• last year


00:00I am a great believer in the importance of sartorial expression.
00:28There's nothing wrong with conformity, as long as you know you're conforming.
00:32Whilst I might dress like a sheep, there are various telltale signs that betray to the
00:41esoteric eye that I am in fact a wolf in sheep's clothing.
00:48Do you have an occasion in mind for its unveiling?
00:50I do indeed.
00:51A new suit for a new era.
01:21His spirit is strong, and his flesh will follow the spirit.
01:29It's a comforting thought.
01:35You should take comfort from it.
01:42Now, I wouldn't like to do anything to upset you or your father.
01:51It's a free swing, John.
02:11Nothing is safe. Nothing to pray for. Nothing is safe. Nothing is...
02:15Nothing is...
02:21Sorry to bother you, Grace, but you're expecting company.
02:24Because I have five vehicles in Field Barn Lane.
02:27No, definitely not.
02:29Do they look local?
02:30No, they don't look like our average Rambler, that's for sure, sir.
02:34Right. Stay there, I'm coming to you.
02:41Release your fire on all those that rise against you.
02:44I've been out checking the nesting boxes and saw this lot.
02:47They've been there about 20 minutes.
02:49Looks like their main business. Anyone to deal with her after?
02:54That is a God-fearing, coke-dealing crime lord from Liverpool.
02:57And none of this is good.
03:02Freddie, you had any contact with Gospel John recently?
03:04Have I had contact with Gospel...
03:06Oh, sure, you know, we text, we trade the occasional email about wallpaper ideas.
03:10Why the fuck would I have any contact with that mad bastard?
03:13All right. Tell everyone to stay indoors.
03:16Uh, sure. OK, why? What the fuck's going on?
03:21When I know more, I'll call you, all right?
03:26We need to go to my cottage and pick up a few things.
03:34A little much, isn't it, Jeffrey?
03:37I am employed to kill vermin, Your Grace.
04:08Oh, fuck.
04:24That is a bad thing, Lana.
04:28And the fact that man is out there probably indicates he found out.
05:02Hello, Freddie.
05:04I've come to collect a debt, a debt that you owe me.
05:07Now, we can do this one of two ways.
05:09You're coming out or I'm coming in.
05:25All right, Dad, how's it going?
05:27Don't worry about me. What's the latest?
05:29I just spoke to the consultant.
05:31Jack's doing well. He's asleep, but we're on the right path.
05:35I had a chat with Eddie yesterday. He got me thinking,
05:37so I need you over here too, sweet.
05:39I'll bring the juke with you.
05:41That might be a problem.
05:43Well, he sold us out.
05:45So I sold him out.
05:47Look, I think you should check your news media, yeah?
05:50I reckon you're about 24 hours out a day.
05:53Whatever you've done, you'd better undone.
05:56I need his grace and I need him happy.
05:59Well, what I've done is make a call to the Gospel.
06:02Fuck me, Susie.
06:07Susie, Gospel John has just pulled up onto my estate.
06:10Sorry about that, Eddie. That might have been me.
06:13Why the fuck would you do that?
06:15I had my reasons at the time. Is he there yet?
06:17Yeah, him and half the Christian Brotherhood.
06:19Hold tight. Cavalry's on its way.
06:21All right. Whatever you're going to do, do it fast.
06:29All right, Jimmy, I need you to listen to me very carefully.
06:32The juke's in a spot of trouble.
06:34I'm sending some boys round the back for the delivery.
06:37See if they get to the house.
06:39Oh, sorry, John. My brother's here. One sec.
06:43Mr Dixon, I believe you're trespassing on private property.
06:48I just came to return your shotgun.
06:51I was going to present it to your brother.
06:53I'm just...
06:54I'm going to give you five minutes out of respect
06:57for the heritage of your family.
07:06Tammy, Mother, close the shutters.
07:08Make sure the windows are clean.
07:12Enough's enough.
07:13Guys, I love you.
07:16It's been nice knowing you.
07:18This is my mess, and it is time I finally fucking faced up to it.
07:22Susie, I will not be...
07:23It's OK. It's OK.
07:26It's OK.
07:27Because this is nothing less than I deserve.
07:31I am a massive piece of shit.
07:37And if those guys out there let me live,
07:39I'll just go right back to being a piece of shit again.
07:41Am I wrong?
07:43Edward, am I wrong?
07:51But it's OK.
07:53Because this is the one time I can do something selfless,
07:56the one chance I have to reclaim a shred of human dignity.
08:02So don't take that away from me.
08:04Don't do that.
08:06Freddie, it's not dignity.
08:09It is pain and violence and death.
08:15Now, we love you.
08:17And yes, you can be a bit of a prick.
08:22Big prick, big prick.
08:25But right now, we need you.
08:28All right?
08:31I need you.
08:36All right.
08:39Mother, take the staff down to the basement now.
08:42Yes, I'll get Charlie. Please be careful.
08:45Now, Tommy, close the door. Make sure it's locked.
08:47Hang on. The three of us against an entire fucking crime family.
08:50Is there a plan here, Edward?
08:52Great. There's no plan.
08:53He gives me the big speech with a hand on the face.
08:55What's your plan, exactly?
08:56I had a solid for the kamikaze.
08:57You're going to prostrate yourself now?
08:59You'll grow a side like a martin.
09:00Got another five-shot gun and a rifle.
09:02Perfect. All right.
09:16Five minutes to nearly up, John.
09:18I'm going to get started.
09:21You're gross.
09:23What's the plan?
09:26Help's on its way.
09:45This has put a different complexion on things.
09:49Jimmy, how do you feel about this?
09:52Not me, boss. I'm more of a pacifist.
09:54Fine. Sella, with Mother and the staff.
09:57Jeffrey, upstairs with the others.
09:59Everyone else, find positions down here.
10:01Where's my machine gun?
10:39Fuck it.
10:42You know why I love pigeons so much?
10:47They symbolize the harmony of man with nature.
10:53Even before Noah touched dry land,
10:58we were working together, man and bird.
11:04Have you ever heard of a shammy?
11:10Well, the last year of the Great War,
11:12500 French soldiers were trapped behind enemy lines.
11:15They were getting shelled by their own firm.
11:18So this major, he sends the pigeon off for help.
11:21Now, this pigeon, he gets shot in the breast.
11:25He loses an eye.
11:27His poor little leg is hanging from a strand.
11:30But he flies all the way back to base,
11:33delivers the message, and the troops are saved
11:36because of that pigeon.
11:38Now, the French, they awarded the pigeon the Medal of Valour.
11:43You see, pigeons, they have values.
11:46Loyalty, bravery, integrity.
11:54I need you two to bury the hatchet, for want of a word.
11:58The moral of the story is,
12:01you need to take the blows, accept the blame,
12:04all for the sake of the bigger picture.
12:08I need you two to be my shammies,
12:11because I can't be dealing with any more shenanigans like this morning.
12:17No-one wants that scouse headbanger kicking in the front door
12:21followed by his army of God-drunk lunar cunts.
12:28I made it clear to Mr Dixon that if he went back home,
12:33I'd make it up to him.
12:37So now, Eddie, you've got to make it up to me.
12:44Sit the fuck down.
12:56It's like dealing with a couple of kids.
13:03I've been reviewing my situation.
13:06I've come to the conclusion that I'm done, I'm out, I'm finished.
13:12Jack's going to be all right.
13:14But I see this as a sign, an epiphany, so to speak.
13:18So, I'm just going to sell the business.
13:24Simple as that.
13:27What does that mean about ideal?
13:29I want out.
13:30What I don't want is to segue from growing weed into mass-producing methamphetamines.
13:34Yeah, I understand that, and I will stand by what I said.
13:39You know?
13:41You do realise you're doing exactly what Mr Johnston wants you to?
13:45Mr Johnston hasn't got a fucking clue about the nuances of the situation, so no.
13:50I ain't giving no-one fuck-all, especially Deceptic.
13:55Now, I'm going to be selling to the highest bidder,
13:59and I'll accept offers in excess of 150 mil,
14:03and all bids are going to be in by the end of the week.
14:08All I want you to do is work with Susie and make sure she gets the best deal.
14:16Why me, exactly?
14:18Well, it ain't gone unnoticed that you two have become a right double act working together.
14:33Why didn't you say anything, baby?
14:35You've been running the operation for years.
14:37You're just going to let them sell out from under you?
14:39I'm an employee, Eddie. Just like you.
14:41I'm not your employee. He's your father.
14:43He didn't even ask for your opinion.
14:45Yeah, well, he didn't ask for yours either.
14:47You went behind my back, Eddie. Not once, but twice.
14:50Well, I think it's safe to say we've both made some miscalculations.
14:53To put it mildly, a bit of business, Susan.
14:56You got your way in the end, didn't you?
14:58Dad's selling up, and you're getting out.
15:00What about you?
15:02You're a little young to retire.
15:05And think of worse things for the soul than getting a full ten hours and bingo on a Wednesday?
15:11He's made up his mind.
15:13Let's just do what the old man says and be done with it.
15:16I've made no secret of my desire to take control of your father's organization.
15:20I am aware that it's been faced with serious disruption over the last few months.
15:27Product gone missing, pipelines blocked, punches being thrown.
15:31We're aware that you're behind all of that.
15:34But you crossed the line when it came to my brother.
15:37You rejected my initial approach.
15:41You rejected my initial approach.
15:45I needed to convince you and your father that I was in earnest.
15:49I'm prepared to enter into negotiations over the peaceful handover of your business.
15:57But you must understand that I'm doing it from a position of considerable strength.
16:04Miss Glass, what you seem not to know is that one of your disgruntled staff has leaked to me the twelve addresses of the other farms.
16:13I'm afraid not.
16:15The list that I gave to Mr. Stevens was, in fact, spurious.
16:19Good afternoon.
16:20Am I speaking with the Marquess of Beaversbrook?
16:26Baron Nowton.
16:29Viscount Bowling.
16:30This is he.
16:31Oh my goodness.
16:33Oh my goodness.
16:36Good afternoon.
16:37I'm calling to discuss your business relationship with a Mr. Robert Glass.
16:43Yes, carry on.
16:44Who am I speaking to?
16:48I was under the impression it was verified.
16:53You've been the victim of a deception, Mr. Johnston.
16:56I must admit, I was surprised to see you arriving together.
17:01Why the change of heart?
17:03Felt like a pivotal moment.
17:05So I pivoted.
17:06What makes you think I'm interested in the weed game?
17:09We understand that you have some serious connections in South America.
17:13What they'd be getting is a vertically integrated business that currently controls close to 50% of the UK market.
17:18And if and when there's a mandate for legalization in the UK, you'll be getting some of the most advanced distribution and development facilities in Western Europe.
17:26Help you?
17:27I can definitely hook you up with the Ruskies, but a word to the wise.
17:31They are fucking hardcore.
17:33You so much as make a joke they don't understand, they'll throw you out the window.
17:37Now the question is, do they have the relevant backing?
17:39I've got a few hundreds nothing to these fucking Russians.
17:42They are Kremlin'd up to the hilt.
17:44You know I don't mess around, and you've seen this with your own eyes, yeah?
17:49My associates?
17:51Something else.
17:53Well, we're willing to take that risk.
17:56And what happened between us?
17:59Best thing that ever happened to me.
18:01You see, until you've had the living shit beaten out of you, you don't know anything.
18:06But when you realize the only thing that matters is power, the whole world opens up.
18:11Because it's literally there for the taking.
18:13And despite your Machiavellian tactics, my father is still willing to sell the business to you.
18:19But only if you're willing to pay more than everyone else.
18:22Does that explain the presence of the bird?
18:25My father is decidedly old school when it comes to business communications.
18:30He wants all bids sealed in writing and delivered by carrier pigeon by the end of the week.
18:35What's wrong with an email? Or a phone call?
18:37Well, you'll just have to ask Bobby when you make the winning bid.
18:44Good afternoon.
18:48Love the bird, by the way. It's fucking hysterical.
19:00Well, I guess that officially brings our business dealings to an end.
19:04Still got a few more birds left.
19:06Might as well let them go. They'll find their way home.
19:10Poor pigeons, eh?
19:12Good luck.
19:14Good luck.
19:20It's been emotional, Captain.
19:33Mummy, do you think Geoff's alright? He's been acting very strangely since I've been back.
19:39Oh, well, you know, he's always been very fond of you.
19:42I wouldn't read too much into it.
19:47Oh, look, that's Eddie. Hello.
19:51If you're looking for your pigeon, I saw Freddy scuttling off with it earlier.
19:55Perfect. It's lovely to un-rein him in. Thanks for the tip.
20:00Are you sure everything's alright?
20:01Yes, Mother. Everything's fine.
20:05Which way did he go?
20:06That way, darling.
20:09Come on.
20:21Come on, Rich. Come on, just eat.
20:23Eat it up, please. It'll make you nice and big and strong.
20:25Who are you talking to, Freddy?
20:26What? No-one. Absolutely no-one. I don't think...
20:29Yeah, I don't think I was...
20:32Give me the bird, Freddy.
20:33No, just one pigeon. OK, just one measly fucking pigeon, Eddie.
20:36Look, I know what you're going to say.
20:37You're going to say you've got some heavy fucking hitters lined up out there,
20:40but I raised some epic funds in my time, you've got to admit.
20:43Debts don't count, Freddy.
20:44OK, well, there's no need to be snarky.
20:45Look, the point I'm trying to make, Eddie, is this.
20:47I have been watching you these past couple of months, OK?
20:49Observing the way you operate and just soaking it all in.
20:52All this crime stuff right here just...
20:53Listen to me, alright? We're done.
20:56No more games, no more debts. It's over.
20:59You might think I'm... Oh, I get what this is.
21:01I see. You're jealous. You want me out of the way.
21:03I think it was you who wanted me out of the way, Freddy.
21:07OK, well, touche. I probably deserved that.
21:12But I'm taking the pigeon, Freddy.
21:17Not giving you Mitch, Ed.
21:22You weren't meant for this, Freddy.
21:25Neither of us were.
21:34You remember that first time Dad took us deer stalking?
21:37Remember that?
21:39Uh, no. No, not really.
21:42We all stalked the deer together, and then Dad let me take the shot.
21:47And I got it. I fucking got it.
21:51And he was so fucking proud.
21:55And then when we got closer...
21:59And it was still breathing.
22:03I couldn't do it.
22:06Well, you're just a kid, Freddy.
22:14You were younger than me.
22:17Dad handed you the knife, and you slit that thing's throat like fucking nothing.
22:34The point I'm trying to make is this, Edward.
22:38Maybe you're right.
22:40Maybe I'm not cut out for this.
22:44But you...
22:48You were fucking born for it.
22:53Look after Mitch for me.
23:17So sorry for interrupting you, Grace.
23:20But are you all right?
23:23Just seem to be having a bit of a moment.
23:29All right now, thanks, Jimmy.
23:31Yeah, of course. Sorry.
23:43I need you to draw up some articles of association.
23:46They don't need to be legally binding, but I need to lay out terms of a consortium for interested parties.
23:53Realistically, we need to raise somewhere in the region of 200 standard shares.
24:01The lion's share of the agreement will come from the other 12 Lords.
24:04If I can convince them to put 10% in each, we'll be well on our way.
24:11Next, we'll approach our friends in the traveling community.
24:14They now have significant funds squirreled away from the introduction into the import-export business.
24:23I've been wanting to free myself of the Glass family for some time.
24:27I'm now going to lean in rather than out.
24:29Well, that should get you a seat at the table.
24:33But you're still significantly short of the number you're looking to raise.
24:38With a fair wind, you should be able to pull together 25, plus the £10 million loan from your mother.
24:45I've had to sell all my stocks and my ma's money.
24:49Thank you, ma.
24:50That still leaves you a gap of 15.
24:56Oh, what about Susie Glass?
24:59Obviously, you can't run the business without her.
25:03She's not interested.
25:05I don't see why not.
25:07I mean, from what I can gather, she's been running the entire operation for years.
25:11That's rather complicated, ma.
25:14It means I have to consider a much more savoury option.
25:27Hello, Henry.
25:31A cup of tea, please.
25:32Coming up.
25:33Well, you don't look a touch peaky. You should see a doctor.
25:39Injuries like mine, they tend to result in the sort of questions I don't like getting asked.
25:43Shame your sponsor wasn't able to find you a sympathetic medical practitioner.
25:48Although, from what I hear, your business relations with our American friend have since come to an end.
25:56Here you are, love.
25:57Thank you.
25:59You're clearly well informed.
26:01I gave Susie the 15 clean, plus another 15 for Jack's pocket to say sorry,
26:06but I still don't know if I'm out of the woods, so what do you want to see me about?
26:11You know what you've done, you can't come back from that.
26:13It's inexcusable.
26:15What I'm here to explore is whether there might be a way for me to change your fortune.
26:18Oh, yeah.
26:20I can get you out of all this, but it's going to cost you.
26:23Another 15.
26:24And on top of that, there are a couple of things that need doing.
26:29What's on your mind, Eddie?
26:33How's he doing?
26:35Sleeping a lot.
26:39How are you doing?
26:41I don't know, really.
26:42Kind of just focused on him at the moment.
26:45You must be very close.
26:47He was ten when our mum passed away.
26:51Well, that's a heavy responsibility on young shoulders.
26:55It never felt like a burden.
26:58I loved looking after Jack.
27:00I loved running the business.
27:03I know that your father is planning on selling the organisation,
27:08and you're probably weighing up what to do.
27:11So my one piece of advice would be,
27:14don't listen to anyone.
27:16Least of all my son, and especially not your father.
27:20However, if you want the benefit from my vast years of experience,
27:25I'd say that you're much more likely to regret the things that you didn't do,
27:30rather than the things that you did.
27:33Tell me,
27:35tell me,
27:37what is it you're worried I'm not going to do?
27:40So, I run things on the ground.
27:44You take care of the Lords, and then this JP fella,
27:48he'll look after distribution.
27:50Exactly. Your 15 would give you shared participation and shared ownership.
27:54You ran 200, it's going to swing with a poppy glass.
27:57That's the number I have in mind, yeah.
27:59Once the deal's done, he's out of the game.
28:02What about Uncle Stan?
28:05I hear his accounts may not be in order.
28:19I saw your mum at the hospital.
28:24You're a right old bag of contradictions, aren't you, Eddie?
28:35Is that Scouse brains I can see in the clouds?
28:40Well, you could argue he had it coming.
29:00Do you know what this means?
29:05Non sine periculo.
29:09It's our family motto.
29:11Not without danger.
29:14It got me thinking.
29:17Nothing in life worth having comes without a little...
29:23See, what I realised
29:25is my family have been doing this for generations.
29:28Living in the zoo,
29:30but hunting in the jungle.
29:32It's nothing new.
29:34It's just another turn of the wheel.
29:38Have you managed to pull together the necessary funds?
29:42We've pulled together a significant amount.
29:44But, as you know, it's a competitive market.
29:47We would always appreciate further investment
29:50if you're interested.
29:53My dad started dealing puff in the 70s.
29:56That's almost half a century ago.
29:58Fair play to him.
30:00He built himself an empire.
30:02Biggest outfit in the UK.
30:04Truth be told,
30:06he's taken his eye off the ball.
30:09It's like the goose that lays the golden eggs.
30:11As long as the eggs kept popping out, he wasn't bothered.
30:14And every time I tried to talk to him
30:16about taking things to the next level,
30:18he wasn't interested.
30:21And look what we've achieved
30:23in a matter of months, together.
30:25You put in 35, we'll be equal partners.
30:28You want to be partners?
30:34what about Henry Collins?
30:36I gave him a pass once.
30:38It's not happening again.
30:42But I think we need to adjust to her expectations.
30:44In the short term, at least.
30:54You must be pretty fucking confident
30:56if you're willing to rattle that cage.
31:02So print me.
31:44Let her fly.
31:55Let's do it.
31:57All yours, Jeffrey.
32:05Good boy.
32:07Good boy.
32:11Are you tired? Eh?
32:13Yeah, we don't need so much anymore.
32:22Now that's a big fucking number.
32:30Yes, Miss Charlotte?
32:31Yes, Miss Charlotte?
32:36I've been thinking a lot
32:39about my childhood.
32:44I realised
32:47you basically taught me everything I know.
32:51All those times we went camping in the woods.
32:55It was you who taught me how to make a fire
32:58and how to ride a horse,
33:00how to tickle a salmon.
33:05It was always you,
33:07wasn't it?
33:09I'm just the gamekeeper, Charlotte.
33:14Are you sure?
33:18Because sometimes I wonder and
33:23it could make a lot of sense.
33:48I didn't want you to be ashamed.
33:54I'd never be ashamed.
33:56You're the most impressive man I've ever known.
34:16There's four bids
34:18on the table
34:20all north of Askin.
34:22Well done.
34:23And I notice you've
34:25both got your name on one of these.
34:27That's a turn-up for the books.
34:30Well, I just want to let you know that I'll be
34:33judging these bids
34:35on their own individual merits.
34:38Of course.
34:41But so, whose bid actually won?
34:44Well, unfortunately it's not as simple as that, Mother.
34:46As you know, it was a very competitive market
34:49and we certainly weren't the highest bid.
34:51So who did win?
34:53Uncle Stan.
34:55I'll admit, I felt confident
34:57that my bid would be competitive.
34:59I'm just glad we got there in the end.
35:03Mr. Stevens will go to the bank
35:05and arrange for the money to be wired
35:07to an accountant Mr. Glass is choosing.
35:09He was willing to pay a premium for the business,
35:12so Mr. Glass was eager to interrogate the offer.
35:15I sense you're suspicious, Mother.
35:17And you're right to be.
35:19Truth be told, I had activated Henry Collins,
35:20whose accountant knew where Mr. Johnston
35:22buries the bodies.
35:24Thank you for seeing me at such short notice.
35:26You're very welcome, Mr. Stevens.
35:28These bodies, by which I mean his tax record,
35:31were then delivered to the relevant authorities
35:33at His Majesty's Revenue and Customs.
35:41Leading to Uncle Stan's arrest
35:43for multiple tax evasion offenses
35:45and the freezing of all of his assets,
35:47leaving him unable to complete the purchase.
35:49But then if Uncle Stan's out of the picture,
35:51doesn't that mean that Pete Spencer Forbes
35:53won after all?
35:55That's just what I said to Mercy.
35:59Sticky Pete.
36:03Your bid came in second.
36:05Don't worry, Mother. He didn't win.
36:07I thought you just said he did.
36:09I told Mercy he won.
36:11My associates are flying in from Bogota.
36:13I told you, they're not going to take no for an answer.
36:15Well, it's very hard to get money out of a lot of people.
36:18Especially in Russia, as you can imagine,
36:20which leaves a certain window of opportunity
36:23for someone like yourself.
36:25Where do I find the Sticky Pete?
36:27You see, Mercy was under significant pressure
36:29from her South American superiors.
36:44She took it upon herself to clear the field.
36:49Henry Collins steps in again to take care of her.
36:56I'm glad someone's looking after a poor woman.
37:01Sorry, wasn't Henry Collins the one that fixed the fight?
37:03More or less the same.
37:05Oh, darling, tell me you're not working with him now.
37:07Henry fucking Collins.
37:09Don't worry about Henry Collins.
37:11He was desperate.
37:13So I used him to clean up.
37:15Fifth day mail, as discussed.
37:17Take a seat, please, Henry.
37:30The whole point of me telling you I was selling my business
37:33was to wake you up.
37:35You're not buying the operation.
37:37You're investing in it.
37:39So together, we can expand our interests.
37:42I take it you're not retiring then, Dad.
37:46No chance.
37:48But I needed to know you two
37:50were willing to put some skin in the game.
37:55Shared responsibilities have their merits.
37:58And the benefits of continuity
38:01are not to be sniffed at, either.
38:04Eddie, you are a soldier.
38:06You are an aristocrat.
38:08But I see a man who isn't defined by titles
38:11or limited by rank.
38:12But I see a man who isn't defined by titles
38:14or limited by them.
38:16Shall we have a deal?
38:20Two hundred and thirty-five million pound.
38:24Now, you have a purpose.
38:29Now, you wasn't born to take orders.
38:32You were born to give them,
38:34to build and expand empires.
38:36I don't see a captain.
38:38I see a fucking general.
38:42Oh, you shouldn't have.
38:53Do you want to do it?
38:55That's not a request.
38:57No, you don't have to.
38:59I just thought you might want to.
39:02You know, as part of your journey.
39:26Easy on the sauce, chef.
39:31But don't worry about it.
39:33I mean, prison ain't that bad once you get used to it.
39:35There's plenty of sleep.
39:37Regular exercise and not too many interruptions.
39:41And now that Mr Kawasaki's lost his parole,
39:44I can guarantee you the quality of the cuisine
39:46for at least another year.
39:48Oh, that's lovely.
39:53One could do a lot worse.
39:57Spoken like a true gentleman.
40:11La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
40:16La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
40:21Your shoes keep turning different shades of blue
40:26The colours of the other fools before you
40:31And skin keeps turning different shades of red
40:36The colours of the other voice
40:38That's swimming in your head
40:41Make yourself at home again
40:43Count your blessings one to ten
40:46Your body will be whole again
40:48Your body will be whole again
40:51Make yourself at home again
40:53Count your blessings one to ten
40:56La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
41:00La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
41:05La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
41:08La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
41:11La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la
41:16La-la, la-la-la-la-la-la