This is also a special occasion,
01:45:0560 years of Teatr Telewizji,
01:45:06to thank all those
01:45:08who, for 60 years,
01:45:09created wonderful
01:45:10and unforgettable performances.
01:45:12For them,
01:45:13once again,
01:45:14big and huge applause
01:45:15for all those
01:45:16who, for 60 years,
01:45:18created Teatr Telewizji.
01:45:25Today's performances,
01:45:26once again,
01:45:27were created
01:45:28especially for this occasion,
01:45:29for the 60th anniversary
01:45:30of Teatr Telewizji
01:45:31by the National Institute
01:45:32of Audiovisual
01:45:33and Polish Television.
01:45:34But this evening
01:45:35with Teatr Telewizji
01:45:36is not over yet.
01:45:37To meet the creators
01:45:38of the performance
01:45:39Three times, Fredro,
01:45:40I invite you
01:45:41to TVP Kultura
01:45:42in a moment.
01:45:43Thank you.
01:45:44Good night.
01:45:54© PTA-POLITIK
01:46:24© PTA-POLITIK
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