• last year
LESBIAN COUPLES AND RELATIONSHIPS..Check out this video tutorials for the pros and cons associated in a lesbian relationship..Enjoy
00:00what's up hi everyone so today I thought we gotta do a part two you guys had so
00:07many questions after my last video about lesbian sex and I feel like yeah I
00:13didn't cover everything that I could have because I didn't even realize you
00:16guys had all these questions so I asked you guys on my Instagram if you guys are
00:19not following my Instagram go over there and follow me I also took some
00:23screenshots from my actual video also if you have not already seen that first
00:27video I will be linking it right here so you guys can check it out watch this
00:32video and then head over there after let's get to the questions do you
00:40actually scissor because I don't and I don't know if it's just me I don't know
00:45if I said it in my last video I personally that doesn't work for me but
00:49I feel like every single person is different and your intercourse with
00:53every single person is going to be different so one person might really
00:56enjoy that and another person might not really get off by that you definitely
01:00have to be talking to your partner and seeing what works for them and also
01:04exploring different options if you haven't tried it maybe try it and see if
01:08it works for you and your partner and if it doesn't then you can try different
01:11things for me scissoring doesn't really work especially if you're going like
01:14this this way is kind of different if you know I'm talking about it's kind of
01:20like a humping motion and that kind of works better for me when you actually
01:23think of scissoring like this I've tried it and it's just very difficult and
01:27uncomfortable for me and it doesn't really get me off so I personally don't
01:30do that well we're really getting into the nitty-gritty right now give us tips
01:34girl I think my number one tip is literally just communicating with your
01:39partner what works for you even during the act obviously the first few times
01:44you're gonna be speaking a lot and that might feel not as like sexy but you can
01:50do things in ways that are sexy like whispering like hey can you do this or
01:54can you try that you know just doing something like that so it just feels a
01:57little bit more intimate and not like what you're doing is not working first
02:01time you have sex with somebody like a new partner you're gonna be exploring
02:04different things and it's not always gonna work well until you guys get to
02:08know each other's bodies so that's my number one tip communication this says
02:13I'm really scared do you have some tips tips for your nervousness I think no
02:19matter what you're gonna be nervous with a new partner I always am because
02:24you don't know how it's gonna go you don't know if your guys's connection is
02:27gonna be good and you just don't know how to make that person pleasure you
02:33don't know what makes that person turned on we are all unique individuals and
02:38there's different things that make us turned on or not turned on and so it's
02:42not a like one size fits all or most it doesn't there's there's no way to say
02:48like if you do this step in this step in this step then it'll be perfect and
02:52you won't be nervous you're gonna be nervous with every single new partner I
02:56think the nervousness does definitely lower the more partners you have I mean
03:01yeah that's just how it is over time you'll get used to it and you won't be
03:06as nervous I think there's always gonna be that initial like oh this is
03:10something new and it's gonna be different I think really getting to know
03:14somebody before is gonna help you not feel as nervous when you go into it
03:19because maybe you will already have those conversations like even just
03:22having conversations without actually being intimate about intimacy before can
03:27help you kind of calm your nerve as much as yeah it can be private I think if
03:32you're potentially if you're talking to somebody new and it's a potential person
03:35that you might get intimate with I think that's something that you should open up
03:38conversation before actually doing it and that will help you just calm your
03:43nerves because you guys have talked about it and you understand each other
03:47to an extent before actually doing the deed do you have to shave your private
03:52parts before having sex no you don't have to do anything you don't want to do
03:56if you don't want to shave don't shave I personally like to be shaved there are
04:03other people that like having a little hair some people like having a full
04:07bush it's up to you how you want your body to be and your partner needs to
04:13accept that like you can have it however you want I know personally for
04:17me specifically detailed but I think you know let's just talk about it that's
04:22what this video is for personally when I go down on somebody and there's like
04:26stubble it does it can irritate your mouth so sometimes stubble does irritate
04:33your mouth sometimes it doesn't it just depends on who you are your skin and
04:37that's something to talk about with your partner I know yeah sometimes stubble
04:41hurts my mouth I don't know if you talk to somebody was like dated somebody with
04:45a beard you hear it a lot that stubble sometimes like it hurts so I would say
04:53it's something to talk about with your partner but you don't have to do
04:56anything you don't want to do if you don't want to shave don't shave is it
04:59unsanitary to go down on a girl without her washing her private parts again this
05:05is a very intimate and personal to question I guess everybody is different
05:11and no it is not unsanitary I mean every there's so many things that are
05:15unsanitary going down on a guy is probably worse than going out on a girl
05:19because the girl it's like inside kind of like nothing's hanging out you're not
05:23touching it like a guy like he goes pee touches his wiener who knows if they
05:29always wash their hands after who knows and then they go and touch this and that
05:33and then touch their wiener again and then you're sucking dick I wouldn't say
05:36it's like less sanitary than doing it with a guy that hasn't washed his dingus
05:42but yeah it's all personal if that person ran and worked out all day they
05:47should probably shower before if they just didn't shower and they've been
05:51chilling at home I don't think it's that big of a deal it's personal and
05:55dependent on the person what they've been doing and how you feel like if
05:58you're comfortable going down on someone that's a little bit that hasn't showered
06:02or has I don't always shower before sex I prefer to be clean and I prefer the
06:08other person be clean but it's not like something that needs to be done right
06:12before every single time how do you finger her though do I just keep going
06:17in and out or is there some more to do this video is getting actually from
06:22really really dirty there's more to it you don't just like like there's more to
06:29it first off you need to be delicate with every single individual because
06:34some people one finger is a lot some people two fingers is a lot you need to
06:41ask your partner what they're comfortable with before you just shove
06:44shove your hands in there some people don't like fingers going inside them
06:51sometimes they just want to be rubbed up on the top where the clit is so you need
06:55to talk about that with your partner and it's not just about going in and out
06:58there's a g-spot which is the like if I'm laying on my back it's the top part
07:04that you'd want to like kind of touch and play with it's not about going in
07:10and out but some people like it going in and out it's very personal to every
07:14single person so I can't really say for like everybody but I'm just saying the
07:19clit and the g-spot are where you want to focus and if that person likes an in
07:22and out sensation then you can talk about that with them and and you have to
07:27be careful because for some people one finger is is enough and for some people
07:33they want two three fingers so it's just dependent on the person and for me
07:39personally in and out was not gonna do nothing for me you know someone says
07:42what does it feel like you might be a little young to be here talking about
07:47this so I'm just gonna say if you have not pleasured yourself you should do
07:52that first before even thinking about having sex or being intimate with
07:57somebody else you need to like see how it feels for you and then that's how it
08:01feels do you have to go down on a girl to call it having sex good question no
08:06sex is being intimate with somebody and it doesn't necessarily always need to be
08:11like an in-and-out thing where you know like we were just talking about where
08:15something's going in anywhere you don't sex is being intimate with somebody and
08:20finding pleasure in that and it can mean different things for different people so
08:25no you don't have to go down on somebody you don't have to put your fingers in
08:28anybody like it's it's dependent on the two of you and what you guys decide to
08:31do so instead how is it the first time it's gonna be different for everybody
08:36some people it's gonna be very comfortable some people it's gonna be
08:39very uncomfortable some people it's gonna be scary some people it's gonna be
08:43fun it's dependent on you and your partner do it when you're ready and when
08:49you feel comfortable with your partner for me I told you guys in my last video
08:53it was with one of my friends who was open to the idea and wanted it you kind
08:58of experiment we were in college and and it was very comfortable because it was
09:03one of my friends and in the beginning we were a little bit you know we're like
09:06oh my gosh but it was comfortable because of somebody I talked to about it
09:10before and somebody that was open to it and and was also wanting to try it out
09:16as long as you have the conversation I think you'll be okay what all happens
09:21during typical lesbian sex for me I can only talk about my own personal
09:25experience here's what goes down for me foreplay which is using your fingers for
09:29me personally this is what I consider foreplay using your fingers humping like
09:34that type of thing and then stimulating the clitoris and the g-spot using oral
09:42sex and sometimes using toys but it can be different for everybody and you might
09:49have a different experience and still be able to consider that sex because it's
09:52different for everyone someone said I don't know but I feel weird about having
09:56sex can it be due to fear yeah I mean I still to this day with certain partners
10:02I feel I don't want to say uncomfortable but I feel like kind of uncomfortable
10:08like I feel fearful I feel not a hundred percent I guess and sex can
10:14change for everybody I know personally this is like something a little bit
10:17deeper than just sex but for me personally after after my dad passed
10:21away I had a really hard time being intimate with anybody and I still I
10:25still do I still have a like a hard time with it and I I don't know why I heard
10:32that this happens for some people when they lose somebody it's hard for them to
10:36be intimate again with their partner for me sex changes and it's gonna you're
10:41gonna you might be fearful it's okay to be fearful and it's okay to not have sex
10:46and it's okay to say I'm not ready for it and it's okay for that to change for
10:50one day you to be like I'm good I'm ready and then for the next day you to
10:53be like if I'm not good I'm not ready for it so yes it can you can because of
10:56fear it could be because you're not ready do it on your own time do it when
11:01you're ready do it when you're not afraid and some people are asexual you
11:05might not even want to have sex so that's okay too and if you are trying to
11:09get over fear I would say do it like try it if you're like I'm just a little bit
11:13fearful I just want to try it then go for it try it was below her mouth an
11:17accurate representation um I only I don't know I've seen that movie like
11:23really really long time ago but what I'm gonna say is intercourse is going to be
11:27different for every single person so yes that might be an accurate representation
11:31for somebody but it's not gonna be an accurate representation for everybody
11:36don't hold standards to what you see in movies or in porn or anywhere it's going
11:42to be different for you it's not gonna be the exact same way that someone else
11:45does it this one says I've never had sex with a girl how do I have to behave you
11:51don't have to be any sort of way you need to be yourself and you need to be
11:55comfortable with your partner is there a product to clean your V before having
12:00sex don't clean your V just wash it like you normally do you don't need a
12:04specific product your V cleans itself like let's be clear you don't need to
12:09don't put and don't go crazy because soap and stuff is chemicals and and if
12:15someone's gonna eat you out they're gonna get that in their mouth and I
12:18don't think soap tastes very good so clean it like you normally do you're
12:22gonna be okay you don't need any special products yeah you don't need to douche
12:26that's not good for your vagina clean it like you normally do from the outside
12:31you don't need to do anything inside tips for how to seduce a lovely lady so
12:35that you can okay I think two people if they want to have sex they're gonna just
12:40like feel it they're gonna they're gonna want to do it you know what I mean like
12:43you don't need to seduce anybody you don't need to like do any like magical
12:47spells on anybody if you're just trying to like set the mood maybe like set some
12:52candles out just some music I don't know but you don't need to seduce anybody I
12:56think if they want to do you they're gonna do you you know I mean how does it
13:00work I think we've talked about that how do you bring up the conversation on
13:03rougher sex I love this okay so I'm also gonna answer how do you bring up
13:07conversation just to initiate it in the first place I think first the two of you
13:13need to be on the same page where you guys are interested in each other so get
13:17to that conversation first and then a conversation about sex can happen maybe
13:23just bring up your sexual past hey have you had sex with a girl because I have
13:28it or have you had sex with a girl because I have with one person and this
13:33and this and this happened just have like a little normal conversation when I
13:37think naturally in conversation that can be brought up as far as a conversation
13:42on rougher sex first off you definitely need to be already having sex with that
13:45person and then just hey I want to try out bondage I want to try out like you
13:52know something light like a light bondage would you be interested in doing
13:55that would you feel comfortable doing that maybe we can go to a sex store
13:58together and pick out some things or I would love it if you pulled my hair or
14:03did this and that or choked me a little bit just saying those things it's it's
14:07not something to like have to bring up like hey I want to sit you down and and
14:11talk about this no just say hey would you be interested in doing this would
14:15you be interested in trying this because it's something that I really want to try
14:18don't make it a big deal just bring it up casually how long does lesbian sex
14:23last however long you want it to there's no like set amount of time that you need
14:29to like accomplish it can be quick if you get off quick and you can just end
14:34it there or you can continue on and keep keep going for another another round or
14:38it could be a little bit longer if you take your time it can be longer if if
14:41you don't get off quick it can last for hours it can last for minutes it can
14:45last for yeah however long I don't know it just depends on you and your partner
14:49there's no set time do girls actually care about how the punani looks tastes
14:55and smells it's all very personal like I've been saying this whole video some
15:01people might care some people might not I personally would care if it smelled a
15:06certain way but for the most part not that I've had sex with like so many
15:09people but for the most part I feel like they all kind of smell similar and you
15:14don't really smell it unless it smells bad you know I mean like it doesn't
15:18really smell like that much taste for the most part I don't really taste it
15:22either I mean some people taste a little bit I don't know I don't really taste
15:28anything either and looks they all look different but they're all like very
15:33similar so yeah it doesn't really matter I don't know I think everybody's
15:38different it all everyone's punani is different everyone's preferences are
15:43different you might care you might not care your partner might carry my partner
15:47might not care at the end of the day I think take care of your hygiene and in
15:52general you should be good and hopefully you pick a partner that also has good
15:56hygiene one thing that I would look out for is how they you know do they brush
16:00their teeth every day do they shower unless you don't have good hygiene and
16:04you don't care then whatever first time just how to make it not so
16:09uncomfortable talk about it talk about it talk about it like I've been saying
16:12talk about it have the conversation say what you feel say what feels good tell
16:19the person say what doesn't feel good tell that person it's gonna be
16:23uncomfortable the first time how should you do it when it's your first time I
16:27think we kind of covered that and then it also says what's your first time
16:31story that is in my last video so if you guys have not checked it out go and check
16:36it out all right we have a few more questions how are you a lesbian if
16:39you've never had sex with a girl how are you straight if you've never had
16:42sex with a boy that's not what this distinguishes your sexuality or what
16:48you're interested in um you know what what you are attracted to and you might
16:53be asexual and still be interested in girls and still be a lesbian or still be
16:59whatever you are by whatever you might be asexual so it it really has nothing
17:04to do with having sex it has to do with what your heart is attracted to and your
17:09mind is attracted to in a person you know you know what you like you've known
17:14you've always known go with your instincts I'm attracted to girls and I'm
17:18hella gay but I don't think I would like to go down on a girl so maybe I'm a
17:23bottom and my answer to this is maybe you are maybe you just haven't tried it
17:28so you don't know if you like it you can try it if you want to or you don't have
17:32to and you can be a bottom I think I've said it in my last video I don't really
17:35get the whole bottom-top thing that has only recently come about like I've only
17:40really seen it since tick-tock and I've never really encountered that many
17:45people in real life that are like a top or a bottom most people are just they
17:49they will do both before I licked a punani I was like gross but then you do
17:57it and you're like how is your relationship with your friend now after
18:02doing it with her so if you guys have not heard my first time having sex with
18:06the girl it is in my last video which is linked here you guys can check it out I
18:09had sex with my friend and we are completely like normal like we went
18:15right back to how it always has been we are fine we're friends to this day that
18:20was like six six-ish years ago and we're totally normal like we went we've never
18:27had sex again because it was just a one-time thing like we just wanted to
18:30test it out and that was that like it was fine I don't know this one says do
18:34most lesbians go down on each other and for any bi girls out there in general
18:39are girls better at it than guys I can't speak for most lesbians but what I can
18:44say is that for me personally most girls that I have personally had sex with are
18:49not opposed to going down so do most lessons go down each other for me
18:54personally the ones I've encountered have all been fine with that I can't
18:58speak for most most people and then for bi girls out there in general are girls
19:03better at it than guys for me personally girls are better at going down but it
19:09doesn't mean that the sex is better or worse or any of that it's a separate to
19:14each individual person and I think that you know some people might prefer having
19:19sex with girls some people might prefer having sex with guys and I again it you
19:22can't you can't speak generally on this like it's dependent on each individual
19:26person are there any common positions methods besides oral and fingering um
19:32you can do anal there you can do different positions but I don't know
19:38what you mean by it besides oral or fingering like you can use a strap-on
19:42there's so many options there's so many different ways to have sex watch some
19:47porn how do you use what people call protection when it comes to girls in the
19:53bedroom also what if it's for the first time and you have no clue if you're a
19:57top bottom or switch for protection there's something called the dental dam
20:00which is like a little sheet they can put over the vagine and then you can
20:06still do you some you know do some work down there and then your next question
20:11was if it's your first time and you have no clue if you're top bottom or switch
20:15okay so all that means is that if you're a bottom it just means you don't want to
20:20go down on the other girl or you don't want to touch the other girl don't think
20:24about that I would say just go and try it like you don't need to be a top
20:29bottom or sweat you'd why don't you just enjoy the moment you know go down on the
20:36girl if you want to do that if you don't want to do that then you don't have to
20:39um and it's just experiment you don't need to be a specific like I don't know
20:45why we need to put ourselves in a specific category like that do what
20:49makes you comfortable and then you'll figure it out okay how would you
20:51simulate the g-spot without being inside there's a comment right under that that
20:55says impossible and impossible stimulating the g-spot is not the only
21:01way to get off for somebody I personally don't get off by that like it feels good
21:06but I personally will never like get to the goal if it's just stimulation from
21:12the inside stimulating from the outside is where for me and a lot of people that
21:17I know how they get off stimulating the g-spot is not the most important thing
21:22for everybody and you there's no way for you to get to it if it's not through the
21:28inside but there's a clit you can simulate that from the outside what do
21:32you like and how do you and your partner decide on who is the pitcher or the
21:36receiver okay so I say the person who's initiating the sex probably starts or
21:41you talk about it maybe you're talking about it like let's fuck tonight all
21:43right so you go into the bedroom and whoever's just taking the initiative
21:48whoever's taking the leap then that's the person that is being the pitcher at
21:53the moment and then you just switch off after it just happens naturally kind of
21:57like whoever's taking initiative all right those were all of the questions
22:02this was a long video there is a lot happening I hope you guys like this
22:05video if you did give it a thumbs up let me know in the comments down below if
22:08you have any more questions if you have stories you want to share I love reading
22:11through stories like oh this is my first time and this is what happened and
22:15this is how I dealt with it and I think that'll get the conversation going
22:17because it's it's good to hear other people's stories so that you feel better
22:22and more comfortable going into it so I would love if you guys were comfortable
22:26you could share your stories down below I shared mine if you guys haven't seen
22:30that video it is right here and I'll see you guys in the next video bye