• last year
Diana asks dad to buy her a new bed. Dad and Roma make a new princess room for Diana.
00:00 [music and funny cartoon sounds]
00:03 [gasp]
00:04 Daddy!
00:05 [music]
00:07 What happened?
00:08 I need new bat!
00:10 [awww]
00:12 [magic sound]
00:15 [magic sound]
00:17 [music]
00:21 Wait here!
00:22 Ok!
00:23 [music]
00:25 [magic sound]
00:27 [magic sound]
00:31 [magic sound]
00:34 [music]
00:36 This bat is small!
00:38 [music]
00:40 [laughing]
00:42 [music]
00:43 Stop! Stop!
00:45 [music]
00:46 I want another bat!
00:48 [music]
00:50 [music]
00:55 What?
00:56 [cheering]
01:00 Wow!
01:01 [music]
01:03 This is bat for ball!
01:05 Yes! Yes!
01:06 [laughing]
01:07 [music]
01:08 I want princess bat!
01:10 Ok!
01:11 [music]
01:15 [magic sound]
01:18 [magic sound]
01:19 [magic sound]
01:22 Princess bat?
01:24 [music]
01:25 [laughing]
01:27 Stop! Stop!
01:28 Stop!
01:29 No jumping!
01:30 [music]
01:31 I like this!
01:33 [gasp]
01:34 Table for makeup!
01:36 Ok!
01:37 [music]
01:39 Wow!
01:41 [music]
01:42 Yeah!
01:43 [music]
01:45 Hmm...
01:46 [smack]
01:47 Oh!
01:48 [music]
01:50 [music]
01:54 Hmm...
01:56 [music]
02:03 Hmm...
02:05 [music]
02:09 Nice!
02:10 [gasp]
02:11 My dress!
02:13 Papa!
02:15 [cheering]
02:17 Wow!
02:18 [music]
02:29 [gasp]
02:30 How about my book?
02:32 Come on! Come on! Come on!
02:34 Here!
02:35 [music]
02:42 [cheering]
02:46 [music]
02:47 Wow!
02:49 [music]
02:57 [cheering]
02:59 [gasp]
03:00 My shirt!
03:01 [ding]
03:03 No problem!
03:05 [music]
03:06 Come on! Come on! Here!
03:08 Come on!
03:09 [music]
03:23 Yeah!
03:25 Hmm...
03:27 Table!
03:28 [music]
03:30 [scream]
03:32 Oh, sorry!
03:34 [music]
03:43 Hmm...
03:44 [cheering]
03:48 [music]
03:57 [cheering]
04:03 Wow!
04:05 [music]
04:07 I love my room!
04:09 [music]
04:11 [gasp]
04:12 Aww!
04:14 [music]
04:16 Diana, what happened?
04:18 I have new toys!
04:20 [music]
04:22 [ding]
04:24 [laughing]
04:26 [music]
04:29 [gasp]
04:30 [music]
04:37 Soda!
04:38 [gasp]
04:40 [music]
04:43 [gasp]
04:44 This is unicorn!
04:46 [music]
04:48 Trick babies!
04:50 [music]
04:52 [cheering]
04:56 Slipper!
04:57 [music]
05:13 (upbeat music)