• geçen yıl
مسلسل تركي مترجم,مسلسل تركي,مسلسل تركي جديد,مسلسل,مسلسل بنت اسمها ذات الحلقة 1,مسلسل قلبي الحلقة 1 كاملة مترجمة,مسلسل روح بيتي الحلقة 1 كاملة مترجمة,مسلسل القفص الذهبي الحلقة 1 كاملة مترجمة للعربية,مسلسلات تركية,مسلسل الحلم الحلقة 1,مسلسل القفص الذهبي الحلقة 1 كاملة مترجم,مسلسل تركي مدبلج,المسلسل التركي,مسلسل الانتقام الحلو الحلقة 1,مسلسل يا أسفي على شبابي الحلقة,الحلقة 1,مسلسل القفص الذهبي الحلقة 1,لا احد يعلم الحلقة 1
ذات أخرى,مسلسل ذات اخري,مسلسل ذات أخرى,ذات أخرى مدبلج ،,ذات أخرى الحلقة ١,ذات أخرى الحلقة ٢,ذات أخرى الحلقة ٣,ذات أخرى ، شجرة زيتون ، another self,ذات أخرى ، شجرة زيتون ، ذات أخرى مدبلج للعربية ، another self,فرات تانيش,ملخصات انمي,انميات اكشن,ملخصات افلام,مسلسلات انمي,هاكونا ماتاتا,ذات أخرى ، شجرة زيتون ، تركي مدبلج ، مسلسل تركي ، دراما، another self,bosy بتاعت ملخصات,ملخصات افلام رايقة,ملخصات,مراحل التشافي الذاتي,مسلسلات,ملخصاتي,مورات بوز
00:11Team check
01:13You know, I don't know John you know, can you see me? Can I done? Can I done? How's that? Oh, yeah? I'm not service. I'm not
01:28Good night, how's that? How's your love? It's a big area. She's a development
02:13Yeah, I'm sorry
02:18So you don't
02:20Get better
02:24Yes, I can make chick muda için kaydınızı yapamadık diğer çelik
02:33Haber vermemizi istediğiniz bir yakınız var mı?
02:37Seninle muhabbeti vermek düşündüm yavaş kaburgada kırık var bir süre biraz ağır hareket etmek gerekecek
02:47Ne zaman çıkar
02:49Çok kıpırdanmazsanız bir haftaya taburcu ederiz
02:58Hiç kalamalı tekrar etmemesi için toparlamanız gerekiyor ama birkaç güne bakarız
03:04Geçmiş olsun biz daha önce tanıştık mı?
03:19Sanmıyorum nerede tanışmış olabiliriz
03:23Bilmem ama çıkaracağım
03:30Tekrar geçmiş olsun
03:32Asuman yap
03:51Hay Allah'ım ya ben ne günah işledim yaşıyorum acaba
03:59Leyla ha sevginin test günü bugün
04:05Beni istemiyor
04:07Sen gitsen yanında olsam
04:12Bugün müydü ya
04:14Kafa kalmadı ki bende
04:16Beni ister mi bilmiyorum o kocam
04:19O ne demek şimdi
04:22Yani bir şey demek değil bir şey demek değil ya ben öylesine söyledim
04:27Ya da o sana söylemek isterse
04:29Söylesin kendisi
04:33Konuşmuyor ki benle ne söyleyecek
04:38Ben bakarım
04:53Bugün benimle
04:55Ben gelirim
05:05Annesinin kuzusu
05:12Gel Sevgi
05:14Canım benim
05:16Kuzum benim
05:19Gel sen annemin kucağına gel
05:21Gel benim bebeğim gel
05:43Fiko'cum daha yeni gittiler bitmemiştir ki ben neyi sorayım şimdi
05:48Ya Leyla sen niye gitmedin ki
05:50Kızı yalnız mı gönderdiniz yoksa
05:52Ya ben bebekle nasıl gidebilirim
05:54Muko var zaten yanında sen niye gitmiyorsun arkadaşım
05:56Beni istemiyor Leyla'cım
05:58Yani ne bileyim mutsuz olsun istemedim
06:00Yani huzurlu olsun istedim o yüzden gitmedim yani
06:02Fiko bana bak
06:04Lohus elim zaten sinirim tepemde
06:06Kaldır kıçını git hastaneye
06:08Neyin inadı böyle
06:10Kapa telefonu git
06:12Herkes beni buluyor ya
06:18Telefon çalıyor
06:36Naber nasılsın
06:40Ne yapayım
06:42Evet yani
06:44Uzun zaman oldu
06:48Senden bir şey rica edebilir miyim
06:58Valla ben hiç iyi görmedim sevgiyi
07:00Karnım sıkışıyor
07:04Merak etme ben içeride yanında olacağım sevgilin tamam mı
07:06Sen içini ferah tutsun
07:18Hastayı ben devralıyorum
07:30Bak bana
07:34Daha önce iyileştin biliyorsun değil mi
07:40Ve geri geldi
07:42Ne fark eder ki
07:44Çok şükür
07:47Çok şey fark eder canım
07:49Daha önce iyileştiysen yine iyileşebilirsin
07:53Daha önce geri geldiyse
07:55Tekrar geri gelebilir yani
08:13İçeride güzel bir şeyler hayal etmeye çalış
08:19Mutlu aile tablosu filan mı
08:21Çocuklar nocuklar
08:23Hadi hocam hazırız
08:33Seni çok seviyorum biliyorsun değil mi
08:37Ne olursa olsun
08:39Her koşulda yanındayım
08:44Hadi girelim bitsin şu iş
09:08Sonuçların sadece benimle paylaşılmasını istiyorum
09:10Lütfen başka kimseye göndermeyin
09:59Ben alışmaya çalışıyorum
10:03Ama sen böyle şeyler yazınca
10:05Bana iyi gelmiyor
10:07Lütfen yapma
10:13İşine konsantre ol
10:15Ben öyle yapıyorum
10:43Öyle kepçeyle konulmaz
10:45Yırtılır bak
10:47Azar azar koyacaksın
10:49Bir de restoran sahibi olacaksın
10:51Öğren artık bu işleri çocuğum
10:53Aman mı koya
10:55Bende her şeyi mükemmel yapamam ki
10:57Benimde başka yeteneklerim var
11:01Vardı yani bir zamanlar
11:05Fiko gelmedi biliyor musunuz
11:07Aramadı da
11:09Kızım Fiko benimle konuşuyor
11:11Kızım Fiko beni yüzde otuz kere aradı
11:13Yüz elli kere aradı hatta
11:15Sen onu istemiyorsun sanıyor
11:17Ben artık elçi olmaktan zeval oldum
11:19Konuşsanıza birbirinizle
11:25Toprak arıyor canım benim
11:29Açmayacağım ne diyecek ki
11:31Seni de anlamak için logat lazım kızım
11:33Kusura bakmayın ama
11:35Sizden bir bok olmaz
11:37Sizi seven bu adamları nasıl böyle elinizin tersiyle itebiliyorsunuz
11:40Bu zamanda partner bulmak kolay mı
11:42Ne yapalım Leyla
11:44Hayatımıza bir tane adam olsun diye ters gelen şeyleri görmezden mi gelirim
11:46Ben görmezden gelin demiyorum
11:48Ama yani böyle mikroskopla da bakılmaz
11:50Kılmış tüymüş bilmem neymiş
11:52Allah aşkına
11:54Şimdi Erdem çıkıp gelse sen alacak mısın yeniden hayatını
12:00Erdem'in çıkıp gelmesi için
12:02Hepimizin bildiği gibi
12:04Önce tünel kazması lazım
12:09Birisi olması gerekiyor
12:11Yani güvenimi kazanması lazım
12:13Bir de en önemlisi tabi ki
12:15Gladyatör kostümünü
12:19Çünkü artık bende
12:21Libido mibido hiçbir şey kalmadı
12:23Yalnız Allah aşkına hakkını verelim artık
12:25Her ne olursa olsun konuyu
12:27Gladyatör kostümüne getirmeyi
12:29Başarıyor ya yapıyor yani
12:31Yalnız ben bu kiloları veremezsem
12:33Gladyatör kostümü de kar etmeyecek
12:35Çünkü beni
12:38Cunda sahiline koyacaklar
12:48Annem geliyor
12:50Gerçekten mi
12:54Ne güzel işte
12:56Bebeğe de bakar
12:58İşte bende o yüzden çağırdım ama
13:00Ufak bir detayı paylaşmayı atladım kendisiyle
13:20Adam hocam
13:22Sizi servisten çağırıyorlar
13:24Hastanızın durumu acilmiş
13:26Hangi hasta
13:30Evet ne oluyor burada
13:34Hocam hastaya kalkmaya çalışırken düşmüş
13:36I told you I couldn't stay any longer.
13:41You will stay longer now.
13:43Give him Tramadol.
13:45If you continue to act like this, his recovery time will be extended.
13:48But you decide.
13:50Okay. If you insist, I'll stay a few more days.
13:53But on one condition.
13:55On one condition.
13:57What is it?
13:59If you drink something when I get better.
14:01Mr. Diyar, this offer is against the doctor-patient relationship.
14:03I'm giving this to the effect of the painkillers you took.
14:06Please don't repeat it again.
14:08I told you when I got better.
14:10When I get better, I won't be your patient anymore, Dr. Ada.
14:13What do you say?
14:16I say no.
14:18Get well soon.
14:20Keep an eye on the patient.
14:22If you don't drink alcohol, you can have tea or coffee.
14:30Where did he come from?
14:31I was going to play a game.
14:33I don't like my grandmother.
14:35Sarp, shut up. Don't say that.
14:37Look, your grandmother came all the way from Antalya to see us, okay?
14:41You will be polite.
14:43Why? Because we will want your grandmother to stay with us for a while.
14:46We will want her to help the baby.
14:48Because, dear, your mother needs to work.
14:50Do you know why?
14:52For detergent waste and for our other expenses.
14:54Do you understand?
15:01Your grandmother came, Sarp.
15:24Your father will kill me.
15:27Don't say that.
15:29Let's go.
15:31Let's go.
15:38Sarp, son, get in the car and help me from the front.
15:42Come on, mom.
15:54Welcome, dad.
15:56Say welcome to your grandfather and grandmother.
16:04What is this?
16:08Blue is a very sweet, very sweet thing.
16:11Look, I'll show you right away.
16:15My dear blue.
16:17Your grandfather is retired Colonel Hasan Bey and your grandmother is Mrs. Leman.
16:36What did you do?
16:38What did you do, my daughter?
17:01Thank you.
17:32I saw you well, you look good.
17:36If everything is as it seems.
17:40How are you?
17:42How is it going with my job?
17:44We are fine.
17:46I'm happy.
17:48And I miss my daughter very much.
17:50I want to finish the work here first and run to the hotel.
17:54We are fine with my job.
17:56We don't have a problem.
17:58Everything is fine.
17:59I can say it's great.
18:01Everything is fine.
18:03Even great.
18:05What a bad liar you are.
18:07Because you are a very good liar.
18:09What are you looking at? You came to talk to your husband.
18:11Master Selim.
18:13The quilts are over.
18:15I'm going to look at the backyard.
18:17It's very hot, can I rest a little?
18:19No, it's fine.
18:21I'm getting dizzy.
18:23I'm looking back.
18:30How are you?
18:32I'm fine.
18:34How are you?
18:36I'm fine, thank God.
18:38Thank God for that too.
18:43I'll sit down, it's very hot here.
18:45No, I came to look at Selim anyway.
18:48Thank you.
18:54I had the tests done.
18:55I had the tests done.
18:57Routine scanning and stuff.
18:59I hope it turns out well.
19:01I hope it turns out well.
19:03It will turn out well.
19:05It even came out.
19:07If you need anything, let me know, okay?
19:11Can you look at the brother?
19:13I came, master.
19:15I won't hold you then.
19:17Thank you.
19:21Did you know Russian?
19:22Did you know Russian?
19:27I was a manitan at the time.
19:31I was a manitan.
19:33We've been here for years.
19:35We're in tourism business.
19:37Are you obsessed with this?
19:39No, why would I be obsessed?
19:41We were curious.
19:43This color is beautiful.
19:45Thank you.
19:49Okay, see you.
19:55Leyla, I know it seems a little complicated.
19:58But your parents are alive.
20:00They're here.
20:02And try to look this way.
20:04I wish they were alive.
20:06I wish they were alive.
20:08I wish they had died early.
20:10Come on, Leyla.
20:12What are you talking about?
20:14That's what she said.
20:19The shop is doing well.
20:20We have to think about that.
20:22Fiko, Selim and...
20:24Thank you so much.
20:26It's all thanks to you.
20:30Things are good at the shop.
20:32I noticed that.
20:34Thank you, Fiko.
20:36I think it was two months ago...
20:38...that you wanted to get rid of me...
20:40...and leave me alone.
20:42What happened now?
20:44Am I talking about the Russian agenda?
20:46What did I tell him?
20:48This is a very good thing.
20:52You are jealous of Fiko.
20:54So you don't love him anymore.
20:58So what if I don't love him?
21:00What can I promise Fiko?
21:06You are making the decision for him.
21:10Let him make the decision.
21:12You have to sit down...
21:14...and have a nice talk with him.
21:20Are you alone?
21:22How are you?
21:24How many babies do you have?
21:26Ten babies.
21:28I am so comfortable.
21:32How is the pumpkin pie?
21:34It's great.
21:36Enjoy it.
21:38You are my love.
21:42My father's look...
21:44...doesn't leave my sight.
21:46Why don't you go to Mr. Zaman?
21:54You said it.
21:56You got used to Mr. Zaman.
22:00I will tell you something.
22:02Think about it.
22:04How can I think about it?
22:06Who will take care of the baby?
22:08I will.
22:10I will.
22:12Simple is the best.
22:16You think it's easy.
22:18Go and think about it.
22:22What will happen?
22:36I am so surprised to see you.
22:38I am so happy.
22:40I am surprised to see you too.
22:42Is everything okay after the operation?
22:44I am fine.
22:46Thank you so much.
22:48For everything.
22:50Seeing you here...
22:52...relieved me.
22:54I came here with a lot of questions.
22:58...this is very interesting.
23:02But don't lose your control.
23:06See you.
23:08Thank you.
23:12Are we alone?
23:14What will happen when you grow up?
23:18Listen to me.
23:20Don't tell me to be a doctor or nurse.
23:28I am tired of the hospital.
23:30I don't want to be a nurse.
23:36I don't want you to be a lawyer.
23:40It's very difficult.
23:42You can be an artist.
23:44You can make a difference in our lives.
23:50Don't be like your brother Toprak.
23:54He is not here.
23:58You can be like Fiko.
24:04Full of love.
24:08Live well.
24:12Like Fiko.
24:14Everything he does is beautiful.
24:18You can be like that.
24:34Let's sleep.
24:36Let's sleep.
24:42Who are we starting with today?
24:50I am in a hurry.
24:52I have a baby at home.
24:54We will make an opening for Leyla.
24:58Choose one to represent you.
25:02I chose you.
25:12Close your eyes when you are ready.
25:26Who and what do you represent?
25:28You know.
25:44My hands are sweating.
25:48Like my heart.
25:50I can't breathe.
25:56I can't breathe.
26:02What does your father do?
26:06He was a soldier.
26:08Why did you ask?
26:20Don't do it!
26:26Wrong direction, commander.
26:56Let's sleep.
27:04Close your eyes.
27:06Who and what do you represent?
27:08You know.
27:26Can you look at the person lying there?
27:30I don't want to.
27:34You can.
27:36Come here.
27:38I don't want to.
27:40Turn around.
27:42Turn around.
27:44I don't want to.
27:46Turn around.
27:48Turn around.
27:58Can you look at the person lying there?
28:14Can you look at the person lying there?
28:36I never thought it would be like this.
28:40I started it.
28:42Now I'm ending it with love.
28:48Get your head out of your hands.
28:50You come here.
28:52Come here.
28:54You are his mother.
28:56You are his mother.
29:10Mr. Zaman, I don't understand anything.
29:12What happened?
29:18A child may have been killed.
29:22A child whose name you don't know
29:24A child whose name you don't know
29:26A child whose name you don't know
29:32You can make a child happy.
29:36You can make his life easier.
29:40You can help his education.
29:42You can give a scholarship.
29:46To honor that child and his mother.
29:54But now everyone can get out of order.
30:10One day
30:12A young man from the village
30:16Went to the forest to hunt.
30:18He shot a deer.
30:20With an arrow.
30:22With an arrow that pierced the deer's chest.
30:28The deer ran away.
30:30After that,
30:32He started looking for a deer that he had shot in the forest.
30:36While the deer was looking for the deer.
30:38He took it to a dervish lodge.
30:40He took it to a dervish lodge.
30:42The young man asked the people inside.
30:44A deer has been shot.
30:46He asked about Leyla.
30:48You knocked on the door.
30:50I'm here.
30:51Has anyone seen her?
30:53Is Leyla here?
30:56The child is sleeping inside.
30:58Mr. Hasan, Leyla is having a hard time.
31:01Don't upset her, please.
31:08A stupid Musa and his captain are inside.
31:12He opened his eyes in front of the captain.
31:14What did he see?
31:16An arrow stuck in the stupid Musa's chest.
31:19He said,
31:21Do you know the arrow I shot?
31:23Is this it?
31:25The young man was shocked when he saw his own arrow stuck in the stupid Musa's chest.
31:33And he fell at his feet.
31:36He spent the rest of his life in the dervish lodge.
31:43Every arrow we throw at others,
31:47comes back to us.
31:55Isn't it beautiful?
31:57Yes, it is.
31:59Let's try it.
32:01It will suit you.
32:06Let me see.
32:09It's beautiful.
32:11Thank you.
32:38How are you?
32:40I'm fine.
32:42And you?
32:44I'm fine.
32:48See you later.
32:58I'll take you to the market.
33:01You go to the hotel.
33:05You don't have to lie.
33:26We couldn't talk.
33:31We stopped at the right place.
33:35Shall we drink something?
33:43It's like years have passed.
33:48I missed you.
33:50I mean, talking to you.
33:52Me too.
33:54But I saw you well.
33:56How is your fatherhood going?
34:04Can I talk to you?
34:10I didn't expect this.
34:13I had a lot of doubts before I was born.
34:21The moment I saw her...
34:24How can I say?
34:26It's like...
34:28Before she was born, my life had no meaning.
34:31But when I saw her...
34:33When she was born...
34:35Everything changed.
34:42Someone needs you.
34:46I don't understand.
34:53It's good for you.
34:55Somewhere inside...
34:58You want to be a savior.
35:00You want to have people around you who need you.
35:07I don't know.
35:09I don't know.
35:13I went and saw it with my own eyes.
35:17Do you know exactly what nonsense is?
35:20Yes, I know.
35:22Did you want to talk to me to fight?
35:27Did you miss this?
35:30Don't be ridiculous.
35:32Yes, my wife never fights with me.
35:34No matter what I say.
35:40Are you uncomfortable with this?
35:42I mean...
35:44It depends on where you look at.
35:46You know, I don't like challenges.
35:54Maybe now...
35:57It's too late for you to like challenges, Selim.
36:03Maybe we need something else now.
36:08We're waiting until the sun sets.
36:15You broke up with Toprak.
36:25I can't say I'm sorry.
36:27You know what I think about it.
36:36No matter what I say...
36:39When I saw you with Yeşim and the baby today...
36:44I felt strange.
36:52I don't know.
36:55I felt strange.
37:01Don't look at me like that, Selim.
37:03I know what that look means.
37:08What can I do?
37:10I can't.
37:15We shouldn't talk about this.
37:18We've been through a lot.
37:22Are we really through?
37:26You know what I'd like?
37:30I'd like to turn everything around...
37:34and never lose you.
37:48We can't.
37:52We can't.
37:56Why can't we?
38:03we can't make the same mistakes over and over again, Selim.
38:08Besides, you have a family now.
38:17I wish...
38:20I was your daughter instead of Yeşim.
38:30Don't say that.
38:33She chose to be your daughter and mine.
38:37Don't say that again.
38:49Don't say that.
39:19I'm sorry.
39:45Whenever I see you, I feel like I'm dead.
39:47Is there a complaint?
39:48I'm like a bomb.
39:49I took my meds, I took my serums, I slept like a baby.
39:52Well done.
39:54I can't say I'm not bored.
39:56But I found something to distract myself from, of course.
40:10Are you a painter or something?
40:13If inspiration comes.
40:18Very good.
40:20You're lucky you didn't break your hand in the accident.
40:23What kind of an accident did you have, Doctor?
40:28It's obvious that there was a damage.
40:30That's why I think it's distance.
40:33I'll remind you again, I'm your doctor.
40:36Distance is preferred.
40:37Get well soon.
40:39Do you like to dance?
40:40What's that to you?
40:42I don't think you've done it for a long time.
40:44Is there such a shame?
40:46Places to be danced or something.
40:49I don't know.
40:51There must be for your age.
40:55He rolled a rock, Doctor.
40:58You coughed.
41:05I'm sorry.
41:07I'm sorry.
41:08I'm sorry.
41:14I'm sorry.
41:16Go, go, go.
41:17Bad smells.
41:19Sevgi, I'm coming.
41:23My love, don't you have a key?
41:36Come here.
41:39No, I won't come.
41:41I don't have much time.
41:44We're going back to Antalya.
41:46I came to let you know.
41:53Your vacation is over.
41:56I understand.
41:58Don't blame me, Leyla.
42:00Your father wants it that way.
42:02What do you want?
42:03What do you want?
42:11Who am I asking?
42:14You weren't in Sarp.
42:17You weren't at my wedding.
42:19You weren't in my pregnancies.
42:21You weren't in any of my life.
42:25Which one did you ask our opinion while doing, Leyla?
42:29If you didn't have your mother and father,
42:31there must be something you know.
42:34May God help you, my daughter.
42:48Are you really going?
42:53If you say, let's not go, let's stay,
42:55your father will kill me.
42:57Don't you know that?
42:59Don't I know?
43:00He'll kill me, right?
43:01He'll kill me.
43:03If you do that, he'll kill you.
43:05If you do this, he'll get angry.
43:07You go and continue to live at your husband's behest, Mrs. Leman.
43:11The girl will take care of you.
43:19What we left behind,
43:21what we left behind,
43:23what we killed,
43:25actually our own pieces,
43:27our own hopes,
43:31our loved ones,
43:33our children.
43:35Oh, oh.
43:40There is a child.
43:42Hello, good luck.
43:44Thank you.
43:49Thank you.
44:02Is that how it comes to me, or is everyone looking at me?
44:05Did something happen?
44:08You know that Aysel, your patient?
44:10He told me that you and Mr. Zaman met at someone's place.
44:14Enjoy your meal.
44:16I mean, to beat you up.
44:18I understand, he told everyone, he's a young man.
44:21The damage that people who are not in the medical field have seen.
44:27It doesn't end with telling, sir.
44:29Irresponsibility is nothing else.
44:31Mr. Aysel, if you want to tell me something, I'm here.
44:34You can tell me.
44:36I'm telling you, Mr. Adi.
44:38Encouraging your patient to such a place is not ethical at all.
44:41I didn't send my patient anywhere.
44:43We met.
44:45So what were you doing there?
44:47Does it suit you at all?
44:48Does it suit you to abuse without doing any research, sir?
44:52Who are we?
44:54We are against it.
44:56If you research, in many countries...
44:59Is it a scientific treatment?
45:03Many of the things we call scientific today...
45:06It was a myth years ago.
45:10It may be good for the patient's morale.
45:12We know the importance of emotional state.
45:14There is something called a placebo effect. Why do you say that?
45:16Sir, you say it well.
45:18Do you realize what happens to patients who believe in them and leave their treatment?
45:22Does it make sense?
45:25No one says, go to the patients, leave your treatment tomorrow.
45:29Besides, there are things we can't solve with logic and reason.
45:32Right, sir?
45:34We can't deny that diseases have spiritual causes.
45:37Isn't that right, sir?
45:40Enjoy your meal.
45:44Oh my God.
45:46Never mind, dear.
45:48Enjoy your meal.
46:18Thank you, sir.
46:48Thank you.
