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00:00This is what you are going to hear when you watch the movies of Harry Potter and science fiction.
00:06This poor bear, like I said, has a mole on the side of his eye.
00:11He came to this house near the forest and he pressed on that woman, like I said,
00:16like I said, he asked her to heal his hand and she did.
00:18He asked her who healed her hand and she did.
00:19Or daily he comes to her, like I said.
00:21Daily he knocks on her door, he looks at her and he leaves.
00:24Daily he comes like I said, like I said, like a guard of her.
00:29I mean, daily this bear, after he heals her hand, he doesn't forget the good deed she did to him.
00:34Imagine with me, this is a beast, brothers.
00:36This is a beast.
00:37If you want to bring him and sit with him in the house, he doesn't want to.
00:41He comes to clean him, he cleans him, he gives him food, he gives him everything,
00:45the care.
00:46Or, like I said, he lives with her and he lives with her mother in that house.
00:51He lives in her house.
00:53He brought his whole family, he brought them to her mother and they live with her, brothers.
00:57I mean, imagine with me, this is a good deed she did to this American woman.
01:02See how she returned to her, well.
01:04You don't know, the bear that he is, he is not an animal,
01:08he is a beast, like you don't know him, he is a friend.
01:12But see how she treated this lady with that wound.
