"Evidence," released in 2012, is a found-footage horror film directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi. The movie follows two detectives, played by Stephen Moyer and Radha Mitchell, who are investigating a brutal massacre at an abandoned gas station. They piece together the events of the crime by analyzing footage from various recording devices found at the scene. As the detectives delve deeper into the evidence, they uncover a chilling and unexpected truth about the events leading up to the murders. Known for its intense suspense and clever narrative structure, "Evidence" keeps viewers on edge with its unpredictable twists and turns.
Short filmTranscript
00:01:00Hope I don't get typhoid or something
00:01:04Okay, pop quiz ready number one what's gonna happen if you run out of food
00:01:10Leaves at three little beelies of four eights and more nice
00:01:17All right number two what if there's bears
00:01:22What if there's bears
00:01:25All right number two, what if there's bears
00:01:33Stop drop and roll
00:01:35So Brett, let me ask you not even a little excited about going camping. Oh
00:01:40In fact, I'd be happy just to turn around go back home
00:01:43Brian you're not comprehending how much shit can go wrong. Seriously. You gotta think about it. You got poison ivy, you know rattlesnakes
00:01:51No toilets, which is completely disgusting and unsanitary
00:01:56Am I the only one that cares about that? By the way, what if one of the girls gets their periods?
00:02:00What are they gonna do? What do you do when you get your period I use tampon
00:02:05Look at that guy
00:02:33Toby where's your sister?
00:03:07Why are you filming already because it's a documentary on Brett
00:03:12But this is coverage and that's cleavage
00:03:16You have cleavage
00:03:17What oh my god, you're insane
00:03:27Maybe my bathroom's disaster. Give me a kiss the lens. Don't kiss the lens
00:03:41I love you, and you tell me to get
00:03:46Yeah, looks like you're all set
00:03:51No, because I'm making a documentary and I have to roll the camera the whole time so
00:03:59Toughen up
00:04:03Yep, I like that gay little way he did
00:04:13Come on
00:04:17Hey kid, you're gonna feed the dog this time, right?
00:04:21On the next episode of Ashley's penis talks to her vagina
00:04:34Abby hold the camera guys gonna just let you use this thing for free. Yeah, how does he even have an RV?
00:04:39The guy's fucking loaded
00:04:41He does porn oh god, well, that's interesting
00:04:47Girls come on he's gone
00:04:50Tell me the camera thing isn't annoying. Yeah, it's annoying. I don't
00:04:54It's fun
00:04:57Look at him bend over that do anything for you, right?
00:05:01Abby I have something very serious
00:05:04With that your boyfriend's a dork
00:05:09You're secretly in love with him right I'm secretly in love with you
00:05:15Check this out
00:05:24He didn't make the bed though
00:05:26It's disgusting
00:05:31Yeah, I can but I'm not going to
00:05:35So Brett's gonna drive it
00:05:37No, the documentary is about Brett and Ashley's legs are too short to reach a pedal. I'm not driving this
00:05:43There's no way I can drive this what you're the only option, honey
00:05:49Come on
00:05:51Thanks, love you
00:05:57What are you filming I'm filming the ocean
00:06:04So this is like a documentary yeah, I'm not gonna put any like corn syrup in my mouth there's anything there's ketchup
00:06:12Was that a no trespassing sign? No, do you even spell trespassing? Yes. No, I don't want to I just saw
00:06:18No trespassing. No, try it
00:06:48We're here
00:06:53Exterior RV day birds chirp camera pans around to reveal our heroes
00:07:12Oh, what do you think this we're like we're like setting up here. This is where we camp
00:07:16That's where we're leaving the RV. We camp for about half a mile in
00:07:21Gonna carry it, buddy
00:08:24Fucking bag is killing me man. It's scraping on my back. My ankles all fucked up. You got that shit. I'm gonna
00:08:32Take five seconds, man. Oh, man. Come on fucked up. Seriously night time
00:08:44What'd you do to your ankle again
00:08:55What you think that's funny that's the wow that looks really bad
00:09:07Did a little bit
00:09:17We guys think I mean we can keep hiking maybe find a better spot
00:09:22Why do we have an RV if we're not gonna sleep in it it doesn't make any sense
00:09:26Well, I need to charge charge batteries and stuff like that. You know
00:09:30That wouldn't be roughing it. I know so
00:09:33Tell the audience why you committed to doing this documentary
00:09:38Because Ryan has a way with words and he told me it'd be fun. You're not having fun
00:09:46Cuz Ryan has a way with words
00:09:48And he told me it'd be fun
00:09:50You're not having fun. Hey, listen pal. I'm just glad you got booze
00:09:54By the way, if this movie is just a compilation of scenes me getting drunk and falling down. It's not gonna be good
00:10:00It's gonna be boring. It's a stupid concept. I've got a plan
00:10:17There you go, this is the front this is the back like this, there you go
00:10:25And now
00:10:30I'm probably the smartest out of all four. Ryan's the dumbest
00:10:59Got it
00:11:06Hey, wait, we're right don't put this butter. It's gonna set fires. You set it up over there
00:11:13Abby really really with you too. Are you kidding?
00:11:19Hey girls
00:11:21Let's get something for the camera. I'm making a movie. So
00:11:26I got it. I got it
00:11:29Everyone loves watching girls make out. I think they should make out right there. There we go. Yeah. Oh
00:11:38My god, that was really sucked
00:11:41It wasn't good so weak. All right. Well if we kiss then you two have to get it. Yeah
00:11:51Big deal, okay, whatever you better do it. I'll go go
00:11:55Do it
00:12:20They gave me a boner
00:12:27Know man, I think we owe them a kiss. I didn't pinky swear. I
00:12:32Think I'm coming in
00:12:34Yeah, I'm coming in Brett. Don't know I'm coming in for a kiss
00:12:40Abby what's your name? Take the camera? Just take it
00:12:55That's cool
00:12:58Okay, Abby, where did Ryan go I don't know I said he went to go pee Ryan
00:13:05Ryan oh
00:13:09My god, it's an alien gorilla
00:13:16Come on you guys weren't even a little bit
00:13:25You know, but there's so much wildlife up here it could have been a wildlife like what
00:13:37There's no bears up here, okay, and then coyotes coyotes aren't gonna come there
00:13:55Don't know that was a fucking coyote
00:13:57No, that's not a good person. Shut the fuck up
00:14:01And if it was a coyote, why would it be out here all by itself? Where are the other ones? I don't know but though
00:14:05It's a fucking coyote dude, come on
00:15:08Really know what I'm supposed to do here Ryan told me to talk to the camera like I was talking to an audience
00:15:14Really talked to an audience before
00:15:18Might come out a little weird
00:15:22I'll go ahead and cut right there
00:15:27Um, I don't know if say we come help me no Brett come help me
00:15:36Alright favorite color great mother's main name Esterson favorite type of movie
00:15:46Biggest fear
00:15:49Favorite porno
00:15:58Brett what you got?
00:16:01It's what oh wait, no, this is a stick buddy
00:16:05Do me a favor run up to Abby and just kind of stick it down the back of her shirt. No, no, it's gonna take work
00:16:26Come on Brett, you gotta like this. Look at this. That's pretty cool gorgeous, man
00:16:36What's going on
00:16:44Don't see anything right there
00:16:48It's a fucking bush Ashley
00:16:52No, it's a fucking bush
00:17:12What where was it
00:17:19Honey whatever it is, I'm sure is gonna be a lot more afraid of us and we're gonna be of it Brett
00:17:25Which way did it go?
00:17:34You hear that
00:18:01Don't care Ryan, I don't care about your fucking camera. You're not get it in your head man
00:18:06Think about your girlfriend. You're bringing her down there. Oh
00:18:17Come on turn around look in the lens tell the audience what you're thinking right now
00:18:22What am I think I'm thinking I'm going back to the city Ryan
00:18:26Well, hey jr. City is this way, okay
00:18:30That's breaking the rules
00:18:37Don't follow me with the camera man, it's your fucking problem. You're my head man. You're fucking with me on every turn
00:18:42Why do you have it out for me? What did I do to you? What the gorilla suit Jesus?
00:18:45I'm sorry, what the fuck was that thing man? Is that someone fucking with us? It was an animal your I don't know
00:18:50That's what you're not even a little bit afraid. No, well
00:18:54You know, you call me your friend. You call us your friends
00:18:57This is not how you treat your fucking friends man, your girlfriend's here
00:19:04Honey why are you doing this? Do you have any idea what documentary filmmakers go through?
00:19:09Okay, if I want this thing to pay off, I've got to look at it as an outsider
00:19:15So, what do you feel I'm not happy with you not me breath what's going on
00:19:22You know anything about this trip
00:19:24I think that you have complete tunnel vision when it comes to this stupid project and you're not actually seeing all the weird crap that's
00:19:29Going on around us. You don't think people are overreacting a little bit
00:19:33Fine. What were those noises last night coyotes? No, they were not coyotes. It sounded like a person then campers or something Christ, honey
00:19:40We're not the first people to come up here fine. What was that thing in the ravine that we just saw?
00:19:51I finally have something to talk about in this documentary. Okay, I it's important to me to find out what everybody's feeling fine. I felt
00:19:59Confused and scared and I don't know what the hell we saw today
00:20:05What about Brett he feels the same way man fed up with this trip no Ryan he's fed up with you
00:20:18Thank you
00:20:20Made by a self-righteous prick who cares more about the success of his movie than the safety of his friends
00:20:29Fuck you, Ryan
00:20:39So typical Brett he is completely overreacting
00:20:45When he gets like this, the best thing to do is just leave him alone. Let him cool down
00:20:49I'll check on him a little bit. See if we can't have a good time tonight
00:21:27Was annoyed Ryan was pissed
00:21:29Whatever he get the guy got up and went to the bathroom
00:21:32Ryan takes out a Swiss Army knife and he starts take sign the leg of his bench. Okay
00:21:39So it's like still stay staying up or whatever
00:21:41The guy comes back sits back down and falls back and hits his head like he almost cracked his head open
00:21:47And I was like messed up and I looked at Ryan he's just watching the game stone-cold nothing no emotion I
00:21:53Know it's like it's like I know we'd get my back in a fight or whatever, but it's like a disconnect. Yeah
00:22:11Come on I want
00:22:23Come on
00:22:35Oh, yeah
00:23:04Turn around and see but naked behind me like watching me
00:23:10Wait, she's like turn around this is so
00:23:14Why was she naked? I don't know and that's why Ashley has new friends now Ryan. What is your most embarrassing?
00:23:22Yeah, babe. What's your most embarrassing moment? I got a good one for you. It's really good. That's how I know it. Okay
00:23:31Stop hogging this baby
00:24:50Brett Brett, come on dude get out of the tent
00:24:58Okay, so I know you guys are all a little freaked out right now
00:25:02Sun's gonna be up in a few hours. I'm just gonna stay up and look for
00:25:15Hello there saw your fire, I'll join you help yourself. Thank you
00:25:35You guys seen a lost dog
00:25:40I'm sorry. I lost dog. No
00:25:47Nice camera got there take a look at that. Oh, you can't
00:25:57You tell me you're not gonna touch my
00:26:07Warm you up
00:26:16Gonna need more wood for this fire
00:27:03Can't guide a fucking gun, how does he have a gun?
00:27:07Actually shut up
00:27:10Don't know that we shouldn't be out here
00:27:13Ryan that's just getting really weird. Let's just go home now. I'm not you think I'm getting on a trail with that
00:27:18Can I wait Ashley? I'll sleep in your tent tonight. We're leaving first thing in the morning, right?
00:27:23Let's go get up
00:27:38Honey what are you doing? I'm not staying here by myself. I'm gonna sit out there with you
00:27:44Don't really think anything is going on. Do you?
00:27:47Yeah, forget about all the noises going on. You saw whatever was in the ravine. That thing was not natural
00:27:55I don't know really what it was either. But look you have nothing to be afraid of
00:28:02I'm not sitting in here by myself
00:28:05Okay, we we just take the camera. I'm gonna set up a tripod keep it rolling though
00:28:09Why do I have to keep it rolling?
00:28:11Because when you and Brett and Ashley find out that this is all just some fucking prank. I want it all caught on tape
00:28:17Okay, just give me the camera
00:28:25Okay, give me the camera
00:30:35Heard footsteps and then something shook the tent right after well, whatever it was is gone
00:30:46Hey, let's go see if I can't find
00:32:04Let me turn off the fucking camera
00:32:09Really Abby with the camera now, it's the brightest light we have I
00:32:16Have no idea
00:33:25Know I wasn't on the roof. You do you promise that wasn't you promise? We gotta get the fuck out of here
00:33:40The entire time
00:33:52There's seriously something out there seriously, let's go calm down calm down everybody. Let's just all take a minute to chill. Okay
00:34:09I'm not leaving my stuff out there. Okay
00:34:13Look I got we got two options for you. Okay, number one. We go get the shit right now
00:34:16You don't understand there was fucking chasing. Okay, Brett
00:34:20Look, we can go get the stuff right now in the middle of night
00:34:22Okay, or we can go wait till the morning good at that
00:34:26So you pick right now or in the morning fine first thing in the fucking morning
00:35:00Ashley honey do me a favor. Shut the fuck up. It is way too early for this
00:35:17My god
00:36:16Checking my focus
00:36:37All right, so actually his pack is gone, so just like I said, he got here and took his pack and went back to the city
00:36:48Ashley what are you doing? I'm checking to see if I have service service. Are you retarded?
00:36:54She might get a little pocket somewhere a pocket. You guys are both retarded. Oh my god. You're not gonna get service here
00:37:00Brett went back to the city. There's no way he's gonna get back to the city. I'm sure he's gonna get back to the city
00:37:06Brett went back to the city. This is
00:37:10No, it's not weird because I know him this is exactly what he would have done shut up Ryan. Oh my god
00:37:15Okay. Look, let's pack up everything. We'll run into him on the road. Okay here. I'll sit down the camera
00:37:20I'll help you guys out
00:37:36Really you guys Ashley, come on
00:37:43This is boring
00:37:47Can you say something? Come on? Shut up. Nobody wants to fucking hear you talk right now. Your voice is annoying
00:37:52How are you not worried a little bit about your friend Brett?
00:37:55Abby hey dumbfuck. I've known Brett ten fucking years. Okay, he does this shit all the time. Really? Really? All right, okay
00:38:01God, you're such a fucking bitch
00:38:05Fucking dick you're filming all of this stupid shit. It's not even fucking useful anymore
00:38:09Brett's not even here on the documentary dipshit on Brett dipshit Brett's not here
00:38:18You know the subject of the documentary doesn't always dick fucking shut the fuck up shut up
00:38:3130 minutes. Nobody's talking to me. Really?
00:38:43Brian what's wrong with you?
00:38:45Are we just gonna leave right? Oh my god, we shut up about Brett Jesus
00:38:50Can you go five minutes without talking about your fucking pretend boyfriend? Okay, I get it
00:38:54We all get it. You wanted to fuck him and you didn't maybe if you weren't so fucking pathetic. He would have fucked you
00:39:00fucking a man
00:39:05What is that get out of the way Ashley, what the fuck is that? Oh, are you fucking joking me?
00:39:13I'm gonna fucking murder him. I'm gonna fucking kill him
00:39:22Holy shit, look at this fucking place
00:39:29I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go outside. I'm gonna find whoever's doing this. I'm gonna kick their fucking asses
00:39:36Abby god, damn it. I'm gonna go out there and find who somebody is fucking with us for the last three days
00:39:41Get the fuck out of the way Ashley get out of the way before I break this fucking camera over your goddamn face
00:40:35Fucking murder you you fucking piece of shit
00:42:31What are you doing
00:42:35No, you're not gonna leave us again
00:42:54I don't know why I'm turning this stupid thing on
00:43:00But the Sun's about to go down and you're not back yet
00:43:06I know you always film the sunset
00:43:09I'll film it for you
00:43:11So you won't be upset when you get back
00:43:14Just hurry back
00:43:30What do you want to do
00:43:33About what
00:43:37Should we just leave
00:43:41No, I think we should wait for Ryan to get back
00:43:47He's been gone for a long time
00:43:54Yeah, he's probably got out though and he's probably on his way back now
00:44:15We should probably turn the light off to save the battery, you know
00:44:19There's no reason to have it on. I don't want to sit here in the dark
00:44:22If there's something out there, it's gonna see the light. No, Abby. I don't want to sit here in the dark
00:44:26It's gonna be fine
00:45:02I don't know
00:48:02I can't run anymore
01:03:04Give me the fucking camera
01:06:05I had no idea they'd gone this far
01:06:09Now do you see why this is so important
01:13:18All right
01:13:35You are in a free-fire zone gentlemen
01:13:58The room we have blood
01:14:18Never six are you getting this
01:14:34Target interlock system
01:16:34I want to see the face right get inside gentlemen