• el año pasado
Misterio en la torre del horizonte Capitulo 1 Español Audio latino


00:57Habitación C-2003, Xomibao.
01:40Are you okay?
01:42I'm okay.
01:44I don't care.
01:46They'll be here soon.
01:48I want to know what's going on.
01:50They sent someone.
01:52I want to know what's going on.
01:54I'll get my supervisor.
01:56Hey, where are you going?
01:58Security of the building.
02:00I'll go to his apartment.
02:04It's a tall building.
02:06What if they cut off the power?
02:16Room C1218.
02:18Lin Mengyu, asset or property.
02:24Room B1602.
02:26Lin Da Sen, architect.
02:28Lin Mo Li, wife of the architect.
02:34Room C-2307, Ding Xiaoling.
02:40Room C-2002, Wu Mingyue, writer.
02:56Ye Meili, concierge.
03:35I'm sorry. I have to do something. I'm sorry.
03:45I love you! I love you!
03:57Shut up, you're disturbing me.
04:05I love you.
04:13The woman came from the darkness and left into the darkness.
04:16The woman came from the darkness and left into the darkness.
04:34Adapted from the novel of the same name by Chen Shui.
04:41Mystery in the Horizon Tower.
04:43About Xie Pao. Part 1.
05:12The deceased was called Zhong Mei Bao, 29 years old.
05:17She was the owner of the cafeteria on the first floor of this building.
05:21She lived alone in the Horizon Tower for two years.
05:24It is said that she almost did not leave the building.
05:26Do you have a lot of information? Come, come.
05:31So tell me, what do you think of the scene?
05:35The deceased has a mark of impact on the head.
05:38No injuries to the body or traces of sexual assault.
05:41Nothing in the room is damaged.
05:43The murderer must have known the distribution of the place.
05:45The cause of the wound on the head is still unclear.
05:48Whoever caused the injury must be an acquaintance of her.
05:51But that requires a deeper investigation.
05:55That will take us longer.
05:59What do you think?
06:00What do I think?
06:06I think it's a passion crime.
06:14Didn't you see the victim?
06:17Is she pretty?
06:19Yes, she is.
06:20Pretty girls have problematic relationships.
06:26Sir, what he said is discriminatory.
06:33Did you find his phone number?
06:35No. Maybe the murderer took it.
06:37Surveillance videos?
06:38The technical department is already on that, but they didn't give us any hope.
06:42Because the area covered by the camera is very limited.
06:45It is said that the neighbors protested a few years ago because they violated their privacy.
06:49Then the administration removed the cameras.
06:51Now only public areas are monitored.
06:53The rich are always problematic.
06:55And his relationship with the others?
06:58I only know that he had a good relationship with his neighbors.
07:01He hardly had friends.
07:03Besides, his family is not from this area.
07:06Investigate everyone you know.
07:09Who found the body?
07:10According to a guard of the building, at that moment he shouted that he had killed him.
07:16Then start with him.
07:24Your daughter asked me when she would finish work and return home.
07:28I'm almost done.
08:05There was only a single girl living there.
08:07And suddenly she was murdered in her house.
08:09The world is dangerous.
08:11Are you listening to me?
08:13Why are you always scaring me?
08:14You're a cop.
08:15It's normal to see dangerous things.
08:17But that doesn't mean the world is dangerous.
08:20Watch your attitude.
08:21I'm worried about you.
08:23You know what?
08:24Don't tell me you want to rent an apartment when you go to college.
08:27You better stay in your bedroom.
08:29You're so annoying.
08:30I'm leaving.
08:32I'll take you.
08:34Hey, Yang.
08:35You're in charge.
08:40Criminal Investigation Department.
08:45Home menu.
08:51You really don't eat?
08:52I want to lose weight.
08:53I'll order for me.
08:57Hey, listen.
08:58It's time to eat.
08:59I'll ask you something.
09:02What's your name?
09:04Xie Paol.
09:06Xie Paol.
09:07It's time to eat.
09:08I'll ask you something.
09:10How long will I be here?
09:11It won't be long.
09:15Thank you.
09:16You're welcome.
09:17You can start.
09:20What position does the administration of the building occupy?
09:25But the security of our company is different.
09:28We do everything.
09:29Rice or noodles?
09:35Like what?
09:39reception, plumbing, and patrol.
09:42If the residents have problems,
09:44they call the guards.
09:46That's the protocol.
09:48Do you want spicy?
09:55Does the administration of the building
09:57require the identification of all visitors?
10:00If the tenant brought him,
10:02it is not necessary.
10:03The night of the crime.
10:04Did anyone bring visitors?
10:06As far as I remember,
10:08there were three.
10:10At six,
10:12Mr. Ma from room 802
10:14brought a girl in a white dress.
10:16At seven,
10:17Ms. Maki from room 3105
10:19brought a fat man.
10:21At eight, Mr. Chen from room 1503
10:23brought a man in a hat.
10:26Is that all?
10:30How do you remember so clearly?
10:32It's our job.
10:34At the reception,
10:36we look like decoration,
10:38but we are watching everyone who comes in and out.
10:44I heard that night,
10:45you said to the police
10:47that you had killed her.
10:53but I didn't kill her.
10:55I really didn't.
10:57Maybe I was
10:59very emotional
11:01and I felt it for Mei Bao.
11:04Did you feel that way?
11:06I had to patrol that day,
11:08but I didn't find any anomalies.
11:11If it weren't for my negligence,
11:13Mei Bao wouldn't have died.
11:17you said that because you felt responsible?
11:19I wish the security guards in our building
11:21were like you.
11:26Did you
11:28know the victim?
11:30We were friends.
11:34And how did you become friends?
11:39That day,
11:41there was no electricity.
11:43Does that happen often?
11:47I only remember
11:49two occasions.
11:51Yes, for nothing.
11:53Hi, I just moved.
11:55My agent left me the keys
11:57and the access card at the reception.
11:59Can you give them to me, please?
12:03Can you show me your ID?
12:07Your apartment is...
12:082003 C.
12:10Oh, Ms. Schoenberg.
12:13One moment.
12:16Here's your card and keys.
12:18Sign here, please.
12:21Oh, and your move must be registered
12:23with identification.
12:25I didn't hire anyone.
12:27I only have a suitcase.
12:29I'll take it myself.
12:31You didn't hire anyone?
12:33But there's a blackout today.
12:35If you go to the 20th floor,
12:36it's over there.
12:38Well, thank you.
12:40Can I help you?
12:42I can do it myself.
12:44It's nothing, I can help you.
12:46Let's go.
12:48Thank you.
12:50Give it to me.
12:52Bring a light luggage.
12:54I move often,
12:56usually once or twice a month.
12:58Sometimes I even go to other cities.
13:00That's why I don't buy much.
13:02I only bring enough clothes.
13:04And this time?
13:06The company is close.
13:08I plan to open a cafe down here
13:10with my friends.
13:12Is it the...
13:14Abu Cafe Bar?
13:16Do you know it?
13:18We haven't opened it yet.
13:20They've been renovating it for a while.
13:22Many residents have complained to me.
13:24It's noisy.
13:28How long have you been in Shun He?
13:30About three months.
13:32And you?
13:36I've been here for three years.
13:38I came to study at the university.
13:40Which university are you going to?
13:42Shun He.
13:44Good school.
13:46I'm surprised you graduated from a good university.
13:492009 to 2014.
13:51Bank manager.
13:53From bank manager to security of a building.
13:55Something must have happened.
13:57Yes, but...
13:59It has nothing to do with this.
14:07I think you have a good story.
14:10Do you want to hear it?
14:14Do you want to tell it?
14:16As a security guard,
14:18I worry about all the residents of this building.
14:20But on the contrary,
14:22few residents care about our lives.
14:24Most of them don't even know my name.
14:26It's normal for modern people.
14:28They watch the news every day,
14:30but they don't know who I am.
14:32They don't know who I am.
14:34They don't know who I am.
14:36They read the news on the Internet.
14:38They know everything from miles away,
14:40but they don't even know who their neighbors are.
14:42But Mabo was different.
14:44He cared about people.
14:46What did he talk about with Mabo?
14:53Something from five years ago.
14:57Then he was young and optimistic.
14:59I thought things would get better.
15:06Regressive well, this is
15:08Just a team. Oh, I do that man. La gencia de bodas me mostro dos planes. Cuál te gusta más
15:15el más barato no puede ser tan tacaño
15:19a uno compramos una casa tenemos dinero para eso lo teníamos para
15:26para la otra pero hoy
15:29Me encontré con esto
15:33Torre del horizonte el departamento tiene buen precio un poco lejos de la ciudad pero
15:39construirán un metro tiene potencial
15:43Cielos esto es muy elegante
15:47Pensé que sólo te gustaba lo barato mira el de cuatro habitaciones
15:53Este de cuatro es mucho mejor que la de tres que vimos
15:57Pero nos alcanza
16:01Ya casi
16:06Nuestro banco tiene un proyecto de préstamos y me postulé para adquirirlo tenemos suficiente dinero
16:12Pero escuché que no puedes comprar inmuebles con los préstamos está bien no lo sabrán además mucha gente usa el préstamo para el anticipo
16:21de verdad
16:23Ah si podemos mudarnos a esta área entonces
16:29Estás feliz mucho
16:32Torre del horizonte por aquí déjenme contarle sobre la distribución
16:36Fue ideado por un diseñador famoso de hong kong y son los alrededores de la torre del horizonte
16:41Las unidades se dividen en bloque a b c y d en las primeras tienen habitaciones grandes
16:46Y los otros dos son pequeños de uno y dos dormitorios
16:50También tiene pequeños cuales son los pequeños no son tan bueno bueno los pequeños están pensados para que los inquilinos
16:57Vayan y vengan y por eso tienen más gente no se preocupen si los bloques c y d están separados de la y el b
17:03Se necesita una tarjeta de acceso para entrar y salir pueden pensar en esto como comunidades diferentes
17:09Hace cinco años
17:11Pensamos que nuestro futuro sería espere la compró hace cinco años
17:16debió ganar mucho dinero
17:23Mi plan era
17:25Comprar una casa casarme y tener un bebé
17:31Así sería mi vida firme por favor
17:37Gracias por nada
17:45Quiero usar el velo que es muy grande y hermosa te gustará
18:28Familia de Juan y Juan
18:31Si es familiar de Juan y Juan así es la situación es esta Juan y Juan no está fuera de peligro después de la operación
18:38Estará en cuidados intensivos, pero deben pagar para proceder cuánto diez mil por día diez mil
18:45por qué tanto
18:47Porque primero no lo habla con su familia
19:09She a Paul
19:16Por qué no me hablaste si tienes un accidente de auto no pagas y tampoco haces visitas
19:23No soluciona si no da dinero porque fuiste al hospital solo
19:28Hasta pagaste la factura por todos los gastos no fue demasiado
19:32siguen cuidados intensivos
19:34Y continúa en peligro
19:36Pero creo que estará bien
19:39Ya la operaron cuando pasó
19:44Estaba desangrándose
19:46sola en la calle si fuese de una familia ordinaria yo no pagaría
19:52pero parecen ser
19:55muy pobres
20:02Está bien tenemos seguro o no
20:14Hola, señor. She a Paul el hospital quiere que paguemos más nos ayuda a pagar parte de la deuda
20:20Para que 20 mil joanes hace dos días no si de cuidados intensivos
20:25Lo que quieren es el costo de la cirugía no tengo tanto dinero
20:28Porque no hablas con mi compañía de seguros no
20:31Me comuniqué con su compañía de seguros los procedimientos son problemáticos porque no pagan efectivo no tengo dinero
20:38Te ayudaré a comunicarte con la compañía estoy muy ocupado sigo ocupado
21:00Otra vez ahora que quieres ya hable con la compañía de seguros
21:07Hermana no sobrevivió
21:15Solo llega una caja
21:20Porque no come primero no usted primero no tengo hambre ok comeré primero
21:28acaba de decir que tuvo la mala suerte de matar a alguien y luego
21:32De acuerdo a los videos es obvio que cuando la víctima vio al auto acercándose
21:36aceleró en lugar de detenerse eso no es normal
21:39escuché que es una familia pobre por lo tanto su condición ya era mala antes del accidente
21:45y ya quería suicidarse o fingir el accidente tiene sentido
21:50fingirlo por la compensación y hacer ver que usted tuvo la culpa
21:57Haga lo que le diga debe de mandarlos por fraude sea proactivo eso nos dará la ventaja en la corte
22:17Hola soy guan y el señor che paul
22:50I'm sorry, he's a little out of breath.
23:17Hello, we want to talk to you.
23:27My parents died when I was very young.
23:31I understand how you feel.
23:33My father died when I was a child.
23:35If it weren't for those children,
23:38maybe I would have done it.
23:43And you just gave it to them and that's it?
23:45I have a question.
23:47As long as we can reach an agreement,
23:49you promise not to sue us, right?
23:53$300,000 is a lot of money.
23:55Even if the insurance is deducted,
23:56we don't have money for the rest.
23:58We'll buy an apartment.
24:03We haven't paid the advance.
24:06What are you talking about?
24:07Don't tell me we won't buy it.
24:08Of course we'll buy an apartment.
24:11But I was thinking...
24:13Why not change from four rooms
24:16to three rooms?
24:26Xie Pao.
24:28I don't think you should be upset about that.
24:31In my opinion,
24:32the apartment in Block B is more suitable
24:34for newlyweds like you.
24:36It's smaller,
24:37but you can rent it or sell it more easily.
24:42You should take it.
24:49Xie Pao.
24:50Something bad happened.
24:51My brother-in-law had an attack this morning
24:53and he had to be taken to the hospital.
24:55The doctor said his body is paralyzed
24:57from the upper part
24:58and I immediately thought of you.
25:01Please, can you help us?
25:02We don't know what to do.
25:05How much do you need?
25:07I think...
25:08almost $150,000.
25:14Mr. Xie Pao?
25:22His bid to sell his fund is being processed.
25:27I'm Pao.
25:28I sold my last funds.
25:31Can you check why they didn't pay me
25:33my interest today?
25:34Hey, hey.
25:35A violent person is looking for you.
25:38Let me go!
25:39I want to see Mr. Xie Pao!
25:41I want to see Mr. Xie Pao!
25:43What are you doing here?
25:44Mr. Xie Pao, you have to help us.
25:46Xie Pao, help us.
25:48What are you doing?
25:49What are you doing?
25:50I beg you, Xie Pao.
25:51Who is he?
25:52It's nothing, don't worry.
25:54Sir, the doctor said
25:56my brother-in-law was too stressed.
25:59It must be because of my sister's death.
26:02At the hospital, they told us
26:04to prepare for a long-term treatment.
26:06Xie, you have to help us.
26:08Give me 80,000 more, please.
26:10120,000 is not enough.
26:12I only need 80,000 more.
26:14Please, sir.
26:17Criminal trial.
26:211.9 million yuan.
26:23Where are we going to get so much money from?
26:25I told you they weren't good people.
26:27The lawyer and I told you not to listen to them.
26:30And now we lost the lawsuit.
26:451.9 million minus 120,000 insurance
26:48and third-party insurance.
26:50I guess you had to pay a million yuan.
26:53That's a lot of money.
26:56Luckily, you had a good job.
26:58But your salary was good, wasn't it?
27:15Paul, Mr. Hu is looking for you.
27:19Because of your lawsuit,
27:21the prosecution came to verify your financial status,
27:24but they found that a consumer loan
27:27was used to buy an apartment in our building
27:31and an audit is being carried out
27:33to take action against our employees' illegal cash.
27:37Paul, I did everything so you wouldn't be punished,
27:40but I hope you can give up.
27:571.9 million minus 120,000
27:591.9 million minus 120,000
28:011.9 million minus 120,000
28:031.9 million minus 120,000
28:051.9 million minus 120,000
28:071.9 million minus 120,000
28:091.9 million minus 120,000
28:111.9 million minus 120,000
28:131.9 million minus 120,000
28:151.9 million minus 120,000
28:171.9 million minus 120,000
28:191.9 million minus 120,000
28:211.9 million minus 120,000
28:231.9 million minus 120,000
28:251.9 million minus 120,000
28:271.9 million minus 120,000
28:291.9 million minus 120,000
28:31Did you talk to Nin?
28:32I just bought an apartment.
28:34I'm Che Paul.
28:36Yes, of course.
28:37One of three rooms.
28:40I need your help.
28:41I need money.
28:42I want a reimbursement.
28:44Can you do it?
28:46It's urgent.
28:47Yes, yes, but...
28:49According to the contract,
28:51you must pay the refund,
28:52and it won't be worth it.
28:55It's okay. I need the money.
29:00Let's do it.
29:02Okay. I'll do what I can.
29:07If you sell this house, our home registry will not be transferred.
29:14And our future? And the education of our child?
29:20At least we can get married.
29:31Xie Paul!
29:33Did you think about me when you did all this?
29:36When you gave money to those people?
29:38Don't you know your limits?
29:40I killed the mother of two children. I had to compensate them.
29:43Are you crazy or are you stupid?
29:45Do you know what it feels like to lose your parents when you are a child?
29:50Paul, don't be angry.
29:53I mean, if you don't have enough money, I do.
29:58Mine is yours. We can buy it.
30:03It's over.
30:05We won't...
30:08We won't get married.
30:20But she decided she wanted to face everything with you.
30:24I think she loves you very much.
30:27It's just...
30:29I didn't want her to bear that mistake with me.
30:32She's a good person.
30:34I could find someone better.
30:36And you went to look for her later?
30:38She was sending me messages.
30:40But I blocked her.
30:42Did you block her?
30:44I think...
30:46As long as she remembers me...
30:48I'll worry about her.
30:50In her world, I...
30:52I shouldn't exist.
30:54That's what I think.
31:02What a shame.
31:05She's a good person.
31:07Housing prices have gone up.
31:09Two years after paying the compensation,
31:11she still has money, doesn't she?
31:15Jun Mei Bao must have been moved when she heard your story.
31:20I'm sure of it.
31:22She didn't say anything.
31:25But she gave me a hug.
31:28At that moment,
31:30I felt relieved.
31:33A hug?
31:35And then?
31:36We got there.
31:40She helped you carry the luggage.
31:43She went into her room, didn't she?
31:46Thank you.
31:49What are you talking about?
31:50Mei Bao and I are not like that.
31:52There was nothing between us.
31:55I took her to the door.
31:57And I left.
32:04Excuse me.
32:06These are the pictures you asked for.
32:08Thank you.
32:09Detective Zhong, your food is here.
32:12Okay, thank you.
32:14Security system.
32:15Shen Shi He and Hong Min Han.
32:18Mr. Shen came with a man in a hat.
32:22Sir, I verified what he said.
32:31Let's take a break.
32:37Hey, Yang.
32:38Why don't you drink water?
32:42I think he wants to tell you something.
33:07Boss, I'm here.
33:10What's wrong?
33:11Are you tired?
33:12No, I didn't want him to leave.
33:15I did.
33:16It wasn't like that.
33:18What do you think of the guy?
33:21I think...
33:24His life is a shame.
33:26He's ruined.
33:28You reap what you sow.
33:32I think he's an honest man.
33:35He told his side of the story, don't you think?
33:38The stories he told...
33:40They moved me.
33:41And they're very detailed, so they're lies.
33:44And what are they?
33:45For example, he blocked his ex-girlfriend's contact so she wouldn't worry about all her problems.
33:51Look at this information.
33:54Sun Ting filed this report.
33:57Xie Pao's ex-girlfriend reads this paragraph.
34:00On October 10, 2015, Sun Ting called 110.
34:05She said her ex-boyfriend, Xie Pao, had followed her and harassed her for several days.
34:10A police station officer was there that day to mediate both sides.
34:27Thank you for your cooperation.
34:30How long will we be talking?
34:32Not long.
34:34After telling her story, Xiong Mei Bao...
34:38She hugged him.
34:42What kind of hug?
34:44What do you mean?
34:46A passionate hug, or...
34:48A courteous one.
34:51Was it a strong one, or a soft one?
34:55Does that matter?
34:58I need to understand the relationship between you and the victim.
35:01I just said it.
35:03We were friends.
35:06A strange woman.
35:08She hugged him after meeting him.
35:11That's very strange, isn't it?
35:13Don't talk nonsense.
35:15Yang, take off your glasses.
35:19Yang, it will be you and you, Xiong Mei Bao.
35:21Recreate the scene.
35:22I want to know if Mei Bao was seducing him.
35:24Come on, do it.
35:27What do you think of Mei Bao?
35:28She wasn't like that.
35:30She has her own personality, doesn't she?
35:32Now you're arguing.
35:34But when they told her she would pay 1.9 million yuan, she didn't fight.
35:38I'll ask you again.
35:40You and Xiong Mei Bao...
35:43Were you just friends?
35:44I said we were friends!
35:46I'm telling you the truth!
35:48Is that all?
35:49Can I go now?
35:52Of course.
35:53Sign here.
35:58Damn it!
36:05Do you still believe in those stories?
36:28We're here.
36:32Thank you.
36:33You're welcome.
36:47Leave it here.
36:58The truth...
37:00Everyone has secrets.
37:08I've seen too many...
37:10In this building.
37:13I'm leaving.
37:15Ye Bao.
37:19I have to tell you something.
37:22I have to tell you something.
37:30I found something.
37:32The last power cut of the Horizon Tower was a year ago.
37:36But Mei Bao moved to the Horizon Tower two years ago.
37:40She has a good memory. Could she have made a mistake?
37:42She must be lying.
37:52I love you.
37:53I love you too.
