• last year
Love Island's Uma Jammeh & Wil Anderson Address Criticism Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00Hi guys, it's Geordie here from OGE and I know you've been waiting for the return of our Love Island chats
00:06and we are back baby! Now listen, I know that football didn't come home last night and I'm not
00:12gonna say any more on that but it's fine because I've got two absolute beauties who have made their
00:18way back to UK soil. I'm now joined by Emmanuel! Hello! It's so nice to see you both! Thank you!
00:25You're absolutely glowing, you look amazing, even though you were out last night!
00:31It's the love! It's the love glow! Listen, you're back, you're back home now. Have your feet even
00:37touched the ground? Has it just been a roller coaster? It's been chaos hasn't it? Yeah it's been
00:43I didn't even imagine anything like this to happen, like it's been crazy. The amount of
00:46support we're getting is so nice but also it's just I didn't expect this much. It's wild but
00:51it's fun, it's great, I love it. And then obviously we're just wanting to do loads of
00:55stuff together so we're not sitting down, we're just constantly on the move and eating loads and
01:02going out. Do you feel like this is the most time you've spent now that you're actually out and
01:05it's just you two? It's so different. 100% yeah because obviously we can actually just spend now
01:10all of our day together. And we can talk about things with each other that we wouldn't want
01:14anyone to know, do you know what I mean? Because when you're in there you've got a mic on,
01:18certain things you don't want anyone knowing. Well what are those things?
01:24Oh I see. How was Aftersun? Did you enjoy it? Oh my god I loved it. I had such a great time on
01:30Aftersun. I think it was nice for us to be able to just speak about everything. I was nervous to
01:37be honest. He was nervous my baby. I thought they were going to try and pin some questions on us
01:41obviously because of the way things went like on the show and stuff but I felt like I handled it
01:44all right. You did amazing. It's been one of the most shocking exits ever because it's been such
01:49a long time since someone's actually left. So do you find that folk are still shocked that you're
01:54even out? I think people are surprised and people obviously didn't really understand
02:00but obviously it is 24 hours compared to an hour so it's hard to understand when you don't see
02:05everything. But I'm so happy I'm out honestly. I think it was the best decision I made.
02:13Well talking about your time in the villa obviously you two were going along really
02:17really well. When was the moment where you kind of it clicked for you both and you were like yeah
02:20I really like this. Straight away to be honest. Yeah. I knew straight away really like honestly
02:25I went in the villa yeah because because I went in as a bombshell so I knew who was in there
02:30and you have to give like your top three and all that and I said we're going in that I want to do
02:33my like I put I put in my group chats and everything. Oh yeah yeah so um and then so yeah
02:39that's what I went for obviously and I made it pretty clear didn't I? Yeah definitely. I think
02:45the moment it clicked for me would have been after we had the night away stay. Which was pretty quick
02:49that was like my second night. Yeah um then I was like yes this is my man. Yeah and I think again
02:57like we say this all the time but people don't realize that everything is so much quicker right
03:01because there's no phones there's no escape it's just like you guys and then the villa like that's
03:06it right? Yeah exactly um yeah it's very it's a very intense environment because it's nothing like
03:12what the outside world is like um but it's almost nice because it feels more like genuine and
03:17natural that's why you know I think staying genuine in there is really important and you don't you
03:22don't know anything about the other person in like terms of like socials and stuff like that it's just
03:28purely off how you connect with each other like nothing else so it's like it's so pure like you
03:34know what I mean I enjoyed it I think it's really good. I feel like you're in protective mode and
03:38it's so sweet because I feel like she's like holding him because I've been like right I'm
03:41gonna grill you. I'm only joking I'm really nice however um no so let's talk about going into
03:49Casa more then because everything was going swimmingly well we were like shall we buy a hat
03:54when is the wedding and then Casa is where everything went about Pete Tong. Now I am the
04:00sort of person that doesn't believe in tests and all that I think we're past GCSEs and all that
04:04right we're adults right do you know what I mean yeah but obviously some people going to Casa
04:08thinking I want to explore because you know if you are going to be locked off you've got to make
04:13sure that you definitely want to be on that person so what was your mindset when you went into Casa?
04:19So obviously I think what we all have to understand is everyone is different and people deal with
04:23situations differently to each other looking back at it I probably didn't deal with it the right way
04:28um but I am where I am now and I'm very happy um yeah I felt like I hadn't explored fully in there
04:36so the whole the whole reason behind going on Love Island is to find someone like I did feel
04:40like I found it in Uma but in the back of my mind I was thinking like have I really done myself
04:45justice have I have I looked around you know what I mean um not that I needed to do it but yeah I
04:51think there's there's other things that influence it as well like it is a show do you know I mean
04:55at the end of the day you have to create telly um which I think everyone understands as well that
05:00it is a tv show but yeah it was um it wasn't my greatest move like but I feel like I've kind of
05:07made it up so we all make mistakes exactly everyone makes mistakes and I think also you know
05:14um you realize quite quickly I realized so quickly and like I nipped it in the bud with Lucy and that
05:21wasn't shown on the telly so I told her very early on that I wasn't choosing that and I told
05:25her you need to go speak to the boys because you're not coming back with me kind of thing
05:29and they didn't show it so and obviously I feel like when it comes to Casa the girls are just
05:35typically a bit more loyal but then there's a bit of lads culture holiday culture boy culture is
05:40there a bit of pressure almost as well yeah and you know you get carried away in certain moments
05:44do you know what I mean like it's pretty exciting all the boys egging each other on yeah of course
05:48do you know what I mean everyone's seen it from me I don't know what was showing because I haven't
05:50watched it back but like you do get egged on do you know what I mean and then yeah and you get
05:55told you're doing nothing wrong and this is what you're here for and you kind of just start believing
06:00it and then yeah one thing leads to another and then you start freaking out because you've kissed
06:04a girl you just want Umar to come back so one thing that I have seen continuously that keeps
06:10popping up because you are getting quite a lot of heat in the instagram comments and stuff like that
06:14but one thing I haven't been looking like I haven't been there is quite a lot there's quite a
06:18lot because obviously people just adore this one because she's an absolute icon like we know this
06:22no you really are um but one thing that keeps coming up is the fact that your typical type
06:27is petite blondes I mean there's nothing there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
06:33but this is an absolute worldly but I feel like I think I've got a type but every single guy that
06:38I've been out with has been so different so my response to that is you know like I don't
06:43have a type again this is a tv show petite blonde it's total opposite to Umar honestly I was like
06:52it's a show man do you know what I mean I was putting on a show so
06:56yeah and I think obviously you know your ex before was yeah but I've been with girls that are like
07:01all different yeah yeah so it's not like I think we all think we've got a typical type but then
07:06actually we don't really do we it's about the person the personality yeah like Umar is just
07:11my type now do you know what I mean so and you know in the when I watched it back you did say
07:15my type was yeah well that's what I said to you you're my type now yeah forever and ever did you
07:21have like a stereotypical type before you went in um I don't think I've ever had a type I just
07:26would say that my track record would say like basically well you know like tall like darker
07:33features but like you know tans so well yeah how relieved did you feel then when you walked back
07:40in because your face you were so happy to see oh my god me before I walked back in I was so nervous
07:47because you have to wait for quite a while to go back in I was so nervous I didn't because obviously
07:53I knew the connection that we had but obviously you never know and because I had no contact with
07:57him and I was just missing him so much I was just thinking oh my gosh if he stood there with another
08:01girl right now I don't know what I'm gonna do so walking in I was so nervous my heart was racing
08:05so much I couldn't breathe like um and then um I was so happy when I walked in and because you can
08:12see like uh the way that it's up you can sort of see through a little gap you can see through a
08:16little gap so I saw the gap but then I couldn't see if anyone was standing next to me I was like
08:20rushing to get around the corner but you couldn't see if I was still on my own so and then when I
08:25saw him alone I was just like oh yes my blueberry and it was like finally you're back but then
08:31dun dun dun movie night so I was stood there obviously dead happy that she'd come in but I
08:35knew what was like next to come um yeah so I just had to sort of roll with the punches really
08:41um and just try and explain myself the best I could then when the movie night came obviously
08:46you actually seeing it with your own eyes so yeah I was like oh oh even more difficult
08:52rolling with the tapes of movie night it always delivers but this year it was oh it was it was a
08:57hard watch at times what was the comment that you made that everyone went mad about because you
09:01wanted to I did it because I wanted to do you regret that uh yeah yeah of course was it a
09:07heat of the moment thing there's a lot of there's a lot of bad going on there's a lot of shouting
09:10there's a lot of yeah I mean there's only so much I can actually say but there's a lot goes into
09:17this like it's not what you see on the screen there's a lot more that goes into it um yeah I
09:24regret saying it totally because at the end of the day all I wanted to do was just say sorry but
09:29I think he wanted to I was under the impression that you know I stick by what I've done yeah we
09:34know what's going on so like and there's only so much I can say okay and how did you feel because
09:40it wasn't great was it um no it wasn't great I was I was upset watching it um and I was embarrassed
09:47as well watching it um but I think um I sort of knew because we we did we did manage to speak
09:53about things um I think I sort of knew what was going on that's why I was just saying to him just
09:58stop talking just yeah yeah sometimes it's just good yeah like let me let me have my moment but
10:04just and maybe like so charged as well there's so much like everyone and people start it as well
10:10and it just becomes a massive thing doesn't it yeah but then the groveling happened and obviously
10:14we don't see absolutely everything there was so much more groveling to come I knew you would say
10:18this there was I had some good things and then they just asked me off should I say yeah yeah yeah
10:25so I was um so this was the so the night of the steal whatever you want to call it from Ruben and
10:32Josh when I left the day I had organized to get like a hundred red roses some champagne up on the
10:38terrace and they said they can't do it tonight we're going to do it tomorrow oh and got dumped
10:44tomorrow never came yeah never came no and how did you feel when the bombshells came in were you
10:50open or were you just like what did you know deep down your heart was still I knew I always knew that
10:55my heart was at will like I always knew um I think we were open that was like the the um like
11:01technically we were open even though I wouldn't have wanted to get to know anyone I felt like I
11:05wasn't sure if will didn't close it off because like he didn't want to yeah or because I don't
11:10we didn't speak about that until after and I feel like maybe Zach might have came across as like
11:14you know when the new bombshells came in that I wasn't bothered because I genuinely knew how
11:18strong we were and that we were like fine jumping I wasn't actually worried about them being yeah
11:24but I think um and I knew you were just trying to make me sweat yeah I wanted to make Will sweat
11:30and I didn't want to like yeah I just wanted to make Will sweat but it was honestly too much for
11:34me I didn't want to do it that much I didn't want to like um like lead Ruben on in any way he was
11:39so lovely about me and so sweet um but yeah I just wanted to make Will sweat so that the night
11:44that I was leaving I was planning well I was about to have a conversation with Ruben and just say
11:49like listen like yeah you know um like my head and my heart is with Will like there's I want I
11:54don't want anything to come in between that but then we got the text so I couldn't and that was
11:58such an emotional watch like and the history of Love Island like just watching the tears it was
12:03like oh as soon as you sat down you were crying yeah I think it was it sort of um looked like it
12:09I started crying when you stood up when I stood up but I was crying as soon as I sat down because
12:15I knew what was coming and because I was so frustrated at the fact that I was I didn't
12:19get the chance to go and say it to him as I was literally getting up to say it to him when the
12:22text came through so I think that's why I was so upset about it because I knew what was coming and
12:26I was frustrated at the fact that I didn't get the opportunity to tell Ruben you know because
12:31it's not fair on him either um yeah and you must have been so frustrated because you're thinking
12:35I've got a bottle of champagne up there and red roses he's not gonna get to see it yeah it was
12:40yeah it was crazy because I sensed that it was coming do you know what I mean I feel like
12:45when I came in as a bombshell you get the steel and stuff and then I don't know I didn't expect
12:50necessarily to go home um but yeah I mean I said to you the day before like had you
12:57would you somehow believe and I'd be leaving with you do you know what I mean I said that when I was
13:01when we were going out for that night I was speaking to Matilda and I was saying oh like
13:04I'm a bit worried about tonight um I'm interested why and I just said that you know like if what if
13:09that what if what happens happened and I said like if that's the case just say you know I'm going
13:13straight away there was no thought at all into like I wouldn't have wanted to be in there without
13:18Will it would have been so weird because I think obviously if you're staying genuine to your
13:22feelings in there why would you stay after the person that you care about the most and for me it
13:27takes so long to get to the place I was anyway with Will so I'm not just going to jump back into
13:31something you know and try to scramble to find a connection in the last two weeks it's just like
13:35not who I am at all I think a lot of people respect you for that as well like so in your
13:40head as soon as Will was dumped were you like that's it I'm going yeah there was no point like
13:44there's no point I would have just been making everyone else upset also I would have been like
13:48it would I wouldn't have known what to do because I wouldn't have wanted to get into any new
13:52situations because I know where my heart was even though I've got so many friends and people that I
13:56love in the villa um Will wasn't there so and would you face first today as you were saying
14:02would you have lived yeah I told her that the day before not like for any other reason than that I
14:06meant it I mean like the whole throughout the whole time even like I said before I went in I
14:11want to do even before Casa like he was speaking and saying um that like he didn't say that he
14:17would leave before Casa but he said um that it would be it would feel like fake for him to stay
14:24and like just weird because like yeah you're the most beautiful girl in there by a country mile
14:28do you know what I mean so like I wasn't interested in anyone else I suddenly feel very much like a
14:33third wheel but I love this I love this energy and so then obviously when you did leave did you
14:41regret it or did you think that this feels right no I didn't regret at all honestly not at all I
14:46think if I stayed I would have regretted staying literally so much um I was happy to leave I was
14:52in there for five weeks you know like that's quite a long time um and I and I think it would
14:57have been just fake if I stayed and just stayed to just stay in Love Island like I didn't go in
15:02there to get to the final you know I mean I went in there to find someone and I found someone so
15:06why would I leave why would I stay in there you know when when he's not there since leaving
15:10together things have just been like great yeah perfect so like I said I loved her when we got
15:15in the car after you said it back and then now she's my girlfriend you know I mean well yes I
15:20was going to ask about this so how did how did it all happen we've seen a little snippet on the
15:24instagram story it was very good well done yeah so um yeah so organized a little dinner for us at
15:30Inca with a show and all that and then um yeah so I had some guy like I had the key card in my hand
15:38and then I was just like sat with Uma like this and then the guy was taking the key card and then
15:42I can't but I was so I was just enjoying the show
15:46and then he was uh yeah and he got this company in to set it all up and um so I didn't know what
15:51it was going to look like so even when I walked in I was like surprised to see what it would look
15:56like um I do know I had like because he was saying on the way up when we were on the way up
16:02yeah he was just saying all this nice stuff like he was like you know I do mean everything I say
16:06when I when I say I love you and all of this and that and I was like yeah like thank you same
16:11and then he just kept on going on until we got on the door and I was like I've
16:14I had a feeling that something was coming but I didn't know for sure and obviously that day as
16:19well I said to him like yeah I said have you thought about how you're going to ask me to be
16:24your girlfriend then and he was like obviously he was trying to oh my god like okay he was trying
16:31to um keep the surprise but it was good I really loved it every second I was proud of it like I
16:36couldn't stop smiling for the whole night my mouth hurts we love to see it we love to see it um do
16:40you realize about how much of an impact you've made like the girlies love you like you're an icon
16:45oh my god do you know how that that feels so crazy like I literally love everyone I'm so glad
16:51that um my true personality and my like values and morals have come across in the show because
16:57you you never know what's being shown when you're in there so I'm really glad and um I love everyone
17:02and I think that's maybe why people are feeling a bit protective of you because obviously they love
17:07you and they just want to make sure that you're not going to break her heart of course I would
17:10hope though that everyone saw enough of me to know that I know that I'm not a silly girl do
17:16you know what I mean smart girl yeah you don't need to trust in them yeah so to the haters right
17:21now what would you say to the haters that are like oh you're gonna break her heart what would
17:26you say address that I would say don't worry about me guys at all because I know what I'm doing
17:31I'm a smart girl and um I don't love people for no reason and I will say you've just watched a show
17:38a tv show and that's the tea that is the tea so let's talk about last night's episode Mimi and
17:46Ayo do we think it could reconnect or what do we think about her and Josh yeah I think um I think
17:51Josh is amazing I think that he he was very interested in Mimi and obviously wants to treat
17:56her like the queen that she absolutely is but I also know how difficult it is when you're around
18:02someone who you have feelings for you know that they came out of the connection and they're not
18:06just going to drop the connection they had so I think um like she's I think anything she does will
18:12be from her true genuine feelings I think that um I would need a bit of a bit of a slap on the wrist
18:20for what he's done but I think you know any anything she does I support she's my absolute girl
18:24and did you see the teaser where Josh is kissing Grace and saying oh what is that about yeah I did
18:32see that actually I actually forgot about that until now I think maybe that could be him trying
18:37to like because obviously I know he's been feeling a bit like shut out so maybe that could be him like
18:42trying to like show Mimi maybe that like you know I don't know I don't know what that is I didn't
18:47really like it but yeah and then Grace and Joey during that challenge like I know what's going on
18:53I know do you think they're still feelings there or like yeah yeah I think that is that's why they
18:59act like that yeah I think that um I think that it's not as much as Joey says I don't think that
19:03Grace is like really pressed about him and like thinking about him like that but I think it would
19:08be weird just as it would be weird for Mimi and Io's to not still have feelings that would be
19:11weird for Grace and Joey too I feel like they've got they've done so much now that they couldn't
19:15go back yeah like it's been that there's been that much around it I couldn't go back but I do
19:21feel like she definitely still wanted him right up until a certain point and we've only got like
19:26two weeks left now so who do you want to win oh so we think obviously Nicole and Kieran have got
19:32such a great connection um and they have had from the start you know but also Matilda Sean I would
19:38love Sean to win me yeah it's so funny yeah honestly and you know being in there they literally
19:43bounce off each other so much um and just for me any anyone that Mimi's decides to go with so just
19:49Mimi on her own yeah yeah I think we could have won it if we were still in there oh I think if
19:55they if they had um shown shown everything and shown like us I just feel like we were so good
20:04right that like and every day was just the same for us because we were that good it wasn't really
20:09just being like silly and showing each other the only show and there's dramas you know what I'm
20:13saying yeah so when you're that good you don't necessarily get shown much everyone in the villa
20:18was saying that we were the strongest oh wow but you're here now and it's all worked out exactly
20:26so just finally then I know you were talking about it on after sun you are most likely probably
20:30going to move in together because I know there's a distance thing are you scared of trains I'm so
20:34scared of trains I don't know what's going on I don't know like suddenly I just have a phobia of
20:39trains like I have been on trains before and then like so I shouldn't laugh because it's
20:45no no it's actually really funny like I laugh at myself but when I'm in the situation I'm not
20:49laughing I'm like everyone's a train um yeah I hate trains so if anything I would fly to Newcastle
20:55yeah I don't want to do that so he's just gonna have to always come down yeah you're just yeah
20:58we're gonna go back soon though hopefully yeah hopefully uh this week yeah we're gonna go back
21:02up there and see my family yeah you need to it's gorgeous oh my god I can't wait he was showing me
21:07a picture of where he lives and I was like oh my gosh yeah wow but we're probably looking towards
21:12moving in together when things settle down yeah we need to get looking so yeah okay well remember
21:18me when you have the wedding I want an invite oh my god will you be inviting the ex-editor of
21:24vogue as well I absolutely will he came to after sun yesterday how was that oh amazing I'm so like
21:31I can't believe I've got someone like that supporting me um he was saying to me that um
21:36as soon as I came into the show he was speaking to Maya because he's friends with Maya and was
21:39saying like that's she's a star so I'm so chuffed and we've got some exciting things coming cover of
21:45vogue please oh my gosh I would faint I literally would faint before I could even make the cover
21:50I don't think I'd get on the cover because I know well you deserve to be there listen guys it's been
21:55an absolute pleasure watching you and I am sitting here guys you know I try and stay impartial the
22:00chemistry is very much real it's off the wall and I love to see it I'm a little bit jealous
