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00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30You know, I haven't been to Big Bang Pictures since I left to become a cop.
00:35Of course, you're graduating out of cartoons and into live action.
00:38If you get the part.
00:40What do you mean, if?
00:42You think I might not get the part?
00:44Here we are, the casting office of Big Bang Pictures.
00:48Home of the greatest actors to ever grace the silver screen.
00:55These are great actors.
00:57I see more talent in a Petri dish.
00:59Announce me.
01:03Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages.
01:07Introducing the artist of the extraordinary.
01:12Not you.
01:13The master of the unimaginable.
01:20Nope, that's only it.
01:24Here he is, the greatest living actor on Earth.
01:28Roderick Middard.
01:30Oh, thank you.
01:33Some actors, and I use the word loosely,
01:36will never make the leap into live action films.
01:39They lack my training, my charisma, my...
01:42Malforce, sir.
01:43Not yet, Tuttle.
01:45Inform the producers that I'm here to star in their next masterpiece.
01:50Them casting fools haven't heard the last of Crunchy Potato Chip.
01:54I know you look familiar.
01:56I see your commercials on TV all the time.
01:58Say it once, please.
02:00Yeah, yeah, okay.
02:02Crunchy Potato Chips.
02:04They're crunchy, munchy, and so, so good.
02:07That just knocks me out.
02:09Hey, it knocks me out too.
02:11With boredom.
02:12I'm ready to bust out of commercials.
02:14Movies are where the big bucks are.
02:16Right, Lizard?
02:17That's Lizard.
02:18They'll see you now.
02:22I'm the director, Warren Hackaway.
02:24Pleased to meet you, Lizard.
02:25That's Lizard.
02:27No time for schmooze.
02:28Just show us what you got.
02:29But so?
02:30What light through yonder window breaks?
02:33I like it.
02:34I like it a lot.
02:35It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
02:38Great scales, huh?
02:40Great scales.
02:42Don't ever change.
02:43The film is called Night of the Iguana.
02:47I adore Tennessee Williams.
02:53They don't write them like that anymore.
02:55And he's a yucky lime yellow.
02:57I love it.
02:58Ghastly color.
02:59Oh, yuck.
03:00Don't ever change.
03:03Well, did you get the part?
03:04Is Roderick Lizard starring in his first live-action film, huh?
03:07Is he?
03:08Of course.
03:09Meet Big Bang Pictures' next leading man.
03:12Gentlemen, I'm sure we'll all agree,
03:14we've found our leading hunter.
03:18All right, Ashley, here's the setup.
03:20You hear eerie noises coming from your fiancée's lab.
03:23In fear of your life, you burst to the door.
03:27When Ashley breaks in,
03:28you accidentally pour the entire contents
03:30of the test tube into the tank.
03:32It's a major disaster.
03:37A single drop of this precious elixir
03:39will bring my creature to life.
03:47Qu'est-ce que c'est?
03:48Ma créature!
03:50Regarde, Ashley!
03:56Tu sais, je suis heureux que tu m'as écouté, Roderick.
03:58J'aimerais discuter de mon dialogue.
04:00Qu'est-ce que le R et le G signifient?
04:03Ce sont des mots?
04:04Regarde, ce ne sont pas des mots.
04:06C'est le son angoissant de la créature
04:08qui a été éliminée dans le monde.
04:10Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que cet oeuf?
04:12Tu dois sentir la profondeur de ton personnage.
04:15Mais l'eau!
04:16Mes vêtements!
04:17Ils vont être déchirés!
04:19Bien, maintenant que tu l'as mentionné,
04:20tu seras mieux offre si tu l'élimines.
04:24Ma chanceuse scarpe!
04:29Garde ça pour ta vie.
04:30Ou plutôt quelque chose d'actuel de valeur.
04:33Je dois juste trouver une chose
04:35pour éliminer cet oeuf.
04:37Non, ça peut être nul.
04:39Personne ne sait les problèmes que j'ai vus.
04:42Oh, bonjour.
04:44Hey, belle scarpe!
04:45C'est ce que j'ai besoin.
04:46Oh, le maître m'a dit de garder ça pour ma vie.
04:49Rien ne peut me le donner.
04:52Oh, tiens, je suis hors de question.
04:55Prêt et action!
04:57Oh, Troy!
04:58C'était tellement dégueulasse!
05:00Là, là, Ashley, mon amour.
05:01C'est parti maintenant.
05:02Je suis de retour!
05:06Non, non, je ne ressens pas de peur ici.
05:08Roddy, mon amour,
05:09quelque chose me dit que vous n'avez pas
05:10la nuit de drague de l'Iguana.
05:11Au contraire, je suis assez familier
05:13avec le classique de Tennessee Williams.
05:14Maintenant, Warren, à propos de mon maquillage.
05:16Tu n'as pas de maquillage.
05:17C'est clair.
05:18Maintenant, à propos de mon vêtement.
05:19Tu n'en as pas.
05:20Exactement, mon point.
05:21Comment peux-je offrir une grandeur
05:22quand j'ai tout que mon sourire?
05:24Ça me rappelle.
05:25Oublie le sourire.
05:26Mais Warren!
05:27Non, mais Warren Maylazard,
05:28nous ne faisons pas Tennessee Williams ici
05:30ou Robin Williams ou Andy Williams.
05:32Ce n'est pas un remake d'un classique.
05:34C'est un film sur un iguana.
05:36Un iguana sans maquillage, monstre.
05:40Alors, où est l'animal?
05:46Je te jure!
05:47Je suis le premier homme.
05:49Non, tu es le premier iguana.
05:52Personne ne pensait que Al Pacino
05:54allait manger des bonbons
05:55et aller dans le gré.
05:58C'est pourquoi nous avons dépassé Pacino
06:00et t'envoyé.
06:01Nous allons pour le réalisme.
06:02C'est une erreur.
06:03Une erreur terrible.
06:05Un... un...
06:06Un coup.
06:08Et je préfère la ligne d'emploi.
06:10Au moins là-bas, je suis entre les acteurs.
06:13Il rigole.
06:14Il rigole.
06:16Tu as signé un contrat.
06:18Je reviendrai demain.
06:19Je vais m'occuper de ça.
06:20Les acteurs.
06:22Ils ne changent jamais.
06:33Est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose que je peux faire pour toi, monstre?
06:39Je veux t'inspirer à devenir un monstre.
06:47Très persuasif.
06:49Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de Mickey Mouse?
06:50Il a joué le rôle d'un bateau à feu, Capitaine.
06:54Alors, il a fait quelque chose d'étrange.
06:56Tu as raison.
06:57Je suis un acteur.
06:58Je peux jouer à tout.
07:00Si Mickey peut conduire un bateau,
07:02je peux jouer un monstre,
07:03un gangsta,
07:04un politicien.
07:06C'est tout. Pensez-y.
07:08d'affaires multipictures,
07:12le théâtre légitime.
07:13Je vais y aller.
07:14Je peux le voir maintenant.
07:15Roderick Lizard est un gypsy.
07:19Tu veux dire...
07:20Je ne te verrai plus jamais, monsieur.
07:22Qu'est-ce qu'on attend?
07:24Quand commencent les réhearsals?
07:27On va voir Daly pour le premier jour de tirage.
07:30Lizard est si mauvais.
07:31On a employé quelqu'un
07:32pour refaire son dialogue.
07:41Je pense que ça marche.
07:46Voyons voir maintenant.
07:59Je ne me souviens pas du feu.
08:01Le feu est chaud.
08:02J'aime ça.
08:11Ça me brûle.
08:12Quel monstre
08:13ferait quelque chose comme ça?
08:20Le Lizard
08:21ne mangera jamais
08:22des boeufs dans cette ville.
08:26Ça ne peut pas être vrai, Miranda.
08:28Roderick n'allait jamais faire un feu.
08:30Il allait détruire son manicure.
08:31Le studio a de l'évidence, Bonkers.
08:33On doit arrêter Roderick.
08:35Quelqu'un a dit mon nom?
08:37Mauvaise nouvelle, Roddy.
08:38Quelqu'un a brûlé
08:39tout le film hier soir.
08:40Vous appelez ça
08:41la mauvaise nouvelle?
08:43Maintenant, on peut repartir.
08:44J'ai passé toute la nuit
08:45à travailler sur mon...
08:48Ils ont trouvé ça
08:49après le feu.
08:50J'ai peur qu'on doit
08:51vous mettre en arrestation.
08:54J'étais avec Tuttle
08:55toute la nuit.
08:56Il est mon témoin,
08:57mon alibi.
08:59Dis-lui, Tuttle.
09:00Dis-lui quoi?
09:02Je suis un homme mort.
09:04Je ne peux pas le faire.
09:05La liberté est la droite, Miranda.
09:07Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire maintenant?
09:08Nous devons regarder vers le futur.
09:10Je vous le promets, les gars.
09:11La recherche est ouverte.
09:12Vous encore?
09:13Comme vous avez une choix?
09:14Les chips ont un point.
09:16Attendez une minute.
09:17Je sais.
09:18On va l'appeler
09:19la nuit de la goutte.
09:20Je peux le voir maintenant.
09:21Elle aime le mâché.
09:23Maintenant, il veut la frire.
09:25J'aime ça.
09:27Ne changez jamais.
09:28C'est bon.
09:29C'est bon.
09:30C'est bon.
09:31C'est bon.
09:32Ne changez jamais.
09:38Je ne vais pas dormir
09:39tant que Rod
09:40est en prison
09:41pour un crime
09:42qu'il n'a pas commis.
09:43Qu'est-ce que vous faites?
09:45J'accumule des nécessités
09:46pour la salle de prison de Master Bizarre.
09:49On dirait que vous avez accumulé
09:50tout que la salle de cuisine.
09:52Bonne idée.
09:53Je vais l'attraper,
09:54le gars qui l'a fait.
09:55Rien ne me distraira.
09:58Rod Ricknell,
09:59Darkwing Duck.
10:03Roddy a vraiment aimé ce masque.
10:05Maintenant, la question est,
10:06qui l'a mis dans la salle de projection?
10:09Pas d'idée.
10:10Un instant,
10:11je lui donne le chip de potato.
10:12Le prochain instant,
10:13c'est un instant plus tard.
10:15Vous avez donné le masque à Crunchy?
10:18Bien sûr!
10:19Il savait que ce film
10:20allait lui faire une star.
10:22Mais il n'a pas prévu
10:23que Roddy devienne le partenaire.
10:25une fois qu'il a eu le masque,
10:26Roddy a été accusé de feu
10:27et Crunchy a eu le rôle.
10:29Trop mal, il n'y a pas de connexion.
10:31Le maquillage de la monstre verte
10:32est vraiment putridique, Crunchy.
10:35OK, Crunchy,
10:36c'est la scène de naissance.
10:37Lorsque le monstre Crunch arrive,
10:39donne-moi beaucoup d'émotion.
10:42Yo, où est-ce que je suis?
10:44on the waterfall,
10:45lower the slab!
10:50You the mad scientist!
10:52It's alive!
10:55Mind if I ask a few questions?
10:58Get rid of that bobcat!
11:01Is this a bad time?
11:07Real electricity?
11:09I thought this was a movie set.
11:12We're going for realism.
11:17Some lemon for my teeth?
11:20Keep quiet
11:21and you ain't gonna live long enough
11:23to get no lemon.
11:24Don't you mean
11:25I am not going to live long enough
11:27to get no lemon?
11:28I mean, I am not going to live long enough
11:30to get any lemon?
11:31That should be grammatically correct.
11:33Avoid double negatives.
11:35I pray you remember to bring my bale?
11:38Uh, yeah.
11:41I meant bale as in money,
11:43not bale as in hay,
11:44you half-wit on a half-shell.
11:46Now leave!
11:47Your very presence is making me nauseous.
11:50Remember, babe,
11:51you're being chased
11:52by the killer potato chip.
11:55And action!
12:00You won't get away
12:01with this greasy monster, you!
12:05And speaking of grease,
12:06how do you explain the stains
12:07they found in the protection room?
12:10Get that bobcat off my neck!
12:13Say hello to the alligators.
12:17Come on, this is a movie set!
12:25Like we said, realism!
12:41It's a pivotal scene, Crotch.
12:43You want her,
12:44you love her,
12:45you cook her.
12:47Quiet and action!
12:50Why are you doing this to me?
12:54And what did you do with Radric's scarf?
12:56Oh, that's it!
12:57Where's my agent?
12:59He knows about the scarf.
13:01I want that bobcat off my set!
13:03Cut! Cut!
13:05What did he say?
13:06He said, cut! Cut!
13:09He's the director.
13:16I know, I know.
13:20God, this is English breakfast.
13:22I specifically requested Earl Grey.
13:29You call that posture?
13:30Head high!
13:31Shoulders back!
13:33Ice pick out!
13:36I beg to ask,
13:37what have you brought me this time?
13:42Yesterday's paper?
13:43Why bring this, pray tell?
13:46I don't know.
13:47What is this fried fool doing in the paper?
13:50Pick, chip, stole, roll.
13:52So the spud finally has a movie role.
13:56Oh, yeah.
13:57That's why I brought it.
13:58He has your role.
14:00I've been replaced by a potato chip?
14:03Oh, the ignobility!
14:05All that rehearsing,
14:06and all it's taught me is a stupid...
14:12I only ask for bail money.
14:15I only ask for bail money.
14:17Now I'm doomed here forever.
14:22Please, take it.
14:27Mr. Potato Chip?
14:29Is anybody home?
14:32Hey, nice place.
14:38Let's see how you like this studio view
14:40from cliffhanger clip.
14:45My life is passing before my eyes!
14:48Gee, I was funny.
14:53What to do in case you're falling off a cliff
14:55and are about to crash?
14:56What a long title.
14:58Tuck your head between your legs.
15:05Hey, it worked!
15:06I'm alive!
15:09Oh, no.
15:13Do you know who I am?
15:15He's the guy who set the fire.
15:21That putrid potato will rule the day
15:23he messed with this iguana.
15:25I have a better idea.
15:28If you really want to outmatch the Crunchy,
15:31just do what I say.
15:32All you have to do is eat.
15:39Note the subtle nuances I bring to the role.
15:48A lizard?
15:49Hey, what happened?
15:50The lizard's great!
15:52I thought I burned the stuff.
15:54I mean, I got heartburn.
15:55Excuse me.
16:02I thought I got rid of you.
16:03You also believe you are talented.
16:05This role's gonna put me in a big time.
16:07Movies, Broadway.
16:08My own line of salad dressing.
16:10Once again, incorrect.
16:12How would you like to be typecast as a potato chip?
16:14But you are a potato chip.
16:16Nobody knows their trouble lies...
16:19Time to make my exit.
16:20Adios, suckers!
16:22Return with my valet!
16:24This is an insult, an outrage, an inconvenience!
16:33Follow that cart!
16:35Oh, look!
16:36We have with us today that famous tomb cop,
16:38Bonkers D. Bobcat.
16:42I'm totally unprepared.
16:44But if you insist...
16:49There goes the cattle in that sickening spot.
16:52If I ever get my hands on him...
16:56That was a good one, Roddy.
16:58Sorry, folks, gotta fly!
17:06Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est,
17:08voyager jusqu'au soleil.
17:15Regarde, fils,
17:16que ton père, William Kell,
17:18tire des oignons de la tête de Bobcat.
17:21N'est-ce pas gentil?
17:23Ils disent que l'oignon d'un jour...
17:30Je n'ai jamais réalisé
17:31à quel point c'était vrai avant le jour.
17:34Come out, you spineless spud!
17:38Unhand him, you fiend!
17:40I'm not touching him, sir.
17:42Take the turtle.
17:43I saved the best for you.
17:45A laser sword?
17:47You plan to fight me with a fictional weapon?
17:49Well, fictional, this is genuine plastic.
17:51Prepare to do the ultimate death scene.
17:54Unlike you, I've never died on stage.
17:58Tuttle my sword!
18:00Bonne chance, Smith.
18:02It shall have to do.
18:04En garde, Lizard.
18:10Got any fancy French mustard?
18:16Any mayo?
18:18Oh, well, forget it.
18:19Say your last farewells, Lizard.
18:21That's Lizard!
18:24Drop it, Crunchy,
18:25or I'll scramble your atoms with...
18:28the scrambling gun.
18:30Get rid of it. It's a prop ray gun.
18:35We're going for realism.
18:40Spagum, hello.
18:42I'm glad you're safe, Tuttle.
18:45Because it's deathly warm in here.
18:47Carry this for me.
18:49And cut! That's a wrap!
18:51Woman, about my role...
18:53One role. The movie's finished.
18:55We filmed the boat chase,
18:56and that atom scrambling stuff was beautiful.
18:59Let's do lunch.
19:00But my...
19:05Cheer up, Roddy.
19:06You were great. Perfect.
19:07Don't ever change.
19:10Aren't you excited, Roddy?
19:11Your first acting job since Night of the Iguana
19:13goes on any second.
19:15Hopefully nobody will be watching.
19:17Oh, but we are, sir.
19:19And I called everyone you ever met
19:21and told them to watch too.
19:27They're crunchy, munchy and so, so good.
19:31You know, I really wasn't bad.
19:34Yes, quite convincing.
19:36In fact, I believe I'll have a potato chip.
19:56Subtitling TITRAFILM