• last year

00:00Produce the chairman and CEO of the Calloway group Matthew Calloway. It's good to see you. We've met. Oh
00:08Shit she recognized me. We went to college together
00:12Mr. Calloway has such a way of making himself known
00:18I think he dated just about every single girl in our school. That's not true. He's also very close with my amazing husband Eric Price
00:25That's also not true. We're not friends. You know, I guess there's a lot about his character actually
00:30You know, Eric actually booked the Calloway for a wedding venue
00:32Which is a pretty fine choice if I might ask. It has become the most dramatic place on earth for me
00:36Which goes to show that I am pretty set on not moving my bookstore so that you can build another one of your horrendous
00:42Hotels on top of it. I think you mean Magnus. No. Well, great. This meeting is gonna go great
00:49Miss Reed, please follow me
00:56Please have a seat
01:04What seems to be your main concern here miss Reed my main concern mr. Calloway is that you're trying to buy out my mom's
01:11life's work
01:13Destroy it. No, I think you greatly misunderstand it
01:16I mean you see we offer really generous packages to all the local businesses on the street to relocate
01:21I mean could be even somewhere more lucrative. That's not the point
01:25My parents built that store from scratch every piece of wood every brick every stroke of paint it was my mother's
01:32Dream it was it was the one thing they left me after the accident
01:37Is this why she desperately needs her grandpa's money?
01:41It is
01:43my duty
01:44to protect it
01:46All of it right where it is
01:49Miss Reed with all due respect
01:51You won't be able to pay back the loans you took out for the store. People don't read physical books anymore. It's all about audio
01:59It would be in your best interest to cash out, you know
02:02You talk about having my best interests, but you didn't even bother to offer me a glass of water
02:08Big corporations like you have no heart and that that is my concern
02:14Men like you have no heart. I came here to prove my point
02:18Chapters bookstore is not going any
02:33Mr. Calloway
02:35Sorry, I did not know that Eric was gonna fuck everything up
02:38You're at our godforsaken wedding because it was at my hotel because you're friends. So he booked it look
02:45Eric lied
02:47We're not friends. He only ever gets a hold of me if he needs or wants something from me. Okay, so could you please?
02:53Not be so hostile. I'll stop being hostile when you start coming from my books. I'll see that is not personal
03:01Layla, that's just that's business. All right, your business is right in the way
03:05And I'm gonna keep out it until the day I die or until you go broke
03:11You know, I don't have time to deal with your bullshit
03:21My god now I can never tell the truth she hates me
03:36That's maybe about five minutes before he's supposed to be here hi I have a reservation
03:41Yes, I do apologize because the bar is booked up for a private event tonight
03:47I'm sorry, which I might just double-checking. My boss's boss's boss is having a very special. Oh
03:54Here he is
03:55Mr. Mac mark
03:58Yes, this this is mr. Mark
04:05Okay, thank you shall we
04:33Wasn't sure what you'd want. So I got a little bit of everything
04:37there Campbell
04:39Seem very well connected here. I just have a very very satisfied client
04:44Clearly if you're able to rent out an entire five-star hotel bar, do you do this for every client?
04:54Just you
04:59Oh, I actually can't do that. You see roleplay is my trademark can't ever reveal my identity
05:10Did not know that that was a thing
05:12Yeah, it's very common
05:15So enough about me. Let's talk about you. So let me get this straight
05:20you want to get pregnant and you
05:23Don't want to do that with your husband long story short. My husband is practically a ghost and I need to have a baby
05:31So I actually dropped it up. Hey
05:35I'm shot a
05:39Contract contract
05:41Basically, I need to get pregnant ASAP, but I do have a business
05:46And it makes me very busy and my schedule is a little unpredictable
05:54I'm sorry 5,000 a week five grand a week until I get pregnant
06:00She'll go broke like this. I can't accept the money
06:06Don't know if I can I mean I have so many clients that I gotta take care of, you know, I'm just busy through the
06:16Look, I could do this elsewhere, but I would
06:20Really rather do this with someone who isn't a stranger and I'm not a stranger. I don't know you just seem
06:30Can't say no when she's looking at me like that
06:37Sorry, this is
06:39Stupid I I'm just gonna have Catherine find me another no, no
06:45I'll do it. Don't worry about paying me right away. Just I'd rather you not go broke over something like this
06:55Right now
07:09Don't make a baby
07:45Guess I'm just full surprises, but this is a pretty damn good hotel
07:51Just my thoughts
07:54I miss Lily Reid. Would you do me the honor of this dance?
08:02Not much of a dancer
08:48Matthew Calloway the call boy. What the hell am I doing?
09:06What is it it's 6 in the morning sir, sorry, but you have a meeting with the investor from France at 6 30 a.m
09:13Would you like me to prepare a meeting room on the property or just cancel it
09:18What sir we can lose the 20 million in funding I don't care just tell them I'm sick or something
09:25figure it out the
10:12What do I do
10:21Know this mystery. This is dr. Lucas. You need to get that hospital as soon as you can
10:28This is dr. Lucas you need to get that hospital as soon as you can
10:32Your grandfather's gone through surgery. We need to hear as soon as possible
10:37Yeah, I'll be there in 20
10:40Hey, what's wrong
10:58Hey, Lily Reid is leaving Calloway follow her
11:23Look who decided to show up. Where's grandpa? Where are your manners? I'm your aunt. Not your secretary. Grandpa's in surgery
11:31Well, the doctor don't think that he's not gonna make it
11:35Personally, I think it's kind of funny. They still alive like, you know, I think like 500 years old
11:39How about you choke on that candy you spoiled brat?
11:43What's your mouth you little cunt?
11:45And you lecture my son
11:52You always think you're better than everybody else don't you just like your annoying mother
12:00Don't you dare talk about my mother?
12:05Put that shit away
12:08Good kid you have
12:10Dad always favored your side of the family never figured out why really?
12:18Tell you what. I
12:21Saw the will dad drafted leaving you
12:25Everything who knows what shit you've been whispering in his ears, but I am not letting it go
12:31I guess that thing is up to grandpa
12:35He's not here to confirm anything so what did I miss Eric Eric, sweetheart
12:48What are you doing here
12:50Inheritance nice
12:55So soon after the wedding and you're already being a bitch to Eric, oh, that's okay Kelly. She's having a rough week
13:02I'm so sorry about grandpa
13:05Grandpa is fine. He's not dead. I'm just trying to be nice. You don't have to be such a bitch about it
13:10Wouldn't be the first time you may be dad's favorite in the family, but without his will you'll get nothing
13:22He's fine we moved in I see you he just needs quiet
13:28We can only take one family member
13:37I'm George Reid's daughter. Surely I should see him first. You haven't been to a single
13:43Don't mind my wife. She's
13:45None of you care about him. I'll go
13:55Listen bitch, I know your little birdbrain only seems to care about your fucking bookstore, but I want my money
14:03We had a deal you give me a baby and I won't stop until I fucking get it
14:08I'm not having a baby with you. Grandma's gonna die
14:24Not fucking touch
14:36Come on guys, come on. Yeah, this is a hospital not a boxing ring. Oh
14:43Mr. Calloway
14:44I'm sorry. I didn't recognize it was you. It's okay. Your father did the world a great service by building this wing. Thank you, sir
14:51We're so grateful
14:53What can we do for you? Listen new George Reid to a private ICU and this is his granddaughter Layla Reed
15:01limit the guest list to just her
15:05Limit the guest list to just her anything for you. Mr. Calloway. Let's get you to your grandma
15:10I'm here at the end of a devastating boxing loss
15:18Layla lost her parents Kelly. You still have Nick and your husband
15:23She has Eric and she'll have a baby soon. Why does she get your inheritance too? It's not fair
15:30I just want the best for my granddaughter. I'm not signing anything. It's just not fair
15:38They're things have never been fair for Layla giving her everything is the least I can do for her
15:49The adults are having a conversation
15:52Get out. No
15:55Ma'am, it's time for you to go. Where the hell are you? Did you not hear the nurse one immediate family member?
16:05Yes, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave
16:07Hear that and leave us alone
16:13Hear that and leave us alone I met you miss
16:17What me?
16:19I'm his daughter. We're moving. Mr. Reid to a VIP room and you're not on the visitation list
16:25Please leave what VIP room? We can't he can't afford that. I will have security remove you
16:37You are not getting a penny
16:49Don't you scare me like that ever again
17:00Have never ever been so humiliated who was that pretentious asshole fucking Matthew Calloway. He inherited the Calloway crew
17:07He's one of the richest guys in town like mega rich
17:10He's supposed to be my best friend. I don't know why the fuck you just hit me
17:14Well, if he is actually your friend, you should be able to find out
17:21You can see the surgery went well we were able to remove the tumor completely your grandpa's relief is palpable
17:42Thank you
17:44It's at least I could do
17:46Actually, you really didn't have to do any of this
17:51This is one of your tricks to get me to give up my bookstore
17:58There's more than just business then what is it?
18:02What are you even doing here I was just passing by I see you
18:08You know checking up on my dad's legacy
18:11You know how it is. I know how it is
18:15Yeah, you're still trying to tear down my family legacy
18:24Look it just seems like you're biting off a little bit more than you can chew. Okay, and what I'm what I mean is
18:31When it comes to your family, you know
18:34Maybe taking a step back from the bookstore might don't tell me about how I should handle my family
18:40You don't know me. You never gave me a chance
19:02This feels he feels so familiar
19:07No way Matthew can't be mark don't be silly
19:22Like whatever business tactic this is it's not gonna work on me. I'm just trying to help
19:28It seems like your grandpa could thank you I can handle this myself
19:36Hey, man, can we talk no, dude, I have so much to do. Come on. It's about Layla
19:44Start the drink
19:47You do only one
19:51One drink
19:53Just like old times I know I was there
19:57Cheers to a decade of friendship and decades more
20:07Hey up Garcon with the boss man, I might need bottle service. I
20:15Realized you've known Layla a pretty long time too. Yeah. What do you think? Thank you so much
20:26Layla why well, I always thought she was pretty but boring. Don't you know one interesting thought and then pretty little head
20:35She's divorcing me bro. Can you believe it? She's divorcing me. I'm at the Callaway. I'm sorry about that man. Come over
20:46Hey, I'm pouring my heart out over here
20:58Matthew where you're sleeping with your
21:03Callaway you're sleeping with your
21:07I didn't know you a game like that. You're fucking clients in your own. Oh, shut up. That's a dream
21:14He's supposed to be on call 24-7
21:16He's desperate
21:21No, she's desperate have some water
21:25Life is dope man. Sorry
21:29Either a step
21:35For me to get her grandpa's money
21:39Stop talking about her with someone else
21:47I'm crazy
21:58What are you feeling today
22:19Good afternoon, sir. The Callaway can we swim by the costume shop understood?
22:26I'm sorry. Wait, what?
22:29God is actually gone
22:52Excuse me lady our chairman and CEO is here. Hi, mr. Callaway
23:03What the hell
23:07Dr. Callaway
23:14The dog is here
23:16I need a new doctor
23:32Wait, let's drink the whole bottle
23:59You know, you are trying to get pregnant so maybe shouldn't drink so much
24:08You should fix
24:10You know water would probably
24:13There's water downstairs we should probably get you some water
24:28Hey, it's okay. It's totally fine
24:46Hi, yes, mr. Callaway, yes, if you could bring up some Advil some Gatorade
24:54Definitely some fresh clothes for mr. Reid myself. That'd be great. Oh and
25:01Give me masks. That would be awesome
25:09Victor what is that smell?
25:13Is this
25:16Sir you gave me no time is this or hotel uniform? You know what? It's perfect
25:38If you charge a cleaning fee, I'm I'm happy to pay it no, no
25:45It's okay. It happens all the time
25:49Really? Absolutely. You've had a client throw up on you so many times. It's silly
25:56You're a liar
25:59Really nice to be cared for though
26:04Why did you drink so much
26:09Wanna burden you
26:11Tell my bullshit. No. Hey, I I can do so much more than
26:22Come on let me show you my favorite place is open tonight. Let's go
26:27Yeah, don't change
26:50Had my
26:51Stupid wedding here. Oh, mr. Reid. Oh, this is my friend. We're just friends
26:59Yeah, but Vic and I go way back to I have been a longtime client of the Callaway and we've been friends for years
27:05In that right?
27:11Well, I gotta go guys but nice to see you miss Reid wait, are you just now leaving work it's the weekend
27:18Oh, yes, I was on my way out. Oh my god that Matthew Calloway has you working every single day you person. I'm so sorry
27:27A piece of work
27:29Variates me. Mr. Calloway has a great character and personality
27:35Sounds like a great guy
27:37You know, I think he's a real asshole
27:42Well, I
27:43Wish you guys have a great night. Okay, actually, you know what? We're just getting ready to go as well
27:49I just looking for my car. Oh
27:57You have a Rolls-Royce
28:06No, I was looking for my car which I think Vic is actually holding on to my key for me
28:11Your car I need to borrow your car
28:31Let's go after you thanks so much for watching that Vic
28:36I misread
28:41Sir you have to unlock the car with your keys. That's how cars work
28:48It's a new feature that they just added
28:55Please drive it slow. No, I will it's my car. So my insurance not good
29:02Oh, oh my god, I get home
29:20Thank you kindly you're so welcome
29:42You don't drive much do you
29:48New car
29:52Okay, okay Victor, thank you so much for you
30:16Thanks for bringing me here you're welcome
30:21Figured this would make you happy and I I didn't know if you want to talk about anything
30:27You don't have to oh, I just want you to feel like somebody cares it's my grandpa
30:39He got cancer
30:42I'm sorry. I got this this grand idea. I should get married and
30:49Baby, hello
30:53Wow, yeah
30:56For it
31:03His face lights up when he thinks about it, you know, I guess he hope in his eyes and I just I
31:12Don't want to take that away from him
31:17It's gonna be okay
31:19Thank you, you have a good heart Lila Reid
31:21Thank you, you have a good heart Lila Reid
31:30Your grandfather he sounds like a good man, he's really cool. I think I was like
31:37Four or five. I was I was young
31:39Don't get a little stupid annoying little kid. You were probably Chuckie doesn't
32:26Layla Reid Eric price does not deserve you at all