00:03Tonight, Bob Hope presents the American Youth Awards ...
00:05It's great.
00:06... with a special lineup of guest presenters.
00:08I don't believe it.
00:09Tonight, right after Diff'rent Strokes on NBC.
00:13Monday ...
00:13I wanna make this point perfectly clear.
00:16... Hollywood Squares moves to 1230, 1130 Central and Pacific every weekday.
00:20Join us.
00:21Because it feels so good.
00:24X-Tosin Soft Fabric Softener softens like the leading brand,
00:27fights static cling better,
00:29and costs about 19% less.
00:31Purex products perform and save.
00:34Mommy, Teacher Ed says today where potatoes come from.
00:37Bet you said under the ground.
00:39Oh, you said Idaho, because that's the kind we eat.
00:42Only Idaho potatoes are good enough for this blue box.
00:45I didn't say Idaho.
00:46Well, then, what did you say?
00:48I said Frenchies.
00:51♪ The potato taste says Idaho, and they're creamy through and through. ♪
00:55♪ If the little red flag says Frenchies, and the little box says blue ... ♪
00:59Frenchies. We make your life delicious.
01:04Hi. I'm Little Bo Peep for New Zealand Spring Lamb.
01:07New Zealand Spring Lamb is getting really popular these days.
01:11So if you haven't been able to find it, either somebody got there ahead of you,
01:14or you haven't looked in your supermarket freezer.
01:17Once you find it, I suggest some chops.
01:20Or a nice roast leg of New Zealand Lamb.
01:22Very delicious, very easy, and a very good buy.
01:26New Zealand Spring Lamb. Well worth looking for.
01:34Melbourne, I bring you all the news tonight at 5.
01:50If they weren't in show business,
01:51one of the stars you've just seen said they would love to be a domestic servant.
01:56Or wait on tables.
01:57Now, who do you think that is?
01:59Is it the easygoing Bill Cullen?
02:02The electric Della Reese?
02:03The exchangeable John Shuck?
02:06The embraceable Minnette Fabre?
02:08Or the erotic Artie Johnson?
02:10We'll find out who'd love to wait on tables
02:13when our all-star panel and these three competitors meet face-to-face on All Star Secrets!
02:19And now, here's the host of All Star Secrets,
02:23Rob Eubanks!
02:29Thank you very much. Thank you, and welcome to All Star Secrets.
02:32Whew, it's Friday. Boy, it's been a long week,
02:34because we've had a lot of fun this week with this panel of celebrities.
02:37And you heard what I just said, that one of these stars,
02:40if they were not in show business,
02:41said they would love to be a domestic servant, or wait on tables.
02:44Want to find out who that is?
02:46Push the button, and we'll find out.
02:47Is it Artie? Is it... No, it's John Shuck! That's who it is.
02:51Why in the world, John, would you want to do that?
02:53I don't know. I did it in college, like a lot of people,
02:55and I found it a very creative thing, to make people happy, and to...
03:00The food was terrible, so, you know, I had to do something.
03:02Would you like to be a domestic servant?
03:03Absolutely. I think to be a butler would be a fabulous job.
03:06In fact, I... One of the things I used to enjoy...
03:09My wife and I always set a very nice table with the good silver and the candelabra,
03:13and all that sort of stuff, and I used to do that as a bachelor.
03:16It seemed a little ridiculous, because I would put my hamburger down,
03:19and it'd be gone in five minutes.
03:21But I think that would be fun.
03:23Bill, if you weren't in the show business, what would you want to be?
03:25A retired wealthy person.
03:27I see. All right.
03:29Those are the kind of secrets you're going to hear revealed by our stars.
03:31We're going to meet our three contestants.
03:33It'll be their job to decide who the secrets are about.
03:36We'll meet them in just a moment.
03:38We'll meet them in just a moment.
03:44♪ Munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a,
03:47Fritos go with lunch.
03:49Munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a,
03:51Fritos go with lunch.
03:53Nothing gives your old lunch new life like Fritos brand corn chips.
03:57So munchy, so full of good corn taste.
04:00Munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a,
04:05munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a, munch-a-bunch-a,
04:07Fritos go with lunch.
04:09Fritos makes lunch munch better.
04:11Oh, sure, Mom, you use grease relief, but only on her stove.
04:15She used other cleaners everywhere else.
04:17I said, Mom, with grease relief, you don't need those other cleaners.
04:21But I only get grease on my stove.
04:23She said, Mom, I said, when you cook, smoke and grease go everywhere.
04:28There's greasy dirt way over here.
04:30Why buy all those other cleaners?
04:32Use grease relief instead.
04:34One day, she caught me using a special floor cleaner.
04:37Know what she said?
04:38You ought to use grease relief instead.
04:40Use grease relief instead.
04:42Welcome back to All-Star Secrets.
04:45I want you to meet our three contestants who will be competing today.
04:48First of all, the sales manager who once got half a smile from Jerry Lewis,
04:53Laura Rittenberg.
04:54How do you feel about getting half a smile, Laura?
04:56Well, Jerry Lewis wound up with half a fan.
04:59Oh, he's just got half a fan.
05:01All right.
05:02A public relation host who doesn't know any celebrities.
05:05Chris, is it Easley?
05:07Esley, all right.
05:08You don't know any celebrities at all?
05:09Well, I kind of met one, but I wanted to forget about it.
05:13Who was that?
05:14I was at a party once, and I was imitating Paul Lin to some friends,
05:18and I looked around, and he was standing right in back of me.
05:22Very embarrassing.
05:23Let me hear you, Paul Lin.
05:24How you doing, Bob?
05:29All right.
05:30I'm glad you're sitting over here now, Chris.
05:32A mortgage banker who had her hand kissed by Telly Savalas, Diddy Lopez.
05:36That was nice.
05:37How did that happen?
05:38I don't know, but I'm not complaining.
05:40Telly Savalas, sexy guy to you, huh?
05:42Oh, yeah.
05:43He doesn't have any hair.
05:44Oh, he's got a lot of other things.
05:46Oh, I see.
05:47Della says it doesn't matter.
05:48All right.
05:49Here's how our competition works.
05:50Every time that I reveal a secret,
05:52one of the stars will tell you who they think that secret is about.
05:54Then it'll be up to you to decide for yourself.
05:56And every time you choose the correct star, you'll win some money.
05:59Now, contestants, you will determine exactly how much each secret is worth
06:02by stopping our random money selector.
06:04And in round one, our secrets are worth between $120 and $300.
06:07And, Diddy, you won the toss of the coin backstage,
06:09so you have control of the random money selector.
06:11Hold up the button and push it when you want it to stop.
06:13And we'll see what our first secret is worth, $180.
06:17For $180, here we go.
06:19One of today's stars has a strange quirk.
06:22They hide things.
06:24The only problem is they never can remember what they hid
06:27or where they've hidden it.
06:30Now, it's not you, Artie, but who forgets where they've hidden it?
06:33Hidden what?
06:34Oh, my.
06:35I knew he'd go with that.
06:36Colin hid it about 20 years ago.
06:38That's how he did it.
06:40Well, gang, Colin's cool.
06:42Now that he's found it, he'll find it.
06:44Well, you think it is, Artie.
06:46Squirreling people, people are pack rat people.
06:50Women tend to be more pack rats than men.
06:53And I would tend to say that it probably is one of the ladies here.
06:57Which one?
06:58Well, John plays a lady, doesn't he?
07:00I would say that it's Nanette.
07:02You think it's Nanette Fabre?
07:03I'm just making a guess.
07:04Artie Johnson says that this one is about Nanette Fabre.
07:05It's worth $180.
07:06The three of you rightly each get $60.
07:08Two of you, $90 apiece.
07:09If you're the only one with the correct answer, you get all the money.
07:11Lock in your answers, please, contestants.
07:13You're looking for the star who hides things
07:15but can't remember what they hid or where they've hidden it.
07:18And look at there.
07:20All right.
07:21Everybody says Nanette.
07:22Why in the world, Edie?
07:25I can't hear a sound.
07:27Why would you say Nanette?
07:30She reminds me of my mother.
07:32My mother hides things and loses them all the time.
07:34All right.
07:35If it's Nanette, all three of you have said Nanette Fabre.
07:37That means you'll split the money three ways.
07:39Let's find out if it truly is Nanette Fabre who hides things.
07:42And then...
07:43Yes, it is.
07:44All right.
07:45$60 apiece.
07:48Hey, they've got you all figured out, Nanette.
07:50They've got me big.
07:51What do you hide?
07:53Well, it used to be that when I would...
07:55In my younger days when I was dating all the time
07:57and I would go out to parties and et cetera
07:59and come home, I don't drink very much,
08:01but one glass of wine will do it.
08:03Do what?
08:04Make me weepy.
08:05Oh, I see.
08:06And I would remember that when I would come home,
08:08I'd remember the last time I was out,
08:10I couldn't find my clothes, my underwear and stuff, you know.
08:13This time I'm going to put it where I'll be sure to remember it.
08:15And I can...
08:16One of my favorite places was like the oven or the...
08:19You put your underwear in the oven?
08:21Well, I would say...
08:22Doesn't everybody?
08:24I would say, this is so outrageous,
08:26I'll be sure to remember this tomorrow.
08:28And it would be gone.
08:29I hid my husband's jewelry when we went to Mexico
08:32and still haven't found all of it.
08:34That was five years ago.
08:35I see.
08:37I don't know.
08:38I need a lot of help.
08:39John, do you...
08:40John, do you forget things?
08:42I beg your pardon?
08:46I'd turn it up in just a hair, would you?
08:48I said, do you forget things?
08:49Yes, all the time.
08:50What do you forget?
08:51I forget.
08:54Oh, for crying out loud.
08:55All these secrets are true.
08:56They come from interviews with our staff
08:57and you've done a real good job thus far
08:59because you split the money three ways.
09:00Laura, you have control of the random money selector,
09:02so let's see where you can stop it now.
09:03Let's have a big one.
09:04Could be worth up to $300.
09:05$180 is where you stopped it.
09:08For $180.
09:10I believe this now.
09:11I think I have a good idea who this one's about.
09:13One of today's stars gave our staff this insight
09:16into their personality and I quote them.
09:18They said,
09:19I'm lazy
09:21and I can have more fun doing absolutely nothing.
09:26Now, it's not you, Delerette,
09:27who enjoys doing nothing.
09:29This whole panel does nothing.
09:31The whole...
09:32All of them.
09:33All of them.
09:34But I'm really going to think it's John
09:36because John looks kind of laid back to me.
09:38The rest of them look kind of nervous.
09:39John looks laid back, you know?
09:41Delavise thinks it's John.
09:42Chuck, the home audience can play along with this, too.
09:45Let's see how you feel about it also.
09:46For $180, lock in your answers, please.
09:49And tell us which one of our stars says that they're lazy.
09:54Three different choices.
09:55Artie Johnson doesn't look lazy to me, Dee Dee.
09:57And I don't know.
09:58Laura, why'd you say John?
10:00Well, he looks like a Taurus to me
10:02and Taurians tend to be lazy.
10:05Bill Cullen is an interesting one, too, Chris.
10:07I know.
10:08Bill Cullen looks like he'd be kind of laid back
10:10and kind of want to take things easy
10:12and would prefer just to stay home, watch TV.
10:14All right.
10:15I would say that I think it's Bill Cullen, too.
10:17I don't know who these secrets are about.
10:18Well, let's see who's right now
10:19because somebody may win all of the money.
10:20It's worth $180.
10:21Who's our lazy celebrity?
10:23It's Bill Cullen.
10:25You're right, Chris.
10:30My idea is doing nothing.
10:32Anything amuses me.
10:33Like right now, I'd like to be sitting at home in the kitchen
10:36waiting for Nanette's bra to finish.
10:40Hey, my dear.
10:46I love that.
10:48I love that.
10:50Nanette, your bra is done.
10:53You like it medium rare?
10:55Is it because you've been in the business a long time
10:57and you think you've done everything or...
10:59No, well, I've done most of the things I enjoy doing or could do,
11:02but as I said before, you ask what I'd like to do
11:04and that would be a retired wealthy gentleman.
11:06My idea of never having to do anything again is sensational,
11:10and I expect to reach that in 1999.
11:13Good for you. I hope you'll make it.
11:14Okay, we're gonna be back with round two of All-Star Seekers.
11:16Round two of Seekers will be worth up to $600.
11:19We'll be right back with that.
11:27Lorne Green?
11:28Yes, ma'am.
11:29Oh, now, don't tell me about Alpo.
11:30I use a dry.
11:31You do?
11:32Then try this dry.
11:33Alpo beef-flavored dinner.
11:35They're all alike.
11:36Not really.
11:37There's only one Alpo.
11:39It's got good meat protein flavored with real beef juices.
11:42The taste of beef dogs love.
11:44Taste of beef, huh?
11:47And now your dog can get that great Alpo taste, too.
11:49I'll try it.
11:50Try the dry from Alpo.
11:52After all, who knows more about the taste of beef than Alpo?
11:56Used to be when Billy had a fever,
11:58I didn't know who felt worse, him or me.
12:01I was never sure just what to give him.
12:03Then I found out what more pediatricians give their own kids.
12:06Children's Tylenol.
12:08Well, I figure if they give it to their kids, I'll give it to mine.
12:12Aspirin-free Children's Tylenol.
12:14Drops for infants, liquid and chewable tablets for older kids.
12:18Children's Tylenol.
12:20It makes us both feel better.
12:22Children's Tylenol.
12:23It's the one more pediatricians give their own children.
12:30Times have changed, and our tampons have to change, too.
12:33A woman gynecologist has designed the OB method.
12:36It's a fabulous tampon that's rolled in layers that no other tampon has.
12:41OB gives you more from a tampon.
12:43An OB is made so it doesn't need an applicator.
12:46OB, it's an advance in tampon protection.
12:49The OB method, by a woman gynecologist and Johnson & Johnson.
12:54Women who do more, want more.
12:56What's the best way to save on new clothes?
12:59Sew them!
13:00Start by saving $40 on this Kenmore sewing machine at Sears.
13:04It has a convertible free arm for narrow sleeves, cuffs and legs.
13:08A built-in button holder.
13:09Six utility stitches.
13:11Even six stretch stitches.
13:13Save $40 on this free arm Kenmore.
13:15Now just $199.95.
13:17Save $30 on this wood veneer cabinet.
13:20And get sewing!
13:23Solid as Sears.
13:28If you want to be a contestant on All-Star Secrets,
13:30write to All-Star Secrets, Box 900, Beverly Hills, California, 90213.
13:34Please include your phone number.
13:36And now back to Bob Eubanks and more All-Star Secrets.
13:39Thank you, Charlie O'Donnell.
13:40Round two.
13:41Secrets are worth between $360 and $600.
13:44And, Chris, you have control of the money selector.
13:46Could be up to $600.
13:47So let's see what you can do with it.
13:49There it is, $360.
13:51Okay, $360.
13:53Hey, I was very impressed when I heard about this.
13:55Listen to this one.
13:56One of our panelists has an IQ of 146,
14:02graduated from high school at the age of 16,
14:05and they told our staff, and I quote them now,
14:07when I was young, I was very precocious,
14:10which made me socially unacceptable and a loner.
14:14Now, it's not you, Nanette,
14:16but who looks like they're socially unacceptable?
14:18Well, first of all, why did you eliminate me immediately?
14:21Explain it slowly to me.
14:25I know why.
14:26I know why.
14:27Anybody who hides their underwear in the oven
14:28does not have an IQ.
14:29That's right.
14:30Anybody who hides their underwear in the oven
14:32is socially unacceptable.
14:33It's a problem.
14:34What kind of sauce do you use, though?
14:37Who do you think it is, Nanette?
14:38I, just looking around at this motley group...
14:42Nobody, right?
14:44It's a hard, hard choice.
14:46I know.
14:47But somebody said it.
14:48I think it's Bill Cullen.
14:49I think it's Bill Cullen.
14:50That's an IQ of 146.
14:51I think it's Bill Cullen.
14:53I think he's much smarter than any of us.
14:55Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
14:57Nanette Fabregas says she thinks it's Bill Cullen.
14:59Now, our stars are trying to give you advice.
15:00Nanette is trying to help you out,
15:01not trying to fool you.
15:02So you can use her advice,
15:04or you can choose for yourself for $360.
15:06Lock in your answers, please.
15:07You're looking for the precocious star
15:08who has an IQ of 146,
15:10graduated from high school at the age of 16.
15:13Well, you did not take her advice.
15:15Chris, why did you say Artie Johnson?
15:17Because behind that goofy exterior,
15:19I think he's a brilliant man.
15:21He's an incredible comic, and I think he...
15:24Remember, beauty's only skin deep.
15:26Hopefully, it's cleared me through.
15:28Okay, you think it's Artie, as does Laura.
15:30Dini says that it's John Shuck.
15:32Right, I think John would be the one.
15:36He's a comic, but he's also very, very brilliant.
15:40If it's John, you get all the money, $360.
15:42If it's Artie, Chris and Laura will split the money.
15:44Let's find out who our intelligent star is.
15:47Artie Johnson!
15:49Laura and Chris add $180 to your total.
15:53Hey, I am really aggressed.
15:55I am.
15:56I was not.
15:57I was really...
15:58It was the worst...
15:59It was the most horrible thing
16:00that ever could happen to a kid.
16:01I really was.
16:02I went to college when I was 16 years old,
16:04and when most girls in college at the age of 18
16:07wanted to date seniors,
16:08here I came in as a 16-year-old kid.
16:10I couldn't even date freshmen.
16:12And the first few years were absolute monstrous for me
16:15because I couldn't go anywhere socially.
16:17And I wound up, you know,
16:18I was in the books all the time.
16:19Did you make up for lost time in your senior year?
16:21Boy, did I make up for lost time.
16:23I got to tell you, I finally learned out of...
16:25I found out about sex.
16:28About a week ago.
16:29I see.
16:31Dee Dee, you have control of the random money selector.
16:34Let's see where you can stop it.
16:35You need to win some money right now.
16:37All right.
16:39For $450.
16:41One of today's celebrities confessed
16:43that they lied about their age
16:46in order to get both their driver's license
16:48and their solo permit to fly an airplane.
16:52Now, it's not you, John Shuck,
16:53but who would have to lie about their age
16:55to get a driver's license and a solo license
16:57to fly an airplane?
16:58I'm learning how to fly,
16:59and I've been lying about my age now, too.
17:01Nobody believes you, John.
17:02They don't?
17:04You don't even know your sex age.
17:05I don't know.
17:07I think that...
17:11going along with what he said earlier,
17:14and because he was so smart,
17:16I think he must have had some faults,
17:18so I think Artie, while being brilliant, was a liar.
17:20You think it might be Artie Johnson?
17:21Yeah, I think it's Artie Johnson.
17:22Okay, John Shuck thinks this one might be about Artie Johnson.
17:24For $450.
17:25Lock in your answers, contestants,
17:26and let's see who you think it is.
17:28You're looking for the star who confessed
17:29they lied about their age
17:30to get their driver's license
17:31and solo flying permit.
17:34Nanette Fabre.
17:35I might have guessed Nanette, too, Laura.
17:36I don't know.
17:37Why'd you say Nanette?
17:38I know that Nanette is into a lot of very unusual things.
17:40I know, but why do you think this one's about her?
17:42Because she's into unusual things.
17:44I see.
17:46Okay, Bill Cullen, Chris says.
17:48Right, I think Bill is a man of many facets,
17:51and I think that could be just one more.
17:52All right.
17:53Indeed, he goes along with Artie Johnson.
17:55We're gonna find out if anybody's gonna win
17:56any of that $450.
17:58Somebody may win all of it.
17:59Which one of our celebrities lied about their age?
18:01Bill Cullen did.
18:02Chris, we got all the money.
18:04$450 added to your total.
18:06Thank you.
18:08Is there any limit to your limitations?
18:12I'll do anything.
18:15I was raised in a garage business.
18:17That was our family's business,
18:18and I was driving like when I was about 10,
18:20and my father said,
18:21look, if you're gonna drive and get arrested,
18:23at least have a license when you get arrested
18:25so you know who to call.
18:26So I lied about that,
18:27and also in order to solo an airplane,
18:29I had to lie three years.
18:30Did Orville and Wilbur care?
18:32Orville and Wilbur said,
18:33let's just move over here and we'll go.
18:35Those days you had to.
18:36You used to be my idol,
18:37but now I think it's Alan Ludden because...
18:40People mistake you for Alan Ludden.
18:42People mistake you for Alan Ludden?
18:43Those who don't think I'm Bert Convy wish I was.
18:46I see, okay.
18:47Hey, tell you what.
18:48Stay with us because when we come back,
18:49we're gonna play our blind item.
18:50That will all take place right after these messages.
18:53Don't go away.
19:06Oh, roast beef.
19:09The bread and the tomato.
19:11Swiss cheese and miracle whip.
19:16Oh, no.
19:24A sandwich just isn't a sandwich.
19:27Without miracle whip,
19:29the bread's spread from craft.
19:33♪ Carmel, $100,000 bar ♪
19:36♪ Chewy, chewy Carmel, $100,000 bar ♪
19:40♪ Extra rich in Carmel ♪
19:43♪ Nestle's $100,000 bar ♪
19:46Chewy, chewy Carmel combined with lots of toasted crunchies
19:49and a rich, chocolatey taste.
19:52You love chewy Carmel.
19:54♪ This is your Carmel bar ♪
19:57♪ Nestle's $100,000 bar ♪
20:02An ingrown toenail.
20:04Skin so tender, the slightest touch can cause pain.
20:07Use Outgrow.
20:09Outgrow temporarily relieves pain, toughens tender skin,
20:12without affecting the shape, growth or position of nail.
20:15Just a few drops temporarily relieves pain
20:18and swelling of inflammation fast,
20:20so it doesn't hurt your toe so much.
20:22And daily use toughens tender skin,
20:24helps keep your toe feeling better.
20:26Outgrow temporarily relieves pain, toughens tender skin.
20:32Psst! Germs growing in your bathroom bowl, look!
20:36I control germs, your in-tank bowl cleaner doesn't.
20:40I'm Santa Flush, the only leading blue in-tank
20:42with extra strength to control germs.
20:44I've got detergent, fights stains,
20:46fresh fragrance fights odors,
20:48and my extra strength controls household germs.
20:51Watch my blue work.
20:53Sparkling blue! No odors!
20:55Remember, I'm the only one.
20:57Santa Flush, you're the only one with extra strength
20:59to control germ growth.
21:03Welcome back to All-Star Secrets.
21:04Before we go into our blind item,
21:06we'd like to take a moment to welcome WTCN-TV,
21:09Channel 11 in Minneapolis, St. Paul,
21:11who will be joining us beginning Monday, March the 5th.
21:14And I'll be very happy to say that I'm going to be there
21:16in Minneapolis to co-host a show with Ed McMahon,
21:18and we welcome them to our NBC family.
21:22Now, quick recap of our scores.
21:24Laura has $240, Chris $870, Dede has $60,
21:28but that doesn't mean a thing,
21:29because it's time to play our blind item.
21:31And this time, you're not going to receive any help at all.
21:34Many of our celebrities are going to have to make the decision
21:36based on your knowledge of our stars.
21:38And it can be worth $500 to each of you,
21:40or as much as $1,500 if you're the only one
21:42with the correct answer.
21:43So, good luck to the three of you.
21:45Here is our blind item for the day.
21:48We ask all of the members of our all-star panel,
21:50what's the hardest emotion for you to express?
21:54And one of them said, and I quote them,
21:57I guess that's because for many years,
21:59I was shielded from the darker side of life.
22:03Okay, that's our blind item.
22:05Contestants, you now have 10 seconds to lock in your answers.
22:07You can start right now.
22:10Based on your impressions of our panel
22:12and what you've learned about them today,
22:13who do you think gave us that answer?
22:15I guess that's because for many years,
22:16I was shielded from the darker side of life.
22:18Go ahead, lock in your answers.
22:21Okay, everybody has made their choices,
22:23and now we're going to find out
22:24who the winner of our game is.
22:26For fun, Laura, who do you think it is?
22:28I think it's John.
22:29You think it's John Shuck?
22:31Okay, somebody's going to win a nice prize and some money.
22:33Let's see who the winner of the game is going to be
22:35as we find out which one of our celebrities
22:37made that statement.
22:38It's John Shuck.
22:39You're right, Laura.
22:40You win the money, and Laura,
22:42you win a complete Super Deluxe Home Movie Ensemble.
22:45Now, you'll be able to produce and direct your own talkies
22:48with this Super 8 Deluxe Movie Ensemble.
22:50The camera has the sound recording system
22:52to capture all the activity,
22:53and the projector completes the cycle,
22:55letting you hear as well as see
22:56your own bit of Hollywood from All Star Secrets.
23:00Hey, congratulations to you.
23:02Very nice indeed.
23:03Well, Dede, you have $60.
23:05We're going to give you another $40,
23:06so you have an even $100 to take home, okay?
23:08All right, yeah.
23:09And, Chris, not a bad day at all.
23:10$870 for you.
23:11And, look at Laura, $1,740 in cash.
23:14So, in cash and prizes today, Laura,
23:17you won $2,760.
23:20Thanks for playing our game.
23:21Okay, when we come back,
23:23we'll have a very special surprise
23:25for you-know-who, Bill Cullen.
23:28That's who.
23:29We'll be back.
23:30We'll be back.
23:37Now you don't have to test your iron.
23:39Now you won't ruin your fabrics
23:40or forget your iron is on.
23:42Because now there's the revolutionary new
23:44Smart Iron from Hamilton Beach.
23:46When you plug it in, the power light goes on.
23:49Set it for any fabric,
23:50and the ready light tells you
23:52when the iron is just the right temperature.
23:54The Smart Iron won't let you scorch cotton
23:56or burn synthetics.
23:57You iron only when the ready light tells you to.
24:00Of course, it has a burst of steam.
24:02The Smart Iron, it even tells you when to unplug it.
24:05$5 rebate now from Hamilton Beach.
24:08Milkbone Flavor Snacks.
24:09Six flavors in every box
24:11make my dog very smart.
24:13He barks for meat flavor.
24:15Does the milk shake for milk flavor.
24:18Fetches in a flash for vegetable flavor.
24:21He's a stick giver for liver.
24:23Sets quick for chicken flavor.
24:25But you'll never guess this one.
24:28Keys, please.
24:30♪ Flavor Snacks from the Milkbone People ♪
24:33♪ Six smart ways to love your dog. ♪
24:39This week, a representative of our studio audience
24:41will receive Airways Encore Casual Luggage.
24:43Beautiful, lightweight, and durable,
24:44with added wheels for the ease of roll-along luggage.
24:46Furnished by Airway.
24:47Today's runner-up players will receive Goobers,
24:49crisp, crunchy peanuts, raisinets, plump, sweet raisins,
24:51all covered with smooth, fine chocolate.
24:53Snowcaps, dark chocolate, non-froze.
24:55Goobers, raisinets, and snowcaps.
24:57And here's a good idea, Franco American Spaghetti,
24:59the good and hearty all-family favorite.
25:00That's still a good value today.
25:02Franco American Spaghetti.
25:03And Nescafé regular and Nescafé decaffeinated instant coffee.
25:06If Nescafé can please the whole wide world,
25:08we can sure please you.
25:09And Unicap Tea High Potency,
25:10the vitamin for people on the go.
25:1211 essential vitamins, 6 important minerals,
25:14including iron and zinc from Unicap Tea.
25:16And delicious Armour Star Bacon.
25:18At Armour, we always cure bacon with a natural rind
25:20before we trim and slice it.
25:21And from La Choy, make your meal swing American
25:23with these fine La Choy canned and frozen products.
25:25And now back to Bob Eubanks and more All-Star Secrets.
25:29Hi, Charlie O'Donnell. Thank you very much.
25:31Bill, why don't you hang on to the mic right here,
25:34because, well, you know, Bill, I have one right here.
25:37You're trying to be host, is that it?
25:40Yeah, I thought of that.
25:41I see, yeah.
25:42You're a hard man to surprise.
25:44I mean, you know that.
25:45And when you agreed to do our show, you told our staff,
25:47I'm just checking my notes here,
25:48that if we surprised you by bringing back
25:50a relative or an old friend,
25:51you'd sue us for damaging your psyche.
25:53For everything you're worth.
25:54I think you ought to sit down.
25:56Why don't you just sit down right there.
25:57Go ahead, sit down and make yourself comfortable.
26:00Go ahead, that's all right.
26:01Now, earlier today you told us how you lied
26:05to get your pilot's license and your driver's license.
26:07Remember that?
26:08Yeah, I lied when I said that, too.
26:10Well, we checked it out to see if there's still a warrant
26:14out for your arrest.
26:15Are you comfortable, pal?
26:18And there is not a warrant out for your arrest.
26:20Oh, thank you.
26:21Now, you also told us earlier in the week
26:23that you hated lawyers and evangelists.
26:27Well, Bill.
26:29I didn't mean that.
26:30We contacted several lawyers and evangelists
26:33and no one wanted to surprise you.
26:36And that's good.
26:38Now, we also learned today that you enjoy
26:41doing absolutely nothing.
26:44I do indeed.
26:45Well, Bill, that's your surprise.
26:48Absolutely nothing.
26:52Wait a minute, wait, wait.
26:53Wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
27:01Here in the studio?
27:03Who's here in the studio?
27:07All right.
27:08Okay, okay, good.
27:10That wasn't for you, Bill.
27:12Thank you.
27:13You just sit there and do nothing, okay?
27:17We have to go.
27:19I want to say thank you very much to you, Delores.
27:21You've been just amazing today.
27:23Thank you, I enjoyed being here.
27:24And John Schuch, you've been great, too.
27:26I loved it.
27:27You've been wonderful.
27:28Artie Johnson, you've been great.
27:30Bill, you've been pretty good.
27:32I love you guys.
27:34We have to go.
27:35Thank you for joining us on Star Seekers.
27:38Thank you.
27:39Thank you.
27:40Thank you.
27:41Thank you.
27:42Thank you.
27:43Thank you.
27:44Thank you.
27:45Thank you.
27:46Thank you.
27:47Thank you.
27:48Thank you.
27:49Thank you.
27:50Thank you.
27:51Thank you.
27:52Thank you.
27:53Thank you.
27:54Thank you.
27:55Thank you.
27:56Thank you.
27:57Thank you.
27:58Thank you.
27:59Thank you.
28:00Thank you.
28:01Thank you.
28:02Thank you.
28:03Thank you.
28:04Thank you.
28:05Thank you.
28:06Thank you.
28:07Thank you.
28:08Thank you.
28:09Thank you.
28:10Thank you.
28:11Thank you.
28:12Thank you.
28:13Thank you.
28:14Thank you.
28:15Thank you.
28:16Thank you.
28:17Thank you.
28:18Thank you.
28:19Thank you.
28:20Thank you.
28:21Thank you.
28:22Thank you.
28:23Thank you.
28:24Thank you.
28:25Thank you.
28:26Thank you.
28:27Thank you.
28:28Thank you.
28:29Thank you.
28:30Thank you.
28:31Thank you.
28:32Thank you.
28:33Thank you.
28:34Thank you.
28:35Thank you.
28:36Thank you.
28:37Thank you.
28:38Thank you.
28:39Thank you.
28:40Thank you.
28:41Thank you.
28:42Thank you.
28:43Thank you.
28:44Thank you.
28:45Thank you.
28:46Thank you.
28:47Thank you.
28:48Thank you.
28:49Thank you.
28:50Thank you.
28:51Thank you.
28:52Thank you.
28:53Thank you.
28:54Thank you.
28:55Thank you.
28:56Thank you.
28:57Thank you.
28:58Thank you.
28:59Thank you.
29:00Thank you.
29:01Thank you.
29:02Thank you.
29:03Thank you.
29:04Thank you.
29:05Thank you.
29:06Thank you.
29:07Thank you.
29:08Thank you.
29:09Thank you.
29:10Thank you.
29:11Thank you.
29:12Thank you.
29:13Thank you.
29:14Thank you.
29:15Thank you.
29:16Thank you.
29:17Thank you.
29:18Thank you.
29:19Thank you.
29:20Thank you.
29:21Thank you.
29:22Thank you.
29:23Thank you.
29:24Thank you.
29:25Thank you.
29:26Thank you.
29:27Thank you.
29:28Thank you.
29:29Thank you.
29:30Thank you.
29:31Thank you.
29:32Thank you.
29:33Thank you.
29:34Thank you.
29:35Thank you.
29:36Thank you.
29:37Thank you.
29:38Thank you.
29:39Thank you.
29:40Thank you.
29:41Thank you.
29:42Thank you.
29:43Thank you.
29:44Thank you.
29:45Thank you.
29:46Thank you.
29:47Thank you.
29:48Thank you.
29:49Thank you.
29:50Thank you.
29:51Thank you.
29:52Thank you.
29:53Thank you.
29:54Thank you.
29:55Thank you.
29:56Thank you.
29:57Thank you.
29:58Thank you.
29:59Thank you.
30:00Thank you.
30:01Thank you.
30:02Thank you.
30:03Today, don't look for Password Plus at its regular time.
30:06Oh, no!
30:07But it can be seen at 12 noon, 11 o'clock Central and Pacific every weekday.