• last year
Synopsis: During a heated argument with her sister Joan, Gail discovers the shocking news that she is adopted. With the reluctant support of her adoptive parents and baby sister Penny, Gail goes in search of her biological mother and true identity.
Genre: Drama
Director: David Miller
Top cast: Ann Blyth, Farley Granger, Joan Evans, Jane Wyatt, Ann Dvorak, Donald Cook, Natalie Wood
00:00:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:21Okay, boss, where did she go?
00:01:24As of last night they hadn't made up their minds. I'll find out.
00:01:27Hiya, Belinda.
00:01:30Okay, bye. I'll get it.
00:01:37Hi, Chuck.
00:01:38Hiya, Penny.
00:01:39Hey, you're kind of early, aren't you? Gail isn't home from school yet.
00:01:45Believe it or not, I haven't come to see Gail at this moment.
00:01:48Well, Joan isn't home yet either. Now don't tell me you've come to see her.
00:01:53This has nothing to do with either of your sisters.
00:01:57Right now I'm here on business.
00:02:01Oh, gosh, it's here. Why didn't you say so?
00:02:06Oh, boy, that's a dilly, isn't it? Are you going to hook it up right away?
00:02:10Yeah, if you tell us where to put it.
00:02:11It's to go in the den.
00:02:13What's in here?
00:02:14This way, Frank.
00:02:17Oh, gosh, that's wonderful. I'm the only one home and I'll get to see it work before they all come trailing in.
00:02:23Hey, are you sure that strap isn't tied too tight? You don't want to scrape the varnish.
00:02:28It wobbles. Be very careful.
00:02:30Now you quit being so bossy.
00:02:31Okay, okay, I'm sorry.
00:02:34Watch those steps.
00:02:36I'll get the door.
00:02:39Excuse me.
00:02:43Hey, wipe your feet.
00:02:49Come on in, Belinda. Don't you want to watch?
00:02:53Come on, Vi, let me take a second.
00:02:55Hello, Chelsea.
00:02:56Hello, Vi.
00:02:57Isn't it keen, Vi?
00:02:58Look, girly, before you monkey with the set, let's find out where we're going to put it.
00:03:02And get that dog out of here before you...
00:03:03Yeah, where's it to go, Vi?
00:03:05Over there where the desk is.
00:03:06Oh, no, Vi, you're crazy. Daddy said...
00:03:08Your mother said there.
00:03:10I know, but Daddy...
00:03:11It's going where your mother said.
00:03:14All right, sold. Mother knows best.
00:03:16Come on, Belinda.
00:03:19Now, look it, Chuck, you're just wasting your time.
00:03:21You're going to have to move it over there anyway.
00:03:23Daddy's going to hit the ceiling when he comes home.
00:03:25Now, you know this is a big mistake.
00:03:27After all, Daddy is paying...
00:03:28Will you make it go away, Chuck?
00:03:30No, no, please let me watch.
00:03:31I'll shut up, I promise, I really will.
00:03:33All right, then, shut up.
00:03:37What's that little gadget for?
00:03:39Will it be hooked up soon?
00:03:40Will it let me work it?
00:03:42How do you know which tool to use?
00:03:44Do you like installing television sets?
00:03:46Doesn't it get monotonous?
00:03:48I'm just dying to watch.
00:03:50Well, why don't you go outside and watch Chuck up on the roof?
00:03:53Make him nervous.
00:03:55Okay, okay.
00:04:15Hiya, Chuck.
00:04:17Will it be working soon?
00:04:19Get down off that ladder.
00:04:20You want to break your silly little neck?
00:04:22Okay, okay, don't get emotional.
00:04:30Hi, Mother.
00:04:33Up here.
00:04:36Penny, get off that ladder.
00:04:39Up here.
00:04:42Penny, get off that ladder.
00:04:44Go back into the house at once.
00:04:46Okay, okay, they're putting in the television and I'm just watching.
00:04:50Well, don't watch from up there.
00:04:52Chuck's putting up the aerial.
00:04:54I'll see you downstairs.
00:04:57Hiya, Mrs. McCauley.
00:04:58Hiya, Chuck.
00:05:04Mother, come and look.
00:05:06It's out of this world.
00:05:08I'm just dying to see it work.
00:05:10There's going to be a Western on at seven o'clock, too.
00:05:13There, doesn't it look swell?
00:05:15Good afternoon.
00:05:16His name's Frank.
00:05:17He has three children.
00:05:18This is my mother.
00:05:19Penny, don't talk so much.
00:05:21You know, I'm beginning to think that it might be better there.
00:05:24Maybe Daddy was right.
00:05:25Or there.
00:05:30He doesn't like to be criticized.
00:05:32He says it makes him nervous.
00:05:34Well, then tell him he doesn't have to move it.
00:05:37Mother says it's okay where it is.
00:05:39It's darn nice of her.
00:05:42Do you mind?
00:05:50May I have the screwdriver, please?
00:05:58Give me that.
00:06:00Go away, will you?
00:06:02I'm only trying to help.
00:06:10Is this a razor blade?
00:06:14Why don't you go out and play with it?
00:06:25Let that alone.
00:06:28Now look what you did.
00:06:39Well, thanks for the lift, Sazza.
00:06:40Oh, Gail, are you coming over tonight after dinner?
00:06:43I've got a lot of new records and the whole crowd will be there.
00:06:46Please come.
00:06:47Good, I'd love to.
00:06:49Hiya, Gail.
00:06:51Hello, Chuck.
00:06:52I'll be down in a little while.
00:06:56If I can come tonight, I'll get Chuck to bring me.
00:06:59Is he still the big moment in your life?
00:07:02Oh, this isn't just a crush.
00:07:04He's wonderful.
00:07:06Oh, there's Daddy.
00:07:07Well, I'll try to see you later.
00:07:08Goodbye, Sazza.
00:07:09Goodbye, Gail.
00:07:14Hello, sweetie.
00:07:15Hello, Daddy.
00:07:16Look, they're putting in the television.
00:07:18Bet that's why you came home early.
00:07:20Could be.
00:07:21Hiya, Mr. McCauley.
00:07:23Did you notice that gorgeous new Cadillac, Daddy?
00:07:25That's Sazza's.
00:07:26Her father just gave it to her.
00:07:27Well, at that age, hasn't he got more sense?
00:07:29That's right, Daddy.
00:07:30I love you, even if you don't hand out new Cadillacs.
00:07:33He waited for me outside the school.
00:07:35And when I came out, do you know what he did?
00:07:38He slapped me right across the face.
00:07:41How do you like that?
00:07:43I like it.
00:07:45I'm anxious to see this machine myself.
00:07:46I am, too.
00:07:47Hiya, Daddy.
00:07:48Hi, baby.
00:07:49Hi, Gail.
00:07:50Hi, Penny.
00:07:51Isn't it swell?
00:07:52Good afternoon.
00:07:53His name's Frank.
00:07:54I'm helping him.
00:07:56This is my daddy.
00:07:57And that's Gail.
00:07:58She's the one that has a crush on Chuck.
00:08:02You know, I don't think it belongs in this room at all.
00:08:05Maybe it might...
00:08:07Don't criticize.
00:08:08I don't like it there.
00:08:09What do you think?
00:08:11I'd rather not say.
00:08:14He's very temperamental.
00:08:15He only wants me to watch him.
00:08:17If everybody will only leave him alone, I'll take care of him.
00:08:20Now, please stay out of here.
00:08:27Okay, Frank.
00:08:29I got rid of them.
00:08:30Belinda, don't be a nuisance.
00:08:32Now, go away.
00:08:33It's okay.
00:08:34They won't bother us anymore.
00:08:36I explained to them that you got rattled being watched.
00:08:50Thanks a lot.
00:08:51You're so welcome.
00:08:57Thanks a lot, Bert.
00:08:58Hey, Joan, what's the hurry?
00:09:00They're putting in the television.
00:09:01I want to watch.
00:09:03Hi, Chuck.
00:09:08Doesn't he look cute up there?
00:09:10Looks like you've still got a crush on that character.
00:09:13Who, me?
00:09:14Yeah, you.
00:09:15Oh, don't be such a jerk.
00:09:18So long.
00:09:27Let me.
00:09:34Hi, Joan.
00:09:35Isn't it super?
00:09:37This is my sister Joan.
00:09:38Now everybody's home.
00:09:40His name's Frank.
00:09:41He let me help.
00:09:42And we've had more fun, haven't we?
00:09:47Well, where do you think it ought to go?
00:09:50I think it's perfect just where it is.
00:09:57Now, her I could go for in a big way.
00:10:08Aren't you going to say God bless you?
00:10:11Not me.
00:10:12I'd be perjuring myself.
00:10:16Hi, Mother.
00:10:17Mother, would it be all right if I asked Chuck to take me over to Zazza's after dinner?
00:10:21They're having some people.
00:10:22Ask Daddy.
00:10:23Why pass the buck to me?
00:10:24You know how I feel.
00:10:25New Cadillacs.
00:10:27Oh, Daddy.
00:10:28It isn't Zazza's fault that her father's so rich.
00:10:31She's a darling girl and my very best friend.
00:10:34She asked me to bring Chuck.
00:10:36Let me?
00:10:37Okay, okay.
00:10:48Hi, Chuck.
00:10:54Do you mind if I watch?
00:10:57It's kind of messy from working up here.
00:11:00I think you look very pretty.
00:11:03I bet you tell that to all the boys on the roof.
00:11:08What are you doing up there?
00:11:10Just watching, Chuck.
00:11:12Don't you think you're getting a little too old to be climbing ladders?
00:11:17Oh, you know me.
00:11:18Just a kid at heart.
00:11:20I was just coming down anyway.
00:11:22See you later.
00:11:28Wait till he comes down.
00:11:30No fun necking on a rooftop.
00:11:37All finished.
00:11:39You know, if you were to put on a nice white shirt and a tie,
00:11:43you might get invited to take me to a party tonight.
00:11:47You've twisted my arm.
00:11:49You've had quite a workout.
00:11:51I'm practically on my way home to take a shower.
00:11:54What were you and Joan talking about?
00:11:57Just talking.
00:12:05Oh, Daddy, it looks like it's snowing.
00:12:07Oh, Fred, what's the matter?
00:12:08Now, hold on a second.
00:12:09I'll have it in a minute.
00:12:11There it is.
00:12:13But it's so scrambled.
00:12:14It's terrible.
00:12:15I can see that.
00:12:17No, Daddy, not that dial.
00:12:18Let me show you.
00:12:19I can do it.
00:12:20Let me do it.
00:12:22Oh, Daddy, that's much too bright.
00:12:24Twist that little knob.
00:12:25There are too many backseat drivers around this television set.
00:12:28Fred, why don't you let Penny show you?
00:12:30You know, I think the man explained to her...
00:12:32Yes, Frank told me how to do it.
00:12:33I'm paying for the set.
00:12:35Do you mind if I learn how to work it myself?
00:12:38Oh, never mind, Daddy.
00:12:39Rescue's at hand.
00:12:41That'll be Chuck to pick me up.
00:12:43Oh, Daddy, that's much worse.
00:12:53Daddy's having kittens because he doesn't know how to work the set.
00:12:56Come and show him.
00:13:00If you have any difficulties, sir, this book of instructions...
00:13:03Yes, I understand it now.
00:13:04I can manage.
00:13:05You run along.
00:13:06Good night, kids.
00:13:07Good night, Daddy.
00:13:08Good night.
00:13:09Good night.
00:13:10Say, Gail, Joan doesn't have a date for tonight,
00:13:12so why don't you take her along with you?
00:13:17Oh, Penny, how can you be so tactless?
00:13:19Well, why not?
00:13:20Why shouldn't they take her?
00:13:21This isn't like a regular date.
00:13:24Why don't we take her along, Gail?
00:13:27All right.
00:13:29Come along if you'd like to, Joan.
00:13:31Oh, I'm sure it'll be all right.
00:13:32I do know Zaza just as well as you do.
00:13:34You're awfully nice to want to take her,
00:13:36but she's staying home tonight.
00:13:37She has some studying to do.
00:13:40Okay, then.
00:13:41I'll walk with him to the car.
00:13:43Good night, Mother.
00:13:44Good night.
00:13:45Good night.
00:13:46Good night.
00:13:47Penny, it's way past your bedtime.
00:13:48Hurry up.
00:13:49Oh, no, it's still early.
00:13:50Hurry up, Penny, go on.
00:13:51Oh, but I just had a...
00:13:52Penny, go on.
00:13:53Quickly, quickly.
00:13:55Oh, Mother.
00:13:58Good night, Penny.
00:14:01Oh, gee whiz.
00:14:02Come on, Belinda.
00:14:05I never get to do anything.
00:14:17How are you?
00:14:21Nice boy, that Chuck.
00:14:26I like him better each time we see him.
00:14:30I think he'd be quite suitable.
00:14:34Well, Gayle's almost 18.
00:14:36Girls do get married at that age.
00:14:38Oh, for heaven's sake.
00:14:40She's a kid.
00:14:43It just so happens
00:14:45you were several months younger than Gayle is now
00:14:47when you married me.
00:14:51Oh, well, that was different.
00:14:53You had good sense.
00:14:56Look at the prize you caught.
00:14:58I did all right.
00:15:04Why are you trying on Gayle's dress?
00:15:06Oh, Penny, you're supposed to be asleep.
00:15:09So were you at this hour.
00:15:12He really is awfully cute, isn't he?
00:15:17President Truman.
00:15:20Very funny.
00:15:24Who do you really like best?
00:15:26Chuck or Bert?
00:15:28Go to sleep and don't ask silly questions.
00:15:31Boy, did you notice how Gayle burned up?
00:15:34Look, it was very silly of you even to suggest it.
00:15:36You'd have loved to go, wouldn't you?
00:15:38Go to sleep and don't talk nonsense.
00:15:40Well, it's true, isn't it?
00:15:44Never mind.
00:15:46People only say don't talk nonsense
00:15:48when you're getting warm.
00:15:51Joan, what are you doing up?
00:15:53Why aren't you in bed?
00:15:55Well, I was studying,
00:15:57and then I decided to try Gayle's dress on.
00:15:59Doesn't it look cute on me, Mother?
00:16:01Yes, but you know Gayle doesn't like you to wear her clothes.
00:16:04Now go to bed,
00:16:06but first put Belinda out.
00:16:08In a minute, Mother.
00:16:10Good night.
00:16:22We're home very early.
00:16:24That's right.
00:16:26I want your folks to realize I'm a student.
00:16:28I'm not a teacher.
00:16:30That's right.
00:16:32I want your folks to realize I'm a sturdy, reliable character
00:16:34who brings you home before curfew.
00:16:37Oh, they're sold on you already.
00:16:40Are they?
00:16:51They're probably all asleep.
00:16:55Want to come in for a while?
00:16:58What's wrong with that swing?
00:17:00Not a thing.
00:17:02I even keep the springs well oiled.
00:17:23Well oiled, huh?
00:17:27Come on.
00:17:41Come on. Come on, Belinda.
00:17:57This way, Belinda.
00:18:14Gosh, I'm terribly sorry.
00:18:16Well, I had no idea.
00:18:18You're home so early.
00:18:20Why on earth aren't you in bed?
00:18:23Well, Mother told me to put Belinda out.
00:18:25I'm sorry. Really.
00:18:31And may I ask what you're doing with my dress on?
00:18:34I was just trying it on, Gail.
00:18:38I guess I better go to bed now.
00:18:40That might be a good idea.
00:18:42Oh, come on, Gail.
00:18:44She didn't mean to do it.
00:18:45I'm terribly sorry.
00:18:50Good night, Chuck.
00:18:53Good night, Chuck.
00:18:56Don't worry about the dress, Gail.
00:18:58It isn't in the least bit crushed.
00:19:01And don't you think it looks better on me
00:19:03than it does on you?
00:19:08Good night.
00:19:12Come on, Belinda. Come on.
00:19:14Leave her alone.
00:19:15You were supposed to be putting her out, weren't you?
00:19:18Yes, of course.
00:19:21Good night.
00:19:26Now quit scowling.
00:19:28Come on. Snap out of it.
00:19:31No, not now.
00:19:34Oh, now look.
00:19:36Ball her out if you want to,
00:19:38but don't be mad at me.
00:19:42I'm not.
00:19:47Good night, Chuck.
00:19:51Good night.
00:20:14Shh. Don't wake Penny.
00:20:16I want to talk to you.
00:20:19Not now. It's so late.
00:20:24Here's your old dress.
00:20:25Come out in the hall.
00:20:27Shh. Do you want to wake Mother and Daddy?
00:20:30I said I was sorry about the dress.
00:20:32Never mind about the dress. I'm talking about Chuck.
00:20:35I don't know what you mean.
00:20:36Don't act so innocent.
00:20:38What were you doing up on the roof being so cute and coy?
00:20:42Honey, I don't know what you're so excited about.
00:20:45I'm sure Chuck doesn't notice anyone when you're around.
00:20:49To him, I'm just your kid sister.
00:20:51Like Penny.
00:20:56But kid sisters can be a pain in the neck, too.
00:21:00Let's forget it.
00:21:01Do you want the dress?
00:21:06It's yours.
00:21:07But I bet Mother won't let you wear it cut so low.
00:21:10Good night.
00:21:15Good night.
00:21:41Hey, Joni, listen. About girls' party tonight.
00:21:43Are the girls wearing long dresses?
00:21:44You can wear anything, Gwendolyn.
00:21:46How about my organdy? You know, the old blue wave?
00:21:49Hey, Gwendolyn, come here.
00:21:50Okay. See you tonight.
00:21:51Bye, Bert.
00:21:54My gosh. Why'd you have to ask Gwendolyn?
00:21:56She can't even dance.
00:21:58She's a very sweet girl.
00:22:00And she's crazy about you.
00:22:02No, I'm not crazy about her.
00:22:04Bye, Freddy.
00:22:05Okay, Gail.
00:22:06Let's go. My car's over there.
00:22:08Oh, not today. Chuck said he'd come and pick me up.
00:22:10We're going down to the beach for a quick swim.
00:22:12Oh, okay. Have fun, and I'll see you tonight.
00:22:15Joni! Hey, Joni!
00:22:19Guess what? Peggy just came from the office,
00:22:21and they're taking applications for those summer jobs.
00:22:23It's very simple.
00:22:24You just have to prove you're over 16.
00:22:26You're gonna do it, aren't you?
00:22:27You bet. I'd like to make some pin money this summer.
00:22:29Me, too.
00:22:31Oh, would I love to get a job modeling.
00:22:34Like what, for instance? Tents?
00:22:38I'll turn blue.
00:22:40Do you want to come with us now and sign up, Joni?
00:22:42Okay, let's go.
00:22:44Oh, don't wait for me, Bert. I'll get a lift.
00:22:52Come on.
00:23:02Ready, Gail?
00:23:03No, not yet.
00:23:05Oh, you've had time enough.
00:23:07I'm gonna open up the door.
00:23:09No! Don't you dare!
00:23:11Come on, make it snappy.
00:23:15Okay, I'm ready.
00:23:21Oh, gosh, you're an impatient character.
00:23:30Boy, if I could deliver goods like this instead of television sets,
00:23:35I'd really be in the chips.
00:23:40The water's going to feel good.
00:23:43You take the radio.
00:23:44Yep, got it.
00:23:58This is the most beautiful spot, Chuck.
00:24:01Beautiful spot, beautiful day, beautiful girl.
00:24:06Beautiful line.
00:24:10You know, I'll always remember that we did this on my 18th birthday.
00:24:15Why just on your 18th?
00:24:17Why don't you and I do this on your birthday every year?
00:24:20Say, for the next, oh, 50 years anyway.
00:24:24Okay, it's a date.
00:24:32Have any other girls ever used your truck as a dressing room?
00:24:36Sure, millions.
00:24:38Only reason I went into the business.
00:24:40No, seriously, have they?
00:24:44You're the only one.
00:24:58Oh, that feels good.
00:25:02That feels better.
00:25:07That's the best.
00:25:09See if you can tell what I'm writing.
00:25:16It feels like a, like an S.
00:25:19Where did you ever learn to write?
00:25:24Right, that's the first word.
00:25:27Here's the second.
00:25:36Now, where have I heard that word before?
00:25:40And the last word?
00:25:53How many fellows you done that to?
00:25:55Oh, millions.
00:25:57Only reason I ever learned to write.
00:26:00That's a very interesting method of communication.
00:26:03But this is better.
00:26:11Come on, let's go for a swim.
00:26:14You make it so beautiful.
00:26:22Here we go.
00:26:23Wait, it's gonna be cold.
00:26:25Oh, it's good that way.
00:26:26Left, right, take it.
00:26:30Come on.
00:26:32Come on, it's great.
00:26:42Had enough?
00:26:43Oh, yes.
00:26:44Come on, let's go in.
00:26:45Oh, it feels wonderful.
00:26:48If I ruin my hair for the party tonight, I'll never speak to you.
00:26:53Who wants to talk anyway?
00:27:08It's about time.
00:27:09Come and help me.
00:27:10Where's Mother?
00:27:11In the dining room.
00:27:13Oh, hello, dear.
00:27:14Will you help Penny with the tables?
00:27:15Gail's not home.
00:27:16Okay, I will.
00:27:17But first I want to ask you something very important.
00:27:19Oh, dear, I'd forgotten about the hole.
00:27:21Well, we can just put the punch bowl over it.
00:27:23Oh, Mother, it's about that job this summer.
00:27:25Joan, I'm terribly busy.
00:27:26I'm sure it can wait.
00:27:27Mother, all I need is my birth certificate to prove that I'm pregnant.
00:27:30Oh, dear.
00:27:31Oh, dear.
00:27:32Oh, dear.
00:27:33Oh, dear.
00:27:34Oh, dear.
00:27:35I need my birth certificate to prove I'm over 16.
00:27:37Then I can get the job.
00:27:39But I've got to bring it into the office tomorrow because Gwendolyn says...
00:27:42Maybe we ought to use our own dessert plates.
00:27:44Oh, dear, I hope none of them get broken.
00:27:46Will you get them for me, Byron?
00:27:47Yes, I will.
00:27:48Mother, please, couldn't I have it now?
00:27:50If you'll tell me where it's kept, I'll get it.
00:27:52I know we'll forget it if I don't.
00:27:54Mother, I simply must have it.
00:27:56Oh, right there.
00:27:58It's in the desk in my room.
00:27:59It's in the bottom drawer in that steel box where all the papers are kept.
00:28:03Thanks a lot.
00:28:04Oh, it's in a long envelope marked Joan's birth certificate.
00:28:06You can't miss it.
00:28:08Are you gonna help me now?
00:28:09In a minute. I'm busy.
00:28:11Fine thing. I do all the work.
00:28:3418 years.
00:28:54It sure doesn't seem like it.
00:29:19I found it all right, Mother.
00:29:20It was right on top.
00:29:22Mother, it's gonna be such fun working this summer.
00:29:24Hey, Joan! Come and help!
00:29:27Okay. Okay.
00:29:58I'll see you tonight, Chuck. Don't be late.
00:30:17How's my birthday, Tal?
00:30:19Oh, I feel just wonderful, Daddy.
00:30:25Hi, sweetie.
00:30:26Hi, Daddy.
00:30:26Hi, Joanie.
00:30:31What are you staring at?
00:30:34I was just wondering how it would feel.
00:30:36How what would feel? Being 18?
00:30:38You'll soon know.
00:30:40But it won't be quite the same.
00:30:42Why not?
00:30:44Oh, nothing. Skip it.
00:30:49Hey, Lois, where are you?
00:30:50I'm up in our bedroom, Fred. Come up a minute.
00:30:56Close the door, dear.
00:30:59What's up?
00:31:00Oh, it's probably nothing, but I've done something foolish and I'm worried.
00:31:03What about?
00:31:04Well, it was like this.
00:31:05Joan was pestering me to get her birth certificate for that summer job.
00:31:08I was busy. I wasn't even thinking.
00:31:10And I told her to come up and get it for herself.
00:31:12Completely forgetting that...
00:31:19Of course, it was way at the bottom.
00:31:21I hope that...
00:31:23Stop worrying.
00:31:24I'm sure she didn't see it.
00:31:27Well, if she had, she'd have spoken about it, asked you questions, wouldn't she?
00:31:30I guess so. I just don't know.
00:31:32All the kid wanted was her birth certificate.
00:31:35Well, she's not the snoopy kind, going through papers that are none of her business.
00:31:38Oh, I'd hate for Gail ever to find out.
00:31:42Listen, they haven't the remotest idea, any of them.
00:31:45Now, why should they?
00:31:46You're imagining things.
00:31:49Maybe we should have told Gail when she was old enough to understand.
00:31:54But we didn't.
00:31:55And we never will.
00:31:57Well, forget it.
00:32:10Whenever the girls fight, I think about it.
00:32:13Whenever I think about it, I know that Gail's your daughter.
00:32:16Every bit as much as if you'd given birth to her.
00:32:21Now, snap out of it.
00:32:23They do fight, of course, but I think they really adore each other.
00:32:26Don't you?
00:32:27They're wonderful kids, all three of them.
00:32:29And they get it all from you.
00:32:31A bit dopey at times.
00:32:33Also like you.
00:32:35And sometimes hard to handle.
00:32:37Like you.
00:32:53Say, I heard you and Gail were very welcoming people.
00:32:56Oh, my gosh.
00:33:01Happy birthday to you!
00:33:05Happy birthday to you!
00:33:09Happy birthday, dear Gail!
00:33:14Happy birthday to you!
00:33:23Happy birthday, dear Gail!
00:33:35Vic, turn on the lights, will you?
00:33:38Uh, uh, uh, uh.
00:33:39You daughter.
00:33:42Mother, everything is just wonderful.
00:33:44I love my locker, Daddy.
00:33:47Look, Chuck, isn't it beautiful?
00:33:49Combination birthday and graduation present.
00:33:51Oh, I don't know about that.
00:33:53I think we might manage to buy her something from the dime store at your graduation.
00:33:56No, no, no, no, Di.
00:33:57She chose to get herself born just before people graduate.
00:34:00That's her tough luck.
00:34:02Would you put it on for me, Mother, please?
00:34:05Here we are.
00:34:08I'm never going to take it off.
00:34:10Not even in the shower.
00:34:13Hey, Gail, how about cutting a piece of cake?
00:34:15Right away.
00:34:22Well, you know I've tried hard, huh?
00:34:25Birthday cake, kids.
00:34:27Oh, thank you, Mr. McCauley.
00:34:33Here, let me.
00:34:40Having fun, Bert?
00:34:42Who, me?
00:34:44Oh, yeah, sure.
00:34:52I'm sorry, my boy, I wasn't on the committee for seating arrangements.
00:34:56Hey, Bert.
00:35:00I suppose you'd rather be over at Joan's table.
00:35:02You said it.
00:35:04That's a cute dress.
00:35:06I'm glad you like it.
00:35:16You're covered with cake crumbs, Chuck.
00:35:18Joan, you might help serve the cake.
00:35:21It's your party.
00:35:23And your birthday.
00:35:28It's nothing, Alapha.
00:35:30She's behaving very badly, just to annoy Gail.
00:35:38I think they've all eaten enough.
00:35:40Excuse me.
00:35:42Say, this is a nice party.
00:35:44Penny hasn't.
00:35:46She's still going strong.
00:35:47Well, anyway, the others are through.
00:35:49I'd like to help you fold up the bridge tables, would you please?
00:35:51Okay, baby.
00:35:53Oh, Chuck. Bill. Joe.
00:35:55Excuse me.
00:35:57Give me a lift to the table so we can start.
00:35:59Don't go yet, Chuck.
00:36:01I need him to help, Daddy. Do you mind?
00:36:03Why, no. Take him away.
00:36:05I'm used to that.
00:36:19Come on, baby.
00:37:13That's a good-on, another record!
00:37:15He's out of the cake!
00:37:40Hey, Salsa. Lights.
00:38:01My cuff link is...
00:38:07Oh, come on. We're holding up traffic. Let's go.
00:38:11Excuse us.
00:38:15Do you need any help, Johnny?
00:38:17No, thanks. We'll fix it.
00:38:25Maybe it's fate.
00:38:27We're linked together.
00:38:29Careful now. I don't want to tear it.
00:38:33I don't like this ruffle anyway.
00:38:35Here, this will make it very simple.
00:38:37Excuse us, Chuck.
00:38:41Joan, you're behaving very badly. I'm amazed at you.
00:38:43Well, Mother, you saw what happened.
00:38:45It got caught in this cover.
00:38:47I'm not referring only to that.
00:38:49You've been neglecting Bert and all the other boys.
00:38:51Now, you mustn't do that.
00:38:53Oh, gosh. Can I help it if he asks me to dance?
00:38:55I'll bet Gayle told you.
00:38:57She didn't have to. I've been watching you.
00:38:59Now, Chuck is only being polite.
00:39:01Oh, look, Mother. Watch it.
00:39:03Now, Joan, will you listen to me?
00:39:06I just adore this tune.
00:39:08Don't you?
00:39:12It has such wonderful rhythm.
00:39:14Do you want to dance?
00:39:16Oh, I don't rumba very well.
00:39:18I know, but do you want to?
00:39:20Oh, yes, I do.
00:39:22Well, then, let's dance.
00:39:24Oh, I don't rumba very well.
00:39:26I know, but do you want to?
00:39:28Oh, yes, I do.
00:39:30Well, then, let's dance.
00:39:32Oh, I don't rumba very well.
00:39:34I know, but do you want to?
00:39:36Oh, we could try.
00:39:56Hey, Joanie. Come on, Joanie.
00:39:58This is my dance.
00:40:00Okay, Bert. You see, Mother, I'm not neglecting anyone.
00:40:22Good night.
00:40:24Good night, sir.
00:40:26Good night.
00:40:28Good night.
00:40:34Bye, Mom.
00:40:40A good time was had by all.
00:40:42The end of a perfect day.
00:40:44Let's take a little ride around the block.
00:40:46No, Chuck.
00:40:50Your flowers were so lovely a little while ago.
00:40:52Now they're all faded.
00:40:56Oh, now, don't go symbolic on me.
00:40:58Sure they're wilted.
00:41:00Five million people, all that heat.
00:41:02Come for a ride.
00:41:04Just once around the block.
00:41:06Good night, Chuck.
00:41:08Good night, Joan.
00:41:10I'm sure Joan would love to go around the block with you.
00:41:14Oh, don't be an idiot.
00:41:18No necking on the sidewalk.
00:41:20City ordinance.
00:41:26Well, we'll never get to first base
00:41:28if you start chewing your nails every time I look at your kid sister.
00:41:30Now be your age
00:41:32and tell Joan to be hers.
00:41:34That's a good idea.
00:41:36I'm going right in to do that.
00:41:38Good night, Chuck.
00:41:40Gail, I...
00:41:44My gosh, looks like we had a hurricane,
00:41:46not a party.
00:41:50Where's Joan?
00:41:52She's straightening up in the den.
00:41:54I've already spoken to her.
00:41:56I want to speak to her.
00:42:02Everybody gone?
00:42:06Sit down.
00:42:08I want to talk to you.
00:42:12Not now.
00:42:14I'm tired.
00:42:16Yes, now.
00:42:18I don't care whether you're tired or not.
00:42:20I want to know...
00:42:22I've already heard it all from Mother.
00:42:24I behaved in a, quote,
00:42:26most shocking and unbecoming manner, unquote.
00:42:28And in my party, too,
00:42:30with my boyfriend and in my dress.
00:42:32Would you like to have it back?
00:42:34You can have it now.
00:42:36Don't be such a little fool.
00:42:38Try to remember...
00:42:40Yes, I know.
00:42:42I should remember that I'm still a little girl
00:42:44and it isn't nice to try to take away
00:42:46anything that belongs to you.
00:42:48Anything else you'd like to add?
00:42:52I think it's simply awful
00:42:54the way you throw yourself at Chuck every time...
00:42:57I don't need your advice.
00:42:59You're going to get it whether you like it or not.
00:43:01You don't have any rights at all.
00:43:03None. Absolutely none.
00:43:05I am your older sister.
00:43:07You may be older, but you're not my sister.
00:43:09You're not even related to me.
00:43:11You're not even related to Mother and Daddy.
00:43:13What do you know about that?
00:43:15Joan, how could you?
00:43:17I don't know what she's talking about.
00:43:19What does she mean?
00:43:21Go to your room.
00:43:23I'm so terribly sorry.
00:43:25Go to your room at once.
00:43:27We'll talk to you later.
00:43:29What does she mean?
00:43:31Is it true?
00:43:33Tell me.
00:43:35Darling, come and sit down.
00:43:43You see,
00:43:45the doctors thought that I couldn't have a baby
00:43:47and we wanted one so much
00:43:49and then we found you.
00:43:53Oh, darling, we didn't just find you
00:43:55on a doorstep.
00:43:57We chose you from hundreds of babies.
00:43:59And then, as often happens
00:44:01when parents adopt a child,
00:44:03within a few months we learned
00:44:05that I was going to have Joan.
00:44:07We planned originally to tell you when you were old enough
00:44:09to understand and then we decided
00:44:11not to.
00:44:17because from the moment we got you,
00:44:19you were our very own.
00:44:21And when you were a very happy little girl of nine
00:44:23and I was going to have Penny,
00:44:25we decided that we'd just never tell you.
00:44:29Did you tell Joan tonight?
00:44:31No, of course not.
00:44:33She needed her birth certificate
00:44:35and she must have come across your adoption papers in my desk.
00:44:37I can never understand how she could do what she did tonight.
00:44:41It's all right.
00:44:43If it were the other way around,
00:44:45maybe I'd feel the same.
00:44:47Oh, Gail, darling, she was all excited.
00:44:49She was saying she loves you.
00:44:51It makes no difference.
00:44:53Now try to forgive her.
00:44:55And us.
00:44:57Trouble is, we picked a pretty smart daughter
00:44:59and you picked parents that aren't so bright.
00:45:07Gail, darling, I...
00:45:09It's all right.
00:45:11Good night.
00:45:15Thank you very much
00:45:18for such a nice birthday party.
00:45:29No, no, no, darling.
00:45:37Gail, I'm so ashamed.
00:45:39I don't know what to say.
00:45:41It's late.
00:45:43But, Gail,
00:45:45I don't want to talk about it.
00:45:47It's all right.
00:46:17It's all right.
00:46:48Who is it?
00:46:50It's me.
00:46:52May I come in?
00:46:54Please, Gail, let me.
00:46:56Not now, baby.
00:46:58Go to sleep.
00:47:00Who is it?
00:47:02It's me.
00:47:04May I come in?
00:47:06Please, Gail, let me.
00:47:08Not now, baby.
00:47:10Go to sleep.
00:47:56I told Gail she needn't come down for breakfast.
00:47:58She's all right, though.
00:48:00She's quite composed.
00:48:02I left her working on her speech for graduation.
00:48:04Don't you think that...
00:48:09Hi, funny face.
00:48:11Morning, Daddy.
00:48:16I went out in the yard and picked these.
00:48:18They're for Gail.
00:48:20I thought...
00:48:24I think it was awfully sweet of you to pick them for her, dear.
00:48:26Let's all try to be perfectly natural about this.
00:48:30This makes no difference.
00:48:32Never has made any difference.
00:48:34So let's not do anything to be different now.
00:48:54If I was an adopted baby,
00:48:56would you tell me?
00:48:58Want to see your birth certificate?
00:49:00It's upstairs. You can get it.
00:49:02Of course, it really doesn't make any difference.
00:49:04But still,
00:49:06I'm awfully glad you had me.
00:49:10I picked those for Gail
00:49:12to kind of make up
00:49:14for all the things that I've...
00:49:16Well, she's quite bossy
00:49:18and I've been an awful stinker about it.
00:49:20And she'll probably continue to be bossy,
00:49:23being your older sister.
00:49:25And you'll undoubtedly continue to be a stinker about it,
00:49:27if you'll pardon the expression.
00:49:34Thanks, Byron.
00:49:41That's for Daddy.
00:49:43Thank you.
00:49:45You're welcome.
00:49:47Too busy baking?
00:49:49No, just one piece.
00:50:01That boy always sounds like a buffalo calling to its mate.
00:50:05I'll be out in a minute, Bird.
00:50:14Morning, Daddy.
00:50:20Did something happen?
00:50:23After last night,
00:50:25I didn't think you'd want me to.
00:50:27Come on.
00:50:35Kids do a lot of foolish things.
00:50:37Sometimes they're cruel and very unkind.
00:50:39But they're your kids.
00:50:41You don't love them any the less.
00:50:43We told you that last night.
00:50:59Mother, it's terribly late already.
00:51:01And Bird's waiting.
00:51:03May I be excused?
00:51:05All right, dear.
00:51:09Goodbye, John.
00:51:13Fred, it is getting late.
00:51:15Would you drive Penny to school?
00:51:17All right. You through, Penny?
00:51:19Phone me later.
00:51:21You think I ought to go out and say goodbye to her?
00:51:23No. Let's not do anything to make her self-conscious.
00:51:25No, you're right.
00:51:28Goodbye, dear.
00:51:30Goodbye, darling.
00:51:32Goodbye, Penny.
00:51:36Good morning, Gail.
00:51:38Hello, Vi.
00:51:40Did they tell you...
00:51:42Honey, they didn't have to.
00:51:44I was here when they got you.
00:51:46And you got that spread on crooked again.
00:51:48Would you like to come down now, Gail?
00:51:50They've all gone.
00:51:52Daddy just drove Penny to school.
00:51:54Yes, I know.
00:51:56I just saw them leave.
00:51:58Well, he wanted to come up to say goodbye, but...
00:52:00Oh, it's all right.
00:52:02It doesn't matter.
00:52:06Well, how's it coming?
00:52:08Not too well.
00:52:12I don't feel very much like writing speeches.
00:52:15I don't feel very much like writing speeches for graduation.
00:52:17I know, dear.
00:52:19I know.
00:52:23Don't worry about it too much.
00:52:27It's really so very unimportant.
00:52:29I'm not worried.
00:52:33I was just wondering.
00:52:37Are my real parents alive?
00:52:41I hope you don't mind my asking.
00:52:43I hope you don't mind my asking.
00:52:45It's a very natural question.
00:52:47That's why I heard the others off.
00:52:49I thought you might be like talking about it now.
00:52:53Are my real parents alive?
00:52:57Well, your father died before you were born.
00:52:59He was killed in an accident.
00:53:01Your mother's alive.
00:53:05Do you know her?
00:53:07No, we've never even seen her.
00:53:09And she doesn't know who we are.
00:53:11See, the adoption was arranged through Daddy's lawyer.
00:53:13And it's through him that we know that she's still living.
00:53:17That's just about as much as I know, dear.
00:53:21Would you mind if I went to see her?
00:53:25I won't if you don't want me to.
00:53:27I just thought...
00:53:33Would you like me to ask Daddy to speak to the lawyer
00:53:35and try to arrange it for you?
00:53:39Yes, I feel I should see her, that's all.
00:53:43After all, she is my real mother.
00:53:48I understand, dear.
00:53:51You're only feeling what I'd want any daughter of mine
00:53:53to feel about her mother.
00:53:55You're only feeling what I'd want any daughter of mine
00:53:57to feel about her mother.
00:54:16Yes. Yes, I have it.
00:54:20All right, Fred, I'll go down this afternoon.
00:54:23Yes, yes, I understand.
00:54:26Fred, did Max tell her why I was coming?
00:54:31Oh, good.
00:54:33Then she'll expect me and know what it's all about.
00:54:39No, I think I'd better go down alone.
00:54:43All right, dear.
00:54:45I'll see you at home tonight.
00:55:49Mrs. Lynch?
00:55:51I'm Mrs. McCauley.
00:55:53Oh, yes, of course.
00:55:55I've been waiting for you.
00:56:01Please come in.
00:56:03Thank you.
00:56:11Won't you sit down?
00:56:13That's enough.
00:56:15I'm sorry.
00:56:17Sit down.
00:56:19That's a nice, comfortable chair right there.
00:56:25Oh, I fixed us some iced tea.
00:56:27It's been such a hot day.
00:56:29I hope you like iced tea.
00:56:31If not, I can easily...
00:56:33No, thank you.
00:56:35I think it'd be very nice.
00:56:37I hope Max Hoffman explained just why I'm here.
00:56:39He's our lawyer, and we asked him to tell you.
00:56:41Yes, he telephoned me that it was about...
00:56:43Well, you can imagine how I feel
00:56:45after all those years.
00:56:47It was...
00:56:49It was a shock.
00:56:51There's lots of lemon and sugar here.
00:56:53No, thank you.
00:56:55Mrs. Lynch, for a number of reasons,
00:56:57we never told Gail...
00:56:59We christened your daughter Gail.
00:57:03That's a pretty name.
00:57:07We never told her until yesterday
00:57:09that she was not our real daughter.
00:57:12Yes, I know.
00:57:14The man told me that.
00:57:16Now that she knows all about it,
00:57:18well, she'd like to see you.
00:57:22She really wants to see me, huh?
00:57:26What for?
00:57:30Well, isn't it very natural?
00:57:34Well, isn't she happy with you?
00:57:36I mean, you mean you want to...
00:57:38Oh, no, no, please don't misunderstand.
00:57:40She's very happy.
00:57:42Until yesterday, she never doubted for a moment
00:57:44she was our daughter.
00:57:46It's just that...
00:57:48Well, now that she knows all about it,
00:57:50she'd like to see her...
00:57:52her real mother.
00:57:54That's all.
00:58:03No, thank you.
00:58:05You can be very proud of your daughter, Mrs. Lynch.
00:58:07She's a lovely girl.
00:58:11I brought some snapshots along.
00:58:13Would you like to see them?
00:58:15Oh, yes, I would.
00:58:25This one was taken only a few days ago.
00:58:35Isn't she pretty?
00:58:37Yeah, she's awfully pretty.
00:58:43You know, it's...
00:58:45it's hard to realize.
00:58:47My kid.
00:58:49Can you imagine that?
00:58:51My kid.
00:58:55She's a brunette, too.
00:58:59I used to be dark like her.
00:59:01I used to be dark like her.
00:59:03These are her two sisters,
00:59:05Joan and Penny.
00:59:07Adopted, too, huh?
00:59:09No, they're our own children.
00:59:15You're lucky.
00:59:17I never had another kid.
00:59:21You're lucky, all right.
00:59:25Was she a good baby?
00:59:27You know, healthy and all that?
00:59:29Oh, she was a wonderful baby.
00:59:31And she's a lovely girl.
00:59:33She's graduating from high school
00:59:35the end of this week.
00:59:37Graduating, huh?
00:59:41Can you imagine that?
00:59:43My kid.
00:59:4718 years.
00:59:51So long ago.
00:59:55Just seems as though it never happened.
01:00:00It's like this.
01:00:02Mr. Lynch don't know about it, see?
01:00:06It was just one of those things.
01:00:08Anyway, he doesn't know, see?
01:00:10Oh, he mustn't know.
01:00:12If he ever knew...
01:00:14Oh, it was...
01:00:16It was just one of those things.
01:00:18You see,
01:00:20Mr. Lynch doesn't know about Gail.
01:00:22And mustn't.
01:00:24But he always goes bowling on Wednesday nights
01:00:26and she's alone.
01:00:28So I said that we'd drive Gail down tomorrow.
01:00:30Have you spoken to Gail?
01:00:32Oh, yes.
01:00:36I'm so proud of Gail
01:00:38and she was only apologetic
01:00:40and ashamed of having born her.
01:00:44She kept saying it's
01:00:46just one of those things.
01:00:50One of those things.
01:00:52One of those things.
01:01:22Ah, heat must have broken all records.
01:01:24Daddy, the movies are air-cooled.
01:01:26Can I go tonight?
01:01:28Please, oh, please.
01:01:30I know it's a school night.
01:01:32No, now stop pestering.
01:01:34I guess I'd better get ready.
01:01:36May I be excused?
01:01:38Yes, dear.
01:01:42Okay, honey, I'll get the car.
01:01:48Would you rather I drove you down, Gail?
01:01:50No, no, I thought...
01:01:52You can go down by yourself, if you'd rather.
01:01:54We didn't know which you preferred.
01:01:56Well, I asked Zazza to drive me down.
01:01:58Why Zazza, of all people?
01:02:00Because she's my best friend.
01:02:02Well, I'm sorry, I didn't...
01:02:04I've told her all about it.
01:02:06I'd rather go with her.
01:02:08I hope you don't mind.
01:02:10No, of course not, dear.
01:02:12I think perhaps it's a good idea.
01:02:14You might feel self-conscious about our waiting.
01:02:16Yes, that's what I thought.
01:02:20You have the address, haven't you, dear?
01:02:24I think I'll wait out on the porch.
01:02:26It's cooler.
01:02:28Okay, sweetie, we'll wait up for you.
01:02:30If you don't want me to go, just say so.
01:02:32Gail, you mustn't deliberately misunderstand
01:02:34everything I've said.
01:02:36You said yourself that Daddy clucks over
01:02:38all three of you like an old hen.
01:02:40I'm sorry.
01:02:44Oh, why does it have to be so hot?
01:02:46Oh, why does it have to be so hot?
01:02:49Why does it have to be so hot?
01:03:17Please listen to me.
01:03:19Before you go, I want to say something.
01:03:21You said enough the other night. There's nothing to say.
01:03:23Look, take it out on me.
01:03:25I deserve it.
01:03:27But you shouldn't take it out on them.
01:03:29They were...
01:03:31Hi, Gail.
01:03:37My gosh, you're hard to reach.
01:03:39I've phoned dozens of times.
01:03:41Have you?
01:03:43Well, yeah.
01:03:45I can't talk to you now. I'm just leaving.
01:03:47Leaving? Where to? Where are you going?
01:03:49I'm going down to Long Beach to meet...
01:03:53my mother.
01:03:55Your mother?
01:03:57Why, isn't she in the...
01:04:00I don't know what you mean.
01:04:04What are you talking about?
01:04:07Ask Joan.
01:04:09I'm sure she'll be glad to explain.
01:04:15You look very cute.
01:04:17One ought to try to make a good impression
01:04:19on one's relatives.
01:04:21Come on, let's go.
01:04:29What's happened?
01:04:31Come in the house, Chuck.
01:04:45Do you think it's foolish
01:04:47of me wanting to go and see her?
01:04:49Well, don't ask me.
01:04:51I'm no authority on mothers
01:04:53or stepmothers.
01:04:55Although I've had quite a few.
01:04:59Do your folks think it's foolish?
01:05:03They don't like it too well, I guess.
01:05:09I wonder if she's there yet.
01:05:11She's only been gone about 40 minutes.
01:05:13It's almost an hour's drive.
01:05:15I wish I'd known about this
01:05:17before Gail left.
01:05:19I could have driven her down.
01:05:21Maybe I could have helped her.
01:05:23I'd like to stick around till she gets home.
01:05:27Poor kid.
01:05:29Just had her 18th birthday.
01:05:31Graduating in a few days.
01:05:33This has to happen.
01:05:37I'll get it.
01:05:43Yes, she's here.
01:05:45Just a moment, please.
01:05:49Mother, it's for you.
01:05:55Yes, this is Mrs. McCauley.
01:05:59Yes, Mrs. Lynch.
01:06:01Look, it's like this.
01:06:03Mr. Lynch was going bowling.
01:06:05Like I said, he always does, see?
01:06:08But he phoned a few minutes ago
01:06:10and said he's bringing a bunch of people out to play cards.
01:06:12I didn't know what to do.
01:06:14I called you right away to...
01:06:16Look, you've simply got to stop her.
01:06:18But that's impossible.
01:06:20She's on her way.
01:06:26A gray Cadillac convertible.
01:06:30Perhaps if you waited outside your home...
01:06:42That's my guy to have.
01:06:44Come on in.
01:06:46Come in.
01:06:48Is Charlie coming?
01:06:50Sure, he'll be here.
01:06:52He's always late.
01:06:54Hey, Jim.
01:06:56How about some beer?
01:06:58Yeah, sure.
01:07:00Hey, Jim.
01:07:02How about some beer?
01:07:04Sure enough, kiddo.
01:07:06Oh, Gert.
01:07:08She went out to get some air.
01:07:10Gert, make her the beer, will you?
01:07:12It's all in the icebox, Jim.
01:07:14Well, okay, but get her, will you?
01:07:16What's the matter? You paralyzed or something?
01:07:18Come on, Gert, we're thirsty.
01:07:20Okay, Jim.
01:07:24I think we're almost there.
01:07:30Turn right at the next boulevard.
01:07:32Turn right at the next boulevard.
01:07:46Hey, Gert.
01:07:48What are you doing?
01:07:50How about the beer?
01:07:52Right, Jim.
01:08:02This is her, I guess.
01:08:06Well, anyway, I'm glad she'll be alone.
01:08:22Just gonna call that.
01:08:24Three little sixes.
01:08:26No, no, no, three little aces.
01:08:28Come to papa.
01:08:30Hey, that'll be Charlie now.
01:08:32Come on in, the door's open.
01:08:36Well, hello, cutie pie.
01:08:38What can I do you for?
01:08:40I'm sorry to have bothered you.
01:08:42I must have come to the wrong bungalow.
01:08:44I'm looking for a Mrs. Lynch.
01:08:46Well, you came to the right place, baby.
01:08:48I'm Jim Lynch.
01:08:50Oh, Gert, come here.
01:08:52Miss America's here to see you.
01:08:54Or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
01:08:57Oh, man.
01:08:59Well, Gert, didn't you hear me?
01:09:01You got a visitor.
01:09:11I'm fine.
01:09:13Thanks, Gertie.
01:09:15It's about time.
01:09:19I'm Gail.
01:09:27Gail McCauley.
01:09:29I thought you knew.
01:09:31Weren't you expecting me?
01:09:33Of course.
01:09:35How silly of me.
01:09:37This is the little McCauley girl I was telling you about, Jim.
01:09:39Or did I forget to tell you?
01:09:41Yeah, you've been holding on to me good.
01:09:43Hey, I like them young and cute like this.
01:09:45Anyway, I ran across her ma the other day.
01:09:47Sure, I used to know her folks way back
01:09:49Gee, hi to a duck.
01:09:51This is Adams. Meet Miss McCauley.
01:09:53How do you do?
01:09:55This is Miss Moran.
01:09:57Pleased to meet you.
01:09:59Can you imagine it? I haven't seen Gail since...
01:10:01Well, you know, your ma said you were gonna come
01:10:03and I just think it's darling of you to drop by.
01:10:05This is Miss Hampton.
01:10:07Haven't seen her ma for ages.
01:10:09Come on, honey, let's go in the kitchen where we can talk, huh?
01:10:13No, it's all right.
01:10:15I'll come some other time.
01:10:17Oh, what a hand.
01:10:19Nobody will bother us in the kitchen, honey.
01:10:21We can have a nice talk, huh?
01:10:23Hey, Gert, you got any soft drinks?
01:10:25Sure, Harry. Go on back. I'll bring you some.
01:10:27No, don't worry. I'll get it myself.
01:10:29Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I thought...
01:10:31No. No, it's all right.
01:10:33Come on, let's try the bedroom. Come on.
01:10:37I think maybe I'd better be going.
01:10:39Oh, no.
01:10:41I'll come back another time when you're not busy.
01:10:43Okay, honey.
01:10:47Hey, Gert, how about getting in the game?
01:10:49Leaving Cutie Pie?
01:10:51Yeah, she has to go home.
01:10:57Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
01:10:59I don't know what to say.
01:11:01He brought these people home unexpectedly
01:11:03and I couldn't even let on who you were
01:11:05because Jim don't know anything about it, see?
01:11:07I wanted to visit with you naturally,
01:11:09but Jim don't know, see?
01:11:14Please don't say anymore. It's all right.
01:11:16I understand.
01:11:18Hey, Gert, come on in and fix the sandwiches, will you?
01:11:20I guess I better go in
01:11:22before he gets sore and smells a rat.
01:11:24Come on, Gert. Gosh, we got guests.
01:11:26I'm coming, Jim.
01:11:30Oh, I'm so sorry, honey,
01:11:32but you see how it is.
01:11:34It's just...
01:11:36It's just one of those things.
01:11:42Four minutes.
01:11:52I'll see.
01:12:12Well, how was it?
01:12:14Tell me.
01:12:16It was fine.
01:12:20Were you nervous or embarrassed meeting her?
01:12:22Not at all.
01:12:24She was very sweet
01:12:26and so pretty.
01:12:28Well, what did she say?
01:12:30Was she glad to see you?
01:12:32Yes, of course.
01:12:36Oh, I wish you wouldn't ask something like that.
01:12:38Of course.
01:12:40Oh, I wish you wouldn't ask so many questions.
01:12:42I'm sorry.
01:12:44I know it's upsetting.
01:12:46I'll take you home.
01:12:50No, I don't want to go to my house now.
01:12:52Could we go to yours?
01:12:54Of course we can.
01:12:56I understand.
01:13:08Hi, Daddy.
01:13:17I'll see you in five minutes.
01:13:22I'll see.
01:13:38Looks like Pop's out again, as usual.
01:13:43We'll have the whole place to ourselves.
01:13:45Well, that's fine. Then we can talk.
01:13:48Do your good.
01:13:52It's nearly 12.30. She should have been home hours ago.
01:13:54Do you suppose she could still be at Long Beach?
01:13:56Maybe Mrs. Lynch managed to get rid of her guests.
01:13:59She could be there.
01:14:01I'll bet she went straight to Zaza's house.
01:14:04No, don't phone.
01:14:06I just want to find out if she's there. And if she is, tell her to come home.
01:14:09It's no use telling her. She must want to.
01:14:13I don't care how upset she is. She has no right to do this to you.
01:14:19I'll call the Brooks and find out.
01:14:21Let him, Lewis.
01:14:37You want me to freshen up your drink?
01:14:40Thank you.
01:14:48What are you doing here?
01:14:50I've got to talk to you.
01:14:52I just got through telling you over the telephone. There's nothing to say.
01:14:55Look, Chuck, she doesn't want to talk about it now. She's all upset.
01:14:58I know she's upset. That's why I'm here. Let's go out here.
01:15:01Oh, leave me alone, please.
01:15:03You're going to listen to me, and then you're going home.
01:15:06I am not. I want to stay here.
01:15:08Chuck, not now. Leave her alone.
01:15:10I'm sorry to make a scene at your house, Zaza, but I've got to talk to her.
01:15:15Let go of me.
01:15:18Now, look, you may as well quit struggling.
01:15:21You're going to listen to me.
01:15:23Your folks told me the whole story.
01:15:25I'm sorry, Gary.
01:15:26Yes, I'm sure you are. But that's just it. I don't want pity from anybody.
01:15:30Pity? Why don't you let me finish?
01:15:32I was only trying to tell you that I'm sorry you had...
01:15:35Well, you had such a difficult meeting tonight.
01:15:37It wasn't difficult at all.
01:15:39She's my real mother, isn't she?
01:15:41That's a debatable point. I haven't come here to talk about it.
01:15:44Gail... Gail, it doesn't make any difference. Don't you know that?
01:15:47Not to anyone. Certainly not to us.
01:15:51Oh, don't you believe me?
01:15:53I don't know what to believe anymore.
01:15:55I'll tell you one thing to believe.
01:15:57That I love you.
01:15:58That I love you.
01:15:59And it doesn't make the slightest difference to anyone.
01:16:02To me or to your folks.
01:16:04Then why were they afraid to let me know the truth?
01:16:06Oh, why do you suppose?
01:16:08They thought they were doing the best thing for you.
01:16:10Maybe they made a mistake in keeping it a secret.
01:16:13Is that any reason to hurt them now?
01:16:15The way you're doing, staying away like this?
01:16:17It's not like you.
01:16:18How do you know what I'm like?
01:16:20How does anyone know?
01:16:22Gail, I didn't come up here to fight with you.
01:16:24I came here to tell you that...
01:16:25That you're sorry for me, I know.
01:16:28Why should I feel sorry for you?
01:16:30You don't know how lucky you are.
01:16:32One only feels sorry for kids who don't find a wonderful family like yours.
01:16:36Your mother and father...
01:16:37I don't need you to tell me about them.
01:16:39Maybe you do.
01:16:41Let me ask you something.
01:16:42In all your life, did you ever, ever for one instant feel any difference?
01:16:47Feel less love than Joan or Penny, did you?
01:16:52But you don't understand how I feel.
01:16:54I understand only this.
01:16:56All your life you've taken your folks and your home and everything for granted.
01:16:59Like every other normal kid.
01:17:01It's very natural, nobody blames you.
01:17:03Least of all your mother and father.
01:17:05But maybe from now on you won't take it all for granted.
01:17:08If it makes that difference, I'd say it's all to the good.
01:17:15Come on, let me take you home.
01:17:17I want to stay here.
01:17:22If you can turn on everyone who loves you like this...
01:17:25then maybe the difference is bigger than I thought.
01:17:27Good night.
01:17:56Do you want me to come in with you?
01:17:59No, they're probably all asleep.
01:18:01Good night.
01:18:03Good night.
01:18:25Good night.
01:18:33Do you realize that it's almost three?
01:18:35I was with Zaza, I thought you'd understand.
01:18:37That's what I fail to understand.
01:18:39Why would you rather be up there with Zaza than here with us?
01:18:41I'm sorry you don't like my friends.
01:18:43But what about us?
01:18:44Didn't it enter your head that we'd be waiting here, sick with anxiety, worrying about you?
01:18:48What about your mother?
01:18:50I just left my mother in Long Beach.
01:18:52She's fine.
01:19:41Yes, I understand, of course.
01:19:44Where's Gail? She isn't in her room.
01:19:46Just a minute, please.
01:19:47She went to school early this morning.
01:19:49Rehearsals for graduation tomorrow.
01:19:52Yes, I understand perfectly.
01:19:54It was very nice of you to call me, Mrs. Lynch.
01:19:56Thank you.
01:19:57Mrs. Lynch?
01:20:00She couldn't call last night.
01:20:02She just told me what happened.
01:20:04Oh, poor Gail.
01:20:05It must have been awful for her.
01:20:07What did she say?
01:20:09Let's get some coffee.
01:20:12That poor child.
01:20:15That's why she didn't come directly home last night.
01:20:18And I had to hit her on top of all that.
01:20:21Oh, I'm sure she knows why.
01:20:23I don't think she'll hold it against you.
01:20:25But all her life, I never...
01:20:28It's 18 years of...
01:20:32All of this.
01:20:35And love and care.
01:20:38Against a few anguished moments.
01:20:42Only Gail can weigh them against each other.
01:20:50Hi, Jimmy. You here again?
01:20:51Yeah, third trip today.
01:20:53Big day for Gail, huh?
01:20:54You bet.
01:20:55You gonna be there?
01:20:56Well, Match, the whole family's gonna be there.
01:20:59Say hello to Gail and wish her luck for me.
01:21:02Oh, your telegrams.
01:21:03Oh, thanks.
01:21:05Bye, Jimmy.
01:21:13Yes, Penny?
01:21:15More congratulations. They just came.
01:21:20The privilege of citizenship.
01:21:24Is that your speech?
01:21:26Boy, I'm glad I don't have to make a speech.
01:21:29I'd die.
01:21:43Oh, hello, Zaza.
01:21:44You all excited about this afternoon?
01:21:47Well, just a moment. I'll call her. She's upstairs.
01:21:51Oh, no, dear. It's not for you. It's for Gail.
01:21:53I know.
01:21:54Mother, I just got to run in my last pair of stockings. May I...
01:21:56All right, dear. Look in my bureau. Only hurry up. It's getting late.
01:21:59You're an angel. Thanks a million.
01:22:02Oh, honey, Zaza wants to talk to you.
01:22:03Miss McCauley?
01:22:11Hello, Zaza.
01:22:13No, no. I'm not dressed yet, but I'm getting ready.
01:22:16Yes, that'd be all right if you want to.
01:22:24She wants to come over and show me a dress and then drive me to school.
01:22:27Do you mind?
01:22:28Why, no, dear. Of course not.
01:22:30Here it is, honey. I just finished pressing it. Ain't it something?
01:22:35Yes, it's lovely.
01:22:36Oh, I do hope we didn't get it too short.
01:22:38If the slip hangs down, that's fine. I'll fix it for you.
01:22:42Oh, dear, I must fly.
01:22:43When Daddy comes home, if you're still here, tell him I've gone to the hairdressers.
01:22:46Goodbye, dear. I'll see you in school.
01:23:02Hey, Zaza, you better make it fast. The girl's waiting for you.
01:23:05Bert already picked up Joe.
01:23:06We've got plenty of time.
01:23:08Go on in. The door's unlocked.
01:23:10Come on, Belinda.
01:23:15Well, it's about time.
01:23:16Oh, stop worrying.
01:23:18I hope you don't mind my coming over like this.
01:23:20I always think it's so dull getting dressed all alone.
01:23:25Oh, Gail!
01:23:27Oh, this is perfectly beautiful.
01:23:30Oh, where'd you get it, for Pete's sake?
01:23:32My mother...
01:23:33It was made at home.
01:23:35Let me see yours, Zaza.
01:23:38You like it?
01:23:39Oh, it's stunning.
01:23:41Did your father help you pick it out?
01:23:43Oh, are you kidding?
01:23:45My pop wouldn't be caught dead in a dress shop.
01:23:48At least not with me.
01:23:50I will say one thing for him, though.
01:23:52He never squawks about the bills.
01:23:54Well, anyway, he'll get a big kick out of seeing you in it.
01:23:56Not unless they put you in a dress shop.
01:23:58Oh, I'm sure he will.
01:24:00I'm sure he will.
01:24:01Oh, I'm sure he will.
01:24:03Oh, I'm sure he will.
01:24:04Oh, I'm sure he will.
01:24:06Not unless they put it on television.
01:24:08He's in Santa Barbara.
01:24:12You mean he isn't going to see you graduate?
01:24:14Well, it was a question of missing this or missing the party in Santa Barbara.
01:24:19Santa Barbara won.
01:24:26We'd better get dressed.
01:24:32You look terrific!
01:24:43What did you wish?
01:24:52My wish was to get married as quickly as possible and have scads of kids.
01:24:59My mother died when I was born,
01:25:01and being an only child isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
01:25:06I guess families can be an awful pain in the neck sometimes,
01:25:09but there's a lot to be said for them.
01:25:14What did you wish?
01:25:19We'd better be going.
01:25:25Come on!
01:26:17Isn't she pretty?
01:26:28There's young mommy!
01:26:56She's looking for us, but she can't find us.
01:26:58I wish we'd been home when she left.
01:27:31And so, we can face the future as Americans should.
01:27:35Confident and unafraid.
01:27:47I now call upon Miss Gail McCauley,
01:27:50vice president of the graduating class,
01:27:52to address you.
01:27:53Miss McCauley.
01:28:06Ladies and gentlemen,
01:28:08members of the faculty and student body,
01:28:11friends and parents,
01:28:16most of us here were born in America,
01:28:19and unthinkingly,
01:28:21we take the wonderful privilege of our citizenship for granted.
01:28:25Others, quite a few,
01:28:28acquired that privilege by adopting this land as their own.
01:28:32And to them, I know,
01:28:34that privilege is all the more hallowed and precious.
01:28:37It should be.
01:28:39There are other things which too many of us take for granted.
01:28:43The everyday priceless privilege of being raised in a house,
01:28:47which, by the magic of being lived in by a family,
01:28:51ceased to be just a house,
01:28:54and became a home.
01:28:56A home filled with memories to treasure.
01:28:59A home where sisters fought,
01:29:01and made up.
01:29:03Where a mother was wise and gentle,
01:29:06and just,
01:29:08and understanding.
01:29:10Where a father was often indulgent and sometimes stern,
01:29:14and slapped us down when we deserved it.
01:29:18All this we are too apt to take for granted,
01:29:21and we never should.
01:29:24For next to the great privilege
01:29:26of being a citizen
01:29:28is the simpler,
01:29:30and in a sense even greater privilege
01:29:32of just belonging to,
01:29:35and being one of,
01:29:37a family.
01:29:57Where is she? Where is she?
01:30:00She's coming, look!
01:30:27Oh, Mother!
01:30:33Stay deep.
01:30:46I won't die.
01:31:02Can I see your diploma, Gail?
01:31:08Well, what do you say? Let's go home.
01:31:09Joanie! Joanie! Come on, Joanie.
01:31:12I'll see you later.
01:31:13All right, Joanie, have fun.
01:31:17Gail! Gail!
01:31:21You're being paid. Run along.
01:31:31Now, thank you, just how I'm growing up.
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