• last year


00:00Watermelon doesn't suit. You can't get anything like that.
00:03So if you want to make a combination of tomato and lemon with watermelon,
00:07whatever way you have used the pack, this pack is for those who suit tomato and lemon.
00:13Just nothing like the previous pack.
00:16I'm taking a piece of turmoji.
00:18Then I'll blend it with water.
00:21I'll add a teaspoon of honey.
00:22And now I'll add a slice of tomato.
00:25Since tomato suits my skin.
00:27Tomato has a lot of properties.
00:29It helps to clean the dirt from the inside of the skin.
00:32Our skin is very oily.
00:34So it will help to get rid of those oils.
00:37That's why tomato.
00:38And I took a lemon juice.
00:40I blend it very well.
00:43I filled it up to the maximum limit of the eye stroller.
00:47And same as the previous rules.
00:49Leave it for 10 hours at night.
00:51Before using it in the morning.
00:52Just chill it in normal water for 2 minutes.
00:55Then use it to clean the skin from the inside.
00:58Keep the pores clean.
00:59Keep the stains free.
