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00:00It's a zero death playthrough nothing can hurt me
00:06What the fuck i'm too weak and pathetic leave me alone
00:17Okay, no we cannot die like this we're in a very we're in a sticky sticky situation here
00:23There is so many enemies here. There's a creeper coming up. I need to get out of here
00:27I think but first I want to get back there
00:30Let's start with that
00:33Oh god is dark and
00:40Was there any more diamonds did I miss any more diamonds?
00:46Okay, we're towards safety now. Ah there's zombies
00:50Okay, we're back. We're back at the base at the temporary base. We got a lot of diamonds six diamonds
00:56That's a good pull. Who's fucking with me?
00:59Ah, it's a baby bjorn look away if you're watching in the future. Ah, jesus babies. I hate babies. I don't hate
01:07Do I?
01:08I love bjorn, but I hate babies
01:14I just want to go back to my homeland. I want to go back to sven linda. He's probably so scared
01:19She's probably thinking of me. I'm out of here eating raw flesh in the meanwhile. Let's just go for it. What's gonna happen?
01:26Lose all my diamonds and I cry more than sven linda impossible. We're almost back
01:32Up now up now up
01:34No one can follow me
01:36my bridge
01:37My bridge only yes, we're back
01:40We're back in the hole
01:42That's the hole we're back in the hole
01:46All right, so i'm gonna dig myself out now
01:48So people said that you can make armor for dogs. So i'm thinking gold armor for me and sven linda
01:53We look pimped out I think that's pretty cool. How do I get the recipe though?
01:57Armadillos there are my dillos in the game now
02:00I have to kill an armadillo. I'm not gonna kill an armadillo. There's cuter than sven linda
02:06Mojang, I love my dogs, but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna murder. I'm not a murderer
02:10You kill armadillos to get the armor. I can't believe that you can shear them
02:15Okay, i'll share them and then i'll kill them prove a point
02:19It's now the only way
02:20I have the latest update. All right, what's this? 18
02:29All right, we're gonna get out of here this monologue sucks, oh god
02:35I'm just adding random sounds even though nothing's gonna happen. It's not called mojang
02:42Holy we're in this hole. I know this hole we came from one hole to another familiar hole
02:48Holy shit once sven linda gets to hear about this. She's gonna freaking drop your marbles
02:55sven linda
02:58Yeah boy girl
03:02Don't run away from me
03:04She missed me so much. There we go. She had to run away here
03:09I got some flesh for oh, you love rotten flesh. Good girl. Beautiful girl. So that's my danger hole
03:14Uh, we should plug that in with the bucket of axolotl
03:20Does he die if he has no water no, he's just slow that's okay
03:24The hole is plugged the water's right here
03:27Put you in do not go down the hole though
03:30That's good. Yeah, look at that new friends
03:34I also got cake. Yes. Thank you. I'm hungry. What is it?
03:40Might say I had a look at this beautiful wife amazing wife made me cake. It's now a cake eating live stream
03:47This stream has now been blessed by my cheesecake
03:53I feel like the obvious next thing to do is fix this house because it sucks because now we got all gold
03:59Let's melt my gold. Oh, I can jump down in the pool here. Ah
04:03New recipes from jumping in the pool. Oh fuck. Ideally. I can also make a bed before it gets dark
04:08Should probably go out and murder some sheep or something. All right, give me my gold pants daddy. What is gold panes?
04:13There they are. Look at me looking good. Which one is f5? Yeah, how do I look at myself?
04:19How do I look at myself? How do I look at myself? I can't see myself. He keeps looking away
04:25Ah, I guess i'll never know
04:27I figured it out
04:30Yeah, yeah wait sven sven, let me go to you
04:36Yeah, boy
04:38Yeah, boy. Let's go
04:40Let's go sven in the golden armor. I'm gonna get you golden armor
04:44If the last thing I ever do in life is golden armor
04:47You will shine all across the sky so beautiful and you match me already. So that's cool
04:53I I don't have a food supply and I don't have yeah, maybe I should solve that first food supply and dream supply
04:59Sven we're gonna go on a quick adventure. We're gonna kill
05:02Uh sheeps a sheep murdering adventure, we need one more white or two more gray
05:07Okay, let's murder svenlina. What does sheep will find if there's sheep living here svenlina. We'll find them
05:16I'll play sad music when i'm on a quest to murder. Oh god. It's already getting dark svenlina
05:22This is really bad. Really really really really bad. Okay. Well, I don't see any sheeps and i'm out of
05:28What the fuck I haven't slept in those fuckers
05:38I've been trying to sleep but this stupid game doesn't make it possible
05:43Sven do not attack them back. They're really evil
05:47Where's the goddamn sheep?
05:50I will spend you thought you were sheep
05:53This music doesn't work at all
05:58Okay, is that a sheep I see a sheep ah, it's a chicken it's a chicken
06:07There's so many chickens
06:10Is that a sheep? I see a sheep. Oh, it's a polar bear. Of course. All right
06:18What's he gonna do
06:19What's he gonna do?
06:21What's he gonna do?
06:22Idiot stinky polar smaller. That's all the xp you get for that. I thought they were strong. Oh, baby
06:30You don't look away i'm about to murder this child yes drown him idiot
06:38Yes, i'm angry too svenlina just want to sleep there has to be a sheep here somewhere
06:46Scrape not sheep
06:48Pig not sheep if I find a cow next I swear to god. I want to sleep sheep
06:55funny the sheep
06:58Found the sheep guys
07:03Fuck i'm actually kind of low on shit
07:05Well, I guess we're not sleeping then there's a village where where give me coordinates right now scanning for village
07:12Okay, well you're lying you're all lying what's the max I could do without lag
07:18It seems okay a little lag here. Is that a village?
07:23Sussy, uh, sussy light there. Maybe we should go to sussy light
07:27All right, we're going on a side quest right now
07:31To check out sussy light. Oh, we found it. Here's the light. Does it amount to anything?
07:38Lava cool. Holy shit. This hole is huge
07:44Do not jump
07:48Look a hole look a hole so big
07:51Oh sunlinna so tempting
07:53So tempting go down big hole. See if you can find maybe there's sheeps down there
07:59All right, then we're going in to find more sheeps
08:03Very dangerous move here sven, especially as i'm drowning we're going in to get more sheep
08:12Ah sheep come they must be close
08:16Oh more sheep come
08:18We must be very very close. Let's go straight down to hell sven
08:21Straight down to hell. There's water down there. We could make a jump
08:28Oh, that's your ass in my face, thank you
08:35You're just gonna leave after that, okay
08:37Well, anyway, I was saying we could jump and i'm very tempted. There might be sheep down there. There's sheep come evidence everywhere. Okay
08:45Let's make a little platform
08:47This will be the bestest job jump of all time
08:52That's a tight spot, dude
08:54Imagine all the sheep hiding down there. Oh, I can't okay. Here we go
09:02Now whose fucking idea was that, huh?
09:08I thought I could control
09:11I thought I could control maneuver the air a little bit. Fuck my golden armor. Everything is down there bjorn's retirement
09:19Fuck shit. This is really bad. This is not even oh, this is super bad
09:23Svenlina, oh god. Oh god. This must be what the sheep's doing. I can tell
09:32Bitch that was a spy of water sheep. I must it explains everything
09:37i'm fuming
09:39Let's pick some flower for svenlina. She must be so scared
09:43I need some armor. I just do I know. All right, here we go. I don't have time to waste
09:49Uh full haste no time to waste
09:51Okay, let's find the source of light again
09:59You're back hurry look
10:05Always so grateful. Okay good. That's what the fuck you are
10:21So many
10:30Where are the children even the children even the baby sheep
10:35What the shit send this?
10:38I knew it
10:40Okay. Oh my god. There's so many
10:42the babies
10:52Okay, I think they're trying to distract me now I have to stay pure in my mind let's go back let's cook the sheep
10:58Absorb their brain power by eating their meat. Then we will hunt again tonight
11:04Yeah, I want my items back i'm going back when it's dark so I can know where it is it was like here somewhere
11:09Or is it there? See? I don't remember i'm trying to hurry. I know about my stuff. Sheesh
11:15How long uh, how long until these spawn how long do I have
11:18Your items have probably despawned, right? Well, aren't you a positive?
11:23Smositive jesus christ. They're not gonna they're gonna be there. I'll prove it
11:27And if they're there you're gonna be banned. Yeah, and they're a worshipper 69. That's also a really bad name
11:32You shouldn't feel bad. Okay
11:40Now i'm double pissed come here you sit we're going i'll be back soon. I'm on a side quest
11:49God they suck so bad
11:52I'm getting my shit back. Don't worry. I'm getting my shit back. Look the flowers that I left are still
11:57I'm gonna have to hurry back down the hole
12:00He's trying to shoot me in the water he's following me in the water he's crazy
12:08Jesus christ, give it a break. I don't really have anything, do I?
12:12Probably should have brought some stuff
12:15Okay. Now we just gotta walk down
12:18Oh, I see it. Yandere you're banned. I see it
12:23You're gonna get so banned
12:30All right, take this out I said it wasn't done but it's done
12:39Where's my diamond pickaxe, where's my diamond pickaxe who took it? It's got to be down there
12:44Oh, there's stuff down there. I can see it
12:49Oh, yes, yes
12:54Yes, give me my shit
12:56Yes, where's my diamond?
13:04That was a warrior scream I just pitched it up to not be too
13:09Scary for other people warrior true viking warrior bjorn
13:14forget that
13:16If you just saw it
13:18Yes, I got it. I knew it. I actually that was a summon
13:24It was a it was a summoning scream
13:27A summon scream diamonds. It was meant to be
13:31It was meant to be I knew there was this good hole
13:34As soon as I saw this hole
13:36triple diamonds
13:38Let's go maybe we should explore see if they release sheep down here
13:43Damn so much lava down here. It's like we're in the nether
13:47I haven't even been to the nether yet
13:49Equip my shield. Yeah. Okay. So I just had an idea guys
13:51I should probably equip my shield in case I fall in the lava. I can shield myself
13:56Damn holes are so big now
13:58Look at this
14:04Yes diamonds is easier than ever to find now look at this
14:10Okay ptsd from that creeper before I thought it was happening again
14:14I mean, I wasn't afraid or anything but true warrior is always on alert. You know what I mean?
14:20And we're diamonds
14:27Go away
14:30God I hate them so much. Okay, I gotta get out of the hole now. Oh my god
14:36They made it so easy to find diamonds
14:38Remember I had to dig for hours to find diamonds back back in my day as a minecraft veteran
14:42Let me tell you kids it didn't used to be so easy
14:45All right, we got to get up. Walter sheep was not down here. I'll find that
14:49All right. I think this is the exit
14:52Who didn't?
14:55Minecraft parkour pro check this out guys
15:03I I must have a hd like I have doesn't fucking make sense
15:08Otherwise, let's go
15:09There we go. Almost
15:11Almost out almost there
15:14And we're out
15:16Now we just gotta find svenlina
15:18Did I leave swenlina at the base or here? No, I came back to get swenlina. Shouldn't she be barking and she help?
15:26No, I did not and I don't guess like me you sat her at the base, didn't you?
15:29What do you mean didn't me I either didn't I didn't they're at home?
15:35Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I knew that. Of course. I knew that. Okay, we go back now mission accomplished
15:42Svenlina, aha, just where I remember I left you back at the base
15:47Boom, look at these good good hunt another good. Look how much diamond
15:52I'm rich also so poor
15:55Let's clear up our base
15:57All right, let's get some lumba. Yeah, we need a lot of wood
15:59So let's make planks and then like let's make half slabs
16:04Make it a little bigger roomier spacier cozier better
16:10Okay, it's not bigger chest that chest. Damn. I knew that from brain. God. Damn
16:17Disgusting this chest is disgusting. I'm just gonna make a bunch of chests. I hate my inventory so much
16:27I think that's enough
16:30Of course the last thing we're gonna do, of course, I know
16:34Finally what difficulty to make a damn bed
16:39Beautiful told you this base would be beautiful didn't
16:51All right, so I have the
16:54Distance horizon mod installed now. Holy shit. It's the first time I see it actually with shaders. It looks really fucking good
17:00I can see everything dreams sled in my dms and was like install this mod. I'm like, okay, it looks sick
17:07I like it. I it was such a pain in the ass to install. I don't know why I did the exact same
17:12Thing three times and then I just given up and then all of a sudden he works with the shader
17:16But it was either one or another we got shaders. And now uh, you can see so far. Look, uh, that's kind of sick
17:23Son, all that matter is is I look at this. I look at this. I look at this
17:29All that matter is is I look at svenlina, wow, you look so good with shaders
17:34Oh, you look so good with shaders
17:36I really need to fix food. Svenlina is literally dying
17:41She's dying. She's smiling dialing smiling. Am I the only one to have this problem where I like I have to rhyme words
17:48Even though they don't exist
17:50we have these uh
17:51Rhymey books for björn and I love them. But Marzia thinks they're they're cringed like she hates rhymes
17:57Which I get like it is kind of annoying
18:01Just thought it was funny. Oh my hole looks so beautiful. Oh, it's so big and wide. I love my hole
18:08Oh the water
18:10Svenlina come check out the water. It's beautiful
18:14Oh, look at the ice when it's shiny
18:17Svenlina, look at the ice
18:19How can ice be real if it's this shiny
18:22Usually when I start off I either get a bunch of cows or chickens. It's pretty good
18:28But the given is just you make wheat, right?
18:32It's not it's not the first one. Yes. So let's cut some grass
18:36See if we can get some wheat
18:38Oh, they're dropping help me cut the grass. Yeah
18:46Help me i'm getting old in my parents used to do that all the time
18:49They call me the dog's name and i'm like what the fuck is wrong with you
18:53And it's not even a real dog. No, you are a real dog. Don't worry. Don't worry. You're a real dog. Beautiful
18:59All right, 18. That's good. It's getting dark. Svenina. Let's go back to base
19:04Oh, yes moogie. Uh, we have a new dog
19:07See now that the game is a little different with shaders. I feel like I don't know where the fuck I am
19:12Where was my base? Is it in there?
19:15It's getting dark
19:17Oh, it's sending that cry
19:20Fuck it's getting really fucking dark, dude
19:24Dude, it's so dark and scary with shaders. I'm actually scared. Why can't I see my base?
19:29I installed the distance mod. I should be able to see everything with my eyes
19:34Okay, I see some light I see some lights and there's hope creeper smith. Yes. There's our base. Don't go near it
19:46Where the fuck is our base
19:49I thought it was okay. It is here. Okay. All right. Good night gamers. I'm low
19:55There we go, ah
19:57Morning, beautiful. Let's get some food going. We're on a food mission. We'll do a little bridge
20:03Yeah, not the bridge a deck. We'll do a deck here
20:0818 divided by three is nine. So one two
20:13No, wait, no, wait that math didn't math all by two words. There we go. This seems like a reasonable way to
20:21How do you make I don't fucking remember? How do I make wheat?
20:26I don't even i'm old. I don't remember how you make wheat. I'm a minecraft veteran
20:32Wait, the water needs to be lower
20:35The water needs to go here. So now this is super complicated
20:38I I just took something that's super simple and made it way more complicated than it needs to be. Anyway, let's continue
20:45All right
20:57Yeah, we have a new dog, uh iggy she's a shelter it's really hard to adopt shelter dog here in japan
21:04They really don't want foreigners to do it. Uh, but we managed to convince them and uh, yeah, she's really sweet
21:09She's a boston terrier. How does egga like the new dog? I'm not sure egga has noticed that we have another dog
21:14He is so preoccupied with himself and us he does not give a it's always like that like, uh
21:21Whenever we go on walks and other dogs wants to play with egger
21:24I forgot water only runs so far. I could have should have done infinite water
21:29Yeah, egga just cares about the owner. She doesn't want to meet other dogs. She's not super social with other dogs
21:35Momo was barking for a bit. Uh, because she was very sus like what the fuck what are you doing here?
21:41But she's gotten over that
21:44Now we have water
21:47We can only plant up until there
21:50Is it not getting sucked?
21:52There you go. It's getting sucked. It's getting sucked very slowly
21:56I used to be so good at this game. I'm, so fucking bad. Does it want to go next?
22:01I thought it was enough that it went next to it
22:04Okay, it is
22:05Spent the whole day making this it ain't mad. It's honest work being a farmer
22:10Svenlina is treating it like her own personal pool. That's okay. We should build you a swimming pool
22:16Sun is setting tomorrow. We go check out ice. I've been meaning to check out the ice place
22:21Just really needed to fix the food. I always have my plan b right here to eat the axolotl
22:27Always ready
22:28I can sleep when it damn pleases me mojang. I will sleep now
22:34Come on
22:35Let me sleep. Thank you
22:39New day new horizons literally giant horizon and today we set out to the ice lands
22:47Let's go svenlina. There's a cherry blossom biome. What that's so cool, man
22:52Am I on the latest version? I feel I had to fuck around with the version so much 1.21. I think that's the latest
22:58Whoa, this looks sick. Oh if I fall in the water I die
23:02Because it's so cold
23:03I died
23:05Let's find an eagle
23:07Let's ask the polar bears if they have any igloos
23:13Hello, do you have igloo anywhere?
23:17I come in peace. Can I burn?
23:20What happens if I burn?
23:22What happens what happens if I burn the ice?
23:25Oh, no
23:27Oh, no climate change
23:30Oh, no
23:31Not in minecraft
23:34Chat if everyone gets together we can save the polar bears
23:38Tell me where the igloos are and no one gets hurt. Tell me where the igloos are now
23:43Oh shit, oh shit don't get the water svenlina get the water he's burning from climate change
23:53Jump in the water is right there svenlina run away
23:59Thank goodness gracious, this looks like it's the work of
24:03Watersheep again causing all kinds of problems in the biomes. I knew it
24:09I think I just create my own problems in this game. I don't know
24:13Oh cool I can see my base from here look how beautiful sven what's causing that sound
24:20You guys hear that temple what a temple what are the hecking odds that's what I heard svenlina
24:26This is very dangerous extremely dangerous
24:30super duper mega ultra
24:36So scared svenlina don't jump in the water
24:39Well, i'm too weak to go
24:42Jump scared me
24:47I was not actually jump scared what happened there. Uh was a warrior cry for a challenge then
24:54A warrior battle cry I get startled easily. It's a survival instinct
24:59It doesn't mean i'm a scaredy scared
25:03What the fuck is this game doing to me surprise surprise the guys that played horror games get startled
25:08Huh? What are you gonna do now? I'm gonna kill this salmon just to prove
25:12I'm gonna kill the salmon just to prove i'm not a bitch
25:17Okay, the salmon swims a little too fast so i'm just gonna come up with a better challenge that fits my needs
25:24That was so loud oh salmon kill it
25:27Norwegian salmon must die now
25:31They're not even dying i'm so weak there we go showed you salmon all right back to base
25:39I paused so quick. No, I didn't I didn't pause I wasn't glitching the game
25:43It was a debuff from the water temple. I didn't know it could hit you when you're out on the freaking surface
25:49That's a move. I think I want to fish instead. I need to calm down after that. That was horrible. So there's my mining speed
25:55That's why I couldn't hit it. Ah home sweat home. Can I make a fishing run? It's like this, isn't it? Oh, maybe two
26:05Okay, nice
26:07Oh my mining speed I need to milk I need to drink milk is there a moomoo I can drink
26:16Help me. Help me. Help me
26:19That'd be so embarrassing to die from
26:21Those bushes
26:23Can't happen to me. All right, let's just fish here. So bubbles means it's caught right? Which button do I press?
26:30What i'm a minecraft veteran I don't remember how you fish am I fishing right now
26:39Oh the bubbles swim to it that was it you see the bubble swim to it
26:48Cool that's so pretty but look at me
26:56Any day now Sven we'll get a fish
27:01Let's run back. We're gonna eat tonight's Sanina
27:05Oh fuck, it's a puffer fish. Ah, jeez
27:09Ah home sweat home
27:11Well, we caught one fish. I think that's a big win. You can't eat the puffer. Can you probably put some lights here? Actually, I think about it
27:17Could actually spawn dog eats first. Here you go buddy. I know you're hungry. Oh
27:25You're not a pescetarian
27:28What does you don't eat fish? Oh
27:32Not epic pescetarian confirm shame on you I meant fishing why did you tell me why did you tell me you didn't like fish
27:40sleep sleep ah
27:42beautiful day
27:44Let's check out our farm. Let's check how much it grew. Selena. I can't wait to see overnight Wow
27:52Wow, we're gonna live we're gonna not starve at all. I guess I'll eat the puffer fish
28:17Maybe you were right. Don't eat the fish. I should have listened. Holy schmo. Ah
28:23Don't worry. It's in the night. It's a Sierra deaf playthrough. Nothing can hurt me
28:36I'm too weak. I'm too weak and with that
28:44God damn
28:46Let me live it. Oh my god. Okay, it's patrolling my base. I can do it. I
28:53Can do it. I can do this without dying. I
28:56Can do this for that
29:01Son can you follow me? Thank you. I am dying son. I
29:06Know it's sad. I might have to eat tax a lot. Oh, sir. That's by the way. Thank you
29:12Okay, hello chicken
29:16Nate egg, okay. Oh
29:21I see a school of Norwegians has killed them
29:27Teach you how to not the with me Oh for fishies. Oh so many Norwegians
29:34Don't be scared
29:38I'm so low in health
29:42This is dangerous beer, but it's also quicker
29:46So, you know, it's 100% worth it. Okay, you see them you see the fishes you got to sneak up on them
29:53They heard me you splash too much. I didn't know
30:06Like a Swedish dolphin eating up Norwegian salmon. Oh
30:11Shit. Oh shit. I can't swim up. I can't swim up. I can't
30:18All right, we're making progress cool I've cooked Sam is not bad
30:23Ah, I forgot you're not pescetarian. You don't eat. Why here's
30:30It's lit up. It's literally ground. I drowned the fish. I don't know that's possible
30:34You can have chicken you want chicken. Oh
30:38You love chicken
30:40Actually, let's go back to the base
30:42The fish spawn naturally. What do you think happens? How do you think fishes make love think about it?
30:48Think about it and then don't answer
30:51It grew. Oh
30:54Hello axolotl very good day today. We solved the food crisis
30:59I can use a bone meal on my wheat. That's true. I knew that on my own actually
31:04Nether that's right. We have to work on another smother. I think it might be time to go to the nether
31:09Okay, so we solved the food crisis a little bit. I mean look at this
31:14How can you not say that that's solved?
31:16Bring a bed and just walk see what's around us. Let's do that. We have food now. Anyway, my bed died
31:25Okay, that looks like a cool man, let's go there
31:29It's raining. It's raining
31:32Which means there's snow it's so pretty
31:35It's so beautiful. I can barely see though. It looks dangerous
31:39Do they drop a lot of food? I'm not that desperate yet. I would never hurt another poor animal
31:45This group by I'm literally never ends more eyes. Well, there's a castle, dude
31:52That's so sick
31:54That looks so cool
32:00So much seaweed here, what is that? Yeah, see that that was how I explore that
32:06I guess I'll have to swim. Did it usually rain in Minecraft? It did it just looks different with the shaders. I love it
32:12Didn't bring a boat. I know that it's I'm such a good swimmer. Oh, what the fuck? There's harpoon people. Oh, they smithy. Oh
32:20Me it's hurting a lights hurting a lot. This is bad. Whoa. Whoa
32:25Stop harpooning me
32:27Stop it right now
32:30Spending a do something I'm freaking tanking this harpoon guy
32:37I'm gonna have to kill you. I'm gonna have to kill you
32:42My shield is not gonna last forever. I think this might be it for little me
33:05Where the kiss when when I need her god, yeah, no harpoon drop
33:12Seriously, no harpoon drop. Well that's for nothing
33:17That was a close call there. God damn Sven. You're back. Watch out for the whole sit
33:24the big asshole
33:26Holy shit, this hole is huge
33:31Okay, we made it to some sort of Swedish forest. Oh so many hecking cows
33:38Let me get your milk, let me get your milk
33:41Now you die as a repaying. Thanks. Where's the mountain? I can't see because I'm too close to it now. I feel like
33:48Where is it the rain?
33:50That was a mouth
33:52There it is. I still see it in the distant. Holy shit. It's big, dude
33:57I actually have to go there because Björn has to go to bed soon
34:01But yeah, thanks for watching this quick little live stream. I'll see you guys next time
34:09All right, guys, it's summertime it's travel time it's fun time
34:13But you know, what isn't fun getting all your accounts stolen getting your password and security compromised when you travel
34:21Do you just connect to public Wi-Fi's?
34:26Always always use a VPN when connecting to public Wi-Fi's nor VPN specifically
34:31I told you this these public Wi-Fi's can actually be set up super simple by anyone
34:36I mean you've hotspot on your phone. You know how a simple it is
34:39This is actually more common than you think so be safe be secure and use Nord VPN comm slash PewDiePie
34:44They take your security to a next level. They protect you from man-in-the-middle attacks phishing malware
34:50Malamitizing password attacks DDoS all baked into this great VPN service right now
34:56If you sign up, it's an especially good time because as always you get my discount
35:00You're welcome. Plus four months for free
35:03And now if you go to Nord VPN comm slash PewDiePie
35:06You also get 20 gigabytes for free for the service called Salee
35:10Which is an eSIM another amazing service that I wish I knew about
35:13Basically when you're traveling you either have to get like a Wi-Fi dongle or you have to worry about getting charged a ton of money
35:19By roaming charges when you're traveling now with Salee, you don't have to worry about any of it
35:23You just download the app pick which country pick how much you want. And right now you get 20 gigabytes for free
35:28So take advantage of that. Thank you Nord VPN for sponsoring this video. Let's move on with it