• last year
00:02:00You uneducated bastards!
00:02:01What kind of a man are you?
00:02:03Don't you have a mother, a sister, a daughter?
00:02:05It would be good if they did it to you.
00:02:07Are you not going to stop?
00:02:09Will this nation not be able to get rid of you?
00:02:12This Dallama really wants to get beaten up.
00:02:20I see.
00:02:23If you turn your back on me in the future,
00:02:26this gun will be one of us.
00:02:30Why don't you just forget about them?
00:02:40This is a new one, brother.
00:02:42It's registered to the grave.
00:02:44All the files are in there.
00:02:46Thank you, boss.
00:02:47The chairman of our companies,
00:02:50my dear brother Ali Sait Bey,
00:02:52died last night.
00:02:57May he rest in peace.
00:02:58They came and set up the place where we were evacuated.
00:03:03They didn't do it alone.
00:03:04They made them do it.
00:03:07Now we are facing a bigger enemy.
00:03:10We have only one solution.
00:03:11No one other than our companies will join the bid.
00:03:14Well, Mr. Zafer,
00:03:16we almost killed everyone.
00:03:19There is a man named Poyraz,
00:03:22who Suat has been seeing for a while.
00:03:24What happened in the past has been forgotten.
00:03:26Do you think so?
00:03:28I think so.
00:03:32I don't want any trouble again.
00:03:35There is nothing to worry about.
00:03:38I look at everything differently now.
00:03:39You do?
00:03:40Yes, I do.
00:03:46Thank you, brother.
00:03:47I'm glad we met.
00:03:49I'm glad you met a father like you, nephew.
00:03:53Your father took after you.
00:03:56Thank you, brother.
00:03:59We haven't seen each other for a long time.
00:04:04Sometimes life can even separate your closest friends.
00:04:10So it's a deep subject.
00:04:12Deep subjects hit the shore with time and reach the shore.
00:04:17We will see each other very often from now on.
00:04:21The more you know him, the more you will love him, son.
00:04:51How are you?
00:04:54I'm fine.
00:05:05Guard up!
00:05:06Get down!
00:05:17Allahu akbar.
00:18:48Cık. Demek prenses geri döndü.
00:18:50Allah sizden razı olsun.
00:18:52Sizin yardımınız olmasa...
00:18:54Biz görevimizi yapıyoruz.
00:18:56Asıl teşekkürü hak eden biz değiliz.
00:18:58Zeynep'e yardım eden hayırseverle muhakkak tanışmak istiyoruz.
00:19:01En azından bir teşekkür edebilsek.
00:19:04Kendisi kimliğinin açıklanmasını özellikle istemiyor.
00:19:08O sadece Zeynep'in bir an önce iyileşip okuluna dönmesini istiyor.
00:19:12Ama ben sizin iyi dileklerinizi ona mutlaka ileteceğim.
00:19:15Allah onun ne muradı varsa versin.
00:19:18Onu tüm kötülüklerden korusun.
00:19:20Allah kahretsin!
00:19:22Şimdilik müsaadenizle.
00:19:24Benim diğer hastalara da bakmam lazım.
00:19:48Benim diğer hastalara da bakmam lazım.
00:19:50Ama sana tekrar uğrayacağım tamam mı fıstık?
00:19:54İyi günler.
00:19:56Ben Poyraz'a haber vereyim.
00:20:09Alo aşkım.
00:20:11Seher ben Atilla.
00:20:13Poyraz yok mu Atilla?
00:20:15Ya Seher şu anda yok.
00:20:17Atilla senin sesin neden kötü bir şey mi oldu?
00:20:20Fazla telaşlanma.
00:20:22Ama durum kötü.
00:20:24Şevki babayı vurdular Seher onu kaybettik.
00:20:31Poyraz'a bir şey oldu mu?
00:20:32Yok o iyi.
00:20:34Peki nerede şimdi?
00:20:37Polis götürüyor.
00:20:39Sakin ol.
00:20:40Ben hangi karakola götürüldüğünü öğreneyim sana hemen haber vereceğim tamam mı?
00:20:43Tamam Atilla.
00:20:45Lütfen çabuk ol.
00:20:48Tamam tamam merak etme.
00:21:02Bir dakika Sayın Başkan.
00:21:06Teklif zarflarını niçin teslim ediyorsunuz?
00:21:08Polis soruşturma açacak.
00:21:10Bir tane eli silahlı adam burayı bastı diye siz hepimizi zanlı durumuna düşürüyorsunuz Sayın Başkan.
00:21:14Mesele o kadar basit değil beyefendi.
00:21:16Belli ki ortada silahlı bir tehdit ve zor kullanma var.
00:21:19Biri bu yüzden vefat etmiş.
00:21:21Bu ihale özgür iradesini kaybetti.
00:21:24Ne yani ihale iptal mi ediliyor?
00:21:26En azından soruşturma sonuçlanana kadar.
00:21:29Bunu yapamazsın başkan.
00:21:31Yaparım çünkü yönetmelik bu hakkı bana veriyor.
00:21:34Herkese yeniyor.
00:21:44Oynar mısın benimle?
00:21:47Oynar mısın benimle?
00:21:52Oynar mısın yine de?
00:21:56Oynar mısın benimle?
00:22:02Teşekkür ederim.
00:22:06Ben resmimi bitirdim.
00:22:09Aferin sana Ayşeciğim.
00:22:11Al bakalım.
00:22:12Oya'cığım misafirim var.
00:22:18Hoş geldiniz.
00:22:19Hoş bulduk.
00:22:20Sizi gördüğüme şaşırdım.
00:22:22Bu kadar çabuk beklemiyordum.
00:22:24Hilal Hanım'ı tanıdınız.
00:22:25Vakıf işlerini her şeyin üzerinde tutar.
00:22:27Beklemeyi de bekletmeyi de sevmez.
00:22:29Ben senin için çocuklarla ilgilenirim.
00:22:31Çok teşekkür ederim.
00:22:33Rica ederim.
00:22:34İsterseniz ben de size yuvayı gezdireyim sonra da bir kahve içeriz.
00:22:38Görüşürüz çocuklar.
00:22:39Güle güle.
00:22:41Güle güle.
00:22:59Sizi tebrik ediyorum.
00:23:01Çocuklar için çok sıcak bir ortam hazırlamışsınız.
00:23:04Burada çocukların özgüven sahibi bireyler olabilmeleri için elimizden gelen her şeyi yapıyoruz.
00:23:10Ne yazık ki her çocuk o kadar şanslı olmuyor.
00:23:13Ama zaten bizim vakfımızın da kuruluş amacı bu.
00:23:16Bahar Hanım izin verirseniz size bir şey sormak istiyorum.
00:23:19Tabii lütfen.
00:23:20Dikkatimi çekti.
00:23:21Vakfın adı da Bahar Çocukları.
00:23:26İsim kaynağı benim.
00:23:29Ben bu vakfın ilk Bahar çocuğuyum.
00:23:35Hilal Hanım olmasaydı...
00:23:39Ne oldu iyi misin sen?
00:23:41Şevki babayı vurdular abla.
00:23:46Şevki baba ölmüş.
00:24:05Hayırdır kardeşim bu durum ne?
00:24:08Şevki baba rahmetli olmuş abi.
00:24:12Rahmetli mi olmuş?
00:24:14Evet abi.
00:24:35Yakını mıydınız abi?
00:24:38Evet kardeşim yakınıydık.
00:24:40Başınız sağ olsun abi.
00:24:42Sağ ol cümlemize.
00:24:44Nasıl olmuş?
00:24:45Şantiyede ihaleye giderken üzerlerine ateş açılmış.
00:24:48Fazla bir şey bilmiyoruz.
00:24:50Ocakçı Metin abi biliyor ama o da pek konuşmuyor.
00:25:04Başınız sağ olsun kardeş.
00:25:11Dostlar sağ olsun.
00:25:13Kardeş biz Şevki babanın arkadaşlarıyız.
00:25:16Olayı sen biliyor musun?
00:25:18Bir anlat hele bilelim.
00:25:20Belki yapmamız gereken bir şey vardır.
00:25:21İhaleye gideceklerdi bugün.
00:25:23Şantiyenin önünde saldırmışlar.
00:25:25Şimdi adli tıbba götürüyorlarmış.
00:25:29Otopsi yapacaklarmış babama.
00:25:31Nasıl kıydılar ona?
00:25:35Kim bu şeytanlar abi?
00:25:37Bulacağız kardeşim.
00:25:39Yüreğini serin tut.
00:25:44Kanun Şevki'nin kanı yerde kalmaz.
00:25:47Nasıl bir haber şimdi bu Davut?
00:26:05Felaket abi felaket.
00:26:07Ne yapalım?
00:26:08Bana hemen Poyraz'ı bul.
00:26:11Maalesef Demir Bey.
00:26:25Hiç hesapta olmayan bir durumla karşılaştık efendim.
00:26:27Ne demek hesapta olmayan bir durumla karşılaştık?
00:26:32Biz seninle ne konuştuk?
00:26:34Sana güvenmekle hata mı ediyoruz Zafer?
00:26:37Asla efendim.
00:26:38Merak etmeyin.
00:26:39Bu meseleyi çözeceğim.
00:26:40Size söz veriyorum.
00:26:41Çöz Zafer çöz.
00:26:43Hem de bir an önce.
00:26:44Peki efendim.
00:26:50Görüyorsun değil mi yaptığını?
00:26:55Senin yüzünden Demir Bey'in gözündeki itibarım iki paralık oldu.
00:27:01İki tane kenar mahalle kabadayısıyla başa çıkamadınız be.
00:27:04Bir çuval incir berbat oldu.
00:27:07Nerede bu kardeşin?
00:27:09Bul şunu da hemen gelsin buraya.
00:27:11Ne bekliyorsun hala?
00:27:14Maalesef telefonla ulaşamıyorum Zafer Bey.
00:27:16Her yere haber saldım.
00:27:18Birazdan bulurlar.
00:27:30Suat'ı buldunuz mu?
00:27:32Maalesef haber kötü Veli abi.
00:27:34Ne olmuş oğlum? Söylesene. Delirtme adamı.
00:27:36Trafik adası geçirmişler.
00:27:40Poyraz'ın şantiyesinin orada.
00:27:42Neredeler şimdi?
00:27:43Uçuruma uçmuşlar abi.
00:27:47Ölmüşler mi yoksa?
00:27:50Maalesef abi.
00:27:56Üçünün cenazeleri de paramparça olmuş.
00:27:58Allah kahretsin. İş iyice karıştı.
00:28:02Onun işi bu.
00:28:05Geberteceğim onu.
00:28:07Leşini köpeklere atacağım.
00:28:10Kendi ellerimle keseceğim gırtlağını.
00:28:12Kes sesini Veli.
00:28:14Benden habersiz hiçbir şey yapmayacaksın.
00:28:16İşi bok ettin zaten.
00:28:18Yeter. Aptal olma.
00:28:20Benim kardeşim öldü Zafer Bey.
00:28:23Ne diyorsun sen?
00:28:25Benim kardeşim öldü Zafer Bey.
00:28:28Ne diyorsun sen?
00:28:31Ben bu işin içinden çıkıncaya kadar...
00:28:33...hiçbir şey yapmayacaksın o kadar.
00:28:36Ne yapacaksan ben karar vereceğim.
00:28:39Yoksa kardeşini yanına gönderirim seni.
00:28:56Ben bu kurmaları kaç yıldır besliyorum?
00:29:02Çok yıldır.
00:29:08Çünkü işlerini iyi yapsınlar diye.
00:29:12Peki iyi besleyebiliyor muyum?
00:29:18Peki iyi besleyebiliyor muyum?
00:29:25...onlar ne yapıyorlar?
00:29:30Cami duvarına işliyorlar.
00:29:35Benim arabama...
00:29:37...ben cenaze namazındayken...
00:29:39...kim girdi?
00:29:42Arabama kim girdi diyorum.
00:29:44Kimse girmedi efendim.
00:29:51...bunu bırakmış.
00:29:56Gözünüz nereye bakıyordu lan?
00:30:00Adamın biri arabama giriyor...
00:30:03...bunu bırakıyor...
00:30:05...ve sizin ruhunuz bile duymuyor.
00:30:09Bunu bırakan adam...
00:30:11...arabaya bomba da koyar.
00:30:17Dua et bunca yıllık şoförümsün.
00:30:21Yıkılın karşımdan.
00:30:24Bundan sonra da gözünüzü dört açın.
00:30:35Ekber diye birini arayacaksın.
00:30:37Asıl adı Kuzey Taşova.
00:30:39Ekber lakabı.
00:30:41Yurt dışındaydı, her yeri arayacaksın.
00:30:43Eğer yurda giriş yaptıysa...
00:30:45...derhal haber getireceksiniz.
00:30:47Bir daha bunlar uyursa hepinizi gebertirim.
00:30:51Şimdi git herkese söyle işlerini adam gibi yapsınlar.
00:30:53Bundan sonra yanıma tanımadık biri...
00:30:55...on metreden fazla yaklaşmayacak.
00:30:57Getikte olacaksınız.
00:30:59Hata istemiyorum.
00:31:03Kim bu Ekber baba?
00:31:07Zamanı gelince öğrenirsin.
00:31:09O Poyraz denen adamın nerede olduğunu bana hemen bulacaksın.
00:31:11Zafer Bey ne olacak ağabeyim?
00:31:13Boşver şimdi Zafer'i.
00:31:15Sen dediğimi yap.
00:31:17İt ürür, kervan yürür.
00:31:19Benim ciğerim yanmış.
00:31:21Bekleyecek değilim.
00:31:39Buyurun, ifadeniz.
00:31:41Okuyup imzalayın.
00:31:55Atilla, Poyraz nerede?
00:31:57İçeride ifade veriyor.
00:31:59Allah'ım nereden çıktı bu?
00:32:01Ne oldu?
00:32:03Atilla, Poyraz nerede?
00:32:05İçeride ifade veriyor.
00:32:07Allah'ım nereden çıktı bu?
00:32:09Bilmiyorum Seher.
00:32:11Belli ki Poyraz'ı öldürmeye çalıştılar ama...
00:32:13...Şevki baba kendini siper etti.
00:32:15Poyraz'ı mı öldürmeye çalıştılar?
00:32:19Atilla ağabey.
00:32:21Gel koçum gel.
00:32:23Sakin ol.
00:32:25Seher ben.
00:32:27Başınız sağ olsun.
00:32:29Sağ olun.
00:32:33Şevki babayı kollayamadık Oya.
00:32:35Elimizden bir şey gelmedi, çok ağır mıydı?
00:32:39Tamam Atilla kendini suçlama.
00:32:41Yani nereden bilebilirdin ki?
00:32:55İyi misin?
00:32:57Nasıl iyi olabilirim ki?
00:32:59Çok üzgünüm canım.
00:33:07Ben bu gece buradayım.
00:33:09Ali, ablanı mahalleye götür koçum.
00:33:11Tamam ağabey.
00:33:13Sen de Seher'i eve bırak.
00:33:15Ben bekleyeceğim Poyraz.
00:33:21Herkese söyleyin.
00:33:23Kimse babamın arkasından ağlamayacak.
00:33:35Babamın arkasından.
00:34:05Babamın arkasından.
00:34:07Babamın arkasından.
00:34:33Kader bize büyük bir oyun oynadı Şevki.
00:34:37Ölen kardeşimden daha yakın oldun bana.
00:34:41Giderken sana kardeşimin yavrusunu teslim ettim.
00:34:47Gün gelir, dönerim.
00:34:49Elim silah tutmaz olur.
00:34:51Silah tutan elim olsun.
00:34:55Gözüm görmez olur.
00:34:57Düşmanımı gören gözüm olsun diye.
00:35:01Kanun olan adını dağ ateşe kazıyacak bir baba yiğit yaptın ona.
00:35:07Bir hesabın otuz yıl muhasebesini tuttun.
00:35:15Senin hakkını ödeyemem.
00:35:17Sen de hakkını helal et kanun.
00:35:21Rahat uyu.
00:35:23Mekanın cennet olsun.
00:35:27Tanrı bize de nasip etsin.
00:35:37Tanrı bize de nasip etsin.
00:36:07Avukatlar geldi hanımım.
00:36:11Biraz beklesinler.
00:36:15Hazır yalnız kalmışken bu Ekber meselesi ne böyle?
00:36:19Neden cenazeye çelik gönderdin?
00:36:23Meydan okumak için.
00:36:27Sence Ekber döndü mü?
00:36:29Bunu bilemem.
00:36:31Ama kesin olan şu.
00:36:33Hala kim güdüyor?
00:36:37Bunu hissettirmek istedi.
00:36:43Ekber döndüyse bütün planlarım alt üst olur Abdo.
00:36:47Bunu öğrenmeliyiz.
00:36:51Hemen Şevki'ye git.
00:36:53Meseleyi araştır.
00:37:07Söyledikten sonra
00:37:09Alemin bağında
00:37:11Bülbüller öter
00:37:13Midem benim gülüm
00:37:15Solduktan sonra
00:37:17Alemin bağında
00:37:19Bülbüller öter
00:37:21Midem benim gülüm
00:37:23Solduktan sonra
00:37:25Alemin bağında
00:37:27Bülbüller öter
00:37:29Midem benim gülüm
00:37:31Solduktan sonra
00:37:33Alemin bağında
00:37:35Alemin bağında
00:37:37Bülbüller öter
00:37:41Burada mıydın anne?
00:37:43Evet kızım.
00:37:45Sen iyi misin?
00:37:49Hem de 34 yıldır hiç olmadığım kadar.
00:37:53Zaman belki alışmayı öğretiyor.
00:37:57Ama unutmayı asla.
00:37:59Bugün gördüm ki unutmayan biri daha var.
00:38:01Ekber ağabeyim geri dönmüş.
00:38:05Bunu nereden biliyorsun?
00:38:09Sadece hissediyorum.
00:38:13Çünkü yaşananların hesabını
00:38:15günün birinde
00:38:17birileri mutlaka soracaktı.
00:38:19Buna emindim.
00:38:21Haklısın kızım.
00:38:25Amcam olacak o Cahit'in yüzü.
00:38:27Cenazede çelengi görünce
00:38:29bulak bulak oldu değil mi?
00:38:33Oldu olmasına da
00:38:35o hiçbir zaman vazgeçmez.
00:38:37Şimdi akbaba gibi
00:38:39mirasın açıklanmasını bekliyor.
00:38:43Gidelim de tamamen
00:38:45kurtulalım şu işten.
00:38:47Gidelim anne.
00:39:03Ağlamayan ya
00:39:05Benim şu halime
00:39:07Bu şehre
00:39:09onlarık ne diyor artık?
00:39:11Sadece bu şehre değil.
00:39:17her karış toprağında hesapları var.
00:39:21Kendi satılık bedenleri gibi
00:39:23memleketini satıyorlar artık.
00:39:25Artık bu hesabı
00:39:27bozma Gönül Hanım.
00:39:29Satılık bedenlerini koyacak
00:39:31bir metre toprak kullanacaklar
00:39:33bu memlekette.
00:39:55Herkes tamamsa başlayabilir miyiz?
00:40:25Ben Ali Sait Hakman.
00:40:47Tüm hayatımız sanki
00:40:49hiç ölmeyecekmiş gibi.
00:40:51Ama şimdi anlıyorum ki
00:40:53herkes ebediyete göçermiş.
00:40:55Ailemi korumak ve büyütmek
00:40:57uğruna saptığım yollarda
00:40:59çok sayıda düşman edindim.
00:41:01Hatta ailemi bile üzdüm.
00:41:03Benden uzaklaşmalarını
00:41:05neden aldım.
00:41:07Bir daha karşına çıkmayın.
00:41:09Sus artık.
00:41:11Bir de bu itten
00:41:13çocuk mu beden attın?
00:41:15Yaptıklarınızı küçülttün.
00:41:23Bu büyük aileyi kurup
00:41:31bir arada tutmak için
00:41:33çok ağır bedeller ödedim.
00:41:35Çünkü merhametin zayıflık olduğu
00:41:37bir dünyaya hükmediyordum.
00:41:39Bu dünyada pişmanlığa yer yoktu.
00:41:41Şimdi bütün bunları unutup
00:41:43hepinizden ailemiz için çalışmaya
00:41:45devam etmenizi istiyorum.
00:41:47Hisse meselesine gelince
00:41:49şirketlerimizin tüm varlıklarını
00:41:51tek kalemde topladım.
00:41:53Buna göre toplanan meblağın
00:41:55yüzde yirmisini
00:41:57eşim Saadet Hanım'a
00:42:01Yüzde kırkı
00:42:03rahmetli oğlum Celal'den bile
00:42:05ayırmadığım tek kardeşim
00:42:11Kalan yüzde kırkını da
00:42:13kızım Hilal'e bırakıyorum.
00:42:15Bu Hilal'in çektiği acıların karşılığı olamaz.
00:42:17Hepinizin huzurunda ondan
00:42:19af diliyorum.
00:42:21Ahirette görüşmek dileğiyle.
00:42:27Metnin aslına uygun sureti
00:42:29taraflarınıza dağıtılacaktır.
00:42:49Altyazı M.K.
00:43:19Siyasi whose
00:43:25Bu delikanlı
00:43:29sahipleri nerede?
00:43:33Artık bu evde kimse yok.
00:43:35Ne oldu?
00:43:39Şevki babayı öldürdüler bugün.
00:43:41Öldürdüler mi?
00:43:50We don't know.
00:43:52Poyraz is in there, too.
00:43:54In the prison.
00:43:57I don't know.
00:44:01Thank you.
00:44:35I'm so proud of you.
00:45:05Is that you, kids?
00:45:07Are you okay?
00:45:08I'm fine.
00:45:09Are you alone?
00:45:11Yeah, come on in.
00:45:12We're not bothering you, are we?
00:45:13Oh, Kaan.
00:45:14Forget those weird questions.
00:45:15Come on in.
00:45:25I wanted to come as soon as I heard about what happened to Kaan.
00:45:28It's not good to be alone at times like this.
00:45:31I think you're right.
00:45:36I thought it would be good to be alone, but it wasn't.
00:45:40The more you think about it, the worse it gets.
00:45:46Do you know they tried to kill Poyraz?
00:45:51I hate to say it, but I have to say it.
00:45:56Don't look at me like that, Seher.
00:45:57Admit it.
00:45:58This is Poyraz's situation.
00:46:00Today they will try to kill Poyraz.
00:46:02Tomorrow Poyraz will try to kill them.
00:46:04This will go on like this.
00:46:06Kaan, okay.
00:46:09They'll kick the one who's telling the truth out of the village.
00:46:11Let them.
00:46:12I have to tell the truth.
00:46:14You're a doctor who swore to Hippocrates.
00:46:16Look at what you've done.
00:46:19Is it over?
00:46:20It's not over.
00:46:21Let it be over, Kaan.
00:46:23Okay, guys.
00:46:24Cut it out.
00:46:26I thought you were here to comfort me.
00:46:30But you're here to hurt me.
00:46:32Blood doesn't just spill with a gun, Seher.
00:46:34It also spills with words.
00:46:36I'm sorry.
00:46:40I think I'd better go.
00:46:41What are you doing?
00:46:42Don't take it far.
00:46:45Okay, I'm sorry.
00:46:46There's nothing to apologize for, Seher.
00:46:48I'm just here because I thought of you.
00:46:51Today you could have been with Poyraz, not his father.
00:46:55And we could be crying right now.
00:46:58I know I'm saying heavy words, but this is the situation.
00:47:02We have to face the truth.
00:47:25The Holy Fathers have already started to evaluate a situation, haven't they?
00:47:31Thank God, my prayers have been answered, dear.
00:47:35My father brought regret before he died.
00:47:40He even pays for his sins with money.
00:47:44Don't say that, dear.
00:47:46He gave Cahit a big blow.
00:47:49Cahit didn't expect Miras to fall apart like this.
00:47:55Cahit, Miras, Hisi...
00:47:57I don't care about them, mom.
00:48:01Nothing brings back what's gone.
00:48:06Let's not get ourselves involved in what's going on in there.
00:48:12We'll talk about this at the foundation tomorrow.
00:48:16Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to be alone and think.
00:48:35Cahit, Miras, Hisi...
00:49:02Bad news, mom.
00:49:05I couldn't get any information about Ekber.
00:49:11Kanun Şevki was killed.
00:49:17What are you talking about, Abdo?
00:49:19An armed attack.
00:49:21Who did this?
00:49:23We don't know yet.
00:49:26What about Poyraz?
00:49:28I know he was taken in by the police.
00:49:33If Ekber is back, how can he let this happen?
00:49:37We don't know if he's back or not, ma'am.
00:49:40Abdo, be careful.
00:49:44Poyraz first.
00:49:47Don't neglect Poyraz.
00:49:50Don't worry, ma'am.
00:50:02Let's go.
00:50:10Is there any news, Davut?
00:50:12Yes, brother.
00:50:13He's in the police station now.
00:50:15I'll go to court tomorrow morning.
00:50:17How did it happen?
00:50:19It's a matter of tender.
00:50:21They set up a Poyraz ambush.
00:50:23As far as I understand, Kanun Şevki has surrounded himself.
00:50:27Poyraz is after the men.
00:50:29The men rolled into the cliff with their cars.
00:50:32The car exploded.
00:50:34The men are steam.
00:50:36I combined the information I got from the police and the gendarmerie.
00:50:41The prosecutor has no connection between the men's death and Poyraz.
00:50:45There is a share in the statements given in this.
00:50:48The people in the construction site acted smartly and did not occupy.
00:50:52The men's death is like a traffic accident because they didn't show up at the scene.
00:50:57Why did they take Poyraz?
00:51:00Poyraz printed the tender.
00:51:02There are four companies involved in the tender.
00:51:04He threatened them with a gun.
00:51:06The police also arrested Poyraz for interfering with the tender and threatening with a gun.
00:51:13He'll probably be in jail for a while.
00:51:18Follow the court.
00:51:20I'll know immediately from the prison to be dispatched.
00:51:27Poyraz is sentenced to 10 years in prison.
00:51:37My client went to the tender commission to inform the tender commission
00:51:42that the father, who was going to enter the tender, was killed
00:51:47and to prevent the tender from being mixed with corruption
00:51:51so that those who killed his father would not receive an unfair tender.
00:51:56Despite this heavy threat, he surrendered to the security forces without any violence.
00:52:02Since my client, who has a permanent residence,
00:52:06does not have the possibility of escaping and darkening the evidence,
00:52:10we want his release without imprisonment.
00:52:19The crime is of low nature.
00:52:22The evidence has not been collected.
00:52:24Since the possibility of darkening the evidence and affecting the witnesses is strong,
00:52:30it was decided that the 100th article of the Criminal Procedure Law should be arrested.
00:52:54The Criminal Procedure Law
00:53:19He's here. He's as deep as my nose, but we can't find him.
00:53:23What kind of conspiracy is this, Azim?
00:53:25Brother, we're looking everywhere.
00:53:27Our men continue to investigate the list of those who entered and left the country in the last month.
00:53:32There is no information yet.
00:53:34If they can't find him, we'll keep looking back.
00:53:37If you send a message to our friends who know about the old cases,
00:53:41maybe they'll know.
00:53:43Nothing will come out of it.
00:53:45You keep investigating.
00:53:47By the way, double the security at the company.
00:53:50I took care of it, sir.
00:53:52You go out and send Nihat.
00:54:05Hi, Mr. Cahit.
00:54:06Come, Nihat.
00:54:07Take these and get to work.
00:54:09We don't have much time.
00:54:18What are these, Mr. Cahit?
00:54:22Are we emptying the companies?
00:54:24Whatever is written there.
00:54:26Everything will be over before the will is legally enforced.
00:54:39Abdo, we're going to the foundation.
00:54:41Yes, ma'am.
00:54:52Abdo, we're going to the foundation.
00:54:54Abdo, we're going to the foundation.
00:55:18They got the money.
00:55:20They'll start planning where to spend it right away.
00:55:23If they kick us out of this house soon, I won't be surprised.
00:55:27Who am I talking to?
00:55:36What's the news?
00:55:39We found Poyraz.
00:55:42He was sent to prison for being prosecuted.
00:55:45God damn it.
00:55:48Can't we do anything?
00:55:50It's not possible.
00:55:53Even if we try,
00:55:55what we're dealing with
00:55:57may be known by others.
00:56:00That would be dangerous.
00:56:03We don't know anything about Ekber, nor do we know anything about Poyraz.
00:56:08At least we know where Poyraz is.
00:56:14When did you find out about Sevki's funeral, Abdo?
00:56:19If Ekber is back,
00:56:21he will definitely come to the funeral.
00:56:29You called for me, father?
00:56:37What do you think you're doing?
00:56:39What happened, father?
00:56:41What else?
00:56:42The tender is over.
00:56:44Which idiot organized this?
00:56:46Where was he seen?
00:56:48If anything happens because of this,
00:56:50I'll burn you.
00:56:52What was the name of the man you just brought in?
00:56:55Tell that idiot
00:56:57who he's working with.
00:56:59If he doesn't understand, fire him right away.
00:57:02Okay, father.
00:57:03We took care of everything.
00:57:05It was because of two unknowns.
00:57:07Zafer has no fault.
00:57:09I've already made the necessary talk.
00:57:11Don't worry.
00:57:12Everything is under control.
00:57:14I don't know about him.
00:57:16I'll take care of the result.
00:57:18If anything happens because of this,
00:57:20I'll burn you all.
00:57:23Okay, father.
00:57:39Did you take care of the matter?
00:57:41Mr. Demir.
00:57:42No one will know about the tender offers
00:57:44except us.
00:57:46You can be sure of that.
00:57:48How can you be so sure?
00:57:50Because right now,
00:57:52they're all burning in my garbage bin.
00:57:56You're slowly fixing your mistake.
00:57:58As I said, Mr. Demir.
00:58:01There won't be a second mistake.
00:58:13You've confused everything.
00:58:15Cahit is looking for you everywhere.
00:58:17You haven't changed at all.
00:58:19You know everything right away, grandfather.
00:58:24Cahit doesn't do his job secretly like you.
00:58:26That's why he gets the news easily.
00:58:29He reminded me again when he didn't expect it.
00:58:33Now he's running around like a rabbit
00:58:35who doesn't know where to run to.
00:58:38It's obvious that he's afraid.
00:58:40Rabbit doesn't run away because it's afraid, grandfather.
00:58:43It's afraid because it's running away.
00:58:45It's seen when it's running away.
00:58:47And when it's seen,
00:58:49it's caught by the eagle's claw.
00:58:51That's right.
00:58:52That was my goal anyway.
00:58:54To break the balance.
00:58:59There's a young friend who's coming in today.
00:59:02I need to get him out.
00:59:04That's easy.
00:59:05We'll take care of it the old way.
00:59:07Just tell me who you are.
00:59:09Thank you.
00:59:10It doesn't matter, Ekber.
00:59:12As I said, I'm behind you all the way.
00:59:19If you reject the inheritance and leave it to Cahit,
00:59:22it will continue to grow with blood.
00:59:25You can't do this.
00:59:27Where did you get the idea that I would do this?
00:59:30What do you mean?
00:59:32Don't get tired of convincing me for nothing, mom.
00:59:35I thought about it all night last night.
00:59:37I decided to give this money,
00:59:39which was taken from the poor man's pocket,
00:59:42to those in need where it belongs.
00:59:45How is this going to happen?
00:59:47I'm going to take the money from Cahit and transfer it to the foundation.
00:59:51That's a great idea.
00:59:55But even if that's the reason,
00:59:58you're going to sit at the same table as Cahit at the holding.
01:00:03That's going to hurt you.
01:00:06I'm not going to sit, mom.
01:00:09Bahar will sit.
01:00:14Bahar should even manage my shares.
01:00:18Take them and transfer them to the foundation.
01:00:20Use them as you wish.
01:00:22Thank you, mom.
01:00:30How did it go?
01:00:32Very well, thank God.
01:00:34He's sleeping.
01:00:36They just gave him medicine.
01:00:38He's tired.
01:00:40We won't forget this kindness.
01:00:42Whoever this benefactor is,
01:00:44my prayers are with him.
01:00:46So there are still good people,
01:00:48merciful people.
01:00:51He gave us some hope.
01:00:53May God open all his doors.
01:01:05Zeher, are you okay?
01:01:07Did something happen to Zeynep?
01:01:11Okay, Zeher. Calm down.
01:01:15Why is Elif doing this to him?
01:01:18She's a good person.
01:01:21Don't think like that.
01:01:23It'll all pass. Believe me.
01:01:27She's going to spend more time in jail.
01:01:31She's going to spend more time in jail.
01:01:36Who knows when they'll get her out?
01:01:39What am I going to do?
01:01:43Everything has a reason, Zeher.
01:01:48You're right.
01:01:50Maybe it's best for her to be there.
01:01:54If she was outside,
01:01:56she'd be after those men.
01:01:58That would make everything worse.
01:02:11We're going to talk about something important.
01:02:14You know, my father's inheritance was revealed last night.
01:02:17My father gave me and my mother
01:02:19an important share of the company's shares.
01:02:23We've decided that you're the most suitable person
01:02:26to represent us in the company.
01:02:30If you accept,
01:02:32we'd like to send you to the board of directors of Huckman Holding.
01:02:39I don't know.
01:02:41And what about my work here?
01:02:44Bahar, we need your help on this.
01:02:49You raised me.
01:02:51If I have to do this, of course I will.
01:02:57I don't want you to accept this
01:02:59because you feel indebted to us.
01:03:02That's not what we want.
01:03:04I never wanted you to think this way.
01:03:07You're my daughter.
01:03:09After all, you're the heir to this foundation after me.
01:03:12I don't want you to think this way.
01:03:15After all, you're the heir to this foundation after me.
01:03:18We're going to separate our shares from Cahit's
01:03:21and transfer them to this foundation.
01:03:24That will be your job.
01:03:26Do you have anything to do right now?
01:03:29There's nothing but Ms. Oya's file from that day.
01:03:32You can take care of that.
01:03:34I don't think it was necessary.
01:03:36I don't know.
01:03:39It was a very strange misfortune.
01:03:42While we weren't talking,
01:03:44Ms. Oya's father, Poyraz Akdagan,
01:03:47who was in charge of the restoration,
01:03:49was shot.
01:03:53With a gun?
01:03:55With a gun.
01:03:57What are they doing?
01:03:59Who are they?
01:04:01What are they doing in our foundation?
01:04:04Bahar, please investigate this matter.
01:04:13I brought Poyraz Akdagan, sir.
01:04:19Get well soon.
01:04:21Thank you.
01:04:23The officer will take care of you.
01:04:26Let's go.
01:04:42Let's go.
01:05:13Brother, what's going on?
01:05:15We're going.
01:05:17We couldn't keep you inside.
01:05:19Where are we going?
01:05:21You know Davut.
01:05:23I'm going to send you to a place
01:05:25where no one can find you with Davut.
01:05:27Brother, I have an account.
01:05:29Since you did me this favor,
01:05:31let me go and see my account.
01:05:33Don't worry.
01:05:35The account is a joint account between the two of us.
01:05:38Your father was my closest friend.
01:05:41It's my duty to find those who did this to you.
01:05:45But not now.
01:05:47Brother, not now. When? Four companies.
01:05:50I don't feel comfortable in this world
01:05:52until I take care of this matter.
01:05:56Patience is the key to salvation, my nephew.
01:06:00You're a young man.
01:06:02There are storms in your heart right now.
01:06:05That young man in your veins
01:06:07can make you do anything.
01:06:10But don't forget this.
01:06:12Being a young man is not the end.
01:06:15It's the beginning.
01:06:17You'll learn the rules of the prison well.
01:06:20Don't make any trouble.
01:06:22May God save you.
01:06:24Thank you.
01:06:49Thank you.
01:06:50What's your name, son?
01:06:51Poyraz Akta.
01:07:02That Poyraz won't come out of that hole alive.
01:07:06Find whoever you can.
01:07:08Kill that dog in that hole.
01:07:11If you can't kill him,
01:07:13destroy yourself.
01:07:15There's a bloodbath in there, brother.
01:07:17Whoever it is.
01:07:20Give me his picture.
01:07:23Finish him.
01:07:25Okay, brother.
01:07:27Okay, okay.
01:07:29Don't you know anything else?
01:07:33What are you waiting for?
01:07:35Get out of here and get to work.
01:07:37God will punish you.
01:07:47From now on, you will continue on the road with Davut.
01:07:51Brother Ekber, how long have you known my father?
01:07:53Long before you were born.
01:08:07Hello, brother.
01:08:23Thank you again for everything.
01:08:28I didn't want to embarrass you.
01:08:30I didn't want to embarrass you.
01:08:32I didn't want to embarrass you.
01:08:34I will do my best not to embarrass you.
01:09:04I will do my best not to embarrass you.
01:09:36What's up? What are you doing?
01:09:38I swore to Keretan.
01:09:49Can we get some water from that gas station?
01:09:51Of course.
01:10:06Anything else? Cigarettes?
01:10:08I don't smoke. Just water.
01:10:19Hello. Hello. Can I get two bottles of water?
01:10:37What the hell is he doing?
01:10:59Okay, you keep following.
01:11:01We'll take care of the rest.
01:11:06Be careful.
01:11:10Turn right ahead.
01:11:12Yes, sir.
01:11:19Hilal Mom.
01:11:21Can we talk?
01:11:23Is there a problem?
01:11:25I don't know.
01:11:27There's just something on my mind.
01:11:31Demir will be there when I go to the company.
01:11:33Won't there be a problem?
01:11:38Mrs. Vildan will find out that I'm there.
01:11:44Don't worry, Bahar.
01:11:47I'll always be behind you.
01:11:49Those who try to hurt you will find me in front of them.
01:11:54They took my son away from me once.
01:11:57I'll never let that happen again.
01:12:04Isn't it strange, Abdul?
01:12:08The more you keep them away, the more fate can bring them together.
01:12:15The renovation of our old house was done by Poyraz.
01:12:21Did they meet Mrs. Vildan?
01:12:26Even if they met, they wouldn't be able to connect.
01:12:30The only person who can connect them is Ekber.
01:12:36That's why it's important to find Ekber.
01:12:41If Cahit finds out about this, Poyraz will kill him.
01:13:59Let me tell you a story
01:14:02I'm a lover like this
01:14:06After I become crazy and go to the desert
01:14:14The bubbles sing in the mouth of the world
01:14:22My stomach is my rose
01:14:25After I become crazy and go to the desert
01:14:31The bubbles sing in the mouth of the world
01:14:39My stomach is my rose
01:14:42After I become crazy and go to the desert
