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Quran For Sleep/Study Sessions - Relaxing Quran - Surah Al Muminoon
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:07In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:12The believers have succeeded
00:17Those who are humbly submissive in their prayer
00:23And those who turn away from idleness
00:28And those who do zakat
00:34And those who guard their private parts
00:40Except for their spouses or those whose right hands possess, for they are not blamed
00:54So whoever seeks beyond that, it is they who are the transgressors
01:09And those who guard their trusts and their covenants
01:17And those who guard their prayers
01:24It is they who are the inheritors
01:32Those who inherit the paradise, they will abide therein forever
01:40And indeed We created man from a sludge of clay
01:50Then We placed him as a sperm in a stable place
02:00Then We created the sperm as a clot, and We created the clot as a lump
02:10And We created the lump as bones, and We covered the bones with flesh
02:23Then We produced him as another creation, and blessed is Allah, the best of creators
02:36Then after that you will surely die
02:45Then on the Day of Resurrection you will be resurrected
02:53And indeed We created above you seven creations, and We were not unaware of the creation
03:07And We sent down water from the sky in measure, and We settled it in the earth
03:24And indeed We are able to take it away
03:33So We produced for you therein gardens of date-palms and grapevines, in which there are many fruits, and from them you eat
03:52And a tree that springs forth from Mount Sinai, growing in fat and patience for the eaters
04:08And indeed for you in the cattle is a lesson. We give you drink from that which is in their bellies, and for you therein are many springs, and from them you eat
04:28And on them and on the ship you are carried
04:34And indeed We sent Noah to his people, and he said, O my people, worship Allah. You have no god other than Him. Will you not then fear Him?
04:51Then the chiefs of those who disbelieved among his people said, This is not but a human being like you who wants to excel you
05:13And if Allah had willed, He would have sent down angels. We have not heard of this among our forefathers
05:34He is but a man in whom there is madness, so wait with him for a while
05:45He said, My Lord, help me because they have denied me
05:52So We inspired him to make the ship with Our eyes and Our revelation, and when Our command came and the light appeared
06:21So drive therein from each one two wives and your family, except one on whom the word has preceded from them. And do not address Me concerning those who are wronged. Indeed, they are drowned
06:48So when you and those with you have settled on the ship, say, All praise is due to Allah, who saved us from the wrongdoing people
07:07And say, My Lord, send down for me a blessed downpouring, and you are the best of those who send down
07:21Indeed in that are signs, and we were certainly tested
07:34Then We produced after them another generation
07:43So We sent among them a messenger from among themselves to worship Allah. You have no god other than Him. Will you not then fear Allah
07:59And the leaders of his people who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter said,
08:10And We made them enjoy the life of this world. There is none but a human being like you who eats of what you eat and drinks of what you drink
08:30And if you obey a human being like yourselves, then surely you will be losers
08:41Does he promise you that when you die and become dust and bones that you will be brought out
08:57You will be prepared for what you are promised
09:03There is none but our life in this world. We die and we live, and we will not be resurrected
09:14There is none but a man who has invented a lie against Allah, and we will not believe in him
09:26He said, My Lord, help me because they denied me
09:32He said, With a little, they will surely become regretful
09:41So the blast seized them with the truth, and We made them humble, so as to be far away from the wrongdoing people
09:56Then We produced after them another generation
10:08No nation precedes its time, nor do they delay
10:16Then We sent Our messengers in succession. Whenever a nation came to its messenger, they denied him
10:43Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron with Our signs and a clear authority
11:09To Pharaoh and his leaders, but they were arrogant, and they were a people of knowledge
11:18So they said, Shall we believe in two people like us, and their people are our worshippers
11:29So they denied them, and they were of the destroyed
11:35And We gave Moses the Scripture that they might be guided
11:43And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign, and We sheltered them to a place of rest and comfort
12:04O Messengers, eat of the good things and do good. I am well aware of what you do
12:21And this is your nation, one nation, and I am your Lord, so fear Me
12:37So they divided their affair among themselves in groups, each party rejoicing in what they had
12:54So leave them in their confusion for a while
13:00Do they think that We will only increase them in wealth and children
13:11We hasten for them in good things, but they do not understand
13:21Indeed, those who are of the fear of their Lord are fearful
13:30And those who believe in the signs of their Lord
13:38And those who do not associate anything with their Lord
13:46And those who give what they have given, and their hearts are fearful that they will return to their Lord
14:00Those hasten for good things, and they are ahead of it
14:20And We do not burden a soul except in its capacity, and with Us is a Book that speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged
14:35No, their hearts are in confusion from this, and they have works other than that for which they work
14:57Until when We take them to be burdened with punishment, when they cry out
15:24Do not cry out today. Indeed, you will not be helped from Us
15:36My signs were recited to you, but you were turning back on your heels
15:51Arrogant in it, deaf, turning away
15:58Have they not pondered over the word, or has it come to them that which did not come to their forefathers
16:15Or do they not recognize their Messenger, so they deny him
16:28Or do they say of him, Jinnah? Nay, he has come to them with the truth, and most of them hate the truth
16:44And if the truth had followed their desires, the heavens and the earth and all that is in them would have been corrupted. Nay, We have come to them with their remembrance, but they turn away from their remembrance
17:12Or do you ask of them a payment? But the payment of your Lord is better, and He is the best of providers
17:25And indeed, you invite them to a straight path
17:35And indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, will be on the way of destruction
17:46And if We had shown them mercy and removed what was in them of harm, they would surely have wandered blindly in their transgression
18:00And indeed, We seized them with the punishment, but they did not submit to their Lord, nor did they humble themselves
18:18Until, when We opened upon them a gate of severe punishment, behold, they were in it in despair
18:34And it is He who has created for you hearing and sight and hearts, little is that you give thanks
18:50And it is He who has planted you in the earth, and to Him you will be gathered
18:59And it is He who gives life and causes death, and to Him is the alternation of the night and the day. Will you not then understand?
19:13Nay, but they say the like of what the ancients said
19:19They said, When we die and become dust and bones, shall we indeed be resurrected?
19:35Indeed, We and Our Fathers promised this before. This is nothing but fables of the ancients
19:56Say, To whom belongs the earth and whoever is in it, if you but knew?
20:09They will say, To Allah. Say, Will you not then remember?
20:18Say, Who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Great Throne?
20:27They will say, To Allah. Say, Will you not then fear Allah?
20:36Say, Who is in His hand the Sovereign of all things, and He protects, and no one is protected against Him, if you but knew?
20:52They will say, To Allah. Say, Will you not then be bewitched?
21:04Nay, but We have brought them the truth, and indeed they are liars
21:12Allah took no son, nor was there any god with Him. Then every god would have gone away for what he had created, and some of them would have cursed others. Glory be to Allah above what they ascribe
21:42Knower of the unseen and the seen. Exalted is He above what they associate with Him
21:56Say, My Lord, if you show me that which they are promised,
22:04My Lord, do not place me among the wrongdoing people
22:11And indeed, We are able to show you that which We promise them
22:22Repel with that which is the best of evil. We know best what they ascribe
22:32And say, My Lord, I seek refuge in You from the incitement of the devils
22:39And I seek refuge in You, my Lord, that they be careful
22:46Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, My Lord, return me
23:00Perhaps I will do good in that which you see. Nay, it is but a word, and He is the speaker of it
23:19And from behind them is a thunderbolt, until the Day they are resurrected
23:31And when the trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship between them that Day, nor will they ask one another
23:46But those whose scales are heavy, it is they who will be successful
23:59And those whose scales are light, it is they who will be the losers. They will abide in Hell
24:19The Fire will burn their faces, and they will be in it, wailing
24:35Were My signs not recited to you, and you used to deny them?
24:48They will say, Our Lord, our complaint has overcome us, and we were a people astray
25:04Our Lord, bring us out of it, and if we should return, then we are wrongdoers
25:17He will say, They will be humiliated therein, and you will not speak
25:23Indeed, there was a party of My servants who said
25:33Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy on us, and You are the best of those who have mercy
25:56So you made fun of them until they forgot My remembrance, and you used to laugh at them
26:13Indeed, I have rewarded them this Day for their patience. Indeed, it is they who will be the winners
26:38He will say, How long have you stayed on the earth? A number of years
26:45They will say, We stayed a day or part of a day, so ask those who count
26:58He will say, You stayed only a little, if you only knew
27:12Did you think that We created you in vain, and that you would not be returned to Us?
27:25Exalted is Allah, the True King. There is no god but He, the Lord of the Throne, Most Generous
27:41And whoever invokes with Allah another god, with which he has no proof, then his reckoning is only with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed
28:01And say, My Lord, forgive and have mercy, and You are the best of those who have mercy