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The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin, by Stan and Jan Berenstain, is a wonderful kid's book read aloud for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school ages (and adults still young at heart), for the Thanksgiving season.

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00:26The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin
00:30by Stan and Jan Berenstain
00:36Pumpkins are just like everything else in nature said Papa Bear as he and the cubs finished weeding the pumpkin patch
00:43No, two of them are exactly alike
00:47That's for sure agreed brother bear. Look at that funny flat one and that lumpy one over there
00:54Then there was the giant which is what Papa had named one that just seemed to be getting bigger and bigger
01:01Why is it that no two things are exactly alike asked sister bear?
01:06It's just the way nature is answered Papa
01:10Time to wash up for supper called mama bear from the treehouse steps
01:17What about Queenie McBear's twin brothers asked sister
01:21They certainly look a lot alike said Papa, but I've noticed that mrs.
01:26McBear can tell them apart quite easily
01:29In you go said mama shooing her family into the house
01:33But sister didn't go right in she stood on the stoop for a moment and looked out over bear country
01:43It was well into fall so the days were getting shorter
01:47Halloween had come and gone
01:49Pretty soon the bears would start thinking about Christmas, but right now bear country was a glow in the setting Sun
01:57Farmer Ben's well-kept farm looked especially fine with its baled hay and corn shacks and pumpkins casting long shadows
02:06I guess nature's pretty amazing sister said as she looked out over the beautiful scene
02:12It's the most amazing thing there is said mama come on now in you go
02:21Farmer Ben's farm sure looks beautiful in the setting Sun said sister as the family sat down to supper
02:28Hmm said Papa grumpily Farmer Ben's not such a much
02:33Not such a much said mama. Why Ben is the finest farmer in bear country and besides
02:40He's one of your best friends
02:42That may be so said Papa
02:45But earlier today he came by and said nice little pumpkin patch you've got there Papa
02:52What he said is true said mama
02:55Especially compared to his fields and fields of pumpkins
02:58That may be so too grumped Papa, but I didn't like the way. He said it he sort of chuckled
03:06My patch may be small, but the giant is big it may be the biggest and best pumpkin in all bear country
03:13What do you think about that?
03:18Think you're being oversensitive said mama come let's clear the table so the cubs can do their homework
03:26Brother and sister sighed as they spread their books out on the table. What's that all about ask Papa? Oh?
03:33How's just thinking said brother with Halloween over and Christmas almost two months away?
03:40There's nothing to look forward to
03:42That's right added sister nothing except lots of homework. Oh
03:48Is that so?
03:50protested Mama bear
03:54It just so happens that there's something very important to look forward to a very special holiday called
04:02Thanksgiving that's when we give thanks for all the wonderful your mama's absolutely right interrupted Papa
04:09He pointed to a notice in the evening paper. It said don't forget this year's Thanksgiving festival
04:17Entry blanks for the big pumpkin contest available at City Hall
04:22Thanksgiving is a very important holiday
04:25Especially this year because we're going to enter the giant in the pumpkin contest and beat the pants off Farmer bin
04:33But Papa, he's a professional said brother. He's won the contest ten years in a row all
04:41The more reason to teach him a lesson
04:43Come on. Let's go out and check up on the next heavyweight pumpkin champion of bear country. He said
04:53Now it was Mama's turn to sigh
04:57Thanksgiving was about giving. Thanks. Not beating the pants off Farmer bin
05:02Isn't it a beauty Papa said after they admired the giant
05:07Across the road they could see a field of Ben's pumpkins
05:11There were lots of fine ones, but none that measured up to the giant
05:15There's homework to be done called Mama bear from the house as they left the cubs asked Papa aren't you coming in?
05:24Nope, he said I'm going to stay out here a little while and watch the giant grow
05:32And grow it did it grew bigger rounder and oranger every day
05:38When Papa and the cubs went to City Hall to get an entry blank for the contest?
05:43They saw the place where the winning pumpkin would go on display
05:47We can't lose said Papa in their minds. I they could see their pumpkin in the place of Honor
05:55Mama tried to remind them what Thanksgiving was really about but every time she did
06:01Papa would interrupt you'll have to excuse me my dear. He'd say it's time to water the giant
06:08He not only watered it on a regular schedule and gave it special plant food
06:13He also covered it with a blanket at night and tucked it in against the cold
06:20One afternoon the cubs got off the school bus with something important to tell Papa
06:26But they were stopped in their tracks by what they saw
06:30He was talking to the giant
06:33Mama explained that Papa had bought a book from the swindler raffish Ralph about how to encourage your plants to grow by talking to them
06:43Well said brother. I don't suppose it can do any harm
06:47It sure could harm his reputation
06:50Said sister if anybody saw him talking to a pumpkin
06:56Papa brother said a
06:58Cub at school told me he went on a class trip to Ben's farm and saw some pretty big pumpkins
07:05Especially one really big one that Ben calls the monster. Oh
07:10We've got to get a look at it said Papa
07:14That evening Papa and the cubs climbed through the fence into farmer Ben's field
07:20They saw some good-sized pumpkins, but none to match the giant
07:25Maybe it's behind the barn whispered Papa
07:29Suddenly a light shone on them and they heard Ben shout
07:33Prowlers in my pumpkin field get me my pitchfork
07:40They got out of there so fast Papa tore his overalls climbing through the fence
07:46What have you been up to ask mama bear when they got home? Oh nothing much said Papa just strolling in the moonlight
07:58The weekend before Thanksgiving arrived and it was time for the big festival
08:04The bear family got there just in time the pumpkin judging was about to begin
08:10There were many fine pumpkins in the contest, but Papa was sure that none could measure up to the giant
08:17until he saw the monster it was at least as big and round and orange as his pumpkin and
08:24Maybe just maybe a little bigger rounder and oranger
08:31The bears waited nervously while the judges studied
08:35Measured and weighed and then studied measured and weighed some more
08:40Finally they made their announcement
08:42the first prize winner and still champion of
08:47Course that meant farmer Ben had won it was close
08:52It turned out that Ben's monster was just a little bigger rounder and oranger than Papa's giant
08:58but that wasn't the worst of it the giant didn't even come in second a
09:03Beautiful pumpkin grown by Miss McGrizz won second prize the giant came in third
09:10Papa and the cubs were crushed
09:13Crushed and very quiet as they pushed their third prize winner home
09:19It wasn't until they reached the crest of a hill that overlooked bear country that mama decided to have her say I
09:27Know you're disappointed, but third prize is nothing to be ashamed of
09:34Thanksgiving isn't about contests and prizes. It's about giving. Thanks, and it seems to me that we have a lot to be thankful for
09:43Perhaps it was Mama's lecture or maybe it was how beautiful bear country looked in the sunsets rosy glow
09:50But whatever the reason Papa and the cubs began to understand what Mama was talking about
10:01Even more so on Thanksgiving Day
10:04After the Bears gave thanks for the wonderful meal. They were about to enjoy
10:09Sister bear gave her own special. Thanks
10:12I'm thankful. She said that we didn't win first prize
10:17If we had the giant would be on display in front of City Hall
10:22Instead of being part of the yummy pies we're going to have for dessert
10:29As the laughter faded and the Bears thought about the blessings of family home friends and neighbors
10:36They knew deep in their hearts that there was no question about it
10:40Indeed they did have a great deal to be thankful for
10:49I hope you enjoyed that story if you'd like to see these bucks uploaded daily go ahead and subscribe
10:56And don't forget to check out all the other stories that are already uploaded. Thank you so much for watching
