• last year
“Desperate Rescue: The Cathy Mahone Story” is a 1993 American made-for-television drama film starring Mariel Hemingway. It was directed by Richard A. Colla and originally premiered on NBC on January 18, 1993. The film is based on a true story of a woman named Cathy Mahone who tries to rescue her 7-year-old daughter from the Middle East after she is abducted by her Jordanian father.

In the movie, Cathy Mahone was once married to an Arab, and they had a daughter. After their divorce, they shared custody of their daughter. However, during one of her visits with her father, he takes her to Jordan, and now the U.S. government cannot officially intervene. Determined to bring her daughter back, Cathy hires three former special forces men to go to Jordan and retrieve her child.

The film explores themes of love, courage, and determination as Cathy faces immense challenges to reunite with her daughter. Mariel Hemingway portrays Cathy Mahone, and the movie provides a gripping account of her desperate efforts to rescue her child from a difficult situation. While the film may not have universal appeal, it resonates strongly with those who can relate to the emotional struggles faced by the characters involved in this true story.
See the Related movie:
Not without my daughter | Betty Mahmoody (Sally Field) and daughter, Mahtob (Sh - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8qbwdd via @DailyMotion
