00:00Parallel universes are an increasingly popular topic in science fiction, with a lot of modern
00:05media using quantum mechanics as a mode to explore them.
00:08But in reality, does quantum physics actually predict parallel universes?
00:13And if so, is there any definite way to prove this through the mathematics of the quantum
00:18This is Unveiled, and today we're answering the extraordinary question, does quantum physics
00:23prove parallel universes are real?
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00:36The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is a relatively new concept, but
00:40the general idea of parallel universes is much older.
00:44To some degree, the notion of an infinite multiverse was first hypothesized by ancient
00:49Greek atomists over two and a half millennia ago.
00:53These old-time philosophers believed our world to be the accidental result of completely
00:57random collisions between atoms in a vacuum.
01:01These random collisions then, in turn, they said, caused an infinite number of other worlds
01:06and universes, which led to the most primitive theory of a multiverse.
01:11These philosophies were still a long way from our contemporary view on how parallel universes
01:15should work, mostly because the scientific method hadn't been developed yet, i.e. testing
01:21your claims mathematically and experimentally.
01:24Without Arabic invention, it wouldn't arrive until the eleventh century.
01:28Of course, the scientific method is now widely practised.
01:31So, unlike the Greeks of old, today we can actually test the legitimacy of any multiverse
01:38And before we get into the world of the very small, it's important to note that ideas
01:43on the multiverse aren't solely a product of quantum physics.
01:47Multiple universes are predicted in other fields, too, such as in cosmology, where it's
01:51a contentious product of cosmic inflation.
01:54As there's no such thing as a unanimously agreed-upon theory to explain the inflation
01:59of the universe, there are gaps to be filled.
02:02And based on models originally proposed by the theoretical physicist Alan Guth in 1980,
02:08there now exists a range of inflationary theories, with a fair few needing a multiverse to work.
02:14For the most part, advocates believe the inflation of the universe to be eternal.
02:18However, it's also thought that there are small pockets where inflation halts, as well.
02:23These pockets lead to bubbles on a truly massive scale, and these bubbles can then safely contain
02:29an entire universe, such as our own.
02:32It's a claim that's by no means universally accepted, though, and a great deal of cosmologists,
02:37such as Stephen Hawking, believe it to be unscientific.
02:40One of the last papers published by Professor Hawkins was on this topic, and it suggested
02:45that cosmic inflation need not lead to an infinite multiverse.
02:49So, moving forward to another field, and string theory also predicts a multiverse, although
02:55a different type.
02:56In general, string theory is the proposal that the most fundamental object in the universe
03:00is a string, and the frequency it vibrates at determines its particle type.
03:05In other words, reality as we know it, at the bottom-most base layer possible, is built
03:10of vibrating strings.
03:12For it to work mathematically, certain types of string theory require at least eleven dimensions,
03:17and one potential explanation for this is that our four-dimensional universe, everything
03:22we see and know, is localized on a 4D object called a D3 brain, which is then thought to
03:29be floating in a higher-dimensional region, a space that's believed to contain a multitude
03:33of other brains, all with different dimensions and properties.
03:37In some tellings, this higher-dimensional realm is known as the Bulk, for the purposes
03:41of a multiverse, though, all these other, predicted brains could also contain universes
03:47of their own.
03:48Ours is simply rendered along our own brain, while countless others exist elsewhere.
03:52Again, though, string theory is far from being universally accepted… or experimentally
03:58verified, and some believe it will never even be possible to prove that string theory is
04:04And so, let's head back to quantum physics, which does of course play a vital role in
04:08cosmology and string theory from the off.
04:10However, quantum mechanics itself also predicts its own multiverse.
04:14For the most part, we're back dealing with the many-worlds interpretation, but it's
04:18far from a smooth course.
04:20First, let's look at how we arrived at many worlds.
04:23The quantum multiverse theory comes from many of the most fundamental ideas in the field,
04:28although applying them to mean multiple universes wasn't always immediately obvious.
04:33Many of the key ideas were formally established in the 1920s.
04:37One, called a superposition, was actually first discovered a while before, in Thomas
04:42Young's double-slit experiment in 1801.
04:45This is probably the most commonly taught experiment in the history of physics, yet
04:49it's one that we still don't fully understand.
04:52What we do know is that it proved light can be modelled as both a wave and a particle
04:57– an idea we've since labelled wave-particle duality.
05:01The experiment involved firing photons through two parallel slits towards a screen, and then
05:06observing which paths the particles took.
05:09As it turned out, the photons would go through both slits simultaneously, creating a pattern
05:14of light and dark fringes.
05:16Confusingly, it was, and is, the act of observing the particles that determines what slit they
05:21pass through.
05:22Thus, we cannot say the location of these fringe patterns until we observe them.
05:27And before this observation, the outgoing photons are peculiarly assumed to be in a
05:33superposition of all spots on the screen.
05:36It's heavy stuff, but what it ultimately means is that, at its most fundamental, light
05:40can be more than one thing at once.
05:43Little did Young know back then, but this realisation could well be considered the very
05:47first indication of the multiverse… the very first step taken along a path to an infinity
05:52of parallel universes.
05:54Clearly, such unknowability isn't what common sense would expect, and it defies our understanding
05:59of classical mechanics… so the double-slit, and all that followed, led to a lot of hair-pulling.
06:05The math was by all accounts correct, but how?
06:08The fact is that the quest for an answer is still ongoing.
06:11Nevertheless, as Young's experiment shows, we simply can't predict the results of quantum
06:16experiments with complete certainty.
06:18And it's this which led to the proposal of the many-worlds interpretation.
06:22In short, it claims that at the quantum level, all possible outcomes result in new universes.
06:28The theory was first pitched in 1957 by the American physicist Dr. Hugh Everett, who believed
06:34that our reality is constantly splitting into a superposition of endless other realities.
06:39The never-ending quantum splits are the key, as naturally, they just keep going, and going,
06:45and going.
06:46Ultimately, inevitably, they should lead to a multiverse of unfathomable size, with parallel
06:52universes existing upon branches, upon branches, upon branches of an infinite dimensional space
06:58– otherwise known as a Hilbert Space.
07:01Within this immense structure, every single possible state exists simultaneously, in parallel.
07:07And again, for those who claim it to be true, the only evidence we need can be traced back
07:11to the Double-Slit Experiment.
07:13Finally, though, all of this clearly has some serious implications about the nature of time.
07:19In this world, our world, here and now, the true power of time will hopefully be explored
07:25in the future.
07:26However, for now, we can see that if there were a quantum multiverse, then it may well
07:31be that within its infinite nature, time as we know it falls apart.
07:35Yes, it's a fundamental driver for how we understand reality… but we are but one tiny
07:41strand in an unknowable, wide web.
07:44Does time work the same way across it all?
07:46Or only here?
07:48Or only in some parts, but not others?
07:50The problem with infinity is that it should mean that anything's possible, and perhaps
07:54even that time is irrelevant.
07:57The disappointing news is that currently, there are no clear ways to test for a multiverse.
08:02The scientific method relies on being able to experimentally test a hypothesis, and without
08:07a means to do so, a theory can't really progress beyond speculation.
08:10It's why, at this stage, many scientists are inclined to dismiss the question of a
08:15multiverse entirely.
08:16Nevertheless, it's a question that's not going away.
08:19For some, it just makes too much sense to deny, and at the very least, it'll continue
08:24to underpin alt-theories, science fiction, and fierce, potentially world-changing, debate.
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