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Two Scoops of Italy 2024 - [NEW] Hallmark Movies 2024 - Hallmark Romance 2024 - Romantic Movies 2024

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00:00:00It's on trend. It's upscale yet approachable.
00:00:03But I am open to all suggestions if it means changing that sign to open.
00:00:09So are we chasing trends or setting them?
00:00:12You know I love you, Danielle.
00:00:14And not just because you made instant ramen taste expensive in college.
00:00:17You're an amazing chef, but our first year has been a bit of a struggle.
00:00:21Which is why we closed to regroup.
00:00:24We've gone through several approaches this past year and we still haven't found a menu, a concept that sticks.
00:00:29So not this one?
00:00:32It just feels like this one is missing that old magic of yours.
00:00:35The conviction we need to justify reopening.
00:00:38It's already been a monthie. I'm sorry.
00:00:41So are you pulling out?
00:00:45I've been getting a lot of pressure from my dad to cut my losses and invest in something more sensible with a reliable rate of return.
00:00:51Like the shipping containers?
00:00:53They're not fun or sexy, but...
00:00:55They're sensible.
00:00:58Look, I get it. I don't like it, but I get it.
00:01:04Okay, well, when do you need to decide by?
00:01:07I've got until the end of the month.
00:01:09Wait, are you giving me another chance?
00:01:12Bring the fireworks.
00:01:13Okay, thank you, thank you. I will, I promise.
00:01:16Well, don't let this go to waste, please.
00:01:29Come in here.
00:01:31I know you said you weren't hungry, but I brought you comfort in a box.
00:01:35A meat cheese?
00:01:36Mushroom and peppers.
00:01:38You're the best sister ever.
00:01:40I'm your only sister, but I'll have to accept the title.
00:01:46Oh, I'm stuffed.
00:01:49Feeling any better?
00:01:53I'm stuffed.
00:01:56Feeling any better?
00:01:58I had it, Sarah.
00:02:00My dream shot and I lost it.
00:02:05What if I can't do it?
00:02:07Of course you can.
00:02:09You just need to get out of these four walls and get your mojo back.
00:02:12And what a better place than Italy.
00:02:14Now is definitely not the right time for me to go visit the Italian countryside.
00:02:18Now is exactly the time.
00:02:20No, I just, I need to stay focused.
00:02:23You're spent, Dani. You need a minute to relax and recharge.
00:02:26Then come back and create.
00:02:28I say go.
00:02:30Italy has always been inspiring to me.
00:02:33Yes, yes it has.
00:02:35This would not be a vacation.
00:02:37This would be a mission to save my restaurant.
00:02:41Win or lose.
00:02:45Win or lose.
00:02:50What do you say?
00:02:52I'm going to eat so much pizza.
00:02:54Uno, due, tre!
00:03:18Here you are, little Nico.
00:03:40Grazie, Giancarlo, but I'm not little anymore.
00:03:43Oh, scusa. I made something new.
00:03:46Try this. Grapefruit and rosemary.
00:03:53No, grazie. I like the strawberry.
00:03:57Why always the strawberry?
00:03:59I like strawberry.
00:04:03Careful you don't turn into a strawberry.
00:04:19Excuse me, Bruno. Are we here?
00:04:21Si, signora.
00:04:23A step into Rome.
00:04:25But mi dispiace.
00:04:26Narrow streets. No vans allowed.
00:04:28Your cottage is half a kilometer that way.
00:04:31I can help with your bags if you like.
00:04:33Oh, no, no, that's okay.
00:04:34My bag has wheels and it'll feel really nice to walk.
00:04:37Stretch your wings.
00:04:41Arrivederci, Daniela.
00:04:43Grazie mille.
00:05:01Three generations, our family owns the cafe.
00:05:04But for the last three years, same flavors.
00:05:07Giancarlo, new flavors.
00:05:10That was your mom's specialty.
00:05:13Bookkeeping is your son.
00:05:15Maybe I can be good at both.
00:05:18Give our customers something new.
00:05:21Just in time for summer, like Mama used to.
00:05:23If today is the same as yesterday,
00:05:26this is a blessing, maybe for some.
00:05:32Buongiorno, Rana.
00:05:34Buongiorno, Giancarlo.
00:05:38Listen to me.
00:05:40One day, when you're running this cafe with a wife
00:05:43and the mini Giancarlos running around,
00:05:46you can bring in the taste of the world.
00:05:50But what we have here is good enough.
00:06:18Oh, hi.
00:06:20Un caffè, por favore?
00:06:24Un caffè a fette.
00:06:27Sliced caffè.
00:06:30Sliced coffee, yeah.
00:06:32No, just coffee.
00:06:33No slices.
00:06:35Forgive my father.
00:06:36Fette means sliced in Italian.
00:06:39He speaks English.
00:06:41Just likes to joke around with new visitors.
00:06:45Laughter is the quickest way to get to know someone.
00:06:48I'll get that for you right away, signorina.
00:06:55Oh, no, no, no.
00:06:57Or at least I think that's what I ordered.
00:07:01I meant, are you American?
00:07:03Oh, yeah, yes.
00:07:04Currently a very lost one.
00:07:07Actually, do you happen to know where 10 Via Giulia is?
00:07:11It's a cute little cottage.
00:07:13I just didn't see many street signs out there.
00:07:15That's because this town is too small to need many.
00:07:18We all know your cottage, signora.
00:07:20Just keep going up that street.
00:07:23You can't miss it.
00:07:27Giancarlo, this is Larana.
00:07:29In English, it means the frog.
00:07:31I'm Danielle.
00:07:32Sorry, why do they call you the frog?
00:07:35Italians stand in their caffè.
00:07:38I enjoy sitting.
00:07:40So they call me the frog.
00:07:42Oh, okay.
00:07:44Perhaps you sample my gelato.
00:07:49It will go great with your espresso.
00:07:59This is delicious.
00:08:00Did you make this?
00:08:01With such fine pistachios, I feel guilty taking credit.
00:08:17Special flavor for a special American guest.
00:08:20Grapefruit and rosemary.
00:08:29This one doesn't have a yolk base, does it?
00:08:32You don't like it?
00:08:34No, no, no.
00:08:35It's just that the pistachio, the yolk is worked in so well.
00:08:40Yolks clash when you sip this.
00:08:42With lemon, yes, I'm sure.
00:08:44But in this one, the rosemary is just so forward that I think the yolk might make it a little bit more subtle.
00:08:51We Italians aren't known for our subtlety.
00:08:54Neither are us Americans, but flavor, it's universal.
00:08:57Made much gelato, have you?
00:08:59No, no, but I am a chef.
00:09:02What chef?
00:09:04I appreciate your feedback.
00:09:35Alina, this is lovely.
00:09:38Do you like?
00:09:40It's even more beautiful in person.
00:09:42Make yourself at home here.
00:09:45I understand you're a chef.
00:09:46Let me show you the kitchen.
00:09:53Oh, this is a gorgeous kitchen.
00:09:56I live upstairs, but we share the kitchen.
00:10:00Is this a wood-burning stove?
00:10:02Bruno, I know.
00:10:04And if you need more wood, Bruno is our handyman.
00:10:06He's fantastic.
00:10:07Oh, grazie, but I actually plan on eating out more than in for the next ten days.
00:10:12Wait, Bruno, Bruno, that's not the same Bruno as my van driver, right?
00:10:16Of course it is, yes.
00:10:17And for questions about the town, ask Aldo.
00:10:19He knows everyone.
00:10:20Aldo from the cafe?
00:10:22You met him?
00:10:23Yes, he's like il Sindaco, the mayor of Ostiantica, and makes the best breakfast.
00:10:28Wow, Aldo wears a lot of hats, doesn't he?
00:10:30No, he's quite vain about his hair.
00:10:32And if you're not too tired, you should join us at Poisontos this evening.
00:10:36It's a few blocks over.
00:10:37We are playing tumbola.
00:10:39I don't think I know what that is.
00:10:41It's like bingo.
00:10:43Oh, well, I might be wide awake right now from the jet lag,
00:10:47but I should probably try to get as much sleep as possible.
00:10:50I have a very busy day planned tomorrow.
00:10:53Okay, I'm sure you want to get settled.
00:10:58This place makes me feel like I have been transported in time.
00:11:01I hope that's a good thing.
00:11:03Yes, it is.
00:11:06Ooh, you have some great books.
00:11:08May I suggest something local?
00:11:12It's Eat, Pray, Love, way before it was even a thought.
00:11:15And it's set here, with an American.
00:11:17I'll leave you to it.
00:11:42Oh, God.
00:11:59Church bells now?
00:12:17What I love most are the streets.
00:12:19The way my shoes click on the cobblestones to make their own kind of music.
00:12:23And the people, the way they speak.
00:12:26They make music, too.
00:12:28From anger to love in one breath.
00:12:32To say I was at a crossroads would be wrong.
00:12:34Crossroads have paths to choose from.
00:12:37I was lost.
00:12:40But from a seemingly random series of events,
00:12:43I feel I've found the path.
00:12:45To think it all began with Tumblr.
00:12:51Tumblr, huh?
00:13:08Peace to you.
00:13:13I have another book for you.
00:13:16How did you know I would like it?
00:13:18You're the only one I know who would read about the Galapagos Islands.
00:13:22What can I say?
00:13:23I'm a sucker for famously fearless wildlife.
00:13:27And trips around the world, if only in your mind.
00:13:31Shall we place a bet on who is to win tonight?
00:13:34You know, I'll always pick you, Aldo.
00:13:36As long as you keep making me stress.
00:13:42What about, if I win, you let me try out a new flavor?
00:13:47And if I win, you stop asking?
00:14:08I'm glad you came.
00:14:10There's an open board here.
00:14:12Just for you.
00:14:13Oh, thank you.
00:14:16Oh, it's you.
00:14:23It's a smaller town than I realized.
00:14:26You have no idea.
00:14:37Let me guess.
00:14:39You're a tombola expert, too?
00:14:41Okay, if you're referring to my comments about your gelato, I never claim to be an expert.
00:14:46But the chef?
00:14:47In the good days.
00:14:49And for the record, I have absolutely no idea how to play this game.
00:14:54If you hear your number, like five, put a bean on the board.
00:14:59And voila.
00:15:03Seems simple enough.
00:15:04First person with two in a row yells unborn.
00:15:07Three yells eterno.
00:15:09Four, paterna.
00:15:10Five across, cinquina.
00:15:11Cover your whole board, you yell tombola.
00:15:14You know what?
00:15:15I think I'm just gonna watch.
00:15:17It's not a spectator sport.
00:15:19Okay, then maybe I'll just go back to my room.
00:15:21Yeah, honestly, I'd probably be fast asleep right now if it wasn't for those bells ringing.
00:15:26La chiesa.
00:15:28From the church.
00:15:30Does that happen every night?
00:15:31Only when someone's been married that day.
00:15:34Okay, that's kind of sweet.
00:15:36And a little overkill.
00:15:38Italians love love.
00:15:41Okay, attention please.
00:15:45May the best Aldo win.
00:15:46Aldo, leave the boy alone.
00:15:50I can't have fun with my boy.
00:15:52I thought your name was Giancarlo.
00:15:55The only one in a long line of Aldos.
00:16:02Okay, I think I'm ready.
00:16:09San Antonio.
00:16:17Sounds like she said San Antonio.
00:16:20June 13th is St. Fist's Day.
00:16:23Okay, wait.
00:16:24So the game is in Italian, but then there's numbers.
00:16:26But the numbers really are inside jokes?
00:16:32Elida, inglese, por favor.
00:16:34For the lovely Americana, of course.
00:16:56So I'm in a tumbler!
00:17:02Do it.
00:17:04Was I not supposed to yell?
00:17:16What's this?
00:17:17You're winning.
00:17:18Like this?
00:17:21The entire face?
00:17:22Thank you.
00:17:23You're welcome.
00:17:26Okay, please tell me you're going to help me with this too.
00:17:29I'm afraid I'm not hungry.
00:17:31Good night.
00:17:33Not bad.
00:17:59Good night.
00:18:29What are you doing here so early?
00:18:31You usually leave the quiet hours for me.
00:18:34Until your fans arrive.
00:18:40About Mama.
00:18:41And summertime.
00:18:44She always spice it up.
00:18:46Didn't she?
00:18:48You never knew what flavors she'd come up with.
00:18:51It was exciting.
00:18:53It would be nice to continue that.
00:18:56We'll talk about this.
00:18:57You've talked about it.
00:19:01It's not my forte, but I think it's important to keep her summer tradition of trying new flavors.
00:19:08I'll think about it.
00:19:09At least let me try some out, Papa.
00:19:12See what our friends think.
00:19:13Even Nico.
00:19:20If you can get Nico to approve any flavor other than strawberry, I'll put it there in the vitrina.
00:19:30Ah, Giancarlo.
00:19:32He's a tough critic.
00:19:34Choose wisely.
00:19:36Good night.
00:20:00Our tombola champion.
00:20:01Good morning.
00:20:03I thought you were up until 8.
00:20:05It's ostentica.
00:20:06Eight is eight-ish.
00:20:08Does that go for the bus as well?
00:20:11What bus?
00:20:13The bus stopped running a year ago.
00:20:16Because I thought I saw a schedule online.
00:20:19Did you see a date?
00:20:22No, I did not.
00:20:26Where are you trying to go?
00:20:28Um, well, let's see.
00:20:32Trastevere for the Cacio e Pepe.
00:20:35The old market for the Tripa alla Romana.
00:20:38The wine and cheese shop.
00:20:40And then, oh, the Salu Maria in Campo di Fiori to start.
00:20:45And that's all today?
00:20:47Oh, no, no.
00:20:48Tonight I have...
00:20:50I'm going to bore you with my whole itinerary.
00:20:53I'm just looking for some inspiration for my new menu.
00:20:56So I'm really trying to pack it all in here.
00:20:59Okay, and before you traverse the whole of Italy,
00:21:02why don't you start here with breakfast?
00:21:05A typical Italian breakfast.
00:21:08I like the sound of that.
00:21:12Breakfast will come to you.
00:21:13All right.
00:21:14Got it.
00:21:16Here we are.
00:21:18Yogurt with fresh fruit.
00:21:24And coffee.
00:21:27No americano.
00:21:28Ah, gotcha.
00:21:29But first, try this.
00:21:33Do you always put your gelato on all your customers,
00:21:35or is that just for tourists?
00:21:37I think you want to try it.
00:21:41You added the yolks.
00:21:43I kept thinking about what you said,
00:21:45and I had to try it.
00:21:47You were right.
00:21:48It balances the rosemary and makes the flavors come together.
00:21:52Instead of competing.
00:21:55In harmony.
00:21:57Spoken like a true chef over there.
00:22:00I wish I had your gift, Chef Daniele.
00:22:04Just kidding.
00:22:05It's a joke.
00:22:06It's a joke.
00:22:07It's a joke.
00:22:08Chef Daniele.
00:22:10Just Daniele is fine.
00:22:14How long have you been into gelato, Giancarlo?
00:22:24Fun flavor combinations.
00:22:26They were my mother's specialty.
00:22:28I just want to keep that going.
00:22:31I know that good gelato starts with ingredients.
00:22:34Just the combination of ingredients that I sometimes struggle with.
00:22:40Well, this one is really good.
00:22:42Very refreshing.
00:22:44Oh, yes.
00:22:45But it didn't get Nico's seal of approval.
00:22:48Who's Nico?
00:22:49This serving nine-year-old.
00:22:51Yeah, hi.
00:22:52He's my tattoos critic.
00:22:54So, if he's a fan, it's likely to please everyone else too.
00:22:58And then it can go in the vetrina.
00:23:02Gelato case.
00:23:04Well, if you ever need any help, I would be happy to.
00:23:09You're very kind, but I couldn't ask you that on your vacation.
00:23:15It's kind of a working vacation anyway.
00:23:18The whole menu thing, remember?
00:23:21That's if I can figure out how to get around here.
00:23:27Can I make a deal?
00:23:29I'll help you find your way around if you help me come up with the flavors of the summer.
00:23:35You have time to do that?
00:23:37I'll make the time.
00:23:39And you?
00:23:40Yeah, same.
00:23:42Although, do I need to be terrified of this sad nine-year-old?
00:23:46Just a little bit.
00:23:50So, we have a deal?
00:23:55But first, please enjoy your breakfast.
00:23:58Inspiration is never found on an empty stomach.
00:24:01Well, not in Italy.
00:24:23You've really never made gelato before?
00:24:25No, I'm afraid not.
00:24:27But dessert isn't really my jam.
00:24:29Luckily, our gelato is a gem for you.
00:24:34I need to make more strawberry for Nico. Anyway, let's begin.
00:24:38Cut, please.
00:24:39All right.
00:24:40The secret to good gelato is the ingredients.
00:24:42And what I don't know, there is one secret ingredient which is most important to me.
00:24:51We do not make gelato. We sculpt it. Like art.
00:24:58Oh, hey, how many strawberries do you use per batch?
00:25:01A bunch.
00:25:02A bunch.
00:25:04How much water do you use per batch?
00:25:07Do you not know how much you use?
00:25:09Sure. I use the right amount.
00:25:12It's all about instinct and intuition, right?
00:25:16Trusting your taste buds and following your heart.
00:25:19I was thinking maybe we could go there today? Brainstorm a little bit?
00:25:33The market waits for tomorrow. Today we start with this.
00:25:36Don't think I forgot about my end of the bargain.
00:25:42Oh, what?
00:25:43The castle. Why is it all the way at the bottom?
00:25:47Oh, well, that's just... I mean, it's only if there's enough time.
00:25:50I mean, everything that I put in here is to get inspiration for my food.
00:25:55It's just really important that I figure out my menu quickly.
00:25:59I suggest we work backward.
00:26:03Let history ground your senses and then everything else will follow from there.
00:26:11So, like you said, there's no buses. And you don't have a car, then?
00:26:16Luckily, I live just here, as does Bumbo.
00:26:21My bumblebee.
00:26:24Wait, that's yours? Are we going to take that to the castle?
00:26:27Only if you're comfortable.
00:26:29Are you kidding me? I've wanted one of these since I was 16 years old.
00:26:32So, yes, yes, yes, very comfortable.
00:26:37Oh, okay. It says here, Il Castello de Giulio II,
00:26:41where it's said ancient stones whispered tales of centuries gone.
00:26:46Around each corner, an echo of history.
00:26:49Each time, a new story is told.
00:26:52It's the story of the castle.
00:26:54It's the story of the castle.
00:26:56It's the story of the castle.
00:26:58It's the story of the castle.
00:27:00It's the story of the castle.
00:27:03Around each corner, an echo of history.
00:27:06Each step is a dance with the spirits of the past.
00:27:09Let's go chase some ghosts.
00:27:14Lead the way, Chef Daniel.
00:27:20Okay, this place is like straight out of a fairy tale.
00:27:25It was meant as a mausoleum, then became a fortress.
00:27:29This castle has much history.
00:27:31Not always pleasant.
00:27:34But Italians know, you find beauty in the dark.
00:27:39I wish I could do that.
00:27:42Find the beauty, no matter how dark.
00:27:47But with the lights temporarily off at Daniel's, I just...
00:27:52Your restaurant.
00:27:54Yeah, I'm just...
00:27:55I'm having a really hard time seeing through it or past it, maybe.
00:28:00I don't know. We've already been closed a month, so...
00:28:04They're still tight, no?
00:28:06Yeah, one more shot.
00:28:10Oh, then sure enough.
00:28:13Everyone is so friendly here.
00:28:15They're not friendly where you're from?
00:28:18In their own way, I guess.
00:28:21And where is that?
00:28:23Well, I originally grew up in a harbor town in Massachusetts,
00:28:27but now I live in Santa Monica.
00:28:30Sorry, there's no reason you should know any of those places.
00:28:33A harbor town? Like Martha's Vineyard?
00:28:36Well, actually, I grew up in Hingham.
00:28:37But have you been to Martha's Vineyard?
00:28:39No, but I'd like to.
00:28:41Tell me about Hingham.
00:28:43Let's see.
00:28:44Well, this diner that I grew up going to and I loved, it's still there.
00:28:48Same people inside. Older, but still the same.
00:28:52Your town sounds like Constantinople.
00:28:55Same faces, year after year.
00:28:58Doesn't sound like a good thing?
00:29:00No, it is, mostly.
00:29:03I just thought I'd be somewhere else,
00:29:05using my business to break down, instead of here.
00:29:09You're at the cafe?
00:29:11After college, it made sense to come back.
00:29:14Learn all I can from my father.
00:29:16I'll take over one day.
00:29:18And, you know, there are some definite benefits to a small town.
00:29:23The cafe is a part of people's lives.
00:29:26Which means you get to be a part of theirs, too.
00:29:29I'm sure you get that with your diner.
00:29:32Oh, uh, no.
00:29:34Not really, no.
00:29:35It's more of like a restaurant.
00:29:38Well, it was.
00:29:40Will be, again.
00:29:41I don't, maybe.
00:29:43If I can hold on to it, which is a very, very big gift these days.
00:29:48Uncertainty is a part of life.
00:29:58A coin found is said to bring good luck.
00:30:01This ground is so old, it must be especially lucky.
00:30:05For you.
00:30:13A good luck.
00:30:26May I suggest an extra stop?
00:30:29Uh, to where?
00:30:32You'll have to close your eyes to find out.
00:30:45We are at my friend's property.
00:30:47Keep your eyes closed.
00:30:49Donna, get a little country stroll, but I can't open my eyes.
00:30:54Take my hand.
00:30:56This is not a place to be seen as much as experienced.
00:31:02Just walk, listen, smell.
00:31:06Are you serious?
00:31:08Let's see how fine-tuned your nose is, chef.
00:31:12Why do I feel like I'm gonna fail?
00:31:14Because you're not smelling yet.
00:31:16You're thinking.
00:31:17What do you smell?
00:31:20Perfect to enhance a fruit salad or freshen up a green soup made with peas or asparagus.
00:31:28Okay, asparagus, yes, but peas?
00:31:33What now?
00:31:40Perfect for a mint and basil gelato, perhaps.
00:31:45And now?
00:31:53Introduced during the medieval age.
00:31:55Ah, okay.
00:31:57Hence why you wanted us to start with history and work our way back.
00:32:00You know, I love Terragon.
00:32:02So, go with that.
00:32:04The things you love, the aromas, always.
00:32:07Then invite everyone else in to enjoy that with you.
00:32:11And revel in how far you've come.
00:32:17So, can I open my eyes now?
00:32:22See where you are now.
00:32:40I thought you weren't going to do much of this.
00:32:43While cooking?
00:32:44No, I wasn't, but I just wanted to try out some new flavors with all the herbs that we picked today.
00:32:49How was Giancarlo's Vespa?
00:32:51How did you know that?
00:32:54Never mind.
00:32:56Small town.
00:32:57Tourist town.
00:32:58Yeah, where everyone speaks English and nothing is a secret.
00:33:02It's not every day he shows tourists around, you know?
00:33:06Oh, that? No, no, no, that's just because I'm helping him with a project.
00:33:11The gelato?
00:33:12I know that too.
00:33:15Oh, hey, thank you again for that book, by the way.
00:33:18I'm enjoying it.
00:33:20I can really see myself as the main character when I'm reading it.
00:33:23I knew you would love it.
00:33:25Hey, I'm trying out some new flavor combinations, so tell me what you think.
00:33:28White chocolate with basil or mint?
00:33:31For the gelato?
00:33:35Alright, maybe I'll just start out with the mint first.
00:33:49Okay, all done.
00:33:51Grazie, Bruno.
00:33:53I have no idea what I did, but thank you so much, Bruno, for coming so late and so fast.
00:33:57I'm happy to come anytime you need.
00:34:00That's very sweet, Bruno.
00:34:04It is very sweet.
00:34:07How long have you two known each other?
00:34:09We go way back, Bruno and I.
00:34:11He's always been so talented.
00:34:12And Elida's always been so kind.
00:34:21Please, let me know if you need anything else.
00:34:25Grazie, Bruno.
00:34:30Goodnight, thank you.
00:34:38I'm just saying, I don't think Bruno does that for just anyone.
00:35:18I didn't realize how much my world had been shrinking at home.
00:35:21The less I did, the smaller it got.
00:35:23So much so that I started to feel shy.
00:35:26Turns out, meeting new friends, at least in Ostia and Pika, is like riding a bike.
00:35:31Once you put yourself out there, the rest naturally follows.
00:35:34And before you know it, new pathways open up that you never saw before.
00:35:38Only for the first time, I didn't know which way I wanted to go.
00:35:41And that excited me.
00:35:48Is it much further?
00:35:50No, the bicycles are just down the street.
00:35:53We're riding bikes today, no Vespa?
00:35:56I thought we might get some exercise.
00:35:59You don't like biking?
00:36:01No, no, no, I love biking.
00:36:04No, it's just that I keep reading things in this book that happen in real life.
00:36:09It's like I've stepped into a choose-your-own-adventure book.
00:36:12And what is it asking?
00:36:15Maybe I don't need to rush back.
00:36:17Maybe I just need to stop and just ask myself,
00:36:20is this really what I want?
00:36:22Am I on the right path?
00:36:23That is definitely not a question to be rushed.
00:36:27Just a thought.
00:36:29It's a very sweet thought.
00:36:31One I like to sound off.
00:36:33The staying part.
00:36:39Here we are.
00:36:41Okay, well the more immediate question is,
00:36:44what flavor are we going to make today?
00:36:47To that I say, lead on, Tanya.
00:36:50Wait, me?
00:36:52Okay, you realize if I lead, we may never make it to the market.
00:36:56I'm pretty sure you'll find your way.
00:36:59All right.
00:37:01Let's go.
00:37:10Okay, this way.
00:37:17Sea salt, pear and avocado.
00:37:20In my father's capre.
00:37:22I think I prefer your mint basil idea.
00:37:25No, no, no, I promise you.
00:37:27It takes the creaminess to a whole other level.
00:37:30And it gives you that little taste for travel.
00:37:33Maybe for some, but not all.
00:37:35My father feels no need to see the world.
00:37:38The world comes to see him.
00:37:39In and out of the doors of his cafe.
00:37:42He's never left Ostia Antica?
00:37:45Not that I know of.
00:37:47He picked up English from the tourists.
00:37:49What about you? How did you learn English?
00:37:53Hollywood movies.
00:37:55I wanted to attend college in the States, but it didn't work out.
00:38:00Oh, why not?
00:38:06And who's your friend?
00:38:07Oh, I'm Daniel, hi.
00:38:09She's visiting from California.
00:38:10Ah, an American.
00:38:12I hope you felt welcome in our country, eh?
00:38:14Oh, more than welcome.
00:38:16Embraced, really.
00:38:18It's like a dream here.
00:38:19Ah, if it's a dream, may we never wake up.
00:38:23This dragon fruit looks amazing.
00:38:25But those aren't local, right?
00:38:27Well, I'd like to bring a few curiosities for Giancarlo, huh?
00:38:31A hint of the world over the horizon.
00:38:34Ah, but you have to try my fresh honey, eh?
00:38:37Hey, what if we did like a tropical dragon fruit and lemon gelato with Marta's honey to soften the acidity
00:38:45and we could use some cocoa nibs to cut the sweetness
00:38:48and maybe even pomegranate seeds to add a little bit of crunch.
00:38:53I love it!
00:38:54You know, you two make a good team, huh?
00:38:58Maybe we're onto something.
00:39:00Business and boldness.
00:39:04Passion and perseverance.
00:39:09This, per favore.
00:39:11And some lemons and your honey as well.
00:39:15I can't wait to hear what else you come up with.
00:39:19Here it is.
00:39:21Ah, please, Giancarlo, for your guest.
00:39:26My pleasure.
00:39:27Ciao, Marta.
00:39:46Thanks, Gian.
00:40:12You know, I don't even know the last time I did this.
00:40:14Two days ago?
00:40:16Oh, no, no, no. I just mean like cooking without caring what other people think.
00:40:22Not even Nico?
00:40:24Okay, maybe. Maybe Nico.
00:40:32Hey, what's the deal between Bruno and Alida?
00:40:36Bruno and Alida?
00:40:38A crush is all they're saying.
00:40:40I knew it! Okay, so why has nothing happened between them yet?
00:40:44I don't know. I guess timing has never been right.
00:40:48Okay, well, I mean, you can't always just wait around.
00:40:52Sometimes you just have to go for it.
00:41:02Well, I think it's very sweet how personal this place is.
00:41:07Is Daniel's not?
00:41:09Um, no. Not like this, it's not.
00:41:14Well, maybe it can be, no?
00:41:18I don't know. Honestly, I'm not sure that I can or even want to do this anymore.
00:41:26I feel kind of paralyzed lately.
00:41:30The restaurant bears your name.
00:41:33Isn't that like giving up on a part of yourself?
00:41:39Hey, just a name. Aldo's easily named after my father, you know?
00:41:45Really? That's a bizarre coincidence, no?
00:41:48The cafe was started by my great-grandfather. His name was also Aldo.
00:41:53As was my grandfather. As is my father.
00:41:56In fact, I'm the first man in my family in four generations not named Aldo.
00:42:02Have you ever asked your dad why they didn't name you Aldo?
00:42:07He always says the same thing.
00:42:10I guess your mother and I are more creative than my ancestors.
00:42:16I think Giancarlo is a great name.
00:42:19It's an important name, no? Giancarlo, the gelato maker.
00:42:25Sounds like a fairy tale where the gelati comes to life at night and speaks to me.
00:42:33Well, does your gelati speak to you?
00:42:37When I cook, I have a conversation with my food.
00:42:41I ask it questions and it tells me its flavors.
00:42:45Or, I don't know, I guess it used to do that.
00:42:49It's a song.
00:42:52A duet. I dream of new flavors. Iris waiting to be sung.
00:42:57I think you're going to need the whole Venturino then, if that's the case.
00:43:01It would be my trip around the world.
00:43:04Here for a restless soul, perhaps?
00:43:07Whose path is already laid out.
00:43:15Is it time?
00:43:16To bring your flavors to life?
00:43:18No, our flavors.
00:43:21Our flavors.
00:43:23There you are.
00:43:24Ciao, Nico. This is my friend, Dunia.
00:43:28She came by just in time to try our new dragon fruit lemon flavor.
00:43:44I prefer strawberry.
00:43:49Go to the Venturino. I'm coming.
00:43:54Why is it like it?
00:43:57My father says, never let success go to your head.
00:44:00Never let failure go to your heart.
00:44:03Tomorrow we try again.
00:44:31Here it is.
00:44:33The beauty in the dark.
00:44:38A love for life is coming back to me.
00:44:41But the love that moves the sun, the moon, and the stars,
00:44:46that was not what I was looking for.
00:44:49Not then.
00:44:51Not until I found...
00:45:04Thank you for bringing the firewood, Bruno.
00:45:06Thank you.
00:45:12Something smells delicious.
00:45:14Oh, well that would be my lasagna.
00:45:16Wow. It looks tasty.
00:45:21Anything else you need?
00:45:22Uh, yes. Yes. Could you look at the sink?
00:45:27Something wrong with the sink?
00:45:29Yes. It's been dripping a lot.
00:45:33Uh, would you mind?
00:45:36Okay, thank you.
00:45:40Doesn't seem to be doing it now.
00:45:42You know, it's gonna start all up again as soon as you leave.
00:45:46Could you just double check?
00:45:48Yeah, double check down there.
00:45:50Thank you.
00:45:53Sorry I'm late. I got tied up and...
00:45:59Bruno, I didn't realize you were coming.
00:46:02Buongiorno, Elida.
00:46:06Uh, Bruno.
00:46:08Um, Elida has been telling me how much she loved your work with the doorframe.
00:46:13Haven't you, Elida?
00:46:15It was nothing.
00:46:17No, it's the work of a master.
00:46:19Yeah, I think attention to detail is important.
00:46:22Me too.
00:46:24I think that lunch is gonna get cold.
00:46:28You know, I made enough to feed an army, so you two should sit. Enjoy.
00:46:33I couldn't impose.
00:46:34No, no imposition. Truly.
00:46:37Okay then.
00:46:40Thank you.
00:46:46All right, well, I guess I will be leaving you.
00:46:50You're not eating with us?
00:46:52No, I'm so sorry. I had to eat already. I'm eating with Giancarlo.
00:46:56I wouldn't want to get in the way of that.
00:47:10Truth, Papa, why didn't you name me Aldo?
00:47:13Uh, you know why.
00:47:15Your mother and I are more creative than my sisters.
00:47:20That's right.
00:47:21Buongiorno, Aldo.
00:47:23Buongiorno, Daniela.
00:47:25Uh, posso avere un cappuccino e un cornetto?
00:47:30Buongiorno, Aldo.
00:47:32Buongiorno, Daniela.
00:47:34Uh, posso avere un cappuccino e un cornetto?
00:47:38Daniela, your Italian has improved so much.
00:47:43Okay, one croissant and cappuccino right away.
00:47:47You're a good teacher.
00:47:51I need to get started.
00:47:54Oh, do you have ricotta cheese? I had an idea.
00:47:59Come with me.
00:48:00Alright, smell it. Ricotta, honey, and mint.
00:48:13It's sweet, like a cannoli. But the mint adds a burst of unexpected flavor.
00:48:19Try it, tell me what you think.
00:48:21Well, the taste is very good, but it's missing something.
00:48:31You're right.
00:48:39You know what? Let's take a break. What are you thinking for today? I feel like I distracted you.
00:48:48Maybe, but in a good way. This has all been way more fun than I expected, and more necessary than I realized.
00:49:02That makes me happy. So, where to?
00:49:18Oh, excuse me, we're looking for a Signor Chiellini.
00:49:23Ah, luck smiles on you today. Mario Chiellini, head to toe. Let me guess, you want to do either a wine or olive oil tasting.
00:49:32I know it's last minute, but olive oil, per favore.
00:49:35Of course, I can't say no to a young couple in love. Let's head inside, shall we?
00:49:43So, we're a couple now.
00:49:46Then we better get in there.
00:50:00Okay, so a harmonious balance between fruitiness, bitterness, and pungency is what Mario said we're looking for.
00:50:14Are you good at everything you do?
00:50:17No, I wish. I mean, I can't even seem to make my restaurant a success.
00:50:22But you are willing to change and try new things. That's just as important.
00:50:27Is it?
00:50:29For me, yes. Failure just gives you another opportunity.
00:50:38You know, we're having a party on Friday, starting at noon.
00:50:42No, I didn't. What's the occasion?
00:50:45The occasion? This is Italy. We don't need a reason to throw a party.
00:50:50Especially in summer.
00:50:51Well, it sounds amazing, but mid-flight leaves...
00:50:54No, no, no. We're not talking about any departures. Just the here and now.
00:50:59Well, it wouldn't be till the evening, so...
00:51:03Yeah, I'd love that.
00:51:07Because it wouldn't be the same without you.
00:51:12Especially now that we're a couple.
00:51:16I'm trying. How could I forget that?
00:51:19So, is it fancy?
00:51:22We take any chance we can get to dress up.
00:51:26Oh, looks like I'll need to find a dress.
00:51:29Please. You'll be beautiful in whatever you wear.
00:51:38Ah, my lovebirds!
00:51:41I wanted to give you one of my favorite bottles of olive oil.
00:51:45It's one of my favorite olives, with a hint of hazelnut.
00:51:49Hmm. I think I just figured out what our missing ingredient might be.
00:52:19I don't know what I was thinking.
00:52:34Get a dress? Why would I even say that?
00:52:37Because you like him.
00:52:39Is that a bad thing?
00:52:41Yes, it is, because he lives here and I live really far away.
00:52:46Don't focus so much on the small details.
00:52:48Yeah, like the Atlantic Ocean?
00:52:50Okay, water is fluid. Your heart, not so much.
00:52:54Trust me, it feels good to listen to it every once in a while.
00:52:58I did.
00:52:59Are you talking about Bruno?
00:53:02So, you're really going on an official date, finally?
00:53:08I'm so happy for you.
00:53:10Both of you. And Bruno is a great guy. He is.
00:53:13They both are.
00:53:14Now, let's see if we can find you a dress.
00:53:17I have one that is way more you than me.
00:53:20Come on.
00:53:47It's ready.
00:54:09Okay, hopefully the hazelnuts gave it that nutty undertone.
00:54:17Wait. It's best to let it rest.
00:54:27Okay, it's rested long enough.
00:54:43It's delicious.
00:54:44It's delicious.
00:54:49But will the customers like it? Will they go?
00:54:53Win or lose.
00:54:57Win or lose?
00:54:59It's something that my sister and I have said to each other since we were kids.
00:55:02It just, it means succeed or fail.
00:55:06But be there for each other.
00:55:08Win or lose.
00:55:09To our new flavor.
00:55:12Honey cannoli with hazelnuts in it.
00:55:15Maybe it needs a better name first.
00:55:21Oh, what about Mussolino song?
00:55:26That feels random.
00:55:28Okay, well, it's from this book that I'm reading.
00:55:31It's set here in Ostia.
00:55:34In honor of this Italian gentleman who made this young American girl's trip to Italy very special.
00:55:44Oh, Mussolino song?
00:55:48Mussolino song it is.
00:55:52Oh, yeah, hey, I need to get to the tailor.
00:55:55I already went this morning, but apparently opening at nine really means nine-ish.
00:55:59The tailor?
00:56:01I got a gown for the party.
00:56:03I look forward to seeing it.
00:56:17Mussolino song.
00:56:29Hope you're getting the inspiration you were looking for.
00:56:30You know what?
00:56:31I think I am.
00:56:32Feel the wheels turning.
00:56:34That's good.
00:56:35That's great.
00:56:37Because I have news.
00:56:38That sounds ominous.
00:56:40I am really sorry.
00:56:42But the timeline, it's changed.
00:56:45I have to make a decision on my investments by the end of the week.
00:56:48By the end of this week?
00:56:51But I still want to hear your ideas.
00:56:53I know it's only two days away, but I'm pulling for you, Danielle.
00:57:15Ciao, Bruno.
00:57:18Chocolate, please.
00:57:22How about trying something new?
00:57:26New kind of chocolate?
00:57:29Come on.
00:57:30Try a new flavor.
00:57:31I call it Mussolino song.
00:57:34I think I'll just have chocolate.
00:57:39I'll try it.
00:57:58Oh, no.
00:57:59I like it.
00:58:01Maybe a small taste.
00:58:03Right away.
00:58:07When are you buying?
00:58:18But who's that?
00:58:26They love it.
00:58:27They love it.
00:58:29It's great.
00:58:30I scoop and scoop until I hit the bottom.
00:58:33And still, they ask for more.
00:58:35We need more hazelnuts.
00:58:36A whole grove of hazelnut trees.
00:58:40Is everything okay?
00:58:44I'm really happy for you.
00:58:46Happy for us?
00:58:48I couldn't have done this without you.
00:58:50This calls for celebration.
00:58:54My treat.
00:58:55You know what?
00:58:56I think I'm going to have to stay in tonight.
00:58:58Work call that I have got pushed up, so I need to prepare for it.
00:59:02Anything I can do to help?
00:59:05No, no.
00:59:06It's okay.
00:59:07I just wanted to see how everything was going.
00:59:11But I should probably go.
00:59:34I watched the Antiquians.
00:59:47Joyous, cheerful, in their own world, while wondering, can there be a future for me here?
01:00:02You have shown me a whole new way of being alive.
01:00:04And finding whatever I decided, my life will change forever.
01:00:10Hey, careful that face.
01:00:13We'll eat you.
01:00:16Danielle, she seems so distant.
01:00:21Hey, don't worry.
01:00:23Men can better understand women than we can the weather.
01:00:29That's strange.
01:00:30It wasn't supposed to rain.
01:00:31You see?
01:01:40Elida told me where you were.
01:01:48I was just coming to find you.
01:01:50Why, I'm fine.
01:01:52Danielle, have I done something wrong?
01:01:56No, no, it's me.
01:01:59I came to Italy for inspiration, and it just...
01:02:03just hasn't come like I'd hoped.
01:02:07Now I have nothing to show.
01:02:09Is this about your con?
01:02:14I now have one day to come up with an entire new menu.
01:02:20It doesn't seem possible.
01:02:25Hop on.
01:02:26I'll get a bike later.
01:02:27It's okay.
01:02:28I'm okay, really.
01:02:29Danielle, it's a journey for all of us.
01:02:32No one needs to be alone in it.
01:02:35For we don't have to be.
01:02:40Can't see it.
01:02:41I want to show you something.
01:02:43If you have the time.
01:02:46I mean, at this point, why not?
01:02:55I've never shown anyone this.
01:02:58Here, I can go anywhere in the world.
01:03:02With a click, I can be at Niagara Falls, the Galapagos Islands,
01:03:09even Martha's Vineyard.
01:03:11And all without leaving Ostia Antica.
01:03:15It's beautiful.
01:03:22I thought I'd go further than wrong at some point.
01:03:26But my mother passed away.
01:03:29So I decided to stay, help my father, and carry on her legacy.
01:03:36The picture of the woman in the cafe, is that your mom?
01:03:41She taught me everything I know about making gelato,
01:03:44like her parents and grandparents did.
01:03:49I'm only mentioning this because we can plan all we want,
01:03:54but life tends to cut it away.
01:03:59That's not always a bad thing.
01:04:04It's always building the dark.
01:04:23You think they'll let me bring this on the plane?
01:04:26Long as it's less than three ounces.
01:04:29Well, I guess we just have to finish it all by tomorrow then.
01:04:33Or longer.
01:04:36What if you stayed in Italy?
01:04:38You mentioned once.
01:04:40You can open your restaurant here.
01:04:43You want me to move to Italy?
01:04:45If not move, stay another month.
01:04:50Even a week more.
01:04:54I wish I could. I do.
01:04:58But if I don't go back and fight for it,
01:05:00it'll be just like you said, it'll be like me giving up on a part of myself, you know?
01:05:06And yeah, I may only have one day to come up with the entire new menu, but...
01:05:13Shankar, I gotta at least try.
01:05:17Of course. You're right.
01:05:21I was being selfish.
01:05:27Don't train too bright to give up on your dreams, Tania.
01:05:32I wish you all the luck.
01:05:37You too.
01:05:52Your new flavor is a success.
01:05:55I hope Masolino enjoys his place under the vetrina.
01:05:59Maybe we can add some more flavors as well.
01:06:02One flavor to start, Giancarlo.
01:06:05The wheels of time turn slowly.
01:06:08Or not at all.
01:06:10Not everyone wants to live in this bubble.
01:06:13Or at your pace all the time.
01:06:19Not when there's so much more out there.
01:06:28Buongiorno, Aldo.
01:06:29Oh, la rana!
01:06:34Hey, what a cloudy face on such a sunny day.
01:06:38Just a thought on my mind, that's all.
01:06:41Life one advice.
01:06:43If money can fix it, no problem.
01:06:46If money can't fix it, just drink more coffee.
01:06:51Or eat a gelato.
01:06:55Well, you should try Giancarlo and Daniel's new flavor.
01:07:01It's called Masolino Song.
01:07:04You named it after me?
01:07:07Masolino Song?
01:07:09I just got it from a book.
01:07:14Oh, you named it after my father.
01:07:20The Steps of Ostia Antica, no?
01:07:24My mother wrote that book about coming here and meeting my father.
01:07:28I named after him.
01:07:31She started writing the book right here, at this very table.
01:07:38She loved this place.
01:07:40She was so inspired by watching people coming here, looking for food, conversation, comfort.
01:07:51This place was just more than a restaurant to them.
01:07:56It was a community.
01:08:05Let me tell you why you aren't named Aldo.
01:08:09From the moment you were born, your mother said our son was special.
01:08:15She asked me not to name you Aldo because to be an Aldo wasn't your destiny.
01:08:21She knew your roots grew shallow here, in Ostia Antica.
01:08:27I'm sorry.
01:08:29I wasn't strong enough that you thought you had to stay for me.
01:08:34We must be one with our hearts, Giancarlo.
01:08:40I've been watching the two of you.
01:08:43You remind me of your mother and I.
01:08:48And it makes me remember what she said about you.
01:08:53I can see now that your desire to make gelato is because of the dreams in your heart of something more.
01:09:04My heart is here.
01:09:07In Ostia Antica, this cafe.
01:09:10But your heart will be on a plane tomorrow.
01:09:24Thank you.
01:09:54Hey, Danielle.
01:10:06You know I feel terrible about pulling you in like this on your last day in Italy.
01:10:10Well, the containers wait for no one.
01:10:12I have a contract on my desk and a shaky pen.
01:10:16Let me hear the fireworks.
01:10:18There aren't any.
01:10:21I don't get it.
01:10:23Look, I was so concerned with getting it wrong that I forgot to stay true to what felt right.
01:10:31I mean, it isn't about me or the recipes.
01:10:37It's about people.
01:10:41What makes them happy.
01:10:44Go on.
01:11:08You look lovely.
01:11:10Thank you.
01:11:12Sorry I'm late.
01:11:14How did it go?
01:11:16Giancarlo, is it time to play now?
01:11:21We can talk later.
01:11:22Scusi, signorina.
01:11:25Come on.
01:11:27Babini, gather around.
01:11:29Come here.
01:11:31Come, come.
01:11:33Fix your eyes, little ones, on the color field.
01:11:38Three, two, one.
01:11:40And it's ready.
01:11:46Who's ready for strega comando color?
01:11:49Me, me, me.
01:11:52The witch will say a color and you must touch that color before the witch catches you.
01:11:58Beware, Babini, for the witch is me.
01:12:10Deja, deja, deja.
01:12:16Okay, wait.
01:12:17What are we doing?
01:12:18I think.
01:12:26You've been captured by the witch, signorina.
01:12:29What happens now?
01:12:31I don't know.
01:12:32I've never caught anyone before.
01:12:36You're free now.
01:12:39Torquese giallo.
01:12:44We are thinking of renovating the cottage together.
01:12:47Elida is so creative.
01:12:49And Bruno is so good at fixing things.
01:12:51We can make a pretty good pair.
01:12:53I think so, too.
01:12:56I'm going to miss you guys.
01:12:58Me, too.
01:12:59Come here.
01:13:04Sorry if I interrupt.
01:13:05I've got to get the van.
01:13:07We'll need to be leaving soon.
01:13:10Before you do, I believe someone has been waiting patiently to speak with you.
01:13:28So I talked to Owen.
01:13:32He likes my new direction.
01:13:34A more personal one.
01:13:37Like a diner?
01:13:38Maybe more like a cafe.
01:13:41Where you really get to know your customers.
01:13:44You know, you and Aldous gave me all the inspiration that I really needed.
01:13:50She'd be up for you, too.
01:13:55I'd love for you to come visit me.
01:13:58I hope.
01:14:01One day.
01:14:08Una furtiva lagrima.
01:14:13What's he saying?
01:14:18What more searching need I do?
01:14:22For an instant, I felt the beating of her heart as if my size were hers and her size were mine.
01:14:39Can't wait to see you in the magazines when your restaurant will be a success.
01:14:45I'll project them on my walls.
01:14:47It will be as if I was there.
01:14:51We can always visit.
01:14:54I'll get it issued again.
01:15:18I figured out what was missing.
01:15:20Some of them, yes.
01:15:22But now I know what's missing from me.
01:15:26It's you.
01:15:29Come back to America with me.
01:15:32It can be our specialty.
01:15:33We can make Giancarlo's gelato.
01:15:35Just forget making one flavor.
01:15:37We can make all the flavors.
01:15:42You know you said that no one ever leaves Ostiantica and you won't.
01:15:46So always be right here.
01:15:49You can't always wait.
01:15:51Sometimes you just have to go for it.
01:15:54Looking at pictures of jungles, mountains, islands, I thought maybe I'd find a place that felt like where I was meant to be.
01:16:11But now I can stop looking because where I'm meant to be is with you.
01:16:20Good thing you got that passport.
01:16:40Took me hours.
01:16:52Took you an hour.
01:17:01Hey guys, let's draw this picture with me.
01:17:04I'll draw a green tree first.

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