• last year
Desafío XX Capitulo 46 HD Completo en Español
Desafío XX Capitulo 47 HD Completo en Español
Desafío XX Capitulo 48 HD Completo en Español
Desafío XX Capitulo 46 HD Completo en Español
00:00:30¿Quién dijo?
00:01:00No, la verdad, yo quería venir.
00:01:17Todos en mi equipo tienen voz,
00:01:19porque no podemos que nadie vea un eslabón de Belen Beta.
00:01:22Está bien, debí decir eso, pero les digo lo que yo di.
00:01:25Ah, Gaspar dijo lo último.
00:01:27Es más que evidente que la alianza no va.
00:01:32Beta faltó la palabra en dos oportunidades.
00:01:34Les faltó Omega allá y faltó la palabra de no ponértelo a ti,
00:01:37porque ya había sido mucho a muerte.
00:01:39O sea, Beta la embarró con toda.
00:01:41Hubiera sido mejor traicionar y haberse clavado directamente a Omega...
00:01:46Que clavarse a dos.
00:01:47Que clavarse a Alfa y a Omega.
00:01:48Porque es que ellos pensaron que pronto
00:01:49me daran el celico para acá, Omega les iba a dar la manita.
00:01:52Está bien, y eso no va a pasar, porque Omega quedó...
00:01:55Porque Omega quedó dolísimo.
00:01:56Vamos a ver cómo responde Omega,
00:01:57porque es que no fueron ocho mil pesos,
00:01:59fueron ochenta millones de pesos.
00:02:01Los de Alfa están cagados de la risa,
00:02:03están diciendo, sí, ve, pon a jugar limpio,
00:02:05porque debe hacer alianzas muy buenas, eso les pasa.
00:02:09Los chismas que se lo saben, no tengo Colombia.
00:02:12Y pues nosotros hicimos alianza, pero nos fue.
00:02:16Por bonitos, por competitivos.
00:02:22Manda c***.
00:02:26Veo muy despantalonados,
00:02:28yo creo que no trajeron chaleco para no dar la cara.
00:02:31Ellos sienten que la traicion fue por parte mía.
00:02:34Igualmente, yo no esperaba algo de tranquilo de allá,
00:02:37porque son unas personas muy sanguíneas.
00:02:39Muy sanguíneas.
00:02:40Lo hemos visto en las últimas pruebas,
00:02:42cómo se gritan entre ellos,
00:02:44cómo se tratan, el respeto.
00:02:46No esperaba menos para nosotros.
00:02:48No me preocupa la alianza,
00:02:50que si ellos se vayan a nadar con Alfa.
00:02:52Y pues de los chalecos, van a venir.
00:02:56A la primera persona que la hagan colocar,
00:02:58van a venir a este pecho.
00:02:59Mi única invitación aquí es que eso no nos dañe la cabeza.
00:03:03Acá no necesitamos debilitar a ningún equipo.
00:03:06Y yo sé que si estamos todos completicos,
00:03:08es porque todos nos lo merecemos.
00:03:10Dejimos todo en las pistas, muchachos.
00:03:15Yo siento que cuando es ciclo de hombres,
00:03:18se ponen mal las pilas,
00:03:19y cuando es ciclo de mujeres, no.
00:03:21Le echamos la bendición.
00:03:23Y a todas nuestras pistas, muchachos.
00:03:25Sigamos, sigamos.
00:03:26Eso, venga.
00:03:27Y otra cosa, nada,
00:03:28que ir allá, de pronto,
00:03:29que se les salga por la boca un disculpas,
00:03:31un aquello o es que aquello.
00:03:33No, nada.
00:03:34Hacernos responsables de lo que le dijeron a Glock.
00:03:37Qué pecado a Glock.
00:03:39Ay, a Glock le fue.
00:03:40A Glock le fue.
00:03:41Así se le da buen ojo.
00:03:42Pero es que, ¿y cómo vine Glock?
00:03:45Glock es anignada, tenía nada que ver.
00:03:47Tenía que venir Darlene.
00:03:49Tenía que venir Darlene.
00:03:50Fue por lo que usted dijo, Alejo,
00:03:52que tiene buenos amigos acá,
00:03:54entonces, a ver, vamos para decir.
00:03:56Sin embargo, me rellenaron.
00:03:58Sí, pero yo.
00:03:59Sin embargo, le hablaron como era.
00:04:01¿Qué tal si no hubiera tenido amigos?
00:04:05Yo a esta Salomita me la subo llorando.
00:04:09A esa fanita sí le creo.
00:04:12Yo a esta Salomita me la subo llorando.
00:04:14Que llegó, no, chicos.
00:04:16Me fue.
00:04:17Me fue, no, mega.
00:04:19Para la próxima va la capitana.
00:04:21Ahora falta que no haya entendido nada
00:04:22y llegue allá diciendo que estamos bravos por la plata.
00:04:26La verdad, se han ofendido porque quedaron sin plata.
00:04:31Cristian Darlene fue escuchando a los pediatras.
00:04:34Yo quiero escuchar la opinión de Cristian.
00:04:36Sí, sí, sí.
00:04:37Me dio risa que la china tenía el discurso ya
00:04:39y Alejo llegó y la trancó y quedó.
00:04:42No sabía ya qué decir cuando le dijo.
00:04:44Sí, ya venía con su discurso,
00:04:45creía que iba a coger su plata y se iba ahí
00:04:47y no iba a pasar nada.
00:04:50Pero, mamita, que nosotros también tenemos nuestro discurso.
00:04:55Primo viaja, pero ya nos desabamos, ¿o no?
00:04:58Sí, yo me siento medio.
00:05:02Pero tengo como cuatro carreras atrancadas.
00:05:14Día 46
00:05:19Me dolió todo.
00:05:21No hay mucha diferencia entre el piso y el sofá.
00:05:24Y este fue porque me tocó en la mitad el sofá.
00:05:27Yo dormí ahí también en la mitad.
00:05:29Después me tocó comenzar a correr.
00:05:31¿Dormiste bien?
00:05:33Pues, me desperté varias veces en la noche
00:05:35porque estoy muy adolorido.
00:05:37He estado muy sedentario.
00:05:39Entonces, estoy muerto, muerto de la espalda.
00:05:43La noche se hace eterna.
00:05:45Pues, para mí, pues, ha sido corto.
00:05:48Y pues, digamos, la emoción de estar acá,
00:05:51de compartir con ustedes y todo.
00:05:53Son 24 horas.
00:05:55Para mí son pasajeros.
00:05:56Pero, claro, me tocó pensar.
00:05:58Ustedes cuando están castigados,
00:06:00todos estos días sin comer,
00:06:02teniendo la comida ahí.
00:06:04Nosotros queremos que amanezca muy rápido.
00:06:06Y que están prácticamente todos los días
00:06:08en pruebas y pruebas y pruebas.
00:06:10Tienen que tener mucha fuerza mental.
00:06:12Mental y apoyo al grupo.
00:06:14Cuando miraba allá en su televisor,
00:06:16¿alguna vez imaginó estar acá?
00:06:19Hace cuántos años viendo el desafío.
00:06:24Son 20 años.
00:06:26Eres desafiólogo puro.
00:06:28Es que es lo mejor que hay.
00:06:30Yo no me perdía el desafío con mi abuelo.
00:06:32Hablando en un televisión a blanco y negro.
00:06:35Porque, o sea, en esa ya había color,
00:06:37pero él tenía uno a blanco y negro.
00:06:39Mi hijo, el menor, es uno de los que pelea.
00:06:41Oye, su alegría.
00:06:42Pero yo que se calle, yo ir.
00:06:44Yo no dejo ir.
00:06:47Se coge la cabeza.
00:06:49Ahora que lo ve acá.
00:06:50Usted metido en el televisor.
00:06:52Cuando lo vio, cuando lo vio, yo creo que se diría,
00:06:54¿por qué no camina más rápido?
00:06:56¿Por qué no se mete en esos tubos más rápido?
00:06:58Yo me lo voy a imaginar.
00:06:59Me lo voy a imaginar.
00:07:01Pero lo va a ir saltando cuando ya lo escogió en tabaco.
00:07:08Tú eres, o sea, el que uno llega y dice,
00:07:10ah, dame 10 mil de gasolina, y tú echas la gasolina.
00:07:12De acuerdo.
00:07:13Es súper chévere.
00:07:14Como todo, ¿no?
00:07:15Yo creo.
00:07:16Lo hice medio duro, porque hay gente que quiere
00:07:18como tumbarlo, no falta.
00:07:19Hay uno que le dicen la voladora,
00:07:21que es el que va y le dice, llénemelo.
00:07:23Y lo llena, y uno lo llena, y cuando va a pagar, boom.
00:07:26El cambiazo.
00:07:28Digamos, a ti te pagan con uno de 50, ¿ya?
00:07:32Y te dicen, deme un galón.
00:07:34Entonces, cuando ya tú le vas a dar las vueltas,
00:07:37le dicen, no, no, no, yo acá tengo los 15,200.
00:07:40Entonces, tú le pasas el billete de 50, ¿ya?
00:07:42Lo devuelves.
00:07:43Y cuando le dicen, ah, no, qué pena, no, no me alcanza.
00:07:45Y usted tras del hecho le da las vueltas desde 50,
00:07:47sabiendo que ya no lo tiene.
00:07:48Sabiendo que ya no lo tiene.
00:07:50A mí me la hicieron.
00:07:51Y, pues, atracos, los atracos a mano armada,
00:07:53que son los más peligrosos también.
00:07:55Ah, pero te ha pasado, ¿no?
00:07:59Ese dinero te toca reponerlo a ti.
00:08:01No, porque, pues, ahí hay cámaras, ¿ya?
00:08:03Y entonces las cámaras ven que sí es un atraco,
00:08:06dígamoslo así.
00:08:07El dinero que me toca reponer a mí
00:08:09es cuando doy unas vueltas mal,
00:08:11cuando recibo un billete falso,
00:08:13el cambiazo también.
00:08:15Porque eso, pues, básicamente,
00:08:16usted tiene que estar en la juega.
00:08:18Pero la orden de nosotros es
00:08:20entregue todo lo que tenga.
00:08:21O sea, no poner nada de resistencia.
00:08:23Por eso siempre la orden es tener poquita plata.
00:08:30Puedes ajustar.
00:08:31Tú misma la puedes ajustar antes de abrirla para acá.
00:08:33¿Para ajustarla en dónde?
00:08:34O sea, como...
00:08:35Eso, hacerle un poquito de presión.
00:08:38O, si quiere,
00:08:39hacemos esa como la...
00:08:41las de allá.
00:08:44No, quedó mejor.
00:08:45Claro, es que salió para acá toda.
00:08:48Uy, qué rico.
00:08:50Negrito, ¿está en bola todavía?
00:08:53Ay, es una pena
00:08:54que la ropa va a terminar en la sala.
00:08:58Ay, me encanta.
00:09:00Ay, caracha.
00:09:01Ay, póngalo a estirar por toda la casa.
00:09:04Claro que sí.
00:09:06Negrito, qué roca, ¿no?
00:09:08Ey, ey, ey, ey.
00:09:12Ey, Nati, no.
00:09:13Yo estoy en serio.
00:09:14No, porque no tengo con qué salir ahorita.
00:09:16Dale así.
00:09:19Está aquí en toda la entrada.
00:09:22¿De la casa?
00:09:24Ey, no.
00:09:25Estoy en serio.
00:09:26Es una previa antes de la muerte.
00:09:28Black, resisten.
00:09:31Kevin, vení.
00:09:32No, ¿cuál vení?
00:09:33Venito Cámelas.
00:09:35Venito Cámelas.
00:09:38Ay, mejor dicho.
00:09:39Corra, corra.
00:09:49Rico, rico, rico.
00:09:54Ay, qué roca.
00:09:59Bueno, ya desayunamos.
00:10:01Caldo de ojo.
00:10:02Caldo de ojo.
00:10:09Miren lo que nos trajeron.
00:10:11Qué cosa.
00:10:12Dale, muestro.
00:10:15Ay, ¿cómo?
00:10:16Con Sundark disfruta del sol,
00:10:18porque gracias a tu fórmula natural
00:10:20con factor de protección solar 60,
00:10:22evita quemaduras, manchas y cáncer de piel.
00:10:25Sundark, el guardián de tu piel,
00:10:27y es naturalmente colombiano.
00:10:29Ah, qué genial.
00:10:30Dice que tiene extractos vegetales,
00:10:32aloe vera, avena.
00:10:34La textura es súper suave.
00:10:36Se disuelve rápido.
00:10:38Apenas para las chicas que nos gusta maquillarnos.
00:10:41Para los tatuajes, para salir a las pruebas.
00:10:56Yo acá analizando la vuelta con todo esto del dinero,
00:10:59qué hubiera pasado si, por ejemplo,
00:11:01Marlon hubiera cumplido su objetivo
00:11:03de haber sacado esa plata.
00:11:05Y después nosotros, por culpa de eso,
00:11:07va a Playa Baja,
00:11:08porque el dinero incompleto
00:11:11Nosotros ya vamos a llevar el bulto.
00:11:13Ya, para Playa Baja.
00:11:15O sea, le tenía fe a Hércules,
00:11:17pero a la vez le estaba dando la puerta de salida.
00:11:20Eso no se hace.
00:11:22Por eso estaba mal no comentar eso en el equipo,
00:11:24al menos a ti como capitana.
00:11:26A él no lo iba a comentar,
00:11:27porque él ya sabía que lo estaba haciendo mal.
00:11:29O sea que Marlon no estaba dispuesto
00:11:30a sacar la cara por el equipo.
00:11:32Ay, ya no hablemos de Marlon.
00:11:33Pero ahí es donde uno dice que todos no pensamos igual.
00:11:36Él era más vivo que todos los que estamos acá.
00:11:38Está diferente.
00:11:39Malicioso, más cosas así.
00:11:42Entonces sí me entiendo.
00:11:44Sino que también es algo muy valioso en la vida,
00:11:46y es un paseo de viejos.
00:11:48No se ponga.
00:11:49Eso se queda en el aire.
00:11:51Si hubiera pasado si,
00:11:52su esposa lo hubiera engañado.
00:11:53Imagínense la reta y la que puede sacar.
00:11:55Pero es todo en disposición,
00:11:57entonces creo que ya.
00:11:58Si no paso, ya.
00:12:00Está en seguridad el país, ¿eh, Maria?
00:12:02¿Cómo es que nos roban en la Ciudadela?
00:12:04No, que es claro.
00:12:05Salimos un ratito y ya cuando volvimos,
00:12:07ya no había nada.
00:12:10La contaron y todo.
00:12:12Nos cortaron hasta el agua.
00:12:14Hasta la plata de la llave.
00:12:16La platica que teníamos debajo del colchón
00:12:17se nos va a llevar.
00:12:20Me íbamos para donde no era.
00:12:22Se metieron.
00:12:23Nos metieron los ladrones.
00:12:25No andan criminales vestidos de azul.
00:12:27Apáranos, muchachos, apáranos.
00:12:30La platica de recupera, eso es lo de menos.
00:12:33Moralmente nos tenemos que parar todos.
00:12:35¿Cuánto está sentido?
00:12:36¿De 1 a 20?
00:12:37No, yo ya...
00:12:38Gaspar, yo ya borró ni cuenta nueva.
00:12:40Yo ya dejé todo eso atrás.
00:12:42Yo lo único que vi fue una manada como de cobardes.
00:12:44Es que eso es muy extraño.
00:12:45Pero sí, se lo digo a mí.
00:12:46Pues como que ya borró ni cuenta nueva.
00:12:48Estamos en el juego.
00:12:49Hay que seguir.
00:12:50Eso hay que trascender todo esto rápido.
00:12:52Es como cuando alguien se va.
00:12:53Uno, listo.
00:12:54Chao, mi amor.
00:12:55Se fuiste.
00:12:56Hay que continuar en batalla.
00:12:57Estamos en una guerra.
00:12:58¿Vamos a empezar una guerra?
00:13:00Estamos en la guerra.
00:13:02Sí, pero me refiero a con ellos.
00:13:05Ya sabemos quiénes merecen ese chaleco.
00:13:08Hay que salir a las pistas a ganarnos ese chaleco.
00:13:12Digamos, cuando a Alfazel empezó a devolver todo
00:13:15que nosotros decíamos, justicia divina,
00:13:17yo creo que lo mismo deben estar pensando ellos.
00:13:19Como se pusieron a hacer alianza, justicia divina,
00:13:22ahí les quedó su alianza.
00:13:24Ya aprendimos también.
00:13:25Esto también es una enseñanza de no ponerse a confiar
00:13:27en personas que ni del equipo de uno son.
00:13:29Ni de proteger también a personas que nada,
00:13:32no nos dieron nada, solo estuvieron en la alianza
00:13:34cuando Omega ganó.
00:13:35Omega perdió.
00:13:36Estuvimos en la alianza por Marlon.
00:13:38¿Y quién le puso el chaleco a Santi?
00:13:40Nuestro amigo de Beta.
00:13:42Cuatro veces me lo ha puesto yo en los equipos.
00:13:44La vida es un baile y todos damos la vuelta.
00:13:47Con el tiempo, con el tiempo damos la vuelta.
00:13:49Con el tiempo damos la vuelta.
00:13:50Están pasando por un mal momento,
00:13:52pero ahorita ustedes van a estar arriba.
00:13:54Cuando estén arriba, ataquen, ataquen, ataquen.
00:13:56Lo importante es eliminarlo de afuera.
00:13:58¿Qué no también nosotros algo así?
00:14:00Las cuatro chicas, nosotros dos,
00:14:02no mandemos guerra.
00:14:04Hoy vamos a darla.
00:14:05Usted piensa que yo no desisto nunca.
00:14:07Nunca, papá.
00:14:08Yo nunca desisto.
00:14:11Es la primera persona que públicamente dice
00:14:13que sí quiere irse.
00:14:15Porque es que ¿qué es lo que él quiere, mami?
00:14:17Él quiere cámara.
00:14:18Y las otras personas que están en chalecadas...
00:14:21Sí, con ganas de quedarse.
00:14:22Sí, con ganas de quedarse.
00:14:24Y que no me salga la próxima semana con que se quiere
00:14:26porque ahí sí.
00:14:27No, tú ya tenemos que ir al perfil.
00:14:29Te veo la madre.
00:14:30Hágalo bien.
00:14:31Yo siento que es normal que todos comentamos
00:14:33y realicen las pruebas, ¿no?
00:14:34Porque somos seres humanos
00:14:35y todos nos podemos equivocar.
00:14:36Así es.
00:14:37Pero es que en todas...
00:14:38¿Sabes quién yo siento que va a salir?
00:14:40Te amo.
00:14:41No, yo siento a mi compañero.
00:14:43Porque lo siento súper más unidado.
00:14:45Y eso me haría bien.
00:14:46Me va a enfrentar a tres gigantes.
00:14:49¿Y el camionista, cómo vamos?
00:14:51Bien, Ibas, ¿cómo vamos?
00:14:53Sí, así, tranquilito.
00:14:55Ya toca esperar a ver qué prueba me espera.
00:15:00Usted se ve que le jala, digamos, a él o a lo que sea, ¿no?
00:15:03Sí, sí.
00:15:06A lo que sea, ¿no?
00:15:07Para lo que sea.
00:15:08Al fin y al cabo, o sea, lo que sea, mejor dicho.
00:15:12Por eso estoy tranquilo.
00:15:13Obviamente, cuando yo lo voy a dar todo,
00:15:15me siento un 100% bien.
00:15:17Sí, pleno.
00:15:18Voy a ir a la prueba.
00:15:20Estoy como reservando las energías
00:15:22que me quedan conmigo bien.
00:15:25Pues ya tiene la oportunidad de tumbar un bueno.
00:15:31Ahí el problema es de que, o sea,
00:15:33si la prueba normal exige velocidad
00:15:36y qué tal que lleguemos los cuatro al mismo tiempo
00:15:39o uno tras otro,
00:15:41ya lo que va a definir es la puntería,
00:15:44lo último, la definición.
00:15:45Sí, sí, sí.
00:15:46Hay tres oportunidades,
00:15:48pero yo voy a ocupar la primera
00:15:50porque voy a definir de primerito.
00:15:54Niños, acá hay 39 millones,
00:15:56allá hay 31,
00:15:58y sueltos son 992.500 pesos.
00:16:02Y le sobró a Omega 30.000 pesos.
00:16:04Hay tres personas con 12.200.000.
00:16:08Que somos nosotros los integrantes de gama.
00:16:11Una persona con 12.154.000.
00:16:16Una persona con 11.800.000.
00:16:19Dos con 26.
00:16:23Y uno con 31.404.
00:16:28Cerramos con 144.725.000
00:16:31más los 30.000 de Omega.
00:16:34Tenemos que encontrar algún momento
00:16:36para entregarle los 30.000.
00:16:38Pero vamos a entregar.
00:16:40O sea, es decisión de nosotros,
00:16:41pero obviamente, pues, no sé.
00:16:42Ya ustedes qué dicen.
00:16:43Pues ellos están bien
00:16:44porque ellos no van a permitir
00:16:45que me tiren 30.000 en la cara.
00:16:47¿Cómo ellos reaccionan?
00:16:49Ya no vamos a hacer más de plata
00:16:50en esta casa aquí, pero eso.
00:16:54Hay que mirar lo positivo.
00:16:55Hay que cuidar más niñas.
00:16:57Y nos da por chance también
00:16:58de armar nuestro equipo
00:16:59sin que sea de sentimentalismo ni nada.
00:17:02Ni que nos veamos como unos...
00:17:04El mejor escenario es que salga aquí
00:17:06y engordar.
00:17:07Lo confundió.
00:17:08Me ponen a llorar todas estas.
00:17:10Todas lloran.
00:17:14Aquí prácticamente se está dando el sol casi todo.
00:17:17Ahí tienes el reloj solar.
00:17:19Palo de escoba acá.
00:17:22Y comienzan a hacer las líneas
00:17:24o con las mismas piedritas.
00:17:27¿Eso sabe qué hacemos?
00:17:30Tierrita, solo tierrita.
00:17:31Échenle por todos los...
00:17:32A donde vea.
00:17:34Listo, síganle echando.
00:17:39Ésta póntela acá
00:17:41para que no se vaya a caer.
00:17:44Y cuando no tenga sombra,
00:17:46son las 12 y 45 a 12 y 50.
00:17:50Cuando se caiga el sol,
00:17:52lo marcan acá con piedritas así.
00:17:54Están una línea.
00:17:56Mira, aquí es donde tiene que ir la sombra.
00:17:58Por ejemplo, ¿ahorita qué podemos marcar?
00:18:00Antes de irme,
00:18:01marcamos las 5 y 45.
00:18:05¿Cuándo son las 5 y 45?
00:18:07Cuando se acabó la sombra.
00:18:08Porque ya se entró allá la montaña.
00:18:10Y juegan ustedes con esta franja.
00:18:11¿Es que la zona hay qué?
00:18:12Pues hay 4 y media.
00:18:13Sí, las 5 yo creo.
00:18:144 y media por ahí.
00:18:15Melo, yo le pagué, papi.
00:18:17Por lo menos ya van a saber
00:18:18cuándo es el mediodía, ¿sabes?
00:18:19Al menos.
00:18:20¿Cómo estamos? ¿De ánimo?
00:18:22No, me siento bien de ánimo. Estoy...
00:18:24Estoy bien.
00:18:25La Prueba de Muerte
00:18:26va a ser como si fuera una final.
00:18:28Yo lo que quiero es llegar,
00:18:30competir, comer, toda esa prueba.
00:18:32Llegármela toda.
00:18:33Que la próxima vez que manden a poner un chaleco,
00:18:35ya la piensen varias veces.
00:18:37Yo le invito a que no dejen nada.
00:18:39Para que digan como que,
00:18:40uy, ese negrito es de B-20,
00:18:43Que no da gente,
00:18:44es que nos vamos a meter.
00:18:46Bueno, pues de verdad,
00:18:47tú sabes que tienes un equipo.
00:18:48Más que un equipo,
00:18:49tienes una familia
00:18:50que te está respaldando,
00:18:51que te va a estar esperando
00:18:52en la gradería.
00:18:53Y que lo necesitamos en casa.
00:18:54Y que no,
00:18:55y que esa es la tarea
00:18:56que tenemos.
00:18:57Seguir todo el equipo completo
00:18:58hasta la final.
00:18:59Y se va a demostrar que
00:19:00ni por muy Kevin,
00:19:01ni por la suerte de Santiago,
00:19:02ni por Campeonato.
00:19:03No, independiente de todo eso.
00:19:04Ustedes son duros.
00:19:05Ya se lo dije.
00:19:06Son muy duros.
00:19:07Va a ganar el estilo Beta.
00:19:22¡Metele campanita, metele!
00:19:23Metele campanita, metele.
00:19:25¡Metele campanita, metele!
00:19:26¡Campanita, campanita, campanita!
00:19:31¡Metele campanita, metele!
00:19:33¡Ay, metele campanita, metele!
00:19:36Campanita, campanita, campanita.
00:19:38But why are you not clapping?
00:19:40We're doing great!
00:19:42You guys aren't clapping.
00:19:44What, what, what?
00:19:46Campanita, campanita, campanita.
00:19:48Campanita, campanita, campanita.
00:19:52Ah, but we did it well.
00:19:58Ay, guys, you're the best.
00:20:00There it comes!
00:20:02And it's coming out!
00:20:04Campanita, campanita,
00:20:10the winner
00:20:12comes back from the dead
00:20:14like Tom Truffalo.
00:20:18Mercado Libre.
00:20:22Team Beta.
00:20:24It's time
00:20:26for the Mercado Libre.
00:20:30First, let me tell you, Arcadio,
00:20:32in your house that I already took care of so that everyone can put it there.
00:20:35Oh, that's great! Congratulations!
00:20:37The market is open in less than two days.
00:20:39And it was in less than a day. I mean, it was very fast.
00:20:41And I hope you enjoy it a lot.
00:20:43Congratulations, thank you very much.
00:20:44Well, no, to you.
00:20:45And since you were the godmother of all your colleagues,
00:20:48the things you asked for yesterday have already arrived,
00:20:50so please join me at the door so that we can receive what is small.
00:20:54It's already here with us.
00:20:56And Ángeles has the surprise.
00:20:59I'm looking for Caroline.
00:21:01Look, here's your order from Mercado Libre in less than two days.
00:21:04Very fast.
00:21:05Today it was a Betta order.
00:21:09Help me, help me.
00:21:10Thank you, Mercado Libre.
00:21:11Thank you, Ángeles.
00:21:12Thank you.
00:21:13Thank you very much.
00:21:15I'm leaving.
00:21:16Give me a hug, give me a hug, give me a hug.
00:21:19From now on, I will buy everything from Mercado Libre.
00:21:22Of course, very fast.
00:21:23Very fast.
00:21:24At the door of your house.
00:21:25At the door of the house.
00:21:27Thank you, Mercado Libre.
00:21:28At the door of the house.
00:21:29At the door of the house.
00:21:30At the door of the house.
00:21:31At the door of the house.
00:21:32At the door of the house.
00:21:33At the door of the house.
00:21:34At the door of the house.
00:21:35At the door of the house.
00:21:36At the door of the house.
00:21:37At the door of the house.
00:21:38At the door of the house.
00:21:39At the door of the house.
00:21:40At the door of the house.
00:21:41At the door of the house.
00:21:42At the door of the house.
00:21:43At the door of the house.
00:21:44At the door of the house.
00:21:45At the door of the house.
00:21:46At the door of the house.
00:21:47At the door of the house.
00:21:48At the door of the house.
00:21:49At the door of the house.
00:21:50At the door of the house.
00:21:51At the door of the house.
00:22:06Dezavianter, good evening.
00:22:09Effectively served his sentence and passed on half of his money to Beta.
00:22:13Beta, you must have received 70.992.000 pesos.
00:22:18Hercules, do you have the first hand?
00:22:21and the accounts were so exact that we have 30,000 pesos left
00:22:26that belong to the Omega team.
00:22:29And what are you going to do with that surplus?
00:22:31The idea is to return it.
00:22:33We don't have anything that doesn't belong to us.
00:22:35Okay, cool.
00:22:36Then let's do the following.
00:22:37Bring the 30,000 pesos.
00:22:38I'll make sure to return this money back to the Omega team.
00:22:42That's how it's going to be.
00:22:43Thank you, Andrea.
00:22:44Thank you.
00:22:45Well, Christian, Carlos, Arcadio,
00:22:49all three of you, thank you for having lived this competition intensely,
00:22:53in these 24 hours,
00:22:54for having accepted the invitation to celebrate these 20 years of the challenge
00:22:58in the style of the challenge.
00:22:59You will have five minutes once we finish this connection
00:23:02to say goodbye to everyone there in their homes.
00:23:04Well, Andrea, on my part, thank you very much to the challenge
00:23:06and to Caracol for having invited me
00:23:08and for being able to fulfill a little piece of my dream.
00:23:11I'm waiting for you all for the Death Challenge.
00:23:14Sentenced, bring your suitcases.
00:23:17Let's go!
00:23:18Let's go!
00:23:21Mr. Arcadio, can I ask you a favor?
00:23:22Before you leave,
00:23:23bless me first with your blessing.
00:23:26My grandfather, before I left the competition,
00:23:28he always blessed me.
00:23:29Christ, as your son, I'm going to bless you,
00:23:32my little black man,
00:23:33in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
00:23:37May God bless you, and later I'll see you here.
00:23:40Thank you.
00:23:42Anna, your father.
00:23:45It's been a pleasure.
00:23:46Thank you very much for bringing us here.
00:23:48God bless you.
00:23:49Arcadio, thank you for welcoming me.
00:23:51See you in Bogota.
00:23:52Forgive the bad.
00:23:53Thank you.
00:23:54And I admire those girls.
00:23:55I'm left with the standard of a Colombian woman.
00:23:59That's it!
00:24:02I'll take my bag,
00:24:03or they won't let me in the house.
00:24:04Thank you for those jackets.
00:24:05Thank you for your company,
00:24:06for your presence,
00:24:07for everything,
00:24:08for having enjoyed it and enjoyed it.
00:24:10Arcadio arrived in Beta,
00:24:12he didn't ride a roulette,
00:24:13because he's at the finish line.
00:24:15Winning in style,
00:24:16Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta, Beta.
00:24:20Thank you, God!
00:24:24God bless you.
00:24:26God bless you.
00:24:27Good luck.
00:24:28Bye, Christian.
00:24:29Carlos, you're a gladiator,
00:24:35your father is watching you,
00:24:38and he blesses you.
00:24:42Go, Arcadio!
00:24:46Greetings to the family,
00:24:48to the wife,
00:24:49to the children,
00:24:50to the grandson.
00:24:51Let's go.
00:24:52Give it all, all, as always.
00:24:54At the end of the race,
00:24:56at the end of the race,
00:24:57to your grandmother.
00:24:58I want you to come back, brother.
00:25:00Go, go.
00:25:01I'm just going to tell you one thing.
00:25:03If you don't come back today,
00:25:04I'll see you out there with me.
00:25:07You know.
00:25:08I don't have permission.
00:25:09You know.
00:25:10I don't have permission.
00:25:11Well, then.
00:25:12Campanita, Campanita,
00:25:15Campanita has won.
00:25:18Death is coming back,
00:25:21like a triumphant man.
00:25:24Like a triumphant man.
00:25:26Everything is in your favor, Campanita.
00:25:28Everything is in your favor.
00:25:29The Men's Strongman Challenge
00:25:33What will prevail tonight?
00:25:36The fear of death?
00:25:38Or the courage to reach glory?
00:25:41This will be your challenge to death.
00:25:44To save themselves from death,
00:25:46the challengers will have to take
00:25:48a ladder full of shells
00:25:49down some stairs.
00:25:51There they will overcome some logs
00:25:53and reach other ladders
00:25:55that they will use to move
00:25:57to reach another part of the track.
00:25:59There they will ascend
00:26:01some unstable stairs
00:26:02to the second platform
00:26:03where they will release a rack
00:26:05and descend down the same ladder,
00:26:07this time on the other side.
00:26:09As they descend,
00:26:10they will use the rack
00:26:11to release a padlock
00:26:12that has some disks trapped
00:26:14that they will release
00:26:15and take to the beginning of the track,
00:26:17going through the same obstacles.
00:26:19From the marked platform,
00:26:21they will throw the disks to a board.
00:26:23The first three challengers
00:26:24who manage to do it
00:26:25at the designated points
00:26:27will save themselves from death.
00:26:35Let's go, Joyce!
00:26:36Let's go, Joyce!
00:26:37Let's go!
00:26:45Let's go!
00:26:59Let's go!
00:27:13Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!
00:27:24Let's go!
00:27:26Let's go!
00:27:28Let's go, Joyce!
00:27:29Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:27:42This is the training vehicle
00:27:45that weakens and fights with courage,
00:27:47carrying the soul of the greatest team,
00:27:50carrying the winning purple flag!
00:27:59Alfa Romeo!
00:28:09Alfa Romeo!
00:28:11We will save the Alfa!
00:28:13We will save the Alfa!
00:28:28We will save the Alfa!
00:28:30We will save the Alfa!
00:28:32We will save the Alfa!
00:28:56Let's go!
00:28:58Let's go, Joyce!
00:29:04This is the training vehicle
00:29:07that weakens and fights with courage,
00:29:10carrying the soul of the greatest team,
00:29:13carrying the winning purple flag!
00:29:28We will save the Alfa!
00:29:30We will save the Alfa!
00:29:32We will save the Alfa!
00:29:41Today we will return to death
00:29:44like the Shumans!
00:29:52Let's go, Campanita!
00:29:53Go, go!
00:29:54Go, go, Corrido!
00:29:58Go, go!
00:30:03Go, go!
00:30:08Let's go, Alfa!
00:30:10Go, Alfi!
00:30:12Go, Alfi, go!
00:30:20Faster, go!
00:30:22Speed up!
00:30:57And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:31:10Gary Nisanti fights with courage!
00:31:12Bringing the honor to Alfa, leaving Alfa proud!
00:31:28Bring it fast!
00:31:30All of it! All of it!
00:31:42And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:32:02Bring it fast!
00:32:04All of it! All of it!
00:32:12And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:32:21Let's go Campanita, let's go!
00:32:24Watch out, let's go!
00:32:26Let's go Santi, put the turbo in!
00:32:42And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:32:46And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:33:09That's it, that's it, faster! Faster!
00:33:12I'm going to throw up, brother.
00:33:17And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:33:31Let's go Santi!
00:33:41Let's go Jorge, let's go Jorge, faster!
00:33:46And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:34:17And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:34:35Faster Campanita, faster!
00:34:46And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:34:49And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:35:13Let's go, keep going, keep going!
00:35:20And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:35:32Faster Campanita, faster!
00:35:43Santi, get in the turbo!
00:35:45Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:35:49And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:36:08That's it!
00:36:12Very good Joyfer, let's go!
00:36:16And one, and two!
00:36:20Let's go Kevin and Santi, let's go!
00:36:23Let's go Kevin, speed up!
00:36:25Let's go black team!
00:36:39Very good!
00:36:40Let's go Joy!
00:36:45And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:37:15And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:37:21Santi, slow down, find it!
00:37:24And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:37:35Campanita, faster!
00:37:45And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:38:16And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:38:37Let's go Campanita, let's go!
00:38:40And one, and two, and three, and four, this is the cry of the winner!
00:38:44Watch out Marvin, watch your heads!
00:38:49Campanita, let's go!
00:39:10Good Kevin, good!
00:39:29Faster Campanita!
00:39:32Kevin, control your emotions!
00:39:35Campanita, let's go, let's go!
00:39:38Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:39:48Let's go, let's go!
00:39:52Slow down, let's go!
00:40:01Visualize it well, that's it!
00:40:04You know what to do, control it!
00:40:07Control your emotions Kevin, it's your thing!
00:40:10Let's go!
00:40:32Faster Campanita!
00:40:35Let's go Kevin!
00:40:41Let's go Kevin, let's go!
00:40:48Faster, faster Campanita!
00:40:51Kevin, control your emotions, you can do it!
00:40:55Let's go Santi!
00:41:04Kevin, control your emotions, you can do it!
00:41:07You can do it, let's go!
00:41:18That's it Kevin, let's go!
00:41:25Let's go Kevin, control your emotions!
00:41:28Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:41:31Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:41:37Hard, hard Campanita, hard!
00:41:40Let's go Kevin, control your emotions!
00:41:43Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:41:51That's it Kevin, let's go!
00:41:54A little to the side, vertical!
00:41:57Let's go Kevin, control your emotions!
00:42:03Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:42:07Let's go Kevin, let's go!
00:42:18Let's go Kevin, let's go!
00:42:23Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:42:28A little to the side, you know how it is!
00:42:31Visualize it and let it go!
00:42:38A little to the side!
00:42:41Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:42:50You got it, you got it!
00:42:53Enjoy it!
00:43:13Kevin, you're still alive in this competition!
00:43:18Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:43:25Let's go son, let's go!
00:43:28You know how it is!
00:43:32Easy, easy!
00:43:39Let's go Santi!
00:43:50Good, that's it!
00:43:53That's it Santiago!
00:43:57Let's go!
00:44:07Joyfer, come with us in this challenge!
00:44:26Let's go!
00:44:29You got it, you got it!
00:44:41Good, good!
00:44:44You got it!
00:44:49Good luck Santi!
00:44:52Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:44:59Look at the board, look at the board!
00:45:12Easy, easy!
00:45:21Let's go Santi!
00:45:24Let's go Santi, let's go!
00:45:27Easy, easy!
00:45:30Again, again!
00:45:32You got it Santi!
00:45:34Breathe, breathe!
00:45:36Let's go back home together!
00:45:39Again, again!
00:45:41Easy Santi, easy!
00:45:50You got it, come on, come on!
00:45:53Come on Santi!
00:45:56You have excellent aim!
00:45:59Easy, easy!
00:46:03Let's go Santi, easy!
00:46:17Santi, you stay with us in this challenge!
00:46:20Thank you, thank you!
00:46:26Let's go Santi!
00:46:28The challenge is over.
00:46:35Again, again!
00:46:36You stay because you stay!
00:46:38It's not because you're deciding, it's me!
00:46:40Thank you!
00:46:43Everyone is smiling, right?
00:46:47Good job, good job!
00:46:51The next day...
00:46:54I'm leaving Javier.
00:46:57Why did you leave?
00:46:59I've been saying that for a while now.
00:47:01I would have told you a few times.
00:47:03I wanted to say goodbye because you were going too slow.
00:47:07He gave you the gift paper.
00:47:09I always carry it.
00:47:11I'm going to tell you face to face.
00:47:12Tell me.
00:47:13If you want to leave again, I'll let you talk to us.
00:47:17We'll talk in the pool.
00:47:18Thank you guys for your unconditional support.
00:47:22You've been there since the pool started.
00:47:24Motivating me.
00:47:25What's your armor?
00:47:30Crucial for Chocó.
00:47:34I know some of you will be proud to have someone to represent you in this challenge.
00:47:38I know you'll be proud and you'll feel well represented.
00:47:42They took my money and I left.
00:47:48Don't get involved.
00:47:51There are three men and two women.
00:47:53Campanita looked a little exhausted, like everyone else.
00:47:57I felt like...
00:47:59He kept it for himself and today he showed it.
00:48:01That's how he wanted to leave.
00:48:03I looked like a loser.
00:48:04I looked like a man.
00:48:07You know what's good?
00:48:09You know what's good?
00:48:10We're the ones who've stepped out the most.
00:48:12We've stepped out.
00:48:13We've stepped out.
00:48:14There's no one to catch me.
00:48:15Don't get involved.
00:48:18Let's go!
00:48:20With money or without money,
00:48:23the word goes first!
00:48:26Let's go!
00:48:29Let's go!
00:48:33Let's go!
00:48:37The word and loyalty.
00:48:39If they say, guys, the brother died,
00:48:41we're not going to die.
00:48:43We're not going to die.
00:48:46Guys, good material.
00:48:48Pure metal.
00:48:51If we had taken Alpha out, it would have been bad,
00:48:53because we would have taken her out.
00:48:55If we didn't take her out,
00:48:57and if they just sang it,
00:48:59it's because it's like that.
00:49:00And next to Alpha, more.
00:49:04Kevin, Santi, Joifer,
00:49:07you're still with us in this competition.
00:49:09Congratulations to the three of you.
00:49:10Thank you.
00:49:11Joifer, I was very struck by your celebration.
00:49:14You took off your shirt.
00:49:15You showed something I couldn't read very well.
00:49:17I think it was called Choco.
00:49:19This is my weightlifting competition suit.
00:49:22I call it the power suit.
00:49:24Today I decided to wear it
00:49:26to show it off here in this black box,
00:49:28because this suit,
00:49:30every time I put it on to compete,
00:49:32I feel like it gives me strength,
00:49:34like a flame that lights me up inside.
00:49:36I like it.
00:49:37So I wanted to show it off today.
00:49:40It's a demonstration of my Choco.
00:49:45I love his people.
00:49:46I love my land a lot.
00:49:47And I know Choco would be very proud
00:49:49to have someone who represents him here in the challenge.
00:49:52Well, Beta is recharged
00:49:53because he now has your shirt
00:49:55plus the Hercules belt.
00:49:56The Hercules belt.
00:49:57By the way, Hercules,
00:49:58did you bring the $30,000?
00:49:59Yes, of course.
00:50:00Can you give it to Alejo, please?
00:50:02No, no.
00:50:03Give it to the passers-by.
00:50:06To the passers-by.
00:50:07Today we're going to Campanita.
00:50:08The joy of the Omega team.
00:50:11You can't go and say goodbye to Campanita without a dance.
00:50:14And a dance, yes.
00:50:15Andrea, the thing is,
00:50:16I already had in mind,
00:50:19if you give me permission to dance there in the Xs,
00:50:22while my team does the song.
00:50:24The Xs are yours, Campanita.
00:50:26Let's go, Campanita.
00:50:27Let's go, Campanita.
00:50:28Let's go, Campanita.
00:50:29Omega, luck and resistance.
00:50:33We achieve it all from the bottom of our hearts.
00:50:37And in every drop of sweat,
00:50:41in the sample of our passion.
00:50:44Omega, Omega, Omega.
00:50:51Oh, I missed you.
00:50:52I missed you, Campanita.
00:50:54Oh, Luisa.
00:50:56What does Omega lose with the match against Campanita?
00:50:59No, really,
00:51:01the happiness, the union,
00:51:03above all, that Campanita transmits to everyone.
00:51:06And I know that outside,
00:51:07wonderful things are waiting for him,
00:51:09because he is a being who came here to shine with his own light.
00:51:12You, Gaspar, what do you want to tell him?
00:51:14No, I think that what he takes is spontaneity.
00:51:17He comes out with some shots out of nowhere
00:51:19that made everyone laugh.
00:51:20We could be angry if Campanita came out with something
00:51:22and everyone was happy again.
00:51:24But no, I think that in honor of Campanita,
00:51:27Omega's joy will be preserved.
00:51:29I've been thinking about him and everything he taught us.
00:51:31He left a great legacy.
00:51:33And as I said, I want him to come out and keep shining
00:51:35like he did here in the challenge.
00:51:36Tell me, Campanita.
00:51:38Well, I want to thank you, first of all, for the challenge.
00:51:41It was a dream I had with my parents.
00:51:44I gave up everything and I came from here, from far away.
00:51:46My dream was also to meet you, Andrea.
00:51:49Thank you, Campanita.
00:51:50To talk to you, make you laugh.
00:51:52And thank you very much to all the teammates
00:51:55from the other teams, we also made a link.
00:51:58My group, I love you a lot.
00:51:59You know we'll see you outside.
00:52:01It's been a pleasure.
00:52:02Campanita, keep going.
00:52:05And we'll see you outside to make a big run.
00:52:08Thank you.
00:52:09Say goodbye to Campanita and your homes.
00:52:11Thank you.
00:52:12Thank you.
00:52:13Oh, my Campanita.
00:52:15Don't forget us, please.
00:52:16No, I won't.
00:52:17You can't forget me.
00:52:18See you outside.
00:52:19Love you.
00:52:20I'm ashamed.
00:52:21Oh, damn.
00:52:23When you don't see what reality is,
00:52:26it's hard, but we have a God who sees everything.
00:52:30What's up?
00:52:31What's up, Roxy?
00:52:32What's up?
00:52:33You're so hot.
00:52:34No, no, no, man, nothing personal here.
00:52:37Everything is a game, everything is a game.
00:52:39Nothing personal here.
00:52:40I know I'll bless you very well.
00:52:42Hey, man.
00:52:43Hey, man.
00:52:44Hey, man.
00:52:45Hey, no, me.
00:52:46I'm in the middle of the night.
00:52:47I wanted to tell them to talk about that before.
00:52:50Yes, but...
00:52:51Do you have any clarity between them
00:52:52what organization they are in?
00:52:54Yes, man.
00:52:55There's a mess, but I appreciate you a lot.
00:52:58I want to move forward with you.
00:52:59Hey, Hercules, whatever you and I are,
00:53:01you're one of mine.
00:53:03God bless you.
00:53:05May you never lose that essence.
00:53:07May you be very happy.
00:53:08God bless you.
00:53:09You're a warrior.
00:53:11I love you a lot.
00:53:12I love you.
00:53:14Good luck.
00:53:15Good for you.
00:53:17Campanita, what love, what love,
00:53:19how special everyone is with you.
00:53:21That must generate enormous satisfaction in you.
00:53:24Yes, Andrea.
00:53:25I feel like I did a good job.
00:53:27Since I arrived, I've always been grateful
00:53:29to absolutely everyone.
00:53:31And, well, the guys, well,
00:53:33they're going to miss me a lot.
00:53:35I'm going to miss them a lot too.
00:53:37And that was a review that I'm in the hearts
00:53:40of most of the participants here.
00:53:42Did it cost you to recover or not?
00:53:44Did you recover in the Lina game?
00:53:46Yes, it hit me a lot.
00:53:48In fact, I told the guys
00:53:50that it was as if Lina had literally died
00:53:53and that she had literally pulled me.
00:53:56Campanita, you haven't lived in Colombia
00:53:58for a long time,
00:53:59but I don't know if,
00:54:00because of this window,
00:54:01the Boom challenge,
00:54:02which has been your participation,
00:54:04you suddenly stay for a while.
00:54:06What have you thought?
00:54:07Yes, no, Andrea,
00:54:08I'm going to stay here for a while.
00:54:10I'm going to take advantage of the opportunity
00:54:12given to me by the challenge because,
00:54:14in my neighborhood,
00:54:15I want to help young people
00:54:16so that they also grow with an art.
00:54:18And I would like them to occupy their lifestyle
00:54:21in something that will serve them later.
00:54:23Campanita, we mentioned it the other day,
00:54:25but I don't know if you remember.
00:54:27We agreed that we would also share the stage
00:54:29at some point,
00:54:30because I see you have a lot of talent to present.
00:54:32Yes, Andrea, of course.
00:54:34In fact, I wanted to ask you a question.
00:54:36As Campanita Serna,
00:54:38I wanted to know if those big earrings
00:54:40are part of your personality
00:54:42or is it also part of your outfit?
00:54:45Well, answering your question,
00:54:47Campanita Serna,
00:54:48I think XL accessories
00:54:50generate a lot of impact and power to a look.
00:54:53And for scenarios like these,
00:54:55like the challenge,
00:54:56they add you to the stage presence.
00:54:59And so you see us, Caracol TV,
00:55:02with the question from Campanita Serna
00:55:04to Andrea Serna.
00:55:05Thank you very much.
00:55:06My little bell.
00:55:08I hope that joy
00:55:09continues to infect so many people.
00:55:11That's how it's going to be.
00:55:12And that you always continue to cultivate
00:55:16that charming personality
00:55:18that makes you unique and so special.
00:55:20Thank you.
00:55:22your story in the challenge is over.
00:55:25Thank you, Andrea.
00:55:45Thank you.
00:56:15I will never step back.
00:56:18I have courage in my heart
00:56:22to go through this journey
00:56:25to get to the end.
00:56:27Today I will face my destiny.
00:56:31I will face my destiny.
00:56:43Campanita, Campanita
00:56:46Campanita, winner
00:56:50Doesn't come back from the dead
00:56:53But always in our hearts
00:56:57At least they received us with food.
00:57:00How are you?
00:57:01I'm fine.
00:57:02Thank God.
00:57:04Look at this.
00:57:14Enjoy this delicious food.
00:57:16All you need is chicken.
00:57:18Cooking chicken is not a challenge.
00:57:21With a freezer.
00:57:23In a freezer.
00:57:24Take it out of the freezer
00:57:25and put it directly in the hot pan
00:57:27without defrosting it.
00:57:29Let it cook for a few minutes on each side
00:57:32and enjoy it.
00:57:33Let's make it difficult
00:57:34so you can enjoy it easier.
00:57:37For everyone.
00:57:40Thank you.
00:57:43It's juicy, yes sir.
00:57:47The cheese is ready.
00:57:49Speaking of Campanita,
00:57:51in the long run, I think he did well.
00:57:54Because if he wanted to go,
00:57:56he didn't take away the dream
00:57:57of another person who really wants to be here
00:57:59and doesn't feel obligated,
00:58:00but is fighting for it.
00:58:01He said,
00:58:02I'm going to blame someone else
00:58:03because he said,
00:58:04I already feel obligated.
00:58:05So, in the long run, he did well.
00:58:07In the long run, he came out on top.
00:58:08And he came out as he wanted, competing.
00:58:10But he noticed that he was giving up on the track.
00:58:12But I do want to kill myself on the track.
00:58:15I hope that each one of you,
00:58:16when it's time to die,
00:58:18will go out and kill yourselves all.
00:58:20I don't want...
00:58:21I don't want to be a barrier
00:58:23because I saw him here.
00:58:24It's like giving up.
00:58:25It's a rage.
00:58:26But if the man had to go like this,
00:58:28if he had to go like this,
00:58:29it's a decision.
00:58:31How do you feel?
00:58:32Oh, good.
00:58:33Oh, happier than a man.
00:58:34Did you escape everything?
00:58:36Santi, if you have everything,
00:58:37why did you leave?
00:58:38I feel bad for you.
00:58:40It's not good to meddle in someone else's decision.
00:58:42Because when I make a decision,
00:58:44I take it and that's it.
00:58:45I'm very serious about it.
00:58:46The decision was made,
00:58:47if you know what I mean.
00:58:48But I was the one who was serious.
00:58:49Well, go then.
00:58:50No, but it was easy.
00:58:52But imagine if you had to go out like this.
00:58:54No, obviously it's not going to be like this.
00:58:55It's a punishment.
00:58:56No, but I didn't do it.
00:58:57Are you doing the show?
00:58:58Do you want a camera?
00:58:59No, no, no.
00:59:00It's on screen.
00:59:01But where it was a constant, yes,
00:59:02but it was my first time.
00:59:03The second.
00:59:04No, which was the first?
00:59:07Dickson, how many times has he told you
00:59:08that he's leaving?
00:59:09One or two?
00:59:11Which was the first?
00:59:12Oh, well.
00:59:13Did you get to tell people, Andrea?
00:59:14No, no, no.
00:59:15Oh, Santi.
00:59:16That I didn't feel strong.
00:59:17No, and that you were going to do it
00:59:18and that's why Arandu picks you up and everything.
00:59:19I don't have gas anymore.
00:59:20You're a warrior.
00:59:21I don't have gas anymore.
00:59:22Don't say anything.
00:59:23And sometimes,
00:59:24and I've told them here,
00:59:25because of other factors,
00:59:26I've been complaining.
00:59:27If you know what I mean?
00:59:28We're not going to beg you,
00:59:29and of course not.
00:59:30I know that I'm going
00:59:31to look like a c****
00:59:32if I do it repeatedly,
00:59:33but I'm not going to be surprised.
00:59:34You have the date.
00:59:35It's ready, he took it from you.
00:59:37I'm going to go through the towel.
00:59:38The truth.
00:59:39We have something different.
00:59:40We have more mental strength.
00:59:41And our boss,
00:59:43said that he said
00:59:44that he wasn't going to make
00:59:45it on the show,
00:59:46but I agree with him.
00:59:47I mean,
00:59:48It's more of a mental thing.
00:59:50In fact, our owner, Campanita, said she signed up
00:59:52because her mom told her.
00:59:53And the same with Lina.
00:59:54Lina said she didn't trust him,
00:59:55and her mom told her to sign up, sign up.
00:59:58On the other hand, for example,
00:59:59we signed up because we wanted to.
01:00:02We didn't like that song.
01:00:06Oh, no.
01:00:07I was laughing my ass off.
01:00:08I don't even know how old I am.
01:00:09I'm seven, eight.
01:00:10I said, I'm going, I'm going, and I'm going.
01:00:13In the mountains of Chocó
01:00:15They left the footsteps of a champion
01:00:19Joyfer, Joyfer, the rock of Chocó
01:00:22Today you will battle and you will be the winner
01:00:27It was so simple,
01:00:28and we looked like chickens singing.
01:00:31Wait, wait, wait.
01:00:32I couldn't understand anything.
01:00:35And then, Joyfer, Joy...
01:00:37No, sorry.
01:00:38That's not how it was.
01:00:40You liked it a lot, right?
01:00:42Without lying.
01:00:43And it's not because they put it for me,
01:00:44it's because it's the best I've heard.
01:00:45And we can combine it with the names here,
01:00:49of several here.
01:00:50It can be the same.
01:00:52Yes, but it looks like I'm not from the mountains of Chocó.
01:00:54No, you can say...
01:00:56It's the mountains of Barranquilla.
01:00:58Something from Barranquilla.
01:01:01Something from Neiva.
01:01:03Something from over there...
01:01:06From Marinilla.
01:01:07Congratulations, Kevin.
01:01:08Thank you very much, woman.
01:01:10You deserve it.
01:01:13Of course, anyone can be scared.
01:01:17I feel that maybe Campanita,
01:01:19deep down, already wanted to leave.
01:01:21No, I saw that he...
01:01:24Like he wanted to.
01:01:25Like, yes, yes, yes, good.
01:01:26If not, no.
01:01:27But he didn't rush to be able to continue.
01:01:30But if that's the case,
01:01:32well, good for him,
01:01:33because he made a decision and...
01:01:35And it turned out the way it is.
01:01:36And suddenly he felt good.
01:01:37It didn't turn out because...
01:01:39It turned out the way it is.
01:01:41And for me,
01:01:42that's all I can say.
01:01:43Me too.
01:01:44Pure shock.
01:01:45Yeah, so you play?
01:01:46But we already sentenced him.
01:01:48Is he going to become a B or what?
01:01:50And he felt very offended.
01:01:52No, I...
01:01:53No, we told him,
01:01:54if he's on that path,
01:01:55there are three of them,
01:01:56but we told him internally that...