Prueba, imágenes, precios, seguro y fichas técnicas y de equipamiento del Subaru XV 2016 en:
The Subaru XV did not complete the moose test succesfully when carrying a high entrance speed (the maximum was just 72 km/h).
However, our impressions were positive because the car always felt safe and was easily controlable by the driver. The XV lacks the nimbleness and sharpness that we experienced on other similar cars such as the Volkswagen Tiguan and the Toyota CH-R, altough its tyres (of a M+S kind) were designed for a mixed road and off-road use, while the ones that the other two cars mounted were not.
The ESC takes action to help the XV get safely into the third cone lane. The driver only notices it by reason of the secuencial noise that is made by the braking system (none of the wheels is braked
violently, a situation which happens on many other cars).
On the slalom manoeuvre footage, it can be seen that the body roll is not big and that the XV responds quickly to the inputs made on the steering wheel.
The Subaru XV did not complete the moose test succesfully when carrying a high entrance speed (the maximum was just 72 km/h).
However, our impressions were positive because the car always felt safe and was easily controlable by the driver. The XV lacks the nimbleness and sharpness that we experienced on other similar cars such as the Volkswagen Tiguan and the Toyota CH-R, altough its tyres (of a M+S kind) were designed for a mixed road and off-road use, while the ones that the other two cars mounted were not.
The ESC takes action to help the XV get safely into the third cone lane. The driver only notices it by reason of the secuencial noise that is made by the braking system (none of the wheels is braked
violently, a situation which happens on many other cars).
On the slalom manoeuvre footage, it can be seen that the body roll is not big and that the XV responds quickly to the inputs made on the steering wheel.
00:00Subaru XV
00:11Maniobra de esquiva
00:14Aunque el Subaru XV ha superado la maniobra de esquiva a una velocidad baja, 72 kmh, nuestra valoración sobre él es positiva.
00:23Lo es porque sus reacciones son seguras, fácilmente controlables por el conductor, al que no llega a sorprender con ningún movimiento brusco.
00:30Cierto es que le falta agilidad comparado incluso con otros modelos que hemos probado y que tienen una carrocería más alta, como es el caso del Volkswagen Tiguan o del Toyota C-HR.
00:41Pero también lo es que los neumáticos que llevaba esta unidad de XV, unos Yokohama Geolandar G95, son de tipo M+, es decir, que están diseñados para una utilización mixta en asfalto y fuera de él.
00:53El control de estabilidad interviene durante la maniobra para ayudar al XV a entrar en el tercer pasillo de conos.
00:59No lo hace, como en otros modelos, con un visible bloqueo de la rueda exterior delantera al llegar al segundo pasillo, sino que la sensación que hemos tenido es que actúa sobre la trasera una vez pasado ese punto.
01:10La actuación del control no pasa desapercibida para el conductor, no por lo que hace sobre la trayectoria, sino por el ruido que produce la secuencia de impulsos del sistema de freno.
01:24En las imágenes del slalom se puede apreciar que la carrocería de este Subaru se balancea un poco y que el coche sigue sin problemas las acciones del conductor sobre el volante.
01:40Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de