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#humtv #KhushboMeinBasayKhat2ndlastEp31 #pakistanidrama

Khushbo Mein Basay Khat - 2nd Last Ep 31 [] - 2nd July [ Sparx Smartphones, Master Paints ] HUM TV

“Khushbo Mein Basay Khat” unfolds as a tapestry of emotions, poetry, and betrayal, thornily weaving the destinies of its characters in a tale of inevitable entanglement. The drama delves into the complexities of human relationships, with a charismatic poet, played by Adnan Siddiqui, whose coquettish nature becomes a turmoil. His character’s approach to life introduces a layer of casualness, juxtaposed against the continuous struggle of his wife, portrayed by Nadia Jamil, a dedicated heart surgeon grappling with the challenges posed by life.

Writer:Amna Mufti
Director:Mohammad Saqib Khan
Producer:Momina Duraid Productions

Kinza Hashmi
Sidra Niazi
Adnan Siddiqui
Nadia Jamil
Ali Hassan
Faiza Gilani
Nazlin Mirza
Saleem Mairaj
Rashid Farooqui
Vania Ahmed
Zainab Qayyum
Shahnawaz Zaidi


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00:00This is the story of a student and a teacher who took a strict notice against the accused.
00:22If you say, I will call 10 poets from 10,000 Rupees for your wedding.
00:27You are accepting their words so that you can be separated from Ahmed Zaryab?
00:32And after that?
00:33After that, everything will be over.
00:38Why are you worrying so much, you old man?
00:46I want you to listen to me carefully.
00:49Thank God that your situation has become worse.
00:53Now you have to be smart and beware of further insults.
01:01Your aunt, she beat you so badly, didn't you understand why?
01:08She wants your proposal for Farid, right?
01:12May God bless this beauty.
01:15Now you will have to endure everything that I have endured.
01:20It is worse for you because you were so close to your destination.
01:27Mom, why are you worried?
01:32How can I not be worried?
01:34You are my daughter.
01:36I had seen beautiful dreams for you.
01:40And all those dreams broke because of that girl.
01:46Do you think your aunt is very nice?
01:49She is a very clever woman.
01:51She knows very well that after marriage, Farid will get all the business of your dad.
01:57And does she even know about you?
02:00That you are such a good girl.
02:02You will keep everyone happy.
02:04But that Farid…
02:06He is just like your father.
02:10He is just like your uncle.
02:14Okay, mom. Listen to me.
02:18Now you have to listen to me, Jahar.
02:20And you have to do what I am telling you to do.
02:23Tomorrow your aunt will come and ask for your proposal and we will say yes.
02:29We will get you married on the date of the wedding.
02:33But after your wedding, let Farid get stuck in the business.
02:40You have to start poetry again.
02:44And make that Hosna enjoy.
02:46Mom, listen to me.
02:48I have heard enough of you.
02:51Now you have to do what I am telling you to do.
02:55I will take care of Hosna.
03:30Yes, sister Jahana.
03:31I am Parvez speaking.
03:33I want to talk to you.
03:34Can we meet?
03:39He even puts bad spinach in the middle.
03:42He has become a thief in this country.
03:46Oh God.
03:49He has become a thief in this country.
03:52He has become a thief in this country.
03:54Oh God.
04:00Oh God.
04:01I would have asked for something else.
04:03You would have given me that.
04:05I am making spinach.
04:06Get me some garlic quickly.
04:08If you need anything else, let me know.
04:10I am going out for some work.
04:12What work?
04:14Where are you going?
04:17I am changing the map of the house.
04:25You just got the map made.
04:28How did you change it so soon?
04:31I thought about what you said.
04:35You were right.
04:38You have a job and a career.
04:42But you know where the kitchen should be in the house.
04:50The truth is that I don't even know how to boil an egg.
04:55But I had decided a long time ago that I will not get married.
05:03I don't understand you and Husna.
05:06What kind of attitude is this?
05:10I think the way Husna is,
05:13if she feels that it is not in her interest to live with me,
05:18then she will leave me too.
05:21I am dead.
05:24Parvez, what are you saying?
05:29I am not doing anything, aunt.
05:31I am just getting the map of my house made.
05:38I am not a thief.
05:40I am an ordinary, ordinary, simple person.
05:45I have earned this money with a lot of hard work.
05:47In future,
05:50if Husna leaves me and goes anywhere,
05:54then what will I do with this strange house that I am making according to her temperament?
05:59Neither will I be able to sell it,
06:02nor will anyone take it on rent.
06:06A house is made only once, aunt.
06:09Only once.
06:11I think I should make my house the way I have made it.
06:14I think I should make my house the way I have made it.
06:24You don't let Husna live his life according to him.
06:30I will always support him.
06:35As a friend.
06:44But I cannot marry him.
07:14But I cannot marry him.
07:36You are like my sister and Husna's friend.
07:40What I have to say to Husna, neither can I say it, nor can aunt say it.
07:45Parvez, I also came to meet you because I wanted to convey a message to Husna.
07:52There is something that I cannot do myself.
07:55And I want you to tell him.
07:57What is it?
08:01Husna had made her relationship with Ahmed Zaryaw viral on social media.
08:08Maybe you don't know about this.
08:11I know, uncle told me.
08:13Now after her arrest, she wants to break all ties with him.
08:18And she wants to tell people that it's not her fault.
08:23She also wants to create a controversy.
08:26I know, nowadays she is doing all this.
08:30In this regard, she made my and Ahmed Zaryaw's picture viral.
08:34There was so much drama in my family.
08:38This is wrong.
08:40But my aunt handled everything.
08:43And I am getting married to my cousin after a week.
08:48She has a shop, pool palace, and a bridge.
08:53You were a poet.
08:56Husna's friend.
08:59You were with her.
09:04Mr. Pravesh, I have come to tell you this.
09:09Husna is not anyone's friend, nor can she be anyone's friend.
09:15She doesn't love anyone, nor can she love anyone.
09:20She only loves herself and that's it.
09:27My mom also told me to end all kinds of relations with her.
09:35And that's why I have come to you to tell her this.
09:41You can't say it yourself.
09:45Can you say what you were going to say to me?
09:51No, right?
09:53There are some things that a person can't even say.
09:58You are right.
09:59You are right.
10:02But what I had to say, I can't even say that because you won't talk to me.
10:08What is the matter?
10:10The same thing that you are saying.
10:16I kept loving Husna.
10:19I kept listening to everything she said.
10:21I stood with her.
10:23Whatever she said, I thought it was the truth.
10:25And if I ever felt that it was not true, then I made myself believe that it was the truth.
10:30You are right.
10:32I had seen everything with my own eyes.
10:36Whatever happened on the engagement, I stood with her even after that and even now.
10:42But what you are doing now is wrong.
10:50In fact, this aunt was married to a man of a great age.
10:54She was married to a man of a great age.
10:56Mr. Chhajoba passed away while studying.
10:59She couldn't get married.
11:01And that panty, that poor girl died.
11:04And now you, you are getting married all of a sudden.
11:09This is all that shouldn't have happened, right?
11:13And apart from this, I see women being tortured every day.
11:17And this Husna,
11:19despite being a woman, she went to ruin Madam Adeela's house.
11:23In fact, she made her worse.
11:26And what did she do to you now?
11:30She herself told me that she is doing all this because this is the age of these things.
11:37What is it, Husna?
11:43I loved a girl who was true, strong and determined.
11:49I loved that girl.
11:52She is not her.
11:55She is someone else.
12:00And if possible, then you tell her
12:05that I will not marry her anymore.
12:09I loved that Husna, not this Husna.
12:19I love this Husna.
12:50Mr. Ramesh, it won't make a difference to her.
12:54She was just using you.
12:58I was not sad that she used me.
13:08I don't have a mother.
13:11In fact, this aunt loved her sons a lot.
13:15Uncle also considered her his child.
13:19I know what happens in the society with women.
13:24I know everything.
13:27I know how a woman makes her home.
13:32What all she has to do to make her home.
13:40But this Husna,
13:43Husna Hussain Husni,
13:50she is not her.
13:55You are right, Mr. Parvez.
13:58But what has been happening with women in this society
14:05or what is happening,
14:07women like Husna do such wrong things,
14:11and that too only for survival.
14:14I have also done wrong things.
14:16And I will suffer,
14:18like Ahmed Zaryab is suffering.
14:21Husna will also suffer.
14:24Whether it is a man or a woman who does wrong,
14:27he can never escape the consequences.
14:35You are right.
14:41My heart is very sad.
14:43My heart is very sad.
14:49But I have decided.
14:53Brother Parvez,
14:55you be happy.
14:58I will also miss Husna a lot.
15:04But maybe Husna will never remember us.
15:06We were like used tissue papers for him.
15:25How many more days will this controversy go on?
15:28I am going out of the country.
15:30I will settle down soon.
15:32I will settle down soon.
15:35The desire to come to conferences and poetry conferences across the sea,
15:40you will die in your heart.
15:43And now I will tell the whole world
15:47that you did not write yourself.
15:50Neither you nor your gang.
15:53I have understood you very well.
15:56You are a part of this group.
15:58You did what you had to do.
16:00Now save yourself from me.
16:03I am not Ahmed Zariyab
16:06who will go to jail because of women.
16:10Very soon you will know what I can do.
16:20You will get the fencing report by today evening.
16:23The whole situation will be clear
16:26and you will be released from this case.
16:29I knew it.
16:31My lawyers' contacts never…
16:34If he hadn't done anything,
16:36I would have been released, Adeela.
16:38Maybe you wouldn't have been.
16:40Civil society and social media are against you.
16:45They are not against me.
16:48They are against Penny's murderer and that is not me.
16:54I will tell him.
16:56You will see.
16:58How heartless and arrogant you are, Ahmed Zariyab.
17:05Your mother came there.
17:13She was saying that I should divorce you.
17:19Mom did not accept this relationship because of your defamation.
17:23Maybe that is why she came.
17:26Adeela, you are my wife.
17:29If you are taking part in my fame,
17:32you should support me in my defamation as well.
17:36Why are you running away?
17:38I am not running away.
17:40Okay, if you are not running away,
17:42then do one thing.
17:44Never meet your mother again.
17:47And don't let her come home.
17:49She is jealous of us.
17:56It is very possible that they will release you today.
18:01Keep the kids away from that woman.
18:26I knew this would happen.
18:30When you knew it,
18:32then why are you crying now?
18:35I feel like crying.
18:38I had so many dreams.
18:40There will be a tent in the lane.
18:42Cows will graze and
18:49What happened? Is someone dead?
18:52No one has died yet.
18:53But I have an idea that
18:57Dervaiz will not marry you.
18:59She has no idea.
19:01She said it clearly.
19:03I don't know who has spoiled her mind.
19:06Who will spoil her mind?
19:11What she wanted happened.
19:26First you brought her to this state.
19:29Now she will beg the society.
19:32Where are you?
19:34Come back home right now.
19:37Yes, I want to talk to you.
19:40I will tell you when you come.
19:42Come back right now.
19:54Don't you have mercy on us?
19:58Did you have mercy on him?
20:00On a child without a mother.
20:02The whole girl of your fault
20:05wanted to stick her head.
20:07It's all brother Hussain's fault.
20:10First he married such a small girl of his age.
20:13And after that he spoiled that Usna a lot.
20:17He always considered that boy as a stranger.
20:20He only considered his daughter as his daughter.
20:23We got the punishment.
20:25Now you are happy.
20:27I am not happy on such small things.
20:36I will be happy when
21:15Where did you go?
21:17Where did you go?
21:20I went to meet brother Parvez.
21:22I wanted to talk about Usna.
21:27You are going to get married in Dadyal.
21:30So much has happened.
21:32And why didn't you leave that unlucky Usna's life?
21:35Mother, brother Parvez is not marrying Usna.
21:44Mother, brother Parvez is a very simple person.
21:48But simplicity doesn't mean that
21:51he is a fool.
21:53And Ahmed Zaryab
21:56kept fooling us
21:58because we kept fooling him.
22:00And Usna also kept thinking the same.
22:03But brother Parvez
22:05is not madam Adeela.
22:07You can get rid of all of them.
22:10Please Jahara.
22:12Now end this matter.
22:14Your aunt is talking to your dad.
22:17She was talking to him earlier too.
22:19I don't know what she is telling him.
22:21She is saying that
22:23you might have gone to meet that fraud.
22:27I am not that stupid, mother.
22:30You are.
22:32Because you are my daughter.
22:34I am also that stupid.
22:36I sent her flowers in my stupidity.
22:40You are also my daughter.
22:45I am proud that I am your daughter.
22:48everyone makes mistakes.
22:55You are also a human being.
23:00When you talk like this,
23:05I feel that one day
23:07you will become a true poet.
23:16Congratulations Mr. Zaryab.
23:18We didn't find any evidence
23:20of you being involved in this murder
23:22in the UJIO fencing
23:24or the forensic report.
23:26You are free now.
23:28Your family and your lawyer
23:30are coming in a while.
23:32You will be released after
23:34some important proceedings.
23:36I told you earlier that I am innocent.
23:39Cigarette please.
23:45I told you that
23:46that poor girl
23:48used to steal things.
23:53She was
23:55obsessed with my love.
23:57She was sympathetic in the beginning.
23:59But when
24:02the matter
24:04started getting worse,
24:07she backed off.
24:17And then the same blog.
24:20And then my death
24:22at the time of suicide.
24:25Poor girl.
24:29But it is clear
24:31that this problem has not been solved yet.
24:34Yes, there is one more thing.
24:36You had no involvement in this incident.
24:46So many people
24:49have seen this incident as a dream.
24:53My release will change their minds.
25:05I will get an ashtray.
25:16Please subscribe.
25:28What nonsense are you talking to everyone?
25:31What nonsense?
25:35That you will not marry me.
25:42I have realized that
25:44we are completely different people.
25:46Completely different.
25:48I am not like you, Mustafa.
25:51What nonsense?
25:53Your uncle has slapped you.
25:58I know very well that he is the root of the problem.
26:01I will teach him a lesson right now.
26:07You just picked up your stuff
26:09and walked out of my house.
26:11You are conspiring against me
26:13by staying in my house.
26:14You are conspiring against me.
26:16My government house was allotted to me a long time ago.
26:19Yes, so go and stay in your government house.
26:21What are you doing in my house?
26:23I will go.
26:25But do ask brother Hussain
26:28whose house this was
26:30and who got it for him.
26:32And you,
26:34get out of here.
26:36Get out of here.
26:38This is not an orphanage
26:40where father has kept all the animals.
26:42How dare you refuse me?
26:44Don't talk.
26:46Don't talk.
26:52Drama queen step mother.
26:55This is what you wanted, right?
26:57This is what you wanted.
26:59This is why you used to make sweets for her
27:01so that all this happens.
27:03Now you are satisfied.
27:05Husna, you…
27:07What Husna?
27:09This illiterate.
27:11I would have married her
27:12if she was my daughter.
27:14But you,
27:16you created such an atmosphere in this house
27:18that I had to agree
27:20to marry this illiterate.
27:23What will you spread now?
27:25You will spread that this illiterate has left me.
27:27He doesn't want to marry me.
27:29This is what you will say.
27:31This is what you will say because you are a step mother.
27:33And you,
27:35get out.
27:37The drama is over.
27:39There will be no more drama here.
27:40You, you did it.
28:11You didn't care about what I said yesterday or today.
28:15Do you know how the defamation is spreading?
28:19Ahmed Zaryab's defamation is spreading there.
28:22It will spread like his fame.
28:26Adeela, when will you leave his city?
28:30People are calling me.
28:32Do one thing.
28:34Call me after some time.
28:36I will call you.
28:37People are calling me.
28:39Do one thing. Stay away from such people for some time.
28:41I am your mother.
28:43If it was someone else, I would have been away long back.
28:45Mom, please.
28:47Everything is going to end now.
28:49In a few days or a few hours,
28:51Ahmed Zaryab will be released.
28:53He will be released from jail.
28:55But not with his false ego
28:57and his bad deeds.
28:59Nor with his past.
29:01He will remain the same.
29:03Don't say such things.
29:05Let me do what I am doing.
29:08Mrs. Baig had called.
29:11Everyone considers him to be the murderer of Penny.
29:14Now people can't keep their mouths shut.
29:16Mom, we don't believe in mob justice.
29:18The police is doing their investigation.
29:21Till then, Ahmed Zaryab is not a criminal, but a criminal.
29:24A dishonest citizen.
29:29I wish you get your senses back soon.
29:33You just keep praying.
29:38I will get my senses back.
29:42I am leaving now.
29:44I won't meet the kids because they will ask a lot of questions.
29:46I will come in the evening. Bye.
30:08Ahmed Zaryab has been released.
30:18Come Jahan, everyone is here.
30:23Mom, I can't get engaged.
30:26You are engaged.
30:28Why won't you get engaged?
30:33If I don't get engaged,
30:35if I get married to Fareed, then I have a condition.
30:41What condition?
30:46Mom, I will never make him a fool.
30:49And I will never use him.
30:52And I won't marry him because
30:55he can be my shield in the society.
31:00And I should be labeled as married.
31:04Then why will you do it?
31:08Just because
31:10he didn't doubt me like father.
31:15Even after knowing everything,
31:17neither was father a disgusting person like Ahmed Zaryab, nor was he a fool.
31:24if we keep using good people every time because they are not using us,
31:31then only bad people will remain in the world.
31:35Oh, Jahan.
31:42Mom, I will marry Fareed.
31:45And I will give him the same respect that a good and honest person should get.
31:50Neither will I ever lie to him, nor will I ever do poetry to him.
31:57You will be his slave.
31:59What slave, mom?
32:01Ahmed Zaryab was making us his slaves.
32:05Fareed has shown his true colors.
32:09And father, uncle Shafiq, Fareed, all of them are very good people.
32:19Dear, we will talk about all this at night.
32:23Come on, everyone is waiting.
32:29Ahmed Zaryab has been released.
32:39So nothing.
32:42I have left that group,
32:45where I got this news.
32:48Mom, I don't want to have any relation with these fake people.
32:53I will study first, make myself capable,
32:57and then I will do poetry myself.
33:01And I will fulfill your wish.
33:05But without any support and lies.
33:15If God wills.
33:17Do what you feel is right.
33:20What is in your heart.
33:29Let's go.
33:31Kids, have you kept everything in the car?
33:34We are going home.
33:36You didn't even let us go to school for so many days.
33:39It was necessary, son.
33:41But you were studying at home.
33:43You go to school from tomorrow.
33:45And yes, don't say anything about your father at school.
33:52Your mother will tell.
33:54I know.
33:56All of you are fooling me and Ibrahim.
33:58But no problem.
34:00When we grow up, we will know everything.
34:03I will pray that I grow up soon
34:07and listen to everything between you and mom.
34:10I will also pray the same.
34:12Okay, now quickly keep this too.
34:16Miraj brother.
34:18Yes, sister.
34:20Carrots and pumpkin are done.
34:22You finish the rest of the work.
34:24I am going to get sir.
34:28By the way, can I say something, sister?
34:31You still care for him so much.
34:34You are making his favorite
34:36carrots and pumpkin with your own hands.
34:39And in spite of all these things.
34:43Miraj brother.
34:45These two things are also the favorites of both my children.
34:48You just look at the carrot.
34:52The sound of the children's arrival has come.
34:54Yes, maybe they have left the gate open.
34:56Assalamwalekum mama.
35:02I didn't find it appropriate to send the children with the driver,
35:05so I brought them myself.
35:08I will leave now.
35:14You had gone to Zaria.
35:21So she told you.
35:22She must have also told you not to meet your mother.
35:26You got her released.
35:28You got the children too.
35:30Like always, you came on your own.
35:32Then why are you stopping me?
35:42Now you are under the burden of your decision.
35:44Live on your own.
35:46I am leaving.
35:52I am leaving.
