• last year


00:00Oh, it's really quite amazing, yes, it's really quite a hoot.
00:07What you can fix together, like this saucepan and this boot.
00:11With a little bit of know-how, with a little bit of knows.
00:15Fix lots of things together that you find around the house.
00:20This mop is just the job, you know, it makes the perfect head.
00:23And I found these tin cans in the bin, so I put them here instead.
00:27And this masher and this grater make the funniest noise I've heard.
00:31Now my invention is completed, it'll scare away the birds.
00:35Inventing inventions, there's really nothing to it.
00:38Inventing inventions, well, anyone can do it.
00:42Inventing inventions, there's a million things to make.
00:46Inventing inventions, it's just a piece of cake.
00:51That's it.
00:53Oh, I'm always oversleeping, yes, I always get up late.
00:57I never get my breakfast, which is something that I hate.
01:00So I've done a bit of thinking, I've come up with a plan.
01:04It'll wake me in the mornings with some help from the milkman.
01:10When the milk goes in this basket, it'll pull up on this rope.
01:14That'll set off this here cricket ball, at least that's what I hope.
01:17It'll roll along this channel and tumble over here.
01:21And crash into this puddle of stuff and wake me, never fear.
01:25Inventing inventions, well, anyone can do it.
01:29Inventing inventions, there's really nothing to it.
01:33Inventing inventions, there's a million things to make.
01:36Inventing inventions, it's just a piece of cake.
01:40With a little bit of know-how, with a little bit of knows.
01:44Mix lots of things together that you find around the house.
01:47Oh, it's really quite amazing, yes, it's really quite a hoot.
01:51What inventions can be made from like these tin cans or this boot?
01:55Inventing inventions, well, anyone can do it.
01:58Inventing inventions, there's really nothing to it.
02:02Inventing inventions, there's a million things to make.
02:06Inventing inventions, it's just a piece of cake.
02:10Gosh, Jimmy, that looks fantastic.