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00:00Hello, everybody.
00:27Forget that can stuff.
00:30This is real, this is live, this is fresh, this is WCW Nitro.
00:36This is in history.
00:37This is history in the making.
00:40I'm Eric Bischoff along with Steve Mongo Mc Michael and Bobby the brain.
00:46And we are good to go if you know what I mean.
00:51Well let me tell you one thing Bischoff,
00:53we are classified as a force of nature now baby.
00:57There's Tornado Watches outside, there's a Nitro Watch inside.
01:01We're hot and we're ready to go, Weasel.
01:04And what I'm interested in is if Hulk Hogan will choke like the shark Greg Norman
01:09did at the Masters.
01:11Can he do this by himself?
01:12Wait a minute, Hulk Hogan hits the ring.
01:19Arn Anderson and the Taskmaster immediately globbing this, a handicap match.
01:24This originally scheduled to be a return match with Hulk Hogan and
01:28the Booty Man to take on Anderson and Taskmaster.
01:31But the Booty Man hurt two weeks ago on WCW Saturday night.
01:37Hogan's so incensed, he said I'll take you both on.
01:40But Hedon, there's some stipulations that you've been laughing about all day.
01:44Well, they're very simple.
01:46If Hogan wins this match, he gets a manager in the ring.
01:49He can have Miss Elizabeth, he can have Lillian.
01:52Look at that, some freaking fun right off the bat.
01:54But he don't have it locked on good.
01:56He's turning the heart, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
02:00And don't forget, if the Taskmaster and Arn Anderson win this one,
02:04they get five minutes with, guess who, Kimberly, the Booty Babe.
02:08Now wait a minute, let's get it straight.
02:10Hogan wins, he gets five minutes alone with the manager or
02:15managers of his choice, Anderson, Taskmaster win.
02:19They get to pick up where Liz and Woman left off with the Booty Babe.
02:23That's right, and Diamond Dallas Page, they say, is on the streets.
02:26He's broke, he's poor, she's gonna be on the streets broken poor.
02:30She may be in a body cast.
02:32This one is gonna be interesting.
02:34Well, look at what's happening out here.
02:36I was afraid of this.
02:37Hulk Hogan painted himself in a corner with this match.
02:40These two hurt the Booty Man, so he said I'll take you on by myself.
02:44But if you remember, Bischoff,
02:46Hogan lost to Arn Anderson on a Monday Night Show.
02:50And now he's taking on Arn Anderson and the Taskmaster.
02:53I don't know what's gonna happen in this one.
02:55Well, I'll tell you what, Hulk Hogan is inspired.
02:58This is a Hulk Hogan that we have seen in the past.
03:02This is a Hulk Hogan who has dominated all of the action inside of the ring,
03:07outside of the ring, and anywhere else he goes.
03:10And that's the one thing about Hogan, you get him teed off, and
03:15he gets madder and madder.
03:16I mean, he honks up, it can be over for anybody.
03:19Well, that's because of the humanoid Hulkamaniacs out there.
03:22They get his blood pumping.
03:23They give him the adrenaline to keep moving like this.
03:26If they'd shut up, we'd get rid of this joker.
03:29Hulk Hogan in control.
03:32This is the Hulk Hogan I like to see.
03:34This is the Hulk Hogan that we know.
03:36The Hogan, Hogan now, digging maybe a little too deep.
03:41Reaching for a chair.
03:43He's cleaning, ouch.
03:45I'd like to tell you one thing, if he cleans these two clocks,
03:48I don't see why that man shouldn't be wearing that championship belt around his
03:52waist before long.
03:53Never mind what you're worried about.
03:55They got tornado warnings outside, and
03:56there's a hurricane going on right here in the building right now.
03:59I don't know who's the legal man in this ring.
04:01I don't know if there is a legal man in this ring.
04:03I wanna know one thing, what is Liz thinking about?
04:06What is woman thinking about?
04:08If they have to face Hulk Hogan when this thing's over.
04:11But on the flip side, what about the booty babe?
04:15She's worried, she has plenty of worries.
04:16Cuz he's out there all by himself at the hands of Arn Anderson.
04:19Jimmy Hart, the taskmaster, he's not gonna make it.
04:22Look at that, Jimmy Hart out there with the megaphone.
04:27Kicking away, taking cheap shots wherever he can.
04:31Arn Anderson, choking.
04:33You gentlemen forget it, Hogan got himself in this predicament.
04:36He's the one that said I'll take two men out.
04:38He's unbeatable, he can do whatever he wants.
04:41He's taking three out right now.
04:42You saw the mouth of the south in there.
04:44And that's my odds on favor who Hogan wants.
04:48If you remember my friend,
04:49he's the one that turned on Hogan in the first place.
04:52A lot of action coming up here on WCW Monday Night Show,
04:55including Public Enemy and the Nasty Boys.
04:58I have heard back in the locker room area,
05:00both teams screaming at each other.
05:02This one is going to be exciting to say the least.
05:06Two of the most unpredictable teams.
05:08I hope they've got the furniture tied down.
05:11And Savage is loose, he's in the building.
05:12So is Ric Flair.
05:14Ric Flair, after everything he's done on television,
05:17said about the Macho Man Randy, oh, look at this.
05:22Well, they got the tables turned on him there.
05:24They were trying to put the Booty Man towel driver on Hogan,
05:26and he turned the tables on him, baby.
05:28The Macho Man Randy Savage will be taking in
05:30Earl Robert of Eaton, but you've got to wonder
05:32about the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
05:35He, oh man!
05:36Cover, one, two, three, he got him!
05:39Oh, he got him!
05:44Who's he gonna get?
05:46Who's he gonna get?
05:47He's going after a woman.
05:50He's going after a woman.
05:51I think he's gonna take his choice right now.
05:54No, he wants Elizabeth.
05:55That's who he wants.
05:56He's got his eyes on Elizabeth,
05:57because she's got all Macho Man's cash.
05:59Oh, her mouth.
06:01Don't fight it, darling, just get in the ring.
06:03Her mouth has been writing checks
06:05that she's gonna have to cash right here,
06:08right now, live on Nitro, with the world watching.
06:13Oh, look at this!
06:15Women should take her, not me!
06:16Well, they're women.
06:17You expect that of them.
06:19I expect that of them.
06:20She don't want to get her makeup messed up
06:22or her hair pulled out or something.
06:24You see, that's what that camp is all about.
06:26They'll turn on each other like mad dogs.
06:29Well, there's a plan, maybe.
06:30Maybe they've got a plan.
06:31Look at- Both of you.
06:34Oh, he's gonna take both of them!
06:37Jimmy Hart's in the ring.
06:38He just took his coat off.
06:38Now, forget about them, Hogan.
06:39Turn around and look at your main nemesis.
06:42I want somebody to take care of that weasel.
06:45And look at the-
06:47Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
06:48There you go!
06:49He's got glasses!
06:50Hogan said, forget about these two!
06:52I want you, Jimmy Hart!
06:54The man that stabbed him in the back, he thinks.
06:56The man that totally tried to destroy
06:58Hulk Amedi along with the Taskmaster.
06:59Jimmy, run for your life!
07:03Hart saw it.
07:05Hart knew that-
07:06Who knows what Hart was-
07:08Oh, look at this!
07:08Oh, this may be uncensored.
07:11Jimmy Hart!
07:12He's bareback.
07:13Jimmy Hart is going for a ride.
07:16He's not gonna wait for the manager of his choice.
07:18He's gonna take it now.
07:20Jimmy, run!
07:22Jimmy Hart getting exactly what he deserves.
07:26Oh, dude.
07:27Oh, yes!
07:29Jimmy Hart's already 120 pounds.
07:31That's what a tie on a jacket can still can work.
07:34Hogan shoots!
07:36He scores!
07:39Oh, fee-fi-fo-fum!
07:40Here he comes!
07:41You talk about a pay-per-view,
07:42I'd clean out the bank account to see this!
07:45And you're getting it free!
07:46Oh, look at Jimmy!
07:47He gets one Hogan turn around!
07:50But Jimmy's the manager of the Giant.
07:52Hogan, you're not gonna like
07:54what's gonna happen to you here, pal.
07:55Oh, no!
07:57He's got him around the neck.
07:59We know what that means.
08:01Jump out of that choke slam!
08:02Drop out of it!
08:06Right on his spine.
08:07I don't think that's even...
08:10Behind you!
08:11That's what I was just fixing to say!
08:12Behind you!
08:17Oh, yeah!
08:19This is Hulk Hogan!
08:25Irish whip into the ropes in a boot!
08:30He missed the chin!
08:31He missed the chin.
08:32He put that boot right at the top of the chin.
08:34Don't you see?
08:35I've been waiting for this.
08:36Hogan, forget about all the mind games.
08:39Forget about the Dungeon of Doom and the Four Horsemen,
08:41and take care of business, baby.
08:43That's what he's good at.
08:45He body slammed the Giant!
08:47Over 450-some-odd pounds
08:50after having a match with the Taskmaster,
08:52Ron Anderson, he slams the Giant!
08:55And look at this!
08:57Gene O'Kerlin going after him!
08:59No, Hogan, watch out, baby!
09:00Slam him!
09:01Watch out, baby!
09:02Throw him in the balcony!
09:05Hogan said, hey, sorry, brother.
09:06Opportunity of a lifetime.
09:09Oh, you want him to slam Gene?
09:11No, just throw him up in the balcony.
09:16Hulk Hogan
09:20got his justice here live on Nitro.
09:25Let's go now to mean Gene O'Kerlin.
09:27Take it, Gene. Unbelievable.
09:29All right, ladies and gentlemen,
09:32listen to this crowd here tonight.
09:35Hulk Hogan, you just about got in,
09:38and you know I've been a Hulkamaniac from day one.
09:40Well, you know something, brother?
09:42I thought you were that no-good,
09:44squeaky little mouse Jimmy Hart.
09:46I'm sorry to grab you by your shorts, brother,
09:48but the thing is, Hulkamania
09:51and all these Hulkamaniacs, brother,
09:53are back at it all.
09:55And what you gonna do, brother,
09:57when Hulk Hogan climbs the ladder to the top
10:00of the WCW Heavyweight title?
10:02What are you gonna do?
10:04Listen to this crowd, everybody.
10:10It must just rile your shorts
10:12to see Hulkamania back in full force.
10:15Oh, why don't you go eat your dog food?
10:17Listen to this crowd.
10:19Hulkamania is running wilder than ever.
10:27Look at, baby's sitting there wagging his tail there.
10:30This is a beautiful thing.
10:32What, Hogan in the ring or a dog wagging his tail?
10:34He must be very bored.
10:38Look at this, look at that.
10:38That's disgusting, the Hulkamaniacs
10:40cheering on this man who used chairs,
10:43used everything he could get his hands on,
10:45then put his hands on women,
10:47grabbed the hair of Elizabeth,
10:48ripped the shirt off Jimmy Hart,
10:50and these people will cheer this man on?
10:51I don't understand it.
10:52Hey, did you see how quick Liz and Woman
10:55get the heck out of there?
10:56That'd have been my first move.
10:57All right, speaking of getting the heck out of here,
10:59we gotta do it for a very short break.
11:01Don't leave us a lot of action,
11:04and I mean action, live here on Nitro,
11:07coming up after this.
11:08Oh, I love that guy.
11:13All right, hello, everybody,
11:14and welcome back to WCW Monday Nitro,
11:17live, right here on TNT,
11:22another capacity crowd on hand
11:26to bring you some of the hottest
11:28and the only live wrestling action this Monday night,
11:32and man, I'll tell you what, what a night we have.
11:35We kicked it off, the Handicap Match.
11:37Hogan had his shot.
11:38He could've had Woman, he could've had Liz.
11:41He wanted Jimmy Hart.
11:42He almost got Gene Oakland.
11:43What do you think about that?
11:45I don't know that, baby.
11:45When Hulk Hogan went off the wall
11:48and started wearing black way back then,
11:50that was Jimmy Hart,
11:52and don't think that's not in the back of his mind
11:53still today.
11:55Look at him back there.
11:56They love you, don't they?
11:57Yeah, they love me.
11:58I'll tell you something.
11:59I'm very concerned.
11:59I saw Randy Macho Man Savage
12:01be brought into the building by security,
12:04ushered into his dressing room,
12:05and they're in front of the door.
12:06That man has some serious mental problems.
12:09They just didn't take his money or his charge cards.
12:11Flair has gone right in
12:13and pulled his heart right out of his wallet.
12:14Well, you've seen the interviews.
12:15Liz flashing around the Macho Man's credit card.
12:18Well, let me tell you something.
12:19The Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
12:21the World Heavyweight Champion, is here tonight.
12:23You'll see him teamed up with the Giant
12:25to take on Sting and Lex Luger.
12:27That's in the main event.
12:28That is big enough news in and of itself,
12:30but I wanna know what in the world is going to happen
12:34if the Macho Man and the Nature Boy
12:37get within 100 feet of each other.
12:39The roof could come off this building,
12:41tornado or no tornado.
12:44Look at the little guy.
12:44That's why he wore his orange camouflage tonight, baby,
12:47because them two guys are smoking guns
12:49and he wanted to make sure
12:50he didn't get hit by a stray bullet.
12:52Hey, let me ask you one question real quick
12:53before we get back up to the ring.
12:55Sting, Luger, what's the deal?
12:57You know what I got to say about Luger.
13:00I think he's a snake in the grass,
13:02and Stinger, you look out, baby.
13:04Well, take another look at that team
13:05together tonight in the main event,
13:07but right now, let's get down to the ring.
13:10It's special live on Monday Nitro.
13:13In a special, everything goes straight right.
13:15Step the one foot to a fist.
13:17Balls count anywhere in the building.
13:19Introducing first, from South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
13:23live one, Go Rock, and Johnny Grunge,
13:26the Public Enemy!
13:30Public Enemy.
13:32Well, they are definitely the Nasty Boys' enemy.
13:36Not too long ago, we were speculating.
13:39Was it the Road Warrior?
13:41Was it the Steiners?
13:44Oh, here they come!
13:45They're gonna hit him with yesterday's trash, baby!
13:49There we go!
13:51Pick that chicken bone up and stick it in his eye!
13:56I'll guarantee you, you're not gonna find a picture
13:58of Public Enemy hanging in any post office,
14:00but you're gonna find it in the home of Nobs and Sags,
14:02because they're out to get Public Enemy
14:04for the number they did on them
14:05when they mugged him a little while back.
14:07Well, you just said that they're a mugging,
14:09because we're calling this a street fight, baby.
14:11Anything goes, just like you're on the street
14:14with your buddies, pounding on that next door neighbor.
14:17But you gotta give Public Enemy credit.
14:19The way they outsmarted the Nasty, which isn't hard to do,
14:21but when Johnny Grunge came in disguise,
14:24looking like Nobs, tremendous, tremendous move.
14:27I'll tell you what, this match is not for the faint of heart.
14:31This will not be pretty.
14:33It's already ugly.
14:35And it's likely to get much uglier.
14:38We've got devastating action inside of the ring,
14:41outside of the ring, so far, garbage cans and chairs.
14:44Who knows, given the nature of these two teams,
14:47what is going to happen in this matchup?
14:50And you talk about wondering what is going to happen.
14:53What about Slamboree coming up on a Baton Rouge shot?
14:59Oh, man!
15:01Now, cut two eyeballs out of that thing.
15:04They'll look like Gumby.
15:06Boy, that gives a whole new meaning of going to the can.
15:09Slamboree coming up in Baton Rouge,
15:11and we understand tickets went on sale today,
15:13and they are going like crazy.
15:17What would happen if Nobs was one of the partners
15:19with Public Enemy?
15:21If you live in the Baton Rouge area,
15:25and you want to get over to the Riverside Centerplex,
15:27get your tickets, get them quick,
15:29because they are going fast.
15:30Slamboree, Lord of the Rings.
15:34Lord of the Ring, I should say.
15:35It is going to be an interesting matchup.
15:37We've already had some teams matched up,
15:40and believe it or not, Public Enemy have beat the odds.
15:43They should have been in Vegas with me last week.
15:45They have beat the odds,
15:46and they are going to be together as a team.
15:48Not a big advantage.
15:50Big advantage.
15:51They probably have the best advantage of any team
15:53out there now, because they were picked early,
15:54and they know exactly what to do.
15:5632 names drawn, teams created,
16:00guys that like each other, guys that hate each other,
16:03and everything in between,
16:04until eight men find themselves in a ring
16:06in a battle royale to see who becomes the Lord of the Ring
16:10and get a shot at the World Heavyweight title in June.
16:13That coming up exclusively on pay-per-view at Slamboree.
16:17And I'll tell you what,
16:18this is a recycling company's nightmare.
16:22Those fans better look out.
16:23One of them might reach over, grab one,
16:25and knock the other team over the head with a fan.
16:29Oh, they're not done yet.
16:30They're going to have the rails tipped over.
16:31They're going to have chairs overturned.
16:34Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
16:35We've got tables.
16:36Here comes the wood.
16:38Oh, yeah.
16:41I'll tell you what, so much action going on here,
16:45it is hard to keep track of.
16:49And this brings a whole new meaning
16:50to belly up to the buffet table, brother.
16:54Oh, did you see that?
16:57Right over on top of the table.
17:00And now Johnny Grunge moving furniture himself.
17:04Oh, a half a table.
17:08These guys are insane.
17:10They're just brutalizing each other.
17:12Anything goes.
17:14Well, you know, this is like the Interstate 95 fight.
17:17Nasty boys think they're the king of New York City
17:19and Central Park.
17:21Public enemy here from Philadelphia,
17:23they think they're the toughest guys around.
17:25I think they are.
17:26This is mayhem live here on Nitro.
17:31And you've got to wonder which of these four
17:34men are going to break first.
17:37Well, I hesitate to say public enemy
17:39wants to show the Nasty Boys who are
17:42the nastiest team in the WCW.
17:45That's what it's all about.
17:47They don't care about winning or money or.
17:48Look at fly ball.
17:50Oh, lands on the garbage can.
17:53I love that.
17:55Nice attempt.
17:55And you talk about a high risk maneuver.
17:58Oh, man.
18:01These four are going to be sore in the morning.
18:03Probably for the next six months.
18:04I was going to say, they're going to be sore in November.
18:09This is incredible.
18:10Oh, man, when you sign a match where the rules are,
18:16there aren't no rules.
18:18And you know you're in there.
18:20If you're the Nasty Boys, you know you're in there.
18:23With a couple of maniacs.
18:25Cameraman just got knocked down.
18:28Oh, I'm just sitting here in awe of the metal plates, chairs
18:33that they're getting hit with.
18:34And they're still standing there.
18:35I'm going to tell you something right now.
18:37If the director can hear me in the truck, I know that he can.
18:39I'd tell your handheld cameraman to pull wide.
18:43Stay the heck out of the way.
18:44Shoot this thing in a wide shot if you need to.
18:47We don't want anybody hurt at ringside.
18:49And believe me, public enemy and the Nasty's
18:50don't care about a cameraman out there
18:52or a ring official or anybody.
18:54They're out there to maim each other right now.
18:56Well, yeah, they better stay away from those cameras.
18:59They'll grab one and show them what it's
19:01like to get up close and personal.
19:05Oh, Smokes out of control.
19:09Oh, and they're still not through.
19:12Everybody in this arena is, let's
19:14see if we get a crowd shot here, everybody
19:16in this arena on their feet.
19:19This, I'll tell you what, this is something
19:22that you just don't see, thank goodness, every day.
19:26They're sitting here, they're all standing up, all struck.
19:29Look out, there is not one person seated.
19:32This is almost like a golf crowd.
19:34They're just shocked.
19:35Well, a little different than the Masters.
19:37They're not going to hold up a sign
19:38and say be quiet while that guy putts.
19:39These guys are parting their hair with garbage cans.
19:48And Nobbs owes him that for jumping in the ring
19:51and costing him a victory, including getting counted out.
19:55If you remember that, Nitro.
19:56Yeah, my public enemy has suffered enough.
19:58Don't forget, he had to walk around for the whole day
20:00looking like Nobbs.
20:02Nobody would want that penalty.
20:06You can see the fatigue.
20:08These guys just pummeling, pounding each other.
20:13They're just on fumes right now.
20:15Their needle's on empty.
20:16They've been hit with every kind of garbage can, table, chairs
20:18that we have in this building.
20:20And they're not done yet.
20:23Look at all that garbage in the ring.
20:25And I'm speaking of the trash, not public enemy.
20:30Right into the table, Johnny Grunge paying the price.
20:36He's snuck into the ring.
20:40Now what, has he got a chainsaw?
20:42A few weeks ago, snuck into the ring,
20:44cost the Nasty Boys a triangle tag team match.
20:48I think Nobbs has a handy wipe, and he's
20:50going to wipe the floor with him.
20:52He's going to need more than a handy wipe with public enemy,
20:54I'll guarantee you that.
20:56What's Rocco setting up down there?
20:59They're not bringing in the buffet eats, are they?
21:02He's not getting ready for a Sunday picnic either.
21:05Somebody's head's going to go through that table.
21:08Oh, did you hear that?
21:09Ding dong, Avon calling.
21:11And now, Brian Nobbs inside of the ring,
21:14clearing out the trash in more ways than one.
21:16Jerry Sags outside of the ring, doing battle, and oh, man,
21:20this is just unbelievable.
21:24Well, it's safe to say that these four will never get
21:26a job with the welcome wagon.
21:28Cover, and he's got his foot on the rope.
21:32Referee still trying to maintain some law and order in there.
21:35Isn't that something?
21:35I'll tell you what's something.
21:36It's something that he still has a foot to put over the rope.
21:39It's a wonder these guys aren't at pieces right now.
21:42Look at these guys, they're on pure adrenaline, baby.
21:46Yeah, the punches and kicks aren't that crisp anymore.
21:48They've had a lot taken out of them, you can just tell.
21:50These are beaten men.
21:53But they hate each other so much, they're not going to stop.
21:56This could go all night, and I got plans.
22:00Well, we will stay with you.
22:01As Steve McMichael noted early on in the broadcast,
22:04we do have a tornado warning in the area.
22:07But you fans of Nitro know one thing, we are committed,
22:11and we will stay with you through power outages,
22:15tornado warnings, you name it.
22:18This is Nitro, we're sticking with it.
22:21And they could go outside in the middle of the hailstorm,
22:24the tornado, and pin this guy, and he gets counted out.
22:28It doesn't matter where you get counted out in a street fight,
22:31Well, it's not a count-out, it's a pin.
22:33False count anyplace.
22:34In the building, in the alley, down the street,
22:36in the interstate, four states away, it doesn't matter.
22:39They'll take the fight anyplace.
22:40Or in our case, perhaps in the eye of a tornado.
22:43And look at this.
22:44They've got the table set up.
22:45I want to know who's going to clean that ring out of here.
22:48And it could get a lot tougher to clean here if what happens-
22:52Nobs is missing something.
22:53He's supposed to have an apple in his mouth, isn't he?
22:55Here we go.
23:01One, two, three!
23:02He got him!
23:03He got him!
23:04These are winners, The Nasty Boys!
23:05They put him in the beef!
23:08On the table, this one, one of the wildest,
23:15And I hope they've got one heck of a cleaning crew.
23:26They ain't through yet!
23:27He just drove Nob down into the barrier, baby.
23:29Now they're going to work on sags.
23:32This one is over.
23:33The Nasty Boys take home a win.
23:36But like I said, they're going to be feeling this.
23:39No, wait a minute.
23:41Look at this.
23:42Johnny Grunge.
23:45What is he going to do now?
23:47I don't think sags is in any shape to do anything about this.
23:50Look at this.
23:51Rocko's saying, get out of the way.
23:52They're going to tag team this one.
23:54They're going to tag-
23:57So much for sags.
23:59An enemy sandwich.
24:03Now that's just taking it over the line.
24:05He sacrificed himself to drive home a point, and sags looks hurt.
24:09I'll tell you, I'd rather have the Melendez brothers over for dinner than a public enemy.
24:13Who knows what they'll do.
24:14They'll destroy the house.
24:15Oh, man.
24:16Jerry Sags is going to be coughing up his rib cage, I'm afraid.
24:21And we are ready for the Twix Sweet Revenge brought to you by Twix.
24:25Take a look at this.
24:27I don't know what to say.
24:28I don't know how to call anything like this.
24:30Nob's just getting a win over a man that just went through a table.
24:33Pinned him in the broken V of the table, baby.
24:35I've never seen that before.
24:39And look at the trash go flying.
24:42And that's including public enemy as far as I'm concerned.
24:44You know, I'd call the nasty stupid, but I don't want to insult stupid people.
24:48All right, we've got a lot more action coming your way.
24:51The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, the Giant to take on Sting and Luger.
24:55And the Macho Man, Randy Savage, in the house.
24:59And he is wired.
25:01We'll be back right after this.
25:03Is he ever.
25:08Welcome back.
25:09We are live.
25:12We are grateful for everybody who helped clear that ring area out.
25:16We must have had 15 to 20 people in there working at a fever pace.
25:20But they got it done.
25:22What a.
25:24What a.
25:26I don't know how to describe that match.
25:28That's not even a match.
25:30It's a match.
25:32It's a match.
25:34It's a match.
25:36It's a match.
25:38It's a match.
25:41No, it wasn't even a street fight.
25:43It was just.
25:45It was an interstate car crash.
25:47And now you've got eaten.
25:52I like these people here.
25:54They've all stood on their feet to show proper respect for this man from England.
25:59I'll tell you what, they didn't need any chairs in this building tonight.
26:02And I'm not talking about the ones that were inside of the ring.
26:04I'm talking about the ones outside of the ring.
26:06this capacity crowd on their feet, literally from the beginning of this broadcast.
26:12Tremendous crowd once again on hand for, without question, the hottest show each and every
26:20Monday night. More people watching WCW in the United States now than any other wrestling
26:25program. And for that, once again, we want to thank you. Eric, look at the eyes on Savage.
26:31Watch the eyes.
26:45The macho man, Randy Savage, in his mind right now. A picture, I'm sure, burned indelibly,
26:54indelibly. The Nature Boy, Ric Flair. He wants the Nature Boy. He wants justice. He wants
27:03revenge. He's been listening to the interviews, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, with his credit card
27:08and buying champagne. And Liz coming up saying that she's the only reason he needs anything
27:14today. And she wants half of anything he ever makes in the future. They are trying to drive
27:19this man nuts. And quite frankly, you're not far. You're not far. It's a short walk. I think
27:26they already have, my friend. I think Macho's on the edge, and he's free falling on anybody,
27:31including the Earl of Eaton, that wants to get in his way. Well, I'll tell you, it's very simple.
27:36You know, you mess with a man's career, he'll do anything. You mess with a man's pocket, his
27:41wallet, he'll do anything. You tear at a man's heart, he'll do anything. And Flair has done all
27:46those things to Randy Macho Man Savage. All right, we'll have this match when we come back.
27:52Don't ring the bell yet. Save it. We'll come back with it. Come on.
28:04Well, I don't know anything about wiring money, but when you talk about wiring the Macho Man,
28:08Randy Savage, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair has done a great job. This guy would not wait for the bell.
28:13He is unloading all over Eaton, and Eaton is in a serious amount of trouble here. And
28:21interesting that the Macho Man, Randy Savage, wearing green, while Liz throwing his green
28:28to the fans, taunting him every time she walks out. She's throwing his money away.
28:35But she earned it. She deserves it. I'll tell you what, you want to hear something ridiculous?
28:40The Macho Man, Randy Savage, taking Eaton out onto the concrete floor. I'll tell you something
28:45ridiculous. The Macho Man, Randy Savage, has got a huge opportunity. In fact, he's going to be
28:51starring in Dial M for Monkey from Hanna-Barbera, a new cartoon that's going to be premiering on
28:58the Cartoon Network Sunday, April 21st at 7 p.m. And I'll tell you what, Elizabeth already trying
29:05to figure out how she can cash in on that. The Macho Man, Randy Savage, with the cover.
29:09She's already trying to cash in on something that the Macho Man, Randy Savage, is doing.
29:13He's got an opportunity with the Cartoon Network and animation, and she thinks that money is hers.
29:19This woman is nuts. Watch for the Macho Man, Randy Savage, in Dial M for Monkey.
29:24Well, they're changing the name of it. It's going to be called Dial M for Money.
29:27Hey, look at this. Look at this. Even Fred heard about Dial M for Monkey and the
29:31Macho Man, Randy Savage. What if he's jealous? Mrs. Oakland made it, I see.
29:36The Macho Man, Randy Savage and Eaton out on the concrete floor. Eaton takes the Macho Man
29:44into the ring. Eaton, a very respected wrestler, like him or not. He is a veteran. He's a technician,
29:52and he can come off the top rope like he was launched.
29:55Oh, no. Come on, Macho. Get your blood up, baby. This is for pride. This is for pride.
30:01It's like 1776. Declare a revolution. This guy's from England. Wipe him out.
30:07Dump his tea in the harbor. I'll tell you something about Bobby Eaton.
30:11Wait a minute. I'll tell you something about Bobby Eaton.
30:14He's doing Ric Flair. He's doing a Ric Flair impersonation.
30:17Oh, that's not good to do in front of Savage. I wouldn't do that.
30:20He's really rubbing it in now. He's going for a freaking four. He thinks he's Ric Flair.
30:26Oh, he wants Savage to know about Mr. Flair. He wants to remind Savage.
30:30Look at that. A horseman t-shirt. Oh, you want to make him crazy?
30:38You're doing a great job, Eaton. He just might chew through his own
30:42legs just to get to him now. Watch Savage come out of this.
30:45Well, I think Eaton's gone too far. It's one thing for Flair to do. He's a world champion.
30:49But for Eaton to come out here and get this man's blood stirred, don't make him a mad dog. Don't
30:55mess with a wounded animal. Don't put him in a corner because he'll come back and bite you.
30:59You know what? Normally, I would agree with you. But in the case of the Macho Man Randy Savage,
31:03I absolutely disagree with you. You make this guy crazy. You stand up and start strutting
31:09like Ric Flair. You show him a four horseman t-shirt. All you're going to do is bring the
31:14Macho Man back to life in a big way. And now the Macho Man, oh, and that little doorstop with a
31:22wig. What was he trying to do? Shiny shoes? Look at him go.
31:27He better run. Savage is a man who's beside himself. Look at this.
31:31There you go. Get your mind on your business, Savage.
31:35So you wanted to make him crazy, huh, Eaton? You wanted to remind him of Ric Flair, did you?
31:41And remind him of his ex-wife and all those presidents going down the drain.
31:45Yeah. And those credit cards that
31:47she's charging the Maxxon and Flair drinking the Don Perrion, the caviar.
31:52We've been having a heck of a time. Yeah, maybe Eaton should have come to the ring with a picture
31:56of Savage's boat. That's a big elbow, baby. One, two, three. Yes, sir. He got him. He got him.
32:06Look at the eyes on this man. He don't know where he's at. He's not on earth.
32:10Well, that was the only chance that the Earl had was to get his blood, get him out of his
32:16game plan and maybe sneak up on him while he wasn't paying attention. The Macho Man Randy
32:20Savage having words with the referee. The Macho Man. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's in the
32:25NBA. Not a smart move. He doesn't care anymore. He just doesn't care anymore. Not a smart move.
32:33And we've got guys coming out trying to keep the Macho Man from getting himself in trouble.
32:39You can't toss a referee. Something's got to be done.
32:44Well, Hogan got to spin. He jumped over all of them. Oh, and they all ducked out of the way.
32:50Doug Dillinger there. They're trying to hold the Macho Man down. Oh, they're good. Look,
32:55we've got cops outside of the ring. Bad boys, bad boys. What you gonna do, huh, Savage? What
33:00are you gonna do when Flair lowers the boom on you? Look, they are handcuffing him. And I gotta
33:07tell you, I know Randy Savage. They are doing this for his own good. He is out of control.
33:14The man needs psychiatric help. Well, they were doing it for the Earl Eaton's own good,
33:18I'm here to tell you. Well, I bet you Savage hasn't had a night's sleep in six months.
33:23Savage wants Flair so bad, Eaton made the mistake of coming out here and imitating the Nature Boy.
33:31He paid the price, but I'll tell you what, the Macho Man in trouble here. I've never seen this
33:35or taking somebody out of the ring in handcuffs. I've never seen that happen in all my years in
33:40this great sport. A man come into the ring and be handcuffed and led away for his own good,
33:45for his own safety. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was for our safety also.
33:49Look at this, the Macho Man, and I gotta tell you what, he's friends with those guys.
33:54And we'll be back with more action right after this. Sting and Lex Luger gonna take on
33:59The Giant and Ric Flair and I bet you Savage is out of here.
34:06Wow, this WCW magazine is really cool. In the May issue, find out the real deal between Liz and
34:15Randy. Because that woman is vindictive. And is there a plot to end Hulkamania? Another win for
34:21Jimmy Hart's man. Plus, an exclusive interview with Medusa. Man, where do they get this stuff?
34:29Get your copy now on newsstands everywhere.
34:35WCW is brought to you tonight by The Great White Hype on May 3rd. Believe the hype from 20th
34:41Century Fox. That sounds like a good one. I'm gonna check that one out myself. And we are live
34:49coming to you WCW Nitro and they still have not taken their seats here tonight. You know what it
34:57is? I think all their furniture has been repoed and they're used to standing up.
35:02This is incredible. I've never seen anything like this. They have been on their feet from
35:08the beginning of the broadcast. Maybe there's no chairs here. Maybe the public hated me and
35:14the nasty boys used them all. Yeah. No place to sit. Yes, sir. Miss Elizabeth. Moneybags as we
35:24call her. And a woman making their way to the ring with the world heavyweight champion, Ric Flair.
35:34And without question, you know, everybody knows that around the world, this is where the big boys
35:40play. And that is the biggest. Seven foot four, four hundred and fifty pounds. He is the monster,
35:51not a monster, the monster. There's a big man. And he's in the giant just forcing folks.
35:57There's two hundred forty two pounds.
36:02Oh, look, there's your wife again. Oh, no. What's she doing?
36:07I just get away from him. Look, not only is she married to me, my friend,
36:11but she's got way too much class for that. I'll tell you what, you know, he sets his eyes on
36:17something. He says it's hard on something. You could be filing Chapter 11. You could be out
36:21month without money, pal. He can do it. He's just got that charm. Sometimes your mouth moves and
36:27you just don't know what you're talking about, do you? Who? Same one that thinks he's a hoot owl.
36:33The Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
36:38Makes his way to the ring. We are ready to go. And literally this building is shaking.
36:47I can feel it up here at the broadcast table. And that's not cut to the weather.
36:53Listen to this crowd.
36:55Yeah, I can't wait to see how this match transpires with Luger running around.
37:11Just listen.
37:14There's your lovely wife, Deborah. She's a little taken aback by the Nature Boy,
37:17Ric Flair there. Look at her. She's a wrestling fan. She loves the action.
37:22And to be harassed by a bum like that. Come on. Maybe he just gave her a nice compliment.
37:29Who knows? Ask her.
37:34Tag team titles on the line. The Stinger in there with Lex Luger taking on the World Heavyweight
37:43Champion, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair. And you're talking about having an ace up your sleeve.
37:48We've got more championship belts in that ring right now than Tyson had before he went to jail.
37:53And don't forget, Luger owns two of them. He's a television champion and
37:57one half of the WCW Tag Team Champions.
37:59So tell me about this, Eric. What happens to these belts during this match?
38:05It's real simple. Giant and Flair win the match. They become World Tag Team Champions.
38:13Luger left with the television title.
38:18And the Nature Boy, Ric Flair in there with the Stinger. This is a classic matchup.
38:22These two guys have been there before.
38:26And they're pretty well even with each other on won and lost.
38:29It goes back and forth a long way with these two.
38:33A lot of history in the ring. A lot of ability in the ring.
38:37A ring veteran in there with one of the most energized competitors in the sport today.
38:43And don't forget, in the back of Sting's mind, he remembers that just a short time ago,
38:49he was supposed to be partners with the Giant.
38:50Then Jimmy Hart came off and made a little financial transaction there.
38:54And Sting's not going to forget this. I don't know much he can do about it.
38:57Look at Sting, kipping up just as quick as Flair could take him down with a handful of hair.
39:03Now, folks, if you think you've seen athletic ability like that
39:06in any other athletic event, you're crazy.
39:09This guy is phenomenal indeed. Cut on elbow, hook up now.
39:12The Nature Boy Ric Flair to his side, headlocked.
39:14Nature Boy Ric Flair coming off the ropes with a tackle takedown.
39:17Ric Flair sets over Sting, comes up, leapfrog, drops down again.
39:21The Nature Boy Ric Flair, excellent timing, a tremendous display of wrestling ability here.
39:28And a full press, body slam, and a jump sidekick takes that Giant right out onto the ring floor.
39:34This man has got a vertical jump,
39:36being Sting, that could land him a spot in the NBA or up into the cheap seat.
39:41And look at this. The Nature Boy gets tossed out like a loaf of bread.
39:46And the Giant slings him back in the ring.
39:49Look at Flair. He don't know what to think.
39:51Get out of that corner.
39:52And now, Lex Ruger in there, and Flair up high again.
39:58Flair goes for it again to the Giant, and he catches him.
40:02That throws him back in the ring again.
40:04I think Flair's had about enough of that.
40:06I do too. This is like the Bloomington Heights volleyball team.
40:09Flair is hot. Flair is hot at the Giant.
40:13Oh, look at him, look at him, look at him.
40:15Whoa! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
40:19Oh, Ric, what are you doing?
40:21Don't make it 3-on-1, Mr. Flair.
40:23All right, we gotta take a quick break.
40:25No, no.
40:27Whatever happens, we gotta take a quick break.
40:30Whatever happens, we'll bring it back on tape,
40:32or we'll bring you the live action right after this.
40:34No, don't go away. Wait a minute.
40:36I don't see what he's gonna do.
40:38We can't help it. We gotta go.
40:40Wait a minute.
40:42We'll be back. We'll be back. Hang tight.
40:44Don't go out there next time.
40:46Flair, where is Flair?
40:48All right, we are back.
40:50And we are back with one heck of a matchup here.
40:52Lex Luger in there with the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.
40:54And the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, and the Giant,
40:56his tag-team partner,
40:58the ace
41:00in his sleeve, so to speak,
41:02his down card, call him whatever you want.
41:04Flair and the Giant
41:06just not hitting it off here too well.
41:08But see, that's where a woman is so powerful
41:10and so strong.
41:12She convinced Ric Flair and the Giant,
41:14you gotta get along out here, along with Elizabeth.
41:16All right, now, we've got a tag.
41:18So maybe they've, uh,
41:20maybe it was just the emotion.
41:22Maybe it was just the intensity
41:24they got to them each just for a few moments.
41:26But evidently, the Giant and the Nature Boy, Ric Flair,
41:28have collected their
41:30respective thoughts.
41:32Well, they have to realize, the only way they're gonna
41:34beat a team like Luger and Sting,
41:36they're gonna have to work together.
41:38Flair's ability in the ring is a general,
41:40and this man's huge, huge size
41:42and the strength of this man, that's the only way
41:44they're gonna do it. They've got to work together.
41:46The last time I saw somebody getting the boots
41:48put to him like that, his name was Rodney King,
41:50and he was just begging everybody,
41:52can we just get along?
41:54And the Giant,
41:58with a boot up across the top
42:00of the throat.
42:06That's 450 pounds coming down
42:08along with Luger's 275 or 80,
42:10whatever he weighs, with a snap
42:12action there on the neck. Luger's hurt.
42:14Luger's in a lot of pain,
42:16and the Nature Boy, Ric Flair, now
42:18taking advantage of
42:20all the power moves his tag team partner
42:22executed in that match
42:24just a few moments ago, and the Nature Boy,
42:26Ric Flair, chopping away now at Lex Luger.
42:30The Nature Boy, setting Luger
42:32out onto the concrete floor. Bad neighborhood.
42:34Oh, no!
42:36Don't let these two
42:38Wildcats get in on the action again.
42:40He must have said something
42:42to insult them, naturally they wouldn't just
42:44attack a man. Lex needs
42:46to pull himself together and get over there and tag
42:48Stinger in, get a fresh man out there.
42:52I mean, look how instrumental Woman has been
42:54with Elizabeth and everything they've done
42:56to secure victories for not only Ric Flair
42:58but whoever they're associated with.
43:00Very important people.
43:02Should be treated with a little respect.
43:04That Nature Boy, Ric Flair, now
43:06draws a bullseye right between
43:08the eyes of Lex Luger.
43:10And Luger in trouble here.
43:12We've got a cradle. We've got a count.
43:14And only two.
43:16That just shows you the strength of Lex Luger.
43:18The man was out.
43:20Cradled up but he still kicked out.
43:24Tags the big man.
43:26This giant
43:28steps over the ring.
43:30The top rope
43:32casually walks in there.
43:34Grabs a hold of one of the most
43:36powerful men in this sport and
43:38throws him into the ring
43:40like he weighs a hundred pounds.
43:42This is incredible.
43:44You see the velocity he took him across that ring with.
43:46And the fourth where he hit that turnbuckle.
43:48Look at that. Oh, this man powerful.
43:54Slinging him and abusing him
43:56like I used to do my little sister's Barbie dolls
44:00You played with dolls?
44:02I don't want to get into that. I tore them to pieces.
44:04Lex Luger trying desperately
44:06to make a tag.
44:08The Nature Boy, Ric Flair, trying desperately
44:10to hammer away
44:12at those hamstrings and set him up
44:14with a finger throw and he does.
44:16Tremendous amount of pain.
44:18Knees, cartilage, ligaments,
44:22Look at the muscles in the thighs of Lex Luger
44:24though. How that man is put together.
44:26He's going to have to drag himself to the ropes.
44:28He's got no ropes to grab on
44:30or flip over and reverse that hold on him.
44:32But Flair's a master of this hold.
44:34This hold has won him titles on numerous occasions.
44:36A lot of victories you can chalk up
44:38to that figure four.
44:40The least desirable option is to contact your nearest orthopedic
44:42surgeon and schedule surgery
44:45because if he doesn't get out of that figure four
44:47and Flair able to do
44:49what he wants to do
44:51Lex Luger could be in serious trouble
44:53here. He's in the center of the ring. He's going
44:55nowhere. And the longer he's in that hold
44:57the worse it gets.
44:59And look at this.
45:01Referee caught it. Flair denies it.
45:03Flair likes to hold hands with women.
45:05Just backstroke. Five more feet
45:07Lex and tag stinging this.
45:09Come on Luger. Oh man.
45:11That was close.
45:13And again Flair
45:15using the ropes. Luger
45:17trying to get to the corner.
45:19Stink trying to get to Luger.
45:21And the bond between
45:23these two.
45:25Uh oh.
45:27This ain't basketball
45:29folks. Our referees will fight back.
45:31The bond
45:33between the referee and the nature boy
45:35on the other hand a little more tentative at this point.
45:37That will cost them some money there those two shoves.
45:39You can bet on that.
45:41Luger's got to get back to that corner and get a fresh sting in there.
45:43And what Flair has to do
45:45is keep Luger in their corner
45:47and let this big man maul him.
45:49You're right there. They're mauling him like a rag doll.
45:51Just throwing him.
45:53Look at the strength of this man.
45:55My goodness.
45:57Nothing. Nothing. He picks him up.
45:59He got a nosebleed
46:01he was so high in the air here.
46:03Holds him over his head and just drops him.
46:07Like a doormat. Just walking over
46:09and wiping his shoes off on him.
46:11But come on gentlemen. They're in great shape. Luger and Sting.
46:13Don't let him make a tag.
46:15Keep him in the corner.
46:17And this building beginning to rock and roll again.
46:19They're still standing.
46:21I don't know what it's like outside
46:23but there is a storm brewing inside.
46:25Look at him. Look at Luger go.
46:27Luger digging down deep.
46:29Luger with an Irish whip reversal.
46:31Luger runs in and eats an elbow.
46:33Lex Luger it is a good thing
46:35he is without question one of the
46:37best conditioned athletes in this sport
46:39otherwise any normal human being
46:41wouldn't be able to get up
46:43and continue but Luger does.
46:47You're right about that Mr. Bischoff.
46:49Look at Luger. I might not agree with some of his
46:51tactics sometimes but this man
46:53will take a beating
46:55and keep on kicking. Look at him.
46:57Maybe we just don't understand Luger.
46:59You know a lot of people criticizing Lex Luger
47:01and I'm not so sure that it's justified.
47:03Tag is made and Sting
47:05not only a great judge
47:07of character but a great
47:09wrestler and showing it now.
47:11Sting believes in Luger.
47:13Sting believes in himself and I know
47:15he believes in that double drop kick
47:17because he uses it very effectively.
47:19Irish drop it over onto
47:21the cameraman and I'll tell you what
47:23I hope they're getting hazard duty
47:25here tonight.
47:27That's two of them that's been to bully baby.
47:29Well this is Nitro and anything can happen
47:31here and it usually does.
47:33This is going to be a big ride here if he gets
47:35his hold.
47:39move by the Stinger.
47:41And notice in the middle of Fleur's back there's a bump
47:43that's a calcium deposit. His back
47:45is in trouble. Watch this. Look at Luger
47:47going after the giant. Here we go.
47:49Stinger's putting a lock on him baby.
47:51Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Woman's sneaking
47:53up with another cup of coffee.
47:55Luger ducked it. Luger ducked
47:57the coffee and it hit Sting.
47:59Luger ducked it.
48:01Well she did that to him
48:03once. He wasn't going to get him again.
48:05But his partner was standing right behind him
48:07and took it right in the face. Boy Luger was
48:09Luger got out of the way of that one. He knew
48:11what was going to happen. Best shot you can't be
48:13that stupid or you could be
48:15for jury duty. Luger knew what he was
48:17going to do. He can see his way around that ring.
48:19He got out of the way so he
48:21wouldn't get it twice. He could care less if
48:23Sting got in the face or not. Sting's lucky
48:25to be there.
48:27This one out of control.
48:30Look at Flair
48:32covering Sting after he's been
48:34chokeslammed. This one
48:36referee is throwing it out.
48:38Oh yes he brought the coffee in the ring.
48:40That's a DQ baby. Now wait a minute.
48:42You were suggesting that Luger
48:44set Sting up?
48:46He knew what he was doing. Get out of here.
48:48You've never been in the ring. I've been in the ring
48:50and I know when you get a tag partner you know where he is
48:52at all times. He got out of the way of that
48:54hot coffee. He let Luger take it.
48:56I mean Sting take it right in the mush.
48:58He knew exactly what he was doing.
49:00And if you think I'm wrong, you're wrong.
49:02You've been in the ring before.
49:04All you've ever done is been rolled up like bread dough baby.
49:06What would you know? I know a lot of things.
49:08I manage some of the greatest people in this sport.
49:10And I know when you're in the ring you know where your partner is.
49:12That simple. Well I'll tell you what.
49:14I know the nature boy Ric Flair
49:16is a certifiable lunatic.
49:18He in there covering
49:20an unconscious Sting chokeslammed
49:22right in the coffee.
49:24Because of Ric Flair.
49:26They took these handcuffs
49:28and they put these handcuffs
49:30on Randy Savage like this.
49:32No don't do that.
49:34Don't do that.
49:36Don't do that.
49:38Wait a minute.
49:40Get these things off me.
49:42Get these things off me.
49:44Does anybody got a key?
49:46Sit down Eden.
49:48You go away.
49:50Throwing out this reminder
49:52WCW Saturday night
49:546.05 Eastern
49:56You're gonna see Colonel Parker in Medusa
49:58return match.
50:00You have got all kinds of action coming your way.
50:02Don't miss it. We'll see you
50:04next week right here on Without Question.
50:06Ain't nobody got the key
50:08either baby.
50:10Thanks for joining us.
50:12See ya Bobby.