Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 190
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00A few hours later
00:17Excuse me
00:30You've been very brave
00:38When will my uncle come? He told me he had called him
00:46Don Fermín! Inés! Inés!
00:51I've come as fast as I could. Are you okay?
00:55No, I'm not okay
00:56What a fright! But nothing compared to what you've been through
01:01My God! How could there have been a shooting here in Madrid?
01:06I don't know
01:08At the entrance I came across the dead bodies. There were two bodies. Who were they?
01:14Apparently they were two gunmen
01:16Two gunmen?
01:19What were you doing here?
01:20I wanted to talk to César and suddenly some men came in and...
01:27And what did they want?
01:30They wanted to kill César but they couldn't
01:34When the police arrived, César was no longer there
01:37They've been looking for him everywhere and in fact they're still looking for him
01:43But judging by the bloodstain, César must be seriously injured
01:48Another possibility is that those two gunmen were with other people and took César against his will
01:56Inés, I'd like to know why those men wanted to kill César
02:01And why did César have a gun? And what was the relationship between them?
02:06Uncle, César asked me to go out through the back door and I called the police
02:13But the important thing is that César saved my life
02:15No, Inés, the important thing is that he put you in danger again
02:19Mr. Fermi, the police have interrogated him
02:24I'm sorry, darling, I'm sorry
02:28Can you hug me, please?
02:38Come on, Clarita, when you finish the milk, we'll go to bed and if you want, we'll read together
02:45I have a book in my room called Great Hopes, by Charles Dickens
02:50I'm not sleepy yet
02:53Besides, I'm not going to sleep until Íñigo arrives
02:58Why did he run away?
03:01They called him from Madrid Cabaret because there was a fire
03:05But nothing serious, he just had to go and put some order
03:09Go to bed and as soon as he comes back, I'll let you know
03:11Okay, but if I fall asleep, you wake me up
03:17Hey, Clarita, I thought that maybe you don't have to go to class tomorrow
03:22We'll both stay here and I'll give you the lesson
03:25It's because of what's in the newspapers, because of what they say about Íñigo
03:31Has any of your classmates messed with me?
03:34Yes, but only one or two
03:37And what did they tell you?
03:38My sister's husband has killed a woman
03:42He's a bad man and you have to be careful with him
03:46I'll talk to them tomorrow, well, better with their parents
03:50Yes? And when did it happen? What did you do? Did you talk to the teacher?
03:54Why? So that they accuse me of being a whore?
03:58I ran away and hid until I got over it
04:02But I didn't get over it
04:04Let's do something, Clarita
04:05You're going to stay a couple of days without going to class
04:08You're going to stay here, I'm going to get my homework
04:11And we'll do it together in the morning
04:13And in the afternoon, if you want, you can go to Susana's friend's house
04:16What do you say?
04:18Matilde, I don't like to hide
04:20Not in school, not here
04:24Could it be Íñigo?
04:26No, Íñigo has keys
04:35Let's go
04:57I'm sorry, it's late
04:59What's wrong? Are you okay?
05:01No, no, I'm fine, don't worry
05:05I'll get them
05:08I'm glad to see you too, Clarita
05:11How are you? I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's very difficult to compete with Íñigo
05:15I just came to be with him
05:18I guess the fire in Madrid-Cabaret wasn't very serious, right?
05:24No, nothing, a spark that jumped from the electrical installation, but nothing important
05:28In fact, Íñigo must be about to arrive
05:32Well, Matilde, remember your promise
05:35If I fall asleep, you wake me up
05:38And let me know when Íñigo arrives
05:43Good night, Jacob
05:45Good night, Clarita
05:53One shot, uncle, and two dead
05:57No trace of the manager, everything seems to indicate that he was injured
06:01What is clear is that he was involved in some mess
06:05But Matilde, calm down, because the police are convinced that Íñigo has nothing to do with this
06:10They won't need Jacob
06:12I'm sure someone took advantage of what happened to continue tarnishing his reputation
06:17And we both know who he is
06:36Rutilante Madrid-Cabaret, owned by Mr. Íñigo Peñalver, suspected of a recent murder, still under investigation, has become the scene of an alleged account adjustment
06:48Can you repeat it? The first part
06:53Rutilante Madrid-Cabaret, owned by Mr. Íñigo Peñalver, suspected of a recent murder, still...
06:58No, they are completely wrong
07:02They should say, it is owned by the murderer, Mr. Íñigo Peñalver
07:09Keep reading
07:11In fact, the police consider the possibility of an account adjustment between organizations
07:18Look, honestly, I don't know what Íñigo has to do with all this
07:21And what does that matter?
07:23This is his place, where his own manager has killed two people
07:29Fabio, don't you realize? The scandal is served
07:34Yeah, the silver platter
07:37And from now on, no one will be able to doubt the reality in which he belongs
07:43Much less that he is my daughter's murderer
07:45No, of course, the prosecutor will take it into account
07:49I hope so, because the public opinion would not understand that he spends one more minute in freedom
07:55What are they waiting for to arrest him? What else does he have to do? Set the city on fire?
08:00No, we trust that Inspector Jiménez will do his job
08:05That is precisely what worries me the most
08:09Yesterday, I had to fire him
08:11Did you talk to him? And you haven't told me anything? What happened?
08:16We had a heated discussion, at least for my part
08:21I insisted that there was too much evidence to arrest Íñigo
08:25However, I didn't see it that way
08:28And his arguments to defend his position seemed insulting to me
08:33Especially for Carla's memory
08:35But Bárbara, don't you think it's a good idea to put us against the police in charge of the investigation?
08:41On the contrary, it's time to do what needs to be done
08:45Make them feel our pressure, force them to do their duty
08:50And make them do justice, once and for all
08:54And what can I do?
08:56Get this shooting to stop
08:58Make them do justice, once and for all
09:02And what can I do?
09:04Get this shooting, which has come to us like a ring on the finger, to be the icing on the cake
09:10Talk to whoever you have to talk to
09:13Get them to link Íñigo with that gang of criminals
09:25Dear God
09:35Did you hear about the Madrid-Cabaret?
09:38A shooting and two dead
09:40And the worst thing is that Inés, Don Fermín's niece, was there too
09:43Of course, everyone talks about the same thing
09:46Thank God we weren't there, I haven't stopped thinking about it
09:49I thought these things only happened in the movies, Miguel
09:52By the way, how are the sales going?
09:54Well, about the mail section, it has been the balsam of Fierabrás
09:59I already have 12 orders, and the best thing is that once it's on sale, I don't have to worry about anything
10:04Well, Virgen Santa, Miguel, it seems that this time you have hit the nail on the head
10:09Yes, well, the Bibles, the truth is that they are to fix the soul, but it seems that people prefer to fix their bodies
10:15Well seen
10:17In addition, Madame Lafajete is not only a leader in fajas and corsets, but also in service
10:21The orders are made with due discretion
10:25If your right hand buys a faja, let your left hand not know
10:28I'm glad for you and for your clients, whoever they are
10:33Well, Miguel
10:35Elias, is something wrong?
10:37Since you came in, I notice you are tense, it even seems that it is difficult for you to breathe and you walk like a duck
10:42Let's see, the truth is that I will deny it for the rest of my life, Miguel, even if they torture me to death
10:48But yes, indeed, I am wearing a faja of Madame Lafajete, but of a gentleman, obviously
10:56As you say, have you bought it from another merchant?
10:58Of course not, man, what I have done has been the order under another name, yes, under the name of the husband of the owner of the mansion
11:05If your right hand buys a faja, let your left hand not know
11:10I will be a grave, and are you happy with the acquisition?
11:14I would not be surprised if they confused you with a movie star
11:15I regret that if I have decided to buy the faja, it is only to hold my kidneys well
11:21You know that I stand for many hours, Miguel, I do not need to stylize my figure because I have a natural gift that is ...
11:30Excuse me, excuse me
11:34La Goleda de las Letras, tell me
11:36Ah, Don Salvador, yes, right now I was with a client but I can talk
11:41Yes, yes
11:48My mother, if I do not believe it, because what Matilde was missing
11:53And that the newspaper relates Ñigo with the incident, even if it is veiled, seems temerary to me
11:59I was talking to him and he was as embarrassed as me
12:02And how is your niece? I understand that she was present when those armed men entered
12:10I did not know
12:12Well, as they say, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time
12:16And also with the wrong person
12:19Are you referring to Cesar, the manager of the salon who was involved in the shooting?
12:23Yes, yes, yes, to Cesar, but well, fortunately he escaped safe and sound, although he is still impressed with what he has lived
12:30Imagine in the middle of a shooting
12:35Is something wrong with you, Mrs. Lazara?
12:38Excuse me, I do not feel very well, my stomach has been upset
12:42The truth is that just to put me in his niece's place, I ...
12:46Well, thank God, everything ended well, although it could have been much worse, of course
12:53Well, yes, because the place could have been open to the public
12:57Mrs. Lazara, if you like, we finish dispatching the issues of the day
13:01And so we forget that unpleasant topic, even if it is only for a moment
13:05Teresa, if you excuse us
13:07No, wait a minute, Teresa, I'm the one who's leaving
13:12Mrs. Lazara
13:13Please, I would prefer that Teresa dispatched with you
13:17After all, there are only a few orders left to close
13:22Yes, yes, of course, if you need to take a break or not, of course
13:26Thank you very much, it is very considerate of you
13:29If you excuse me
13:35Do you understand?
13:37No, no, I don't think it should be a problem ...
13:41Of course
13:43Of course
13:45Good morning, Don Salvador
13:51I'm lost, Elias
13:53Don't tell me that Don Salvador has realized that you are a double agent
13:57That you work double-time, I mean, double-time
14:00What are you talking about?
14:01I'm talking about the demonstration the other day
14:04To see if it was too risky, for example
14:06And if Teresa has called Don Salvador to tell him
14:09No, Teresa would never do something like that
14:10Besides, it has nothing to do with that, but with something much worse
14:14Don Salvador wants to incorporate an assistant
14:16So that he can start working tomorrow in the bookshop
14:18Well, much better, so you have more time to betray him
14:22I mean, for the money
14:23No, quite the opposite, because I'm going to have to be on top of that assistant
14:26And I'm afraid that he ...
14:27No, quite the opposite, because I'm going to have to be on top of that assistant
14:30And I'm afraid that he ...
14:31On top of me
14:32And do you know why?
14:34Because it's about Salvita, Don Salvador's son
14:37No, and wait, now comes the good part
14:38He wants me to teach him the trade
14:41Well, he has entrusted you to his son, right?
14:44You should be a little proud
14:45Proud? But you don't realize the trick
14:47As soon as I have taught him, Salvita will be in charge
14:49And I will go to the street
14:51Ah, well, you're right
14:52Because I would do exactly the same as Don Salvador
14:54You would teach Salvita and then to the street, continuing with the saga
14:58Have you seen how beautiful?
14:59Precisely now I can not afford to lose this job
15:02But why not?
15:03But if so, you would have ...
15:04Think about it, Miguel
15:05You would have all the time to dedicate yourself exclusively to the trades
15:09Also, if you are a single man, huh?
15:11That has no shortage to feed
15:13You will have no problem getting ahead well
15:16What I don't understand is why you need two jobs
15:18Let's see if you're going to get anxious and you're going to end up having a telele
15:21You're right
15:23Yes, yes, yes, there is no harm in not coming
15:25Adaptation period, you say, right?
15:53Why do you walk as if you were constipated?
15:55Because you confuse elegance with constipation
16:00And a duck with a swan
16:01Let's see, why did you ask me to leave?
16:03Man, because every detective has to have an assistant to tell him everything he's discovering
16:10I'm not a detective
16:11I'm a detective
16:12I'm a detective
16:13I'm a detective
16:14I'm a detective
16:15I'm a detective
16:16I'm a detective
16:17I'm a detective
16:18I'm a detective
16:19I'm a detective
16:20I'm a detective
16:21I'm a detective
16:22And I'm going to expose the thief from the bottle
16:26Oh, but then are you sure it hasn't been Marta
16:28Man, as sure as you're stressed
16:42Let's see
16:43I don't want to poke my fingers
16:45But everything points out that that is a satin oil stain
16:47Of course
16:49Just like the one we saw at the reservoir, remember?
16:53And who can leave a stain of grease here?
16:57Well, the dirty people.
16:59No, man, the vans that park right here.
17:03Oh, no one beats me at the list.
17:06Well, you're already a little loose.
17:08Because since yesterday he has handbooks walking around the whole place.
17:12What? Have you discovered something new?
17:14Can I see your notes?
17:15No, no, no.
17:16No, calm down.
17:17No, man.
17:18Hey, and you don't fool me, huh?
17:20Something's wrong with you.
17:21Apart from walking like a duck, you're shaggy.
17:25Well, because of the constipation, I've lost weight.
17:28Well, no one beats me at the list.
17:30You must have bought yourself a girdle, madam.
17:32The girdles, right?
17:33What are you saying?
17:34But what things do you have, woman?
17:36I don't know what you're talking about.
17:37You have to see.
17:40One thing is to discover a stain, but another very different thing is to discover that a gentleman wears a girdle.
17:45Open your vest, lift your shirt.
17:48Look at me.
17:49Someone like me, with the body I have, that nature has given me, I'm going to need to wear one of those things.
17:54Besides, you ignore that I have been a model for the students of fine arts.
18:01I've brought you your favorite pastas.
18:06Inés, your sister told me that you didn't have dinner yesterday and that you haven't had breakfast today either.
18:10You can't go on with the empty stomach.
18:12Uncle, I'm not hungry.
18:14Honey, look, yesterday I didn't want to harass you with questions because I knew you had to rest.
18:22I know, uncle, I know.
18:24I am aware of the seriousness of the facts.
18:28Well, I can't get rid of the image of those men shooting.
18:33As far as I know, since you had the fatal accident, you haven't worked there anymore.
18:39So what were you doing at the Madrid Cavalé?
18:42But uncle, I've already told you.
18:44I had an appointment with César, we had a pending conversation.
18:48And you didn't know what he was up to?
18:50It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
18:53Fortunately, that man won't hurt you again.
18:59But uncle, César saved my life.
19:02Yes, but before he also put you in danger.
19:04But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.
19:07The police will find out what you don't want to tell me.
19:09And it's César's relationship with those gunmen.
19:13And that's the only thing that matters to him.
19:15No, Inés, no.
19:17The only thing that matters to me is you.
19:19But I don't think it's a coincidence that a week ago you almost died of poisoning.
19:22And yesterday, in a shooting, in a place where you shouldn't be.
19:25Uncle, I've already told you, please.
19:27I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
19:29You need to rest.
19:32No, I need you to stop pressuring me.
19:34And please leave me alone.
19:39Uncle, please, I need to be alone.
19:57And can you share your hypothesis with me?
20:00I'm getting the hook.
20:05As soon as Mrs. Lázara comes out, her hair falls off.
20:07Esperanza, if you want, I've finished at the lab.
20:09I'm going to clean up.
20:11Don't interrupt her now, teacher.
20:13Because she's about to solve the case.
20:15What case?
20:16But hey, what world does she live in?
20:18Well, the case of the theft of the bottle of cognac.
20:20And also the one to blame Marta.
20:22But it's still not possible, huh?
20:24That she is always the suspect of everything bad.
20:27Yes, exactly, Pietro.
20:29Because this is like when someone kills a mother-in-law
20:31for the rest of her life.
20:33I understand, but I don't think it's the best example.
20:37What's wrong with your mouth?
20:40Oh, nothing.
20:41I open my mouth and my toe hurts.
20:44But hey, it's not serious.
20:46Nothing happens.
20:49Esperanza, tell me.
20:50What have you found out so far?
21:00Don't interrupt her now, teacher.
21:04Because she sees things that we don't.
21:13I know who spilled the bottle of cognac.
21:17Or a driver of the van.
21:20Or a unloading guy.
21:23Or both.
21:31Uncle, I didn't know you were here.
21:34How is Inés?
21:36Bad, very bad.
21:37It's my fault.
21:38I have pressured her with too many questions.
21:40And the only thing I have achieved is that she does not want to talk to me.
21:45But it's Cesar.
21:47How did we not see how dangerous that man was?
21:51Well, never mind.
21:53Please tell her to forgive me.
21:55I love her very much.
21:57Don't worry.
21:58Inés knows enough.
22:01By the way, Laurita.
22:03I was talking to Agustín Comas and he assured me that what happened between you two
22:07was nothing more than a misunderstanding.
22:09No, no, it doesn't matter.
22:11Thank you for your interest.
22:14I was also talking to someone.
22:16With Antonia.
22:17She is very sorry to have to leave the Modern.
22:20And I am too.
22:23Wait a minute.
22:24Don't take it the wrong way.
22:26But it is so difficult to eliminate that rule.
22:28And don't tell me again that it is an aggravation for the former employees.
22:32That's exactly what it is.
22:34An aggravation.
22:35In addition to an injustice.
22:36Yeah, uncle.
22:37But I can break your theory in a blink of an eye.
22:40Why don't you ask any of the former employees
22:43if she would be upset because Antonia could continue working at the Modern after getting married.
22:47Matilde herself.
22:49She doesn't realize that with such an absurd rule,
22:51what she is going to achieve is losing the people she cares about.
22:54Do you really think she will find someone better than Pietro or Antonia to work at the Modern?
22:58You always say that we are a family.
23:01Do you really want to break it?
23:03How easy it is to ask all those questions.
23:06No, no, it's easier to answer them.
23:13Will you be aware of your sister?
23:15Yes, I have taken the afternoon off.
23:17Give me a kiss.
23:21Goodbye, honey.
23:39I almost screwed it up.
23:42Maybe you're right.
23:44The time has come for me to quit my job.
23:49Are you sure?
23:50You know what I think, but you didn't look very convinced.
23:54I'm not.
23:59Was he giving you another blow?
24:03I was thinking.
24:05The decision has been made.
24:07I'm going to leave the Modern.
24:09I can't say I don't regret your decision,
24:11but it's the best thing you could do.
24:13You can't keep hiding your pregnancy or your marriage.
24:16That couldn't end well.
24:18I guess.
24:20But I don't know, when I imagine it,
24:23everything seems so easy.
24:25I enter Mr. Fermin's office,
24:27I tell him straight away,
24:29but then I think,
24:31I don't know, everything seems so easy.
24:33I don't know if I'll be able to do it.
24:36What's the worst that could happen to you?
24:38That he fires you because you lied to him?
24:40What's worse?
24:41If you're the one who wants to leave.
24:43Yes, it seems very easy said like that.
24:45But I don't know.
24:47I'm ashamed, and I'm afraid.
24:50I'm ashamed because Mr. Fermin doesn't deserve me
24:53to have given him a chance to leave.
24:55I don't know.
24:57And I'm afraid, I'm ashamed because
24:59Mr. Fermin doesn't deserve me to have lied to him like that.
25:02Neither he nor you.
25:04And I'm afraid because, in the end,
25:06I've never left a job.
25:09And this place, well,
25:11it's my home.
25:13My home.
25:15And you,
25:17you're my family.
25:19I don't know, I'm pregnant and I get sentimental.
25:23Don't be silly, woman.
25:25That doesn't mean we're not going to take care of you.
25:28Do you want me to walk you to the office?
25:30No, I want you to leave me alone for a while.
25:33I'm going to do it today,
25:35before the day is over.
25:49The manager surprised me today with a maneuver
25:51that I didn't quite understand.
25:53What did Mrs. Lázara do to you this time?
25:55Well, not to me.
25:57She did it to Mr. Fermin.
25:59Since he arrived, she hasn't stopped dancing to him
26:02and now, all of a sudden, she's stopped doing it.
26:05And what do you mean by that?
26:07Because she's distanced herself.
26:09Or that's what I think.
26:11And that worries you?
26:13A few days ago you were shivering
26:15because they had gone together to the sales.
26:18Teresa, can't one thing bother you
26:20and also the opposite?
26:24Yeah, that's true.
26:26Maybe I'm the problem.
26:28Or the thing is that there's no problem.
26:31Why don't you forget about it?
26:33Oh, Cañete, because I can't.
26:35Because this situation is unsustainable.
26:37I have to make a decision and I have to make it now.
26:39Decision? What decision?
26:41Aren't you thinking about going and leaving Moderna?
26:44Come on.
26:53Well, at least you were able to eat something.
26:56The guy was worried.
26:59Wait, I'll help you.
27:02And he keeps telling me about that guy.
27:04Well, that.
27:06That instead of the cashier, he was the owner of the pub.
27:08And instead of apologizing,
27:10he decided to keep feeding the confusion.
27:12I don't know, maybe he thought it was funny to laugh at me,
27:15but I didn't find it funny.
27:17Neither did he.
27:19Well, let's not waste time with someone like that.
27:21Do you want me to make you an infusion?
27:23The doctor said it would be good for you.
27:25No, I don't feel like it.
27:27But I appreciate that you stayed with me.
27:29You're the best sister I can have right now.
27:32One and the only, right?
27:34You're always when I need you.
27:36And you don't ask me uncomfortable questions like our uncle.
27:40Inés, if I don't ask you questions, it's so I don't insist.
27:44But I keep my desire.
27:46What happened is very serious.
27:48If he asks you, it's because he feels responsible for not protecting you.
27:51Yeah, but I don't need his protection.
27:54Besides, he would never understand what César did for me.
27:57All he cares about is that I had a gun.
28:02Are you okay?
28:05Yes, yes.
28:06Do you want to go to the doctor?
28:09Inés, everything will be fine.
28:12You'll recover and you'll be able to sing.
28:15The truth is that I'm very worried about César.
28:19The police said he could be dead or kidnapped and...
28:26I'll go.
28:37Thank you very much.
28:44Inés, this is for you.
28:48From César.
28:54But this date is three days ago.
29:04Don't force your voice. I read it.
29:08Dear Inés, I'm writing these letters to inform you about what I'm going to do next.
29:14Something I'm doing for me, but especially for you.
29:18For us.
29:19For us.
29:20Through the embassy, I've contacted the French gendarmerie and I'm going to give them all the evidence I have against Marcel and the clan he works for.
29:28The Marseillaise clan.
29:30To do this, I only ask that they release me from prison, so I can finally go to America.
29:36Our dream.
29:38But if you don't want to know anything else about me, I'll understand.
29:40And I won't bother you again, even if you're what I want most in this world.
29:46I grabbed the cap and went back to the alley.
29:49And there I found the empty bottle inside a bucket.
29:54I just had to ask our night watchman.
29:58And he did it?
30:00And what did he say?
30:01That the driver of the delivery truck had asked him for permission to go to the bathroom.
30:07So, of course, that's when I realized that all the mess I had made had every reason in the world.
30:15Yes, yes, yes, of course it had every reason in the world.
30:18But there's something I don't understand.
30:20Exactly how did he do it?
30:22Let's see, he snuck into the reserve.
30:24He broke the bottle, which he didn't know was worth a lot.
30:27He took it and drank it with his partner.
30:29Of course, he thought we weren't going to realize that a bottle was missing.
30:35That's word for word what his boss has told him.
30:39Which, by the way, he just called me to apologize.
30:43Just that?
30:44In addition to two checks.
30:47One to pay for the import of the bottle and another in the concept of damage and damage.
30:52That's better.
30:55You know what I'm telling you, Esperanza?
30:57That the police force has lost a great detective with you.
31:01Although for that they should accept women, of course.
31:05There are so many rules that don't make sense.
31:10Well, I just wanted to clear Marta's name.
31:13As the head of my department and responsible, I couldn't tolerate her being questioned.
31:23Did you want to see me, Mr. Fermin?
31:25Yes, come in. Come in, Marta. Sit down, please. Sit down.
31:31Well, Mr. Fermin, as for the robbery of the bottle ...
31:33You see, Marta, you don't have to justify anything.
31:36Because thanks to Esperanza's investigation, we have discovered the real culprit.
31:42So I deeply regret that the shadow of doubt has engulfed you.
31:48And I hope you accept my most sincere apologies.
31:51There would be more missing, Mr. Fermin.
31:54One cannot erase their past with a pen, right?
31:57The only thing that has hurt me is that many have thought badly of me.
32:02I understand and I'm sorry.
32:04You are absolutely right.
32:06But hey, let's keep the link.
32:09Esperanza, congratulations again.
32:15Alleged murderer.
32:18Owner of a place in Madrid where there is a shooting and two people die.
32:26Don't tell me you don't have a sense of humor.
32:31Eva, where have you been?
32:35I just left Clarita at her friend's house.
32:37Sit down.
32:38Yes. Some colleagues got involved with her, accusing Íñigo.
32:42You can imagine. It's not the first time it happens.
32:45Well, any news?
32:47No, none. They insist on linking me to the facts.
32:51How is it possible that whatever we do, they will never give us a break?
32:55When are they going to leave us alone?
32:59I think Mrs. Bárbara has nothing to do with the Marseillais.
33:03Well, I guess.
33:04But I wouldn't be surprised if she were, through Fabio, pressuring the newspapers.
33:08It's the second time your name has appeared in the papers in two weeks.
33:11That's true, yes.
33:13As true as in a few weeks there will be other news that they have to sell.
33:18Everything about the Madrid-Cabaret will be history.
33:20Not to say that you are not accused of anything at the moment.
33:30Jacob, we would like to tell you something.
33:34It's about the local from Seville.
33:36What's wrong with the local?
33:38Well, we think he shouldn't delay his trip.
33:41We're worried he might lose it.
33:47Do you really think I'm going to leave you alone right now?
33:52Because if that's the case, you don't know me at all.
33:56Precisely because we know you, we think it's best for you.
33:59And you're right.
34:01You have nothing against Iñigo.
34:03And the newspapers will end up forgetting us.
34:05But what we have to do is...
34:08Well, protect Clarita and put up with the weather.
34:11And unfortunately we have experience in that.
34:15So please, listen to us.
34:17Go to Semilla, look at the local and if you like it, make an offer to the seller.
34:22And what's going to take? A few days?
34:24He's going to find us like he left us.
34:26We won't accept a no for an answer.
34:30The truth is that when they agree, it's very difficult to go against them.
34:36Okay, yes, yes, I'll go to Seville.
34:39As soon as I get there, I'll be back.
34:42But please, I'm asking both of you.
34:46If something happens, let me know, please.
34:50Take care.
34:54Do you think going to the police has helped?
34:57Do you think going to the police has helped?
35:00But why do you say that?
35:02They have read the letter, they have listened to us and they have assured us that they will do everything in their power to clarify this matter.
35:09Everything in their power?
35:11Yes, even contact the gendarmerie to collaborate.
35:15Do you think the French will admit that the leak of the pact that César had made has come out of them?
35:22It's better not to get your hopes up.
35:24That gang of criminals has a lot of power, even the police.
35:27Well, Inés, but they have assured us that they are looking for him.
35:31Yeah, but I don't know if that's good or bad.
35:34Why do you say that?
35:37Well, because if they find him, they might turn him over to the Marseillais.
35:41If the French police have an infiltrator, then ours could also have him, right?
35:46No, no, but why do you get into the worst?
35:48Well, because I have a feeling that I will never see César again.
35:53I didn't know I loved him so much, Laurita.
36:02Don Fermín,
36:05I want to tell you,
36:08I want to tell you
36:12that he has a mustache, he has a beard,
36:15that he has a wonderful mustache,
36:18and that he looks like an archduke.
36:44Calm down, please, calm down.
36:48Don Fermín,
36:51Don Fermín,
36:53I want to tell you that
36:58I have been working here for many years,
37:02the best of my life, I would say,
37:04and that this has become my home,
37:11my home,
37:14and that you are like my family,
37:18and that I feel very, very, very, very grateful.
37:25You can't cry, Trini, please.
37:28Hold on.
37:34Let's see.
37:40Don Fermín,
37:44I have an allergy to the subway,
37:47and I have found a chocolate shop
37:52where I could work,
37:55and it is very close to my house,
37:57so I could go to work walking,
38:00and nothing, that's it, I wanted to tell you.
38:09How can I tell you?
38:15Don Fermín,
38:19I have no allergy,
38:21and there is no chocolate shop near my house,
38:25it doesn't exist, I made it up,
38:27and I just wanted to tell you this, that...
38:34yes, of course,
38:36of course,
38:38you don't believe my explanations,
38:44you think I'm hiding something from you, right?
38:47Well, I don't know what it could be,
38:49because I'm sure it won't be that I'm married,
38:52or that I'm pregnant and that I'm going to be a mother.
39:06Are you sure you don't want to have the meeting here in the office?
39:09No, I'd rather we go outside,
39:12just for a moment,
39:14so they don't feel intimidated.
39:16You have finally solved your dilemma.
39:19What dilemma are you referring to?
39:21Well, that you don't want to abstain from Antonia or Pietro,
39:24but you don't want to give up and break the rule either.
39:27Well, now you'll know.
39:33Here you have it, Don Fermín.
39:36And Trini?
39:38She's in the toilet, she's not feeling very well.
39:42I'll be brief and concise.
39:48I have in front of me my most veteran employees,
39:51all those who have accompanied me on this adventure since it began,
39:55my most faithful waiters,
39:57and my most loyal waitresses.
40:00And your cleaning lady boss, Maéfica?
40:03That's right.
40:05And, of course,
40:07the best pastry chef you could ever dream of.
40:12Be that as it may,
40:14thanks to my niece I've realized that times are changing
40:18and it's ridiculous to look the other way.
40:21So I've made a decision
40:24that will fully affect the team.
40:28Don't tell me you've thought about retiring, Don Fermín.
40:30Or about moving the business.
40:32Well, he'll be with us inside, right?
40:33Well, if we let him talk, maybe he'll tell us.
40:36Thank you, Teresa.
40:38A little respect, please.
40:40Go ahead, Don Fermín.
40:42I wish I were a wise man, but I'm not.
40:45And yet I will allow myself to rectify.
40:49Antonia, Pietro,
40:53this is your home
40:56and you will continue to do so.
40:57The rule by which the employees of La Moderna
41:00couldn't be married
41:03is still valid.
41:09He just said what I think he just said.
41:12So, can we keep working while we're married?
41:15You can and you must.
41:19I congratulate you on this decision, Don Fermín.
41:22I also congratulate you,
41:24although I don't know how it benefits me.
41:27How can you not know? You know it perfectly well.
41:30Without Pietro and Antonia,
41:32who would you beat up?
41:35And now, if you'll excuse me.
41:50Yes, I thank you.
41:54I'll come by as soon as I can.
41:58Take care.
42:04I was watching Jacob leave in a taxi.
42:07I'm glad we convinced him.
42:10Who were you talking to?
42:12A waiter from Madrid Cabaret.
42:14In the absence of César,
42:16someone has to take care of the place.
42:18By the way, love,
42:20I've been thinking about going back to work.
42:23Would you agree?
42:25But, love, that's great news.
42:29But I thought that in the modern world
42:32married women can't work.
42:34Yes, but I have a proposal for Don Fermín.
42:38It would be, for example,
42:40to organize some kind of event in the upper part of the room.
42:43Like the photographic exhibition
42:45that Laurita and Celia did. Do you remember?
42:47Of course I remember.
42:49Even the writer Luisa Carnés went to visit her.
42:51It was a success. And what are you thinking about?
42:54I don't know, I have some ideas,
42:56but I'd like you to help me shape them.
42:59Of course I'll help you.
43:02I'm glad to see you so excited.
43:07Hey, but being busy
43:10won't be because you're bored with me, right?
43:13Bored with you?
43:15With a person who appears in the newspapers?
43:22When all this is over,
43:24we'll start our own life.
43:27And you know why?
43:30Because no one will be able to be with us.
43:47I never imagined that removing that ban
43:51would cause so much joy.
43:54And it's clear that the rules
43:56must arise from common sense, right?
43:59Is something wrong, Mrs. Lázara?
44:02You're not very talkative, let's say.
44:05Excuse me.
44:07I was finishing writing down the flour order.
44:10By the way, Mr. Fermín,
44:12I forgot to tell you
44:14that I have to take care of a personal matter.
44:17I'd have to leave a little earlier.
44:19It would be necessary.
44:21Thank you.
44:22Thank you.
44:24I hope this personal matter
44:26is nothing serious.
44:28No, it's not.
44:32Wait a moment, Mrs. Lázara.
44:35If you're not in a hurry,
44:38I'd like to ask you something.
44:46The afternoon we spent together
44:48when we went to the inauguration
44:50of the Torros de las Ventas square
44:54very pleasant.
44:56And I think
44:58it was for you, too.
45:03And yet, since then,
45:05I've noticed you
45:07avoid me more and more.
45:09Tell me if I'm wrong.
45:11Avoid you?
45:15What do you mean?
45:17That if you have a problem with me
45:19or I've said or done something
45:20that has bothered you,
45:22I'd like to know.
45:24No, there's nothing to know.
45:26Well, I think I'm the same as always.
45:31No, you're not.
45:37But, well,
45:39I thought our level of trust
45:41would allow me to ask,
45:43but now I see it's not like that.
45:45Excuse me for the interruption.
45:47You can go.
45:51Don Fermin.
45:55I'm sorry,
45:57but you're right.
45:59Since the day we went to Las Ventas,
46:03I'm not the same person.
46:05I've tried...
46:07I've tried
46:09to hide the sadness I carry inside,
46:11but it seems I haven't.
46:17What sadness do you mean?
46:18What sadness do you mean?
46:22You can tell me if you want.
46:25I'm not sure
46:27that's a good idea,
46:31since it has to do with you.
46:34With me?
46:38I'd better go.
46:40No, no, no.
46:41No, no, no.
46:50Go on.
46:52You said that sadness
46:54has to do with me.
46:58What's going on?
47:02Well, it's very simple, Don Fermin.
47:05It's just that...
47:07I'm in love with you.
47:24No, no, no.
47:26I don't know what to say.
47:28You don't have to say anything.
47:30I have no right to express my feelings
47:33and I apologize.
47:34I understand that you don't feel the same as I do.
47:43Don Fermin, I need to talk to you.
47:46I need to tell you something urgently.
47:49Something that, if I don't tell you now,
47:51in the end...
47:55I'm leaving La Moderna.
49:38Everything is going as we planned.
49:41Well, even better.
49:43The siege against the enemy is getting closer.
49:46And against me too, Mother.
49:53When will I get out of here?
49:56Have a little patience.
49:58I assure you that the sacrifice will be worth it.
50:05And I'm not going to hide.
50:07I'm going to show my face.
50:09And for that, I'm going to organize a party
50:11to celebrate the reopening of Madrid Cabaret.
50:13The press is helping us corner Íñigo.
50:16I want to finish with Íñigo
50:18and especially with Matilde as soon as possible.
50:20Of course.
50:22We will.
50:24But we can't speed up
50:26or lose our cool.
50:28Otherwise, everything will go to hell.
50:30It's just that when Antonia and Pietro
50:32meet at the altar,
50:34it's normal that they go to live together.
50:36Antonia considers you like a daughter.
50:38She will surely take you to live with them.
50:40Why don't you ask her?
50:42No, no, no, no, no.
50:44I wouldn't ask her or allow her.
50:46Maybe it's time for me to go on my own.
50:48Don Fermín is waiting for her in his office.
50:50He's been looking for her.
50:52But since he couldn't find her,
50:54he asked me to pass the message to her.
50:56Why didn't he tell me before?
50:58Because he didn't let me.
51:00What a shame, Trini, that you lost it.
51:02Lose what?
51:08When I asked you if your intention was to go to La Moderna,
51:10you made a fuss about the forum.
51:12Have you already made a decision?
51:14My son Salvita doesn't just need to learn a trade.
51:16He needs to learn about the life
51:18of a man made and right like you.
51:20But wasn't he studying to be a lawyer?
51:22That's a lot to assume
51:24since he hasn't even passed a miserable subject.
51:27It's all his.
51:29Are you sure Pietro doesn't mind
51:31that I wear the same dress
51:32at the wedding with Ramón?
51:34I haven't told him yet.
51:36But so many things have happened
51:38that I'm going to tell him.
51:40No one wants to do business
51:42with a supposed murderer.
51:44It's completely unfair,
51:46but understandable that certain people
51:48have their reticences.
51:50That's why I want to reopen.
51:52And now you want me to talk
51:54to my own supplier?
51:56Don Fermín, I just need to be ready for the party.
51:58After that night,
52:00everything will go back to normal.
52:02I was heartbroken
52:04when I heard at the police station
52:06that I was accused of the two homicides
52:08of the Madrid-Cabret
52:10and that I belonged to a criminal organization.
52:12I'm the police liaison
52:14with the French Gendarmerie.
52:16And I've been assigned to the search
52:18for César Morel in Spain.
52:20I know very well who you are
52:22and the relationship I had with him.
52:24Covering up a criminal
52:26won't do him any good,
52:28on the contrary.
52:30Don Salvador has asked me
52:32to tell you that as soon as you show him everything,
52:34he'll kick you out.
52:36No, Miguel, we'll think of something.
52:38The truth is that it's wonderful
52:40to get you into trouble.
52:42Since when?
52:44Since I've been attracted to you.
52:46Since the beginning.
52:48I'm not leaving here
52:50until Íñigo and Matilde
52:52receive their punishment.
52:54But daughter...
52:56Nothing or no one will make me change my mind.
52:58I want to see them dead, mother.
53:00Do you understand? Dead.
53:02I want to see them dead.