00:00Hey guys do you wanna go meet Kaylin and Ellie at the park?
00:09Sorry but I can't go. I have a school project to do.
00:12But we can't go without you!
00:14Can we help you with your project?
00:16What's it about?
00:17It's for my health class and it's worth most of our grades so I'm really nervous.
00:21The assignment is to prepare students for childcare should they decide to later become parents.
00:26Students must take care of a child for an afternoon and then answer the following essay questions.
00:31So you have to babysit a kid? Like a real life one?
00:35Rachel the last time you babysat the kid next door you tried to turn their basement into a swimming pool.
00:41That sure was a wild night.
00:43Hey why don't we help her complete the assignment?
00:46Yeah we can help!
00:48Well you know I think babysitting is so much fun and those essay questions look super easy.
00:56So when is this kid being dropped off?
00:58Well it's supposed to be anytime now.
01:01They're here!
01:08Oh hi guys!
01:12I'm so excited!
01:14Oh they're adorable!
01:16Oh you guys are so cute!
01:20They're adorable.
01:22Hello Tiffany. Hello Lucy.
01:26Hello smelly Nicole.
01:28Hello smelly Jenna.
01:31Hello smelly Mimi.
01:38Oh what's wrong Lucy?
01:40I'm hungry! Where's the food?
01:43Um sorry?
01:45Don't worry we can get through this.
01:49I'm hungry! Where's the food?
01:53Well the first task is to give them a meal so let's go get some food.
02:03Nothing in there.
02:05The food's not in there either.
02:08Nothing in there.
02:10I can't find it.
02:12Tiffany, Lucy the food's in here.
02:18Rachel they're not dogs.
02:35Come on try one they're really good.
02:39Okay listen you have to try it while it's hot.
02:43Come on try one they're really good.
02:47Okay listen you have to try it while it's hot.
02:49I said no no no no no!
02:54Okay everyone let's just calm down.
02:57Let's take a break from this and do the second task.
03:02The next one is parents need to know how to get their children ready for the day.
03:07How will you get your child ready in the morning?
03:11Well the first thing I do in the morning is my hair.
03:14Well I am pretty good at doing hair.
03:16Lucy, Tiffany why don't you go sit over there and I can curl it for you guys.
03:22No where?
03:24We're not letting you touch our hair unless we can do yours first.
03:33So what are you guys going to do with our hair?
03:35I don't know maybe just a simple braid.
03:39Okay sounds great.
03:52All done.
03:59It's just a simple braid.
04:02Don't you like it?
04:05No we don't like it.
04:09If you don't like it we can always fix it.
04:15No no no no!
04:17No thanks.
04:18Yeah we'll take care of that.
04:21Okay let's take a break.
04:25Let's take it to the room and sort you guys out.
04:28Oh my gosh!
04:38Question one.
04:39How did you get the child to eat their vegetables?
04:53Tiffany this must be Rachel's assignment.
04:57I have a sneaky idea.
05:06It's just too hard.
05:09Maybe you can explain to your teacher that Lucy and Tiffany are just too hard to handle.
05:15Wait do you guys hear anything?
05:17No I don't hear anything.
05:20Exactly so what are they doing?
05:27Go go go!
05:32What have you done to my report?
05:35We helped you because we completed it for you.
05:39Question one.
05:40How did you get the child to eat their vegetables?
05:43We mixed the vegetables with chocolate ice cream.
05:49What kind of an idea is that?
05:52Question two.
05:54How did you get the child ready for the morning?
05:56You gave them birthday cake for breakfast and dressed them in their pajamas and ice skates for school.
06:03Oh my gosh!
06:04This is horrible.
06:09They've ruined my report and they've just ruined all of the tasks.
06:16Wait maybe the report isn't Rachel's.
06:19Wait maybe the report isn't ruined.
06:22Tiffany, Lucy you'll be sad to hear that your little plan didn't work.
06:31Are you ready to hear my report?
06:34Yeah let's hear your report.
06:36When it comes to child care you never know how easy or difficult the child may be.
06:42So sometimes you have to come up with creative solutions.
06:45Maybe you have to bribe the kids with some ice cream in order to get them to eat their vegetables.
06:49Or you have to let them wear pajamas for them to go to school.
06:52But as long as the children are happy and healthy everything will be okay.
06:56Sure sometimes you have to get creative but there's nothing wrong with a little bit of fun.
07:09In today's video we babysat two crazy toddlers.
07:13For a possible shoutout in a future video
07:15comment down below
07:16what you would do if you had to babysit Princess Lucy and Toddler Tiffany.