Voici la 17ème partie du speedrun de God of war, je ne suis pas l'auteur de ce speedrun, les commentaires de l'auteur sont disponible en suivant ce lien: http://speeddemosarchive.com/GodOfWar.html
Commentaires de l'auteur sur cette partie:
Segment 17
I learned the shoulder attack -> stab -> scissor swipe combo from watching Prism's run. It is an excellent combo in this battle because it lets you close distance between harpies and at the same time damaging them with the shoulder attack. The swipe kills the harpies in one hit.
Commentaires de l'auteur sur cette partie:
Segment 17
I learned the shoulder attack -> stab -> scissor swipe combo from watching Prism's run. It is an excellent combo in this battle because it lets you close distance between harpies and at the same time damaging them with the shoulder attack. The swipe kills the harpies in one hit.
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