00:00You know, we're in this series about the holy spirit and we've got several more weeks to go
00:04About this series on the holy spirit and it made me think about how I like my coffee
00:10Anybody like your pastor? I like my coffee hot
00:14Like real hot
00:15Like i'll ask for it make it again. It's not hot. I want hot now tiffany on the other hand
00:22Tiffany will drink a cup of coffee half the day
00:25I'm, like by the time you get done with your coffee, baby. That's a latte iced
00:28I mean you it can't be hot anymore
00:30She but she will just sip all day just happy sipping on her cup of coffee
00:34Not me. I want to drink mine in 10 minutes because I want it
00:38Now I like my iced tea
00:40Different I want it cold like ice cold
00:44Anybody like me? I like my iced tea. So iced I will ask you for extra ice
00:50You know what i'm saying? You didn't bring me enough ice. So could you just i'm always kind about it
00:54Could you bring me another glass of ice just ice so I can dump it in there because I want my
01:00Coffee hot and I want my iced tea
01:04Cold, I do not like lukewarm coffee. I do not like lukewarm tea. I don't like lukewarm and neither does god
01:13That's why revelations chapter 3 verse 15 and 16 says I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot
01:19I wish you were either one or the other so because you are luke
01:24Warm neither hot
01:26Nor cold. You're like tiffany's coffee
01:30You're lukewarm
01:31I'm about to spit you out of my mouth
01:35Jesus says and john is riding to the church in the city of laodicea
01:40The church had become lukewarm. They had lost their passion for god. And what does it mean?
01:47Say pastor, what does it mean to be lukewarm?
01:51It's when someone becomes
01:53Indifferent has lost their enthusiasm. They've lost their passion. They've lost their conviction. They're
02:02They're just going through the motions of church and religiosity
02:07But they're lukewarm
02:08And no one plans to become lukewarm
02:12But somewhere along the way they start pursuing god. They they stopped staying close to the lord
02:19They they stopped taking spiritual next
02:23steps church
02:24To avoid lukewarmness. You have to keep taking spiritual next steps
02:30Because when you stop taking spiritual next steps, you become a prime candidate
02:37for lukewarmness
02:39You see church the christian life is a life of spiritual next steps
02:44And john tells the church at laodicea
02:47He tells them how to break out of the bondage of lukewarmness and the way out of
02:55Lukewarmness is to start taking spiritual next
03:01And john writes in revelations 3 verse 20
03:05Jesus says here I am
03:07I stand at the door and knock
03:10If any of you hears my voice and opens the door
03:14I will come in and I will eat with that person and they will eat with me
03:21John said you've stopped opening spiritual doors
03:26Jesus is speaking to this church and said you've closed the lord out of your life
03:31You've stopped taking spiritual next steps. And whenever you stop taking spiritual next steps, you will drift
03:38into lukewarmness
03:40Hebrews gives us another example of this in hebrews chapter 6 verse 11 and 12
03:44It says our great desire is that you will keep on loving others as long as life lasts
03:50Keep on loving keep taking spiritual next steps in order
03:54To make certain that what you hope for will come true. Then you will not become spiritually dull
04:01And indifferent or that would be lukewarm
04:04Instead you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit god's promises because of their faith
04:11And endurance they kept enduring they kept taking spiritual next steps take the next step
04:16He says and keep on loving people or you'll become lukewarm
04:20spiritually dull
04:22Indifferent there's always a next step to take with the lord and if you're not stepping forward
04:29You're slipping backwards
04:32Don't ever buy into the lie that you've just arrived
04:38Can you imagine like parents having a little kid little baby and the baby's growing up and the baby's now 10 11
04:4312 months old and the baby's taking their first steps
04:47And baby starts to take their steps camera
04:49Parents got the camera out the video recorder going and the baby starts to walk in and take three or four steps
04:55And the parents say yes, you did it. You did it
04:57Can you imagine that god got the baby you you walked you took some steps now sit down on the couch
05:03We're not gonna let you walk again. We gotta keep you safe. It's dangerous out here
05:09That sounds crazy
05:11But christians do it all the time in their journey with christ. They think they've arrived
05:16Spiritually and they stop taking next steps and whether you have been a christian for a week
05:22For a month for five years for 50 years
05:26There's always a next step you have to keep stepping forward or you will start
05:35Because there's always a next step with jesus and that very first step is the step of salvation
05:44And then you take that step then there's the step
05:47to be water baptized
05:49Step of baptism in water and then there's the step of the baptism of the holy spirit
05:55There's the step of being continually filled
05:58with the holy spirit
05:59There's the step of growing in the fruit
06:02of the spirit
06:04There there's the step of the gifts of the holy spirit. There's the step of daily prayer
06:10and bible reading
06:12I like to call it the first 15 give god the first 15 minutes
06:17Of every morning, it'll change your life take that step and read god's word
06:22There's the step of obeying god's word the step of growing and what's called sanctification
06:28There's the step of stepping out in faith. There's the step of serving others and if you're not serving
06:35on the dream team
06:36Would you start serving some of you used to serve before covet?
06:41And you stop serving some of you've never served on the dream team, can I encourage you that's a spiritual next step
06:47And as we launch edmund, we're going to be sending people over to edmund some of our dream team
06:52They're going to serve there
06:53We need some of you to join that team and then others of you we need you to backfill at the oklahoma city campus
06:59We need you to serve. Listen. This church is growing
07:01This fall is going to be an incredible season of reaching a lot of people for jesus and we need you on the team
07:07Serving take that next step. There's a table out in the lobby today go sign up and serve
07:13There's the step of tithing and and giving and if you've never been a tither
07:18That's giving your first 10 to the lord through the local church become a tither
07:22Maybe you used to tie that you used to give the dream builder say start tithing again. That's a spiritual next step
07:28There's the step of attending a small group and our fall small groups start on september the 10th
07:35Hey gang, find a small group lead a small group. Take that step
07:40Spiritually and today
07:42I want to focus on the step
07:44number three the baptism
07:46In the holy spirit and the baptism of the holy spirit is a second experience
07:52after salvation
07:54And jesus wants his disciples. He wants his followers to be baptized in the holy spirit and in acts chapter
08:01Number one jesus quoted what john the baptist said in matthew chapter number three and verse number 11
08:09I want you to see this in acts chapter 1 verse 4 and 5. He says on one occasion
08:14While he was eating with them. He gave them this command
08:18Do not leave jerusalem, but wait for the gift. My father promised what you have heard me speak about
08:25for john baptized with water, but in a few days you will be
08:30Baptized with
08:32The holy spirit and this was a second experience the disciples had with the holy spirit
08:38This wasn't when the disciples were sealed with the holy spirit for salvation
08:43It's where they were filled with the holy spirit for power
08:48To be a witness. Let's look at this in scripture in acts chapter 1 and verse number 8. It says but you will receive
08:55Power when the holy spirit comes on you and
09:00You will be my witnesses in jerusalem
09:03And in all judaea and samaria and to the ends
09:07Of the earth and I want you to notice that jesus said when the holy spirit comes
09:14on you not just
09:16In you you see at salvation the holy spirit comes
09:20In you but the baptism of the holy spirit
09:23It's it's about the emerge being immersed in the holy spirit. You see that word baptism
09:31Actually means to be immersed. That's why we when we water baptize people
09:34We put them all the way under the water baptism
09:36It means to be immersed and so the scripture says that you're going to be baptized in the holy spirit
09:41You're going to be immersed in the holy spirit. You're going to be overflowing
09:46with the holy
09:47Spirit, let me
09:50Help my church family here. So whenever somebody gives their life to jesus christ
09:55The holy spirit comes to live inside of them
09:59So this cup is you
10:01And it's you at salvation
10:03And the holy spirit comes to live inside of you every christian the holy spirit's inside of you
10:07The baptism of the holy spirit is a second experience where not the holy spirit's inside of you
10:12But the holy you feel full of the holy spirit and you're filled to overflowing
10:17How many know that's a good thing when you're just filled to overflowing with the holy spirit and and men
10:22It's not just a second experience, but you can ask god to fill you again
10:25Lord fill me more with the holy spirit and god just wants to keep you
10:28Overflowed with the holy spirit not with worry and anxiety depression, but overflow with the power of the holy
10:37Spirit is such an important experience and I believe the disciples
10:42Received salvation and the holy spirit came to live inside of them in john chapter 20
10:48And this is after jesus had died on the cross and he had been resurrected from the dead
10:54And the bible says this in john chapter 20 verse 21 and 22
10:58It says again. Jesus said peace be with you as the father has sent me
11:03I am sending you and with that he breathed on them and said receive the holy spirit
11:10I don't believe jesus breathed on them so they could smell his breath
11:16I don't think he got a new mint that day
11:20You see jesus had already died on the cross
11:22Had already been resurrected
11:24from the dead
11:25when he said
11:27Receive the holy spirit. I believe this was the disciples salvation experience
11:32They had already believed in jesus as the son of god. And so when jesus said
11:37Breathe on them receive the holy spirit the spirit of god came to live inside of those
11:43Disciples so acts chapter number two wasn't their salvation experience
11:47It was the baptism of the holy spirit and salvation is about becoming a child of god
11:53It's about being sealed with the holy spirit
11:55It's about securing your place in heaven, but the baptism of the holy spirit is not about you going to heaven
12:02According to acts 1 and verse 8 it's about power
12:06to be a witness
12:08not being sealed with the holy spirit for salvation, but being filled with the holy spirit for power to be
12:15A witness let's read about it in acts chapter 2 verse number one
12:20This second experience it says when the day of pentecost came they were all together in one place
12:26Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind
12:29Came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting
12:33They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them
12:38All of them were filled
12:40With the holy spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the spirit
12:45Enabled them they were filled to overflowing with the holy spirit
12:50not not sealed with the holy spirit for salvation, but
12:54Filled with the holy spirit for power to be a witness and what confuses some people
13:01Isn't the being filled with the holy spirit for this power to be a witness?
13:05What confuses a lot of people is this tongues part?
13:10And I don't want my church family to be confused
13:14So let me help you better understand this whole tongues thing
13:18Just look at your neighbor and say pastor's gonna teach us today. Go ahead and tell me he's gonna he's gonna teach us today
13:24I'm in my teaching mode today
13:26so so church family
13:29There have been some who have said that people have to speak in tongues to be saved
13:35and they try to use acts chapter 2 and one other passage of scripture that we're going to look at in just a few moments and
13:41And say people have to speak in tongues to be saved
13:45But first of all
13:47Some of these disciples in the upper room had followed jesus for three and a half years
13:52They believed in jesus
13:55They received the holy spirit in john 20. They were in a prayer meeting in acts chapter 1
14:00They were already called disciples and followers of jesus already acts chapter 2 was the baptism of the holy spirit
14:09Not their salvation experience
14:11Secondly, the only thing you have to do with your tongue to be saved is found in romans chapter 10
14:18And verse number 9 that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart
14:25That god has raised him from the dead. You will be
14:31You're saved by confessing with your mouth
14:34Jesus is lord and believe in your heart
14:37Not by speaking in tongues or by doing any other work or deed. You cannot be saved by
14:46You cannot be saved by works
14:48That's why ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8 and 9 says for it is by grace you have been saved
14:55Through faith through faith everything we receive from god is through faith and this is not from yourselves
15:01It is the gift of god every gift we receive from god
15:05It's always a gift the gift of salvation the holy spirit's a gift
15:08There's the gift of the holy spirit that he gives us the gift of the baptism of the holy spirit
15:11then there are the gifts
15:14The spirit but he says it is the gift of god not by works
15:19So that no one can boast you can't boast about salvation. It didn't come from you
15:24Right, you can't say you know what?
15:26I'm saved. I speak in tongues. I'm saying you say oh, you don't have it. Oh, i'm better than you. No, it's not by works
15:34Another thing that confuses
15:36people about
15:37This whole speaking in tongues is when people speak in tongues
15:40without an interpreter
15:42And there are two types of tongues in the bible
15:45There's the gift of the holy spirit the gift of tongues
15:49which is when a person speaks in
15:52Tongues and then the bible talks about this in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 through 11
15:58And then someone interprets those tongues
16:01and the purpose of tongues and
16:03Interpretation the gifts of the holy spirit is the the purpose is to edify or to build up
16:08Others is to build up the church. So somebody speaks in tongues. Somebody interprets and it's to build up the church
16:13But then there's the personal prayer
16:16Language and the purpose is to edify or build up the person who is speaking in tongues
16:22So so the bible makes a distinction
16:23There's a difference between the gift of tongues the gift of the spirit and then the personal prayer language
16:29And let me show this to you in the bible and it will help clear up some confusion that you may have
16:35Now understand this church as we read this scripture paul goes back and forth
16:40So you have to be pay close attention. He goes back and forth from the personal prayer language, which is for personal edification
16:48to the gift of
16:49Tongues, which is for corporate edification and needs to be interpreted
16:53So he's going to go back and forth back and forth back and forth. Let's read this together in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 4
17:00Since anyone
17:01Who speaks in the tongue?
17:03edifies themself
17:05Now he's talking about a personal prayer language. It edifies the person it builds them up
17:11Then he goes on to say but the one who prophesies speaks a word of the lord the word of the lord
17:17Edifies the church. I would like every one of you to speak in tongues talking about the personal prayer language
17:24But he said but I would rather you prophesy
17:26Because he's talking about how this benefits the church
17:29He said the one who prophesies who speaks the word of the lord is greater than the one who speaks in tongues unless
17:36Someone interprets so that the church may be edified
17:40So the gift of tongues is for the church to be edified the church to be built up
17:45And that's why it needs to be interpreted and paul goes on to show us the distinction
17:48Between the gift of tongues and the personal prayer language. Let's continue to read in verse number 12 first corinthians 14
17:56So it is with you since you are eager for the gifts of the spirit
18:01And one of those gifts is speaking in tongues. Another one of those gifts is
18:05The interpretation of tongues and last week we briefly talked about the gifts of the spirit
18:10So you can go back and listen to that message or you can just read it on your own
18:14They're found in first corinthians again at first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 through 11
18:20He says you're eager for the gifts of the spirit try to excel in those that build up the church
18:26And that the gifts of the spirit are to build up the church
18:28They're to edify other people for this reason verse 13 the one who speaks in a tongue
18:33Should pray that they may interpret what they say paul is saying in a church
18:38Setting in a small group setting when someone speaks in a tongue. They should pray for someone to interpret
18:44Otherwise if no one interprets the tongue it will not benefit or build up the church because no one knows what they're saying
18:53Let's continue to teach you and let's continue to learn verse 14 for if I pray in a tongue my spirit prays
19:01But my mind is unfruitful. So when you pray in tongues, your mind is unfruitful
19:04Your mind does not know what your spirit is praying. So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit
19:11paul doesn't forbid
19:13A personal prayer language. He simply is helping this church
19:17Who is out of order?
19:19who is
19:22To do things decently and in order how many know that we serve a god who does things decently and in order?
19:28So paul was teaching them. He's teaching them how to conduct themselves in the house
19:36the lord
19:37Then he goes on to say this
19:39But I will also pray with my understanding I will sing with the spirit talking about tongues
19:44But I will also sing with my understanding praying in the language that you you know
19:48That would be english for most of us. Otherwise when you are praising god in the spirit talking about this whole tongues
19:54He says you can praise god in the spirit referring to tongues and that's okay to do it
19:58But it edifies you it builds yourself up spiritually, but it doesn't build up or help the church
20:03He goes on to say how can someone else who is now put in the position of an inquirer
20:09Inquirer or a listener say amen to you your thanksgiving since they do not know what you're saying
20:16You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified
20:22So again, paul is just teaching that this church day. He says hey if you praise god in a tongue
20:28The church is not edified only the person who is speaking in tongues is edified
20:32And so paul is trying to teach this church who is out of order having chaotic services. He's saying hey stop being out of order
20:41Stop doing things just being selfish and just thinking about yourself
20:46The church service is to build up others is to edify others then paul goes on to say in verse 18
20:51I thank god
20:53That I speak in tongues
20:54More than all of you
20:56Paul says I have a personal prayer language. He says I speak in tongues
21:00all the time
21:02And I understand what the apostle paul is saying
21:05Because since I was 19 years old i've been speaking in tongues
21:08Praying tongues just about every single day to build myself up spiritually. It's greatly benefited my walk with god
21:15But verse number 19. He says but in the church
21:20I would rather speak five
21:22intelligible words to instruct others than
21:2510 000 words in a tongue and I try to model what paul teaches in the church
21:30I want to speak so that everyone can understand me. I'm trying to build you up not build me up
21:38What I want you to understand is there's a difference
21:42between the gift of tongues
21:44Which needs to be interpreted so the church can be edified or built up versus the personal prayer language
21:51Which is for a person to be built up and doesn't need
21:55To be interpreted now now now that we shed some light on the difference between
21:59The gift of tongues the gift of the holy spirit and the personal prayer language
22:03I want to focus back on the baptism of the holy spirit and let's look at some more examples of people
22:10Who had this second experience with the holy spirit?
22:15Come on, just look at your neighbor and say it's getting ready to get even better. Go ahead
22:18It's getting ready to get even better. Yeah, we're going deep today pastors plowing some ground
22:23Acts chapter 19. Let's let me teach some more. I want to teach you this
22:26I want to help you acts 19 verse 1 says while apollos was at corinth
22:30Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at ephesus there. He found some disciples
22:36Notice this he found some disciples and asked them. Did you receive the holy spirit when you believed?
22:41This has been our theme verse for the series. They answered. No, we have not even heard that there is a holy spirit
22:47So paul asked them then what baptism did you receive john's baptism?
22:51They replied paul said john's baptism was a baptism of repentance
22:54He told the people to believe in the one coming after him that is in jesus on hearing this
22:59They were baptized in water. They were baptized in the name of the lord jesus
23:04This was their salvation experience. They believed in jesus
23:07They were baptized in water and if they were not saved paul would not have baptized them in water
23:16If he did they would have went under the water a dry sinner and came up a very wet one
23:23But they would not have been a christian
23:26They were they were already saved
23:29And the bible teaches very clearly that the holy spirit comes to live inside of the believer at the very
23:36Moment, they give their life to christ you find this in ephesians chapter 1 and verse number 13 and it says and you also were
23:44Included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation
23:51When you believed at the very moment
23:53You believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit
23:58You see at salvation when a hundred percent of the time the holy spirit comes to live inside of the christ follower
24:04You give your heart to christ the holy spirit comes you give your life to christ the holy spirit comes it's immediately
24:10So these disciples at ephesus have the holy spirit living on the inside of them
24:16They have been baptized in water and I want you to see next they receive this second experience called the baptism
24:24Of the holy spirit. Let's look together
24:26Acts 19 verse 6 and 7. It says when paul placed his hands on them
24:31The holy spirit came on them
24:34And they spoke in tongues and prophesied
24:37There are about 12 men in all these believers were baptized in the holy spirit
24:44No one has to place their hands on you
24:47to receive salvation
24:49It's not by works so that no one can boast. This was not the this was the baptism in the holy
24:57Spirit and then the scripture says they spoke in tongues and prophesied and we realized you don't have to speak in tongues and prophesy
25:04To be saved. No, you just confess jesus christ as your lord and as your savior. This was not salvation
25:09It was the baptism of the holy spirit. This was not the gift of tongues
25:14That's why they did not need an interpreter these believers at ephesus received a personal prayer language
25:21Which is for a person to edify or to build themselves up spiritually. Let's look at another example
25:29Of a second experience called the baptism of the holy spirit found in acts chapter number eight. Let's pick up reading in verse 13
25:37Simon himself believed and was baptized and he followed philip everywhere
25:42Astonished by the great signs and miracles. He saw when the apostles in jerusalem
25:47Heard that samaria keshe's church that samaria had accepted the word of god
25:53Their salvation experience according to ephesians chapter 1 verse 13. The holy spirit is now living inside
26:00of them
26:01It says they sent peter and john to samaria when they arrived they prayed for the kesey's two words
26:09new believers
26:11They prayed for their new believers. They're they're christ followers. They're they're christians
26:15They prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the holy spirit
26:21because the holy spirit had not come on any of them come on them the
26:25Overflowing the the the filling to over overflow had not come on any of them
26:29They had simply been baptized in the name of the lord. Jesus
26:31Then peter and john placed their hands on them and they received the holy spirit
26:37This is referring to the baptism of the holy spirit not salvation
26:42No one has to lay their hands on you for you to be saved and for you to receive the holy spirit to come and live
26:48On the inside of you. You just have to give your life to jesus
26:51You just have to confess jesus christ is my lord and my savior and the holy spirit comes to live inside of you
26:56This was the baptism of the holy spirit and the purpose is for power to be
27:02a witness
27:03And then verse 18 says this when simon saw come on every location shout saw
27:08when simon saw
27:10that the spirit
27:13Was given talking about you you don't get the spirit's not given for salvation by by laying on the hands talking about something different
27:19The baptism of the holy spirit. He saw that the spirit was given on the laying on of the apostles hands
27:25He offered them
27:27Money, he saw something
27:30And we can't be 100 sure what simon saw because the bible doesn't tell us what he saw
27:37Maybe he saw them speaking in tongues or praising god or saw them prophesying we aren't 100 sure
27:43But we do know there was some type of outward sign that these people had been baptized in the holy spirit and simon
27:51Saw it
27:52I have my own thoughts
27:54On what he saw
27:56Talk to me later about it. All right acts chapter 10
27:59Let's look at one more example one more example one more example of this second experience acts 10 verse 44
28:04It says while peter was speaking these words the holy spirit came on all who heard the message the circumcised believers who had come with peter
28:13Were astonished that the gift of the holy spirit because man salvation is a gift when you receive the holy spirit and salvation
28:19That's a gift when you're baptizing the holy spirit
28:21That's a gift, but that's not necessarily the gifts of the holy spirit
28:25But the received the gift of the holy spirit had been poured out even on gentiles for they heard them
28:32speaking in tongues
28:33and praising
28:36And this is the other passage of scripture people try to use this to say you have to speak in tongues to be saved
28:43Because these people their salvation experience they started they right right afterwards. They started speaking in tongues
28:49But again, I really want you to understand what the bible teaches. It's so clear in the bible salvation is a work of grace
28:56You don't have to do anything to earn it
28:58All you have to do is place your faith in christ lifting
29:01Your hands won't save you getting water baptized won't save you speaking in tongues won't save you dancing won't save you
29:07Listen is giving your life to jesus and these people were saved and then what happened is they were immediately
29:15in the holy spirit
29:17You see understand you can be saved and immediately baptized in the holy spirit and here's where a lot of christians
29:25miss it
29:27Christians start to think that the baptism of the holy spirit
29:30Is some some something to do with spiritual maturity, but the baptism of the holy spirit is not about spiritual maturity
29:37the this is simply about
29:40Having power to be a witness there are people who are babes in christ
29:45Who give their life to christ and shortly afterwards are baptized in the holy spirit and they're so immature in the faith
29:53But this second experience is for every christian to receive power to be a witness
29:59And how many of you are like your pastor?
30:02That you could use some more power in your life
30:05Come on, anybody use can use some more boldness. Come on more of god. Come on more of the holy spirit
30:09I need more of god not less of god lord. Fill me up lord. Keep filling me up lord
30:14I'm asking fill me some more. Give me some more of the holy. I need more. I'm out. I need more
30:19I want overflowing over just keep giving me more and more and more and more
30:24Here's what I want to do is give you some application. How do you receive the baptism of the holy spirit pastor?
30:30How do I receive it? Let me give you four steps. Number one
30:33Ask god to baptize you in the holy spirit. Just ask your heavenly father
30:39Luke 11 verse 13 says if you then you parents though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children
30:47How much more will your father in heaven
30:50Give the holy spirit to those who ask him
30:52We know this is not salvation because you don't have to ask god for the holy spirit of salvation
30:56You just give your heart to christ the holy spirit comes to live inside of you
30:59Jesus is referring to the baptism of the holy spirit. He's just asking me for it
31:04You guys know how to give good gifts to your children
31:06How much more will your perfect heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him?
31:11So ask god for the holy spirit number two when you ask god just worship and magnify jesus just magnify god
31:18Just ask god and just magnify him and worship him god
31:21I ask you to baptize me in the holy spirit and I just magnify you and I worship you and I give you praise
31:28And then when you ask god to get baptized in the holy spirit when you just worship god and magnify jesus by faith
31:34Receive the baptism of the holy spirit. Just receive it by faith. Everything you receive in the kingdom of god is by faith
31:41You receive salvation. It's not by works. It's by grace through faith. The scripture says through faith
31:47Have you been saved?
31:49So just ask god
31:51to baptize in the holy spirit worship god receive it by
31:56Faith and the fourth
31:58If for those of you who have already been baptized in the holy spirit, this is for you
32:03Ask god to continually
32:05Fill you with the holy spirit
32:07Ephesians 5 verse 8 says don't get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery instead be
32:12Filled be filled with the spirit be filled with the holy spirit god. Fill me again lord today. Fill me again
32:20Fill me again. Fill me again. I need more of you. Fill me again
32:24Fill me again
32:25And the god will just continue to fill you with more and more and more of the oh of the holy spirit
32:31You need to keep being filled with the power of the holy spirit. Why?
32:34So you don't drift into lukewarmness
32:38So you don't slide backwards
32:40You need to keep taking steps
32:42forward spiritual steps
32:44You need to ask god to fill you with the holy spirit
32:47Why pastor for power to be a witness a witness at your workplace a witness a witness in the school
32:52a witness with your friends a witness in the with your family a witness in the
32:55Ball ball games a witness at the grocery store that you would be a witness for jesus and a witness in your church
33:01Today i'm praying that god will fill you full of the power of the holy spirit
33:04He would baptize you with the holy spirit and that you would serve today
33:07You would serve you would serve you'd get on the dream team here at people's church and serve and help us see more change
33:13God, he fills us up so he can pour us out
33:16He fills us up so he can pour us out
33:21Hey church family
33:22Don't leave early
33:25Stand with me all around this building
33:27Stand with me
33:28Would you begin to lift your hands right now and ask god to baptize you in the holy spirit?
33:32Come on, ask him ask him ask him. Come on
33:34Somebody needs a refilling ask god to refill you with the holy spirit. Come on
33:37Let's have a hungry church right now. Come on
33:38Ask god to baptize you in the holy spirit ask god to fill you with the holy spirit
33:42Come on, lift those hands to heaven lift those voices to heaven
33:45Ask your good heavenly father to baptize you to fill you with the power of the holy spirit. Come on church
33:53Worship him magnify him lift his name on high. Come on, ask him
34:02Let this be
34:06Let this be
35:02Come on one more time church call on the name of the lord lord, would you fill us with the holy spirit?
35:08Fill us full of power to be a witness
35:10We need your spirit
35:34Lord we're hungry for you
35:36We're dependent on your holy spirit
35:38God, I ask that you would baptize
35:41My church family in the holy spirit. I ask that you would fill us to overflowing lord
35:46We're asking for more of your spirit that we'd have power to be a witness. We'd have boldness to be a witness lord
35:51Thank you that your holy spirit is purifying us and sanctifying us and changing us
35:56Thank you for filling us with the power of your spirit today in jesus name
36:00As eyes are closed and heads are bowed as you remain standing today
36:03There are some of you that don't know jesus as your lord and as your savior today
36:07The holy spirit is not living inside of you today. And today you need to give your life to christ
36:13I'm, not asking do you know about church? Some of you know about church, you know about religion, you know
36:18You know about the bible, you know the song amazing grace
36:22You've been to church before you've been to funerals before but you don't know jesus as your lord and savior today
36:28Is the day of salvation for you and then there are others of you today
36:33That there was a time in your life. You said yes to jesus, but you've been drifting backwards
36:37You've been slipping backwards
36:39You haven't been serving god slipping into the world slipping in the lie and slipping into cheating slipping into lust
36:45Slipping into drinking and getting drunk slipping into drugs
36:49You're just slipping backwards and slipping backwards and slipping backwards and today today god saying come home
36:56Rededicate your life to him. I want to fill you with my spirit
36:59I want to fill you with my power today and you need to
37:03Rededicate your life to the lord if that's you today
37:05You want to give your life to jesus for the very first time or you want to rededicate your life to the lord?
37:10As I count to three today, would you shoot your hand high in there in the air and say yes to jesus today one
37:18Two three just lift it high now and say pastor. That's me. That's me. That's me. That's it. So awesome
37:22I see your hand see your hand others see your hand there see your hand there. Thank you so much. So awesome
37:27Come on, midwest city northwest. Come on. Come on ladies at maple basket
37:31Just throw it high those of you at church online click the raise your hand button right now or write the word. Yes
37:36Yes, yes. I'm saying yes to jesus today. I'm gonna ask every hand that's raised to pray this prayer with me
37:43I want to pause
37:44Feel like there's somebody else who else is
37:46You need to recommit your life to the lord today
37:49Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about your friends
37:52Don't worry about what other people think
37:54Oh pastor i'm about to break up with that boy or that girl. No, no, no
37:56Today's the day today's the day to get right with god. Who am I talking to throw your hand up right now?
38:00You need to give y'all. Thank you. I see it. I see it somebody
38:04That's it. That's it. That's it. Today's the day. Today's the day. Today's the day. Today's the day. Today's the day
38:08Today's today
38:10Would you pray this prayer with me right now every hand that's raised pray with right now heavenly father
38:14I turn away from my sin
38:16And I turn to jesus
38:18I confess jesus christ is my lord and my savior and I believe in my heart
38:23That god raised jesus from the dead
38:25Thank you for grace mercy and forgiveness. I receive it today. Thank you that i'm your child in jesus name
38:31I pray amen