00:00Sous-titrage MFP.
00:30Sous-titrage MFP.
01:01Extrait, extrait, Slug McSlug escapes dragman.
01:07Calling all cars, calling all cars.
01:09Slug McSlug seen headed north in a green sedan.
01:12Keep on lookout for a green sedan.
01:30Crépuscule actuelle attire la police.
01:53Ha ha ha, safe at last.
01:55The cops will never find me here.
02:00Oh mon dieu, ces policiers de l'état sont vraiment des mecs.
02:03Ça aurait été une longue marche avec mes pieds plats.
02:05Ah, mes chiens me tuent.
02:09Il semble qu'il y ait beaucoup de mosquitos qui bougent ici.
02:12Bless their little fingers.
02:17Je représente l'excelsior appliance and appurtenance company incorporated
02:20with a complete line of household appliances and appur...
02:22Is the lady of the house in?
02:26The gentleman?
02:28Okay, I'll talk to you then, my snarly looking friend.
02:31And please accept this sample brush.
02:33Scram, punk.
02:36Give me back the brush I gave you.
02:38This guy's gonna be a tough nut to crack.
02:41Now, a slive's always on the fray and I can't afford to...
02:51Shake, chum, put it there.
02:53Ain't that a loo-loo?
02:55It's our little sure-shot buzzer.
02:57Make you the life of the party.
02:59How many will I put you down for, mister?
03:03This is it, hot shot.
03:05Very sloppy, very sloppy.
03:07Just look at that rust.
03:09This gun needs some of our excelsior sure-shine shootin' iron polish.
03:12Make it as shiny as Gabriel's heater.
03:21Ah, there's good news tonight.
03:31Just a little device for gaining entrance into places where one is not exactly welcome.
03:43Now, let's face it, chum.
03:45I'm not leaving till I send you something.
03:47Now, what'll it be? Just name it.
03:49Okay. You got brass knuckles?
03:52Have I brass knuckles? Have I brass knuckles?
03:55Say, have I brass knuckles?
03:57Oh, yes! Brass knuckles! Here you are, kiddo.
04:00Gee, I'd hate to get socked with those babies.
04:03Here it comes, Gabby.
04:20Try these for size.
04:22Gimme that.
04:28Another handy little item is this double-breasted bulletproof vest.
04:31Guaranteed to get your money back if it fails to work.
04:34Oh, yeah.
04:36Oh, here's a little gadget that guy needs.
04:38Take this, wise guy.
04:41Now, where'd he go?
04:44Oh, I see you now.
04:47Oh, I see you now with your beady little red-rimmed eyes.
04:50Criminal type. Set both together.
04:53Say something. What do you take me for? An income...
04:58Why, you little west-footed meddler.
05:01I'll break your long neck.
05:17Now, let's stop clowning. I'll show you something you can really use.
05:20A little sure-shot lighter.
05:22Now, let's see. Where'd I put that lighter?
05:24Oh, here it is. Now, watch.
05:26Now, observe closely how it works with just a simple flip of the thumb.
05:29A simple flip...
05:31A flip of the...
05:33A couple, maybe three of...
05:35Hey, the thing must be dirty or something.
05:40Now, let's try it.
05:43It's coming out!
05:45Oh, I'm out. I don't need anything.
05:48I'm not gonna give up.
05:52I won't take no for an answer.
05:55I'm gonna sell that guy something.
05:57I'll sell him something. There must be something he needs.
06:05I got him now. I got him now.
06:08Hey, bub, you need a house to go with this doorknob.