Vivir De Amor Cap 102 Completo
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00:00My daughter, the doctor doesn't know that Frida, my daughter, has already killed my mother's heart.
00:26Did you like the ice cream?
00:28It's delicious!
00:31Did you see who's there, Pedrito?
00:36It's weird that she's around here.
00:38Since she fought with Mrs. Alice, we haven't seen her hair.
00:43That's better!
00:45Why do you want to see that bad time?
00:47Yes, it's true. Rebeca makes us all fat.
00:51Even me.
00:54I can't believe this news, Grandpa.
00:56Misael is the main suspect in the company's bankruptcy and he ruined our finances.
01:03I don't agree either.
01:05It seems to me that Misael is playing the executive.
01:08Grandpa, why did you let him come back?
01:11Please, Jose Emilio and Fatima.
01:15I ask you to support my decision to give Misael another chance.
01:21But Grandpa, we need to increase sales, not negotiate debt. We are on the brink of bankruptcy.
01:28Well, that's exactly what I just did, Jose Emilio.
01:33Hey, hey, what long faces. Do you have problems?
01:37Jose Emilio doesn't seem to have returned to the company.
01:40For some special reason?
01:42Jose Emilio, I mean, why don't you review the project we proposed to Mr. Emilio to save the company from bankruptcy?
01:49Jose Emilio, I'm working very hard to regain my grandfather's trust.
01:53And as a sign of my goodwill, I gave him all my shares.
01:57So don't worry, I don't own absolutely anything here.
02:00And it depends on my grandfather if he says otherwise or not.
02:03And you also returned all the money you stole from him.
02:07No, well, you took the words out of my mouth.
02:10Here the facts are worth more than the words, Misael.
02:13And what am I doing, Fatima?
02:15Let's see, let's see, let's see.
02:16Let's see, let's see, let's see.
02:18Calm down. We'll talk later, son.
02:21Right now you have to think with your head, not your stomach.
02:24Also remember that you are brothers.
02:26And the most important thing for Mr. Emilio is always family.
02:31Dad, I know you're going to make the decision that best suits you.
02:37But don't forget that Misael is dedicating himself fully to the company.
02:41To get what he deserves.
02:43Besides, he's your grandson.
02:45And the most important thing for you is family, right?
02:49Well, above Misael or whoever.
02:55Grandpa, you know you'll always have my support.
02:58Whatever you need, I'll be here.
03:03And if you accepted Misael back, I won't say anything else.
03:08There is no doubt that you are a very noble boy.
03:11And I thank you for supporting my decision to give your brother another chance.
03:25I'm serious, Mom.
03:27If you're not going to report Rebeca, at least ask her to leave your house.
03:31Because Rebeca can't keep living there.
03:34Yes, daughter. I promise I'll talk to her and you're right.
03:37Besides, I want Santiago to return to live in the house.
03:41And that Jose Emilio and you can also stay as long as you need while the apartment is there.
03:46Thank you.
03:48My love.
03:50Do you know why I'm asking you, Mom?
03:52I need to protect you.
03:54I'm not afraid of Rebeca and since I don't trust her anymore, she can't do anything to me.
03:57But you are different, Mom.
03:59Because your motherly love can turn you into an easy target for her evil.
04:02Rebeca is so... so evil, so disoriented that I wouldn't feel calm knowing her near you, Mom.
04:10I'm going to ask her to leave.
04:12Just thinking that you could die because of her.
04:15No, no, my love.
04:17I want Rebeca away from you, Mom.
04:19I wouldn't stand it if she hurt you again.
04:21I wouldn't stand it.
04:23No, don't worry, Mom.
04:25So the Romina comes between two waters.
04:27Damn traitor.
04:29Opportunistic prey.
04:30Opportunistic prey is not going to get away with it.
04:35I warned you that I like fidelity, Romina.
04:42And those who betray me always regret it.
04:51Let's see what's here.
04:53I never thought I'd see this open, Romina.
04:56If necessary, I will use this video to allegate Adulterio and demand a divorce.
05:01You're going to decide that tomorrow when my lawyer takes you to the divorce hearing.
05:06Bruno is his lover.
05:10With all the work he leaves me and still asks me to go for his medicine.
05:14And fast.
05:16What will Rebeca take it for?
05:20Where the hell are my children, Romina?
05:23How dare you show up at my job and then come to yell at me?
05:28Don't you see I'm busy?
05:30What's wrong with you, Luciano?
05:32No, no, no, what's wrong with you?
05:34Why do you tell me that my children are in your apartment if it's not true?
05:36Where did you take them and why are you hiding them from me?
05:38Mati and Javi are in my apartment.
05:40I went to your apartment and there's no one there.
05:42But I left them there.
05:44And they couldn't have left because I myself put a lock to test teenagers.
05:48What are you talking about?
05:50You had them locked up.
05:52But how dare you, Romina?
05:54They are your children.
05:56If you couldn't take care of them, why the hell did you want them with you?
06:00You are irresponsible.
06:02Mati and Javi are going to listen to me.
06:04I have enough problems for those two to complicate my life even more.
06:09Well, now you have an older brother.
06:11I can't find my children.
06:13No, no, no, Luciano.
06:15I'm also worried, but I can't accompany you right now.
06:18I have too many problems at work.
06:19Well, solve them.
06:21Because your job has always been the most important thing for you.
06:24I'm looking for my children.
06:30You can always count on me, my daughter.
06:33I'm very worried to see you cry.
06:35If you want, tell me what's wrong with you.
06:38And I'll help you, daughter.
06:41Don't even think we're family because you caught me in the act.
06:44Juantin has no right to meddle in my life, just because.
06:47He's always been ahead of himself.
06:49And this time it will be the same.
06:51So let's get to work.
06:53I have a lot of work to do.
06:55Oh, take that.
06:57Ugly rag.
06:59You are my daughter.
07:01And I care about you a lot.
07:04You don't know how much I would like to help you.
07:07Never forget it, Doris.
07:11Never forget it.
07:12Never forget it.
07:16Oh, this is my Doris.
07:19I told you that my daughter has her character.
07:22Well, almost my daughter.
07:25Oh, but I'm glad you put Rebeca's flirt in her place.
07:30Oh, friend.
07:32Oh, friend, I didn't mean it like that.
07:35I know it hurts, but sooner or later you had to know
07:39all the things your daughter has done.
07:40She even put your life at risk.
07:42It was a nightmare there.
07:45It's not easy to realize that you've lived cheated
07:48and to see your daughter as she is.
07:53I was so afraid of losing my mother.
07:56And all because of Rebeca's sick mind.
07:59Friend, I don't know what you think, but I think you should report her.
08:04Oh, Jaime.
08:06If it were up to me, but I doubt my mom would want to do it.
08:10Because Rebeca is also his daughter.
08:13Rebeca takes advantage of this.
08:16Better tell me, how was the reconciliation with Jose Emilio?
08:21Oh, Jaime.
08:23I swear I can't believe I was there in that wonderful place with him.
08:29These were incredible days, I swear.
08:32And Jose Emilio has behaved with me like that wonderful man I know,
08:36that I fell in love with, and I feel that I love him.
08:38But I love him more than ever.
08:43Any news, Gaby?
08:45No, nothing, everything is calm.
08:47Very well.
08:49Oh, you ate very fast, Sebastian.
08:51Wow, it looks like you came to stay.
08:55What a can.
08:57It's so good that we were without you, man.
08:59But hey, there you greet me at your worst.
09:03What the hell are you doing here?
09:05I wanted to talk to you.
09:06Damn, I think it's going to be another day.
09:09I'm going to eat.
09:11You have no reason to offend Ximena.
09:14There is nothing between her and me,
09:16and you do not have the right to take her out of your house.
09:18Not her and much less her son.
09:20It's my apartment.
09:22Or what?
09:24Don't you have to pay a motel?
09:26Calm down, both of you.
09:28If you intend to fight dirty with Ximena,
09:30taking pictures like a coward,
09:32and acting like an irresponsible with her and your son,
09:34you will have to look for another excuse.
09:36I warn you that I will defend her.
09:38We are just friends, we are not offending anyone.
09:40Well, we'll see what the judge thinks, right?
09:43It's a shame you don't know how to value her.
09:46Ximena is a magnificent woman.
09:48She is trying to get ahead, to take care of her son.
09:51Something you are not willing to do.
09:55Little cook, don't get your hopes up.
09:58You will never be the father of my son.
10:00No, no, no.
10:02But if she decides to redo her life,
10:04it is in all her right.
10:06Soon she will be a free woman.
10:08And you, for being an idiot,
10:10you predicted a wonderful woman.
10:12But I will not let you destroy her.
10:14Is that clear?
10:17Congratulations on the loan you got.
10:19And Jimmy, I know your fixer will be a success.
10:22I hope so, girl.
10:24Well, now I'm looking for the place.
10:26I want to start the business as soon as possible.
10:28And David is super excited.
10:30I don't want to depend on Iker anymore.
10:32He also warned me that he was not going to give me a peso
10:34and that he wants to take the apartment from me.
10:38But what's wrong with Iker? He can't do that.
10:40Well, Renato told me the same thing.
10:42Can you believe that Iker accused him of being my lover?
10:46Oh no, girl, I was so embarrassed.
10:48He even took a picture of us to prove my adultery.
10:50It's the last straw. He was the one who deceived me.
10:54But he is a cynic and also a terrible father.
10:56Yes, I swear that Renato was more of a father to my son than Iker.
10:59I taught him to cook, I helped him with the homework.
11:02They even play together.
11:04He's been amazing to us.
11:06I wouldn't want to get him in trouble.
11:08It wouldn't be fair.
11:10I see that you two have made a nice friendship.
11:12That's good.
11:14Yes, he has been super nice to us.
11:16I feel so grateful.
11:19Jime, I think you're feeling something else for him.
11:24Or am I wrong?
11:26Oh no.
11:28Well, girl, I can't deny it to you.
11:32Angel, I do love him.
11:34But no.
11:36I know he only sees me as a friend.
11:38Well, first I need to solve my situation with Iker,
11:41set up my business to get David ahead.
11:44My priority is my son.
11:46For him and for me, I'm going to get ahead, girl.
11:48And I'm sure you're going to make it, Jime.
11:51I'm very sure.
11:54I love you, Angel.
11:56I love you.
12:00We can eat whenever you want.
12:02I won't be able to eat with you, Bruno.
12:05My kids don't show up anywhere.
12:08I didn't know your kids were so interested in you, Romina.
12:11Of course I'm worried.
12:13Luciano came to yell at me.
12:15I just hope he doesn't take advantage of that to fight my kids again.
12:20I can't believe my grandfather gave Misael another chance.
12:24I don't know what story he came up with to convince him.
12:26Yes, Fatima, and the worst thing is that I don't doubt
12:28that Misael will disappoint him again.
12:30I don't trust Misael.
12:32The one who deceives once does it a thousand times.
12:34I know, but what can we do?
12:36Well, be on the lookout, Fatima.
12:38Attentive to all of Misael's movements.
12:41Well, I'm going to be attentive to everything related to the hacienda.
12:44Yes, and I'll be cooperative.
12:46Well, let's talk about more pleasant topics,
12:48like your reconciliation with Angeli.
12:51I'm so happy for both of you.
12:53Thank you, sister.
12:55And I know you want to know all the gossip,
12:57but I have to go to be with her.
12:59I don't want to be far away anymore.
13:01I also have to say goodbye to my mom.
13:03Say hello to me a lot, Angeli.
13:05Tell her I hope Elena recovers soon, okay?
13:07Yes, and you say hello to the compa, who is now my brother-in-law.
13:10Hey, Fatima, I'm really glad to know you're together.
13:14I'm just going to call him right now.
13:16I'm sure he's with his kids.
13:18See you.
13:20I didn't know you were in the city.
13:22Now I understand everything.
13:24It was you.
13:26Me what, Romina?
13:28Are you crazy?
13:30What did you do to my children?
13:32Where do you have them?
13:34You probably want to make my life impossible, right?
13:36That's why you took them and now they don't show up.
13:38Don't talk to me like that, Romina,
13:40because you and I are not the same.
13:42I know you're one of the owners.
13:44But guess what?
13:46You can't fire me because my boss is Ramiro.
13:47You can't fire me because my boss is Rebeca.
13:49And she owns this company like you do.
13:52If I wanted to, I would.
13:54But I'm not used to abusing my power like you're probably used to.
13:58But you're used to stealing from your husband and children, right?
14:01And I'm telling you,
14:03Matilde and Javi are not going to take me.
14:05You just want to keep your children to annoy Luciano,
14:08not because you really want to take care of them.
14:11If you really wanted their well-being,
14:13you would never have taken Luciano from them, would you?
14:15Look, you're not going to do this to me.
14:17What am I going to do with my children?
14:19Enough, enough. I have a place to discuss.
14:21Romina, come with me to check the information.
14:24Don't meddle in my life.
14:31Hi, Luciano. Tell me Matilde and Javi are with you.
14:34No, man, they're not with me.
14:37Romina, they were locked up and they escaped from the apartment.
14:42I'm going to see if they're with Lucas.
14:45Luciano, listen to me.
14:47It is very important to file a missing persons report
14:50at the missing persons search commission.
14:54I don't have time for that, sir.
14:58I need to find them before it's too late.
15:01Uncle, we're going to file that report
15:04so that Luciano can continue looking for the children.
15:06Yes, yes, yes.
15:08Do you agree?
15:10Yes, yes, yes, of course, of course.
15:12I really appreciate it.
15:15Well, girl, I'll leave you because I have an appointment to see a place.
15:18And I don't want to be late.
15:20No, thank you for accompanying me in those moments, Jime.
15:23You are my great friend.
15:25I love you. I love you very much.
15:27Please, take care of Rebecca.
15:29That crazy woman is capable of taking any repression against you.
15:32And they already confirmed that she is capable of anything.
15:35Yes, Jime. Don't worry, we'll be very careful, okay?
15:40Oh, take care. I love you.
15:42I love you. Take care, please.
15:51Jose Emilio.
15:53Rebecca, I'm just going to tell you one thing.
15:55I don't want you to try anything against Angeli,
15:57Elena or my family.
15:59Leave us alone.
16:01And why are you forbidding me things, huh?
16:03You can't. I'm not going to lose my mom
16:05and I'm not going to give up my real name
16:07just because you are determined
16:09to accuse me of things I haven't done.
16:11Today I was here all day.
16:13You know what? I'm going to go talk to my mom.
16:15She's going to believe me.
16:17Oh, ma'am, I'm glad you're back to the company.
16:19I've been waiting for you.
16:21I didn't think you'd be here all day.
16:23I don't know what you're up to,
16:25and I don't care, Rebecca.
16:27I already told you.
16:29Leave us alone.
16:33I'm sorry, ma'am.
16:35It wasn't my intention to contradict you,
16:37but I need to go out for a moment.
16:39Is there anything I can do for Monica?
16:41No, no, no. It's just that my children...
16:43Don't bother coming back
16:45because you're going to be fired.
16:47You either work or you have kids.
16:49You can't do both, baby.
16:54We beat Jose Emilio in the first battle.
16:57Did you see his face?
16:59He just had to put up with me coming back to the company.
17:02Let's see, but the only thing I don't understand
17:05is why Jose Emilio came back so soon.
17:08Isabel, I'm worried that now we're going to have him
17:11over us.
17:13I don't know what we're going to do.
17:17Damn you.
17:19It looks like that friend of yours is going to hit hard.
17:22He hit me in the head.
17:24But things aren't going to stay that way.
17:27He's going to pay.
17:29Send Rufino.
17:35Get out.
17:39Excuse me.
17:41Thank you.
17:43I already realized that you come in handy.
17:46But you know what?
17:48You don't have to take it out on the others.
17:50Bruno hasn't done anything to you, has he?
17:52I don't give a damn if he's your alcahuete.
17:57What do you want now, Mom?
17:59I can't believe you're still tripping over the same stone, Isabel.
18:06I don't know what you mean.
18:08I mean Rebecca, don't play dumb.
18:10I found out she went to your bed.
18:13And the worst part is that you accepted her.
18:16You lost your sanity, Isabel.
18:19With that market magazine.
18:21What can I tell you?
18:23It means nothing.
18:25It was just one night.
18:29I recommend you don't trust yourself.
18:31That bitch already betrayed you once.
18:34And next time, she's going to end you, son.
18:37Stop treating me like an idiot.
18:40And I don't want you to get involved in my life.
18:43Or in my decisions.
18:55Calm down.
19:01At any moment, they'll tell you that Alma died.
19:14You behaved very badly this morning with me.
19:17Someone like you doesn't deserve anything else.
19:21I hope when you realize how much you hurt me,
19:24it's not too late.
19:26Because even someone like me can get tired of bad treatment.
19:32Maybe I can end up forgetting you forever.
19:43I love you.
19:56You won't stop being what you are.
19:59A poor heartless woman.
20:01You're going to be alone.
20:03You don't know how much I pity you, Rebeca.
20:05Look at yourself.
20:07Look at yourself.
20:09You're wearing very thin clothes.
20:12You own a part of the company.
20:15But no one loves you.
20:19You didn't look for it.
20:22I warned you a thousand times.
20:25But I hope you're resting in hell.
20:34Mrs. Almis!
20:36We're here!
20:38Mrs. Almis!
20:39We're here!
20:40Mrs. Almis!
20:42Mrs. Almis!
20:43Is she asleep?
20:44I don't know.
20:46Mrs. Almis!
20:49Look at her!
20:51It looks like she's dead!
20:53We're going to ask for help!
20:58Mrs. Almis is lying on the floor!
21:02Mrs. Almis is lying on the floor!
21:10Let's go!
23:07Do not mess with Brian more, please.
23:08I ask you.
23:09I think your father is right son.
23:11Do not look for your problems again with that vandal.
23:14For God's sake, son, we had enough when he attacked you.
23:17No, but listen, it's that ...
23:18Lucas, please!
23:19And it.
23:20Listen to me, it is forbidden to call Agent Corral.
23:23Your father is right, and I do not do it.
23:24I understand.
23:25How are you, Lucas?
23:27How are you?
23:28Have you seen Mati?
23:34Hello, good afternoon.
23:36Can you lend us a phone, please?
23:39I haven't seen her since she was taken by her mom to the city.
23:42Why did she get lost?
23:43I hope they came to pick you up, Lucas.
23:46Well, maybe they're on their way. Don't worry.
23:49Son, I haven't called you either.
23:52Well, no.
23:53Ah, sir, there's something you need to know.
23:56I already found out who it was.
23:57Excuse me, excuse me, I'm on the phone.
23:59Yes, yes, yes.
24:03Thank God you call me, daughter.
24:06Yes, of course, I'm here in the city looking for them like crazy.
24:09How are you?
24:10We're in a junk store.
24:12Luckily they lent us a phone and we could call you, dad.
24:16It's good that Fatima decided to learn my number.
24:20Let's see, but give me the address. Where are you exactly?
24:25Sir, do you know what street this is?
24:31Well, I don't know where that is, but I'll ask right now.
24:35Stay there. Don't move from there. I won't be long.
24:40What did my dad tell you?
24:42That they're coming for us, Javi.
24:44He told me he was in the city.
24:46Well, they're in a junk store in this direction, but I don't know.
24:52I know how to get there.
24:54Yes, I'll go with you.
24:55Take him, son.
24:56Take him, son.
24:57Yes, I'll go with you.
24:58Take him, son.
24:59Yes, I'll go with you.
25:00Yes, thank you very much.
25:01No problem.
25:02Yes, be careful.
25:03My love, be careful.
25:04I love you.
25:05Thank you.
25:07And I was the stupidest of the stupidest,
25:09thinking that with the hug my daughter gave me,
25:12everything would be solved between us.
25:18You should have seen the tears that came out of my little girl's eyes.
25:24Well, Rome wasn't made in a day, Armando.
25:27The most important thing is that our daughter, Alverde,
25:30hugged you looking for your comfort.
25:33Do you realize?
25:35You finally felt Doris' hug.
25:39I felt so beautiful, Migi.
25:43I would have liked my daughter to never have stopped hugging me.
25:46The day will come when Doris will never separate from us again.
25:50I assure you that.
25:52Oh, Migi.
25:55You don't know how eager I am for that day to come.
26:00I'm dying to hug her again.
26:03No, Miguanda.
26:04Just because Armando grabbed me with the lower guard.
26:07If not, he won't let me squeeze.
26:11I mean, it's okay if she's good, right?
26:13But I'm not a mango to be squeezed.
26:15Hey, what's wrong with him?
26:16No, well, they say that God gives a beard to those who have no scruff.
26:20You have your dad right there in front of you.
26:23And just because you're proud, you don't even want to hear it.
26:27On the other hand, I don't stop crying every night thinking about my son.
26:33And now it's going to get worse.
26:34Because my Isabel is very angry with me for the beating she gave to Primitivo.
26:40Did your gallantry really come out of the blue?
26:43Oh, yes, but don't help me, compadre.
26:46Because the beating that Primitivo gave to my Isabel,
26:48she's less going to want to help me find my son.
26:51Oh, my God.
27:01Mati, Javi.
27:03Pato, you didn't leave us alone again.
27:07I missed you so much.
27:08I missed you too.
27:10I was so worried.
27:11Let's see, why didn't you tell Romina where you were going?
27:13What happened?
27:15Well, it's just that...
27:17Luca helped us find them.
27:19And thanks to him coming to the city, we were able to get there faster.
27:25Thank you.
27:27How are you?
27:28Thank you.
27:29You're not angry anymore?
27:30After everything I've lived, I think my episode of jealousy is nothing.
27:35Hey, I have to talk to you.
27:37It's important.
27:38Mati, we have to go, my love.
27:41We need to close the disappearance report we're working on.
27:43It's important.
27:45Well, I have to go, Lucas.
27:47We'll talk later?
27:48Or why don't you come eat at my house tomorrow?
27:50We'll talk more calmly.
27:52Or when are you coming back?
27:54Well, I don't know.
27:56Can I go eat at Lucas' house tomorrow?
27:59Of course, Mati.
28:01Lucas is a good boy.
28:03Thanks for your help today.
28:04I can't imagine a life without you.
28:07Listen to what I want to tell you.
28:16She's in perfect health.
28:19I'll give her a sedative tomorrow and she'll be able to go home.
28:22Excuse me.
28:23Thank you, doctor.
28:25Oh, that's great news, mom.
28:28You're finally going to leave the hospital to go home.
28:30Yes, my love, yes.
28:31Santi, you should go to the restaurant now.
28:34No, sister.
28:35I told Jose Emilio I wasn't going to leave you alone.
28:37Santi, no, nothing's going to happen to us.
28:39Besides, you're more needed in the restaurant, believe me.
28:42Come in.
28:45Come on in.
28:46Thank you very much.
28:47Hey, if you're going to the bathroom, girls, come here.
28:52Hi, Pinty.
28:55Thank you for coming.
28:56Hi, how are you?
28:57How are you, ma'am?
28:58They wanted to come and support you and see how your mom is doing.
29:03You see, Santi?
29:04We're not going to be alone.
29:06Well, seeing them so well accompanied, I'm going to the restaurant.
29:09Okay, better.
29:11I'll let you know if anything happens.
29:13Bye, Santi.
29:15Where are you going now?
29:16Hi, Santi.
29:18Hi, Pinty.
29:19How are you, ma'am?
29:21I'm much better, thank you very much.
29:23And thank you for coming to visit me.
29:25No, well, that's good, ma'am.
29:26Since we saw that you were doing well,
29:29so as not to be wasting time, we're leaving.
29:33We're going out.
29:36Marisa, don't forget to tell me what we agreed on.
29:39Thank you, ma'am.
29:41Excuse me.
29:42I'm Selena.
29:43Get well soon.
29:45Very good.
29:46Let's go.
29:47Where are you going?
29:49The other reason why we wanted to come
29:51is to tell you not to hurry to the factory.
29:53Among all of us, we take her and understand
29:55that you need to take care of your little mom.
29:58I'm very happy to see how everyone loves you, my love.
30:01How they support you.
30:04Really, all of you are very good to me, Marisa.
30:07Thank you.
30:11It's Lupi.
30:12She probably found out that we were coming to see you
30:14and she wants to say hello.
30:15Hi, Lupi.
30:20Don't do it.
30:21Don't do it.
30:24But why?
30:26What happened to her?
30:27What's going on, Marisa?
30:29They found Mrs. Alma lying dead.
30:43Here's the tea you asked for, ma'am.
30:51Are you stupid or what?
30:52This is boiling.
30:53I'm sorry.
30:54No, take it away.
30:56Is something wrong, ma'am?
30:57Yes, I burned my nose.
30:58Get out!
31:04And what a miracle you called me.
31:07You said you weren't going to talk to me anymore.
31:09And don't get excited, okay?
31:10I'm not talking to you out of pleasure,
31:11but because something really bad happened
31:13that you need to know.
31:14What happened?
31:15Tell me.
31:16It's about Mrs. Alma.
31:18Although you always denied her, Rebeca,
31:20she raised you as if she were your mother.
31:22And something you should care about is knowing
31:24that the poor woman is no longer excited.
31:26What happened?
31:27Well, it happens that they found Mrs. Alma lying down
31:30and without moving in her corner.
31:31Nothing at all, Rebeca.
31:34Is she dead?
31:38Luckily, they found her in time to take her to the clinic.
31:44So she's still alive?
31:46Are you sure?
31:49Which clinic did they take her to?
31:55Yes, I know which one.
31:56I don't care what happens to her.
31:57She's stupid.
31:59I have nothing to do with that woman who stole from me
32:01and who destroyed my life.
32:03Well, you're so stingy, huh?
32:04Because no matter what,
32:05Alma always loved you a lot.
32:07She gave up for you, Rebeca.
32:09And it would be fair that you came to see her.
32:11But you and your bad conscience.
32:17Of course I have to go see her.
32:19I have to finish what I started.
32:25And Lupis told me that Mrs. Almita is not well.
32:27Very bad.
32:29Oh, Angeli.
32:30They had to take her to the clinic urgently
32:32because the poor woman was barely breathing.
32:35She was like dead.
32:37It can't be.
32:38But what did the doctors say?
32:40They haven't told us yet.
32:42They said that she was in a critical condition.
32:44What did the doctors say?
32:46They still don't know what happened to her.
32:47That they're going to do a lot of studies on her.
32:50Well, we have to trust the doctors.
32:52They're going to get Alma out of there.
32:53I know they will.
32:55Well, I'm going straight to the clinic
32:57to be close to Lupis and Mrs. Almita, okay?
33:00Please, Marisa, keep me informed, okay?
33:01If I can help you in any way,
33:03don't hesitate to call me.
33:04You know you have my back, okay?
33:05Yes, yes.
33:06Thank you.
33:08Thank you, Marisa.
33:10Goodbye, ma'am.
33:11Excuse me.
33:20And when we got there,
33:21we saw her like this,
33:23like she was sleeping,
33:24lying on the floor.
33:27And that's why we asked for help.
33:31And we were so scared.
33:34Right, Solis?
33:36And who knows how long
33:37we'll hear from Mrs. Almita.
33:39She arrived so badly.
33:41It's true, right?
33:42She was like a little bird
33:43before she took off her leg, right?
33:45Carmelo, don't say that nonsense
33:47in front of the kids.
33:49I think you should go home, Marisa.
33:51It's too late for the kids
33:52and they're scared of you.
33:54You should rest, don't you think?
33:57No, Wanda.
33:58I'm not moving from here.
33:59I want to be close to Guadalupe
34:01and Mrs. Almita.
34:03You better take them
34:04so I can keep an eye on them.
34:06Would you do me that favor?
34:08Go with Wanda.
34:09She's good at everything.
34:10And in one of those,
34:11I'll even buy you a corn.
34:12What do you think?
34:14Of course I'll buy you a corn.
34:16And whatever you want.
34:18Come on, let's go.
34:23Just don't stop telling me
34:24when they tell you
34:25that Armis is better, please.
34:26Yes, yes.
34:30Let us know.
34:31Yes, Pedrita.
34:33Don't you want to sit?
34:34No, I'm fine, thank you.
34:40Come on, auntie.
34:42Drink this tea they brought you.
34:44Look, the nurse said
34:46that even if it's just a little,
34:47you have to drink it.
34:49And you'll see that
34:50you'll get better very soon.
34:52Because if not, how, auntie?
34:54No, no, Lupita.
34:57I can't even stand the water
34:58in my stomach.
35:02You know...
35:04You know what, Lupita?
35:07I don't think I'm getting out of this.
35:08Don't talk like that, auntie.
35:10I don't want you
35:11to think about dying
35:12even for a little bit, okay?
35:15Work hard
35:16to get well again, auntie.
35:19Look, I know you very well.
35:21And in the morning
35:22you were fine.
35:23You were watering your plants,
35:25taking care of your job.
35:28You've been from the top to the bottom,
35:29first with Doris
35:30and then with Wanda, auntie.
35:33Don't tell me right now
35:34that you want to die, auntie.
35:35What reason did Rebeca have
35:37when she went to see me?
35:41Did Rebeca go to see you?
35:44Tell me what that bitch told you.
35:47That justice
35:49will come to me first.
35:52And that it would be
35:53the last time she would see me.
35:57She never forgave me
35:58for what I did to her.
36:01I stole her life.
36:03It's time
36:04for me to pay with mine.
36:08It's time for me, my daughter.
36:11No, auntie.
36:24This damn meddler
36:25is probably
36:26one of the most dangerous
36:27people in the world.
36:29I don't care
36:30who he is.
36:32He's going to stay
36:33all night to take care of her.
36:37Good evening.
36:38Are you a relative
36:39of the patient?
36:41I was in the wrong room.
36:43Okay, then I ask you
36:44to leave
36:45because only the relatives
36:46of the patients can be here.
36:47Of course.
36:48Yes, thank you.
36:49You're welcome.
36:56Now tell me,
36:57why did you leave?
36:59Because we wanted
37:00to go back to the hacienda,
37:01but we ran out of batteries
37:02and that's why
37:03we got lost.
37:05Thank God
37:06you learned my number
37:07and thank you so much
37:08for making me learn it.
37:13Well, now
37:14you just need to tell
37:15your mother.
37:16No, dad.
37:17I don't want to go back
37:18with her.
37:19I prefer to go back
37:20to the hacienda with you.
37:21Oh, yes, me too.
37:23I also want you
37:24to stay with me,
37:26but we still have to
37:27tell your mother.
37:29She has to know
37:30that we found you.
37:32Wait for me.
37:42we found the kids.
37:44They're fine.
37:45They're here with us.
37:46I'm taking them to the hacienda.
37:48All of this is because
37:49of Fatima, Luciano,
37:50but you don't want
37:51to realize it.
37:53I don't want to listen to you,
37:55I only called you
37:56to inform you
37:57that I'm not leaving
37:58my kids.
37:59I'm going to the hacienda
38:00to take care of them
38:01as God commands.
38:02I only remind you
38:03that I have the custody
38:04of my children.
38:05And I remind you
38:06that your lack of care
38:07put their lives at risk,
38:08and I'm not willing
38:09for you to put them
38:10in danger again.
38:12But you're not going
38:13to come with me...
38:20We're going to a hotel
38:22and tomorrow morning
38:23we're going to the hacienda.
38:24Come on, please.
38:25Calm down, Luciano.
38:26You're very angry.
38:27If you go to a hotel,
38:28you're going to be upset.
38:30Why don't you stay
38:31at my grandfather's house?
38:32He has a guest room
38:33where the three of you
38:34can sleep.
38:36That sounds very cool.
38:38Very cool, Fatima.
38:43Thank you, Fatima.
38:44We accept your invitation.
38:49Have a good night.
38:58Sanchez, Tijeras.
39:00Get in the truck.
39:02This isn't the right place
39:03to play piñata.
39:05Let's go.
39:16Get in here.
39:27Get in here.
39:31Get in here.
39:38I can't stop
39:39thinking about her.
39:46What happened, Bruno?
39:48They caught the guy
39:49who hit you.
39:50The defender
39:51from La Tebolera.
39:53What do you want them to do
39:54to him?
39:59Mom, what's wrong?
40:00You seem very calm.
40:01Oh, son, I am.
40:03I'm very worried
40:04that Angeli
40:05will confront Rebeca,
40:06my love.
40:08Mom, Angeli is not alone.
40:09Everything will be fine.
40:11It's better for her
40:12to kick Rebeca out of your house
40:13and not you.
40:15I don't want to see you like this
40:16because of Rebeca.
40:17She doesn't deserve you.
40:20Thank God
40:21I have you two, my love.
40:23Angeli and you
40:24are wonderful children,
40:25my love.
40:28I'm sure
40:29they'll never give me
40:30as much pain
40:31as Rebeca is doing.
40:32Let him go!
40:33Let him go!
40:52What does this mean?
40:54Isn't it obvious?
40:55You can't stay here anymore, Rebeca.
40:57You're leaving this house today.
40:59This house belongs to me
41:00as much as it does to you.
41:02I'm also Ulises' daughter
41:04and I have the right
41:05to everything that was my father's,
41:06so you won't be able
41:07to kick me out like that.
41:08My father left this house
41:09to my mother,
41:10so only she belongs to her
41:12and you are no longer welcome, Rebeca,
41:14neither in his house
41:15nor in his life.
41:16Of course.
41:17You already took out your nails
41:18to take away what rightfully
41:19belongs to me.
41:20No, it's just that I'm not interested
41:21in taking anything away from you, Rebeca.
41:22We'll give you the material
41:23and the economic part
41:24that belongs to you,
41:26but you won't have our love.
41:28You'll never have us.
41:31That's what you've always wanted, right?
41:33Admit it.
41:35You've always wanted to keep everything,
41:36you damn hypocrite.
41:38No, no, no.
41:39I want to keep my life,
41:41my family,
41:42and the man I love.
41:44And you won't be able
41:45to have anything, Rebeca,
41:46or take anything away from me, Rebeca Sánchez.
41:48You try me.
41:49Try me, what?
41:51Calm down, Rebeca.
41:52Let go of my hand.
41:53You heard her.
41:54Let go.
41:55Ow, ow, ow.
41:56Hey, what's wrong with you?
41:57I want you to sit down
41:58because this woman
41:59attacked me,
42:00so I request
42:01a restraining order
42:02so that Rebeca Sánchez
42:04cannot come near me
42:05or my family again.
42:23What's wrong with you?