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00:00🎵 🎵 🎵
00:10🎵 Ja! 🎵
00:11🎵 Sag, warum ist dein Gesicht viel runder? 🎵
00:14🎵 Das vom guten Mond! 🎵
00:17🎵 Jeder kann es sehen, dein Kopf ist wie ein Hunder! 🎵
00:19🎵 Dem Ugel runde Aktion! 🎵
00:22🎵 Ja, du hast ein Mondgesicht! 🎵
00:27🎵 Mondgesicht, sei dir bloß nicht das Gleichgewicht! 🎵
00:31🎵 Mondgesicht! Mondgesicht! Mondgesicht! 🎵
00:35🎵 Ja! 🎵
00:37🎵 Fußballspieler verleihen dich! 🎵
00:39🎵 Weil du aus dem Spielfeld jeden Tropfball ziehst! 🎵
00:42🎵 Rennst du mal gegen einen Falken aus Getankt? 🎵
00:45🎵 Plötzlich dein Kopf hat wie ein Luftballon! 🎵
00:48🎵 Du packst auch mir auf eine Fotografie! 🎵
00:51🎵 Dein Kopf ist ein Wunder der Biologie! 🎵
00:53🎵 Die größte Rübe der Galaxie! 🎵
00:56🎵 Eine wie deine hat keiner! 🎵
00:58🎵 So eine, so eine wie deine sah man hier noch nie! 🎵
01:13🎵 Ja, du hast ein Mondgesicht! 🎵
01:17🎵 Mondgesicht, sei dir bloß nicht das Gleichgewicht! 🎵
01:22🎵 Mondgesicht! Mondgesicht! Mondgesicht! 🎵
01:26🎵 Ja! 🎵
01:28🎵 Aus großer Entfernung erkennt man dich! 🎵
01:30🎵 Den Großen man verstecken, aber nicht so ein Gesicht! 🎵
01:33🎵 Das ist etwas, was man wirklich selten sieht! 🎵
01:36🎵 Dein Kopf ist ein Wunder der Anatomie! 🎵
01:39🎵 Die größte Rübe der Galaxie! 🎵
01:42🎵 So eine wie deine hat keiner! 🎵
01:44🎵 So eine, so eine wie deine sah man hier noch nie! 🎵
01:49Die Reise zu den Dinosauriern
02:19Dinosaurier hernehmen
02:20Wenn die in der Schule keinen Scheiß erzählen, sind die vor ein paar Millionen Jahren ausgestorben
02:24Weiß ich, weiß ich, ist mir alles bekannt
02:27Aber ich kann euch trotzdem einzeigen
02:28Wollt ihr jetzt oder nicht?
02:30Wie denn?
02:31Wir schlittern rückwärts durch die Zeit ins Eolitikum
02:34Mit dem Timeslipper ist das ganz leicht
02:41Weißt du, Doktor, du bist echt ein Genie!
02:45Was ist 2 plus 2?
02:48Was ist 5 plus 3?
02:50Eight, right?
02:51Oh man, der Doc hat's drauf!
02:53Er antwortet sogar auf Englisch!
02:56Ich bin kein normales Genie, sondern ein super Genie!
02:59Und wie viel ist 43 plus 18?
03:04Zweistellige Zahlen sind unfair
03:08Also, ich erklär euch mal, wie's geht
03:10Der Timeslipper besteht aus dem Timeline und der Schlitterplatte
03:13Man schaltet ihn ein und wählt einfach das Zeitalter, in das man reisen will
03:17Das Zeitalter der Dinosaurier war vor etwa 19, wenn nicht gar vor 100 Millionen Jahren
03:24Man drückt danach auf diesen Knopf hier oben
03:26stellt das Timeline auf die Schlitterplatte und steckt den Stecker rein
03:32Guten Tag und willkommen an Bord, meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren
03:35Ich heiße Timeline und werde Sie auf der Stelle in das Zeitalter bringen,
03:38das Sie da eben auf meiner Wählscheibe eingestellt haben
03:41Oh ja!
03:43Diese Lutscher hier sind Bordmenü und Wegzehrung, Leute
03:45Haut rein!
03:49Hey, das mit dem Reinhauen war irgendwie anders gemeint
03:52Sag mal ehrlich, dieses Teil ist doch nur ein sprechender Reisewecker, oder wie?
03:56Quatsch, das ist eine astreine Zeitmaschine
03:58Und wie kannst du dir da so sicher sein?
04:00Bist du mit dem Ding vielleicht schon mal losgedüst, um die Dinosaurier zu besuchen?
04:03Nein, wir fliegen jetzt hin, dann werden wir ja sehen
04:06Heißt das, du hast diese Maschine selber nie benutzt und brauchst uns als Versuchskaninchen?
04:10Äh, ja. Habt ihr ein Problem damit?
04:14Oh je, oh je, da fällt mir ein, dass ich heute ein ganz wichtiges Baseballspiel habe
04:18Und ich muss meiner Großmutter Wein und Kuchen bringen
04:21Ach, ihr habt nur Schiss, weiter nichts
04:25Aber, aber, ich sehe, euer Vertrauen zu mir ist nicht grenzenlos
04:28Bevor ich diese Masterfrage beantworte, würde ich bitte lieber noch jemanden anrufen
04:32Okay, genug geplaudert, ich kann's kaum noch erwarten, kommt endlich, es geht los
04:53Das ging los, oder?
04:57Was? Schon da? Glaube ich nicht, wir waren doch keine drei Sekunden in der Luft
05:01Apropos Luft, könnte mal einer ein Fenster aufmachen?
05:03Oder sich die Schuhe wieder anziehen
05:05Nichts Zeitreise, wir sind im Elefantenhaus gelandet
05:08I'm sure everything is as it's supposed to be.
05:14No doubt, this is some kind of mucus.
05:32What's going on? I'm going in a different direction.
05:36Of course!
05:38Why are we all going in the same direction?
05:40So we don't feel so lonely.
06:00Can someone tell me why he's following me?
06:06Great, we're saved!
06:08Did you see that? A Tyrannosaurus.
06:10That was one of the strongest and meanest dinosaurs there ever was.
06:13If he really is so mean, then Senbei has a real problem right now.
06:16Man, I'm so glad I'm not in his skin right now.
06:19Me too!
06:20Do you have any idea what we should do now?
06:22Yes, a memory photo with me and the flying Tyrannosaurus in the background.
06:53Now he's completely poor, Senbei. I'm so sorry.
06:56I'm just as sorry. What if Senbei tastes the way he does,
06:59or if he's still hungry after all this time?
07:07Man, it's so high up here.
07:10No, it's not high.
07:16Tell me, darling, could you maybe give him a little push?
07:22And go!
07:34Well, I think he's said goodbye now.
07:39Yes, really, I'm saved!
07:42And no more damage or anything?
07:44Come on, let's go back in time
07:46and let another doctor see if you've turned into Plemplem.
07:49What? Back already?
07:50Don't worry, Piece. We won't force anyone to his fate.
07:53You can stay here if you want.
07:55All right, I've seen enough anyway.
07:57I think we can slowly go back in time.
08:00Hey! Oh no, you know what?
08:02The timeline is still deep in the Saurian swamp.
08:11Oh no, there are so many Saurian species.
08:16Hey, are you okay? Do you know who that was?
08:19A Tyrannodon, I think.
08:20Oh, cool!
08:22And what's the striped one's name?
08:24Clara Fall von Zebradon.
08:26And this one?
08:27Das Kaffeedon.
08:28And this one?
08:30Loch Nessdon, Sushi Don, Donkosak.
08:34Hey, this isn't the right time for Saurian research.
08:37We have to find the Tyranno,
08:38or we'll be stuck here until Tenno's birthday
08:40and the cherry blossoms will fall on one day.
08:42I told you, all the time.
08:43I mean, I wanted to say that all the time.
08:45Hey, look, there he is!
09:05Listen, Taro, go and get him.
09:07What? Why should I go?
09:09Because you're by far the fastest of us.
09:11No, that's not true.
09:12Aralee is a bit faster.
09:14But if you push him, he might break something
09:16and the timeline is messed up.
09:17Oh yeah, I'm going, I'm running.
09:19Oh no, dammit, I think you're right.
09:21No, stop, let's knock.
09:26Oh, crap, now it's my turn.
09:28And give it a bit of effort.
09:30Anyway, good luck, Taro.
09:31Good luck, Taro.
09:48Just a little bit more.
09:53Don't make a sound.
09:59That's impossible.
10:00My hand, my hand!
10:03Oh, my hand is still on it.
10:08Oh, I see.
10:09When Aralee pushed the tyrannosaurus,
10:11he lost a tooth.
10:13I was so lucky.
10:17I'd like to stop right there.
10:19Thanks for the tip.
10:20My leg is paralyzed.
10:21Stop fooling around, you idiot.
10:23Better get up.
10:24This is not the right time for a nap.
10:28Well, gentlemen,
10:29did you like the age of dinosaurism?
10:32Yes, it was all wonderful.
10:34Yes, really.
10:35But we don't have time to talk.
10:37We have to go back to the present.
10:39Don't you want to make us useful?
10:41Find the radar or something like that.
10:43No way, we want to get out of here.
10:46Oh, what an impatient person.
10:49Oh, shame.
10:58Is it so bad that we lost the sledge?
11:00Yes, that means we can't go back.
11:02Oh, man, that sucks.
11:06Come on, Aralee, run and get the timeline.
11:21Hey, should I give you a kick in the ass?
11:25Aralee, leave it.
11:26That's not important now.
11:27Come here.
11:31So you'll give me that
11:32if I don't give you a kick in the ass?
11:35Sounds fair.
11:36See you then.
11:40Here, mission accomplished.
11:41Very good.
11:42Take it.
11:43Look, a present.
11:44And what is it?
11:46Doesn't matter.
11:47Come on, let's get out of here.
11:48Well, friends,
11:49all we need now is something smooth
11:51with which we can replace the sledge.
11:53Is there anything smooth around here?
12:01Here, I've found something that's smooth enough.
12:04In my opinion,
12:05then you all just have to hold on to me.
12:07Of course.
12:10It's time to take off.
12:12There's the next Sour Bandit.
12:13Timeline, did you hear? Let's go.
12:15Yes, let's go.
12:16Time slip.
12:29Is this...
12:30Yes, my house!
12:34Cool, we're safe.
12:36Welcome to the present.
12:37I hope you had a good flight
12:39and recommend us in your circle of acquaintances.
12:41Tell me, Aralee,
12:42what did you actually get from the Sour Bandit?
12:45Already blatant.
12:46Looks like the egg of a dino alien.
12:48There aren't even metal eggs on other planets.
12:51Metal, that's definitely an alien pot.
12:54No, no, it's undoubtedly an egg.
12:56Probably an alien surprise egg.
13:06A blonde dinosaur.
13:08Look properly, you idiot.
13:09That's a baby.
13:11What in the world does that mean?
13:21A strange baby.
13:51Of course.
14:06So, kids,
14:07we're done for today.
14:08Time to go home.
14:14Take care on the way back home
14:15and just cross the street at Green.
14:18Hurrah, great.
14:23Ha ha ha!
14:32What's up with Arale?
14:33Maybe she doesn't like to go to school?
14:35Probably because of the little one, huh?
14:38She wants to have a baby.
14:40Oh. What a baby!
14:47Hehe! She said it!
14:58Hey, was that the horrible kid with the shield iron?
15:01Well, where was she?
15:02Nobody else brings such things here.
15:08Cookie, cookie, cookie, doo!
15:12Cookie, cookie, cookie, doo!
15:16Ah, you mean I should stick out my tongue, right?
15:23Cookie, cookie, cookie, doo!
15:25Oh, no!
15:28Listen, I think I have to explain something basic to you.
15:33I don't know if you understand, but I'm a great scientist!
15:38I'm back!
15:42Stop making fun of me! I'm a person of respect!
15:46Yahoo, yahoo, yahoo, yahoo!
15:48Yeah, that face was the funniest!
15:51Nonsense! What's funny about my face?
15:54Were you a sweet baby, too?
15:57Great! Then I'm going to steal you now!
16:04You'd better teach him something useful!
16:06You're a robot, there's nothing wrong with that!
16:09Oh, yeah? And is there something wrong with you?
16:11No, and I'll also tell you why it would be offensive
16:14if men had milk and babies were breastfeeding.
16:16Wait here, I'm going to buy a liter of milk.
16:22So, milk and a bottle of milk.
16:24Then I'd better buy a set of diapers.
16:29Oh, my face, that's so stupid!
16:32As a super genius and inventor, I haven't even had a girlfriend
16:35and I'm still supposed to take care of my child?
16:37Oh, dear God, what would have happened
16:39if my darling Midori Yamabuki had seen me like that?
16:43Oh, my baby!
16:45Oh, my baby!
16:47Oh, my baby!
16:50Oh, my dear Senbei, good morning!
16:52What a beautiful day, isn't it?
16:54Oh, Miss Yamabuki, good day!
16:56Oh, as I can see, you bought milk and diapers!
16:59Oh, what a surprise!
17:01I didn't even know you had a wife and children!
17:04Oh, I'm shocked and confused!
17:06But no, that's a misunderstanding!
17:08No, it's not, I understand!
17:10Stop, Miss Yamabuki, don't!
17:12Come back!
17:14Oh, no, that can't happen!
17:16If only all of this didn't happen!
17:18That would be the end!
17:20Can we help him? Is he not well?
17:22I know, that's what you get for not being careful at school!
17:25We'll see you again soon!
17:34Oh, the big brother of Arale!
17:36What a surprise, Miss Yamabuki!
17:42You were probably shopping?
17:44No, of course not!
17:46Just a designer suit for the opera
17:48and a golden pocket watch to put in.
17:56What is it? Can I help you?
17:58I'm sorry, I'm not quite myself right now,
18:00but that happens very rarely, almost never!
18:03I find it terribly exhausting to have such a small child.
18:09So you already knew about the baby?
18:12Yes, Akane and Pisuke told me
18:14that they brought a baby from the Sauria period.
18:18Oh, yes, right!
18:22I'm back!
18:23Oh, great!
18:27Cookie, cookie, daddy's coming!
18:29Don't talk like a fool!
18:31Hi, we're here too!
18:33Oh, you're here too.
18:35I have to put milk in the baby.
18:39As a young dad, you never get bored!
18:41Shut up, I'm not a young dad!
18:43What are you going to do with the baby?
18:45Are you going to bring the baby back to the Sauria period?
18:48That's out of the question.
18:50If Arale noticed, she'd have a serious accident.
18:53I'd like to live a little while longer.
18:55Of course, I understand.
18:57Tell me, what kind of weird creature is that?
18:59We've already figured that out.
19:01It's an alien, and that's it!
19:04It was so nice when I lived all alone.
19:07It's weird, I've never had anything with a woman
19:09and I still get one child after the other.
19:11You can be the coolest guy in the sun,
19:13but with two little horns on your back,
19:15the women will only let you lie on the far left.
19:17Right, Akane?
19:18Everyone has their own problem.
19:20Doc, listen!
19:21What is it?
19:22Look, the baby is eating everything!
19:32Here, eat a broom!
19:35The lamp is ugly!
19:39Here, watch a TV!
19:42I'm getting scared.
19:44I think the baby is very dangerous.
19:46Well, whatever you say.
19:48Anyway, you can order the garbage can now.
19:50I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
19:58Besides, I don't think it would eat people.
20:00Hey, come here, little one.
20:02Lie down for a while.
20:07Hey, Akane, give her to me!
20:09I want to let her fly, too.
20:11But be careful!
20:20Great! But she's flying high!
20:22She's flying too high!
20:34Back, back!
20:37We're too far to the left!
20:39No, way too far to the right!
20:43Oh, dear!
20:51The little one looks just like Arale.
20:53I could almost bet that this child is not a human child.
20:56Look, the little one has become very dirty.
20:58We should wash her, don't you think?
21:01Arale, you're to blame for everything.
21:03That's why you wash her, okay?
21:09Calm down, it's not that bad.
21:17Oh, no! It has wings!
21:19It can fly!
21:23Hey, that must be an angel!
21:25No, that can't be an angel.
21:27That's really an angel!
21:31Oh, look at her!
21:37Guys, listen! I know a name for her!
21:39Norimaki Godzilla!
21:41What? But we just agreed that she's an angel, didn't we?
21:45So why should she have the name of a horrible monster?
21:49Simply because she makes a lot of noise when she eats.
21:52So, Godzilla, and as a nickname, Gatchan!
21:55She... she doesn't listen at all!
21:59I think the name is okay. If Arale wants, she should call her that.
22:02I agree.
22:04Come on, let's play!
22:06Let's go, Gatchan!
22:13Hello, this is Arale!
22:15Tell me, Doc, is there a reason why I'm so flat?
22:19That's exactly what I was afraid of.
22:21What kind of questions are those?
22:23We had to swim this morning.
22:25When I moved, everyone said I was missing something.
22:28You mean a certain part of your body?
22:32Next time on Dr. Slump, you'll see...
22:36...what Arale is missing, and the Minimax ray gun!
22:39The Minimax Ray Gun
23:10The Minimax Ray Gun
23:20The Minimax Ray Gun
23:33The Minimax Ray Gun
23:40The Minimax Ray Gun
23:46The Minimax Ray Gun