Die Dramaserie Pachinko - Ein einfaches Leben aus dem Hause Apple ist eine Adaption des gleichnamigen Erfolgsromans von Min Jin Lee. Das Epos umschreibt die Geschichten von vier Generationen einer koreanischen Einwandererfamilie.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/pachinko
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/pachinko
00:03You go, I love you, man, and I never not I think it's men took it that's up there
00:09He says honey
00:11Tomorrow, I'm gonna go to Boracay
00:22The world
01:01So you must be really desperate with only three months left in my bank account you could say you're looking at someone with nothing to lose
01:13Marley Klaus, it's a boy. It's not a moxie. But there's some of you know, right?
01:19June the whole homie to get away
01:22Jibun no Tachiba, what's that I need?
01:25Honey, I thought they were you kids get out of my shit
01:49There we need up a lot of money to get it in G. You got one last one