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Full video: Yoga - The biggest 'spiritual' myth today || Acharya Prashant, with Business World (2022)
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Video Information: 20.06.2022, Greater Noida, U.P.

~ What is a real Yog?
~ What is Definition of Yog?
~ How to understand mind?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Everybody who wants to have his share of the limelight coming in front of the camera and
00:09displaying a few physical poses and passing that off as yoga, that is not at all yoga.
00:18That is a stretching exercise or that could be strength exercise without using external
00:29You go to the gym, you use iron weights or you could do the same exercises using body
00:41Stretching and strength building, this is not at all yoga.
00:45I am not denying the importance of this.
00:49Everybody should have a flexible body.
00:50Stretching is great.
00:53We all must have powerful muscles.
00:55So having a well-tuned and strong body is again great.
01:01But please, that is not yoga.
01:03That is not yoga.
01:04Let's not corrupt the very concept itself.
01:10And if you will go closely into the psychological aspects of it, the ego has a vested interest
01:21in limiting yoga, in actually caging yoga within the concept of physicality.
01:30Because if yoga is not arrested within the bodily walls of physicality, then yoga will
01:40attack the ego itself and the ego does not want that.
01:45So the ego has played a clever dirty trick.
01:48It has said yoga is wonderful, yoga is great and yoga is physical.
01:54Now the moment you liberate yoga from these artificial and unwise physical constraints,
02:02yoga becomes such a powerful force of life transformation.
02:08Then you have to read, then you have to understand, then you have to go into what Patanjali and
02:14Sri Krishna actually meant.
02:18Now that is something we do not want to go into.
02:22But we are very happy with having a slim body because it helps in doing whatever we want
02:29to do.
02:30And that's the evil in it, whatever we want to do.
02:34Why do you want to do whatever?
02:36Why don't you do that which is right?
02:38And yoga is about that itself, doing what is right, not doing whatever.
02:43You have ample gurus who will come over and say, oh you know, you do this and then you
02:49can do whatever you want to do.
02:52Now the moment you hear this kind of phraseology that yoga will help you do better whatever
03:00you want to do, I suppose one must run away.
03:03Because that's exactly antithetical to yoga.
03:08Yoga is not about doing whatever you want to do.
03:13It's ego that says that.
03:16Not the dedicated, devoted, wise mind, no, that does not come from there.
03:28It's amazing, the ways of the inner mischief maker, we can take the greatest gift given
03:40to us and turn it into something that we want to use almost as an intoxicant, you know,
03:52like youngsters who take cough syrups to get inebriated.
04:02There is no medicine that cannot be used as a narcotic drug.
04:09And that's what we are doing to yoga as well.
04:12It's a medicine.
04:13Yes, please.
04:14You know, you are saying that we have to do the right thing for the right reason in the
04:19right manner, absolutely right intent and again you are talking of doing the right karma
04:26in every aspect, having the right thoughts, having the right action, having balance in
04:32pursuit of even economic benefits in worldly goals, using the right means to achieve the
04:39right ends, you know, so means are equally important.
04:43You are right, we are so identified by our name, our body, where we come from, we don't
04:52identify as souls, we don't identify as, you know, souls in a body, so to say.
05:01So I understand and let me ask you another question, today on the World Yoga Day, is
05:08there a mantra you already said, do the right thing for the right reason, you already said,
05:15you know, don't abuse your body, don't abuse your mind and mind comes from right practice,
05:23from doing the right things, you know, balance in life, doing whatever your dharma is, you
05:28know, whatever you do, you know, there is a right thing to do in that, doing that and
05:34when your mind, they say when your mind and your actions are in sync, you know, what you
05:41say, what you do, what you believe, if all three are in sync, then you have a healthy
05:46mind, so to say, you have a healthy living, you have a harmonious living, whatever word
05:51you want, you are living to your higher purpose, I mean, what is this fixation with perfection
05:58today, I am a Hindu, I only believe the perfect person is Lord Shiva, you know, only Lord
06:08Shiva is perfection incarnated, right, so what, how do we live our life, you know, while
06:15it is a conversation on yoga, you brought in a larger connotation, doing yoga in what
06:24context, doing yoga for what purpose, you know, hence give us some thumb rules for living
06:30your life.
06:31You see, that exactly is the point, if you take Shiva as perfection, then there has to
06:41be a certain love for perfection and life has to be a relentless, unending pursuit of
06:49that perfection, that which might be unattainable and the scriptures clearly say so, that it
06:57is something that you will never really get to hold or come to touch or really meet in
07:14the normal sense of the word, but still, if you just remain devoted to it and pursue it,
07:25life will become worth living, not the attainment, even the pursuit, even the pursuit is sufficient
07:36and that pursuit is something that would anyway happen if your respect for that which you
07:44are calling as perfection or Shiva is genuine, what kind of person am I if I venerate Krishna
07:54and have nothing to do with what he is teaching, so, and that is not really a policy or an
08:06option or a smart trick to play to oneself, you see, the mind is fed up of its follies,
08:20the mind is a constant thirst, the mind is always stuck, always challenged, always bemused,
08:33seeks more, is not satisfied with what it has and does not even know what it really
08:37seeks, so, going towards that which you are calling as perfection, somebody could call
08:45it contentment, somebody could call it Shiva or Krishna, is anyway the only option that
08:51you have because without that pursuit, you will anyway never feel any kind of repose
08:59or contentment or rest, one would constantly be agitated, one would constantly be dissatisfied
09:08with life and that is not how we want to spend our life, this is not just theory or
09:16ideology, this is the fact of who we are, we are born discontented and because there
09:26is just so much agitation within and darkness within, therefore, there is no option but
09:34to spend life in pursuit of light, that same light that you could call as perfection or
09:41Atma or Brahm or Truth or Shiva or Krishna or Ram, the name is your choice, but that
09:51is an inevitability with anybody who has some sense and self-love, why do you want to destroy
10:00your ears, that's the question we must ask, I mean, one is already not alright and
10:06one is acting in ways that would only further the inner sense of injury and disquiet, why
10:13does one want to do that, there can be no sensible, plausible reason, so, spirituality
10:23therefore is not something that one gets into, spirituality has to be the only way of life
10:30if one is not adamant on self-destruction. Absolutely.
