• last year
The official Molong Town Centre Activation Opening to mark completion of upgrades on June 28, 2024.
00:00Three, two, one.
00:10...government resources for regions program
00:13and the federal government's Building Better Regions Fund,
00:16ensuring that every dollar of the $2.18 million received
00:20was dedicated to realising the vision of Marlong.
00:24Marlong is becoming a popular hub for tourism
00:27and delivering activation projects such as this one
00:30can help create important wayfinding points
00:33to encourage visitors to stop in, look around,
00:36and support our local businesses.
00:38...for Marlong, and this has been a very challenging issue,
00:42as no doubt many of you are aware.
00:45But I think the overall goal and the vision for the local community
00:49was what was front and centre, and I know with any project
00:52you're always going to get people who are trying to,
00:55I suppose, detract from it, who don't want to see change.
00:59But change is important, change is what evolves us
01:02and makes this community more vibrant.
01:04You don't need to see this beautiful building here
01:06with the community centre here and the library
01:08and what's occurred here,
01:10and obviously down with the streetscape,
01:12down the centre of the main street here.
01:14But this is something that was part of the, I suppose,
01:17after the drought, which seems so long ago now,
01:21but was only a few years ago.
01:23We've had so much happen in that time,
01:25since the drought of 18 or 19 or 20,
01:28obviously there was COVID, then there was a devastating flood.
01:31So you've had a lot of challenges to deal with,
01:33and as the Mayor said also, some construction issues as well,
01:38which made the project even more challenging.
01:41So it's a full credit to everyone involved
01:44that this project's been delivered on budget and ahead of schedule.
01:47So well done, congratulations.
01:49I know, looking forward, the vision,
01:51this is an investment in Malong
01:53and into the future of Malong,
01:55and that's the way I see it.
01:57And I'm sure in years to come,
02:00people will certainly appreciate the work that you've all done.
