Actors Sadie Sink and Eric Bana talk to The Inside Reel about perspective, motivation and approach in regards to their new film: "A Sacrifice" from Vertical Entertainment.
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00:11Can feel your pain
00:16Then it's me she didn't come almost I can feel your pain, you're very special
00:26Take a look at this
00:28I've got a leak purified and started in nothing kidnapped. There's no idea how to reconnect with your daughter
00:36Purified and started in
00:40Where is she?
00:45You know with this kind of film or this kind of story
00:49It's about those subtleties of the behavior that you bring to each character and that sort of motivates. I think the story forward
00:57Psychologically, where did you both have to be both together and apart to make sort of that energy of it work?
01:03Obviously, there's a plot orientation you have to move on. But could you both talk about that?
01:10I love the the the kind of the the basic building blocks of the story
01:17But my character are very kind of professional and private, you know on the professional level, you know
01:22Ben is in his sweet spot as a social psychologist and an academic
01:26But on the other side, he's just a father a father who is, you know, really excited about spending time with his daughter
01:34He has a broken marriage and and Mazzy's come
01:37come to Germany to spend some time with him and so it's really this the kind of mixture of like personal and private professional and and
01:44And and father and so that was really fun rather than just kind of like being in one one world only like feeling like you were
01:51Having to move between the two and then our storyline kind of really blends that obviously
01:55So yeah, that was um, I love the building blocks of that
01:59Yeah, I think it's a similar kind of double life situation for Mazzy as well a little bit
02:05More subtle in her case, but I think as a teenager
02:10You're kind of constantly living living a little bit of a double life
02:13You have the life that you maybe present to your parents and your role as a daughter
02:17And then you're also kind of finding your own identity outside of that
02:25every teenager will go through that in one way or another and in Mazzy's case it ends up being in a
02:31Yeah, less than ideal situation, but it was fun to kind of come together and have those scenes and feel
02:37like the family unit between them and then also go off and
02:43Have her be a little bit more rebellious and experimental and definitely something that I think a lot of teenagers can
02:51relate to in that space
02:57Who was that woman at Elsa's the other night? Nina?
03:02They're just someone from work
03:07And you would tell me if you're like dating anyone or
03:12Something like that, right?
03:15If I met someone and it was serious. Yeah, I'd let you know
03:18Do you think you and mom would ever get back together? I'll always love your mom, you know that
03:28You're shaped by our intentions we create what we think
03:40But if there's such an inherent intelligence in her and yet, you know
03:43But if there's such an inherent intelligence in her and yet, you know
03:47She has to be go with her instincts and you know at that age instinct sometimes don't lead the right way
03:53So it's about finding those mistakes and finding that behavior
03:57Is there certain things that you I mean because the humor even the way you and Eric sort of you know
04:02Bali back and forth it really shows that she understands what he's doing even though sometimes she can't apply it
04:09Further than the story. Can you talk about finding that sort of balance of energy?
04:13totally totally I think
04:15For her. There's just this
04:18There's this slight desperation to create something for herself and herself alone
04:23I think with the tumultuous relationship between her parents. There's a lot of noise surrounding her
04:30That maybe I think she felt like she got lost in a little bit
04:34And felt that maybe she was kind of to blame for a lot of the issues and within her family
04:40so I
04:42Think creating something for herself outside of that and finding her own
04:46Interests was a huge priority for her and she is smart. She's incredibly intelligent incredibly quick
04:53but also a
04:56Little bit blinded and naive in some ways that are kind of get
05:02That this cult and this situation that she finds herself and feeds off of that
05:07Vulnerability that she has and that one-week spot
05:10Which is just kind of meeting a boy that she likes and feeling like she's a part of something bigger
05:15and I think that'll also speaks to my generation to
05:19Wanting to do something for the greater good and feel like we're a part of something
05:23And in this case, it just doesn't happen to be
05:28for the better
05:31Do you trust me
05:32Just go easy with the red pen, please pressure to deliver is crippling
05:38I'm excited to read it
05:40the power of group think
05:44You know, I always thought it was something mystical about the idea of mass consciousness or absolutely terrifying I
05:54Think there really is such a thing as a group soul
05:59Seen how a group gains the consciousness of an individual. It's extraordinary almost telepathic
06:06Everything you do is for others
06:09The individual is swallowed by this huge creature and whatever the creature does you're swept along with it
06:17You know, you should probably write that down
06:22Take it
06:24It's yours
06:25the aspect and the
06:28Idea of mass consciousness that sort of idea that comes into play here
06:32You know, can you talk about that because it's interesting seeing his flaws because he can see the umbrella view
06:39But then when you bring it down to a macro it is about primal. It is about survival
06:44You know, whether it be in his relationship or the saving of his daughter
06:48Can you talk about sort of that push and pull the primal versus the intellect?
06:53Because sometimes we try to think we're too smart sometimes for our own good and nature will get back
06:59100% and I love the fact that they both share that that similar journey in the sense that they are they are both
07:07individuals who
07:08Who are craving something, you know, and so Mazzi ends up going down this road because of the her natural
07:16Cravings towards another human and it's the same for Ben, you know with with Sylvia's character
07:21It's like well, he's he's lonely, you know, and like he's this intelligent academic
07:26but at the same time it's like at the drama is is is is created by both characters kind of yearning for
07:36And and so I think that's a really was an interesting kind of inherent
07:40Structure in the story and the way Jordan had crafted it, which was which was really really cool actually
07:45but essentially, you know, they they both want to be loved in their own in their own ways and then
07:51You know you had that
07:52Father-daughter dynamic as well, which which I think was written really real and and beautifully by Jordan that there's like there's tension there
07:59But there's like real love there as well and excitement that they're together in this kind of fractured family dynamic
08:05So that all really helped play into it
08:12Hey, who's the midlife crisis bait?
08:14What you know, yeah, she's just some night from work said every husband to his gaslit wife ever
08:23This level of paranoia is not healthy. Okay. Yeah, you're right besides it's good for the goose
08:33Shut the fuck up MC. Oh
08:37He's hot. Mm-hmm. I met him on the way back from the airport that soon. Mm-hmm. Has he messaged? Yes
08:43Look twice says he wants to meet up
08:48Well the notion of family and how that works
08:51I mean, you know interesting you both have played found family and real family in some of your roles
08:58And could you talk about what the notion of family means? It's the in terms of this dynamic
09:03It's it's changed society makes it different
09:06But it's all about what you believe which is an interesting concept here wouldn't in the terms of belief
09:12Can you talk about the notion of family and what that means you think in the modern societal?
09:17Context because that comes in very specifically about found versus real in this movie
09:23Mm-hmm. I
09:25It's totally case-by-case and so specific for everyone. I think for this one
09:34it is
09:36For Mazzi, at least I think it seems like found family is the only option that she has given everything she's gone through in her
09:43own and
09:44I think she's a little bit hopeless in that space where
09:48She doesn't feel understood. You know, it's it's just her and her parents and her parents don't have each other anymore
09:56So it would make sense that the only thing she has to turn to is just her found family
10:00But also what you can see in family as well and what that means is coming apart
10:05But coming back together and going through this many different phases. So I think this that explores just
10:10you know how we change and the phases that we go through in our relationships and how we come back to each other in the
10:17end and kind of
10:18How we can ease that loneliness that both these characters both had and just didn't know that
10:23They really needed each other at the end of the day
10:27Martin's told me so many great things about you
10:29I'm messy. You're so happy to welcome you here. I see you I can feel your pain
10:37Something wrong my dad. You lied to me
10:40Tangle yourself from your parents
10:42The sooner you stop relying on them, the more powerful you will be
10:47purify and start again