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00:00What you are about to see is not magic or a jinn that enters the village, this is the red carpet.
00:07There are many people who don't know what the red carpet is.
00:10The red carpet is taken out of the old equipment or tools that are stored in it.
00:17This is called the red carpet.
00:19It is in some machines.
00:21I mean, the presence or the smell on it is difficult.
00:25Look, the red carpet had water in it.
00:28The red carpet had water in it.
00:30The color of the water will change.
00:32This is the red carpet.
00:34The color of the water will change.
00:36The red carpet is not magic or anything like that.
00:39This is the red carpet.
00:41When something is placed in front of it, the color of the water changes.
00:45Look, the red carpet will change.
00:48Look what will happen to the red carpet.
00:50Write in the comments what will happen to the red carpet.
00:53This is what I see in the mysterious videos and the wonders of the red carpet.
00:58I tell you, brothers, imagine what will happen to it.
01:02Someone will tell you that something has a smell.
01:04I tell you that it will shake, brothers.
01:07It will shake.
01:08Do you know what shaking is?
01:10Someone will tell you that something has a smell.
