F.E.A.R. Game-play Part 18 is about interval 9 'Incursion' mission 'Lapdog'. This part gives you some shock that you need to digest quickly cause there are more coming in your way ;) Don't just say it's enough, there are plenty more :D
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#FearGameplay #FearPart18 #FearInterval9 #Interval9Incursion #Lapdog
00:00Hello everyone, this is CrashCopyD and I'm back with another episode of Fear Gameplay
00:05and this is the Interval 9 Incursion. The first part is the laptop. So the situation
00:12is the Replica Allied Forces and the Armacham Security Forces have already entered the facility
00:17and ATS motives are unknown, but their intentions are clearly hostile. Pax Metal is believed
00:21to be inside and I couldn't like read the other... Okay. Okay, nice. Okay, what is happening?
00:41I don't know. Okay, so the lift got busted and already the thing is firing. I don't know
00:51what is firing at me. Okay, nicely done. Okay, there is nothing here and you know how I play,
01:16I'm gonna definitely like search every corner to see if there is something lying around
01:23for me. Okay, there is absolutely nothing. Okay, there is a door. Okay. Okay.
01:47So there is another, okay, machine gun thing, security machine gun thing. Okay, where is that?
01:59Okay, there it is. So, I don't need to kill like... Okay, I have too much of these guns,
02:08so I'm gonna use that. Okay, nicely done. I'm gonna use a medpack and obviously I'm
02:29gonna save and I always forget to save. Okay, got my gun, got my bullets and everything
02:40here is perfect. Okay, so I cannot go through the door and there is a stairs here that I
02:49can go down and maybe I can go up there. There is also something here that I forgot to visit.
02:56Maybe I need to go there first or maybe I will be like, you know, go to the same direction
03:04but in a different path, but I'm gonna try that first to see where I'm gonna go. Okay,
03:10let's put the flashlight on. Okay, no. Okay. Okay, there are grenades. Okay, I cannot break
03:24that. Okay, also cannot break that. So, I came here for the grenades and nothing else.
03:36Not a single horror element. Okay, do not crouch. Let's run. So, I think I'm gonna use
03:46this gun a little bit because it has like plenty of ammo and... Okay, need to crouch.
03:56There is nothing else. Okay, nothing here. Totally empty and that is really scaring me
04:08off because it is totally empty. Okay, I got scared like seeing my own shadow. Okay, so
04:20like this side of the gate, the closed gate. Okay, some checkpoint. Oh man. Okay, one shot,
04:34one kill. Oh man. Okay, wolves shooting me. Need a medkit.
05:04Okay, I just couldn't break this. Come on. I kill a lot of people and I cannot break a single
05:17vent. Okay. I'm out of slow-mo. Everybody take cover. Okay, I don't know how many of
05:33them are here. Okay, you're throwing grenades now, that's not a good thing. And you're dead.
05:47Okay, nicely done. But I lost too much health and I'm now literally like zero in health,
05:58I mean medpacks. Oh man, they're running around to kill me. Okay, but you took cover
06:15in a wrong position. That is not my concern. Okay, there is no need to go there first and
06:39I cannot open this door. Okay, there is that guy, that guy I need. Okay, I cannot go up
06:51right now, maybe I'm gonna be going up. Okay, I cannot break that. I cannot open that. Okay.
07:22Oh man, that was like, come on. Oh, come on. Nice, I needed the medpack, I'm gonna use one,
07:35I'm gonna save here and I'm gonna go forward. Okay, I'm gonna save now and I wanna die again.
08:05Okay. Okay, they're making me real angry right now. Okay, what kind of gun are they using?
08:27Like they're doing too much damage. I don't know how. I'm trying to flank, I don't think so.
08:39Okay, he's not okay. Get some backup over here. Okay, you can get some backup, but that is not gonna help you.
08:57I can say that. Okay, who was talking about the backup? Because I cannot see anyone here.
09:27Okay, who's shooting me right now? Okay, there you are.
09:37Okay, I took the medpack. Okay, I'm like fully...
10:02I'm fully in bullets, not bullets, but not bad in bullets either, and I'm also fully in grenades, but the problem is there is no health.
10:17Okay, I'm gonna save first. Okay, save is complete. Quick saving, got the gun. Okay, let's go up.
10:40Now the main fun begins.
10:46Okay, there's nothing there, so I need to go here, I guess.
11:06There's nothing here to go, okay. There's a left, and there's a right.
11:26And there's nothing in the left. Okay, there's nothing. Okay, do not fall down.
11:49Okay, where do I need to go now? Because I seriously don't know. Okay, this is not the place. Okay, there's nowhere to go.
12:10Like, where do I need to go?
12:19Okay, so here it is.
12:26And he just somehow got away. Like, every time.
12:34Come on, come on.
12:44Okay, save and check point.
12:53Okay, got it.
13:03Okay, got a medpack and used it. Nice.
13:23Okay, so these are the guys upstairs.
13:26Come on!
13:34I'm gonna save here. Okay.
13:41Let's go this- oh, come on!
13:57Take that!
14:03Like, how can they be good? Like, this much good.
14:16Okay, nicely done.
14:26Okay, even if when they're dying, they still shoot me.
14:48That was a nice shot.
14:51Okay, this is a medpack. Nice, I feel like, you know, I am breathing again. Okay, I'm gonna save here.
15:03And I'm gonna move forward with my progress, but that's not a good progress, actually.
15:12And where is that?
15:19Okay, there it is.
15:23Okay, can you see me? Shoot!
15:27Okay, this is the door. But I can go through here also.
15:37Okay, where am I going? I have no idea.
15:45Okay, what just happened?
15:48Okay, I'm not gonna go through there.
15:51It's gonna blow. Like, something's gonna blow.
15:56Something just- oh, man! Seriously, now?
16:26Okay, my reflex got boosted.
16:32But my health got, like, you know, busted.
16:38Okay, there's no other choice. Okay, I could come here.
16:43And instead of, I choose a different path and got my health busted!
16:51Okay, who is shooting?
16:55Okay, from there.
17:23Okay, there's nothing to get, and there's another way.
17:29But let me see if I can get through here.
17:33No, I cannot, and I'm gonna save, because I cannot go through there.
17:39And I lost too much of health, and I need a med-pack, like, as soon as possible.
17:59Things are, like, getting, like, you know, blasted over and over again, and here and there.
18:07Okay, you came too much close to the sun, and you're gonna burn. That is a rule.
18:14Yes, he's alright.
18:16But you are not gonna be alright.
18:26Okay, I saw someone.
18:30No, he's not. I mean, there's nobody.
18:35Okay, so the save is complete, now I can go forward to see if there is someone else.
19:12Oh, man.
19:14Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.
19:26Okay, there's nothing else here, so I can save.
19:37Okay, this is a save point.
19:44Okay, that was close, like, real close.
19:51Oh, man.
20:06Okay, they're just coming right in front of me. Okay, I can save again.
20:11Because this is a nice progress, and I don't wanna lose it.
20:16Because I don't know when I'm gonna be dead soon.
20:20And this is not the moment.
20:23Oh, man.
20:26I was, like, dead.
20:33Okay, he's not coming here.
20:41Okay, I'm gonna save again.
20:53Okay, I don't know how I survived, but I survived.
21:04And I think it's time for celebration, and I'm gonna celebrate it, but by saving.
21:19Okay, I'm guessing there's no one else, and I can see a medpack here, and I'm definitely gonna take that.
21:28Oh, man, I feel like I'm breathing again.
21:38Oh, man. Like, it feels like fresh air.
21:42Okay, there's another one.
21:46Use it.
21:48Nice, I think I'm gonna save here, right here.
21:52Yeah, I know I'm saving too much, but there's no other way to survive here.
21:57Because I will be dead if I don't, like, save too much.
22:07Because my health is in a bad situation, and I don't know when I'm gonna be dead.
22:21Nicely done.
22:34Okay, there's nothing here.
22:37There's nothing on the right.
23:04Okay, I don't know what happened, maybe all of them are dead.
23:08Or not, but I'm gonna save. Not now. I think I don't need to save right now.
23:22Okay, I just, like, I just got scared in the element of surprise.
23:28Okay, now I can save.
23:35Okay, reloaded.
24:05Okay, there's no one on the right, and I just killed this guy.
24:10Okay, I'm gonna be going forward.
24:40Okay, so, I need to go down, and so I'm gonna go down.
25:23Nicely done. I'm doing great.
25:27I'm really doing great. Like, great.
25:43Okay, I'm gonna save.
25:48Okay, that was accidental.
26:18Okay, I need to go here.
26:32Okay, what is happening here?
26:37I have no idea.
26:40Okay, I'm gonna save.
26:46Oh, man oh man oh man.
26:58I did it?
27:01But that was a small window.
27:15Like, I did great.
27:24Okay, I'm gonna save again.
27:27I'm doing real great.
27:35Okay, so this was a gate that I can break, and go, you know, if I leave, uh, left something, and I can go back to get that.
27:57There's a gun.
27:59But, uh, there's no health upgrade.
28:05Okay, so this was a guy that I killed.
28:14There is a place that I can go.
28:23Okay, now I'm gonna drop right away.
28:31Okay, I'm hearing musics that I'm not liking very much.
28:39Okay, so the both doors are closed, so there is, like, the one and only way that I can go, and that is this place.
28:47So, I need to look that up, like, in the previous, in the first place, or I don't have to come here twice.
29:13Okay, so the first part of the Interval 9 Incursion is complete.
29:17And, you know, I'm gonna end my episode right now, and I'm gonna see you next week, same day, same time.
29:22Till then, keep me in your prayers, and ciao brothers, and sisters, and everyone also.