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Pastor Gino Jennings 1st interview with Ian Boyne
00:00Thanks for joining us for Religious Hard Talk. Yes, this is Religious Hard Talk, a different set, but we will have the usual incisiveness and force.
00:11Today we want to look at a church called the First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:16The name sounds pretty standard, pretty conventional, but when you hear its founder, Gino Jennings, you will know that this is not a traditional Pentecostal church.
00:29Many of you will recognize Gino Jennings. He used to be seen on TVJ, but we received such a flood of protests about the harsh things he was saying,
00:39about the hard line that he took against churches. He is no longer on TVJ, but he is on Religious Hard Talk.
00:49On Religious Hard Talk, we believe in total freedom of expression. We bring people of a variety of views.
00:56We bring people who are disconcerting. We bring people who are a scandal to conventional Christianity.
01:04Gino Jennings has some views which are not easy to be taken.
01:10He believes, for example, that those who are divorced and whose mates are still alive ought not to remarry.
01:20If they remarry, they are living in adultery. Once your ex-wife or your ex-husband is alive, you ought not to remarry until that person has died.
01:32If you do, you have sinned. And if you are in that marriage, every day you are in a state of adultery.
01:40He believes that if you are not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, that you are going to be damned.
01:47He believes that if you do not speak in tongues, that you are going to be damned, that you are not a true Christian.
01:55He believes that women ought not to wear makeup or jewelry and they must not process their hair.
02:04Many Pentecostals, certainly the Charismatics, have relaxed these standards.
02:11These were traditional Pentecostal, apostolic standards. A number of persons have now relaxed those standards.
02:21Not the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
02:25This Church also believes that it is possible for us to be perfect in this life.
02:31There is a strong emphasis on holiness.
02:35Well, we are going to explore the ideas of this man. He started his ministry in 1984.
02:44The ministry has spread to India, to Nigeria, to Ghana, to Europe.
02:51Why is he such a bother? He is on a number of stations in the United States and he is not liked in many places.
03:00Well, these are the persons whom we like to talk to. The persons whom others like to suppress.
03:07This is religious hard talk. Your place where the freedom of expression is enshrined.
03:16Pastor, so good to have you, so good to be close to you.
03:20And just in talking to you before you came on, there is a warmth that one never sees in your broadcast.
03:28Your broadcasts are so aggressive. They are so hostile. Some would say hate-filled.
03:34Why do you take this approach to religion? You are always cursing people.
03:38You are always cursing Jehovah's Witnesses. You are cursing other churches.
03:42Why do you feel this need to attack everybody else?
03:46Well, first and foremost, I appreciate you having me on your program.
03:50And in reference to me being very direct in addressing the condition of the churches,
03:57I firmly believe that the Scriptures alone is the guideline for the churches to follow.
04:03And you can see the condition that the churches are in. They are not following it.
04:07The Bible is now just something to dress the podium up with.
04:13And because it is just there, all the information that the people need to live right is there.
04:19But that is not what they are being taught.
04:21So, whenever you read the Scriptures, that God ever sent any prophet or any apostle in the Scriptures,
04:27they were direct in challenging the people and telling them what did God want them to do.
04:33Not what the apostle or the prophet per se wanted them to do, but what God wanted them to do.
04:40Why attack others? Why not just teach what God has told you to do without attacking other groups?
04:44You attack groups by name. That is very offensive.
04:47You are not politically correct.
04:49I will attack you by name.
04:51You will call, you know, you call people's names.
04:53You attack the religious by name.
04:55You attack the mission of His love.
04:57Yes, I do. Even Jesus attacked Herod and called him by name.
05:01He called Herod and said, that fucks.
05:03So, if the religious order don't want me to call them by name,
05:07then why have a sign on your building?
05:09I'm going to attack you by name.
05:11The Scripture says, they folly shall be made manifest.
05:14And people must realize the importance of having their soul.
05:17The importance of obeying God.
05:19The importance of submitting to God's will.
05:22And if you are following a preacher, and this is what they are following.
05:26They are giving money. They are giving tithing.
05:28They are giving offerings. Some of them are giving their houses.
05:31They are giving their property.
05:33You are strongly opposed to the prosperity gospel.
05:35Oh yes, I am. I am very opposed.
05:37Strongly opposed to what T.D. Jiggs, Criffler, Dollar, Joel, Osteen, and these fellows are teaching.
05:41I am opposed to the foolishness that they are teaching in America very bitterly.
05:46Because these men...
05:47I love Jamaica because I follow that gospel.
05:49I was teaching last night here in Jamaica.
05:51And I was saying how the preachers from America have greatly influenced...
05:55Oh yes.
05:56...greatly influenced the preachers here in Jamaica and also abroad.
06:01All of them have the prosperity plan.
06:03And what I...
06:04Very strong among the Pentecostals, among the Charismatic.
06:07Exactly. The objective of churches now is about your money.
06:12I wouldn't care if you went to hell the same night you went to church.
06:15The objective is get your money.
06:17Every sermon that these men have is based upon money.
06:20Based around money.
06:22Until they got the public thinking, well, if I don't have no money, I can't get no answer from God.
06:28So they feel as though that the more money you have, the more blessing I can obtain.
06:33The more sign of fear.
06:34Exactly. So what's going to happen to the poor people?
06:36Good question.
06:37Jesus said, the poor you have with you always.
06:39And not only that, many of these preachers, you can't go hear them unless you pay at the door.
06:43But yet they say the message they have is for everybody.
06:45No, the message they have is not for everybody.
06:47Because if I got to pay to come see you, suppose I don't have the money.
06:50They don't believe in such a thing.
06:53You don't believe in such a thing?
06:54No, a minister should not be paid.
06:55But isn't a workman worthy of his hire?
06:57Yes, he's worthy of his hire.
06:58And the book also said if a man don't work, he don't eat.
07:01They didn't pay the apostles.
07:02So you're not paid?
07:03No, I'm not.
07:04You work so hard in the ministry.
07:06You travel to India.
07:09Travel to Kenya.
07:11Travel to Ghana.
07:12You're not paid?
07:13No, I'm not on no church salary.
07:14You don't take any salary from the church?
07:15I don't take a church salary from the church.
07:17Because if you're going to take a church salary from the church, that would contradict what the apostle Paul said.
07:21Apostle Paul plainly states that I'll be chargeable of none of you the gospel.
07:25But today these men, if they give you counsel, you got to pay.
07:29If they pray for you, you got to pay.
07:31Ten dollar prayer line, twenty dollar prayer line, thirty dollar prayer line.
07:34Everything is surrounded about money and nothing is surrounded about God.
07:38So therefore, I am very, very much opposed to ministers.
07:43No, I encourage our ministers to get a job and go to work and take care of your family.
07:48It is not the obligation of the church to take care of your family.
07:51How can a man look after a growing church with its many responsibilities, counsel, visit the sick and do all of that?
07:58The apostles did.
07:59He has a full time job.
08:00The apostles did it.
08:01The apostles were faithful.
08:03Apostle Paul did not exercise his right.
08:06What he didn't seem to say, he didn't have the right to do it.
08:08He said, in fact, in one passage, 1 Corinthians 9, I believe.
08:12We have the right to be like the apostle Peter.
08:16We have the right to have a wife.
08:18Yes, he had that right.
08:19But he said he didn't use that right.
08:21Your question is right.
08:22Paul never said he had a right to take a salary.
08:25Not at all.
08:26Paul never said he had a right to take a salary.
08:29He said that those who preach the word are worthy of double honor.
08:35That's like telling me the only way you can honor me is with a dollar.
08:38The honor is beyond a dollar.
08:40If your honor that you give a minister is no more than a dollar, that's cheap honor.
08:44The greatest honor you can give a minister is respect.
08:47When he treads out the corn, he says he was not talking about ox.
08:53But the implication seems to have been that the minister has a right to financial.
08:58Those who preach the gospel should live off the gospel.
09:02Well, that's not a salary.
09:03That's dealing with the law of the Levitical priesthood.
09:05That's dealing with tithing.
09:06Tithing, yes.
09:07The purpose of tithing was to provide a salary for the Levites who did not get any land.
09:14The tithing wasn't necessarily a salary like it's done today, like a payroll.
09:20Salary was the preacher would get an X amount to take care of his needs and the needs of his family.
09:24But these preachers have went beyond that.
09:26They have gone beyond that.
09:27This is my argument.
09:28They are super millionaires.
09:31Basically, what it is, you have to pay them before they come.
09:36You have to pay them after they get there.
09:39You don't take enough offers when you go into churches.
09:41No, I don't.
09:42When I go preach in different churches, I don't allow them to raise me no love offering.
09:45You don't allow them to?
09:46No, I don't want no love offering.
09:48How many men are going to give you money for what we preach?
09:52Gino Jennings, this is just warming up.
09:55You see why he's so controversial.
09:58The founder of the first church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
10:02We're going to be back.
10:03This is Religious Hard Talk.
10:04Welcome back to Religious Hard Talk.
10:07The tough talking founder of the first church of our Lord Jesus Christ.
10:12Gino Jennings is with us on Religious Hard Talk.
10:17In many areas, he's feared.
10:19He's not liked at all.
10:21In fact, people go to places where he preaches and they protest.
10:26They bellow outside.
10:28They say they don't want this man in their town on Religious Hard Talk.
10:33We take honor of these persons because we believe that you have the right
10:37to hear the variety of opinions which are out there.
10:42One of the traditional Pentecostal positions which you hold and hold very firmly
10:48is that except one speaks in tongues, he doesn't have the Holy Spirit.
10:55On what basis do you hold that view?
10:58Well, everywhere the apostles went since the Holy Ghost fell on the day of Pentecost
11:02in the second chapter of Acts.
11:03Everywhere in the tribe of the apostles, when they preached the new birth,
11:07they preached repentance for remission of sins,
11:10baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues.
11:13So you said everywhere that persons were baptized, we find that they spoke in tongues?
11:20Everywhere they received the Holy Ghost, we found they spoke in tongues.
11:23Even if they were baptized in water first?
11:25In the case of the Philippian jailer, when he and his household were baptized,
11:29there was no instance of their speaking in tongues.
11:33That's because they didn't receive the Holy Ghost.
11:34They just received the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.
11:36They received water baptism.
11:38That's all that was.
11:39And the two are not necessarily synonymous, or they do not come necessarily at the same time.
11:45No, not exactly.
11:46In the 10th chapter of Acts, when the Holy Ghost fell upon the Gentiles,
11:51they received the Holy Ghost before baptism.
11:54Before, as a sign.
11:56So it isn't that, okay, one may get the Holy Ghost first, or get the Holy Ghost after,
12:01it's going to be given whenever God says that.
12:03So the Holy Ghost is the initial evidence, and everyone must have it?
12:05Oh, yes.
12:06Now, how do you explain this text?
12:07With that view, I'm not going to debate you much today,
12:10because I want to give you the opportunity to speak.
12:13But how do you explain this text in 1 Corinthians 14,
12:20which clearly seems to suggest, rhetorically,
12:24that not everyone receives the gift of the Holy Spirit?
12:28God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets,
12:31and teachers, and workers, and miracles.
12:34Are all apostles?
12:37Are all prophets?
12:39Are all teachers?
12:41Do all work miracles?
12:43Do all possess gifts of healing?
12:45Do all speak in tongues?
12:47Speak in the tongues of all believers.
12:49In the 16th chapter of the book of Mark, the Bible says,
12:51these sounds will follow them that believe.
12:53No, but listen to me.
12:54This is talking about persons in the church.
12:57No, you are the body of Christ, and individually members of it.
13:011 Corinthians 14, 27.
13:04And it suggests that there are different gifts of the Spirit.
13:07There is no one gift which every member of the body has to have.
13:12Well, your doctrine contradicts this.
13:13Oh, no, not at all.
13:14Because this is saying, do all speak in tongues?
13:17It asks the question.
13:18No, but you agree.
13:20It asks the question, would the rhetorical answer be no?
13:24Because you said no in all the...
13:28I'm saying no, but speaking in tongues is for believers,
13:31because if you look at the Scriptures,
13:33it is not a believer that got into the body of Christ.
13:36The Scripture says in the 12th chapter of 1 Corinthians,
13:38we are baptized by one Spirit into one body.
13:41And if you look how anyone was baptized by the Spirit of God,
13:45they received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues.
13:48You don't find where no one in the Scriptures.
13:51No, but in the New Testament church.
13:54Acts was setting out,
13:56and I believe that there were certain historically conditioned reasons
14:01why persons spoke in tongues then.
14:05Paul is setting out the theology of tongues in Corinthians.
14:10And therefore our teaching has to be based on this.
14:14And when he sets this out,
14:16it is clear that the Spirit gives a variety of gifts.
14:21And that the gifts which are given,
14:24as Paul says here in 1 Corinthians 12 and verse 7,
14:29they are given for the common good.
14:32So that all the gifts are given for the common good.
14:36You do not see in the book of Acts here
14:38that tongues is given just as a sign
14:42to show that the believer has the Holy Spirit.
14:45Well, now you got it.
14:46Well, if that's the case, if that's your interpretation of it,
14:48now you're contradicting Jesus.
14:49You're saying Paul contradicted Jesus.
14:51If you say it's not given for a sign,
14:53Jesus plainly states that these signs shall follow them that believe.
14:58Remember I told you that there were,
15:00that in that part of Jesus' ministry,
15:04and shortly after the founding of the church,
15:09because there was a necessity to have the miracles
15:13to establish Christianity,
15:16tongues functioned as a sign
15:19So it changed when Paul came in.
15:20I'm saying that Paul is setting out a wider theology of tongues.
15:25But 1 Corinthians 12,
15:27I said 1 Corinthians 12, 27 to 31,
15:32seems to indicate that not everyone gets this gift of tongues.
15:37Why should it be?
15:38You would admit not everyone has the gift of healing,
15:41not everyone has the gift of miracles,
15:45not everyone has the gift of prophecy.
15:47Why would everyone have the gift of speaking in tongues?
15:50Well, the speaking in tongues is the first gift that one obtains
15:53when they receive the Holy Ghost,
15:54because the Holy Ghost is called a gift.
15:56And if you read the scriptures,
15:59there wasn't a variety of ways
16:02since the church started on the day of Pentecost to receive the Holy Ghost.
16:05It isn't that you're going to receive the Holy Ghost a Baptist way,
16:08one going to receive the Holy Ghost a Methodist way,
16:10one going to receive the Holy Ghost an Apostolic way,
16:12another going to receive the Holy Ghost a non-denominational way,
16:15another going to receive the Holy Ghost a Pentecostal way.
16:17The Bible says you're baptized by one spirit into one body.
16:20So if you're going to receive the Holy Ghost one way,
16:22and I'm going to receive the Holy Ghost another way,
16:24then we're going to have to come up with two different ways.
16:261 Corinthians, you're saying
16:28that the millions of sincere, dedicated Christians
16:32who do not speak in tongues are going to hell?
16:34I'm saying that if you don't speak in tongues according to the scriptures,
16:38you're not born of the spirit like Jesus told Nicodemus.
16:40Are you going to hell?
16:41Yes, you will, because what you're not doing...
16:43All these millions of Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Jehovah's Witnesses...
16:51They don't even believe in the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.
16:53They don't even believe in a new birth period.
16:55They don't believe in a new birth period.
16:57So once they don't...
16:59No matter how sincere, no matter how many good works they're doing...
17:01The book says, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
17:03He that believeth not shall be damned.
17:06And if that's good enough for Jesus to teach, that's good enough for me to teach.
17:09And it doesn't bother you?
17:10It doesn't bother me at all.
17:11That so many Christians who are sincere are going to be locked out of...
17:14No, what bothers me...
17:15Yes, and what bothers me is that, not that they're sincere,
17:19but because they're sincere is jeopardized by false teaching that's given them false hope
17:25and that's given them false concepts.
17:27I respect their sincerity, and this is what makes me preach as hard as I do,
17:31because they are sincere.
17:33So you want to get them into the truth.
17:35Exactly. If they're sincere...
17:37Would you invest money in a bank that don't pay you interest?
17:40So why would you invest your soul in a religion that can't get you to the kingdom?
17:44You believe that if one is not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ...
17:48Not just Jesus.
17:49That's right.
17:50You can't receive it.
17:52So if you're baptized in the name of Jesus, that's not good enough?
17:54That's not good enough.
17:56That's not good enough?
17:58It has to be the name of Jesus Christ?
17:59Jesus said this, exact no more than what's appointed you.
18:01The apostles use...
18:02Put in some of the text in Acts.
18:03They use the two phrases.
18:05Jesus Christ...
18:06They admit that.
18:07And Lord Jesus.
18:09Which is the same thing.
18:10Jesus Christ...
18:11Or Lord Jesus.
18:12But not Jesus alone.
18:13Not Jesus alone.
18:14Because none of the apostles...
18:15So most of these Pentecostals...
18:16Oh, they're baptized in Jesus' name.
18:17They're baptized in Jesus' name.
18:18Jesus' name.
18:19They're wrong.
18:20Just get you wet.
18:21Because there's more than one Jesus in the Bible.
18:23You got Bar Jesus.
18:24You got Justice Jesus.
18:25But Jesus Christ is distinguished from all other Jesus.
18:28Even the name of Joshua.
18:30In the Hebrew language it's Hashua.
18:32Because there's no J in the Hebrew grammar.
18:34So even the name Joshua is really the name Jesus.
18:37In Arabic the name Jesus is Esau.
18:39Or some pronounce it Esau.
18:40So all these Pentecostals are apostolic.
18:42Who are they ridiculing Trinitarians.
18:45And saying, boy, they are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
18:49And they think that they are right.
18:50You aren't here to tell them that.
18:51They are wrong.
18:52So they are wrong.
18:53They are wrong.
18:54They are criticizing...
18:55And they are equally mixed up like the Trinitarians.
18:58They are equally mixed up, if not worse.
19:00Because here the so-called apostolic and Pentecostal people
19:03are going around telling people, you are going to hell if you baptize the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
19:07But yet they are baptizing all their congregations simply in Jesus' name.
19:10That's not good enough.
19:11That's not good enough.
19:12Because you have more than one Jesus in the book.
19:13And I can challenge any apostolic or Pentecostal preacher in action.
19:17Where did any of the ministers in the Bible baptize you simply in Jesus' name?
19:21And they couldn't find it.
19:22And until they give themselves right, they need to leave the other religions alone.
19:27And they are going to be lost also.
19:28Oh, yes, they will, unless they change.
19:30So hell is going to be filled up with a lot of people.
19:32Or a few of you are going to be saved.
19:34If you evaluate the scriptures, every time the scriptures made an example about salvation, only a few.
19:40In the days of Noah, only eight.
19:42In the days of Lot, just a little.
19:44But hell was renovated.
19:46It says hell has to enlarge yourself.
19:50New Jerusalem hasn't went through no enlargement.
19:52Make way for these Pentecostals and apostolic and Baptist and Jehovah's Witnesses and so on.
19:57Well, exactly.
19:58The problem with a lot of the apostolic faith brothers, their mentality is so closed, they believe they're the only ones right.
20:03Yes, that's true.
20:04And I believe the only one right is God.
20:06And the only way for that minister's teaching to be right, his teaching must coincide with whatever God says.
20:11And not only that...
20:12But you came out of the Pentecostal apostolic movement.
20:15Yes, I came out of the so-called apostolic faith background.
20:18I don't use the term apostolic.
20:20The reason why I don't use the term apostolic is because apostolic is supposed to be describing a religion.
20:25And there's no religion in the Bible called apostolic.
20:29You have apostle in the Bible, but you don't have a religion called apostolic.
20:32Just like you have Christian in the Bible, but you have no religion called Christianity.
20:39There are so many varieties of errors.
20:43It is.
20:44No wonder the disciples asked, who then will deceive?
20:49I believe that the followers of these organizations should question their pastors, question their bishops, question their apostles.
20:57We allow the members of the First Church to ask us questions openly and publicly.
21:02Even if I'm teaching in a public area, even the public are allowed to raise their hands and question us about what we teach.
21:09To my sad regret, church people are the most promised people in the world when it comes to the Bible.
21:16You and I agree.
21:17I mean, when it comes to the Bible, they are so dumb and ignorant because they take what the men say.
21:22That is true.
21:23They just take whatever they say and jump and holler and run around in churches, phone at the mouth.
21:27Some don't even want to watch this program.
21:30And some of their pastors tell them, don't watch when it starts up, because the pastors want them to hear only their views.
21:36And the pastors want to keep them in bondage.
21:38The public, even the churches, they should be exposed to what other religions teach.
21:44How would you know that your teaching is correct?
21:47See, what a lot of the apostolic faith people say, or a lot of the preachers say,
21:52everyone in the world is wrong but us.
21:54And they narrow it down to their organization.
21:57You are not doing that.
21:58Oh, no.
21:59You are saying you are right, but you are not doing that.
22:01The only thing that is right is God.
22:03And the only way for a man to believe, to be right, is he follow God's divine law, to the letter.
22:09He must strive to follow God's precepts.
22:11I don't tell no one it's easy.
22:13I have no easy law.
22:15And you are strong that women should not wear jewelry, should not process their hair.
22:21You think those things are really important, Pastor?
22:23I believe everything that's in the scriptures are important.
22:27God is really that petty to be concerned about whether a woman has a lovely brooch, or she has a lovely ring.
22:35You think God of this vast, limitless universe is concerned about those minor things?
22:41You sound like a TV evangelist.
22:42I am the TV evangelist.
22:43I have those articles, Pastor.
22:44I have those proofs with you.
22:46Well, what has happened is the TV preachers have took the commandments of God and watered it down, watered it down, watered it down,
22:56until now they have the public believing that the law that God set is no longer necessary.
23:02So what they teach is God is not looking at the outward.
23:05He is looking at the heart.
23:06The inward, precisely.
23:07I teach by God's divine law.
23:09Yes, God is looking at the heart.
23:11But if the heart gets right, everything on the outside will fall in place.
23:15The book of Scripture says in the book of Proverbs, six things, two I hate, seven is abomination before me, a proud look.
23:21So why would God people walk around...
23:22Someone with makeup and rouge and so on.
23:24In the fourth chapter of the book of Jeremiah, in the 30th verse, it says,
23:27When thou art spoiled, what will you do?
23:29Though thou decreth thyself with ornaments of gold, or renteth thine face with paint,
23:33which is called makeup today,
23:34the prophets say, in vain do you make yourself fair.
23:37So the media have played a major role in making women and men hate the way God made them.
23:43So therefore they resort to makeup and false eyelashes and eyebrow arching and earrings and necklaces.
23:50So a true Christian woman wouldn't be weird.
23:52No, no, the Bible says put a difference between holy and unholy, clean and clean.
23:55So once we see a woman with those things, we know she's not a true Christian.
23:58We know that she's not truly serving God properly.
24:02Because most times I don't blame the follower.
24:04But those things wouldn't keep a woman out of heaven, though.
24:07Oh, yes, it will.
24:09It what?
24:10If the Lord is some time to recover, I'll have to take a break at this point.
24:13This man is really serious.
24:16Does he really have members of his church?
24:18People go to a church like this?
24:20Well, we'll talk about that.
24:21This is religious.
24:23Is it right for pastors to attack other churches?
24:26No, no, because we are all one.
24:30We are serving the same God.
24:31So I don't think...
24:32We are all preaching the same thing.
24:33So I don't think one pastor should attack another.
24:37No, man.
24:38Pastors, everybody have their own beliefs.
24:40So every man is due to his own beliefs.
24:42He shouldn't fight against another man's beliefs.
24:45That's what I'm saying.
24:46Well, if the church is not doing the right thing...
24:49Because we're all up for love and Christianity.
24:52Godliness, cleanliness.
24:54If a pastor messes up in a banger or anything wrong, we have to attack him.
24:58I don't think that's really right, you know.
25:00But one of the things that really...
25:04...hambugs the society.
25:06Everybody has their own different thing.
25:08So much denomination, so...
25:11Still don't know.
25:13It's like...
25:14Nobody knows which one is the right one.
25:17So it's like everybody is confused.
25:19No, I don't think they should attack anybody's church, you know.
25:22You just live your religion and do your thing.
25:24Because everything stems from something, you know what I'm saying?
25:26So just love and respect everybody's thing.
25:28Because nobody really knows the truth.
25:30I don't feel that a pastor should really...
25:32Just because he's an Anglican...
25:34...or he's a Seventh-day Adventist, he should hate the Seventh-day Adventists.
25:37No, man. I want religion.
25:39I want blood. I'm a Christian, you know.
25:41If there are pastors in other churches that does wrong...
25:45There's no way in the Bible saying that you should really attack the pastor.
25:51Or more than all, you should...
25:54I think you should...
25:56...call them...
25:58...close door and discuss problems...
26:01...that concern in the church.
26:04Welcome back to Religious Hard Talk.
26:06My guest, Pastor Gina Jennings...
26:09...was so controversial that this station, TVJ, was flooded with protests...
26:15...when he used to be on...
26:17He's no longer on TVJ.
26:20But he's on Religious Hard Talk.
26:23We love the tough talk...
26:25...and the controversial speakers.
26:29You are saying...
26:31...that this matter of adornment is so important...
26:34...that someone could be locked out of heaven.
26:37Anything that God says don't do...
26:39...none of us should take lightly or take for granted.
26:42No matter how small it is.
26:44If God said for us not to do a thing...
26:47...obviously it's important to Him.
26:49Are you being serious on the Timothy text?
26:51Not just on Timothy, from Old Testament to New.
26:53Old Testament to Old Testament?
26:54Oh, yes.
26:57The Bible is in the third chapter of the book of Isaiah.
26:59It speaks against fingering.
27:00It speaks against no jewels.
27:02It speaks against tinkling ornaments.
27:03You don't believe in wedding bands?
27:05You don't believe in wedding bands?
27:06No, I don't.
27:07A wedding band has another made no man faithful.
27:11You got preachers with wedding bands that got two wives.
27:13They got...
27:16Preachers with a wedding band and have girlfriends and boyfriends.
27:18They go both ways.
27:19Oh, boy!
27:21They go both ways now.
27:23A lot of men have to come to this.
27:25I hear you're knocking this a lot on your program.
27:28A lot of the preachers are homosexuals.
27:29Oh, yes.
27:30Even among Pentecostal apostles.
27:31Pentecostal, Apostolic, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran.
27:34It is not a Catholic problem.
27:36It's a liberal problem.
27:38It's a general problem.
27:39It's a general problem?
27:41And the reason why you don't hear a lot about it in the Catholic,
27:43the Pentecostal, or rather should I say the so-called Episcopal...
27:45The Evangelical Church.
27:46...and the Catholic and Evangelical Church because they suppress it.
27:48They keep it down.
27:49And these Anglicans come out openly and they...
27:52...will talk about it.
27:53You can't find not one TV evangelist that come out of America
27:58that speak against homosexuality.
28:00They don't bother it.
28:01A lot of them don't...
28:02They don't touch it at all because they're afraid of offending them.
28:05And a lot of the support that they get in terms of financial support...
28:08Oh, most definitely.
28:09If you look at 99.9 of these choirs that come on, say like on BD or BET...
28:16...or TBN.
28:17Look at the men on the choir.
28:18The men look effeminate.
28:22I mean, their lips are up in the air.
28:24Their vaseline, their lips are shining like someone buffed it with a car.
28:28And they act like women.
28:30These people...
28:31They act like women.
28:32...singers and so on.
28:33Many of them.
28:35Many of these so-called Christian singers, the male singers, act like women.
28:39And it's amazing how the so-called public is drawn to it.
28:43And the churches, the churches now...
28:45These gospel singers, a lot of them are homosexuals.
28:48Many of them are into their homosexual lifestyle.
28:51You mean if the scripture says put a distance between holiness and unholiness,
28:54clean and unclean, and you mean to tell me you're supposed to represent Christ.
28:58How in the world do you represent Christ up on a stage, bare-chested,
29:02with a cross around your neck, your pants hanging down,
29:05and your underwear shooting up, rapping about Jesus?
29:08There's got to be a distance between what is of God and what is not.
29:12You don't understand modern music.
29:13I don't accept that.
29:15You don't accept it?
29:16Not at all.
29:17The scripture says take away from me the noise of thine songs,
29:19and I will not hear the melody of thine vows.
29:22If you are of God, your music's supposed to be different,
29:24your life's supposed to be different, your conduct's supposed to be different.
29:27But they say that's the way to reach the young generation.
29:30We have reached thousands.
29:33But if I've got to resort to sin to reach the public,
29:36then I'm no better than the sinner.
29:38See, it used to be said...
29:40They're not using the rap music of modern music.
29:42No, not at all.
29:43No, it used to be said that the church is the light to the world.
29:46The church is no light to the world now.
29:48The world's the light to the church.
29:49Everything that the world do, the church do.
29:52The rappers come out with rap videos.
29:54Look at the so-called Christians.
29:55Oh, boy, you can't see the difference?
29:57You have to listen for Jesus.
29:58What, the same kind of song?
30:00You have even Christian rock groups now?
30:02Look at Kirk Franklin.
30:04You can play his music on every station out here.
30:06Now, if you're truly singing spiritual music,
30:09is that music going to be aimed at a particular kind of station?
30:12How can spiritual music be played on R&B, be-bop, jazz, and all that,
30:17and it can be played in a club where people can dance?
30:20You ever heard people at a club dancing by keeping me near the cross?
30:24Not at all.
30:26But this has...
30:28It has corrupted the churches.
30:29Now they have what is called praise dancing.
30:32Up in the pulpit, and just dancing.
30:35The churches have become nothing but organized crime.
30:38It's racketeering.
30:39It's racketeering.
30:40It's racketeering.
30:41The churches are racketeering.
30:42The so-called apostolic Pentecostal, all of them,
30:44they are nothing but religious racketeering.
30:46Like a mafia?
30:47They have surpassed the mafia.
30:48They're worse than the mafia?
30:49Oh, of course they are,
30:50because they organize their criminal activity under the name Jesus.
30:52So, therefore, they take the name of Jesus and butcher it and sell it.
30:56Look at Peter Popov.
30:57Well, another TV evangelist out of America.
30:59So-called blessed water.
31:01What is toilet water going to do for you or me?
31:04All I got to do is go to a warehouse and order a big case of empty bottles
31:08and fill them up with water from my faucet
31:10and then sell it to you and tell you it's miracle water.
31:13Why, that water can't do no more for you than the water you buy at a supermarket.
31:17But it's gimmicks.
31:19It's nothing but religious gimmicks,
31:21and as I often say,
31:23the church people have been made suckers.
31:26Religious Bible-speaking and tongue-shouting suckers.
31:31And, of course, they don't want me to say that.
31:33No, they don't.
31:34But Religious Heart Talk is a program which allows you to say that.
31:38Do you feel that the churches have really lost their way?
31:42The churches have let the people down.
31:44Religion has let the people down.
31:46And this is why I am determined, by all means,
31:49to lift up God's standard.
31:51To bring back holiness.
31:52To bring back holiness.
31:53Not my personal standard.
31:54Not my personal views.
31:56Not the religion of Geno's Genesis.
31:58Not the church of Geno's Genesis.
31:59It's all about God.
32:01It's not about me.
32:02You know, most religious programs have the husband and wife ministry.
32:05That lets you know that the ministry is really their own family business.
32:10Folks don't get the catch yet.
32:12It's a family business.
32:14It's like Geno and Darlene ministry.
32:17And I have a lovely wife.
32:18I don't see a wife yet.
32:19You see her, but you just don't know who you're looking at.
32:21See, my wife, we don't believe...
32:23You don't parade her.
32:24No, we don't.
32:25We don't parade her.
32:26We don't believe that the preacher's wife is supposed to have this big queen seat.
32:29No, we don't believe in that.
32:30No, we don't believe in that foolish God.
32:31People are humble people.
32:33And they're disciplined people.
32:35And they're respectable people.
32:36You don't believe in God's ministry.
32:37You should be driving the finest cars.
32:39I believe a man should drive what he can afford.
32:43Not resort to the church buying it.
32:46If your money and you work for it, you can drive what you want.
32:51But why come to the church?
32:53Church, the Lord has spoke to me.
32:55And just told me, just a minute.
32:57The Lord just told me to tell you that there's $5,000 out there.
33:01He's a liar.
33:03He's just a liar.
33:04The Lord told him nothing.
33:05The Lord ain't told him nothing.
33:06But this just goes to show you how desperate these men are.
33:09And how they don't fear God enough that they're a liar on Him all day.
33:13Just to get the money.
33:14And I'm surprised the public haven't caught on to it yet.
33:18Not all Jamaican people are buying these fellows.
33:21They say.
33:22They watch it on TV.
33:24And we have local religious stations.
33:26In Vancouver, the brothers and sisters throughout Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean.
33:30When you find your pastor resorting to the same religious hustle.
33:35That these men from America are doing.
33:37It's just blackmail.
33:38It's just blackmail.
33:39They all say, get up and walk right out of the church.
33:41Walk out and leave.
33:42Walk out and leave.
33:43Let them go get a job and go to work.
33:44Let them get an honest living.
33:48A lot of these preachers are not earning any honest living.
33:49No, not at all.
33:50They get their money by lying and cheating to the people.
33:53Religious hard talk.
33:57The kind of stuff you'll get.
33:58Only on religious hard talk.
34:03Do you believe there are many homosexuals in the churches?
34:07Didn't I just say them hide?
34:09That's where them hide.
34:10You know, most of them in there pose as choir master, altar boys.
34:15You know, all different things.
34:18You understand what I'm saying?
34:19Because they use the church as something to shelter them, to cover them up.
34:22You understand?
34:23But if you notice them though, they live it to cost 20 and most of the ceremony them.
34:27But if you say you like it, another man shall be put to death.
34:30And them thing, they afraid of that part of the ceremony.
34:32So them not keep that part of it.
34:33General speaking in Jamaica, yes?
34:36I remember the population is going that way now.
34:39Yes, man.
34:40I'm worried for them, man.
34:41I want to weed them out, man.
34:42That's what I talk about, man.
34:44You see the funny man, them, man?
34:45Them a pull out the society.
34:47Bad man.
34:49I feel it.
34:50Gina Jennings, the founder of the first church of our Lord Jesus Christ,
34:54is our guest on Religious Hard Talk.
34:57Divorce and remarriage.
35:00I hear you licking these preachers.
35:04Who are talking to people.
35:05And they are divorced and remarried.
35:06Big sin?
35:08It's a very big sin.
35:09Big sin?
35:10In the seventh chapter of the book of Romans,
35:13it plainly states that I say to them that know the law,
35:17that if a woman have a husband,
35:19she's bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives.
35:24If he is dead, then she is free from the law of her husband.
35:29So, but today, and not only that,
35:31the preachers go as far when they perform a wedding,
35:34they tell the couple, to death do you part.
35:37But they don't wait for the person dying before they part.
35:40So you have preachers, bishops,
35:43standing ahead of churches with two and three wives.
35:46I mean, just think of, imagine a preacher
35:49going to preach to you and me,
35:51and he got two and three wives.
35:53And all three of his wives are in the same church.
35:56And this has been widely accepted now.
35:59And apostolic and Pentecostal,
36:01PAW, they believe in remarriage and divorce.
36:04The UPC believe in remarriage and divorce.
36:07Many of the so-called apostolic faith organizations now
36:10believe in remarriage and divorce.
36:12And one reason why they cater to this,
36:15because it is happening.
36:17We're able to catch up with the times.
36:19And this is the attitude they take.
36:20The attitude they take of reality.
36:22Everybody's doing it now.
36:23So if someone speak out against it,
36:24they look at it as the oddball, the black sheep,
36:27someone behind the times.
36:28But there are many persons
36:30who have had unfortunate first marriages.
36:33A number of things can go wrong.
36:34People get married when they are young.
36:36You take a person who was married when he was 70.
36:39At 19, he realized that he never had any ground for marriage.
36:43He's divorced.
36:45That person will have to live with these sexual urges
36:48all these years.
36:50According to your teaching,
36:51you would condemn that person to live to 70,
36:55exposing the person to fornication faster
36:58rather than remarrying.
36:59I'm not exposing them, John.
37:01God's teaching us discipline.
37:03In the seventh chapter of the book of Romans,
37:05and I definitely would like to read this
37:07because this is a very big subject.
37:09It's a very big subject here in Jamaica.
37:11It's a very big subject.
37:13As long as that first partner is living.
37:16Yes, as long as they're alive.
37:18And you force people to wish
37:20that their first partner would die.
37:22You force them to commit murder in your house
37:25rather than remarry.
37:26Because I'd have to wish for the person to die
37:28in order to be free.
37:29They're going to wish that anyway.
37:30You don't see the consequence of your doctrine.
37:33Oh, not at all.
37:34They're going to wish that anyway without my help.
37:36One thing they have got,
37:37many of these people in this remarriage
37:39and divorce predicament
37:40is being misled by preachers.
37:43The preachers know that it's in the Bible.
37:45But if they actually would preach against remarriage
37:47What about the adultery exception?
37:51Suppose I have evidence
37:53that my wife committed adultery.
37:55Am I not free to remarry?
37:56Well, if you read that
37:57in the fifth chapter of the book of Mark
37:58that talks about that,
37:59it says you can put her away
38:01except it be for fornication.
38:05Now the question is,
38:06what wife was he talking about?
38:07Do a married person commit fornication?
38:08Do a married person commit adultery?
38:10A married person commit fornication.
38:12Yeah, but the Greek,
38:13I don't want to go into that.
38:14Pornia includes all forms of sexual uncleanness.
38:20But it can include adultery.
38:21A good example.
38:22Like with Mary and Joseph.
38:23So your view is
38:24once a person is married,
38:26once the couple is married
38:27They're bound.
38:28There can be no ground.
38:29No ground.
38:30Not even adultery breaks that.
38:31They're bound.
38:33They're bound by the law.
38:34The scripture says
38:35if a woman is being beaten
38:36then the Bible justifies separation.
38:38Or separation is different.
38:40But the innocent party is going to suffer.
38:41Your doctrine
38:42causes the innocent party.
38:44The battered woman, no.
38:46Has to sit by herself
38:48and be lonely.
38:49In the seventh chapter
38:50of the book of 1 Corinthians
38:51beginning at verse 10
38:52it talks about
38:53don't let the wife leave the husband.
38:54But if she departs
38:56let her remain unmarried.
38:59So the question is
39:00what should she do
39:01if you want a man?
39:02And the very last sentence
39:03of that verse says
39:04let her be reconciled
39:06to her husband.
39:07Go back to the man.
39:08You've got to go back to the man.
39:09So if I come in your church
39:10I was divorced 15 years ago
39:12and I come in your church now
39:13and I come in a remarried status
39:16what will you say to me?
39:17I'm living in the city?
39:19You are living in the city.
39:20Because you come in first church
39:21that doesn't make you live right.
39:22So what do I have to do?
39:23Leave my wife?
39:24You will have to
39:25get rid of that second wife
39:26because that's not yours.
39:27You've got another man's wife.
39:29So even if I have four children
39:32you are responsible for those children.
39:34Those children are innocent victims
39:35of your carelessness.
39:36But I must leave that wife?
39:37You've got another man's wife.
39:39You have no right
39:40to have another man's property
39:41because that's being covetous.
39:43Your first wife is still alive.
39:46And she's still my wife.
39:47And she's still your wife
39:48according to what God said.
39:49And if you've got another man's wife
39:51you don't touch her and claim it.
39:52You touch the claim.
39:54You've got another man's wife
39:55you're living in adultery.
39:56I don't care if you're supposed to be
39:57an apostle, a bishop, an elder
39:58an evangelist, anything.
40:00A missionary.
40:01If you've got another man's wife
40:02you're living in adultery.
40:04And these men are supposed to
40:05cause her to commit adultery also.
40:08If she's got a living husband
40:09that makes her commit adultery.
40:10If he don't have no wife
40:12and that's his first wife
40:13that makes them commit fornication.
40:14So a lot of people are watching us
40:16who think that they are going to bed
40:18having sex in the Lord
40:19because they are married.
40:20There are much more fornicators
40:22than people outside.
40:23If not more.
40:24If not more.
40:25Because 99.9% of the religion
40:27today justifies remarriage.
40:30They justify it.
40:31They condone it.
40:32They sit right in a congregation.
40:33The bishop would get up with a sermon
40:35and tell a lie
40:36the Lord gave me this wife.
40:37And his first wife is still living.
40:39The Lord can't give no man a second wife.
40:43If his first wife is living.
40:44If God is going to do that
40:45then that makes God a liar.
40:46We shouldn't be sitting in churches
40:47with these pastors who are remarried.
40:48Leave your first wife.
40:50Walk out.
40:51You're not looking at hard talk.
40:53Walk out.
40:54Walk out.
40:56Walk out.
40:57And the reason why
40:58the congregations are so full
41:00because number one
41:01if the bishop got two wives
41:02what can he tell you?
41:04It's not lust.
41:05It's moral authority.
41:07If he got two or three wives
41:08he can't tell the congregation nothing.
41:09And another reason why
41:10a lot of them don't preach again
41:11is because a lot of times
41:12his children got more than one wife
41:13or more than one husband.
41:14And he's scared to offend his family.
41:16Because these are family churches.
41:18I don't believe in family churches.
41:19Family businesses.
41:20It's a family business.
41:21So they don't want to offend their family.
41:23So they will justify their family
41:24and condone their family
41:25in their dirt.
41:26Well I wouldn't condone
41:27my own flesh and blood
41:28and my own children
41:29my own wife
41:30my own father
41:31my own mother
41:32my own nobody.
41:33Haven't you had many people
41:34wanting to become members
41:35but found this particular doctrine
41:37Oh yes.
41:38You had those people.
41:40But you're not willing to compromise.
41:41I won't compromise.
41:42We still ask them to come.
41:43We tell them to come.
41:44Bring your second wife.
41:45I tell them come.
41:46And bring your second wife.
41:47You preach this wrong.
41:48Can you imagine embarrassed?
41:49I'm going to preach the word of God
41:50and let God separate us.
41:52I'm going to preach the word of God.
41:53I'm not going to go to you
41:54one on one and say
41:55well you better leave.
41:56No I'm going to preach
41:57the word of God.
41:58Because you can act like you're separate
41:59when you come here.
42:00And you have known some people
42:01that have actually left
42:02their second wife?
42:03Oh yes.
42:04We have many people
42:05that have left their second wife
42:06and left their second husband.
42:07See the first thing first
42:08is your soul.
42:09So you're breaking up
42:10family and family.
42:11Oh yes.
42:12I do that.
42:13I make it my business
42:14to do that.
42:15You break up family?
42:16I break up anything
42:17that's not like God.
42:18Jesus said I've come
42:19not to bring peace
42:20but a sword.
42:22The sword is used to cut you.
42:25You will continue
42:26preaching this
42:27hot edge gospel?
42:28If God be my helper.
42:29Look at the condition
42:30of society now.
42:31Society has gone mad.
42:32They have lost their morals.
42:33The church is all about
42:34money and business.
42:35They're not about
42:36the soul of the people.
42:37Everything has collapsed.
42:38The American government
42:39certainly is not thinking
42:40about no one but themselves.
42:41The government
42:42throughout the world
42:43is not thinking about
42:44anyone but themselves.
42:45Making the richer richer
42:46and the poorer poorer.
42:47So somebody has to do
42:48like John the Baptist
42:49and crowd in the wilderness
42:50and turn the souls
42:51of people to God.
42:53You think God has sent you
42:54with a special mission?
42:55I know God has sent me
42:56with a mission.
42:57If God hadn't sent me
42:58with a mission
42:59I wouldn't be
43:00sacrificing my life
43:01standing facing threats
43:02standing facing contracts
43:03put out on my life.
43:04Contracts that have been
43:05put on your life?
43:06Contracts that have been
43:07put out on my life.
43:08By religious people?
43:09By religious people.
43:10People have threatened
43:11to buy my house
43:12bomb the church
43:13kill my wife
43:14and kill my children
43:15and I won't back down
43:16from no one living.
43:17I believe if a man
43:18says he's of God
43:19but before the government
43:21and tell the government
43:22thus sayeth the Lord
43:23then that man should
43:24sit down and get out
43:25of the pulpit.
43:26God has never made us
43:27scared preachers.
43:28God has blessed your work.
43:29How many churches
43:30do you have in India?
43:31Tell us about that.
43:32I went to India
43:33I went to India this year
43:34for the first time
43:35and God has blessed
43:36with 20 churches in India
43:3720 churches in India
43:38How many in?
43:3947 in Nigeria
43:4017 in Ghana
43:415 in Zimbabwe
43:427 in Zambia
43:4317 in the Philippine Islands
43:44about 3 in Europe
43:45and we are hearing
43:46that there is a
43:47still enlarging here
43:48in Jamaica
43:49and we didn't take over
43:50nobody's organization
43:51or take over
43:52nobody's movement
43:53You built all this
43:54in 1984?
43:55By God's permission
43:56we started in 1984
43:57And you have not
43:59We have not compromised
44:00with the gospel
44:02Great to have had you
44:03Thank you for having me
44:04Pastor Gene Jennings
44:05the founder of the
44:06First Church of
44:07Our Lord Jesus Christ
44:08he came out of
44:09the apostolic faith
44:10has kept some
44:11apostolic distinctive
44:12but he has added
44:13some things of his own
44:14some things which
44:15in his view
44:16are an essential
44:17part of the holiness
44:18of God
44:19which he believes in
44:20he believes
44:21that we can live
44:22a perfect life
44:23through the power
44:24of the Holy Spirit
44:25on Religious Heart Talk
44:26we give everybody
44:27a chance
44:28to make his point
44:29everybody a chance
44:30to put his views
44:33to support us
44:34until next time
44:35Ian Boyd
44:36on behalf of my
44:37production assistant
44:38Tracey Ann Ling
44:39wishing you
44:40a very pleasant evening
44:47The Truth of God
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