• l’année dernière


00:00 Family, Pastor Darius here.
00:03 Now listen, you're about to watch a message called "Ghosted for a Glow Up."
00:09 Now, I know you know, or maybe you don't, what "glow up" means culturally.
00:14 I want to introduce you to a use of the term from a kingdom perspective.
00:19 Because that's what God wants to do. He wants to help us glow up.
00:22 And that's not just what He wants to do for us.
00:24 It is what He wants to do through us, through something called the anointing.
00:30 I want you to check it out. He wants to give you the Holy Ghost to help you glow up.
00:34 Enjoy the message.
00:36 Alright, well, we're in part four of a series called "Ghosted,"
00:41 where we are exploring the person and the power of the Holy Spirit.
00:45 And so I want to begin today's lesson by reading a few verses of Scripture found in 1 Samuel 16, beginning at verse 10.
00:53 I'm going to be reading from the English Standard Version this morning, and this is what it says.
00:57 It says, "And Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel.
01:02 And Samuel said to Jesse, 'The Lord has not chosen these.'
01:12 Then Samuel said to Jesse, 'Are all your sons here?'
01:15 And he said, 'There remains yet the youngest, but behold, he's keeping the sheep.'
01:21 And Samuel said to Jesse, 'Send and get him, for we will not sit down till he comes here.'
01:28 And he sent and brought him in. Now he was ready and had beautiful eyes and was handsome.
01:33 And the Lord said, 'Arise, anoint him, for this is he.'
01:39 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers.
01:42 And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.
01:48 And Samuel rose up and went to Ramah."
01:51 I want to stop the reading of Scripture there and talk from this subject in our time together.
01:55 I want to see if 1130 is talking back to me today.
01:58 "Ghosted for a glow-up."
02:04 "Ghosted for a glow-up."
02:11 For those who may need some additional clarification.
02:19 For those who may need me to engage in some elucidation.
02:24 The term glow-up is simply a contemporary cultural colloquialism that refers to someone who has experienced a radical, revolutionary, undeniable, indisputable shift from one state to another.
02:50 And although the term glow-up has become popularized in contemporary culture, the concept originated in the kingdom.
03:03 Because God orchestrates the greatest glow-ups.
03:10 God is the God of the glow-up.
03:15 And if I were to turn this room into a courtroom, I could go throughout the pages of Scripture and I could call different characters to the witness stand.
03:22 And they would testify that God orchestrates the greatest glow-ups.
03:28 I could call Abraham to the witness stand. He would testify.
03:32 Isaac would testify. Jacob would testify.
03:35 But I don't even have to go that far back in Scripture to get witnesses to corroborate my claim.
03:41 I can go right down your row.
03:45 And there are some people who will testify that if you would have knew me in previous seasons, you wouldn't be able to recognize me in my current season.
03:58 That my transformation was so radical and revolutionary.
04:02 Not only are people who knew me surprised by who I am, I'm surprised by who I am.
04:08 PD, I'm actually surprised I'm willing to sit in traffic to get in a church.
04:16 God orchestrates the greatest glow-ups.
04:20 Because cultural glow-ups work from the outside in.
04:26 But kingdom glow-ups work from the inside out.
04:32 Cultural glow-ups are limited and regulated to somewhere.
04:38 But kingdom glow-ups show up everywhere.
04:44 It means that when God orchestrates an evolution for me spiritually, what happens with me spiritually affects me emotionally.
04:54 And affects me relationally. And affects me professionally.
04:58 And I want to know, am I talking to anybody who's got an appetite for God to do it everywhere?
05:04 No, not just somewhere. Do it everywhere.
05:08 Do it in my mind. Do it in my home. Do it in my relationships. Do it in my resources.
05:14 God is the God that orchestrates the greatest glow-ups.
05:18 And our text here in 1 Samuel is evidence of what I'm attempting to articulate.
05:24 This particular passage reveals not just the reality for David, it is a picture of possibility for you and for me.
05:33 And the text exposes us to an individual named David.
05:38 Watch this. And I don't just want you to see David in the text.
05:44 I want you to see yourself in David.
05:48 Did you hear what I'm saying? When you're optimizing the Bible, you do more than read the Bible.
05:53 The Bible starts reading you.
05:56 You start seeing yourself in the stories of the characters that are in the text.
06:02 Come on. Don't you shout 1130. Don't shout.
06:06 But the text shows us a man who's getting ready to go from last to first.
06:13 OK, maybe you don't see yourself there. A man who's getting ready to go from the back to the front.
06:19 OK, maybe you don't see yourself yet. A man who's getting ready to go from the pasture to the palace.
06:25 OK, maybe you don't see yourself yet. A man that's a man that is getting ready to go from a shepherd to a king.
06:34 It's right here in the text. Contextually, this is what's happening here.
06:38 God is transitioning kings.
06:42 That's what's happening. This is the context of this passage.
06:46 God is transitioning kings. He's moving on from a king named Saul.
06:51 Everybody say Saul. Come on. Say it again. Say Saul.
06:54 He's moving on from a king named Saul. This is scary because he's fired Saul, but had notified him.
07:04 This is scary because God will fire you in the present and you not realize it until the future.
07:11 He didn't fire Saul by removing Saul from his position.
07:15 He fired Saul by removing his presence from Saul.
07:21 And he has to fire him because Saul has demonstrated behavior that makes him unreliable and untrustworthy.
07:29 He becomes infected with an emotionally insidious disease called arrogance.
07:35 And his arrogance and his pride, he built a statue and a monument unto himself.
07:41 So his arrogance and his pride makes him unpredictable and unreliable.
07:46 Come here. Are you here 1130? Because God can use people that aren't perfect.
07:52 But he's limited in his ability to use people he can't trust.
07:57 And the issue with Saul was because he was untrustworthy.
08:02 Are you hearing me? So what God does is he speaks to a king maker named Samuel.
08:09 Everybody say Samuel. Come on. Say it again. Say Samuel.
08:13 He speaks to a king maker named Samuel, a civil and religious leader, a judge that he uses to pick kings.
08:19 And this is what he says. Are you all ready for this? I said, are you ready for this?
08:23 This is what he says. He says, you know what? I regret that I picked Saul as king.
08:34 And when Samuel gets this news, he goes through a period of grieving.
08:39 Because Saul was the first king he picked. So he had this emotional attachment to a spiritual work.
08:47 And so instead of continuing in ministry, he goes into a season of mourning and God interrupts his morning and ask him a question.
08:54 How long are you going to mourn over that which I rejected?
09:02 OK, here it is. How long are you going to keep nurturing an emotional attachment to what I'm finished with?
09:13 Saul not only represents an individual, Saul represents an era of leadership.
09:19 So he's saying, how long are you going to keep nurturing an emotional attachment to a season that I am finished with?
09:28 You keep reminiscing over something I'm not going to revise.
09:32 And the fact that you keep your head stuck in the sand of the past is an indication you don't believe I got better for the future.
09:40 Because if you knew what was waiting on you at Jesse's house, you would not be mourning over Saul.
09:46 And I don't know who I'm talking to in here, but I came to tell somebody, if you knew what was waiting on you in your future,
09:54 you would not be mourning over the soul in your past.
10:03 So here's what he says to the prophet. He says, Samuel, take your horn of oil.
10:16 And go down to Jesse's house. Y'all missed it. I said you missed it.
10:25 He says, take your horn of oil and go down to Jesse's house.
10:31 You do. You missed it. He didn't say go down to Jesse's house.
10:35 He said, I need you to go, but take your oil with you because you keep pouring your oil in a place I'm done with.
10:53 And some of your issue is nothing's wrong with your oil.
10:59 Your issue is you don't know where to pour it. And you keep pouring it on people who can't receive it.
11:07 You keep pouring it on people who don't appreciate it. You keep pouring it on what you love, but you're no longer assigned to.
11:22 You love Saul, but you're no longer assigned to it.
11:29 And I'm going to help Saul with some oil, just not yours. Your oil has done all it can do.
11:36 Now take your oil and go down to Jesse's house, because I got somebody waiting on it.
11:42 I got somebody praying for it. I got somebody that knows what to do with it.
11:47 There's a man, that's a man after my own heart. He's at Jesse's house.
12:03 So here's what the text says. Here's what the text says.
12:07 The text says, Tarrio, it says, "So Samuel, he took his horn of oil and goes down to Jesse's house and said,
12:19 'Jesse, there's something in your house you've been underestimating.
12:26 There's something you've been raising that's about to change your bloodline, but you're too close to it to see it.
12:38 It's scary when people are too close to you to see you.'
12:44 So he sends Samuel, whom the Bible calls a prophet, a seer, seer, a seer, to Jesse's house.
12:54 He said, 'Jesse, I need all your sons.' Jesse has eight sons. Everybody say eight.
13:03 But he only calls seven. He's got eight sons, but he only calls seven.
13:14 And the Lord spoke to Samuel. Don't you shout. Don't you shout.
13:23 He said, 'The Lord has not chosen these. None of them.
13:36 I know they got here first, but it's not theirs.
13:41 I know they got exposed to the opportunity first, but it's not theirs.
13:46 I know they older and they think they deserve it, but it's not theirs.'
13:55 Watch what happens. Text says, it says, it says, it says,
14:02 Samuel said, 'Jesse, are all your sons here?' And Jesse says, 'There remains but the youngest.'
14:09 But he keeping the sheep.
14:17 OK, there are a number of ways we can read into this.
14:22 One is, is this. It's OK, Jesse, you didn't think enough of David to give him the opportunity to be denied?
14:34 Or maybe that's not it. I don't know. Maybe is you thought so much of David because of the job he was doing with your sheep.
14:47 That you are more concerned about how you wanted to use him than how God wanted to use him.
14:56 And you got to watch out for the Jesses in your life because they can love you and use you at the same time.
15:03 And sometimes the reason they love you is because of the way they've been using you.
15:13 Jesse didn't even invite him. But here's what I love about it.
15:18 The text says this. He says, 'Are all your sons here?'
15:23 He says, 'There remains but the youngest.' And he's keeping the sheep.
15:28 And Samuel said to Jesse, 'Send and get him.'
15:34 Don't you miss what he says here? 'For we will not sit down.'
15:40 He said, 'I'm going to make you stand up because if you got one son left, then I know who that is.'
15:48 And when a king walks in, you don't sit down. When a king walks in, you stand up.
16:00 He says we will not sit down until he gets here.
16:04 Here's what here's why this excites me. It shows me that Jesse may try to hold you up, but he can never hold you back.
16:16 That even if Jesse tries to hold you back, God will hold it up until you get there.
16:24 Because the seven brothers got there first. And that oil would not flow.
16:30 Because when God has something for you, he will move in ways similar to what he did with Abraham.
16:36 And he will make that ram's horns get caught in the thickets.
16:41 So it's stuck there until you get there.
16:48 Don't miss it. Don't miss it.
16:52 Text says...
17:00 Text says he holds it up until David gets there.
17:07 This is interesting. And he says, 'Sin for him.'
17:14 Don't you miss this? Sin for him.
17:20 He's out there tending for sheep. Samuel says sin for him.
17:25 He's just faithfully stewarding the responsibility God has given him in the season that he's in.
17:35 And he didn't have to go looking for Samuel.
17:39 He didn't have to go chasing after Samuel.
17:43 Because he was faithful to what his father had assigned for him.
17:49 Samuel came looking for him.
17:51 And I want to say this broadly, and I know it's not for everybody, but it's got prophetic implications for somebody.
17:58 Samuel's looking for you.
18:01 Other people are looking for opportunity.
18:04 But if you will faithfully steward what God's given you in this season, he'll send Samuel to find you.
18:14 Okay. Y'all tired? I got a few minutes left. Here it is.
18:20 It says, verse 12 says, 'He sent and brought a man. David was rudy and beautiful in his eyes.'
18:25 And the Lord says, 'Arise and anoint him, for this is he.'
18:31 I want you to see verse 13, and don't you shout.
18:36 It says, 'Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him.'
18:52 He didn't just anoint him.
18:55 I don't even know why the writer gives us this degree of detail.
18:59 But the writer makes sure that we know that he not only anointed him, but he anointed him, don't miss this, in the midst of his brothers.
19:08 In the presence of his brothers.
19:11 I want to tell you why this is significant, because if you keep reading David's narrative, especially the events preceding up to him fighting Goliath,
19:18 you see this weird kind of contentious adversarial energy that his brothers had toward him.
19:24 It's weird, right? It's weird.
19:26 So we see this, and so those brothers who had this adversarial energy toward David now have to stand there and watch the glow up.
19:43 I don't know, but it is possible that when David was writing Psalms 23, which was after this,
19:50 that maybe when he was writing Psalms 23, he took this into consideration when he said, "He prepares a table before me."
19:59 In the presence.
20:05 He says, "The way I'm going to handle your adversaries is not by annihilating them.
20:10 I'm going to keep them alive, and I'm going to put them in close proximity, and their punishment is going to have to watch your glow up."
20:18 They're going to watch you win.
20:25 All right.
20:28 So here's what the text says.
20:30 They anointed him in the midst of his brothers.
20:35 Listen to this. "And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward."
20:44 I want you to see this, because this is exciting and it's confusing at the same time.
20:50 Remember, don't just read the characters in the Bible.
20:53 See yourself in the characters in the Bible.
20:56 I want you to see this, because the text says, "David, the Spirit of the Lord rushed on David from that day forward."
21:02 And it says, "Samuel rose up and went back to where he was from, Ramah."
21:08 Are you all with me? He left and didn't take David with him.
21:16 His anointing changed, but his assignment didn't.
21:24 So he's got a king's anointing, but a shepherd's responsibility.
21:29 And this is a tension that you're going to have to wrestle with from time to time when your ability and your responsibility don't match.
21:36 When you've got the oil to run the kingdom, but you've got the assignment to tend to the sheep.
21:42 When you know you could be doing more than you are doing, but God only lets you do what you're currently doing.
21:53 Because the oil will always outpace the character.
21:58 And it says, "I've got to hold you up to let the character catch up."
22:02 Because right now, David, there's some stuff you get away with in this season that you're not going to be able to get away with in the palace.
22:08 So you frustrated, but I'm protecting you actually.
22:13 You think it's rejection, it's actually protection.
22:16 Because when you get to that palace, there are other things waiting on you other than a throne.
22:21 You think the palace is just thrones and servants, but it's spears in the palace.
22:31 Here's what I want you to see.
22:37 Let's wrap this up.
22:38 Here it is.
22:39 Here's what I want you to see.
22:40 We've got to go.
22:41 Here it is.
22:42 Don't miss it, family.
22:43 The text says, "He anointed him, and then the Spirit of God rushed upon him."
22:48 I want you to see this synergistic relationship between the Spirit and the anointing.
22:54 Because this is the angle I want to take in this message on Ghosted.
22:58 Because on last week, we talked about the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.
23:02 How really the primary purpose of the Holy Spirit, one of the primary purposes, is not excitement in church.
23:10 Some of the stuff we even call the Spirit is spirited worship.
23:17 Does that make sense?
23:18 It's appropriate, but everything done in worship doesn't have transformative value.
23:23 So you've got to know the difference between that which expresses appreciation and that which is a spiritual discipline or a means of grace that leads to transformation.
23:32 So, for example, the Bible gives a number of different ways that we should worship God.
23:36 One of them is dancing.
23:37 Praise God in the dance, right?
23:39 That's what David said.
23:40 David did it in 2 Samuel, chapter 6.
23:42 But dancing has no transformative value.
23:47 It's an expression of worship, but you don't change through the dance.
23:53 Every time you see it, it is appreciation after what God's done.
23:58 After they got through the Red Sea, Miriam took the tambourine and they began to dance.
24:03 After they're bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to its rightful place, that's when David dances.
24:09 Y'all, come on, come on now.
24:11 If I'm not challenging you, I'm no good to you.
24:13 Come on.
24:15 So should we do it?
24:17 Yes, because it's an expression of worship.
24:20 But don't confuse an expression of appreciation for transformation.
24:24 You don't get healed in a dance.
24:30 You don't really hear God in a dance.
24:42 So I want you to see what I'm trying to do.
24:44 I'm trying to lovingly bring a corrective to the charismatic community here
24:49 that has reduced and relegated the spirit to excitement in services,
24:55 which is important and necessary,
24:59 but not in and of itself transformative.
25:03 It cultivates an environment for transformation.
25:08 So the Holy Spirit, we talked about how he wants to do more than modification, but transformation last week.
25:14 Here's a different angle on the Holy Spirit, and I'm going to my seat,
25:17 because y'all, I feel like I just upset you a little bit.
25:22 I just want to know, am I viable though?
25:25 It's not just, am I? Okay, all right.
25:27 So here's...
25:32 Don't write me no letters this week.
25:35 I know what I'm talking about.
25:38 I'm in the book. Here it is.
25:41 This shows us another aspect of the Holy Spirit.
25:44 The synergistic relationship between the anointing.
25:46 So the Holy Spirit wants to watch this.
25:49 He does want to make us more pious.
25:52 This particular passage shows us I'm different.
25:54 In addition to making us more pious, he wants to make us more productive.
26:03 Right? Because what can happen is, in certain settings, we can create this false dichotomy between faithfulness and fruitfulness.
26:14 And it's not either or, it's both and.
26:18 He wants me to be faithful, pious, and fruitful, productive.
26:25 Not fruitful at the expense of being faithful, and not faithful at the expense of being fruitful, but faithfulness that leads to fruitfulness.
26:35 And that is the purpose of the anointing.
26:39 That's what we see. David gets anointed to do something.
26:44 Did you hear what I just said?
26:46 He already was who he was. He already was a man after God's own heart.
26:50 The oil wasn't for him to be a man after God's own heart.
26:54 The oil was on him because he was a man after God's own heart.
26:58 But he has generated a transition from managing sheep in a pasture to managing people in a palace.
27:04 And he does not have the age, he does not have the experience, he does not have the education, he does not have the background.
27:11 God's going to have to help him fill in the gap.
27:15 And the way God does that is by anointing him.
27:21 Because there's a place purpose will take you that your degree didn't prepare you for.
27:26 There's a place purpose will take you, come on, that your expertise didn't prepare you for.
27:31 There's a place that purpose will take you that you don't have the experience for.
27:36 So what, how do you faithfully steward that?
27:39 You can't do it with self-reliance. You got to do it with God-reliance.
27:44 It's called the anointing.
27:46 What is that, pastor? The empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that enables us to be uniquely effective at what God has called us to do.
27:58 That's the anointing. The empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that enables me to be uniquely effective at what God's called me to do.
28:08 It's the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that enables me to be uniquely effective.
28:15 I can be effective with self-reliance, but when I step into that God-reliance, I'm on something different.
28:21 And I want to know, is there anybody here today who will say I want more than acumen?
28:26 I need some oil. When I speak, I need some oil on it. When I negotiate, I need some oil on it.
28:32 When I parent, I need some oil. I need the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit that enables me to do, be uniquely effective at what I've been called to do.
28:43 So I'm only anointed for my assignment.
28:48 And when I step outside my assignment, I step outside of his oil.
28:55 Did you hear what I just said? So I got to be clear on my assignment. I got Bible.
29:01 Luke chapter 4, Jesus says this, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he who, the Spirit, has anointed me to do what? Proclaim good news to the poor.
29:14 He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of the sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free."
29:23 He says, "That's what I've been anointed for." Because that's what I'm assigned to.
29:33 So I got to stay in my assignment and I got to stay in my authentic self.
29:37 Because the anointing only falls on the authentic self.
29:43 God will only help you be who he called you to be, not who you think you are.
29:51 Come on, 1130. Am I making sense?
29:54 So when you are not you, your oil can't find you.
29:58 And the way the enemy gets us out of our oil is by talking us out of our identity and causing us to question and to second guess and to resist who we are.
30:09 But if you'll step into the fullness of who you are, God will throw some oil on it.
30:13 And, woo, glory to God. And even if it's not as sharp as everybody else's, when he puts that oil on it, the oil makes the difference.
30:28 This is I want you to be more than pious. I'm done, Tariel. I want you to be more productive.
30:33 And that is learning to embrace and unleash the anointing.
30:38 What I'm dealing with here, and I talked a little bit about this in Jackson, I got to teach this here.
30:43 I'm dealing with what the Bible describes, what Paul calls a principality, which is often thrown out in churches, but not often explained.
30:51 Right. And here's here's what a principality is.
30:56 It is a satanically induced social norm of dysfunction that manifests in geographical groups or certain demographic geographical regions and certain demographic groups.
31:10 So it is like these trends of similar dysfunction that you'll see in regions, people, groups, family, bloodlines.
31:23 Right. Principalities, powers, rules of darkness, spiritual weakness, the heavenly place.
31:27 He uses four different Greek words for that. He's not is not four different ways of saying the same thing.
31:32 A principality is different. It is socially ingrained.
31:39 It is normalized dysfunction. And when something is normal, we become comfortable in it because everybody in the family is like this and everybody in this region is like this.
31:52 And there is this principality in the body of hyper independence that is actually a trauma response.
32:02 So we got hurt so bad somewhere in the past. Now we become hyper independent in the present.
32:08 And so we are ignoring the biblical command for interdependence.
32:13 First Corinthians 12 and 14, which is many members. Come on.
32:16 Remember, many members, different gifts and we all need each other. And so what ends up happening is hyper independence makes us feel safer when it actually makes you more vulnerable.
32:27 Because safety is in the multitude of counsel. But your pain has made you think you don't need any.
32:36 So there's this self reliance that shows up in our spirituality. And there are some things you can't do without God.
32:48 So there's got to be this reliance and this dependence on the anointing.
32:54 David relied on it. Jesus relied on it. We need to rely on it.
33:01 I'm done, Tario. Here it is. I see four things that the scriptures teach us about this, that the anointing wants to be to you and me, that we got to let it.
33:08 Number one, he wants to be an educator. The the anointing will give you an IQ and a know how that doesn't come from natural birth.
33:19 It comes from spiritual birth. It's almost like you don't even know how you know to do that.
33:26 How did you know to say that? I didn't even know. How did you know to put that that way? I don't even know.
33:31 It's it's it's an educator. It gives you expertise that cannot be gained through natural education.
33:39 The Bible puts it this way in first John to 27. As for you, the anointing you receive from him remains in you.
33:44 You do not need anyone to teach you. But his anointing teaches you all things as that anointing is real, not counterfeit.
33:53 Just as it had taught you remain in him. This doesn't mean you don't need to be taught by people.
33:57 It means that there are some things people can't teach. This is why some of you you've been looking for answers in people and God's like, you're not going to find it there.
34:11 You mad at them, but this me. The anointing wants to be an educator.
34:18 Number two, the anointing can be an innovator. This is something I came across this term last year.
34:24 It changed my life. It changed my family's legacy. It changed everything.
34:28 Creative abundance. Here's what the Bible says.
34:35 Before you know, God is love. You know, he's a creator. Because if you if you start in Genesis.
34:45 If you start in the beginning, what you see is God, the creator.
34:50 Here's the Latin theological term creation, ex Nilo, something out of nothing.
34:57 That that he needs nothing to create something. You want to talk about innovation.
35:03 Sometimes we say I got to a little God had nothing.
35:10 And so that creative God lives on the inside of you and he wants to give you creative abundance.
35:20 So people told me a lot of times, pass you give away a lot of information. I never think I'm going to run out.
35:32 I'm tapped into more than books. I believe I have an unlimited supply of creative abundance.
35:49 And some of you, I want you to know some of you, your answer is in your innovation.
35:56 And those limiting beliefs will have you limiting your ability to innovate to your own creativity.
36:03 So I'm tapping into an endless supply. I have a creative anointing.
36:10 Number three, the anointing wants to be an insulator. I don't have time to unpack all of this, but it's a it's a protector.
36:17 Bible says in Psalms, protect not mine, anoint it, touch not mine, anoint it, do my servant no harm.
36:22 David says when he's talking about sheep in Psalm 23, he anoints my head, speaking of sheep with oil.
36:27 He's looking at sheep and saying, as a shepherd is to the sheep, so God is to me what I do to the sheep.
36:31 God does to me. He anoints my head. David would as a shepherd, shepherds would anoint sheep because sometimes flies particularly would land on the moist places in sheep's nose.
36:41 And they'd hatch these eggs and lava on the inside of them and it would cause infection and irritation.
36:46 And so the sheep would start banging their heads in response. So they're hurting their self in self sabotage behavior in response to a fly.
36:57 And so what the oil does is it it's a repellent to flies.
37:09 And the anointing will repel certain things. And then number four, he wants to be an elevator.
37:17 What does that mean, Pastor? An elevator takes you to places you couldn't get to or you couldn't get to at that speed.
37:30 Your oil gets you indoors. Your oil gets you in rooms. And I think we have one probably undertaught what the anointing is.
37:43 And then in some cases, mistaught. So you assume that the anointing is for people like me.
37:53 When the anointing is for everybody, Christ is not Jesus's last name.
38:02 Christ means anointed one. And he lives on the inside of you.
38:13 That's a glow up. That's not cultural, but King.
38:24 So here's what I want to pray over you today on a prayer for a shift from God or a line from self-reliance to God reliance.
38:32 I want to pray that God disarms the principality of hyper independence, which is a trauma response to pain.
38:41 I want to pray that you go from languishing and toiling and striving.
38:47 To stepping into the ease of an anointing. I know I'm anointed for this.
38:56 I know he helped me with this. And so, Father, I pray today.
39:03 For the needs of your people, you know what they are. And I pray for the principality of hyper independence to be broken.
39:12 And I pray that you would heal wounds that have caused people to respond in ways that don't serve them well.
39:20 I pray that you shift us from striving and grinding. To a reliance and independence.
39:29 On your Holy Spirit. Lord, may it be different from this day forward.
39:36 What you did for David in the text do for us. May your spirit rush on us.
39:44 In Jesus name. Amen. Clap your hands. We got to go.
39:53 How many of y'all know this one? Real quick we gotta go.
