00:00you know I I like to work out I try to get to the gym four or five times a week
00:06and usually about three days a week I do cardio I try to do at least 30 minutes of
00:11cardio typically it's on the elliptical and I know my body I know before I get
00:18on that elliptical I need to stretch is there anybody like me now that I'm in my
00:2440s I'm actually getting close to 50 I just wake up and stuff is injured do you
00:29know what I'm talking about I'm like what what happened like what did I do
00:34wrong you know what I'm saying like I don't even know why I hurt myself or how
00:37I hurt myself but I'm hurting and so I know I got to stretch before I get on
00:43this elliptical I'm gonna hurt myself and there's been a couple of times that
00:47I was running late and I didn't have time to stretch I just said Herbert just
00:50don't stretch you'll be okay you will be fine and I got on the elliptical and
00:55both times I hurt myself one time I didn't stretch and I hurt my hamstring
00:59and I couldn't work out for several weeks another time I hurt my groin and I
01:03quit and I injured myself and I could not work out I was so frustrated that I
01:07hurt my own self I knew better Herbert you gotta stretch and I end up injuring
01:12my own self and it's one thing when I do something to injure myself but it's a
01:18entirely different thing when I do something to injure my wife or my kids
01:22and I have said some things I've had behavior and been impatient and short
01:30I've had cutting words and I've injured my wife I've injured my children and
01:37nothing hurts my heart more than injuring the people that I love the most
01:44I've caused frustration I've caused them disappointment I've caused them pain and
01:49the consequences of injuring my family they're just not fun you know you know
01:56what I've learned when I've injured my family it puts a distance between me and
02:00them that they pull away from me and they don't want to be around me as much
02:04I that there's stress and there's tension on the relationship when I've
02:10injured them when I when I've grieved them when I've when I've hurt them I can
02:14make them feel like they're losing in our relationship or even losing in life
02:18I absolutely hate when I injure when I grieve when I hurt my my family I love
02:25them so much and I think all of us have all of us have said some things or done
02:30some things to injure the people that we love the most and just like we can
02:35injure or grieve a relationship with the person we love we can do the same thing
02:41to the Holy Spirit you may remember in week number one of this series we talked
02:48about how the Holy Spirit is a person if you missed the message be sure to get
02:52back on YouTube listen watch every single message and we talked about how
02:57the Holy Spirit has emotions how the Holy Spirit has feelings and you can
03:03injure him you can wound him and this is the second reason while the fruit of the
03:09Spirit is not growing in some of your lives the fruit of the Spirit is staying
03:14in baby form and seed form because you keep injuring the Holy Spirit the Bible
03:22says it like this in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse number 30 and do not grieve
03:27come on every single location everybody shout grieve do not grieve the Holy
03:33Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption I like how
03:40this verse reads in the message Bible it says don't grieve God don't break his
03:47heart his Holy Spirit moving and breathing in you I love this right here
03:54is the most intimate part of your life the most intimate part of your life
04:00should be your relationship with the Holy Spirit he says making you fit for
04:07himself don't take such a gift for granted and some of you are taking the
04:14gift of the Holy Spirit for granted you're injuring him you're wounding him
04:20that word grieve in the Greek language can mean to injure it can mean to wound
04:26we can injure the Holy Spirit we can cause the Holy Spirit deep pain deep
04:31disappointment we can cause him sorrow we can cause the Holy Spirit sadness and
04:37some of you have put distance between you and the Holy Spirit your intimacy
04:45with the Holy Spirit has been affected today you're sitting there and you're
04:50watching you're you're listening at all the locations online and you find
04:53yourself struggling to hear the voice of God you're struggling to find God's will
05:00for your life or for situation you feel like you're in a fog and you can't see
05:05clearly you haven't felt the presence of God in a long time you feel like you're
05:11in a dry and deserted relationship this place with God that's just deserted you
05:17have more confusion and questions than clarity and understanding you feel like
05:23with God you're going backwards why pastor why do I feel like this for some
05:30of you is because you're grieving the Holy Spirit you're injuring your
05:36relationship with him and here's the question how do you do it how do we
05:42injure the Holy Spirit today I want us to study the verses preceding and the
05:50verses following verse number 30 where he says you're grieving the Holy Spirit
05:54and we're going to learn how we grieve and injure and wound the Holy Spirit
06:00come on if you have your paper Bible would you get it out with me right now
06:03come on would you follow along with me we're gonna study in God's Word
06:06Ephesians chapter 4 verse 17 to 31 if you have a globe Bible you know them
06:11phone Bibles go ahead and grab that I want you to follow along with me
06:13Ephesians chapter 4 verses 17 through 31 we're gonna walk through this passage of
06:18Scripture to learn how we grieve the Holy Spirit this passage of Scripture
06:21teaches us four ways you injure the Holy Spirit four ways you injure the Holy
06:26Spirit come on for all of my note-takers get this down and get this down the
06:29number one way you enter the Holy Spirit is an unstable mind an unstable mind
06:36three clues that you have an unstable mind let me give you three clues 1a you
06:41have a transient mind a transient mind Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 17 and 18
06:47says so I tell you this and insist on it in the Lord that you must no longer
06:53live like the Gentiles in the futility futility of their thinking the word
07:01futility in the Greek has this meaning of transient this is where your thinking
07:06is all over the place it's unstable thinking James describes this transient
07:12kind of unstable thinking in James chapter 1 and verse number 8 he says
07:17such a person is double-minded and unstable transient in all they do the
07:26New Living Translation says it like this in James 1 verse 8 their loyalty is
07:30divided between God and the world then they are unstable transient in everything
07:37they do people who are double-minded are transient in their mind they they say I
07:45love God then they turn it right around and love the world now I love you Lord
07:50then they love the world I love you God then they love the world it's back and
07:54forth and back and forth and back and forth can you imagine me going to
08:00Tiffany three or four days a week and say baby I love you I love you and then
08:04three four weeks three or four days a week I go I hate you I hate you I mean
08:09oh that's not gonna go over good in the house I mean what I'm talking about
08:11that's gonna injure the relationship if I'm just going back and forth how many
08:15know if I went to Tiffany and said hey baby I'm gonna live at home three or
08:18four days a week and then three or four days a week I'm gonna live when we woke
08:21up but I'll be back I'm gonna live with us for three or four days a week then
08:24I'm gonna we woke up for three or four days a week she'll tell me go ahead and
08:27stay and we woke up that's unstable that's transient and that's what people
08:35do to the Holy Spirit all the time double-minded unstable thinking
08:44transient thinking here's what he talks about here's another clue to unstable
08:50thinking you have a darkened mind a darkened mind he goes on to say in
08:54Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 18 they are darkened in their understanding and
09:00one of the things the devil wants to do in your life is to darken your mind he
09:06wants your thinking to be in a dark place he doesn't want your you thinking
09:11clearly he wants you to live in a cloud of darkness and confusion some of you
09:16are there right now that's what the devil wants to do to you because that's
09:21what he does to unbelievers the devil causes unbelievers to live in this cloud
09:27of darkness and confusion this blinded state the Bible says it like this in
09:332nd Corinthians chapter 4 in verse 4 it says the God of this age talking about
09:37the devil has blinded the minds of unbelievers he's blinded he's darkened
09:42their minds so they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of
09:48Christ who is the image of God the devil blinds the minds of unbelievers in
09:54church don't let that sneaky conniving devil darken your mind and blind your
10:00mind he would love to get you in this state of confusion and darkness in your
10:06mind because a darkened mind leads to a carnal mind he goes on to say in the
10:13Ephesians chapter 4 verse 18 they are darkened in their understanding and
10:17separated the scripture says separated from the life of God why because of
10:22their ignorance a carnal mind separates itself from the life of God people who
10:30have a carnal mind only live to please themselves life is all about pleasing
10:36their fleshly desires instead of trying to please their Heavenly Father Paul
10:41talks about this in the book of Philippians he talks about people that
10:45have this carnal mind and Philippians chapter 3 and verse number 18 and verse
10:5019 he says for as I have often told you before now tell you again even with
10:57tears many that this just grips my heart Paul says I'm telling you with this with
11:01tea I'm weeping as I write this I'm weeping as I write to the church at
11:07Philippi why am I weeping because many live as enemies of the cross of Christ
11:16how do they live as enemies their destiny is destruction their God is
11:20their stomach and their glory is their shame their mind is set on earthly
11:27things a carnal mind is set on earthly things a carnal mind only thinks about
11:33pleasures of this earth people who live for the here-and-now put their
11:39thinking their mind is only thinking about this earth and the pleasures of
11:45this earth they they watch and they listen to the wrong things there the
11:49people who have carnal minds they meditate on the wrong things and today
11:56some of you have a transient mind a darkened mind a carnal mind and you're
12:06injuring the Holy Spirit you're wounding the one who needs to be your very best
12:14friend pastor how do you injure the Holy Spirit how do we do that how do we
12:18injure the Holy Spirit an unstable mind number two is this a hard heart a hard
12:25heart when you have a hard heart instead of a soft heart notice what he goes on
12:32to say in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse number 18 he says they are darkened in
12:36their understanding and they're separated from the life of God because
12:40of their ignorance notice this that is in them due to the hardening of their
12:47hearts is what the Bible teaches so one of the key reasons people have an
12:51unstable mind is because they have developed a hard heart some of you used
12:56to have a tender heart towards God but your heart has grown cold your heart has
13:04grown hard you used to hate sin when you used to sin you used to be convicted you
13:12used to be bothered by watching or listening to those wrong things but now
13:18your heart has grown hard and now sin and evil doesn't even bother you anymore
13:25you know what a hard heart does a hard heart leads to a sensual heart and
13:31instead of a sensitive heart when your heart gets hard you get this sensual
13:37heart instead of this sensitive heart to the Holy Spirit he goes on to say this
13:41in the very next verse Ephesians chapter 4 verse 19 he says having lost all
13:46sensitivity they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in
13:53every kind of impurity notice what scriptures teaching us whenever you
13:58allow your heart to grow harder and harder and harder you start responding
14:02to sin and evil like an unbeliever you lose your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
14:08you stop sensing the Holy Spirit's conviction you live for whatever pleases
14:13your flesh you indulge in impurity and evil you just make bad decision after
14:19bad decision after bad decision and just getting more sin and more sin and more
14:23sin and church church here's the real issue when your heart gets hard it
14:29doesn't even bother you anymore because you've got a sensual heart instead of a
14:36sensitive heart to the Holy Spirit and a sensual heart leads to a greedy heart
14:42instead of a generous heart when you get this hard sensual heart it's gonna lead
14:47you to a greedy heart instead of a generous heart notice what he goes on to
14:51say in Ephesians 4 verse 19 having lost all sensitivity they have given
14:54themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity and
14:59they are full of greed a hard sensual heart always leads to a greedy heart and
15:09greed is self-focused instead of God focused it's focused on what makes me
15:16happy and when you get a greedy heart you don't care if it hurts your family
15:22your friends your church or your God you don't care how your decisions impact
15:27your kids or how they impact your spouse or how they impact your job or how they
15:31impact your future because you're just focused on yourself it's a greedy heart
15:35you just want to do whatever makes you happy you leverage all of your time your
15:39talent and your treasure just to make yourself happy and church a hard sensual
15:45greedy heart injures the Holy Spirit might there be distance between you and
15:52the Holy Spirit because you've developed a hard heart let's look at the third way
15:58we can injure the Holy Spirit and that is unwholesome speech just look at your
16:05neighbor say how you talk matters go ahead and tell him yeah yeah yeah how
16:08you talk matters let me show you this to you Paul shows us how we can put distance
16:14between us and the Holy Spirit with our speech with our speech he teaches us
16:19with about deceptive and dishonest speech can grieve and wound the Holy
16:25Spirit he says in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 25 therefore each of you must put
16:29off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor for we are all members of
16:36one body and if you want to be far from the Holy Spirit if you're like hey
16:42pastor I think I don't want to feel God's presence anymore I don't want I
16:47don't want to hear God's voice anymore I don't want to be in the middle of the
16:51will of God that's what I want for my life then live a life of deception and
16:55dishonesty just have deceptive speech and dishonest speech and just deceive
17:00people and lie to people and stretch the truth and just be a liar and you will
17:06distance yourself from the Holy Spirit or let me give you another way or have
17:10just this derogatory degrading and damaging speech notice what he says in
17:16Ephesians chapter 4 and verse number 20 he says 29 do not let any unwholesome
17:23talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up
17:29according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen let me tell you
17:35how you injure the Holy Spirit just tear people down just go to work
17:40tomorrow just go to school tomorrow tear people down instead of building them up
17:44just go to go to school tomorrow go to work go home today and just degrade
17:48people just go home and fire a verbal missiles and damage your kids and damage
17:54your spouse just just just fire verbal missiles and damage your boyfriend and
17:59damage your girlfriend just fire those verbal missiles and damage your friends
18:03school and damage your co-workers. Just fire off whatever you want to say. Just spout off at the
18:09mouth. Just let it go. Just give them a piece of your mind. And what you say to other people
18:18can negatively impact your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Some of you today, you've never
18:23realized this. Some of you aren't close to the Holy Spirit because of how you're talking to other
18:30people. Come on, lean in church. Lean in. Lean in. No misses. Lean in. Lean in. Lean in. You can't
18:34be wrong with people and right with God. You'll injure your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
18:44Let me give you a fourth way you injure your relationship with the Holy Spirit,
18:48and that is ungodly actions. Ungodly actions will hinder, will grieve, will injure the Holy Spirit.
18:56Actions because of out-of-control anger. He says right there in Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 26,
19:01he says, in your anger do not sin. And being angry isn't necessarily a sin. You can be angry and not
19:08sin. But how you respond when you're angry, it can be a sin. And Paul is teaching us that when we
19:17sin because of our anger, we hinder our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Listen,
19:22church, in our society today, anger is not a big deal. We'll even celebrate anger,
19:29but this is a big deal to God because of actions that give the devil a foothold.
19:38He says, in your anger do not sin. In the very next verse, verse 27, he says,
19:41and do not give the devil a foothold. And because of the way some of you are responding to people
19:50when you're angry, because you keep flying off the handle, because you keep hurting people when
19:56you're angry, because you're violent, you're explosive when you're angry, everyone is scared
20:04of you, you smile in public. Come to church today, praise the Lord. Glory be to Jesus.
20:12Hallelujah. And behind closed doors, you are a nightmare to live with.
20:19They wish you would say, praise the Lord at home.
20:23And sir, ma'am, the Bible says you're giving the devil a foothold in your life.
20:30You're opening the door to demonic activity in your life. Now, church, catch this, catch this.
20:36Did you hear what the apostle Paul says? He says, because of your anger, be careful,
20:41don't give the devil a foothold. If you respond the wrong way in anger, you can give the devil
20:48a foothold in your life. You're allowing the devil access into your life because of your anger.
21:00It's sobering to think about that you might not be close to the Holy Spirit.
21:04You might not be feeling his presence. You might not know his voice. You might live in a cloud of
21:09fog because of your anger. And then here's what he goes on to say in verse 28. He lets us know
21:18actions that involve stealing and laziness will injure your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
21:25He tells the church at Ephesus in verse 28, anyone who has been stealing
21:29must steal no longer, but must work doing something useful with their hands that they may
21:37have something to share with those in need. Stealing and being lazy grieves the Holy Spirit.
21:47And in today's culture, stealing comes in many shapes and sizes. It's not just stealing money
21:54or stealing a car or stealing somebody's phone or somebody's device, somebody's possession.
22:00Did you know that you can steal by being on your phone for hours at work?
22:06You're supposed to be accomplishing your job, but instead you're goofing off on your phone.
22:11Just look at your neighbor and just tell him to stop stealing. Would you go ahead and tell him,
22:14yeah, just stop. That's stealing from your company. You're stealing. You're not supposed
22:21to be playing on your phone, goofing off. Hey church, as Christ followers, we don't steal.
22:27We work hard. We work for what we want. We are not entitled. We work. And whenever a Christ
22:34follower steals or is lazy, they injure the Holy Spirit. What do you do church? What do you do today
22:45if you find yourself at one of our locations today, you find yourself online, you find yourself
22:51watching this message that is archived on YouTube or on the podcast and you're hearing this message
22:57and what do you do if you've injured your relationship with the Holy Spirit? What do
23:02you do if you've been having an unstable mind, a hard heart, unwholesome speech, ungodly actions?
23:11How do you repair your relationship with the Holy Spirit? Come back next week and I'll tell
23:18you, I'm just playing. I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I will tell you today. I will tell you today
23:23how to do that. Next Sunday, next Sunday, we're going to talk about how to be led by the Holy
23:29Spirit. It's important. How do you be led by, how do you hear his voice? How do you be led by his
23:36spirit in everyday life? Today, I want to teach you from this passage of scripture, two ways
23:44to repair your injured relationship with the Holy Spirit. Here's the first one. Paul teaches us put
23:51off your old self, put off your old self. Notice this back in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 22, he says
23:57you were taught with regard to your former way of life to put off, come on, would you shall put off,
24:04to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires. Paul says the way you
24:11repair your relationship with the Holy Spirit is to put off your old self, put off your old
24:17thinking, put off your old heart, put off your old speech, put off your old behavior. He says the same
24:22thing in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 25, therefore each one of you must put off, put off falsehood
24:29and speaking truthfully, to speak truthfully to your neighbor for we are all members of one body.
24:34Put off unstable thinking, put off the hard heart, put off the unwholesome speech, put off the
24:39ungodly actions. He says the same thing in Ephesians chapter 4, the verse after grieve the Holy
24:44Spirit, verse 31. Here's what he says, get rid of, put off all bitterness, rage and anger, put it off,
24:51get rid of all brawling and slander along with every form of malice. Paul is teaching us put it
24:57off or we would say in churches repent, repent. Repent means if you've been going this way,
25:07stop and start going the other way. Here's how the message Bible says this verse, I love it in
25:12verse 31 Ephesians 4, make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk.
25:23Church, repentance is necessary for repairing. Repentance is necessary for repairing.
25:31I'm going to rewind it again. Repentance is necessary for repairing. Some of you are not
25:41repairing your relationship with the Holy Spirit because you think feeling bad and saying you're
25:46sorry is good enough. Can you imagine if I'm doing something to hurt Tiffany and I go to her and I say
25:56I'm sorry baby and I'll do it again the next day and I go to her and say I'm sorry sweetie, I'm
26:02sorry baby and I go to do it the next day. I say baby I feel really bad, sorry and I do it again
26:07the next day. I say I'm sorry and I do it again the next day. How many know that's going to impact
26:12our intimacy? I mean it's going to impact our connection, it's going to impact our relationship
26:17because she's going to be like I'm tired of you saying you're sorry. Change.
26:26You will never have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit apart from repentance.
26:33Put it off. Get rid of. Put it off. Put it off. Put it off. Number two is this. Here's what Paul
26:39teaches us. Be made new. Put it off and then be made new. The Holy Spirit's job is to make you
26:45new. When you repent then ask the Holy Spirit to make you new. That's the job of the Holy Spirit.
26:53He makes us new. So the key to repairing your relationship with the Holy Spirit is to repent
26:59and then ask the Holy Spirit to make you new. Now church catch this. Then you have to take the steps
27:05to becoming new. So here's where a lot of people break it down. They miss it right here.
27:11Becoming new includes the Holy Spirit's part and your part. You have to yield to the Holy Spirit.
27:18The Holy Spirit has his part and you have your part. Here's what Paul teaches us right there in
27:23Ephesians chapter number four in verse number 23. Here's what he says. To be made new. Be made new
27:30in the attitude of your minds. The Holy Spirit's part. Be made new. The Holy Spirit makes us new.
27:35Verse 24 though he goes on to say this. And to put on the new self. You got to put on the be made
27:43new Holy Spirit. Put on the new self. Create it to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
27:51Be made new by asking the Holy Spirit to give you a new mind, a new heart, a new mouth,
27:59and new actions. But then you have to put on the new self. Pastor what do you mean put on the new
28:04self? What does that look like to put on the new self? Well that would mean maybe it's changing
28:10the kind of music that you're listening to. Changing what you're watching on television.
28:16Put on the new. Maybe it's changing the friends you're hanging out with.
28:22Maybe it's ending that toxic relationship. Maybe it's changing what you're doing on Friday and
28:28Saturday nights. Maybe it's changing your speech. Stop lying and gossiping. Tearing people down.
28:35Flying off with anger. Maybe it's changing your phone and your computer habits.
28:41For some of you maybe it's changing your phone number.
28:47Maybe it's getting in a small group and get some accountability in your life. Small groups
28:51launch on September the 10th. After our last service today in the growth track room we're
28:55going to train anybody who would like to be a small group leader. Would you go after the service today
29:01in growth track room and after the last service? We want to come alongside because people need
29:05freedom. They need help to become new. Maybe maybe for some of you it's to change by reading your
29:10Bible and praying every day. Maybe it's by coming to church every Sunday. Getting committed to the
29:14four-week challenge and say I'm gonna be into I'm gonna change what I've been doing. I'm gonna put
29:18on the new. So what does it say? Put on the new self and ask the Holy Spirit to make you new.
29:26So the Holy Spirit has a part. You have a part. Review. Review. Let's review it. You got to get
29:32this. Pastor how do I repair my relationship with the Holy Spirit? How do I do it? Repent.
29:41Put off the old self. Repent. Number two. Be made new by asking the Holy Spirit to make you new. He's the
29:48one that gives you a new mind and a new heart and a new speech and new action. Lord Holy Spirit make
29:53me new. That's his job. Number three. Be made new by putting on the new self. Heavenly Father we love you
30:02today. We don't want to be distant from the Holy Spirit. He's our best friend. We want to know his
30:07voice, his way. We want to feel his presence, his leading in our lives. Lord forgive us where we've
30:12grieved the Holy Spirit or we've injured the Holy Spirit and I thank you for repentance today.
30:18I thank you today that we're inviting the Holy Spirit to make us new on the inside.
30:22I thank you that today we're putting on the new self and putting on some different behavior and
30:26actions. God I thank you today that our relationship with the Holy Spirit is being repaired and will be
30:31strong. In Jesus name I pray as eyes are still closed and heads are still bowed across all of
30:37the locations today and I just thank you just for no moving around. This is such a holy moment.
30:43I'm talking to some people that when you look at your life you say man my heart is hard.
30:50My heart is sensual. My heart is carnal. I'm living just to please myself. That's why I'm
30:58engaging in all this activity and what I'm shrinking, what I'm smoking, who I'm messing
31:04around with, who I'm hanging with. I don't even feel any guilt or conviction because I just live
31:10to please me and today's your day to give your life to Jesus. To have your sins forgiven. God
31:15loves you as a plant for your life. There are others of you that at some point you gave your
31:19life to Jesus but you slipped back in to unstable thinking and this this carnal mind and this hard
31:29heart and if you're honest with yourself you don't feel the Holy Spirit like you used to.
31:34There's distance between you and God. You don't feel close to God. You feel deserted.
31:40There's separation between you and God because you've been grieving the Holy Spirit. Today is
31:45the day to make things right with God. Today's the day to make things right with the Holy Spirit
31:50and allow the Lord to forgive you of all your sins. If that's you, you want to give your life
31:53to Jesus for the very first time or you want to rededicate your life to the Lord. You've been
31:56living a carnal life. You've been living to please the flesh and today's your day to recommit your
32:01life to Jesus and and get close to the Holy Spirit again today. If that's you as I count to three,
32:05would you shoot your hand high in the air at every location? Today is the day to be made right with
32:10God. Not tomorrow. Not next month. Not next year. Today is the day to be made right with the Lord.
32:15One, two, three. Just shoot your hand up high in the air and say, Pastor, listen to me. I see your
32:19hand there. See your hand there. Others today. See your hand there. See your hand there. Others
32:22today. Slip it up high. Come on Midwest City. Lift it high. Northwest. Lift it high. Edmond.
32:26Lift it high. Come on Indianapolis. Mabel Bassett. Just shoot that hand up high. Online right now.
32:29Just click the raise your hand button. You're saying yes to Jesus right now or write yes in
32:33the chat line. Yes in the chat line. Somebody else today needs to come home. Somebody else today
32:37needs to get right with God. Somebody else today you've been far from the Holy Spirit. Would you
32:40lift your hand right now and say, I want to make it right with God today. That's it. That's it.
32:44That's it. I'm going to ask for hands raised all at all the locations to pray this prayer with me
32:49right now. Confess this prayer with your heart or with your mouth and believe it in your heart
32:54and God's going to wash away your sins. Would you pray with me now? Pray with me now. Heavenly Father,
32:58today I turn away from sin. I repent and I turn my life over to Jesus. I confess that Jesus is
33:06the son of God that he died on the cross that he rose again. So my sins can be forgiven. I'll
33:12place my trust in my faith in Jesus and Heavenly Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you
33:17for forgiveness. And from this day forward, I'm going to live my life to please and to honor you
33:24in Jesus name. I pray. Amen.