• last year


00:00Hello friends, it's me.
00:02Today, we're checking out people having a horrible day.
00:06What are the chances?
00:07Okay, she dropped her phone.
00:09Picked up the weight.
00:10No, don't tell me it's gonna go on the phone.
00:12Oh, stop!
00:17And somebody is recording her.
00:19Like, and it's not a tripod.
00:20It's an actual person.
00:21Not there to be like,
00:22stop, wait, let me get your phone
00:24before you hit this deadlift.
00:27Nah, no.
00:31It's okay, she just peeled the layer off.
00:37I feel like it would still be functional after that.
00:40Pudding and rice.
00:41Uh, I don't think this is a good idea.
00:44Not one mattress, both mattresses.
00:46Mamma mia!
00:47My mattress!
00:48The way they just levitated off was just so majestic.
00:51Gave up, died, and went to mattress heaven.
00:53I just need you to tow my car to the dealer.
00:55It's not starting.
00:56Okay, gotcha.
00:57Heard you loud and clear.
01:01Car broke.
01:03House broke.
01:05And after you fix all that,
01:06you finna be broke.
01:07This truck was carrying cattle.
01:10Many, many, many cows.
01:12And they just escaped!
01:13Just unlocked the latch,
01:14and let themselves free.
01:16And now they on the move
01:18to the movies.
01:22Okay, guys, we're free.
01:23What now?
01:24Okay, turn back.
01:25I miss my mom.
01:26I miss my mom.
01:27I miss my mom.
01:28I miss my mom.
01:29I miss my mom.
01:30I'm frightened.
01:31I miss my mother.
01:32I don't know what to do here.
01:34Oh, they all just like gathered together.
01:36Like, I'm cold, hungry, and scared.
01:40Is the guy gonna come back?
01:42Is he gonna come collect his cattle?
01:44Who do you call in this situation?
01:45Hello, 911.
01:46What the police gonna do?
01:48How you not notice?
01:4912 cows hopping out the back of your truck.
01:52Oh, this is a bumpy road we on.
01:54This is ridiculous.
01:56Scenario straight out of a math problem.
01:58You're at work, stacking cans.
02:00Not a good thing they're stuck there.
02:02How do you get them out?
02:03How do you fix this?
02:06There's no fixing this.
02:07I hope nobody liked Pineapple Fanta,
02:09because there's not gonna be any more for a while.
02:14Although I'm confused.
02:15Are these cans empty?
02:16Or are they full of liquid?
02:18Also, why are they stacked like a skyscraper?
02:20There has to be a better way of storing cans.
02:22Ah, well, there's nothing we can do except stand here,
02:25and record the catastrophe that is about to ensue.
02:27I didn't touch nothing.
02:28I didn't do it.
02:29They'll just be falling from the sky.
02:31What happened here?
02:33Cacao on the white minimalist living room rug?
02:37What these children doing with cacao?
02:40Bro in the corner over here,
02:41minding his own business,
02:42like, yeah, definitely wasn't me.
02:45Puts it as pacifier,
02:46and forgets how to speak.
02:47Honestly, it would be so lit to be a child.
02:49You could commit horrible atrocities,
02:51and then just pop in the pacifier,
02:53and be like, I don't have to say nothing.
02:55I plead the fifth without even saying nothing.
02:57This makes my heart hurt.
02:59I pray it vacuums up,
03:01and you don't get ants.
03:02Why is there cacao everywhere?
03:04Like, y'all trying to make chocolate milk,
03:06and it just exploded in the living room?
03:08I just want an explanation, really.
03:11What happened here?
03:12My dog chewed them when I was sleeping.
03:19Wait, why is that so funny?
03:21The pinky missing one.
03:22I know where you're gonna find that nail in a few hours.
03:25Like, how does this even happen?
03:27That sleep must have been so good,
03:28that you don't even notice somebody gnawing on your fingers.
03:31I had a dream I was washing my hands,
03:33inside my dog's mouth.
03:35Yummy! Tanghulu!
03:38Yeah, you cheered a little too hard.
03:40I can't believe both of them fell off.
03:41Three second rule, hurry up.
03:42I don't care.
03:43I would have done it.
03:44Some things are worth it.
03:48What were you trying to do?
03:50You fool!
03:51Oh yeah, there's some syrup at the bottom.
03:53Shake it up and then upside down!
03:55This is not the blizzard drive-thru.
03:57Like, why are you putting your drink upside down?
03:59On your friend too, not even on your lap.
04:01I can't believe this.
04:02Bro was about to get what looks like a beard tattoo.
04:05What, you can't grow your own beard?
04:07I see some shadow there.
04:08He definitely can grow a beard.
04:09But some guys, they can only grow like certain shapes of beards.
04:13Like, they can't grow it on their cheeks.
04:15So they get tattoos to like, fill in the spots.
04:18I don't know how convincing it's gonna look.
04:20This cannot be real.
04:21You did not do this dude dirty like this.
04:24Wait, you know what?
04:25If I'm squinting from six feet away, it almost looks like a beard.
04:30You know, you would have saved yourself a lot of time, effort, and pain
04:33if you gave a six-year-old a Sharpie and let him draw on your face.
04:36There is no way he's gonna pretend this looks good.
04:38I don't know.
04:39I'm not a beard expert.
04:40What if he grows his own hair and then like, it kind of fades a little bit?
04:44I don't know about this one.
04:45Wow, as long as he likes it.
04:46It's like hair, but there's no hair.
04:49Men have three options.
04:50Shave it off, get a beard tattoo,
04:52or get a hair transplant from your booty hairs to your beard.
04:57How does this even happen?
04:58How did the car get into this position?
05:01Oh, was that a lake?
05:02Like, they were going down a bridge.
05:03I hope the people escaped.
05:05Before the water froze the car into place,
05:08it would literally be nightmare fuel being trapped in this vehicle sideways,
05:12and it is completely frozen.
05:14How do you get the car out?
05:15You gotta wait till the snow melts.
05:17Oh, then you can have your car back.
05:18It may or may not work anymore though.
05:20What a horrible situation to be in.
05:22It looks like they tried to pull it out.
05:24I don't think there's any pulling that thing out.
05:25Sorry, no more car until the spring.
05:27Her cat's head got stuck in the floor.
05:29You told me there was a perfectly cat skull sized hole in the floor,
05:34and she got stuck.
05:35I look like karma.
05:36That cat look like it got an attitude.
05:38Oh, so you don't need the human's help?
05:40Okay, have fun on the floorboards.
05:41How does this even happen?
05:43It's the human equivalent of sticking your fingers in tight spaces where they don't belong.
05:47Like the holes of a shopping cart.
05:49It's like an F around and find out situation.
05:52Cat found out.
05:53Are you gonna be here a while?
05:56Oh man, that looks good.
06:00Oh no.
06:01Quickly pick up the sushi before it gets too much soy sauce.
06:05It's gonna be too salty now.
06:07It's ruined.
06:08Oh, that thing is marinated.
06:09Oh man.
06:10Whatever she eating looks delicious.
06:12Oh, spicy salmon wrapped in cucumber.
06:14But anyways, I did not know this.
06:17I was wearing a white top,
06:18and I went to get sushi with my friend the other day.
06:20And then he was like, we're getting sushi.
06:22You're gonna get soy sauce all over that thing.
06:23I was like, no, I'm not.
06:25It's literally never happened.
06:26What are you talking about?
06:27The entire time I was like,
06:28dipping my sushi into the soy sauce,
06:30into my mouth,
06:31into the soy sauce,
06:32into my mouth,
06:33into the soy sauce,
06:34into my mouth,
06:36And then like as soon as we leave,
06:37I looked down at my shirt.
06:38My blouse had freckles on it.
06:40I don't understand.
06:41It was so embarrassing when I walked out.
06:43I guess we underestimate the soy sauce splash.
06:46Every time we dip the sushi in,
06:48you know, you gotta be gentle.
06:51Okay, what's in this bubble?
06:52Are you gonna cut it open?
06:55Boing, boing, boing.
06:58Judging by that scream,
06:59whatever's in there is not good.
07:00You know, one too many boings.
07:02Boing, boing, boing.
07:07Two boings, maximum.
07:08Now suffer the consequences of the extra boing.
07:11Wait, let me see your hands.
07:12Let me see your hands.
07:13It's not washing off.
07:14It's coming off.
07:15It's coming off.
07:16Shrek makeup tutorial?
07:18It's not washing off.
07:19I recognize that shade of green anywhere.
07:21Can only be the man, the myth, the legend.
07:24Oh, congratulations.
07:25Now you get to be Shrek for more than one night.
07:27How exciting.
07:28What is this?
07:29Like, come on, try harder.
07:30You're not even trying to get it off.
07:32Scrub like you mean it.
07:33Not like you're trying to savor the flavor of the green.
07:37What would you do if you were the waiter?
07:42I don't know about the waiter,
07:43but if I was waiting 30 minutes plus for that food,
07:46and I saw it do a 360 slip and slide,
07:48yeah, I'm out.
07:49I'm leaving with tears in my eyes.
07:50Like, how did this even happen?
07:52Ah, rookie mistake.
07:54It hit the corner.
07:55He came out the kitchen like that.
07:56Why half of it's sitting off the tray?
07:59This is just infuriating.
08:01I feel like working at a restaurant,
08:02this stuff happens a lot more than you would expect.
08:05You come home to your two wonderful kids,
08:07doing a DIY home renovation.
08:10Yeah, we're taking all the tiles out.
08:12This is what happens when parents are like,
08:13you know what?
08:14You can't watch Cocomelon.
08:15You should watch something productive and educational.
08:18How to renovate a house.
08:19Put that on.
08:20And then 10 minutes later,
08:21they think they're on HGTV,
08:23demolishing the living room tile.
08:25Like, oh yeah, I know exactly what to do.
08:27This is what the television taught me.
08:28Do they not have toys?
08:29Do they not have an iPad?
08:30Do they have to resort to this?
08:32This is exactly why dogs are destructive.
08:34They don't got you toys.
08:35They're not getting enough time running around,
08:37playing outside.
08:38So you lock them in the house,
08:39and they're gonna tear to shreds.
08:40Ah, yes.
08:41Waft the scent of the noodles before taking a bite off.
08:44What did you think was gonna happen
08:46if you waft a little too hard?
08:47Oh, she smacked the bowl.
08:49It can still be salvaged.
08:51Trust me.
08:52I have salvaged far worse.
08:54Oh, what happened here?
08:55Who tore those to shreds?
08:57Who got the controllers?
08:58Don't give me that look.
09:00Rose going straight to the pound.
09:01Nah, okay, you good.
09:02As long as you leave the PS5 alone,
09:04you're okay.
09:05However, is that piss on the bed?
09:09I think that is possibly one of the worst things a dog can do.
09:13Piss on the bed.
09:14Bonus points if it's number two.
09:15My dogs have only done it as a puppy,
09:17but even as a puppy,
09:18they lost a year of bed privilege
09:20after peeing on my bed.
09:21It's like this big of a puddle.
09:22But like a big dog?
09:23I can't even imagine.
09:25Also, if you watched my other video,
09:26I learned why guys have gray sheets.
09:29It's so they don't have to wash them.
09:31Gee, thanks, Goodwill.
09:33Thank you.
09:37I hate these tags so much.
09:39TJ Maxx, Home Goods, all of them.
09:41Industrial stickiest sticker material you have ever seen.
09:45Will tear the skin off your limbs before coming off.
09:48I hate these.
09:49I almost think it's better to write the price on the actual item in Sharpie.
09:54I think that's easier to remove than these stickers are.
09:56When you use your roommate's shampoo and it turns out to be Nair.
10:00No, you're lying.
10:01You're lying.
10:02You're lying.
10:04You would be bald.
10:05Bald head reveal?
10:07This would actually be terrifying.
10:09It's got a little pump.
10:10Could be lotion.
10:11It could be shampoo.
10:12It could be body wash.
10:13Why they gotta make it look like it's lotion?
10:15I mean, it said argan oil too.
10:16Don't you put that in your hair?
10:17Very dangerous mistake.
10:19I was just trying to make cookies.
10:22What happened?
10:23Did the entire batter just come out of the oven and explode?
10:27Did an atomic bomb go off inside the chocolate chip?
10:30How does this even happen?
10:32I think this is your sign from the universe to never bake again.
10:38Oh man, that's what good cheese sound like.
10:41What you grating cheese on?
10:43Some tots?
10:44Show me.
10:46Let me see that.
10:47Oh, it's pasta and meat sauce.
10:49Yeah, bro.
10:50I can't see.
10:51Bring it closer.
10:55I got a great look at those pixels.
10:57Bro, put the pasta in the phone.
11:00Gentle reminder that you don't have to record everything that you make and eat
11:06and put inside your body.
11:08Nobody cares.
11:09So I was doing laundry and I found this at the bottom of my laundry basket.
11:12I was like, what the heck is this?
11:14Where did this come from?
11:16And then I looked down at my wrist.
11:20This is awkward.
11:22What happened?
11:25Have you tried putting it in rice?
11:26You'll be alright.
11:27But anyways, that's all for today.
11:29I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
11:30If you did, make sure to hit that like button in the face.
11:33And make sure you turn on notifications.
11:37And subscribe to join the Wolf Pack.
11:39I love you guys so much.
11:40Thanks for watching.
11:41Bye, guys.