• last year
00:00Hi, it's me, Steve. Is that you? It is? Great! Could you help me find Blue?
00:20Here, Steve!
00:22Oh, hi! Come on!
00:24Hi, Blue!
00:35Oh, hi!
00:39Blue's friend, Green, is here today. We're playing with blocks. Do you want to play with blocks, too?
00:46Great! Come on!
00:51Blue and I love playing with blocks.
00:57And Green loves knocking blocks down. Right, Green?
01:03But not to worry. She's only knocking down her own blocks these days. Come on!
01:14So, can you guess what I'm building?
01:18Good thinking! I'm making a little block playground. You know, for my cows. I call it Playground of the Cows.
01:30See? This is a little cow seesaw, and this is a cow trampoline. You know, for cows who want to jump over the moon.
01:39Moo, moo, moo!
01:43And now, I want to make a slide. Which block should I use to make a slide? The cylinder block, the triangular block, or the rectangular block?
02:03The triangular block!
02:06The triangular block? Let's try it and see!
02:10You ready, buddy?
02:11Oh, yeah!
02:17Oh, that was fun!
02:20Yeah! It's the perfect shape for a slide. Thanks!
02:25And Blue is going to build a really, really tall block tower. Right, Blue?
02:33Hey, Blue, after you finish building your really tall block tower, wouldn't it be nice if my cows over here in the playground could come over and visit your tower?
02:48Oh! Oh, you want to build something to connect my playground to your tower? That's a great idea!
02:58What do you want to build?
03:03Oh! We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what's going on!
03:10Oh! We'll play Blue's Clues to figure out what Blue wants to build to connect my playground to her tower.
03:24We are going to play Blue's Clues because it's a really great game.
03:29So, remember, Blue's paw prints will be on the clues. Blue's Clues.
03:33Blue's Clues.
03:38Look at that. The paw print rearranged itself like blocks. How are we going to get rid of it?
03:49Hey, Green, will you do the honors?
03:56Thanks, Green.
03:58So, you know what we need to play Blue's Clues? Our handy-dandy...
04:03Notebook, right? Come on.
04:08What do you think Sidetable built?
04:12It's the handy-dandy notebook unloading ramp. It's like a big slide.
04:19Prepare to unload!
04:30Hey, Sidetable, your ramp is the same shape as our slide, although it looks like you used more than one block to build it.
04:40Well, I used rectangular blocks and triangular blocks. See?
04:47Wow! You're quite the builder, Sidetable.
04:52To play Blue's Clues, we gotta find the...
04:57Paw print!
04:59Oh, a paw print. Right. And that's our first...
05:05A clue?
05:06A clue!
05:07Then we put it in our...
05:08Cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
05:13We gotta find another paw print, that's the second clue.
05:16We put it in our notebook cause they're Who's Clues, Blue's Clues.
05:22We gotta find the last paw print, that's the third clue.
05:26We put it in our notebook cause they're Blue's Clues, Blue's Clues.
05:31You know what to do!
05:32Sit down in our thinking chair and think, think, think.
05:40Cause when we use our minds and take a step at a time, we can do anything...
05:50That we wanna do!
05:53You know, I can tell I'm really gonna need your help today, trying to figure out what Blue wants to build to connect my playground to her tower.
06:02Will you help?
06:04You will?
06:06Great! Come on!
06:10A clue, a clue!
06:13A cube?
06:16No, a clue!
06:24There's a clue on that triangular block.
06:29You know what we need? Our handy dandy...
06:33Notebook! Right!
06:37So, a triangular block.
06:41Let's draw the three sides for a triangle with a line for the side.
06:48There! A triangular block.
06:52So, we're trying to figure out what Blue wants to build to connect my playground to her tower.
06:59And our first clue is a triangular block.
07:05So, what could we build with a triangular block?
07:12But, I think we should find two more clues.
07:20Blue, do you need some help building your block tower?
07:25Will you help Blue build her really tall block tower?
07:32Yeah, Blue, it's going to be important to have a good strong bottom of the tower.
07:39Right! A good foundation for all the other blocks to go on top of so they don't fall down.
07:49Okay, so which foundation do you think would be best for Blue to build her tower on top of?
08:02The rectangular blocks!
08:08Oh yeah, that one with the rectangular blocks looks pretty strong.
08:16Blue's building.
08:20You see that, Blue? Your strong foundation held up all those blocks.
08:25I wonder what would have happened if we had used a foundation that wasn't so strong.
08:32Oh, Green's going to show us.
08:37What do you think's going to happen?
08:45It fell.
08:47The foundation wasn't strong enough.
08:50The foundation wasn't strong enough.
09:00Oh, so now Blue wants to add this long rectangular block to her tower.
09:07But, but where should she put it so her tower doesn't fall?
09:20In the middle?
09:23Let's see.
09:30Look at that! It balanced!
09:34Putting it in the middle was a great idea.
09:38But, what would have happened if we didn't put it in the middle?
09:45Ah yes, Green will show us.
09:51It fell!
09:53I guess if the blocks aren't centered or in the middle, like Blue's, the tower could fall.
10:05Um, Blue?
10:08Do you want to put that rectangular block here?
10:15But it's not in the center.
10:17But it's not in the center.
10:25Oh, you're going to put something here, too, to balance it.
10:33Okay, so if Blue wants to put the rectangular block on that side, what should she put on this side?
10:41The cube, the rectangular block, or the two cubes?
10:48The two cubes.
10:52The two cubes?
10:55Let's see.
11:03It worked!
11:05The two cubes together are the same size as the rectangular block, so it balanced.
11:18That's a great idea, Green. Let's see what happens if we use different sized blocks.
11:27I think it's going to tip.
11:30Which way do you think it's going to tip over?
11:35That way!
11:37That way?
11:39Let's see.
11:44It did tip that way!
11:45It did tip that way!
11:47That big block was heavier, so it tipped to that side.
11:54So, Blue, looks like you've got the makings of a great tower.
11:59You've got a nice, strong foundation.
12:03Everything is nice and centered.
12:06And the weight is the same on both sides, so it's balanced.
12:12Nice work.
12:16A clue!
12:18Yeah, that was cool.
12:20No, a clue!
12:23Yeah, Green's a demolition guru.
12:27There's a clue on the block!
12:32Oh, there's a clue on this triangular block.
12:38Oh, there's a clue on this triangular block.
12:44Thanks, Green.
12:46You know what we need? Our handy-dandy...
12:57We can draw a triangle with a line for the side of the block.
13:03There, a triangular block.
13:06So, we're trying to figure out what Blue wants to build to connect my playground to her tower.
13:13And our first clue was a triangular block.
13:18And now our second clue is another triangular block.
13:24So, what do you think Blue wants to build with these clues?
13:32But I think we should find our third clue.
13:36The mail's here.
13:39Here's the mail, it never fails.
13:42It makes me want to wag my tail.
13:44When it comes, I want to wail.
13:54Hi, Mail Blocks.
13:56Mail Blocks?
13:58Oh, sorry. Mail Box.
14:01We've been playing with blocks all day and I got confused.
14:05That's okay. Here's your letter.
14:09Thanks, Mail Blocks.
14:14We just got a letter.
14:19We just got a letter.
14:21We just got a letter.
14:23We just got a letter.
14:25Wonder who it's from.
14:30It's a letter from our friends.
14:33Hi, Steve.
14:35We're building a block castle.
14:46Don't knock it over.
14:51This castle's going to be huge.
14:58We're almost done.
15:00We're almost done.
15:06Bye, Steve.
15:22Green and Blue made a little block construction site.
15:26And they just skidooed right in.
15:30Let's go too.
15:33Blue skidoo, we can too.
15:43We're in a block town.
15:46Excuse me, are you the builders?
15:50Uh, well, yeah, we build.
15:52Actually, we specialize in blocks.
15:55Hi, I'm an architect.
15:58I drew all these things I want to build.
16:02But I need some help figuring out how to build them.
16:07Will you help me?
16:09Um, will you help the architect build what's on the blueprints?
16:15You will?
16:19Come on.
16:20Come on.
16:27We're building a road here.
16:30And I want the road to look just like this.
16:33But we just need to figure out which set of blocks to use.
16:38Oh, so you want to rearrange some of those blocks to look like this.
16:44Should we use those blocks, those blocks, or those blocks?
16:51Okay, so which set of blocks should we rearrange to make a road that looks like this?
17:00Those, on the left.
17:03Oh, you think we should use those blocks, the rectangular ones on the left, to make the road.
17:09The road.
17:13Well, let's try it and see.
17:16How would you rearrange the blocks?
17:22Look at that, a road.
17:25Look, it looks just like the road in my blueprint.
17:35Wow, great job choosing the right blocks.
17:37Come on, we have something else to finish building.
17:45Here's a blueprint for our town's bank.
17:49Nice design. It's very classical.
17:54Which set of blocks do you think we should use to make this bank?
17:58Should we use those blocks, those blocks, or those blocks?
18:05Well, which set of blocks should we rearrange to make a bank that looks like this?
18:15Those, on the right.
18:18Oh, those blocks, on the right.
18:21The rectangular block, two cylinders, and a triangular block.
18:29Well, how would you rearrange the blocks to make this bank?
18:35Looks like a bank to me.
18:41It's my bank!
18:44You are a brilliant builder.
18:47Come on, we only have one thing left to build.
18:55This is my blueprint of the giant wall.
19:00Oh, a giant wall.
19:02Which set of blocks do you think we should use to make this wall?
19:07Should we use those blocks, those blocks, or those blocks?
19:14Well, which set of blocks should we rearrange to make a wall that looks like this?
19:23Those in the front.
19:26Those, in the front.
19:29Those, in the front.
19:32The two triangular blocks.
19:38Well, how would you rearrange those blocks to make the wall?
19:47That's amazing.
19:52Wow, it's so giant.
19:55Those two triangular blocks came together to make a big rectangle.
20:02That's everything I wanted to build.
20:05Thanks for your help.
20:07Oh, hey, thank the amazing block rearranger. Nice work.
20:18A clue, a clue!
20:21Yeah, we make a good crew.
20:26No, a clue!
20:29Oh, you see a clue?
20:32There it is, on that arch block.
20:36You know what we need, our handy dandy?
20:39Notebook, right.
20:42So, an arch block.
20:47Let's start with this shape for the outline of the arch.
20:51A line for the side.
20:54And a curve for the inside.
20:57An arch block.
21:00We have all three clues.
21:02We're ready to sit in our...
21:04Thinking chair!
21:06Thinking chair. Come on.
21:20Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.
21:26You will help, right?
21:31So, we're trying to figure out what Blue wants to build to connect my playground to her tower.
21:39And our clues are...
21:41A triangular block.
21:45Another triangular block.
21:47And an arch block.
21:51So, what could Blue want to build to connect my playground to her tower?
21:58With two triangular blocks and an arch.
22:03Wow, there's so many ways she could arrange the blocks.
22:08I mean, well, she could take the two triangular blocks and put them together to make a rectangle.
22:15Like we did with the giant wall.
22:18And then she could put the arch block on top.
22:25Is that what you want to build?
22:31Blue wants to build something else.
22:33Well, let's rearrange the blocks.
22:39She could take the arch block...
22:42She could take the arch block and stand it up between the two triangular blocks.
22:51Then, what would she be building to connect my playground to her tower?
22:59A bridge.
23:02A bridge.
23:04Blue could build a bridge.
23:07Is that what you want to build?
23:10We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:15We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:18We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:20We just figured out Blue's clues.
23:22Because we're really smart.
23:25Come on, let's go build that bridge.
23:30Wow, look how big Blue's tower is.
23:34Hey, remember how we helped Blue build part of her really tall tower?
23:40Now we have to build the bridge.
23:45So, the cows can go up the triangle, which is a ramp,
23:50across the arch,
23:53and then down the second triangle, which is another ramp.
23:57Okay, cows, prepare to visit the tower.
24:01Prepare to visit the tower.
24:05This is going to be fun.
24:07Oh, look at that tower.
24:09Hey, Bessie, you've got to come over here and see this tower.
24:12It's really cool.
24:14Okay, here I come. Just wait for me.
24:16Oh, yeah. That's very nice.
24:25Look at that.
24:27It's a road.
24:29Where does it lead?
24:36Oh, hi.
24:38Remember how we helped Architect do some building?
24:42Look at that.
24:44The road connects the tower to the bank.
24:52So, the cows can play in the playground,
24:56and then walk over the bridge to visit the tower,
24:58then walk down the road to do some banking.
25:02And visit the giant wall.
25:07What a great little town we made.
25:09Thanks so much for all your help building it.
25:11You really are an incredible block builder.
25:16Now it's time for so long.
25:20But we'll sing just one more song.
25:25Thanks for doing your part.
25:27You sure are smart.
25:29You know with me and you,
25:31and my dog Blue,
25:33we can do anything that we want to do.
25:38Bye-bye. Thanks for coming.
25:40See you.
