• last year
Chris Burt is now at the helm of the Quarry Kitchen, a newly refurbished eating drinking option, much needed, at Shrewsbury's Quarry park. It fills the gap for a sensibly priced eating option while in the park.
00:00The Quarry Kitchen Cafe Bar. It never used to look like this in here did it?
00:06Who are you then and what's it all about? I'm Chris Burt, I'm head chef of Shropshire Festivals
00:11and we wanted to create a space for or an environment whereby we are serving local
00:19sustainable delicious food. So with our connections with the food festival everything
00:25and I mean everything is local apart from the coca-cola. Still looking for the local sauce.
00:33You're no strangers to Shropshire are you? You've worked at a few different places so you know
00:38kind of the clientele of the town, what they're after? Absolutely. And so what's kind of
00:44going to be your special here then? What have we got? Pizzas I can see? Yeah we're doing
00:48stone baked pizzas, we're doing paninis. This is not a high-end restaurant, this is a restaurant
00:54for local people, local working people and people that want to come into the quarry, walk their dog,
01:01go for a run. Yeah delicious local coffee and a local pastry or and we're gonna have specials
01:07every day as well. Yeah. You know salads, really it's all down to the seasonality of the produce.
01:14Yeah. But yeah local and delicious. And it's been missing that hasn't it on the quarry here? You
01:19know if you come here for a day out walk or bring your kids to the park, where do you eat other than
01:25there's one or two very expensive places I can think of. That's the thing, there's nowhere to
01:30eat in the quarry per se, otherwise you just have to go to the water side. Yeah. Which you miss all
01:37these lovely views. Well yeah you've got that lovely raised terrace and kind of on a day like
01:43today there's an appreciative little bit of shade there. Absolutely, I mean on launch day which was
01:49Saturday and Sunday, it was absolutely chock-a-block. We had people queuing out the door.
01:55Yeah fantastic. And you know we've got a festival this weekend so I'm hoping we can sort of double
02:03that. Yeah and when you're going to be open then? What's kind of every day's timings? We're open
02:08every day eight until five. Great stuff. Well good luck with it sir. Thank you very much.
