• letztes Jahr


00:00Untertitel der Amara.org-Community
00:30Untertitel der Amara.org-Community
01:00Untertitel der Amara.org-Community
01:30Untertitel der Amara.org-Community
02:00Was ist es dann?
02:02Eine Demonstration von Stärke.
02:07Sag etwas!
02:16Schwerer Publikum.
02:18Was bist du dann? Gefängnisse?
02:20Wir sind die Übergabe.
02:23Übergabe zu was?
02:24Wir sind der Transport.
02:27Du hast mich in der Form eines schreienden Engels befestigt, um mich irgendwo zu transportieren.
02:32Es hat uns überrascht.
02:34Du befürchtest uns, Doktor, das hast du immer.
02:37Und jetzt ist deine Form unserer.
02:39Wir haben eine Dominion über dich.
02:42Du bist eine sehr schmutzige Statue.
02:44Was hast du mit meinen Freunden gemacht?
02:46Deine Freunde sind verflucht, wo wir sie verlassen haben.
02:49Sie sind verloren.
02:52Meine Freunde sind nie verloren.
03:06Unser Polizeisystem braucht Arbeit.
03:11Hoffentlich sind wir an der richtigen Stelle.
03:14Mal schauen, ob wir etwas zu der Skizze passen können.
03:17Wir müssen aufpassen für...
03:22Das war fast ein Kebab.
03:23Er sucht nach einem Angebot. Er erinnert sich, dass wir beide...
03:29Ich hoffe, er hat nicht geschlafen.
03:36Guten Abend.
03:37Er hat die Schraube geholfen, oder?
03:38Das war das Signal.
03:40Und du hast noch nicht herausgefunden, wie man den Gewichtskontrollpulley richtig ausbaut?
03:44Es ist nicht ganz mein Fahrzeughaus.
03:46Oh, das ist spektakulär.
03:51Jericho, schau!
03:53Ich glaube, ich habe es.
03:59Das ist es.
04:01Ich bin noch nicht sicher, ob wir es nehmen.
04:03Es ist eine Entdeckung.
04:04Es ist unsere Entdeckung.
04:06Stimmungsgemäß, es ist ein Verbrechen.
04:07Wenn wir es nehmen, müssen wir es zurückbringen, wenn wir es abgeschaltet haben.
04:10Und die Schraube wieder öffnen.
04:13Was war es wieder?
04:14Ein Target.
04:22Hast du es?
04:25Ich glaube schon.
04:29Wir sind hier.
04:30Wieder in Form.
04:32Wir sind hier.
04:35Wieder was?
04:36Wir sind hier.
04:51Bleibt bitte still, während die Quantenvergleichung stabilisiert.
04:56Nehmt bitte nicht eure Verwechslung ab.
05:01Folgt mir.
05:02Sie wartet.
05:04Wer ist das?
05:07Ich bin der Doktor.
05:13Ich weiß.
05:18Ich habe dich getroffen.
05:20Du wirst nicht erzählt werden, oder?
05:22Das ist eine entscheidende Eigenschaft.
05:23Wer bist du?
05:25Ich bin die Doktorin.
05:27Ich bin die Doktorin.
05:29Ich bin die Doktorin.
05:31Ich bin die Doktorin.
05:33Ich bin die Doktorin.
05:34Ich bin die Doktorin.
05:35Wer bist du?
05:36Und wo sind wir?
05:37Das ist Division, Doktorin.
05:42Willkommen zurück.
05:47Wenn sie diese Markierungen unterscheiden kann...
05:50Wir sollten einen Tag haben, an dem die Welt in gefährlichem Gefahr ist.
05:53Sie passt die Symbole an die alten Panele.
05:56Wir sollten bald eine Übersetzung haben.
05:58Grundsätzlich kann dieser Pott unterscheiden, an welchem Tag die Welt endet.
06:06Wir sind seit drei Jahren in dieser Dekade.
06:10Glaubst du, dass wir jemals zurückkommen?
06:13Ich habe mich eine Dekade zuvor verwandelt,
06:16in einem Jahrhundert, in dem ich ein bisschen zu viel Wissen habe,
06:19über die Atrozitäten, die kommen.
06:22Wir haben eine Aufgabe.
06:23Wir müssen aufpassen.
06:26Kann jemand anderes brennen riechen?
06:28Wie du es erwähnst.
06:35Wir müssen an die Welt zurück.
06:42Gib ihr jetzt die Milch!
06:44Alle zurück!
06:45Auf diese Seite!
06:46Entfernt von der eminenten Explosion!
06:48Was soll ich tun?
06:49Ja, rüber hier rüber!
06:57Wenn es nicht um deine schnelle Denkweise ging, Miss Kahn,
06:59hätten wir alle in diesem Schock verstorben.
07:01Aber wer würde uns töten wollen?
07:03Wir versuchen einfach nur, eine Date aus einem Pott auszuprobieren.
07:07Wir haben eine halbe Date. Dezember 5.
07:10Aber kein Jahr.
07:13Nur einen Moment.
07:16Ja, jedes Mal.
07:18Warum muss ich in der Stube sein?
07:20Sollen wir nicht einsteigen?
07:24Komm rein.
07:34Bist du neu?
07:35Ich habe mich für diesen Bein entschieden, Mama.
07:37Einen Lumpen oder zwei, Sir.
07:39Einen, bitte.
07:51Schau dir die Beine an!
07:52Du kannst nicht gegen die Zukunft kämpfen!
07:55Wer hat dich geschickt? Warum folgst du uns?
07:58Antwort auf die Frage!
07:59Schnapp dir die Hände!
08:00Du wirst nicht weh tun!
08:18Eine Schmerzkapsel.
08:19In seinem Zähnchen.
08:21Selbstverletzung, oder?
08:23Das ist auch eine tolle Sache.
08:24Ich wollte ihn nur mit seinem eigenen Teepott schlagen.
08:29Jetzt haben wir ein weiteres Konundrum.
08:31Wir haben einen sterbenden Wärter in unserem Kabinett.
08:34Was, wenn jemand reinkommt?
08:35Roll ihn unter das Bett.
08:36Warte, unter das Bett, wo ich schlafe?
08:38Dann kommt es um neun Uhr, wenn es ruhig ist,
08:40schiebt er sein Körper über das Boden.
08:43Du siehst bemerkenswert professionell aus, Miss Kahn.
08:45Es ist keine Angelegenheit, zu schreien.
08:47Wir haben die Zukunft zu retten.
08:53Ja, es ist nicht schlecht, es zu machen.
08:55Für das erste Mal.
08:56Also, wie lange hast du gesagt, dass du in der Gegend warst?
08:59Wie lange warst du in der Gegend?
09:04Nicht lange, Sir.
09:06Zurück aus einer verlängerten Zeit im Dienst,
09:08sonst würdest du mich entschuldigen,
09:10wenn ich nicht so wäre.
09:11Natürlich, ja.
09:12Es gibt keinen Grund, es zu erklären.
09:15Also, was ist dein Bereich von Expertise, Apprentiz?
09:19Kannst du sagen?
09:22Ich habe Angst, dass ich deine Geduld verletze, Sir.
09:26Ich spezialisiere mich auf Bedrohungen,
09:28die von außerhalb dieser Erde herkommen können.
09:31Anzeigungen und Ereignisse, die als unglaublich aussehen.
09:36Nun, ich erkenne, dass du als Experten
09:38einen viel verkleideten Offizier findest,
09:40der das eine ungewöhnliche Beobachtung findet.
09:43Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein.
09:46Es ist ziemlich glücklich.
09:48In welchem Sinne, Sir?
09:50Nun, mein neues Posting.
09:52Ich habe die Aufgabe,
09:53das britische Ende eines neuen Aufgabenforstes,
09:55finanziert von den Vereinigten Nationen,
09:57mit Bedrohungen zu handeln, die ...
10:00... außerhalb unserer Verständnis sind.
10:02Gut, Herr.
10:03Was für eine ungewöhnliche Überraschung.
10:05Ist es nicht?
10:06Obwohl, wenn ich sage,
10:07so ein Aufgabenforst ist lange überdurchschnittlich.
10:10Glaubst du das?
10:11Ja, ich muss sagen, ich bin ein wenig am See.
10:13Das ist nicht mein Bereich von Expertise.
10:15Ich bin ein Militärmann.
10:16Das ist außerhalb unserer normalen Bedürfnisse.
10:19Ich meine, wo beginnt man?
10:23Du würdest dich nicht interessieren,
10:25ein Auge zu überlegen, was wir planen, würdest du?
10:27Es muss gut sein.
10:31Nun, ich würde mich ehren,
10:33dir alle Hilfe, die du brauchst, zu geben, Sir.
10:35Aber nur, wenn du sicher bist.
10:37Es ist eine Erleichterung.
10:39Es ist meine gute Güte.
10:41Es ist ein unglaublicher Schlag von Glück,
10:43dass du hier bist.
10:45Ist es nicht?
10:53Werde ich nicht nachkommen.
10:55Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
10:56Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
10:57Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
10:58Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
10:59Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
11:00Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
11:01Ich werde nicht nachkommen.
11:08Schau, es ist eine Erleichterung.
11:10Jetzt sind wir in der TARDIS,
11:11vor dem wir den Planeten Zeit verlassen haben,
11:13die nicht existieren sollten.
11:14Ich bin immer noch büffelig.
11:15Ich habe dich gerade aus dem eigenen Zeitraum abgestürzt,
11:17weil ich so was nicht gut mache.
11:18Gut, Big Ed.
11:19Hast du mich gerade Big Ed genannt?
11:21Das sind primäre Kräfte des Böses, mit denen wir uns beschäftigen.
11:23Einige Kräfte verstehe ich noch nicht einmal.
11:26Ich denke, ich bin in Risiko.
11:28Deswegen muss ich das aufnehmen und es in deine Tasche schmuggeln.
11:31Um zu sagen, wenn wir uns verlieren,
11:33wenn wir uns trennen, keine Sorge.
11:35Das wird zwei Wochen aktivieren, nachdem wir keinen Kontakt mit einander hatten.
11:39Ich weiß nicht, wo oder wann du bist,
11:41oder ob du alleine bist, oder mit Dan, oder wer auch immer.
11:44Aber das ist die Aufgabe.
11:46Die Erde wurde von der Flucht beschützt,
11:48aber sie wird vulnerabel.
11:51Wenn die Flucht das Universum zerstört,
11:53wenn Planeten und Sterne ausgeworfen werden,
11:56werden es verfluchte Kreaturen geben,
11:58die ein Zuhause brauchen.
12:00Irgendwo, um sich zu übernehmen.
12:02Aber das würde bedeuten,
12:04eine Kampfzeit für die Bewältigung der Erde.
12:06Du musst herausfinden, wo und wann das sein wird.
12:08Und Ereignisse wie die Flucht,
12:10erzeugen Rippeln durch den Zeitraum.
12:12Es wird irgendwo vorgesehen,
12:14von einigen klugen Menschen.
12:16Du musst das Datum herausfinden und der Erde helfen.
12:20Das ist alles, was ich habe.
12:22Tut mir leid, dass es nicht mehr ist.
12:24Du wirst dich wahrscheinlich wundern,
12:26wenn du das hörst.
12:28Und ich bin sicher, dass ich dich vermisse.
12:32Ich vermisse dich auch.
12:34Ich weiß, dass du es vermisst.
12:36Ich hoffe, du hast gesagt,
12:38ich vermisse dich auch.
12:40Das ist ein bisschen seltsam.
12:42Oh, warte.
12:44Ich glaube, du rufst mich aus der Kontrollstelle an.
12:50Schau, Tom.
12:52Heavy bagger.
12:54You made quite a splash.
12:56I can't say I enjoyed that.
12:58You okay?
13:02I should have blooped.
13:04I should have blooped.
13:06I should have blooped.
13:08I should have blooped.
13:24We will see her again.
13:28She'll be alright.
13:30Wherever she is.
13:33Just tell me, where are we?
13:35You're being very reductive.
13:37You're being evasive.
13:39A completely transparent power move
13:41and not very effective.
13:43Systems are under increasing strain.
13:45Go further, Ood.
13:47You can push it much further.
13:49This is no time for caution.
13:51Increasing propulsion levels.
13:55Much more like it.
13:57What is that Ood doing?
13:59Of course you have a lot of questions.
14:02No, not hard at all.
14:04The hard bit is getting you to deign to answer.
14:06So, you'd like to know about division?
14:10Are you in charge of it or just behaving like you are?
14:12Well, it's complex.
14:14But I suppose yes, right now, leadership falls to me.
14:16Leadership of what though?
14:18What is division now?
14:20Division is simple.
14:22And indescribable.
14:24It began on Gallifrey
14:26as a group to ensure the safety of our galaxy.
14:28As our ability to travel grew
14:30and our horizons broadened, division kept pace.
14:32The number of operatives grew.
14:34And what did those operatives do?
14:36Anything we needed.
14:38Guided and shaped events.
14:40Interfered in contravention of all time-law directives.
14:42Not every civilization works or is enlightened.
14:44Some require help.
14:46Some needed to be told.
14:48Division assessed and acted accordingly.
14:50How much did it interfere?
14:52How big has it become?
14:56Across space and time.
14:59Its reach is unlimited.
15:01All from the shadows.
15:03It achieved its aim beyond our wildest dreams.
15:05Division is magnificent.
15:07I don't think having weeping angels
15:09do your dirty work
15:11can be classed as magnificent.
15:13Division recruits across all dimensions
15:15from all species.
15:17It had to.
15:19Then why couldn't I find it?
15:21Where are we now?
15:23Because I looked far and wide across the universe
15:25and there was nothing.
15:28Not in the universe, Doctor.
15:42Gavanista to Juverost.
15:44Your ship is drifting.
15:46You are broken shield unity.
15:48You are compromising Earth's protection.
15:50Juverost, do you copy?
15:54Gavanista to Empire Fleet.
15:56Juverost is down.
15:58No comms.
16:00And their ship is falling out of formation.
16:02Earth's shield is now breachable.
16:04I'm taking remedial action.
16:06One of our crafts never responded
16:08to a species recall.
16:10If we could use that to seal the breach.
16:12It's locating it now.
16:14Got it.
16:16That will bridge the gap in the shield.
16:18Blue Pilot Command.
16:20Action approved.
16:22Why is it there?
16:25Who managed to track the only live signals
16:27in this sector?
16:29I did.
16:31Okay, we did.
16:33That huge monolith
16:35doesn't look foreboding at all.
16:43Yeah, I swore an oath
16:45to help those in distress.
16:47And this is where the traces from Rosano lead,
16:49so where do we dock
16:51without being noticed?
16:55Rogue Lupari Craft.
16:57This is Lupari Commander.
16:59You are disobeying species recall.
17:01You are in breach.
17:03Lupari Command.
17:05Now taking remote charge of your ship.
17:07No, no, no.
17:09Don't do that.
17:11Remote hyper will be activated.
17:13You can't go to hyper.
17:15I'm on a mission here.
17:17You are not a Lupa.
17:19Don't you dare hyperjack me.
17:30Oh, that was rough.
17:36Still, no choice.
17:42Someone's in a hurry to get away.
17:56This is what I was worried about.
17:58All the missing.
18:26Your role here
18:28is simple.
18:30You are space
18:32and we are time.
18:34You are both
18:36our playthings
18:38and our power source.
18:48Can you feel
18:50the tides?
18:52Can you feel the time force growing?
18:54It's working.
18:56Just as we planned.
18:58We're ready.
19:00We can connect
19:02with her again.
19:04Let me show you where we are, Doctor.
19:06Here is the universe as you know it.
19:08Universe one,
19:10if you like.
19:12And we are here
19:16the division.
19:18The control center from which all our operatives
19:21are directed.
19:23There, beyond division,
19:25the next universe and the next beyond that.
19:29Our terminology became quaint a long time ago.
19:31So here we are, outside one universe
19:33on the cusp of many more.
19:35A bridge.
19:37The dimensional engineering required to build this place
19:39is incredible.
19:41Oh, conversion!
19:43That's why conversion plates allow us to exist
19:45in form outside the known universe.
19:47Very good.
19:50It's unstable. Why is it shaking?
19:52Unless it can't be, can it?
19:54It's moving!
19:58As we near the end of the old universe,
20:00division is moving into the next.
20:02The crossing is in progress.
20:04And this place?
20:06My seed vault.
20:08Genetic traces from the previous universe
20:10to import into the next.
20:12To preserve what will have gone.
20:14That universe isn't going anywhere.
20:16It's over, Doctor.
20:18You put a virus into the experiment.
20:20What sort of virus?
20:24You got out from division.
20:26And you couldn't leave the universe alone.
20:28I blame myself a little,
20:30but mostly I blame you.
20:32I thought you were manageable.
20:34But I had to admit,
20:36what I always knew deep down,
20:38you'd never stop if you rediscovered what division had done.
20:40I mean, morality
20:42was always your flaw.
20:44Morality is a strength.
20:46And when you knew the truth, you'd never stop hounding it.
20:48So the universe has to end to protect the existence of division.
20:52Which is why we engineered the flux,
20:54shut the universe down, and you within it.
20:56Except even then, you interfere.
20:58Disrupting the flux, just as it came into existence.
21:00Throwing yourself and a TARDIS
21:02in front of it.
21:04Division created the flux
21:06because you're scared of me.
21:08Not scared, wary, perhaps.
21:10How much power do you imagine I have?
21:12You inspire.
21:14Make people question.
21:16Rise up.
21:18You give them hope. That can be problematic.
21:20Who even are you?
21:22You don't remember.
21:26Why would you?
21:30I think my eyes are the same
21:32even across the regenerations.
21:36But you wouldn't know.
21:40Can't be.
21:44I'm the one who found you.
21:48I brought you to Gallifrey and raised you.
21:56I'm Tecteum.
22:02The woman you used to call mother.
22:14If I'd known at the beginning
22:16that this would occupy nearly a decade of my life,
22:18I might have had second thoughts.
22:20Whereas you, apprentice,
22:22barely look a day older.
22:24What's your secret?
22:26Clear conscience, sir.
22:28I like that.
22:30That's our new corporal.
22:32Brought him in after we missed the whole thing
22:34at the post office tower.
22:36He's a shouter.
22:38But he's very good.
22:40Keeps everyone on their toes.
22:42He is marvelous.
22:44The 30-year plan for investment.
22:48This is a time of great projects, apprentice.
22:50National Health Service be damned.
22:52Unit is the project for which the public will be grateful.
22:56In here.
23:04What's that?
23:06This is an object we found
23:08in a deserted village in Devon.
23:10Three residents disappeared overnight
23:12and this box was the only anomaly.
23:14The constabulary insists it's not theirs
23:16and we can't even get into it.
23:18We're converting the entire village
23:20into a military training territory.
23:22For safety.
23:24Don't want to panic anyone.
23:26This, however, this is our pride and joy.
23:30It does look special.
23:32Its purpose is to detect
23:34non-terrestrial life forms.
23:36Turn it on, Jennings.
23:38Get that sample spore.
23:40Everyone keeps telling me
23:42it's not of this earth.
23:44Here we go.
23:48As human as they come.
23:50Now you.
23:52I'd rather you didn't.
23:54Radiation. If it's not fully proven...
23:58The boffins have been working on this for ages.
24:06It's very hot.
24:08My God, General.
24:10You really are a fool, aren't you?
24:16I beg your pardon?
24:18How you expect to protect
24:20this pitiful race,
24:22I do not know.
24:24What do you mean?
24:36Come on!
24:38Come on!
25:06I prefer to be called
25:08Grand Serpent.
25:12Well, don't just stand there, man.
25:14Call a doctor.
25:16Pattern optimization in progress.
25:18Matter compression increasing.
25:20Spatial distribution and destruction analysis
25:22now available.
25:24I know what that ode is doing.
25:26You're generating the final waves
25:28of the flux from here,
25:30forcing spatial compression on that universe
25:32to the point of no return.
25:34You're forcing spatial compression on that universe.
25:36You're trying to move this structure into the next universe
25:38while you wreck the one you leave behind.
25:40No wonder this place feels under so much pressure.
25:42We all need to clear up after ourselves.
25:44That's why I had you brought here,
25:46to ensure you won't be in the universe
25:48to save it.
25:54Is what the Master told me true?
26:00I found you.
26:02A lost child, alone.
26:04Beneath a monument
26:06on a deserted planet.
26:08Seemingly deposited there
26:10by a wormhole.
26:12No way back.
26:14No one to care for you.
26:18You took something
26:20that didn't belong to you.
26:22I rescued you.
26:24Would you prefer to have been left?
26:26You assumed I came through that wormhole,
26:28but you don't know.
26:30What if I was waiting there to be collected?
26:32What if I was supposed to be taken through it?
26:34What if whoever left me there
26:36was taken by that wormhole?
26:38What if, what if, what if?
26:40You denied me my life!
26:42I gave you a life.
26:44Everything you are is because of me.
26:46But I understand.
26:50You think you could have been something else.
26:52Someone else.
26:56I'll never know.
26:58You judge me
27:00for giving you the journey
27:02of your lifetime.
27:06What do you do, Doctor?
27:08Pick people up?
27:10Take them with you?
27:12You adopt them, use them
27:14for reassurance, for company?
27:16They're your experiments,
27:18just as you were mine.
27:20We are not your experiments.
27:22You were mine.
27:24We are not the same.
27:34This just shows I was right
27:36to order your memories erased.
27:38Ud Garten.
27:42Yes, Tectean.
27:52A friend of the Doctor.
27:54Did you not think we would detect you?
27:56No, I was pretty sure you could.
27:58What are you going to do about it?
28:22They are so tiny.
28:54Can anyone hear me?
28:56Who are you?
29:02I saw you on Atropos.
29:04I was with your friend, Dan.
29:06I'm looking for someone, myself,
29:08but I've got a plan to get you out of here.
29:10Finally, someone with a gun.
29:12I'm Di, by the way, from Liverpool.
29:16And I've got some scores to settle with this lot.
29:23This man is a legendary seer.
29:25He's our last, best hope in finding out
29:27when in history the battle may come
29:29and how we might get there.
29:42my name is Eustatius Jericho.
29:44I am an expert in precipients and visionaries,
29:47and in my historic reading,
29:49I have read much about you and your abilities.
29:52We come to you in all humility,
29:55as we are in the midst of an extraordinary task
29:59and seek guidance as to what the future holds.
30:04Took you long enough.
30:06I'm sorry?
30:07To get up here.
30:08I've been watching you for days.
30:10You need to take more exercise.
30:12So, what's the gossip from down there?
30:16Who's kissed who?
30:19I don't get any up here.
30:20I'll take anything.
30:21I mean,
30:23I think the telephone's been invented.
30:26Yes, you use it to talk to people, to communicate.
30:29I'm a hermit.
30:31We would have bought a newspaper if we'd have known.
30:34You mean you haven't?
30:36What about some food?
30:38A rope? A pot?
30:40The latest Conan Doyle?
30:42Does seem rude now you come to mention it.
30:46I'm teasing you.
30:49I knew you wouldn't have anything, really.
30:52Do you have anything for us?
30:58I'm teasing you again.
31:02I don't get to tease people much.
31:08I have three words.
31:11We've climbed all this way for three words?
31:15Go on.
31:28I beg your pardon?
31:30Fetch your dog?
31:32I don't have a dog.
31:34Is that it?
31:36Does this make any sense to you?
31:38And if it did, how do we fetch him?
31:42That's your problem. I don't know.
31:45I have an idea.
31:49I have an idea.
31:51I have an idea.
31:53I have an idea.
31:55I have an idea.
31:57I have an idea.
31:59I have an idea.
32:01I have an idea.
32:03I have an idea.
32:05I have an idea.
32:07I have an idea.
32:09I have an idea.
32:11I have an idea.
32:13I have an idea.
32:15I have an idea.
32:17I have an idea.
32:19I have an idea.
32:21I have an idea.
32:23I have an idea.
32:25I have an idea.
32:27I have an idea.
32:29I have an idea.
32:31I have an idea.
32:33I have an idea.
32:35I have an idea.
32:37I have an idea.
32:39I have an idea.
32:41I have an idea.
32:43I have an idea.
32:45I don't have time travel, you idiot.
32:47Humans are so annoying.
32:49Especially him.
32:53Oh no, dude. Quick, quick, quick.
32:55Don't have long. Need your help.
32:57I am unable to provide assistance.
32:59My service is to Division Antaktaon.
33:01I'm right, aren't I?
33:03You're generating spatial compression.
33:05The final flux events from here.
33:07May! We have to stop this!
33:09Prevention is in contravention of instructions.
33:11It is also impossible.
33:13Flux culmination is already in progress.
33:15Show me while she's not here.
33:17I am prevented from...
33:19I know you are, but aren't you worried?
33:21Aren't you scared for your own kind?
33:23Because that universe is full of ood.
33:25The universe.
33:27The matter that is being compressed
33:29by you.
33:31It's where your people live.
33:33And I don't know how or when
33:35you became a part of this.
33:37But I can stop this.
33:39I can save them.
33:41I'm the one.
33:43You cannot. It is too late.
33:45It's never too late. I'm very good at pulling rabbits out of hats.
33:47I have no rabbits.
33:49It's a metaphor.
33:51Or hats.
33:53Honestly, it doesn't matter. Just show me. Quick, smart.
33:55Before she comes back.
34:01Thank you, thank you, ood.
34:03We can sort this.
34:07Which part of the universe is this?
34:09All of it.
34:13There's nowhere near enough of it.
34:15This is all that remains.
34:17The first flux event destroyed many galaxies.
34:19It doesn't make sense.
34:23It's not centered correctly.
34:27The erasure, the compression,
34:29it all looks like it's moving in from the outside
34:31all to one place.
34:33That is Earth.
34:35Earth will be the ultimate apex of destruction.
34:37It is designed that way.
34:43But what has been compressed
34:45can be decompressed, uncompressed.
34:47Because I'm thinking,
34:49those transport pads, this power source,
34:51reversing the polarity of the conversion plates,
34:53I can stop this and get out of here before she kills me
34:55because we both know that's where this is heading.
34:57And what is that noise?
34:59That whispering?
35:01I cannot hear it.
35:03It's coming from over here.
35:05How can you not hear that?
35:25I see you found it.
35:29To your many decades of public service
35:31and a very happy retirement.
35:33I'd be there till I dropped if it was down to me.
35:39the appointment of my successor
35:41is within my gift.
35:43About that,
35:45I've been considering throwing my own hat in the ring.
35:47Have you?
35:49Chair of the Unit Oversight Committee
35:51will be perfect for me.
35:53I've been around it a long time.
35:55People don't like you, Prentice.
35:57Is that right?
35:59Not sure why.
36:01I've always found you relatively personable.
36:03Although, you're rarely around.
36:07You just seem to pop up whenever it suits.
36:09My charitable foundation and research
36:11takes me all over the world.
36:13Then you've enough to occupy you.
36:15You don't need to be looking over all unit operations.
36:17No, but I'd consider it an honor.
36:19Don't be a bore, Prentice.
36:25You will be chair of the Unit Oversight Committee
36:27over my dead body.
36:47Turn the heating down, Simmons.
36:49It's like the reptile house in here.
36:53That's rather the point.
36:57There was a time,
36:59far, far away,
37:01when I used to have people and empires
37:03to do this for me.
37:05They're all long gone now.
37:07But I've learned
37:09that nothing really beats
37:11the personal touch.
37:21Still no response from the dog?
37:23And still no doctor.
37:29What are you doing?
37:31A ship. A ship at sea.
37:33I'll call a steward.
37:35Wait. I know you.
37:37We've met. In a tunnel.
37:39I've met you, too. On Atropos.
37:41What do you know of my tunnels?
37:43Not a lot. Time is going mad.
37:45You call me mad, sir?
37:47Joseph Williamson, the mad mole.
37:49You take their side.
37:51You're Joseph Williamson?
37:53Who else would I be, sir?
37:55I'll find my own way out of this infernal puzzle.
37:57Those cursed, shifting doorways.
38:03He's gone.
38:05How did he do that?
38:07Joseph Williamson.
38:09Don't you see?
38:13The Williamson tunnels.
38:15They're a tourist thing.
38:17They're being excavated in my time.
38:19If he keeps turning up in all these different places
38:21and times,
38:23we've got to find him.
38:25That's where we have to go.
38:31Yeah, me grandad used to work for him.
38:33He told me all sorts of things, you know,
38:35about what he built down there.
38:37He reckoned there's dining halls, bedrooms, the lot.
38:39Someone even said there's an army down there.
38:41So what's happened to the tunnel since his death?
38:43It's all shut down.
38:45All the work's stopped.
38:47It's ancient history now.
38:49Alfie, would you know how we could get access to any part of them?
38:51I wouldn't go down there, miss.
38:53It's dangerous.
38:55Some folks say he still walks the tunnels.
38:57Wouldn't want a pretty girl like you seeing any ghosts.
38:59This pretty girl can look after herself.
39:01It's these two you've got to worry about.
39:09How many hours is that now?
39:11Six and a quarter.
39:13We've run out of twine and lamp fuel.
39:17We are searching for a ghost
39:19to explain the improbability of space and time.
39:21We should not be surprised if we don't find it.
39:25Oh, ye of little faith.
39:27It's him.
39:29I'll go over.
39:31One scouser to another.
39:33Hey, Dan.
39:35Are you from Liverpool?
39:37Why have you never mentioned it?
39:39All right, chef, you'll keep your cutlery on.
39:45All right, mate.
39:47Just check.
39:49You're not a ghost, are you?
39:53Was that ghostly, sir?
39:55Did you feel it?
39:57You're lucky I don't give you one back.
39:59What do you want?
40:01In a nutshell, we believe the fabric of space and time is under threat
40:03and that Earth is about to be under attack.
40:05But we're not sure when, where or who from.
40:07And we need to find others who can help us stop it happening.
40:23I've been at my wit's end.
40:29I've so much to show you.
40:31There's so little time.
40:33Come, come, come, come.
40:35A Gallifreyan device
40:37for the protecting and storage of memories and identities.
40:39Of course you kept them.
40:41The memories you took from me.
40:43A good scientist never throws away their workings.
40:47We had them quantum stored for a long time
40:49in the Weeping Angel
40:51who trapped you and betrayed you.
40:53Don't worry.
40:55It didn't escape us.
40:59Everything has been transferred now.
41:01Stored in that fogwood.
41:03How much was lost?
41:05How many lives?
41:07How many people have I been?
41:15What would you give to know?
41:19What if I offered you a choice?
41:23You can return to the dying universe you left.
41:25Defend it
41:27from its inevitable destruction and fail.
41:29Or rejoin Division.
41:31Rejoin me.
41:33Come with us into the next universe.
41:35Into the beyond.
41:37Help me build with your memories restored.
41:39Be complete again.
41:41The next universe
41:43holds the other end of the wormhole
41:45where I found you.
41:47That universe
41:49may be where you're from.
41:51Where you began.
41:53Your origins, perhaps.
41:55I think of the discoveries
41:57that would await us both there.
42:01A new start.
42:03If you really knew me,
42:05you'd know I'd never agree to any of this.
42:07No matter how strong the incentive.
42:11What if I left the Earth?
42:13What if we let your friends live?
42:17As you know,
42:19I've been fighting unit's corner,
42:21your corner, for a while.
42:23But these are turbulent times, Cade.
42:25I'm afraid this is the moment
42:27we must concede defeat.
42:31That's not a phrase that sits well in my family.
42:33Or unit itself.
42:37unit's operations will be wound down
42:41I see you.
42:47I see you.
42:49Whatever you are.
42:51Hiding in plain sight
42:53for so long, barely aging.
42:55You're gambling
42:57that nobody cares.
42:59That nobody looks at unit anymore.
43:01But I care.
43:03More than anyone.
43:05So I dug deep.
43:07Past the tampered archives
43:09and doctored photographs.
43:11Past the deleted incidents.
43:13Altered names, changes to reports
43:15from the past five decades.
43:19because it's impossible you were there.
43:21And impossible
43:23how so many people
43:25quietly, accidentally
43:29And it all suggested
43:31to me
43:33a non-terrestrial life form
43:35with hostile intent.
43:37Possibly one with the ability to move
43:39in time.
43:41How long has all this taken you?
43:43A week? A day?
43:45You must be feeling
43:47very tired, Cade.
43:49Oh, by the way,
43:51you should know I'm wearing a psychic
43:53manifest shield, so whatever you conjured
43:55to suffocate the others from the inside
43:57won't work on me.
43:59This task force has been
44:01many lifetimes work
44:03for me and my family. I will not let
44:05it be sabotaged from within.
44:07You really need
44:09to calm down, Cade.
44:11I am the head of unit.
44:13And if you don't stop this
44:15I will expose you.
44:17And I shan't hesitate to call in a favor
44:19from someone you really don't want to argue
44:23Do we understand each other?
44:58Osgood, I have to go dark.
45:07Cavanista to Rogue Lupari Craft.
45:09I have brought you out of Hyper
45:11and you will be aligned with the Lupari shield.
45:13So listen up, whoever you are.
45:15I know you stole that ship.
45:17I know you're not a Lupar.
45:19And I'm giving you to the count of one to evacuate
45:21because I'm coming on board.
45:37I know you're here.
45:39I have your scent.
45:41Surrender now or die.
45:45Show yourself, coward.
45:51What did you call me?
45:57What was that?
46:01Was war das?
46:03This is Lupari command.
46:05All ships, we are under attack.
46:07This is where I have endeavored
46:09to make sense of it all.
46:11This chamber is the heart
46:13of my excavation project.
46:15I've attempted to build defenses here.
46:17For humanity.
46:19Against the destruction to come.
46:21There are labels on each doorway.
46:23Precisely, sir.
46:25A dozen doorways, a dozen worlds.
46:27Except the past few days
46:29have changed everything.
46:33Since All Hallows' Eve, all is flux.
46:35Some of the doorways have changed.
46:37They're gateways to places I've never seen.
46:39Fraught with danger.
46:41Especially doorway nine.
46:43Do not touch doorway nine.
46:45Any particular reason?
46:47Death, sir. Endless death.
46:49Oh, that's persuasive.
46:53I hoped I could save everyone.
46:55Now I fear
46:57I cannot save anyone.
47:01Does that happen often?
47:03It's never happened before.
47:09Whoever it is, there's a way to get in.
47:11All comms down between
47:13all Lupari ships in the shield.
47:15I can't raise anyone.
47:17He turned off.
47:19He hyperjacked me for this.
47:21Some ratio you're on.
47:23But who's boarding us?
47:27It's time.
47:29Lower all defenses.
47:31Arm all weapons.
47:33Ensure all missile systems are aimed inwards
47:35at the planet's surface.
47:39You have the list of target cities?
47:41Yes, sir. Of course, sir.
47:43Everything is in place.
47:47Do we have an agreement?
47:49The proposal is acceptable.
47:53Now let us make war.
47:57The forces of Sontar
47:59have revenge to exact.
48:05Be my guest.
48:13Destroy all Lupari.
48:15The Lupari must die.
48:19Kill all resistance.
48:23Listen to me. I'm gonna save my friends.
48:25I'm gonna save that universe
48:27and I'm gonna destroy division.
48:29So hold on to that hat
48:31because you, me and the end of the universe
48:33it's personal now.
48:35And I'm gonna win.
48:39How did you get here?
48:41A psycho-temporal bridge I've been building.
48:45Powered by the energy we harvested
48:47from the lifeforms of that universe.
48:49To you, Doctor.
48:51Right from the start
48:53all it took was a little time.
48:55And all for this.
48:57To get beyond any one universe.
49:01To find division.
49:03To get revenge on the world.
49:05And to destroy it.
49:07To get revenge on those
49:09who imprisoned us so long ago.
49:11To take them all.
49:13You don't belong here.
49:17Say thank you, Doctor.
49:19What for?
49:21We could heal this pain of yours so easily.
49:23You released me.
49:27Now I release you.
49:29Now, Doctor.
49:59Peoples of the universe.
50:01The warriors of Sontar
50:03offer you hope.
50:05I am the head of human resistance
50:07against Sontaran occupation.
50:09And now we will ensure
50:11that the flux takes apart
50:13your entire universe.
50:15Kill him!
50:17Kill him!
50:19Kill him!
50:21Kill him!
50:23Kill him!
50:25Kill him!
50:27Kill him!
50:29We have everything we need.
50:31You try and kill me right now!
50:33You have no escape.