• last year
pecado original Emitido en TV (15-07-24)


00:20Buenos dias cadets a patenta que llegará pronto entendido ya voy y que no le falta el café por supuesto gusta mucho
01:10Buenos días me alegra buenos días cielo el orden del día
01:23Tiene una hora libre después de la reunión de las dos en punto han llegado en derijada la señora jadan si pero la señora
01:30Buenos días, señora jil dis buenos días cielo
01:38Gracias de nada señora
01:46El avión el avión el avión abre
01:51Pero es una niña muy listo mi cielito pero es que dicen pequeñitos y muy
01:57Traigo el agua a tome gracias aisel
02:01Sada iba a llevar a jalikan al parque y quiere que usted lo sepa ah de acuerdo
02:06Pero que tenga cuidado
02:08Miri yo le perdimos una vez allí y casi nos morimos de miedo luego claro no se preocupe
02:15Hola pequeña
02:17Pares eres preciosa
02:20Hay que se tenías
02:29Vamos al parque
02:31Quieres que te compre un helado pues claro bien
02:34Que te como el agua está en la mochila y me han dicho que tengas cuidado
02:40Como si no fuera a tener cuidado, pero tú que te has creído
02:43Hoy es a day yo sé que trabajaste muchos años para el señor shagata y no entiendo cómo has acabado de niñero y
02:50Por qué no el pequeño es especial
02:53Mi amigo me encargó protegerlo y cumplo con mi promesa que descansa en paz el pobre shagata y
03:00amén vamos y joven
03:03ahí se lo habla mucho en la corre vamos a por el helado
03:13Han llegado ya los pedidos si ya han llegado todos
03:17Ponlas cerca de la recepción que se vean bien
03:21Bueno me voy pero si necesitas algo de dímelo que voy a necesitar está todo controlado vete ya si quieres
03:30Por cierto amigo ahora sólo hablamos de negocios y eso
03:34Tiene razón
03:36Tenemos un hotel ahora somos hombres de negocios
03:40Ese florero recarga el rincón por lo mejor enfrente
03:44Te diré una cosa me encanta llevar este hotel en der tuvo una idea genial es precioso nos hizo un gran favor
03:52cuando rompí con gam se compadeció de mí y mira ahora qué detalle tuvo fíjate es
03:58grandioso aún así sigue siendo una egocéntrica le puso su nombre al hotel pero da igual un poco sí pero no es fácil darse
04:06cuenta mira bien está escrito al revés y parece que es una palabra extranjera
04:11Pero sabemos que es un hombre es verdad
04:16Hay que estilo son este lo compro
04:23Esto está de rebajas no lo compraré lo llevará a todo el mundo
04:35Buenos días en canto muchas gracias te apetece tomar un café pues sí
04:45Trae dos cortados por favor gracias estoy harta del expreso ahora lo pido cortado siempre
04:54Está rico
04:56Oye ya llegado ender no al igual que todas las estrellas tiene que llegar la última es verdad lo gusta exhibirse
05:04pero nosotras la aceptamos así tal y como es hoy claro que sí pero ahora sin novios ya no hay ningún problema todo nos va
05:11genial ya no hay peleas ni gritos ni dramas ya no nos hacen falta para nada y eso está claro
05:18sigamos así
05:22Pasa cariño
05:26Gracias eres un hielo
05:34Muchas gracias guapa
05:37Un brindis en honor de todas las mujeres salud salud
06:20Hola papá hija que tal estás bien
06:26Pero has perdido peso no que va pero dime tú cómo estás
06:35Esperando a que te suelten de la cárcel
06:39Tú tranquila
06:41Voy a salir de aquí enseguida
06:44qué dice tu abogada
06:46hay algo nuevo todavía nada pero da igual
06:50todo se resolverá a su tiempo
06:53tú ten paciencia
06:58Con ro y mi hija
07:02Háblame de ella has traído alguna foto
07:06Te he traído las mejores para que las puedas ver tengo más pero no me dejan tener el teléfono aquí mira
07:21Cariño mío es una preciosidad
07:26Con ro
07:27La niña se parece cada día más a ti verdad también creo que se me parece no ha sacado nada de yildiz
07:39Me callo
07:41No quería recordar de la perdón a mi papá no tranquila no lo he olvidado
07:48Cómo voy a olvidar el hecho de que la madre de mi hija me metiera en la cárcel
08:01No puedo ser no puedo ser dios
08:13Yildiz jalepán está listo te espera qué pasa
08:21Mira mamá
08:24Va en serio
08:27No puedo creerlo
08:30Pero cómo puede ser tras el accidente hija también me sorprende no me lo creo
08:36Dugan lo sabe ya
08:37Lo sabe dime no se lo diré por teléfono o se lo contaré en persona
08:42Muy bien hija pero que debo hacer
08:45Quieres que os preparé esta noche una cena romántica mejor le daré la buena noticia me voy a vestir
08:50No me lo creo
08:52Qué bonito
08:55Cariño soy muy feliz
08:57y yo
09:03Es como un sueño
09:10Bienvenida señora yildiz gracias buenos días dogan esta libre si le diré que ha venido no no prefiero darle yo la sorpresa que está bien
09:21El hombre que manipuló el coche nos va a meter en problemas ya lo verá
09:25¿De qué hablas Murat?
09:27Sabes que le pagamos mucho dinero
09:29Intentar asesinar a Sagatay casi hace que pierda a mi esposa
09:33Llévese pero no me coge el teléfono señor
09:35Olvídalo Murat
09:37No puedo más
09:39Tienes que deshacerte de él de una vez por todas
09:41Se acabó
10:21Y dime cómo va la empresa
10:23¿Cómo crees tú?
10:25Hadan, Ender y Yildiz están jugando a ser empresarias
10:27Déjalas hija
10:29Ya volveré
10:31Pondré todas las cosas donde tienen que estar
10:33Y si no te encuentras conmigo
10:35Te voy a matar
10:37Te voy a matar
10:39Te voy a matar
10:41Te voy a matar
10:43Te voy a matar
10:45Te voy a matar
10:47Te voy a matar
10:50Y acabaron sus sueños
10:54Es igual, no pienses en ese tema
10:56Primero sal de aquí y ya se verá
11:00¿Qué es de tu vida?
11:02¿En qué trabajas?
11:04He empezado a diseñar bolsos como tú me dijiste
11:06Y enseguida lanzaré mi línea
11:08Me alegra oírlo
11:10Muy bien mi preciosa hija
11:12Y estoy sola ahora
11:14¿Sabes algo de Ekin?
11:16Lo he bloqueado en todo
11:18Porque no me gusta nada su lado oscuro
11:20Lo último que supe es que se fue a Holanda
11:22No sé nada más
11:26Era cierto papá
11:28Sé que tú me lo advertiste desde el principio
11:30Pero es que soy una cabezota
11:34Tú tenías razón con Yildiz
11:36Es lo que pasa
11:38Cuando te enamoras de alguien
11:40No puede ser objetivo
11:44¿Eso sí te triste?
11:46No hablemos de eso, ¿vale?
11:48Olvidemos el pasado
11:50Pues claro
11:52Te traeré a mi hermana
11:54En cuanto sea posible que te dejen verla
11:56Tus palabras me alegran
12:00Mi abogada iba a hablar hoy con Yildiz
12:02Para conseguir su consentimiento
12:04Que lo intente, pero está muy cerrada
12:08Por cierto, hoy te ibas a la Toscana, ¿verdad?
12:10Sí, tengo un vuelo esta noche
12:12Pero hija, no puedes olvidarte
12:14De los documentos de los que te hablé
12:16Habla con tu tío antes de irte
12:18Tú no te preocupes
12:20Papá, volveré en el primer vuelo
12:24Muy bien, mi preciosa hija
12:36Espera, señorita Gilad
12:38¿Qué pasa?
12:40La señora Yildiz está ocupada
12:42Siéntese aquí y yo iré a avisarla
12:46Pero no puede entrar sin permiso
12:48¿Y eso?
12:50No estará tan liada
12:52Voy a hablar con ella y ahora mismo le digo algo
12:54Déjate de tonterías
13:00Buenos días
13:02Siento mucho que...
13:04Está bien, déjalo estar
13:06¿Qué pasa, Gilad?
13:08El señor Dogan me ha pedido que viniera
13:10¿Y qué le pasa ahora?
13:12Se lo dije y se lo repito
13:14El señor Dogan quiere ver a su hija
13:16Y como ya te dije yo, eso no ocurrirá
13:18Es un bebé
13:20Y no irá a una cárcel
13:22Piense que es su hija también
13:24Tiene derecho a verla
13:26Debió pensar en ello antes de planear un asesinato
13:28Porque ahora la ley me apoya
13:30El señor Dogan será absuelto, lo sabe, ¿verdad?
13:32Pues verá a su hija en cuanto salga
13:34Tengo que trabajar, si me disculpas
13:38Le debe al señor Dogan muchas cosas
13:40A pesar de lo que diga
13:42Si no lo hubiera difamado sin razón
13:44Su hija estaría
13:46Ahora al lado de su padre
13:48Como madre he elegido de momento
13:50Que mi hija no conozca el homicida de su padre
13:52Es solo una acusación
13:54Es su palabra contra la de él
13:56Será refutada
13:58Y lo pagará caro por no haber dejado
14:00Que la conociera
14:02Te tomas este caso
14:04De forma directa
14:06Solo eres
14:08La abogada de Dogan
14:10Y no entiendo por qué estás actuando así
14:12Volveré a verla
14:14Buenos días
14:22Hermana, he llegado
14:28Hola, ¿qué tal estás, Janelle?
14:32Vaya, qué guapa estás, hermana
14:38No sé qué es lo que te sorprende tanto
14:40Y tan humilde como siempre
14:42Pero reconócemelo
14:44Mira, mírame
14:46No sé yo, hermana
14:48Ah, por cierto, tengo buenas noticias
14:50Hoy va a llegar un grupo
14:52El hotel estará lleno
14:54Ay, no me digas
14:56Una noticia estupenda
14:58¿Pero qué te había dicho, eh?
15:00Era de esperar
15:02Lo había dicho
15:04Venga, ahora repítelo tú
15:06El hotel funcionará
15:08¿Y es verdad?
15:10Lo es
15:12Tu hermana acierta todo siempre, ¿verdad?
15:14Lo acierta siempre
15:16Vámonos, tengo mi dosis de motivación diaria
15:18Girdish habrá salido y ya estará en el despacho
15:22Anda, hijo
15:32No hace más que salir gente de ahí
15:34¿Qué está pasando aquí?
15:40Hemos llegado
15:42Corre, corre, corre
15:44Hola, chiquitín
15:46Ven y dame un abrazo
15:48Uy, mi niño ha vuelto ya
15:50¿Qué tal el paseo? ¿Te ha gustado, eh?
15:52Jalil Khan, ve a lavarte las manos
15:54Anda, hijo, que estarás sucio
15:56Ahora voy yo
15:58Vamos, corre, deprisa
16:02¿Qué tal el paseo?
16:04Está entrando y saliendo mucha gente de esa casa
16:06Ya lo he visto, Sa'dai, pero no sé qué hacen y no me importa
16:08Es sospechoso y tú lo sabes
16:10Tienen cerradas hasta las ventanas
16:12¿Y qué hacen todos ahí metidos?
16:14Sa'dai, escúchame
16:16No estarán haciendo algo ilegal ahí dentro, ¿eh?
16:18Yo he pensado lo mismo que tú
16:20Yo fui quien la alquiló
16:22Mira si ocurre algo malo, Girdish me matará
16:24Espera, voy a preguntar a la gente de alrededor
16:26y quizá me entere de lo que pasa
16:28Será lo mejor, Sa'dai
16:30I don't know if you heard anything.
16:37Oh, she didn't hear me. I'm going to empty her bag.
16:42Come in, Emir. Good morning.
16:45How are you? What can I do for you?
16:46Not much. Let me get you a coffee. We'll talk later.
16:49Okay, okay. Thank you.
16:51Please, bring a coffee for Emir. Thank you very much.
16:56Gildis, how are you?
16:57She's been angry since this morning.
17:02Because of Dogan and his lawyer.
17:04Gilal, right?
17:06She looks like his daughter.
17:08They say she works for the mafia, you know?
17:11It's irritating, Javier.
17:12She wants to take a one-year-old baby to see her father in jail.
17:16Come on, I'm hallucinating.
17:17But I won't let her do it.
17:21Take care of her, Gildis.
17:22Dogan must be mad at you.
17:24Let him be mad if he wants to.
17:25He killed Sagatay and he almost killed me and Ender.
17:28He's better off in jail.
17:30That's right.
17:31It doesn't matter. This makes me angry.
17:33Tell me good news, happy things.
17:36How's the hotel? And gossip?
17:39Everything is fine. The hotel is full.
17:41We have everything booked. The hotel is complete.
17:45Is Kumru going to the hotel?
17:47He goes sometimes with his friends, but he still hates us a lot and you can tell.
17:51Let him hate us. Even his mother is from Kumru.
17:54Jadam doesn't care.
17:55Jadam just wanted the company's shares and now he has them.
17:59Yes, and he's very happy.
18:06Come in.
18:08Mrs. Jadam.
18:09Tell me, Yamal.
18:10It's your brother.
18:12He's dead?
18:13Oh no, for God's sake.
18:14What's wrong? We haven't seen each other in a long time.
18:17His boss is dead.
18:19Oh, what are you saying? His boss is dead?
18:23He sends flowers to his funeral.
18:25My brother worked for him when I was married to Dogan.
18:28He was a friend of Dogan.
18:32What's wrong?
18:33Do you have anything else to say?
18:37He left all his inheritance to his brother when he died.
18:42Can you repeat that?
18:43He had no heirs.
18:45And since he was his driver for 20 years...
18:47Wait, wait, wait.
18:49Do you mean that his assets, all his money,
18:54all his passives,
18:57are now my brother's?
19:01The holding, his apartments and the rest?
19:04That's right, ma'am.
19:09you must find my brother as soon as you can.
19:13Yes, ma'am.
19:28I wish Kung-Ru were here right now.
19:30Kung-Ru? Why?
19:32To fix things.
19:34Fix what? If he hates us to death?
19:37Well, he hates Yildiz, that's obvious.
19:40But I don't think he hates us.
19:42Oh, you think he adores us?
19:44Don't even talk.
19:45You locked up Dogan, you run the business,
19:48and Jadam is your friend.
19:50Could be.
19:51Although we must look ahead, dear.
19:54But it's not just about you.
19:57Kung-Ru has to get his act together.
20:00Sister, what are you thinking about?
20:02Tell me, please.
20:05About making Kung-Ru and you a couple.
20:09But you don't know anything, do you?
20:11Stop meddling and mind your own business.
20:14But I'm just trying to help.
20:16You're both very good guys.
20:18And you'd be richer if you got married.
20:21I don't know what you're talking about. I have nothing.
20:24What's mine is yours, dear.
20:26And you'd have a chain of hotels.
20:28What are you talking about?
20:30That you only have one hotel for now.
20:32And if you marry her,
20:34she'd help you get a whole chain.
20:38Hey, look.
20:39I thought it was a joke,
20:40but I see you're serious.
20:43I've thought about it a lot.
20:45And Kung-Ru's been hurt, too.
20:48After Shaggatai smashed her,
20:50Ekinfoi destroyed her.
20:52And now she's in a bad way.
20:55And I'd be the reward for her, right?
20:57You'd be the best for her.
21:00Sister, but I don't even love her.
21:03I didn't tell you there had to be love.
21:05It'd just be a wedding.
21:08I didn't know you were so romantic.
21:10Yes, of course.
21:11And maybe in the end,
21:13you'll both fall in love.
21:15I don't know. Maybe.
21:18Even if it's just a little, right?
21:20Well, yes, Jenner.
21:21A little is enough.
21:24I don't know what to tell you.
21:25I've suffered so much, I don't even remember.
21:27I could make you a list,
21:29and I assure you,
21:30no one is at my level.
21:33You're exaggerating.
21:34This time, you're the one exaggerating.
22:05Thank you.
22:18Engin, you know I've always been a close friend of Hilmi's.
22:22And for as long as our friendship lasted,
22:25I told her you were a devoted and loyal employee.
22:29I say the same thing.
22:30He loved you.
22:32Thank you. I appreciate it.
22:37Oh, brother.
22:38Dear brother.
22:41Oh, little brother.
22:43My poor little brother.
22:45Are you well?
22:47And these men?
22:49Aren't they your relatives?
22:51They're friends of Hilmi's.
22:52And very close.
22:53Oh, really?
22:55That's fantastic.
22:56Would you do us the favor
22:58of leaving the family alone?
23:00My brother is exhausted.
23:01Of course.
23:02You don't know how grateful I am.
23:08We'll go to the office later, Engin.
23:10Yes, that's right.
23:11In the office.
23:12Yes, that's fine.
23:13That's fine.
23:14My condolences.
23:15Thank you.
23:16Thank you all.
23:17We appreciate it.
23:18It's been a pleasure.
23:20Keep an eye on those men.
23:21They're all after your money.
23:23But don't worry,
23:24because your sister is already with you.
23:28Go now.
23:29Do you want to talk somewhere else?
23:31It's uncomfortable here.
23:32Come on, let's go somewhere else, Engin.
23:34Let me go.
23:35Go now.
23:36Oh, I think you're still angry,
23:38even if you listen.
23:39We're brothers,
23:40and I love you.
23:41Come here.
23:45Little brother.
24:00How are you?
24:01I'm fine thanks.
24:02How are you?
24:04How are you?
24:05I'm fine.
24:07I'm fine.
24:08How are you?
24:10How are you?
24:11I'm fine.
24:13How are you?
24:15How are you?
24:16I'm fine.
24:17Yes, I'm fine.
24:18I've arrived.
24:19I'm at the airport now.
24:21Yes, I have.
24:22Are you sure?
24:24When did you arrive?
24:34Are you serious?
24:36Is it a real account or a fake one?
24:40Send it to me as soon as you can, please.
24:43We'll talk about it later, darling, okay?
24:51Okay, honey, bye.
24:57I went to see my brother.
24:59I'm glad. What did he say?
25:01I think he's very angry now,
25:03although I'll fix it and get him to forgive me and forget it.
25:06Mr. Engin will have a hard time carrying the legacy he has inherited.
25:09I hope you control everything.
25:11I'll control it, of course.
25:13I won't leave him alone because he's angry with me.
25:16Sooner or later, I'll convince him of it.
25:18There will be people trying to take advantage of him.
25:21It would be good if he hurried.
25:23It's true, there were a few hyenas in his house,
25:26stalking in a hurry.
25:28But can any of them compete with me?
25:30No, because no one will control my brother.
25:35I'll call him.
25:36I'll be right there.
26:18Yes, tell me.
26:19Little brother, how are you?
26:21Hadar, what do you want from me?
26:23I don't understand you, I'm worried about you, it's logical.
26:27Enough, my sister disappeared a long time ago.
26:30But I do have a brother, I just found you and I wouldn't lose you again.
26:34I wasn't lost, but I was just a driver, and I was ashamed of you.
26:38Can you stop talking nonsense, please?
26:41Come to my office today and we'll talk.
26:44All my partners will be there and you'll see the company, come on, please.
26:48Yes, yes, of course, I'm hanging up, goodbye.
26:50No, no, no, no, no, stop, I have something to tell you, wait.
26:54I'm listening, yes, tell me, what is it?
26:59Engin, look, like it or not, we are brothers and we grew up together.
27:06But listen, I'm not like you think.
27:09There are other people around you who are even worse, at least you know me.
27:14Do you want to run those companies alone?
27:17You have to have someone close to you.
27:20Think about what I'm telling you, okay?
27:29I hope she listens to me.
27:47Welcome, miss.
27:49Keep this and make me a tea, I'm very nervous.
27:52Miss, your phone is ringing.
27:54Okay, give it to me.
27:57Who could it be?
28:00Hi, can I talk to Kumru?
28:02Yes, tell me.
28:03Oh, you are Kumru, I am Altai Guben.
28:06By mistake I took your luggage and found your number.
28:09That's why I'm calling you, because I have it.
28:11Oh, really?
28:12I'm sorry, I was in a hurry and I took your luggage.
28:15The two suitcases are similar.
28:17Oh, don't worry about that.
28:19If you give me your address, I could take it now.
28:21Don't bother, I'll send the driver.
28:23I don't care, on the contrary, I've caused the problem.
28:26At least let me make up for it.
28:29Well, okay, now I'll send you my location.
28:32Okay, fine, I'll wait.
28:34See you later.
28:42Hey, guys, I have an idea.
28:44Let's see what you think.
28:46Kumru could come to the hotel for dinner.
28:48Of course.
28:50Why, Ender?
28:51Because he wants us to be a couple.
28:53He thinks we are compatible.
28:55What are you saying, man?
28:56Do you think a girl like her would like someone like you?
29:00Yes, Kumru is so overrated.
29:03She's not who she used to be.
29:05Her father is in jail.
29:07He was a lover of a man while he was married to another woman.
29:10And then he married the pirate of Ekin.
29:14Kumru is so lonely now.
29:17No one thinks of Kumru anymore.
29:19Is that why you want her to be with me?
29:22No, I meant that she has matured and learned a great lesson.
29:27Yeah, but I don't think Yaner likes Kumru and that's it.
29:31Man, I'm just being honest.
29:34It's what it is.
29:35Emir, not everyone has to be pretty.
29:37But, sister, I'm hearing you.
29:40I'm saying this because she likes charismatic, rich, and well-shaped men.
29:45So don't be offended.
29:46I'd better get out of the car and you can keep talking about me if you want.
29:50Come on, now.
29:51Kumru now knows that those men are not so special.
29:54They are pure appearance and they are rather useless.
29:56He knows that.
29:57He won't be able to find anyone better than my brother.
30:00Don't worry.
30:01Thank you, sister.
30:02You finally said a positive sentence.
30:04Then let's cross our fingers.
30:07Emir, you take care of her.
30:09Give her a massage and invite her to the hotel tonight.
30:12Tell her there's a dinner and that it's going to be great.
30:16Okay, I'll go.
30:18I bought this watch to measure my heart rate.
30:21And look, it's at 180.
30:25Don't worry.
30:27I'm not going to work today.
30:29I'm going to stay with you.
30:31I don't like to leave you here and go to the office.
30:37Be careful.
30:38You're going to hurt him, honey.
30:40Do you want to play with your sister now?
30:43But he has to sleep.
30:44Then I'll take you out for an ice cream if you want.
30:47What do you say?
30:48Do you feel like it?
30:49And my dad is also going to come for a walk?
30:51We've already talked about this, honey.
30:53Dad is no longer with us because he's gone to heaven.
31:00Good morning.
31:01I'm Altai Guben.
31:02I bring the suitcase to Miss Kumru.
31:03It's inside. Come in.
31:04Thank you.
31:08This way.
31:09Excuse me, Mr. Altai.
31:11Good morning.
31:12Good morning.
31:14I'm Altai.
31:17I gave her your suitcase.
31:19I'm so sorry.
31:20Thank you very much for bringing it here.
31:22It doesn't matter.
31:24They're for you.
31:26It's a detail.
31:28Thank you.
31:29It's the least I could do for the mistake.
31:31These things don't usually happen to me.
31:34But I'm distracted.
31:36It happens to all of us.
31:37Did you manage to find your suitcase?
31:40I said it at the airport and luckily no one took it.
31:42How lucky.
31:44Would you like something to drink, Altai?
31:46No, don't bother.
31:47It's nothing.
31:48Do you want tea?
31:49Well, since you insist.
31:51Sit down.
31:57Yes, tell me.
31:58Put them in a vase and make us two teas.
32:04Do you live far from here?
32:06I'm from Mirjam.
32:07It's far.
32:08But I actually live in Florence.
32:11Yes, I usually work from there.
32:13I'm an investor.
32:14But my mother got sick and I've decided to stay here until the end of her treatment.
32:19I hope she gets better, but I hope it's nothing.
32:21I appreciate it.
32:23She's not very well, but she'll get better.
32:27Did you go to Florence on vacation?
32:30No, my father has relatives there.
32:32It was a business trip.
32:34Oh, you have relatives in Florence.
32:36That's right.
32:37But who is your father?
32:39Dogan Yildirim.
32:42I don't know him.
32:44We may have never met.
32:47It's a shame.
32:48Don't be in a hurry.
32:54Thank you very much.
32:55You're welcome, sir.
33:15Jaddan has parked in my place, as usual.
33:18He says he doesn't know, but he does.
33:22Excuse me, driver!
33:26Excuse me, driver!
33:28Are you talking to me, ma'am?
33:38Of course I'm talking to you.
33:41I'm sorry, what did you want?
33:42Calm down a little.
33:44Park my car.
33:45And whoever's in my place, get him out of there.
33:47But you're new here, so you'd better know me.
33:50I don't like it when people call me names.
33:53I don't like it when my employees make me wait.
33:56Wash the car, make sure it's clean.
33:59And dress well to be here.
34:03They've hired a useless person again.
34:11And what do you do?
34:12Well, I design bags, but I just started.
34:16Looking at your house, it looks very artistic, no doubt.
34:20Thank you very much.
34:21I design them at home and sell them online for now.
34:24Maybe there will be a store someday, who knows?
34:26That's great.
34:27Call me whenever you want, if you need advice on investments.
34:31I'll be here for a few months.
34:33You're so kind, thank you.
34:37Excuse me.
34:38Of course.
34:46Hi, Emir, what's up?
34:48How are you?
34:49Very well, Emir, and you?
34:50Very well too, thank you.
34:52Hey, I have people at home, what do you want?
34:55Why do you sound like that? What's wrong?
34:57What do you want? Tell me now.
34:59Well, I want you to come to the hotel to chat for a while.
35:01I haven't seen you in a while.
35:03To the hotel for what?
35:04For your bags. We could use a store here.
35:08What are you up to now, guys?
35:10Well, nothing. You always think we have bad intentions, really.
35:14But isn't it normal that I think so?
35:16It's normal. Are you coming?
35:18It's okay, but I'll only stay for half an hour.
35:21Well, I'm glad. See you later.
35:29I'm sorry.
35:30Was it a plan?
35:32It's not a plan, it's an obligation.
35:36I see. I'd better go now.
35:38I'm entertaining you a lot.
35:40I had a good time. Thanks for the tea.
35:42You don't have to thank me. You brought me the bag.
35:45Thank you very much.
35:47What are you doing here?
35:48Nothing. It's been a pleasure to meet you.
35:51And I'm sorry, really.
35:53You don't have to feel anything. You've been very kind.
35:57Nice to meet you.
35:59And me?
36:01You can call me if you want financial advice or if you want to invest.
36:05Although I'm a bit informal.
36:07I prefer it that way. I don't like people who act very formally.
36:11I see. See you soon, Kumru.
36:14See you.
36:15It's done, Altai.
36:25Hadan, how many times do I have to tell you to park in my square?
36:30I wouldn't have paid attention.
36:32I don't understand. I assure you.
36:34Why do you always have to bring two cars here?
36:37Oh, what a question. Because I need them.
36:40One of them used it for my meetings with Yamal, to be alone, so no one interrupts us.
36:45No, you do it to show off.
36:47To show off? It's not true. It's out of necessity, really.
36:51You can also buy another one. There's no one controlling us without stopping.
36:55Dogan isn't here.
36:56Oh, well, it would be nice if there was someone who would control you a little,
37:00because otherwise you're going to show up someday in a helicopter.
37:03I've thought about it, but there's no heliport.
37:06Although there will be.
37:08Come on, buy two cars and that's it. Stop complaining.
37:11But I don't want to have a driver if I don't really need it. They're very nosy.
37:16Well, of course, because you're always up to something. It's normal.
37:20Tell your employees not to use my parking space, Hadan.
37:23I gave my keys to a new one and I hope it doesn't crash into something, because it looked stupid.
37:28Excuse me.
37:29Tell me.
37:37Mr. Engin is here.
37:39Engin, you say?
37:44Tell him to come in.
37:50Let him in.
37:53Ender Hadan, but don't tell me you've fallen in love with someone and I didn't know it.
37:58Ender, it's nothing like that. Leave him alone.
38:01Now, can you leave, please?
38:04But why are you so nervous? It's not like you.
38:08Good morning.
38:09Listen, what are you doing here?
38:11Have you parked my car well?
38:14Give my secretary the keys now.
38:16It's okay, it's okay. Here they are.
38:18Sorry, sorry, sorry.
38:20What's going on here?
38:21It's just that she...
38:25I'm sorry. You first. Go ahead, go ahead.
38:27It's the driver I told you about.
38:30The driver?
38:31But what have you done? He's my brother.
38:34I'm glad to see you.
38:37You're brothers?
38:38We're even more than that. He means a lot to me, dear brother.
38:44What a surprise. Why didn't you tell us you had a brother?
38:48I don't like to talk about my family, that's why I didn't tell you.
38:53Well, I'm sorry, but you didn't tell me anything either. I'm very sorry for all the confusion.
38:57Don't worry, it doesn't matter. I used to work for...
39:01Ender Mira, I'm sorry.
39:04But I want to be alone.
39:07You don't care, do you?
39:09Come on, leave us.
39:11Sorry, it's okay, it's okay.
39:14Pleased to meet you.
39:15Likewise, the pleasure is mine.
39:18What do I do?
39:19Sit there, sit there.
39:22Do I sit here?
39:23Of course, come on.
39:27Stop dreaming about that, Kumru.
39:29Why can't I have a quiet time with my sister? Get out of here now.
39:32I can't because she's just a baby and I'm her mother.
39:35If you knew what it's like to leave a child without his father, you wouldn't do it, but you can't know it because you're bad.
39:41It's just that your father left my daughter without his.
39:43That's all in your mind and I'll prove it to you very soon.
39:48The truth will come to light and my father will have his custody.
39:52That will never happen.
39:54I won't let it happen.
39:55He may get out of jail one day, but he won't get custody for life.
39:59What kind of person are you?
40:01I feel bad when you show me that you're like I thought.
40:05My father gave you everything you wanted.
40:07Maybe that was before he pushed us down a cliff.
40:10I'll tell you what kind of person I am.
40:12You still come into my house and when you want, you see your sister.
40:16I smile at you, I put a good face on you, but you still have the same attitude.
40:20I'm not like that. Is that clear?
40:22Look, I don't want to say anything because I'm with my sister.
40:25And besides, this is my house.
40:27You're here for a moment, although I think that will be over very soon.
40:32Thanks to my father, you live like a queen, Gildis.
40:35Don't forget that.
40:36Someday you'll understand.
40:38I want to be alone with my sister, oh yes, heaven.
40:41I'm tired of seeing your face.
40:44What did you say?
40:45She's crazy.
40:47How is she going to separate me from you?
40:50I told Mrs. Gildis everything she told me, but nothing.
40:54She insists on not letting Gildis come here.
40:57As for the permission I asked for.
41:00I'm on it, but it's not easy.
41:03Mr. Dogan, we are very close to locating the man that Mrs. Gildis presented as a witness.
41:11Murat, I've been listening to that for a year and a half.
41:16And they're already bothering me.
41:18Being locked up here, I can't do anything.
41:20Mr. Dogan.
41:24Mr. Dogan.
41:25Murat is right, believe him.
41:28Gilan, the truth is that I don't know what to think anymore.
41:34Trust me, please.
41:36I'm going to solve it, okay?
41:38I want to meet my daughter as soon as possible.
41:42Bring her to me.
41:45I'll pick her up when Gildis is not at home.
41:47No, you can't do that.
41:49It would increase Mr. Dogan's penalty.
41:51I'm close to getting him out. It's risky.
41:55I haven't even been able to hug my daughter yet.
41:58And that, Gildis, has to pay dearly someday.
42:03And those who help her too.
42:15Are you inviting me to sit with them?
42:17No, they're celebrating a dinner. It's a coincidence.
42:20Let's go to another table.
42:21Of course.
42:22But you know them all. We can sit with them.
42:25I think it would be fine.
42:26No, I've seen them less than an hour ago.
42:30Kunru, Kunru, come here. Sit with us, woman.
42:45I see you're all here.
42:47Hello, best sister in the world.
42:49Hello, greatest traitor in history.
42:51Girls, girls, stop arguing, please.
42:54The party is wonderful. Make a truce for dinner.
42:58Enjoy the dinner.
42:59Emir, where do we sit to talk?
43:05Hello, good evening.
43:07Oh, Kunru.
43:09How are you?
43:10Fine, and you?
43:11I'm fine. I'm with that friend I told you about.
43:14I see you never waste time.
43:17I try not to.
43:18Are they a couple?
43:20No, I don't think so. They don't hit each other.
43:22What are you doing here?
43:23I'm meeting a friend.
43:25Sit with us later.
43:28Can I go?
43:29Okay, I hope so.
43:34Where did you say it was?
43:36This way.
43:38I can tell they're telling the truth.
43:50Look, my dear.
43:52Look at the rabbit.
43:54A little bull.
43:56You love little animals, don't you?
43:59You're so sweet.
44:01I'll eat you, my love.
44:02Look how pretty my little girl is.
44:04I'll bring you her plush.
44:06You asked for her plush and she brought you your elephant.
44:10I think it's over there.
44:15Who's that agent?
44:17I don't know, ma'am.
44:19Let's see who they're here for.
44:21Take care of Yildiz, will you?
44:29Excuse me.
44:30What are you doing here?
44:32Good morning.
44:33Sadai let us in.
44:34Oh, Sadai.
44:35Of course.
44:36Are you here for the shoot?
44:37No, we're here for the pop star.
44:39We're going to shoot Tarjan's music video.
44:41The famous Tarjan?
44:43I didn't know you were going to shoot it here.
44:45Yes, Tarjan wants to do it here.
44:47He's demanding with those things.
44:49And he always decides.
44:51And when is he coming?
44:53He's on his way.
44:56Okay, good luck.
44:58Thanks for everything.
45:00Aisel, Tarjan is coming to this house.
45:03I don't want to miss anything.
45:05Take care of Yildiz and Halit Khan.
45:08Of course, ma'am.
45:11They're here to shoot.
45:12I see.
45:13A famous one.
45:14I know.
45:15He'll be here soon.
45:16I wanted you to know.
45:17I'll welcome him.
45:18Take care of the kids.
45:19Don't worry.
45:24How are you, beautiful?
45:26Come here.
45:34Hello, everyone.
45:38I'm Yildiz, the owner.
45:41Are you the manager?
45:42No, he'll come later.
45:44Oh, really?
45:46Then how many employees does he have working for him?
45:49Do you like the house?
45:51There's good light, but Tarjan will decide later.
45:54Okay, but you tell him it's a very nice house.
45:59Okay, I will.
46:00Thank you.
46:02Ibrahim, you can go.
46:03I'll take care of her.
46:10Good morning.
46:11Good morning.
46:13Can we take a selfie with you?
46:15Of course.
46:16Come here.
46:17I'll take the rubber off.
46:23Can you take a picture of us?
46:25That's it.
46:26Thank you very much, Tarjan.
46:27You're welcome.
46:28See you.
46:32It's beautiful, isn't it?
46:33I can't believe it.
46:36Be careful.
46:37Tarjan is here.
46:40Hello, everyone.
46:41How are you?
46:43Good morning.
46:48Good morning.
46:49Good morning.
46:50Good morning.
46:51Good morning.
46:52Good morning.
46:53Good morning.
46:54Good morning.
46:55I'm Tarjan.
46:56And I'm Yildiz.
46:57It's a pleasure.
47:00I'm the owner of this mansion and the other one next door.
47:03And many others.
47:06Nice to meet you.
47:07You sell houses, don't you?
47:08No, I'm the owner.
47:10I'm the owner of this mansion, you know?
47:12I'm sorry.
47:13I thought about it when you said you owned so many houses.
47:16I'm glad you recorded your video here.
47:18Thank you.
47:20How are you, guys?
47:21Good, thank you.
47:22How are you?
47:23Do you like the mansion?
47:25I hope you like it.
47:27By the way, I'm a big fan of yours.
47:29I know all your songs by heart.
47:31I love them.
47:33I'm glad to hear that.
47:34It's great.
47:35Which one do you like best?
47:38I already have it.
47:39Send me a kiss.
47:40My heart is drying up.
47:43That's from Edis.
47:46Yes, I'm confused with another one.
47:48It's easy to say, but my heart won't accept it.
47:53It's from Muratbos.
47:55Of course.
47:56Pop stars are the same, but I'll remember.
48:00I'll think about it.
48:01Don't worry.
48:02There's no problem.
48:03Leave it.
48:04I don't remember anything when I was a kid.
48:06What if you move these sofas?
48:08You can do it.
48:09I'll help you with whatever I can.
48:11That's what being the owner means.
48:13Renting this mansion is the best choice.
48:15I used to live here.
48:17Do you move often?
48:19No, it's because I had several husbands.
48:23That story would only fit in a movie.
48:26By the way, I don't know what your story is about.
48:29The video is about a man in love.
48:32There's no story.
48:33I said it's about a man in love.
48:36It must be about a superhero or something.
48:39You don't find men in love anymore.
48:41That's a utopia.
48:44Anyway, I'm bothering you.
48:46I'll shut up.
48:47Take a look.
48:48You can be in love sitting here.
48:50You can look at the sea.
48:51Or you can bring a friend.
48:54You can see the Bosphorus Bridge from here.
48:56Go out to the balcony and see the landscape.
48:58That's fun.
49:00You can light the fireplace and wring your hands while you cry.
49:04You see?
49:05This house is made for making music videos.
49:13How are you?
49:15How are you?
49:16I'm fine.
49:17I'm resting.
49:18Sorry to bother you, but I think I left the lighter in your house.
49:24I don't know.
49:25I'll look around.
49:27We only talk when we miss something.
49:30It's true.
49:31Although it's a good excuse.
49:33I'll call you if I see it.
49:35But then I'll have to invite you to dinner to thank you.
49:38I'll see.
49:42See you later.
49:47Come here.
49:53Hey, did you like the house?
49:55We'll tell you something.
49:56But you love it, don't you?
49:58Leave him alone.
49:59If you're the pop star, you can choose the house you want.
50:04You can follow me on my social networks, since we're friends now.
50:08Okay, I'll do it.
50:09No, wait.
50:10Better do it here.
50:13Who do I follow?
50:14Yildiz, Yilmaz, Argun, Kuyuyu, Yildirim.
50:17Write it correctly.
50:19Okay, there are many surnames.
50:21I know.
50:22But almost all of them are the surnames of my ex-husbands.
50:25But two of them are dead.
50:26And another one is now in jail.
50:28I'm going to explain it to you like this.
50:30For you to understand.
50:31Although I found someone decent, it turned out that he was a pig.
50:35Then I found an honest man and he was a scoundrel like the other one.
50:40Scoundrel, scoundrel, scoundrel, scoundrel.
50:44I understand, thank you.
50:46I thought it would be funny, really.
50:48We'll meet again, thank you.
50:52You have my number if you want something.
50:59Yes, I also have my tricks.
51:23Yildiz, the new neighbors are very decent people.
51:26Tarjan doesn't answer.
51:28Don't make me talk about him.
51:30They have paid a year's rent in cash.
51:33And Tarjan doesn't even call you.
51:34Your pop star will regret it.
51:36I don't know, it would be great if he recorded it here.
51:40Anyway, I'm going to block him on my social networks.
51:42It's not that big of a deal.
51:44Do it, come on.
51:49What is that?
51:50Ah, it's from the neighbors.
51:52It's an invitation.
51:53Oh, what a detail they had.
51:55They didn't have to do it.
51:57It's tonight.
51:58They invite us without knowing us.
52:00Then let's go, we can meet our neighbors.
52:03Look, what a class they have.
52:05I hope the poor are happy.
52:07Yes, that's what I hope.
52:22The death of the traitors is near.
52:25Who is it?
52:27The whole world will know what you have done.
52:29And there will be no secrets to hide.
52:31First Yildiz and then you.
52:33Who are you?
52:35You must make your will.
52:37Your time has come, Yilmaz.
52:40Hey, hey, hey.
52:46Damn it.
52:49Who threatens me?
53:10Ah, how are you?
53:12You're here.
53:14Come on, join us.
53:39Yes, everything is going as planned.
53:42The suitcase thing worked.
53:45So I'm already friends with Khumru.
53:48He wants to surprise me by going somewhere.
53:51But I know where we're going, of course.
53:56No, not yet.
54:00Be patient.
54:02I promised you.
54:18Yildiz, they're here.
54:19I'll introduce them to you.
54:21Good evening.
54:22Good evening, ladies.
54:24I'm your housekeeper, Yildiz.
54:25I'm sorry I'm not going to see you, but I have two children.
54:28I hope you enjoy your home.
54:30I hope you are happy here.
54:32Thank you very much, but we are from the agency.
54:35What do you mean?
54:37The house is for our boss.
54:41But who is he?
54:42It's him.
