• 5 months ago
Under the Same Moon (Spanish: La misma luna) is a 2007 drama film directed by Patricia Riggen (in her feature film directorial debut) and starring Kate del Castillo, Adrián Alonso, and Eugenio Derbez.
00:01:30Don't know
00:03:49Yes, I mean you
00:04:51What's up telephone, oh, yeah, I don't owe you something go I love you
00:05:25See I guess love it
00:05:27No, no, it's a young like us
00:05:32Let me smell
00:05:43Caritas mommy
00:05:45Feliz cumpleaños, mi amor
00:05:47Oh, yeah, my dentist eat that. Yeah, wait. He's a key. I'm a little bit of a silly bigot. Hey
00:05:52Yeah, tengo nueve. Oh, yeah, it's a little regalo
00:05:57Los traigo puestos
00:05:59Yeah, yo, mas en camino. Eh, que es
00:06:02Ya lo verás en tu fiesta. Estoy listo para los ángeles, mami
00:06:10Ya lo sé mi amor
00:06:12Yo hablo bien inglés y yo estoy trabajando muy duro para que vengas pronto
00:06:18Eso siempre me dices
00:06:22Ya sé pero ahora si llamero y amaro pero cuando
00:06:32Pues no se me
00:06:34Es que está muy difícil sacar acá los papeles y ya viste cómo nos traen solo otro abogado
00:06:38Si yo no puedo ir para allá entonces ven tú cuatro años es demasiado
00:06:50Necesitas algo amigo a ti
00:06:57¿Dime en dónde estás parada?
00:07:02Estoy... pues ya lo sabes, ¿no?
00:07:07Dímelo otra vez.
00:07:10Pues, mira, estoy en un teléfono público que está enfrente de la parada de autobús.
00:07:16¿Ahí sigue la pizzería?
00:07:19Sí, aquí está.
00:07:22Y también está la lavandería donde voy a lavar mi ropa cada semana.
00:07:26Y hasta me llaman por mi nombre.
00:07:28¿Y verás?
00:07:29¿Tú crees?
00:07:30¿Y sabes qué más hay aquí?
00:07:33Está una tienda donde venden cosas para fiestas.
00:07:37¿Dónde? ¿Está pintado en mural?
00:07:39Sí, ahí.
00:07:41Ahí te voy a comprar yo las cosas para todas tus fiestas que te voy a hacer cada año.
00:07:46You have 20 seconds left on this call.
00:07:51Te quiero con toda mi alma.
00:07:55Te quiero más que toda la tierra y que todo el mar.
00:07:58Y que todas las estrellas y todo el cielo.
00:08:02¿Me vas a llamar el domingo que viene, mami?
00:08:05Claro que sí, mi amor.
00:08:07A las 10 en punto como todos los domingos, ¿eh?
00:08:10Te quiero mucho.
00:08:11Y gozas mucho todos tus...
00:08:47Gracias por venir.
00:08:51Ya vienen las cosas en paz, compadre.
00:08:53¡Qué coqueto!
00:08:55Mira, ¿eh?
00:08:56¿Es esa?
00:08:59¿Qué tal está?
00:09:03¿Qué piñata tan grandota?
00:09:05Sí, mi mamá le mandó dinero a mi abuelita para que me la compre.
00:09:08Te la mereces, hijo.
00:09:10Tráeme mi jarabe, Carlitos, por favor.
00:09:12Ay, ¿a qué vienen estos hijos de la guayaba?
00:09:16Buenas tardes.
00:09:18¿Cómo está, Benita?
00:09:20No podíamos dejar de darle su abrazo al chamaco.
00:09:22Tanto que lo queremos, ¿verdad?
00:09:23Ah, sí.
00:09:26Pues, vamos a entrar a ponerle las velitas.
00:09:29¿Tiene cerillos?
00:09:30Pues, será.
00:09:31Junta con Mala y...
00:09:32Si es que hay.
00:09:37¿Qué tal está?
00:09:42Con permiso.
00:09:46Tranquila, comadre.
00:09:48Después le hace daño.
00:09:52¿Qué pasó, Carlitos?
00:09:54Give me five.
00:09:56¡Feliz cumpleaños!
00:09:57¡Ay, mi hijo!
00:10:00No, no, no, no, no.
00:10:01Espérate tantito.
00:10:04¿Pensaste en lo que te dije?
00:10:06¡Órale, Carlitos!
00:10:10Mi abuelita se va a poner bien.
00:10:12¡Tu abuelita!
00:10:13Está muy enferma.
00:10:15Y tu madre no tiene para cuándo regresar.
00:10:17Alguien se tiene que hacer cargo de ti.
00:10:20Mi abuelita sabe cuidarme muy bien.
00:10:22Además, ¿a ustedes qué les importa?
00:10:27Ya, déjalo.
00:10:29¡Si así lo venimos!
00:10:30Además, ya está bastante grandecito para saber la verdad.
00:10:32¡Pero ahora no, Manuel!
00:10:33¡Es su fiesta!
00:10:35Mira, Carlitos.
00:10:37Josefina y yo somos tus tíos.
00:10:41Vecinos, no tíos.
00:10:44Tu papá es mi hermano.
00:10:47Yo no tengo papá.
00:10:48¡Sí tienes!
00:10:49Se llama Oscar.
00:10:50Vive en Estados Unidos en una ciudad que se llama Tucson.
00:10:53Vete para afuera, mi hijo.
00:10:58¡Órale, Carlitos!
00:11:01¡Órale, Carlitos!
00:11:03¡Carlitos, Carlitos, Carlitos!
00:11:07Con que ahora somos familia.
00:11:09Si no mal recuerdo,
00:11:10a ustedes hasta negaron que tu hermano fuera el padre.
00:11:13Eso fue hace mucho tiempo, Benita.
00:11:14Estoy muy vieja para estas fregaderas.
00:11:16Sé exactamente de lo que se trata esto.
00:11:19Y no tiene nada que ver con Carlitos.
00:11:22Supongo que no sabes de los 300 dólares
00:11:24que Rosario manda cada mes, ¿verdad?
00:11:36¡Vamos! ¡Vámonos!
00:12:00¿Qué te pareció tu fiesta?
00:12:05¿Te gustaron tus regalos?
00:12:17No, si no quieres hablar, no hablamos ya.
00:12:22¿Por qué nunca me dijiste que te gustaban mis regalos?
00:12:26Te lo iba a decir tu mamá
00:12:29cuando estuvieras más macicito.
00:12:36¿Es cierto lo que dijo Manuel?
00:12:39¿Qué dijo?
00:12:43Que mi mamá no va a regresar pronto.
00:12:47¿Qué dijo?
00:12:50Que mi mamá no va a regresar pronto.
00:12:52Que mi mamá no va a regresar pronto.
00:12:58¿Va a regresar sí o no?
00:13:03No llores.
00:13:05Carlitos, tú eres un rey.
00:13:09Y los reyes son fuertes.
00:13:15Venga para acá.
00:13:18Prométanme que no dejarán que me lleve lejos de ti.
00:13:22Primero los mato, ¿qué te crees?
00:13:48¿Ya te levantaste?
00:14:00Bueno, ¿y cómo te quedó el vestido?
00:14:02Ay, la niña estaba feliz.
00:14:04¿Cuánto te pagaron sus papás?
00:14:0553 dólares.
00:14:07Con eso ya completo como 2.000.
00:14:10Sí, como 2.300 más o menos.
00:14:13El nuevo abogado dijo que tomaría tu caso con 4.000 dólares, ¿verdad?
00:14:19O sea que ya no más te faltan...
00:14:23¿Como unos 48 vestidos?
00:14:29¿Qué pasó?
00:14:31¿Mira qué dije?
00:14:32¿Qué pasó?
00:14:44Deberíamos conseguirnos a dos gringos para que se casen con nosotras.
00:14:48Sería más barato y más rápido.
00:15:14Nunca lo harías, ¿verdad?
00:15:18Ya cometí muchas tarugadas en mi vida.
00:15:20Otras más ya no.
00:15:32¡Más inversión!
00:15:37Y las informaciones, el gobernador de California, Arnold, ese señor,
00:15:40Torcha Negra, ¿sabe qué?
00:15:42Decidió vetar otra vez la iniciativa de ley que hubiera permitido
00:15:46que más de 12 millones y medio de indocumentados manejaran libremente.
00:15:50El gobernador de California insistió en que no permitiría que saliera adelante una ley
00:15:56que dijo compromete la seguridad pública.
00:15:59Pues solamente él es una amenaza para nosotros.
00:16:01¿Verdad que sientes tú?
00:16:04Oye, ¿pero qué le cuesta pues?
00:16:06Si él es un inmigrante que viene de más lejos que nosotros.
00:16:09O sea, que es un móndrigo, un ojete.
00:16:14Es lo que le digo.
00:16:16No se topen con él porque los puede atropellar con su moto.
00:16:26¿No fue lo mismo sin ti ayer, eh?
00:16:32Que tengan bonito día, ¿eh?
00:16:40Bueno, es que qué mensaje eres.
00:16:42¿Otra vez la burra del trigo?
00:16:44¿Qué te pasa?
00:16:46El Paco es un gran tipo.
00:16:48Tiene un buen trabajo y además le gustas.
00:16:50¿Qué más quieres?
00:16:53Tu vida no tiene que detenerse porque tu hijo no está aquí, ¿eh?
00:16:56Digo, estamos jodidas pero no muertas.
00:16:58No es por eso, ¿eh?
00:17:00Y además ya estás tú para darle vuelo al elache por las dos, ¿no?
00:17:04Yo estoy buscando el hombre ideal, que es distinto.
00:17:07Además no tiene nada de malo.
00:17:09Y tú deberías hacer lo mismo apretada.
00:17:28¿Cómo estás?
00:17:29¡Órale! ¿Son nuevos?
00:17:32Sí, me los regaló mi mamá por mi cumple.
00:17:36Qué suerte tienes de tener una mamá.
00:17:38Que te compre esas cosas tan chidas.
00:17:44Ya lo sé.
00:17:45Vente, vámonos.
00:17:47¿Cómo te fue ayer?
00:17:49Bien, vendí mucho.
00:17:50¿Vienes a las duchas?
00:17:52No, tengo que ir a trabajar.
00:18:00¿Los tres van a cruzar?
00:18:03Ya Dios los puso en este camino.
00:18:06¿A las once sale una troca para allá?
00:18:08Hoy en la noche.
00:18:11¿Algún problema?
00:18:20No, no, ninguno. Es que no pensamos que fuera tan pronto.
00:18:24¿Quién maneja?
00:18:26¿Qué carajos te importa?
00:18:28Mira, mi rey.
00:18:30Aquí no hay más que de dos sopas.
00:18:33O se trepan a la troca,
00:18:35o se pasan nadando a ver si llegan güeyes.
00:18:38Buenos días.
00:18:39Are you Carmen?
00:18:42Doña Carmen.
00:18:44Que mi trabajo me ha costado, eh.
00:18:48My brother and I, we are legal U.S. citizens.
00:18:53My brother and I, we are legal U.S. citizens.
00:18:57De los Estados Unidos.
00:18:59Do you speak English?
00:19:02Can you tell her that we can take babies across?
00:19:09Ya entendí.
00:19:11Que se vayan al carajo, hombre.
00:19:13Sorry, no business.
00:19:15No, wait, did you tell her?
00:19:16Did she understand?
00:19:19Chicanos ni siquiera saben hablar su propio idioma.
00:19:22What is she saying? What did she just say?
00:19:24You better leave.
00:19:25Did she understand?
00:19:27Did you understand what I said?
00:19:28Marta, let's just go talk to that coyote that your friend told us about.
00:19:32Señora, I'm offering to help you.
00:19:37Let's go.
00:19:38You better leave.
00:19:39Let's go.
00:19:41Come on, sis.
00:19:42Okay, but if she changes her mind, will you just call me?
00:19:48I'm leaving my card with him.
00:19:50Just call me.
00:19:51Just tell her.
00:19:53I told you.
00:19:54Well, you weren't much help.
00:19:56What do you expect me to do?
00:20:18What are you doing?
00:20:19What did we agree on?
00:20:20Let's go.
00:20:22Well, it's $2,000 for the cruise and $2,500 if you want the contact for the job.
00:20:29Okay, Carlitos.
00:20:32I want you to tell me what you want me to give you for your birthday.
00:20:38The same thing from last year, from the day of the baby, from the day of the baby.
00:20:46I know where you're going.
00:20:48I know where you're going.
00:20:50You want me to give it to you on the other side, but I'm not giving it to you.
00:20:53And you're crazy.
00:20:54You don't know how dangerous it is.
00:20:58I have money.
00:21:00I didn't pay you that much.
00:21:03I'm saving a little bit of what my mom sends me every month.
00:21:08I have $1,200.
00:21:10How much?
00:21:14Wow, that's a lot.
00:21:16But I'm the one in charge of the business.
00:21:20You could give me a discount.
00:21:22No, no, no.
00:21:24I promised your mom and your grandma that I would never give you to them.
00:21:28Imagine if they found out that you're working with me.
00:21:32They're going to kill me.
00:21:33No, you're crazy.
00:21:47Do you have cinnamon?
00:21:49Or chocolate?
00:22:01Grandma, don't fall asleep.
00:22:16Wake up.
00:22:34I'm begging you, Grandma. Wake up, please.
00:22:38Please don't.
00:23:02My father won't take care of you.
00:23:10He won't.
00:23:29I'm going to look for my mom.
00:23:32Before she forgets about me.
00:23:41Help me get there before Sunday so she doesn't worry.
00:23:52I'm going to miss you so much, Grandma.
00:24:11I'll get it.
00:24:15Who's at the door?
00:24:47Why can't you come home?
00:24:50Is she there?
00:24:52I can hear her voice.
00:25:03You need anything else before I leave?
00:25:06You did the upstairs bathroom?
00:25:08Yes, ma'am.
00:25:09What about the plants outside? They need to go into bigger pots.
00:25:17I'm sorry, Mrs. McKenzie, but you didn't mention the plants.
00:25:21I'm quite sure I did.
00:25:23Well, if you show me which ones, I'll do them first thing in the morning.
00:25:26Why can't you do them now?
00:25:29Well, I go to another home in the afternoons.
00:25:33Well, then, never mind.
00:25:36I suppose I'll have to do it myself.
00:25:39I can do them in the morning. Don't worry.
00:25:42Forget it. Forget it.
00:26:06She's a guide for the citizenship exam.
00:26:09If the lawyer works, I'll have to take him.
00:26:11Although I don't know anything about the United States.
00:26:14Well, it's easy.
00:26:16First, they screwed the poor Indians.
00:26:18Then they screwed the slaves, and now they're screwing the Mexicans.
00:26:28My husband's here.
00:26:32Get in.
00:26:36Get in.
00:26:41He's trying to be a rapper. That's why he's dressed like that.
00:26:44He's very convincing.
00:26:47Well, I'm leaving. See you at home.
00:26:49Hey, be careful.
00:26:53I'm leaving.
00:26:57Say hi to Tommy.
00:27:23Okay, are you ready?
00:27:35What's up, buddy?
00:27:37Okay, um, you pay now? El dinero?
00:27:47Here, could you just count that?
00:27:49Okay, come on.
00:27:51Okay, come on, come on, come on.
00:27:56It's all here.
00:27:57Here, help me with this.
00:28:08Are you kidding me?
00:28:10They're gonna check this.
00:28:14I don't know about this.
00:28:18I can do it.
00:28:27Watch your head.
00:28:31You okay?
00:28:36Okay, get the bag in the back.
00:29:01I have a bad feeling about this.
00:29:03Well, this isn't really the time to be having bad feelings, David. We're here.
00:29:07I just don't think it's worth it.
00:29:09Is it worth your tuition?
00:29:12You want to drop out of school or you want to get the money?
00:29:16It's your choice.
00:29:21Let's go.
00:29:23Okay, let's go.
00:29:40Very good!
00:29:42It's so hot!
00:29:43Sorry, buddy. The A.C.'s broken.
00:29:46This line is so long.
00:29:49Don't we got any water?
00:29:50No, we don't have any water.
00:29:52It's so hot in here.
00:29:54What if he passes out?
00:29:55Shh, he's not gonna pass out.
00:29:57What if he does?
00:29:58It's so hot.
00:30:00You have to be quiet, Carlitos.
00:30:04Casi llegamos, okay?
00:30:06Welcome to the United States of America.
00:30:08Okay, here we go.
00:30:10Okay, ready?
00:30:13Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos.
00:30:16Good afternoon, officer.
00:30:18Mexican or U.S. citizens?
00:30:19U.S. citizens.
00:30:29How long were you in Mexico?
00:30:30Four days.
00:30:33Four days.
00:30:37Get out of the car, please.
00:30:39I'm sorry, is there a problem?
00:30:41Not yet.
00:30:43Open the trunk, please.
00:30:48Do me a favor. Run the plates for me.
00:30:51Today. Come on, guys.
00:31:02Open the back door.
00:31:04Take out the suitcase and place it on the table, please.
00:31:11Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:13Please have your passports or identification ready.
00:31:18Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos.
00:31:20Por favor, tenga su pasaporte o identificación lista.
00:31:41Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:43Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:45Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:47Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:49Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:51Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:53Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:55Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:57Welcome to the United States of America.
00:31:59Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:01Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:03Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:05Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:07Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:10Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:12Please have your passports or identification ready.
00:32:15All set.
00:32:17Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos.
00:32:19Por favor, tenga su pasaporte o identificación lista.
00:32:30Okay, thank you.
00:32:32Thank you, officer.
00:32:40Welcome to the United States of America.
00:32:43Please have your passports or identification ready.
00:32:45Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on.
00:32:47Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:32:50Um, are you aware that your tags are expired?
00:32:53And you owe several hundred dollars in parking tickets?
00:32:56Looks like you'll be spending the night here in El Paso.
00:32:58We're impounding your car.
00:33:00No, no, no, no, no, sir.
00:33:01Um, we're university students from the U.S.
00:33:03And you can't afford to pay the tickets.
00:33:05Well, I mean, you know how it is.
00:33:07Yeah, but you can afford to take a trip to Mexico.
00:33:09Let's pay right now.
00:33:11Give me the money.
00:33:12Officer, please.
00:33:13Please pay now.
00:33:14Ma'am, we can pay them now.
00:33:16Sir, will you just let us pay for the tickets now?
00:33:18There's a cheap motel in El Paso two blocks from the DMV.
00:33:21You can pay for your parking tickets there.
00:33:23DMV opens up at 8 a.m.
00:33:25Come on now.
00:33:26There's just no way that I could give you the money.
00:33:28No, you can't.
00:33:29We can handle this right now.
00:33:30Get out of the car.
00:33:31Hey, can we go with the car?
00:33:32Take your belongings with you.
00:33:33Lock the doors.
00:33:34Roll those windows up.
00:33:35Come on, guys.
00:33:36You gotta get out.
00:33:37Yeah, I know.
00:33:38Let's go.
00:33:39Come on, come on.
00:33:40You're holding my line.
00:33:41Okay, I'm coming.
00:33:42I'm coming.
00:33:43I'm coming.
00:33:45I'm sorry.
00:33:49It's not good enough for me.
00:33:56Come on.
00:33:58I'm sorry.
00:33:59You're good enough for me.
00:34:05Hey, hey.
00:34:07Don't let us fall into temptation, and deliver us from evil.
00:34:17It's a little ant looking for its little house.
00:34:26She found it!
00:34:30Time to go to sleep, okay?
00:34:34Good night to me.
00:34:36Good night, Rosario.
00:34:37Good night.
00:34:42I'm so sorry we're late.
00:34:44How was it?
00:34:45You know how banquets are.
00:34:50Oh my goodness, are you already asleep?
00:34:55I don't think so. You're trying to fool me, aren't you?
00:35:13You know this guy?
00:35:15Yeah. Yeah. Well, actually I forgot he offered to give me a ride. I'm sorry.
00:35:20It's okay.
00:35:21And thank you for the ride anyway. Thank you.
00:35:24Good night, Rosario.
00:35:25Good night.
00:35:28Good night, Mr. Snyder.
00:35:29Good night, Paco.
00:35:32What are you doing here?
00:35:34Alicia told me you were going to be late. Come on, I'll take you home.
00:35:39You should have gone with Alicia. She's more fun than me.
00:35:44Not really. But I've always liked quiet places.
00:35:49Come on, let's go. I'll walk you.
00:36:03Let's go.
00:36:17Well, I did say I liked quiet places.
00:36:22But don't change your mind.
00:36:25Are you thinking about your son?
00:36:33You have to be brave to do what you're doing, Rosario.
00:36:45The last time I spoke to him, I heard him angry.
00:36:48I don't want him to grow up with that.
00:36:52I'm hurting him more by being here, away from him.
00:36:57He doesn't know why I left. He only knows I left him.
00:37:04That's why I want to be with my son.
00:37:07Right now.
00:37:10What are you waiting for?
00:37:13Right now.
00:37:17What are you waiting for?
00:37:20What do you mean?
00:37:27I don't know.
00:37:30How do people around here do it? I'm already legal.
00:37:34I have my papers and everything.
00:37:42I don't know.
00:38:12I don't know.
00:38:42I don't know.
00:39:13Bus to Dallas leaving at Terminal 1.
00:39:17Bus from Houston now arriving at Terminal 3.
00:39:19Ticket to Los Angeles. How much?
00:39:22I can't sell a ticket to a minor. Where's your mom and your dad?
00:39:26I'm going to see my mom.
00:39:28Then tell your dad he's got to come with you to buy the ticket. All right?
00:39:42Hamilton, please report to the information desk.
00:40:08What's the matter, kid?
00:40:13Why is your tongue like that?
00:40:16Don't like cops?
00:40:20Me neither.
00:40:37Can you help me?
00:40:39What do you need?
00:40:40Ticket to Los Angeles.
00:40:43I have money.
00:40:45Are you trying to run away or something?
00:40:48I'm going to see my mom.
00:40:55Sure, kid.
00:40:58Whatever you need.
00:41:07What's the matter?
00:41:08You okay?
00:41:09I come back.
00:41:27Where'd you go?
00:41:31Do you have a car?
00:41:35You know what, kid? Forget it.
00:41:36I give you $100.
00:41:43Where are we going?
00:41:44I show you.
00:42:07The car was picked up an hour ago.
00:42:12No, no, no.
00:42:36Thank you.
00:42:50So, where's my money?
00:42:56I don't know.
00:43:02Where's my money?
00:43:03I don't know.
00:43:06You don't know?
00:43:08Yes, you know.
00:43:10I'm going to tell you.
00:43:12You're going to pick up.
00:43:14That's what you're going to do.
00:43:16Because I sure didn't drive all around town for nothing.
00:43:20Where are we going?
00:43:36Don't move.
00:43:58Come on.
00:44:18Shh, be good.
00:44:34What are you doing?
00:44:36Don't get involved in what you don't care about.
00:44:38I'm not going anywhere.
00:44:40I'm not going anywhere.
00:44:42Get out.
00:44:44Get out.
00:44:46And you get out.
00:44:48I know you woman.
00:44:50No kid, no deal.
00:44:52No kid, no deal.
00:44:54The kid owes me money.
00:44:56How much?
00:44:58A hundred bucks.
00:45:00Give me the cap.
00:45:04Open it.
00:45:08Give me some change.
00:45:10What happened to my money?
00:45:12Very abusive with your cards.
00:45:16And the maps I gave you.
00:45:18I don't know.
00:45:20I don't know.
00:45:48I don't know.
00:45:52What are you doing with Carlitos' one man?
00:45:54What do you care?
00:45:56Because I gave him to him.
00:45:58That's why I'm asking.
00:46:00He left it to me.
00:46:02What do you mean he left it to you?
00:46:04His grandmother died.
00:46:06So he went to find his mother.
00:46:08The dinner is in the oven, Miss Mackenzie.
00:46:21See you tomorrow.
00:46:22Actually, I want to talk to you about that.
00:46:26I'm going to let you go.
00:46:27Excuse me?
00:46:28Did I do something wrong?
00:46:29No, no, no, no.
00:46:30I've just decided I'd like to try something new.
00:46:31Someone new.
00:46:32But I really need this job, Miss Mackenzie.
00:46:33But you have another job already.
00:46:34Don't you?
00:46:35Well, yes, but I need both jobs.
00:46:36I need to send some money to my kid.
00:46:37Oh, for God's sake, Rosario.
00:46:38You'll find something else.
00:46:39Because you're young.
00:46:40The dinner is in the oven, Miss Mackenzie.
00:46:41See you tomorrow.
00:46:42Actually, I want to talk to you about that.
00:46:43Excuse me?
00:46:44Did I do something wrong?
00:46:45No, no, no, no.
00:46:46I've just decided I'd like to try something new.
00:46:47Someone new.
00:46:48But I really need this job, Miss Mackenzie.
00:46:49But you have another job already.
00:46:50Don't you?
00:46:51Well, yes, but I need both jobs.
00:46:52I need to send some money to my kid.
00:46:53I need to get paid for the last couple of days.
00:46:56I don't think so.
00:46:57But I've worked half the week.
00:46:59You can't do this.
00:47:02What are you going to do?
00:47:04Call the police?
00:47:10I just remembered.
00:47:13I'm sorry.
00:47:14I'm sorry.
00:47:15I'm sorry.
00:47:16I'm sorry.
00:47:17I'm sorry.
00:47:18I'm sorry.
00:47:19I'm sorry.
00:47:20I'm sorry.
00:47:21I just remembered.
00:47:23You're an illegal, aren't you?
00:47:26Not a good idea.
00:47:51After what happened in the afternoon.
00:47:54You're too young to travel alone.
00:48:01I have to get there before Sunday morning.
00:48:05Then we have to think of something else.
00:48:08Where are you, miss?
00:48:11Good afternoon.
00:48:12Good afternoon.
00:48:13Excuse me, miss.
00:48:14Good afternoon, Mrs. Reina.
00:48:16Who are they?
00:48:20Like you.
00:48:21Your man is here.
00:48:25What a smell, my queen.
00:48:34And you?
00:48:36Who are you?
00:48:37Carlos Reyes.
00:48:38At your service.
00:48:40Leonardo Sanchez Nava.
00:48:41To serve you, country boy.
00:48:43Come on, come on, baby!
00:48:46Your tenants are getting younger.
00:48:51Wash your hands!
00:48:53Come on, piglets!
00:48:54Come on!
00:48:56Let's play the piglets!
00:48:58Come on!
00:49:07This is really tasty.
00:49:09And it would be better with a beer.
00:49:12Calm down.
00:49:14Don't make me mad at the little queen.
00:49:16You know the rules.
00:49:18No alcohol.
00:49:20And you hold on.
00:49:22Like two males.
00:49:24Unless my chivas play against America.
00:49:36Arturo, I don't know if you have another opinion.
00:49:38I'm going to kick you.
00:49:42It was a tight game.
00:49:56Arturo Churro.
00:49:58The albondigas.
00:50:00Let's go.
00:50:10We're here.
00:50:22I'm here.
00:50:24We're taking him to Los Angeles.
00:50:26We have three jobs first.
00:50:28He's going with us.
00:50:32Are you kidding me?
00:50:34Isn't that a joke?
00:50:36I'm not kidding.
00:50:38Let's go to work.
00:50:40If you don't want to, find someone else.
00:50:42Come on.
00:50:44I'm going that way.
00:50:46Go that way.
00:50:48Be careful.
00:50:52Be careful.
00:50:54Calm down.
00:50:56Let's go.
00:51:08Listen, everyone.
00:51:10Put your hats on.
00:51:12Boxes there.
00:51:14Any questions?
00:51:16Let's get to work.
00:51:26Let's go.
00:51:40What are you doing here?
00:51:42Get out of here.
00:51:44I'm going to work.
00:51:48Answer me.
00:51:50Let's go.
00:51:56Cut it here.
00:52:02Hi, ma'am.
00:52:04I'm looking for a job.
00:52:06Can you help me?
00:52:08Not right now.
00:52:10I've got red roses.
00:52:14Thank you.
00:52:20Let's go.
00:52:30Watch your face.
00:52:32Be careful.
00:52:50Let's go.
00:53:20Let's go.
00:53:38Where is your identification?
00:53:40Show me your green card.
00:53:42Identification, please.
00:53:44Let's go.
00:53:46Let's go.
00:53:48Let's go.
00:53:50Are you ready?
00:53:52Are you ready?
00:53:54Let's go.
00:53:56Let's go.
00:53:58Come on.
00:54:02Let's go.
00:54:04Stand still.
00:54:10Over there.
00:54:12Hey, come back here.
00:54:14Let's go.
00:54:16Let's go.
00:54:22Show me your hands.
00:54:26Show me your hands.
00:54:30Hurry up.
00:54:32I've got these over here.
00:54:58Where are you?
00:55:06Stay down.
00:56:16Is anyone there?
00:56:28Damn it.
00:56:40What are we going to do?
00:56:42Let's go.
00:56:44You do it.
00:56:46I'll go alone.
00:58:34Where's the kid?
00:58:36Didn't he come with you?
00:58:38No, I don't know him.
00:58:44Can you leave me alone?
00:58:50Carlos Reyes.
00:58:54What's up, Carlos?
00:59:04Where are you coming from, son?
00:59:06We were caught by the Immigration.
00:59:10But that was nothing.
00:59:12When I crossed the border,
00:59:14that was the hardest part.
00:59:18But it doesn't matter.
00:59:20It was worth it.
00:59:22I'd do anything for my mom.
00:59:26I'm going to see her.
00:59:32Are you guys musicians?
00:59:36We're going to play here in Tucson at a dance.
00:59:38On the main avenue.
00:59:40How do you sing?
00:59:42We sing people's stories.
00:59:44Their lives, their dreams.
00:59:46Just like yours.
00:59:48But we're going to sing a song
00:59:50to make Jorge happy.
00:59:52Good stories.
00:59:54Let's go, Manuel.
00:59:56Let's go.
01:00:08Let's go.
01:00:26It's you, Carlos.
01:00:38I'm going to cross the border this time.
01:00:44And for love's sake,
01:00:46I'm going to cross
01:00:50the border without fear.
01:01:00Wake up, Carlos.
01:01:02Wake up.
01:01:04Get out of here.
01:01:06We're going around the country.
01:01:08Thanks for taking us.
01:01:10And for the song.
01:01:14See you later, Carlitos.
01:01:36Where are we going?
01:01:38That's enough.
01:01:40It was smooth, wasn't it?
01:01:42Get out of here.
01:01:58Wait for me, son.
01:02:00Wait for me.
01:02:02Don't come alone.
01:02:06Where do you think you're going?
01:02:08I have to get to Los Angeles
01:02:10before Sunday morning.
01:02:12I'm going to ask Benton.
01:02:16Are you stupid or what?
01:02:18You can't go from Benton to there.
01:02:20It's too far.
01:02:24You and I
01:02:26were going to the police.
01:02:28They're sending you back to Mexico.
01:02:30I'm not going back.
01:02:32What do you think?
01:02:34What's your name?
01:02:38I don't care.
01:02:40I can't take responsibility for a kid.
01:02:42I have enough problems
01:02:44to take care of a kid.
01:02:46I'm not a kid.
01:02:48I'm nine.
01:02:50You're old.
01:02:52Find out where the police station is.
01:02:54I'll leave you there.
01:02:56You're going to leave me there?
01:02:58What do you want me to do?
01:03:00What do you want me to do?
01:03:02Do you want me to let them catch me
01:03:04so they won't send me back?
01:03:06It was hard for me to cross.
01:03:08My life is almost gone.
01:03:10If you want to go, go.
01:03:12I'm not going back.
01:03:14Not that.
01:03:16Think of a better plan
01:03:18than going from Benton to Los Angeles.
01:03:20We could look for a job.
01:03:22I just need the truck.
01:03:24Of course.
01:03:26It's that easy, right?
01:03:28I'm nine and I don't know how to do anything.
01:03:30Can you give me a job?
01:03:32Who do you think will want to hire a kid?
01:03:34I'm sorry.
01:03:36A nine-year-old man.
01:03:38Shall we bet?
01:04:24Go look someplace else, then.
01:04:26I gave the kid the only job I have.
01:04:28I told him I can only hire one,
01:04:30but he said he's with you.
01:04:34Problem is, around here,
01:04:36you ain't going to find nothing.
01:04:58I think I'm going back to Mexico.
01:05:02You can't.
01:05:04Why not?
01:05:06Because you've worked so hard
01:05:08to get to where you are.
01:05:10That's the only reason.
01:05:14What's so great about our lives?
01:05:18Running from Immigration all the time,
01:05:20living in a dump,
01:05:22and what's worse,
01:05:24always wanting to be somewhere else.
01:05:28My son needs me,
01:05:30and I need him.
01:05:32You know I'm here for him, don't you?
01:05:34That's exactly
01:05:36what I'm sacrificing.
01:05:40I finally get it.
01:05:50Well, use that little head you gave me.
01:05:58Bring it to the kid.
01:06:02For the first time in your life,
01:06:04let someone help you.
01:06:10What's up?
01:06:12What's up?
01:06:16Hey, girls.
01:06:18I forgot my whitener.
01:06:20Don't you have any?
01:06:22I do.
01:06:28You do?
01:06:30You even wash your clothes.
01:06:32You don't have that anymore.
01:06:34I'll tell you.
01:06:44I'll just bring this one.
01:06:46Thank you.
01:06:58Hey, Paco.
01:07:00Do you have a minute?
01:07:28Let's see who's right.
01:07:30If I'm an abuser,
01:07:32then you're the abuser.
01:07:34Today they know me
01:07:36because of your mean mouth.
01:07:38Today they know me
01:07:40because of your mean mouth.
01:07:42They call me an abuser
01:07:44because of the four corners.
01:07:46They call me an abuser
01:07:48because of the four corners.
01:07:50I'm an abuser
01:07:52because of the four corners.
01:07:54Because of the four corners.
01:08:04You left me.
01:08:06You didn't love me.
01:08:08You left me.
01:08:10You didn't love me.
01:08:12And I'm suffering
01:08:14day and night.
01:08:18I left you.
01:08:20I didn't love you.
01:08:22Because you didn't give me
01:08:24even for food.
01:08:26And you never
01:08:28took me to the corner.
01:08:30I'm not an abuser.
01:08:32I'm not an abuser.
01:08:34I'm not an abuser.
01:08:36I'm not an abuser.
01:08:38I'm not an abuser.
01:08:40I'm not an abuser.
01:08:42Who was the abuser?
01:08:44Who was the abuser?
01:08:46Your hole.
01:08:48Your hole.
01:08:52Keep it down. We can hear you outside.
01:08:58What was that?
01:09:20The shepherds are done.
01:09:22Christmas is over.
01:09:26You'll be arriving in LA
01:09:28on Saturday morning.
01:09:30As you wished.
01:09:32And you?
01:09:34No, not me.
01:09:36I'm going somewhere else.
01:09:38To New York.
01:09:42I have some friends who can
01:09:44connect me to work.
01:10:08My mom told me
01:10:12that when I missed her
01:10:16that I looked at the moon
01:10:18that it would be the same
01:10:20as when I was looking at her.
01:10:26And so
01:10:28I felt her closer.
01:10:32And I felt...
01:11:38¿Quieres saber algo?
01:11:40Ya duérmete, Carlitos.
01:11:48Mi papá vive aquí.
01:11:52¿Tu papá?
01:11:56¿Por qué no le has hablado?
01:11:58Porque no lo conozco.
01:12:00Nunca lo he visto en mi vida.
01:12:08¿Cómo se llama?
01:12:14Oscar Aguilar Ponce.
01:12:24¿Quieres conocerlo?
01:12:26¿Para qué?
01:12:28No me ha buscado nueve años.
01:12:32La gente cambia, Carlitos.
01:12:36Podrías estrenar a papá.
01:12:38O mínimo, mínimo.
01:12:40Conseguirte una aventura hasta Los Ángeles.
01:12:48Buenas noches, Enrique.
01:12:50Buenas noches, Carlitos.
01:13:50¿Y si no está?
01:13:56Si te dijo que aquí se ve, ya no tiene por qué no estar.
01:13:58No te rajes.
01:14:00Oscar Aguilar Ponce.
01:14:20¿Tú eres Carlitos?
01:15:01¿No vas a preguntarme nada?
01:15:06¿Y qué haces aquí?
01:15:09Descargo camiones.
01:15:11Pero en las noches voy a la escuela.
01:15:14¿No estás muy grande para ir a la escuela?
01:15:17Ya sé.
01:15:19Pero me tomó tiempo.
01:15:23¿Dónde está tu mamá?
01:15:27En Los Ángeles.
01:15:31¿Tú puedes llevarme con ella?
01:15:33¿Rosario no viene contigo?
01:15:36Viajo solo.
01:15:38¿Cuánto tiempo lleva en Los Ángeles?
01:15:42Cuatro años.
01:15:43¿Cuatro años?
01:15:45Es mucho tiempo de haberte dejado, ¿no?
01:15:50No tanto como tú.
01:15:53Ni te conocía.
01:15:55Pero si me llevas a Los Ángeles con mi mamá,
01:15:59¿a lo mejor se pueden contentar?
01:16:09Nunca me perdonaría.
01:16:13Yo creo que sí.
01:16:15Yo te perdonaré.
01:16:19¿Y tú?
01:16:21¿Y tú?
01:16:24Yo te perdonaría.
01:16:38Te pareces mucho a tu mamá.
01:16:47Rosario y yo éramos imparables.
01:16:50Nos llevábamos muy bien.
01:16:53¿Entonces, me llevas?
01:17:43¿No estás emocionada de contarles la buena noticia a Carlitos?
01:17:50Stop requesting.
01:17:53¡Qué bárbara!
01:17:56Es que solo tú.
01:17:58Planea toda una boda en dos días.
01:18:01Bueno, si ya lo voy a hacer, mejor que sea rápido, ¿no?
01:18:05No sé a qué vaya a cambiar de opinión.
01:18:19Here you go, Charlie. On the house.
01:19:22Hey, morro.
01:19:25Dale un ratito más.
01:19:27Hoy te llega.
01:19:50Hey, hey.
01:19:59¿Por qué mis papás no quieren estar conmigo?
01:20:04¿Sabes qué? Tienes razón.
01:20:06Llévame a la policía, para que me lleven de vuelta.
01:20:10¿Por qué?
01:20:12Porque yo no puedo.
01:20:14¿Por qué?
01:20:16Llévame a la policía, para que me lleven de vuelta.
01:21:17¿Es ella?
01:21:20A verla.
01:21:27Está bonita.
01:21:29¿De qué me sirve, si no la veo?
01:21:31Espérate, espérate, espérate.
01:21:33Está bien que estés encabritado, pero no es para que te desquites con ella.
01:21:37Ella no tiene la culpa de lo que te hizo tu papá.
01:21:40Tu mamá te quiere, Carlitos.
01:21:45¿Entonces por qué se fue tan lejos?
01:21:47¿Qué por qué?
01:21:49Pues para que tú me vieras mejor.
01:21:52Che, morro, malagradecido.
01:21:56A ver, dime qué tan fáciles han sido para ti estos últimos días.
01:22:00¿Te gustó andar recogiendo jitomates?
01:22:03¿O andarte escondiendo a la migra?
01:22:07¿O te gustó la vaca?
01:22:09¿O te gustó la vaca?
01:22:13¿O te gustó lavar trases nada más para medio tragar y tener un catra donde dormir?
01:22:19Nadie escoge vivir así, Carlitos. Nadie.
01:22:23Y no es que tenga una buena razón.
01:22:25Yo estoy seguro que para ella tú eres esa razón.
01:22:42¿Qué es tu mamá?
01:22:46No debe de estar tan buena.
01:22:57¿No te hizo un entreje de baño?
01:23:15No, pues ya valió mal carajo.
01:23:17¿Por qué?
01:23:18¿Cómo que por qué? Pues este no es un domicilio, Carlitos.
01:23:22Es la dirección que van a llamar en cada carta.
01:23:25Oye, este es un apartado postal, Carlitos.
01:23:27¿Por qué no ves las cajitas?
01:23:30Muchos las usan porque pues así es más difícil que la migra los agarre.
01:23:36Muchos las usan porque pues así es más difícil que la migra los agarre.
01:23:50Mira, borra.
01:23:55Si no tienes su número de teléfono, borra.
01:23:58¿Por qué?
01:24:00¿Por qué?
01:24:02¿Por qué?
01:24:04Si no tienes su número de teléfono,
01:24:06en un domicilio de verdad, pues...
01:24:11No está en mundo de llevarte.
01:24:35¡Jesse, ya!
01:24:38Mi mamá me llama de un teléfono público.
01:24:40Podríamos esperarla ahí.
01:24:42Me va a tener que llamar mañana en la mañana.
01:24:44¡Claro! ¡Claro!
01:24:47Como nomás hay dos teléfonos públicos en todo Los Ángeles,
01:24:49pues va a estar bien fácil.
01:25:06¿Tienes una idea dónde está ese teléfono?
01:25:09Aquí mismo, en East LA.
01:25:12Hay una esquina.
01:25:15Hay un Domino's Pizza.
01:25:18Una parada de camiones.
01:25:21Una lavandería.
01:25:24Hay una tienda de cosas para fiestas.
01:25:26Y un mural.
01:25:31¡Vente, vamos! ¡Vámonos, vente!
01:25:42Ahí están. La parada.
01:25:44El mural. El teléfono.
01:25:47¿Y la pizza?
01:25:50Ahí está.
01:25:53Ya están los Dominos.
01:25:57¡Vente, vamos!
01:26:02Una lavandería.
01:26:05Un mural.
01:26:08Y mira ahí.
01:26:10Un teléfono.
01:26:12Y bueno, otro mural.
01:26:16¿Y la pizzería?
01:26:19¿Y la pizzería?
01:26:25Vámonos otra.
01:26:32Disculpe, ¿no ha visto una lavandería?
01:26:42No sé tú, pero ya estoy muy cansado, ¿eh?
01:26:45Ya me duelen las patas.
01:26:47Una. Ándale.
01:26:52Órale, pues.
01:26:56¡Eh, mira!
01:26:58Un teléfono.
01:27:00¿Y otro mural de estos?
01:27:02¿Aquí? No va a haber.
01:27:04Le acabo de preguntar al señor.
01:27:18¿No se les hace extraño que esto se dé a tardar?
01:27:23Se me hace que estos se comieron ya el pastel antes de la ceremonia.
01:27:42Es grande.
01:27:46Creí que iba a poder hacerlo.
01:27:53Pero pues no puedo, Paco.
01:27:56No puedo.
01:28:03Voy a regresar a mi casa.
01:28:08A mi hijo.
01:28:12No sabes cuánto lo siento.
01:28:31Creo que no hay ninguna razón para que no podamos seguir con la fiesta.
01:28:35Aquí nadie se murió.
01:28:39Vamos a hacer...
01:28:43Vamos a hacerle una...
01:28:45fiesta de despedida a una gran mujer.
01:28:48Ay, Paco.
01:28:50¿No se me oíste, chaparrita?
01:28:53Una bonita fiesta para usted.
01:28:55Vamos a divertirnos.
01:29:54¿Dónde estás, hijito?
01:29:58Trabajos, mamá.
01:30:11My name is Carmen.
01:30:14I called to Mexico.
01:30:18I called to...
01:30:24To Mexico.
01:30:26I called to Rosario.
01:30:28She's not here right now.
01:30:30Is there something wrong?
01:30:32Yes, it's emergency.
01:30:35From Carlitos.
01:30:54Rosario es una romántica.
01:30:57No es eso.
01:31:00No sé, nada más pienso que cuando te casas, pues, tiene que ser por amor, ¿que no?
01:31:04¿Y eso no es ser una romántica?
01:31:07Bueno, pues, romántica o no.
01:31:10La verdad estoy muy contenta de volver.
01:31:13¿Sabes qué?
01:31:15Que voy a estar pa' cuando Rosario en bigote, Carlitos.
01:31:25Esta canción me gusta mucho.
01:31:40¿No te encanta esta canción?
01:31:48¿No quieres bailar?
01:31:51No sé.
01:31:54Eso no importa, yo sí.
01:31:57En total, pues, nada más te agarras de mí y ya, te dejas llevar.
01:32:18Nada más déjate llevar y siente la música.
01:32:25No, no, muy bien, muy bien.
01:32:27No bailes tan mal.
01:32:39Oye, me engañaste.
01:32:44¿Por qué me engañaste, eh?
01:32:47Bailas muy bien, pareces maestro de baile.
01:33:54Por estas calles esperando encontrar...
01:33:59Hace tres días que te busco, Rosario.
01:34:01No sabía dónde encontrarte.
01:34:03¿Cómo pudo pasar eso?
01:34:05Tenía miedo que se lo llevaran Josefina y Manuel.
01:34:07¿Y cómo por qué iba a pensar eso?
01:34:09Mira, Rosario, tu madre murió.
01:34:22El martes pasado.
01:34:24Murió mientras dormía.
01:34:26Tu padrino se hizo cargo de todo
01:34:28para que tú no te preocupes ahorita por esto.
01:34:34Mira, Carmela,
01:34:36si tú tuviste algo que ver en esto, te juro...
01:34:39¿Cómo crees que voy a ser capaz de pasar ese niño?
01:34:42Mira, mira, Rosario, por favor, escúchame.
01:34:46No te muevas, te lo suplico.
01:34:48¿Cómo no me voy a mover de aquí
01:34:50y no puedo quedar de brazos cruzados así nomás?
01:34:52Tengo a todos los contactos que tengo allá buscando al niño
01:34:55y no lo han visto.
01:34:57Quiere decir que va para allá contigo.
01:35:01¿O le pasó algo?
01:35:03No, ni lo digas, ni lo mandes, Dios.
01:35:05Por favor, Rosario, dame unas horas.
01:35:14Está bueno, Carmela.
01:35:20¿Qué pasó?
01:35:29Mi niño.
01:35:47¿Qué pasó, chocolato?
01:35:50¿Otro? No, hijo, ya no.
01:35:54Acuérdate cómo te fue la última vez que me contaste lo de tu papá.
01:36:00Tú me dijiste que la gente cambia.
01:36:04Yo cuando vine a este viaje
01:36:07pensé que mi mamá ya no me quería.
01:36:13Y me equivoqué.
01:36:20Gracias por todo, Enrique.
01:36:51Nunca vamos a encontrar a mi mamá.
01:37:00¿Cómo que no?
01:37:03Claro que sí.
01:37:06¿Ni crees que nadie está capaz de encontrarla ahí?
01:37:11Acá las he leído a tu mamá.
01:37:14Y la tienes en punto.
01:37:16Pues nos levantamos temprano y síguenos buscando.
01:37:21¿Antes de tomar esto?
01:37:25Ya se lo meto.
01:37:36Yo ya no puedo estar aquí sin hacer nada.
01:37:39Ya pasaron horas y no llaman.
01:37:41Bajo, ¿podrías checar la salida de los camiones?
01:37:46¿Estás segura que te quieres ir?
01:37:49Pues es que más probabilidades de que regrese a México que siga aquí.
01:37:54Está bueno.
01:38:32Taco, Carlitos es muy inteligente.
01:38:35Quizás sí. Creo que Rosario no está pensando bien las cosas.
01:38:42¿Cómo de que no?
01:38:45¿Cómo de que no? A ver.
01:38:48Vamos a suponer que la migra lo agarró y lo regresó a México.
01:38:52¿Quién demonios se va a hacer cargo de él si mi mamá ya se murió?
01:38:56O bueno, pues vamos a suponer que...
01:39:00que cruzó la border, ¿no? Que ya está aquí.
01:39:03¿A dónde Bernalaga se va a ir si no sabe ni siquiera nuestra dirección?
01:39:07A ver.
01:39:11Tienes razón, perdóname.
01:39:20No, perdóname, Tommy.
01:39:36Ya me voy. Yo te quería dar esto.
01:39:41Me voy a extrañar.
01:39:51Me voy a extrañar.
01:39:55Yo también.
01:40:06All passengers leaving for El Paso,
01:40:08please proceed to bus 121 for final boarding.
01:40:38Thank you.
01:41:08Thank you.
01:41:38Thank you.
01:42:08Thank you.
01:42:38Thank you.
01:42:51Hey kid, what are you doing here?
01:42:54Why don't you come with us, all right?
01:42:56No, no, no. I'm with my friend.
01:43:01Is that your friend?
01:43:24All right, kid. Come on. Let's go.
01:43:27Let's go. Relax, kid.
01:43:29Let's go. Stop fighting.
01:43:38Come on now.
01:43:40Come on.
01:43:42Come on.
01:43:46Leave him alone!
01:43:48It's okay, kid. You're safe.
01:43:51God damn it!
01:43:53Don't move!
01:43:55Corre! Vete! Correre!
01:43:58Come here!
01:44:03What's up?
01:44:06Are you crazy?
01:44:18What about the kid?
01:44:20Let him go. We'll call him in.
01:44:32Let's go.
01:45:41Don't cross!
01:45:48I'm here!
01:47:28Say they've been gone
01:47:34You know me boy
01:47:39That's not an earth day come to me
01:47:44See poor amor soy capaz de parar con el pecho
01:47:53Yes poor amor que me arriesgo a cruzar esta vez
01:47:58a la mala
01:48:02Si es el amor la razón el motor en la tierra en el cielo
01:48:11Y por amor es que voy a cruzar
01:48:16La frontera sin miedo
01:48:55Desecho de azotar las brújulas contra el suelo
01:49:00un gigante cruza por el desierto
01:49:04Aunque desde cerca se vea pequeño
01:49:11su madre no sabe de la aventura
01:49:15Llena de peligros está la ruta
01:49:18pero la distancia no tiene cura
01:49:21Solo recibía dos postales que llevaban órdenes de darle
01:49:30Un millón de besos ilegales
01:49:37Tuvo una esperanza deslavada de que una mañana se cruzaran un par de miradas
01:49:48Un par de miradas
01:49:51Un par de miradas
01:50:05Un par de miradas